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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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from the throat of lenin and trotsky, because they managed to win it back, then attack us, of course, kyiv, minsk, the caucasian countries, all this is clear, but this is not a state, and there are two ways for it to become a real state , the russians see this way as returning all the soviet republics to their composition, and i see another way. to give the peoples of russia the opportunity to define their own statehood, to stop being the younger brothers of this very russian people, moreover, this is the russian people, after all, throughout its history, it shows such infantilism that he cannot be either an older brother or a younger sister, it's just, i would say, a complex mental state, such a complex mental state, i would say, that does not allow you to be a member of anyone's family. therefore
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it is better, better, you know, when there is an acquaintance or a relative in a severe alcoholic state, it is still better to live in a separate apartment, then put locks there and not open it even when he comes with another, another request for 5 rubles, he comes, he always comes, we know that, the one who did not live in russia, maybe he doesn't know, but i know for sure, they always come and knock on the door, but no 5 rubles, no, no. you will drink tomorrow, that's all the state logic, so in principle, i think that this is a bold step, a bold step precisely from the point of view of demonstrating this cardboardness of the russian empire, so-called, which turned out to be no empire at all, but just such a chekist machine , unable, unable to prepare for anything, where is the russian intelligence, i want to ask, where is the glorious federal security service of the russian federation headed by a valiant comrade...
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bortniko, where the foreign intelligence service is led by the valiant comrade naryshkin, how should she send her wife to paris for shopping, here naryshkin is the first to write a list about the name this and this and this and this here is such and such a watch and such a watch and such a jacket and such a coat , ugh, and how to find out if there are ukrainian troops in the kurt region, here marushkin is no longer interested, he is interested. shopping, well , i’m not talking about bortnykav, he usually takes his wife to paris, because he is not, i would say, a refined personality like naryshkin, but also could go about their business, what do they do there anyway, you can't steal all the time and do nothing, well, now they will have something to do, because this counter-terrorist operation that they announced means that it is the fsb officers who will rule in these areas , although the border ones, no, not quite, it means that a full regime is being introduced in these areas. injustice a counter-terrorism
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operation was carried out, for example, in the north caucasus. what did this mean? the russian army operated there. fsbeshniks generally rule everywhere, they will steer it seems that they are not steering. but they will have the opportunity to act in a situation of complete lawlessness. look, in the north caucasus between chechnya ingushetia and dagestan on the one hand and the rest of russia on the other, there was actually a state. the border, when you crossed the border of, let's say, the republic of dagestan with the stavropol territory, it seems, of the russian federation, if i'm not mistaken, you had to show your documents, passport, to the whole world, you were checked by real border guards and policemen, and you could not let them go to the real russia , you understand they filtered, found out, conducted interrogations, checked you against some of their databases, and internally. they could do
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anything there. the counter-terrorist operation regime means they can do whatever they want without any judicial sanction. holding you hostage, by the way, you know that this was the most profitable business of the russian generals. they then simply took people hostage in these caucasian families and then simply received money for the ransom. ugh. and this is all whimsical under the guise of the kto regime, because they simply announced that you are terrorists, and then you brought them money. they have already said that you are not a terrorist, you can be detained by the courts and investigators, they can listen to your phone without any formal sanction, they can even check your correspondence, they can enter any house, any apartment, you cannot let them in, in normal life in moscow, if a policeman comes to you, you have the legal right not to let him in, at least in your own apartment, under the contra regime. as you understand, no one to you
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will help, and so on, and what are they doing now? they actually declare the border regions with ukraine to be such a separate state. bryansk, bilhorodsk and kurtsk oblasts, that is, what they will create there, they will create a border between these oblasts and the rest of russia, they will decide who will be allowed there, let's say that journalists or some activists there, or some volunteers who if they want to help someone there, you don't need to go there, it's a matter of national security, go to voronezh. they may not issue from there, or release whoever they want or release whoever they want, they can create a special regime for people from settlements that, say, were under ukrainian control or are,
