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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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they are a complete failure, instead they are climbing and rowing someone else's, this is how i see the situation that is currently developing on the front line, which has greatly lengthened in our country over the last week, and of course this puts an additional burden on the defense forces of ukraine, but also pulls away reserves, resources one hundred percent , the attention of the russian federation to another direction that has opened up, kurshchyna, and maybe in this one... we are not only watching the development of the situation in kurshchyna, the fact is that there are reports in belgorod region as well, they may also be present in some from formats, we do not know in which, the defense forces and representatives of the ukrainian army. so, the first question for you is how you reacted in general, how you see, how you monitor what is happening to journalists at this stage. for you,
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and for me personally, it is a bit difficult to work with information now, because there is a lack of public official information, but there are things that you simply cannot close your eyes to. i absolutely agree with you here that in reality we cannot comment from a military point of view, from an expert point of view about what is happening, first of all, because the official there is extremely little information, or rather it is practically non-existent. and moreover, in the first days we found out about everything that was happening, de facto , from the rashist mass media, from various rashist telegram channels, warlords, that is, we did not have enough information, but we understood that something was happening, and it is happening something that russia doesn't like, that the occupiers don't like, and that the main thing in the kremlin doesn't like. that's why i am very cautious in general... i treat the coverage of events
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taking place in the kursk region of russia, precisely from the point of view that we cannot 100% follow where is the truth, where is the lie, where is some kind of fiction, where is exaggeration, but we can comment on the political, geopolitical, possibly international legal aspect of what is happening. but what is happening in the kursk region, and what we see now on our screens, is primarily a geopolitical context, and it consists in the fact that russia, and accordingly putin, the putinists, received an unexpected and very big, actually a geopolitical blow, because before that it was believed that yes... russia may not have achieved
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the strategic successes that it was supposed to achieve according to its plan in 2022, i.e. the actual occupation of most of the territories of ukraine, or a change in the actual subjectivity of ukraine, yes, but less so, all combat the actions before that took place on the territory of ukraine, took place in steps, took place in the south, resolutely climbed and, unfortunately, still continue to climb, according to... with the open data that we have, but still it was discussed in the context of what the war is happening on the territory of ukraine, but here the geopolitical context changes, and it changes so that the actual war begins to take place on the territory of russia, that is, well, again, if it is not a war, as they say, but a special military operation. so this is actually the svo, or now the kto,
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or whatever they call it there, what is happening in ukraine is that they are conducting the svo, on their territory they are conducting the kto, they use a lot of different definitions to avoid the word war, why do you think they so afraid, even just you know, this figure of speech. the russian-speaking jaw now does not want to use it at all. i am also surprised here, i even expected to a certain extent that the reaction of the kremlin, the reaction of russia, would be tougher, that is, for some reason it seemed to me that after all, putin would, conditionally speaking, announce a general mobilization there, or at least another stage of partial mobilization, but indeed and... you emphasize this here, and
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many of our citizens also talk about this, that we see how russia is trying to avoid in general some kind of... explanation of what there is what they say is a large-scale provocation, they said, a counterterrorist operation, some kind of attack on the border, they downplay the number of occupied, allegedly from the point of view of russia, ukraine, again allegedly populated areas, yes, and here we come to the situation that really putin's... the regime is trying to avoid the issue of war, trying to demonstrate that they have everything under control, i think they understand very well that the situation with the russian army is not as good as it is portrayed among
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the russian media and among russian officials people, i think there is of course partly a problem with weapons, because if... even if you mobilize a large number of people, you need them, and you need to provide them with something, and i think they are afraid to demonstrate the actual fact that the war has passed on the territory of russia, and that putin's regime, in this case, he actually, well, if not strategically, then tactically these days lost, and i think that... and strategically, there is a certain loss for putin, russia's loss, although he still is not entirely obvious, although russia continues to fight on our territory, but it is a huge blow, so of course they react like that, i don't
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know how they will react further, of course in theory, most likely they will try to implement some measures, at least. of a narrative nature to hit ukraine, i think so, well, again, from the logic of the terrorists, from the logic of the kremlin killers, that they will need to interrupt it in some way with information, so it is not excluded, of course, powerful missile strikes are not excluded, it is not excluded some provocations, by the way, one of the provocations was yesterday was already carried out at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. power plant, why was it carried out, because they drew a parallel between zas and the kurdish nuclear power plant, that is, in terms of information, they are already trying to kill it in some way, ugh, and here is this allegedly
