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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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damn iskander, everyone else doesn’t want it either, well, it’s kind of strange, huh, so it also shows to some extent how much this russia worries them all , you see, in fact, in fact, they are just maneuvering that she didn’t get to them, everyone hates it, it's somehow strange, the russians hate moscow, the csto countries hate russia, everyone around dislikes the csto countries, somehow... and as soon as you go to the csto, as armenia said, we suspend our activities, everyone immediately starts loving you , to go to you, you meeting with the us secretary of state, maybe this is the key to happiness, to leave the csto and other integration structures with russia altogether, if everyone does not like it, why stay in the same union with it, that's all, this is a good question, so i think that i explained these to you, and she explained, more than clearly, more than clearly, but you mentioned xijin ping. and i would like
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you and i to perhaps talk about how the global south sees the situation around, i doubt, of course, that they all know where the takur region is, but less so, ah, for them, this is a weakness on the part of the russian federation, the fact that it has not controlled a certain part of its universally recognized, world-recognized border, are they now only observers, and are thinking whether they should... continue to cooperate at least in any sense with this country? no, i think they perfectly understand that this is a weakness, and by and large it corresponds to their idea that the best way out of this situation is a ceasefire and a withdrawal of troops, and by the way, this ukrainian raid on kurdistan, he once again convinces, let's say, just the countries of the global south of the correctness of their approach, that the issue is not a territorial one.
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someone's integrity, in the ceasefire, well , because it turns out that between russia and ukraine, just as they, well, china has territorial claims to india, india to china, pakistan to india, china to the philippines, everyone has some territorial claims, and someone controls some territories that are considered foreign and claimed by several countries at once, and what to do in such a situation, try to find a political solution to the problem. so here, from their point of view, everything is clear, ukrainian troops are on the territory of the kurdish region, which we consider to be the russian federation, and russian troops are on the territory of the four ukrainian regions of crimea, and we consider this territory to be part of ukraine, but what should be done? of course to stop the wagon and start negotiations, ugh, so i think that this is rather even an unnecessary argument in favor of the chinese approach, and i would say that it is possible ... now
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to the russians from their side to speak, here you see, we told you that it was necessary to cease fire and start a dialogue, and you said no, we will not cease fire, but now there is a war on your territory, and you already have a disputed territory, it is settled on your territory, we recognize your territorial integrity, as well as the territorial integrity of ukraine, but what to do about it, how to prevent it, no way, you have to cease fire, so it is clear that they will express themselves in this plane, huh. well, how, as far as we understand, the ukrainian state and the ministry of foreign affairs, v the person of its representatives is working on, and it is interesting, on what, actually, on the african continent, dmytro kuleba visits malawi, zambia, mauritius and some countries from the african continent. these days they actually broke diplomatic relations with us, and we are trying to build bridges with others, what is happening and is it possible? add
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a practical result? practical result, it is not related to the war, it is simply related to the issues of ukraine's positioning in the modern world, and if you like, to food security, because if important there is the issue of food security, this is also part of our efforts, so in principle, the more countries are interested in peace in ukraine and in economic relations with us, the better for us, this is diplomacy, it is not about war, , that someone broke diplomatic relations with us, it seems to be niger and mali, right? and these are the countries that are under the full protectorate of moscow today, which are assisted by the wagner group, or the african corps, created by the ministry of defense of the russian federation after the death of yevgeny prigoshenka. modes that are in these countries also have, very often do not have any relations or diplomatic contacts with other countries, even in africa, because the legitimacy of these regimes is not recognized there.
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both regimes are military juntas, niger's regime even seems to be going to kill the sitting, legitimate president of niger, whom it is taking hostage, so there's that. understanding, if you realize that these countries depend on moscow, then they always looked for an excuse to show their disloyalty to ukraine, by the way, in organizations of the united nations, they always voted in support of the pro-russian position, not the ukrainian one, and in this regard, when they say: "oh, we took a neutral position in the war between russia and ukraine, this is not true. on the other hand, i do not think that we have to declare our support for those separatist movements that, say, took part in the destruction of the wagnerites in mali. that is , we can help all this , we can have contacts. we have an interest in the fact that as many wagnerites as possible remain in africa permanently place of residence somewhere in the sands of the sahara. ugh.