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if these people want to leave their regions, make them special interrogations, etc., they get the possibility of any military... actions in this territory without any supervision, so what if they want to use heavy weapons there, burn houses, what else, they can do everything, both the army and the fsb, this absolutely such an idea, you know how it was in ivan the terrible, again, i apologize for recalling the story, there was the territory of the oprichnina, on the territory of the oprichnina, it was not quiet and peaceful, it was the tsar's territory, everything else outside of the oprichtina, there... the oprichnina could do anything , even if they hang you by the legs and cut off everything that they wanted to cut off from you, because it is not an oprichnina, and this is a method of ruling, but now putin actually, he rules russia as an oprichnina, and the announcement of a counter-terrorist
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operation is a form of bringing out the framework of the oprichnina certain regions in which it will be possible oprichniki to do everything in the world in connection with what is there... such a danger, ugh, that's all, because what can they think, maybe some local residents cooperated with the ukrainian troops, facilitated the possibility of crossing, maybe there were some agents in the local services of the fsb or the border troops or in the local authorities, you have to check everything, they are looking for spies all their lives, the truth is, yes, and besides, they really need no one to create an information vacuum, because these residents already... the court of other cities, they start going somewhere, they start rehearsing: "vlodimir vladimirovich, save us! we love you so much, we supported svo, but why are you throwing us at will? why should anyone hear this? you can clean up some administrators there
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local telegram channels, or tell them what to write? by the way, you may have noticed that the belgorod telegram channels from the moment when the real fighting began there until the present moment. have undergone a certain evolution, they try to act within the framework of that vector which is set by the regional administration, and now it will become even stronger, and from the kursk region it will be like this, but now i carefully read the local telegram channels, sudzhinsk, let's say so, but i am sure that they will all be taken into their hands from a certain moment, since this was with the telegram channels of the same chabekin, and they cease to be sources of information, because you understand that, these are small local channels that are just sources. information, we have sewerage here, we have a bad mayor, and when the shelling starts, they start to write out of inertia: listen, we have she flew here, we couldn’t leave here, we don’t have buses here, we don’t have trains here, local residents say this, they say that, but nobody needs this in russia, they should
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write ukrainian bastards, the government is wonderful, thank our the governor that he helped us, and this is also part of the regime of the counterterrorist operation. mr. vitaly, another interesting observation, perhaps subjective, but it seems that for the russians, you said that in principle for russia as a state, that the territory of, excuse me, the current kherson, ukrainian-controlled, that is theirs kursk region, they are absolutely equal, it's all their territories, just kherson now, well, it's occupied by the ukrainian army, ukrainian quasi-states, so on the other side. to be honest, the exit of russian troops from kherson, we will cry, how are we leaving our people there and so on, caused a bigger stir than what is happening in kurtshchyna. according to my observations, russians know
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less about kurshchyna, and they care much less about it than the territories they occupied, specifically ukrainian. well, because when it came to ukraine and here we are simply talking about some territory that someone entered. one must understand that russian society is sufficiently atomized, if you will. this is an atomized society, it is primarily interested in the situation at home, and if nothing is happening in your region, then you really do not care much about the suffering of the residents of another region, especially since the government itself knows better what to do, she will release the chicken coop, she will return people to their homes, and now we just have to accept the evacuees, according to official data 76 thousand people have already been evacuated from these regions, by the way, that's it... and there is task number one, as you and i all understand very well. along with this,
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and this seems to me, it is clear that in some moscow, what is happening there in the kursk region, few people are bothered, that is true. this is such an important moment of russian political life that the revolution never starts in the suburbs, changes never start in the suburbs, all russian changes always take place in the capitals in 197 it was petrograd, in 1991 it was moscow. if you don't win the situation in the capital, you lose the country in 1917, moscow was against the bolshevik government, but the bolsheviks took power in st. petersburg, st. petersburg, and then they established this power in moscow absolutely calmly after a brief clash there. now, if you understand, if some insurrection wins in petrograd and moscow remains under control. government, then this government will simply be able to destroy any rebellion in petrograd. and vice versa. in 1991, almost
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all regions of the russian federation supported the gkchcp. moscow did not support, yeltsin did not support, and as a result, the top management of the soviet union, which was supported by all regions of russia, lost the struggle for power. there is something in this, as you understand, quite interesting. so from this point of view you are right. kherson is simple. was such an unexpected event for them, as russian troops have to leave a conquered city, there is some kind of border struggle, some problems with the inhabitants of some province, who is to blame for them not living in moscow, so i would say the following refrain: all of russia hates moscow, all of moscow despises all of russia, these are real relations in this state since the time of grand duke ivan kalita, and not since vladimir putin, so i would not say that we have set something new. well, from the point of view of what is happening in russia itself,