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racist power, where they said that if they attack russia there , if there is even one soldier there, as putin said, his eyes are all bears, nightingales... the border with russia will be crossed, we, russia, will stand boot to boot and we will all go west against these fascists, nazis, as they said , we we see that this bubble of these statements burst, ugh, that is, even we expected that , well, somehow russia, which all the time demonstrated its alleged power... again , it seems that here it caught a lick, because they never expected anyone to go into their territory. again, why didn't they expect it? they, most likely, even if they thought that our
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troops could cross the border line, they were convinced that the united states of america, the european union, and in general our inter. the people's partners will never give it to do, this was their, most likely , strategic idea that we would never be allowed to cross the border and, relatively speaking, occupy rasisht settlements, look, andriyu, this is actually here, i would like to figure it out, maybe, maybe now we can try it together to do, we understand in what state it is now. international law, so generally recognized in an international sense the borders of states, we understand that the russian federation has been plundering all this for decades, and now, well, it's just a rag on which it wiped its feet russia, but on the other hand, for the countries
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of the civilized world, internationally recognized borders, sovereign territory, sovereignty of other countries, well, remained important and inviolable. rules, and we are now, it turns out, on the one hand, playing by the rules of the russian federation, the rules of hybridity, hybridization. this conflict and our defense forces are doing it perfectly, on the other hand, russia definitely believed that the western civilized world, which respects international law, which it has plundered, would not allow ukraine to cross the border, and the western world was very laconic in his reactions in the early days, and today even more so, we see a bipartisan delegation of us senators. in kyiv, who are already openly saying that the administration of the white house should be persuaded to remove
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any restrictions on strikes on russian territories, we see the germans in their respective defense committees saying that we have transferred our tanks to ukraine, from this moment on , these are ukrainian tanks, and ukraine will use them as it sees fit, this is a complete change of rhetoric. we see that the world somehow changed his approach, but... aren't we all falling into, aren't we all falling into a trap where, well, let's just say, these borders that were defined after the second world war are, well, rather floating and fuzzy , i now emphasize that i absolutely support and root for, and support on many levels, which i would not like to talk about on the air now, the actions of the defense forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, nevertheless about... about all the consequences it would be fair to talk about absolutely everything now, even potentially negative, i think that the civilized world
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has long understood, at least in recent months, that international law is trampled anyway, that is, at least in our part of the world, and i emphasize once again, i am more than convinced, the western world. .. it was the civilized world that most likely gave its tacit or non-tacit consent to the actions that the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, are carrying out today. i don't believe that someone there didn't know about something, i think they did, but after all, listen, in today's world it's impossible not to know, there are satellites that in formats online 24x7 show what 's going on, so it's impossible not to know, at least. for those who have modern technology, that's why they most likely gave
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the go-ahead to force putin, russia to, well, at least some kind of negotiations or peace, but here putin constantly forced everyone to peace, remember , in georgia, there and in other countries, there is always coercion for peace, they called it, well, i believe that it is the answer somewhere. it is roughly proportional, but the question is different, indeed, khrystyna raises an absolutely correct topic, and we must also see two sides of the coin, the other side of the coin, yes, it is that, relatively speaking, if it is an effective occupation from the point of view, again, from the point of view of international law, not from the point of view of ukraine there, the armed forces of ukraine or our actions, and from the point of view of international law, it is one thing, but if... it is, conditionally speaking, a temporary operation in order to make further
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occupation on the territory of ukraine impossible, maybe it acquires a little different context, i think it is possible to be considered not as an occupation, not as effective control, most likely as a temporary one, is possible. a special operation in order to stop the advance of russian terrorist troops in donetsk region, in kharkiv region, in zaporizhzhia, that is, in essence, an ied of a healthy person, maybe so, that is, i at least it seems to me that it looks like this somewhere, i do not think that the goal of ukraine there is retention of these territories, it would be retention... so to speak, long-term, it would be, perhaps, even pointless, because
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really in such a case, well, international law is allegedly violated, and we want to demonstrate that we do not violate international law, on the other hand, we understand that the maintenance of these territories is very expensive, and it may not be very effective if it is a very long perspective, but once again i say, with the aim of ... to force russia, for example, to withdraw from the kharkiv direction, to withdraw, let's say, from the possibility of an offensive on the pokrovsk direction, that's the actual situation right now. here we forget about it, no, we do not forget in any way, and i now want us carefully, everyone who has the opportunity to open the cards, and actually enough will be a deputy, they show in great detail, i say once again, these are osinters who act exclusively with a high level of caution and analyze based on official public