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but we cannot question the territorial integrity of any country, even if that country is ruled by a military dictatorship, because we are a country ourselves. which may be in a state of complex problems with territorial integrity for many decades, it may be so, and that is why we must realize that the issue of maintaining at least the appearance of international law, because international law, as i have repeatedly said, has been destroyed and will not be restored in the next decade, but we must in any case insist that the world order is legitimacy, and therefore yes, helping some groups that are fighting our enemies, simply on the principle that the enemy of our enemy is our friend and ... not being military allies dictatorships, we must remember that there were still recent times when the west helped the legitimate governments of mali to fight separatism and radical islamism, and the question of the territorial integrity of mali niger is not questioned by anyone on the african continent, it is under
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i doubt the legitimacy of the governments of these countries, so i would simply like the officials of ukraine to be the officials of ukraine, and this seems absolutely logical to me, because there is no need for ... a reason to accuse ukraine of some actions that will allow us to compare it , say, interventions with russian. moreover, everyone is waiting for this. mr. vitaly, after our last meeting with you, serhiy shog, shoigu, the former minister of defense of the russian federation, and some people from whose team are currently being arrested in russia for corruption deed. well, i visited tehran, the capital of iran, and then went... to baku, azerbaijan. we understand what iran might be up to these days, and there's also a different reading inside of what the response to israel's response might be, right? islamic revolutionary guard corps for a more radical approach. newly elected president
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masud pezeshkiyan is allegedly more restrained. but less with what shoigu forgot there, and if we consider. that russia is sending some samples of its weapons there, what could this mean? well, i think that russia is beautiful understands that iran is her ally, he is helping her in this war, the kremlin does not have many allies who can openly supply russia with weapons, and from this point of view, of course, he could not but come there. on the other hand, there is different information about what he advises iran, which was conveyed to yotali khamenenia by vladimir putin. there are reports that russia has generally advised iran to refrain from a serious attack on israel, i don't think it's because the russians are somehow very sympathetic to israel, but because they might fear, that a retaliatory strike would destroy all their efforts in iran, let's say destroy an iranian nuclear
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facility, let's say that nuclear facility at tatanza, which can be used to produce nuclear weapons, that it must be prevented because if iran gets rid of the main the trump card of blackmail in its war with... then, of course, russia's position can be weakened. by the way, we still don't know what iran is preparing for, because we see that the tehranians said that they were about to strike israel, they were already counting an hour before the strike, but then everything somehow stopped, perhaps because the iranians received the results of the investigation into the circumstances of the assassination of the head of the hamas politburo , ismail haniyeh, because there are many theories about the fact that haniyeh became... a victim of internal political clashes in the leadership of hamas itself, there is also a lot of talk, so that he had disagreements with the head of hamas, yahya sinwar, about how to proceed in the war, whether to seek a truce or not, they
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had different positions there, some accused haniya of not wanting peace talks and a cease-fire, someone from sinwar, in any case that sinwar is unexpected. everyone, his candidacy was not even named, became the new head of the hamas politburo, says that the destruction of hania was not something exclusively israeli. an act of revenge for october 7, but it could be the result of widespread idleness in iran itself and in the ranks of this terrorist organization itself, and that is why iran can think that israel did not really kill hannaya, we will shoot at israel, we will look like idiots in our own eyes allies, this time, the second can be a danger strike back, the third iran may think that it is able to use at this stage and other terrorists from the hezbollah organization, who also wanted to get rid of. his chief of staff , foad shukr, who was killed in berlin by an israeli missile just a day
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before ismail hanni dropped, and they may just take their time, and they may discuss all this with the shoigu, but that doesn't mean that russia is just like that will not be there to fight with iran on this front, she may be interested in the development of events, however they can analyze events differently than in tehran, precisely in terms of consequences, you understand that when you make a certain effort, you think about the consequences. and by the way, regarding russia's interest in inflaming this conflict even more, and anywhere else in the world, well, you and i are used to saying that it is always beneficial for russia, on the other hand, now iran can ask russia: and what you will repay me for the unmanned technologies that i gave you, and similar things, the russian federation can already send s-400 to iran, those allegedly they also ask about su-35, modernized fighter jets, i.e. russia, which
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is currently extending the line of combat with ukraine, and everything is happening very intensively, on the other hand, it can get iran, which will also ask for additional resources from it, whether it is a profitable course of conflict right now in russian federation? i think that russia will in any case supply iran with what it does not need on the russian-ukrainian front. she has her own system. iran is definitely not the first part of this system. the second is that russia may benefit from a major conflict the middle east, which would divert attention from ukraine. but again , such a conflict is important for russia, which would not lead to serious problems related to the security of iran itself. ugh. and that's why the russian intelligence services can, of course, realistically analyze the situation. precisely from the point of view of what will happen with... well, as a result of his attack on israel, perhaps, by the way, that is precisely why the secretary of the security council