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we have understood a little, but you noted about the traps that the russian state is currently falling into, on the other hand, can we fall into any traps, i can now be accused of there are some very careless thoughts there, but nevertheless, when we have specific definitions of the specific borders of a specific country and declares... itself as a country that adheres to international law, can they reproach us with the fact that we are not just protecting our own, but that we have in fact violated this international law by crossing the russian border, or how, how, how not to fall into a trap as well, in fact, and why no one criticizes, because it seems to me that this episode with the chicken, it... just illustrates that everyone is very careful in their statements. kirby from the white house says: but we still have to
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figure it out, we will get information now from the ukrainian military, although it is difficult to imagine that they do not know what is happening in kursk, but no one speaks, you know, we consider it unacceptable to invade the territory of the russian federation, however, no one said that, not even lukashenka, yes, lukashenka did not say about it separately , see what international law looks like, if for your country aggression is carried out and... if the country that is the aggressor accumulates military resources, manpower and equipment on its territory to continue this aggression, then you have a full legitimate right to enter the territory of this country in order to destroy the enemy's military force, equipment and manpower strength in this territory, where it is preparing for a further attack, and by the way, this is what the russian federation was guided by when it announced a special military operation in 2022, it said that... it wants to protect the people of donbass, and in order to protect the people donbass, it is necessary to enter the territory
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of ukraine and destroy the military potential of ukraine so that it no longer bombs donbass, right? ugh, that was the idea, russia recognized our statehood, our borders, as it were, but they said, but there is the ukrainian army, which is bombing the unfortunate children of donbas, we are its we will destroy it, and everything will be fine again, too, yes, god's grace, we say the same thing, we absolutely do not need it. kursk region, we need to destroy the military equipment and manpower of the enemy, which is concentrated in the territory of the regions of the russian federation bordering ukraine, that's all. and here it is very difficult to point out something, because in any war, the one who started the escalation, who started the aggression, is guilty, he is responsible both for the victims on the territory of the country that he attacked, and for the victims on our own territory, during the second world war war, among the victims of the war there was a lot of
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the civilian population of germany, by the way, why did we all enter its territory, they were hers. territory, we could stop somewhere at the borders of germany, the soviet union and great britain, the united states, somehow we did not stop, but who is directly responsible for the victims among the german civilian population? adolf hitler? who is directly responsible for the casualties among the russian civilian population? vladimir putin. i talked a lot with germans who said: "listen, what a horror it was in the days when "allied" armies entered germany, especially the soviet army, the rape of women, murder, mass torture, literally, just horror, i told you, i absolutely agree with this, it's incredible horror, by the way, horror that , what was happening on the territory of ukraine, belarus, lithuania, and other countries, all this is horror, indescribable
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horror of the suffering of the civilian population, but i am very sorry if your grandparents did not support the national workers' party of germany elections, did not allow it to strengthen, did not allow it to start an aggressive campaign war against your neighbors, all your grandparents, relatives would be alive, you started it, you were driven by a sense of injustice towards the outcome of the first world war, but you could understand that after you satisfied your sense of injustice, you could such catastrophes will begin in your life, compared to which the injustice of the first world war will seem to you like flowers on... torture, well, that's all, who is to blame, who, if you had behaved differently, there would have been no second world war, and that you have a democratic one the german state, this democratic german state could, together with great britain and france, restrain the bolshevik soviet unions, could join in the destruction of the communist regime, and nothing would happen, but you went a completely different way, and so with
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russia, when the inhabitants of the kursk region now they say that you and i supported svo. well , sorry, if you support svo, if you support killing your neighbors, bombing civilian cities, sooner or later the war will come to you and your children and kill you in your own homes, even if the army that comes there behaves more civilized than the army that came to our land and turned out to be just, i would say a horde of wild medieval bandits, i won't even say barbarians, because after all, barbarians were a civilization compared to the russian army, here it's just... there could be missile fire, there could be drones, there could be missile fallout, you lose life, you lose health, you evacuate, and what did you want if you thought your army could be entering the territory of another countries, sooner or later the army of another country may reach you, it may not reach moscow, but it will reach the court, as it turned out that you, living
