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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporizhzhia. was i then in charge of the department of national statehood protection? but how the former actress became a russian pseudo-mermaid. i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel on tuesday, august 13 at 5:45 p.m. we continue to inform you about the most important things, roman chayko, ulyana panasiuk are with you today, good morning to everyone who we are joined by delicious coffee for those who are already preparing for work, now and will donate to our armed forces, thanks to the qr code that will appear soon, remember it, join our common cause, our joint collection for three brigade eh, because it is
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extremely important, drones, guys, this is what saves the lives of our soldiers, and we will communicate with the front, yevhen ievlev, a fighter of the armed forces of ukraine, with the call sign sheikh, is in touch with us, this is the horliv direction , glory to ukraine. i wish health, heroes, glory. sir yevgeny, we just spoke with the volunteer vlado makhovskyi, who in these places, just in the last, as they say, from. yesterday i conducted an evacuation, and now we want to see these places with your eyes, and we know from the map and from the military that it was possible to push back the enemy near new york, and we are talking about the horliv direction, so accordingly, this is what we know and do not more to share, how is the situation between turkey and new york now, well... come on, i won't open
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any america for you if i say that the situation is extremely difficult, and specifically about new york, when you say that our guys rejected justice, for the sake of it, it must be said that the situation is quite unstable, and for example, we managed to observe from the mavics when the enemy stormed avdiivka, and if you compare it with new york, then it is quite, let's say, a completely different battle, a completely different situation in the city itself, where the situation can change in one day... three times, then the guys push them across the road, then they find some other detours there, and so on, that is, if avdiivka was simply bombarded with artillery, after when everything was destroyed, rusaks ran in there, i'm sorry, and tried to hold on to at least some stones, but in new york the situation is a little different, street battles are really going on, but at the same time it cannot be said there that the enemy, for example, is demolish the city, because for them it is already a very bad practice, they themselves then have no reason to hold on. that's why i say,
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when i rejected it, i know that in the last week the situation has changed at least four times, and i will frankly say that in new york, for example, that a month ago it was possible to be there much more often than now, therefore, it can only come from the words of the guys with whom we communicate. in general, the gurliv direction is the part of the front where there has been no movement for a long time, almost since the 14th year, so why did they climb there too, look at it. there will be no answer from the outside, the enemy is constantly trying to feel the line with small groups, mortar attacks, and artillery and feel where it is weaker, and this feeling took place for at least a year, and when some changes took place, i’m sorry, i can’t to voice on the air in a line, in a lane defense, well, it happens when, for example, there is a rotation of units or something else, the enemy heard that there was some kind of weakness, and that is , it was not planned, i am sure, it was not planned. we are all advancing in this
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direction, the enemy felt a little, let's say, a mistake in the defensive lines and tried to push as many of his personnel there as possible, you can see the results on the dbstat, well , i just want everyone who hears me to also understand that it is impossible to keep the line of defense head to head all the time, see, the enemy destroys landing scientists, if you could see them, they just stand there like sharpened pencils, that is, covering them with artillery, tents, and when there is nothing to hold on to, well... to protect, when your dugout is already burned, when there is no longer a single tree behind which you can cover up and so on. of course, there are positions, places where you have to retreat, and you know that the enemy has more personnel than we do, that is, in these conditions, unfortunately, this is the result, i say, you can hear from me, see over the network and from peers located in these directions. mr. yevgeny, if you say that this is a different tactic than in avdiivka, that is, they don't want to assemble block by block, house by house, then i understand. that in the mode of street
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fighting, using heavy equipment is suicide, that is, they do not use it, what else has changed, if they stopped bombing like that. and make quarters, what else has the enemy changed? look, i will talk about our direction, but for some reason i think that it has changed diametrically in all directions, if a year ago i talked about such a ping-pong of art shells with you on the air, there are tanks and so on, so today it can be said that the war is going on specifically in the format of fpv drones, they don’t just fly, they just take turns, that is, vpv drones there, you understand a little, yes it is... which can work there some 15 minutes, no no no more, this is not a drone that can fly for half an hour or 40 minutes, they no longer just fly from point to point, they choose a target during the flight, let’s say, for a spare target, and the drone just circles there near those, for example, the intersection where our cars are leaving