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data, so they note that in the pokrovsk region, for example, the pressure of the russians is not that decreased, yes, well, there were certain situational moments, but it is not necessary to talk about any trend, even in the last six days, while our operation in kursk region continues , moreover, we have newly occupied territories, almost every morning we see these painted areas on map, and these are not just painted areas, these are the real lives of our people, our defenders, and these are the resources that we have here in defense, nevertheless, we understand that russia will have to resort to certain measures, and while that there are no records of any crazy transfers from the ukrainian donetsk region to the kurdish region, situationally something
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is being pulled up from the kharkiv region, nevertheless, there is informational resistance, let me remind you that this is... the same analytical group notes that the russians lost 10%, a tenth part, only through prisoners , in fact of his entire group, which was present in kursk region. to lose 10% to prisoners, this is without dead and without wounded, this will certainly cause the need to throw in resources, and if ours are there for a long time, then these resources of the russians... can begin to collect, and here andriy, i will ask you about the possibility of a large-scale , full-scale, completely undisguised, unlimited mobilization in russia? well , look, actually, that's what we started with, well, that's putin, if, well, if putin
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expected this, and if he had the opportunity to do it today, without losses for himself. he would have already announced this general mobilization, moreover, he would have announced it as early as 22 or 23, but we understand that he still selects, well, not him, but russia selects 20-30, 40 thousand there every month, there are different data, fighters who are sent to the front to fight on the territory of ukraine, so i think that it is possible... they will try to recruit more, if they cannot recruit more, maybe russia will resort to a new wave of partial mobilization, i still still convinced that putin won't say, won't come out and won't say, we announce a general mobilization, he can come out and say, we announce the second stage of partial mobilization, let's say
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we recruit 200 or 300 thousand people, that 's possible. this number of russians is purely theoretical, purely from my point of view, subjective, they could still, as they say, take up arms, so it will, of course, be quite difficult for us to hold, in such a case, these territories , but maybe we do not intend to hold these territories for a long time, we do not know this, and we do not know, so far we know that the president of ukraine. gave instructions to the ministry internal affairs of the security service of ukraine to organize and prepare a humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation, that is, for the duration of the operation or beyond, it remains a little veiled, stability and
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decisive actions, that is exactly what the president thanks the military for, and we thank you for it. by the way, to be honest, i did not think that i would say, but i would like to thank even some russian military for the rather interesting information that they provide, honestly, i was waiting for the opportunity to provide information on the air and very, very, very much advise our viewers to read informed palm, an international osinter organization, and here is roman burko, who is now taking care of napalm, just a day ago on... gave an absolutely beautiful, beautiful case, says that longrit, but hopes that it will be read, i will briefly retell it, even quote it, from august 8, as soon as the successes of the breakthrough of the armed forces became obvious'. for the local population of kurshchyna, we began to receive information from the residents of settlements adjacent to the border about the capture of kadyriv residents, who were fleeing military clashes and hiding in forest strips. then mr
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burko cites the publications of napalm information from august 8, august 9, and august 10, confirming the actual, well, you know, transferability of all the information that came to them. in general, in the last four days we have received from the local. residents of kurshchyna 98 messages about the location of the kadyrivtsi, then these messages were checked by other means, these are data from hackers, data from the agency working in the area, data from accounts in social networks, even in tiktok, and we know that this is one of the favorite social networks of the troops kadyrova, in a word it was possible to confirm the location of 27 kadyrivites, and actually one of the russian... military personnel, who demanded the opportunity to surrender as a prisoner, realizing that this was his only option to save himself in this case, he provided
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information about the so-called zaur, we keep our word, we take into account the person's wishes on the hands of which there is no ukrainian blood and thanks to which a group of kadyrivites hiding in the kurshchyna was discovered and identified, the primary motivation of the rescuer was even the reluctance to save his own. life, and the desire to take revenge on the kadyrivs for the abuse he and his comrades in the service suffered from the militants of the akhmat russia unit, they brought them to korshchyna in early may, and from the beginning of may until august 6, according to the words of this anton ryadovoy. the kadyrivians periodically visited them in the barracks, forced the conscripts to perform sexual acts, and abused them in every way. anton says that kaderivets named zaur came to them most often in the barracks, and this... from 1434 sme, he was sometimes called a biker, as it turned out, this is again due to monitoring, because he has a relationship