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in the border regions with ukraine, communicating with your neighbors for decades, crossing this border 155 times, knowing for sure that there were no nazis there, there are not and there will not be any, how could you not believe your own stupid eyes, your own tv, what is happening to you in general with the residents of the kurdish bilhorod, voronezh or bryansk regions, well, i still understand people who live there in the primorsky krai, and which ones never saw anything, nobody, nothing but a stuffed animal, a tiger. everyone seems to have been killed there, but i understand people who live in the kamchatka region, some in yakutia, they watch tv, they don’t know where ukraine is, maybe the nazis really live there, well, let ’s imagine, but you, you especially the border strip, you are complete morons, you
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are asking a rhetorical question now, vitaly eduardovich , everything you are saying now is so logical, well, it is absolutely. but you ask this rhetorical question to ordinary residents of the border regions at the moment when, excuse me even ksenia sobchak says that she is collecting some help there with her project for the residents of kurshchyna, bilhorodshchyna and so on and so forth who suffered from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine. that is, she now qualifies the problem as arising from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, and this, i’m sorry, well, i’m not saying that she is a standard of some kind of intellectual thought, but... it would seem like a person who claims to well, the title of journalist, at least what kind of journalist, ksenia sabchak is part of the system, and she
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does what is considered in this system generally speaking, somehow money for peaceful residents of ukraine who became victims, victims of the behavior of the armed forces of the russian federation, she did not collect, neither for the residents of kharkiv, nor for the residents of odesa, and these are russian cities, why don't you give money to the residents... and those who were maimed, and those who were raped, and those who were deprived of property, and those who live without light, and those who can live in the cold, she did not collect any money for anyone, although she has this money, thanks to her connections with putin's family, and her husband, bagamolov, yes, yakiv bagomolov, yes, bagamolov the son of a well-known tv reviewer in moscow, who, thanks to being brought up in a good family, got several
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theaters, he closed the roman vyktyuk theater in moscow, you know, ugh, that's all these people do, so it doesn't surprise me at all when you are talking about all moscow families, all these patricians from the cesspool, excuse me, where did they all come from. who are they anyway, well, it just surprises me, because i knew both ksenia's father and her husband's father, and they were serious people, both of them, and this is all a sham, it's just that everyone owes her life to her parents, she didn't lift a finger to be where they are, you see, that's the trick, and i have to think about all these people now that... what they're collecting there, they're collecting, whatever the curator says, they gather, ugh, so, as we can see, there are other representatives of the russian establishment, the opposition, as it were, lev schlotsberg,
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lashed out at those russian votitioners who welcome the conduct of troops in the ukrainian kurdish region, how can it be, a politician must be with his people, you see, this is all an abomination. who do not deserve our respect and attention, i.e. lev schlotsberg, he means with the russian people, but here is marlene dietrich, she was not with the german people and went to give concerts to the allied armies, of course no one knows her, she was cursed by the whole world history and all germany, and willy brand, he means not with the german people who came to germany in the form of the norwegian occupation army, but with losby. by the russian people, well, and thomas mann, who wanted the defeat of hitler's germany, he, of course, who is he, he just some unfortunate writer who betrayed
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germany, whom probably no german knows, reads or respects, only dozens of museums were opened to him after the war, and schlosberg will certainly have a museum in skov, if he is not put in prison in front of this putin, you see, this logic, these people can't even understand examples from history, that only he wins. one who desires the total defeat of a human-hating regime, and understands that the road to that defeat lies through the suffering of this civilian population, which supported the aggressive policy, the more russian suffering, the more chances for change in russia itself, that's what hocus-pocus is. mr. vitaly, but lukashenko spoke up against the background of the recent events, he is even bringing his special forces, and iskanders with polonaises to the border with... kyiv chernihiv oblasts, well, but he spoke quite interestingly about possible changes in the leadership of belarus, he said something about that , that
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one way or another, one day i won't be with you, of course i'm not going to leave you, but anything can happen, how do you like this public the exit of the belarusian dictator, even against the background of the anniversary of the failed revolution in belarus, you know, when i... wrote a text about the then president of montenegro in the 90s, and i stole the title from a well-known serbian newspaper at the time, which i also wrote an article about him, i liked it so much that i decided to translate it, this article was called chernogorsk eel, you know what an eel is, ugh, it’s an eel, ugh, eel, that’s lukashenko, he behaves exactly like this yagulya, he is not even an eel, he is an eel. such a real yaguly, baba yaguly, only not montenegrin, but belarusian, a real bulgarian who does not even maneuver.