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of the russian federation went to teheran, and not the minister of defense. this is also to some extent a sign that we are you we are sending a representative of the security forces, but the secretary of the security council, who should share some secret information, discuss the general directions of cooperation, and not discuss the nomenclature of weapons, because this is precisely the prerogative of the minister of defense, and in this regard, of course, it is now very difficult to understand where is located... this is the balance that russia wanted to maintain, on the one hand, inciting instability, and on the other hand , fearing the results of this instability for its allies. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and oschad. there are discounts until independence day on motororex pills, 10% at psarynsky, bam and oskadny pharmacies. eurofast softcaps - quick help against headaches. begins to act. in just 15 minutes, there are 20% discounts on imodium in
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pharmacies of travel bam and savings until the day of independence. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out. about war, about the military, front-line component, serhiy zgurets, and what is the world living on? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuri, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morshchevka next to me and sports news , i invite yevhen pastukov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alena chykhchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell, good evening, presenters who have become familiar to many, already next to me is ready to talk about... the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in
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touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we resist information attacks russians in the chronicle project. see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporozhye? was i then in charge of the department of national statehood protection? but how
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the former actress became a russian pseudo-mermaid. i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will succeed. establish a peaceful life. on tuesday, august 13, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. this is the saturday political club. thank you for being on espress. vitaly portnikov talks about the most important events, which are developing now in ukraine and in the world. and at the end of our program, we would still like to touch on the rather powerful and earth-shattering events that... took place in bangladesh, literally in july, again, from the action of students, a revolution really took place there, a revolution started that achieved its certain results, and the prime minister, the prime minister of this country left the country, and now the interim government is headed by a nobel laureate, it is interesting,
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by the way, also a peace prize winner, mohamed yunus, he has already taken the oath. and what was the trigger for that information that is public this is job quotas, if i'm not mistaken, mr. vitaly, and we can see how it all grew quite quickly, a lot of parallels were drawn these days with the ukrainian maidan, i don't know how relevant it is, but nevertheless, the events in bangladesh , how do they look to you, you know, i think that bangladesh is primarily the arena of a great geopolitical confrontation with india. china and the west, and it is interesting that all the instability in bangladesh really began after the prime minister, sheikh hasina, who is a sincere friend of india and has maintained warm relations for many years with the indian governments, is a close, i would say such a friend of the prime minister of india on renermod, she was visiting beijing
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asking for some big loan for bangladesh and the facts. arrived without this loan, and after that the tension in bangladesh began to build up, i will not say that the government of sheikh hasina did not make some mistakes with this quota, and with this rather serious, i would say, misunderstanding of the mood of the society, which led to repressions, before the dispersal of student demonstrations, it was a serious problem, tim more we understand that when you create inclusive opportunities. for everyone, this is one story, when you single out a group of people who are descendants of those who fought for independence from pakistan, in the 70s, these people have some priority, when in fact the participants of these events themselves have long been out of the labor market, it a completely different story, but one way or another, as we understand it, beijing was interested in
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overthrowing this essentially pro-india government in... sheikh hasina had a chance to negotiate with beijing on beijing's terms, she didn't did, and then there was such, i would say, a line of serious tension, which ended with the fall of her government. what will happen next is quite difficult to say because there is actually a real political vacuum in bangladesh. sheikh hasyana's party, it is compromised, but it is a big party with a serious infrastructure on the ground, it continues to exist. nationalistic. the bangladesh party, which is headed by a long-time competitor of the prime minister, she too, i would say, can be considered such a political force that has already bored the youth, and it must be understood that the prime minister is the daughter of the first the president of bangladesh, and her main
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competitor, she is the wife, in fact, of his main heir. both were killed, both majubur-rahman and zyaur rahman, and here the question arises whether any change of the political elite is possible, and who will fill this vacuum, and who will take advantage of this vacuum, china, india, will any government be able to cooperate with the western countries, the students wanted muhammad yunus, the nobel laureate, the man who is known for his invention of microcredit, for which he won the nobel prize. he invented microloans, that is, if you just want to get some kind of small loan in order to, well, i don't know, buy a coffee machine to sell coffee on the street, they will give you... a microloan for this coffee machine, you will only get money for that , and you will be able to go out on the streets of dhaka and sell coffee there and then return this loan, it basically just lifted millions of people from