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with a hiking organization in of russia under the name night wolves, i'm sorry that i know about this, i'm just from crimea, and these night wolves, they made their mark on the temporarily occupied peninsula even when ukraine controlled it, in other words, russian. the trovkovites desperately want to take revenge on the kadyrivites, and that is why they provide information to the ukrainian fighters, hoping that they, well, i don’t know, will bring justice to the kurshchyna, at least in this aspect, of course, the defense forces carry justice, and of course, the kadyrivites are already in numbers captured by russian military or paramilitary organizations, i don't know how they are counted there and called, we are told about this... roman kostenko, a colonel of the security service of ukraine, a combat colonel who is currently working in the relevant operational direction, confirmed this. so, andrei, i don't
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know about you, but i see the potential here, excuse the pun, for the development, the development of this conflict, which, in fact, has been around since the first, second chechen war. and between russians and representatives of the caucasus, even those representatives who call themselves pro-russian, pro-putin foot soldiers of putin and so on, there is still this nerve, tension, which periodically explodes, can we play on it, or should we? well, look, this was the main, one of the directions of the goal of entry. of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces to the kursk region, the disintegration of russian society, russian society has never been united, it was
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actually united only on the basis of propaganda, or fear, or some kind of fluff, if we are talking about chechnya there , actually occupied chechnya, because we remember the two chechen wars, and we remember that it was the rashists they killed chechens, yes. uh, and this i think is one of the, one of, one of the directions: disunity, chaos, chaos, the strengthening of these sentiments, when some, those who actually abused others, and they today receive such acts of revenge, we we see disunity, because, for example, the same kadyrivets, they simply flee, they give up their positions, conscripts... are thrown into battle, conscripts are captured, and this is also one of the elements of disunity, and this is disunity unity, if it happens at the grassroots level,
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it is in any science. it is always science which studies societies, it is this disconnection always then moves up, it always moves, so to speak, from the bottom to the mountain, and so of course it is a disconnection, the goal is to split certain elites, to split a certain consensus , which is also within the framework of these national republics, there is not one national republic in russia, and these national... republics were actually subjected to russian oppression, ugh, accordingly, representatives of these national republics are very often on the ground or there , where they were, started to oppress the russians, it's only on the picture of the roshi canals, it always seemed that , oh, listen, yes, everything is so good in russia, yes , there is such a union in russia, and they are all there for one thing, for one thing, they are ready to go and fight there
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against the nazis there for... there and so on , that is, it's all bravura propaganda, which just popped like a soap bubble today, and this is how we should play on it, this is how we should introduce this maximum division into russian society, into russian strata of the population, in russian units, like you you say, there are paramilitary or military or private military companies, private military formations. they should all quarrel with each other, they should all hate each other, because they hate each other, because russia is essentially a fake, absolutely entity that is based only on the power and on and on the terrorist activities of the central government, ugh, that's why yes, that's why yes, it's absolutely normal, we have to play on it, and i'm sorry, but russia in ukraine has always been engaged in things that divided
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ukrainian society, it... now deals with what divides ukrainian society, throws out lies, throws out fakes, divides people according to a huge number of signs, why we can't do this, we have, but in fact it is very interesting and explains a little why exactly the regime of the counter-terrorist operation is currently defined in the respective regions , well , we know that who is the parish of the federal security service, these are internal special services, employees, they will... control, control absolutely everything, and in fact, even the information that will come out of these regions, they will also control they. i don't know if they are already being filtered, which is interesting, by the way, those people who are leaving are kursk oblast or any other region where evacuation measures have been announced, but the fact that the fsb officers will try to do
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everything to... . information about the real state of affairs did not spread throughout russia, so it seems to me an obvious fact, why? because if you monitor the russian media, of course, the ukrainian troops are demonized there, but they greatly downplay their losses, they try in every way to show that these are not actions of a military nature, it is so some saboteur just ran in, aren't there 40. four and maybe 10 plus, as the ukrainian dipstate says, only 28 settlements, right? in other words, this is an understatement, an attempt to show that everything is not so terrible, an attempt to control the information and some kind of analysis in one's own mind, one's own mind, it is about weakness, but listen, i don't see something that people in moscow went to protests, help kurshchina or with some...
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logical questions, they went to their officials and talked about whether everything that is happening in belgorod region for years, we were surprised that they didn't go out to their squares when russia attacked us, on the one hand, i wasn't surprised, but it surprised a lot of people in ukraine, and now we see that they don't go out, even when the russian authorities beat them, their fellow citizens, and they feel absolutely... indifference to the fate of these regions. moscow does not feel anything so far, so what is the problem for us. well, that's why they turn off youtube, that's why they turn off signal, that's why they want to turn off whatsapp now, and i'm more than convinced that they all this will be cleaned up and there will be such a north korean version. this is the first, well, so that some certain percentage does not set there.


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