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is twisting, you understand, twisting, on the one hand he needs to show putin that he is his loyal ally, on the other hand, the russians are already saying in their public, lukashenko agreed with ukraine on the withdrawal of troops from the belarusian border, and he himself withdrew his troops from the border, and this gave the opportunity to the ukrainians to release forces to attack the kurdish region, and they quickly concentrated them, because they quickly withdrew them from the belarusian direction to the kurdish one, we didn't even have time to notice it. well, of course, in this situation, lukashenko says, yes, no, on the contrary, i will now strengthen my border so that they do not break through to where they are not going to break through, you understand? here is his whole role, because he understands very well that he needs to secure himself on the one hand, and on the other hand to show putin's company that he is with them, he reinforces what does not need to be strengthened, because he is their ally, that's why
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he will keep at the border. iskanders of strength air defense, does not keep troops, you see, yes, and this is the whole logic of lukashenka, he always tried to maneuver, of course, after the 27th year, when he dispersed this popular protest, it is much more difficult for him to deceive, because these people always, what they do, they negotiate with the west, the west says, okay, hold only free elections and full elections. there are no questions, but everyone loves me, you see, now madura, he does the same as lukashenka, but, there are no problems, everything is fine, but then he wakes up, not everything, well ok, so now he will fight with the venezuelans, exactly what lukashenko is doing and did, but maduro also has a person there to whom he can turn, just like lukashenko for money, this is sidzen pin, sidjin
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pin, and now lukashen . is trying to maneuver between china and russia, but for these maneuvers to continue, he needs to survive, and what do you think, does he want to die with putin, you are wrong, he may think that he can live without putin, only he needs to preserve the regime, so that putin does not climb, and so that the west cannot there is nothing to be done with him, he solves such a difficult task, that is why he wriggles like this, the ukrainians also wanted to attack us, now i will show where this attack was prepared, don't worry. and the fact that they are there in the kursk region, and why is he not helping the russians, they are members of the csto, i remember that in january 2022, some incomprehensible people, but clearly not of foreign origin, organized a protest in kazakhstan, and president martaka and i immediately say that this is a foreign attack, terrorists, mercenaries, no one crossed the border of kazakhstan, he somehow these
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mercenaries were found directly in other cities and towns, and the csto troops immediately arrived, they had already crossed the state border here, the security council of the russian federation registers this, putin holds meetings, says what a provocation, you are not indiscriminate shelling, and what the csto is not is working, huh, why the chairman of the csto, who is the chairman there, lukashenko is the chairman, i don't remember who is the chairman there now, he won't say, come on, friends, let's get together and we've arrived. our glorious troops in the kurt region, may they help the russians repel the attack, let's at least do some non-military work there to release the energy of the russian troops, no one wants, no one wants, putin wanted to help tokaev, tokaev should have seen this putin in the coffin in white caps, well , slippers, well, lukashenko didn't either wants to help putin, he puts iskanders at the border, everyone else... i don’t want, well
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, it’s kind of strange, huh, so it also shows to some extent how much this russia worries them all, you know, really, really , they just maneuver what she is up to they didn't like it, everyone hates it, it's somehow strange, the russians hate moscow, the csto countries hate russia, everyone around dislikes the csto countries, somehow and as soon as you get to... kb as armenia said, we suspend our activities, all at once they start to love you, go to you, you meet with the usa's dirty sector, maybe this is the key to happiness, leave the csto and other integration structures with russia altogether, if everyone doesn't like her, why stay in the same union with her, that's all, that's good ask, i think i explained these to you, and explained more than it is clear, more than clear, but you mentioned sidjingping.


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