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bangladesh out of poverty at the time, but sheikhasian was very afraid of the authority of this person, they expelled him abroad, accused him of corruption, and now he is back, but we don't know how it will be further, just yesterday sheikh hasina's son emphasized that she will leave at all... and that she will return to the country when the parliamentary elections are announced, that she does not yet know whether she will return to politics or not, but she will return to the country, as i understand that the task of sheikh hasina is to continue the power of her party, even if not with her at the head, but for awamilik to retain its majority in the parliament, because it is impossible to prosecute the leaders of this party and the final dismantling of this system, which this political party created in 25 years with... well, that's it we'll see how it looks soon, but by and large it's a pretty serious story, because we're talking about a country that 's strategically located between
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pakistan and india, pakistan is also an ally of china, by the way, now more so than the united states, and of course in this situation, we can talk about a serious success from those who think that they will be able to reorient the politics of bangladesh for the future, away from new delhi, but whether it will actually succeed, we do not know, mr. vitaly, thank you for a wonderful evening as always spent together, it was naispresso saturday political club, analysis of geopolitical events and events within our country. be with us every saturday. there are discounts until the day regardless. plantain in pharmacies, save money. national tv on megogo for many channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and
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favorite shows. turn mego on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. until independence day, there are discounts on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until the day independence on decatelelen. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. maria gurska meets with the head of the committee every week. in the foreign affairs of the polish sejm by pavel koval, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said
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about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sisters au. greetings, we are looking for three boys from the luhansk region, they are mykyta dyachenko, mark bakharev and vlad hristosenko. all of them disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory, which makes their search much more difficult, but there is a very high hope that one of you will recognize them and provide information that will help to find nikita, mark and vlad. therefore. mykyta dziachenko, he is 13 years old, he disappeared in the city of happiness in the luhansk region, and nothing is known about him since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. please note
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the boy has an oval face, dark eyes and dark hair. we will be grateful for any information about nikita dyachenko. and this is 16-year-old mark bakherev. contact with him was lost on february 24, 2022. marx. disappeared in the city of rubizhne in the north donets district of the luhansk region. and unfortunately, since then there is no news from him, with whom and where he is is unknown, but we really hope that the boy is alive, that everything is fine with him, and we do not stop searching for him for a day. again, due to the fact that mark disappeared in the occupation, we have very little information and only this is him photo but we ask you to look carefully. to his face, if you know anything about him, call the magnolia children's hotline at 116/30. if, for example, you are under occupation
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and... you cannot call, write to us on facebook, instagram or the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. the search for eight-year-old vlad hristosenko, whose story we have already told you more than once in our programs, continues. however, unfortunately, the boy has not yet been found, so once again i ask for your maximum involvement and very much hope that with your help we can find the authorities or find out. at least some information about him, so vlad hristosenko also disappeared in the luhansk region, but this photo of the boy was taken two years ago on his birthday, of course, during this time, maybe not radically, but the child has obviously changed, but still i ask each of you to look very carefully into his face. vlad is a very cheerful and sociable, but at the same time sensible and independent boy,
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and he also loves. whom he protects at home. vladyk is a kind and caring child, but unfortunately, this carefree, happy childhood ended on february 24, 2022, when a full-scale invasion began. on february 25 , the russian military entered the village of petropavlivka, where the boy lived, and almost nothing is known about the province since that day. so let's do everything possible together, and... to find vlad khristosynka, it is possible that the boy is in a territory not under the control of ukraine, and at the same time it may be that he was taken to russia. it is clear that neither in the occupied territories, nor even more so in russia do not broadcast ukrainian television, so i appeal first of all to those who can see this program on the internet. please look at the face of vlad khristosenko, he is 8 years old, he has brown eyes and dark ... blond
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hair, from special features, there is a small scar on his forehead, and i ask you to contact the child tracing service if you recognize authorities, indeed, even the smallest information about the boy can help or become decisive in the search, you can inform us about vlad khristosenko by short number 11630, of all calls to mobile operators are free, and you can also write to the search service chatbot. in telegram, let's not be indifferent, and let's all try together to help find the authorities. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there is a war going on, and not only for
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territories, it is also a war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia millions throws petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 20. viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. an explosion rang out in sumy a few minutes ago, reports the public service in the region. the air alert continues for more than 10 hours. we will tell you the details in the next issues. and the enemy also shelled the border of dnipropetrovsk region with heavy artillery and drones. nikopol, mirivska, marganetska and pokrovska community.


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