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positions, forced to slow down a little so as not to fly off the road, and the drone just circles and rotates there 24 hours a day, if no car was driving, they fly to that spare target and so... the same thing happens in new york itself, that is, drones from the side the enemy became ten times larger, and this fundamentally changed the tactics and the course of the war and so on. of course we also, sorry, of course we also respond to them with drones, but i say for the sake of the widow it does not compare, it does not mean that it does not say that they do not shoot at all there to some buildings, because it also flies through the phenol plant in new york, it flies through other buildings, but this is not an erasure of the place, i am saying, as it was with avdiivka in comparison. today the drone is a more accurate weapon both for us and for them, and they are already trying to hit specifically cars, specifically deployment locations, if they find them in aerodevelopment, so here it is somehow in this mode, and you are we talking about actual or such
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a constant presence fiwi drones or, as for lancets, how much are they currently using them in your direction? regarding lancets to be honest, i have been in pixel for 2.5 years , since 2.5 years, about two in a row, personally, i have never encountered lancets, we know for sure and can see on the map what is flying over us from reconnaissance drones, that is, we too we can see the enemy like in the palm of our hands, to be honest, and he is us, so we try to disguise ourselves, and use technology to disguise ourselves as much as possible, in the context of the war itself, yes, i am talking about... drones, drones, kamikazes, in relation to lancets and so further, i say, i have not encountered in two years war with them frankly never at all, that is, we understand correctly, they have so many fp drones that this allows them, as they say, to fly away the battery on one and immediately launch the next one, that is, they percent, i say, they choose a spare target, if they
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fly over an intersection, no car has passed, they just fly there somewhere or to a landing where they assume our guys might be, yes they are, their number of drones allows them just one drone. destroyed, which really works for the best there batteries, well, 15-17 minutes and that's it, i take the maximum there, because it still carries some kind of charge, and as soon as this drone, which was circling, alternating, is destroyed, that is, it flies in one direction, it does not return , they have so many of them that they allow themselves not to return them, one drone landed there, broke off, immediately after it another rises, which circles over this very intersection and waits for some salt that it can hit, that is , it is not wrong, as it was three months ago, when their intelligence was flying, flying, something found some target and the drone flew, if it hits the target, they just circle them, that is , what is this if to understand how difficult it is to get to the position now, if a year ago there at 9 in the morning in the most bright daylight, our position was 800 m from the enemy and the car drove there freely, well, not at a speed of 40, let’s say they advanced so as not
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to hit it, they have nothing, but imagine the world day there at 9 in the morning, then the situation changed to the fact that cars began to drive only on the gray road ko... when it's dark in the gray time day, then today even at night their drones and our drones allow us to see each other, i say, and even fpb drones are also constantly circling with their vision. and what has changed in this section of the front after a week, the week continues, er, in the liberation of the kurdish people's republic, is our svo there in the north, they dropped something, they say from the kherson direction, from kharkiv, in your section of the front, or something? it changed in a week, look, maybe they threw something over there from some areas of the front, but i will tell you frankly, from the point of view of the personnel of the number of shelling and the number of the same turnips that we are talking about with you, i can say that for sure nothing less has happened in our direction, ugh, and the weather is now
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getting hot again , in general, from the point of view of the additional load, i’m still hot, well, i’ll tell you frankly from... yesterday it started like that, it got a little hotter, but you understand, right away, let’s say, the medal can be considered from two sides, it’s hot, but it’s perfect weather and for us, for the work of our fpvs drones, because not even from the point of view of degrees, but from the point of view of windiness, cloudiness and so on, that is, yes, it is hot, but it is as clear as possible, and this allows you to fly a little further and hit a little more accurately, and has the situation with your security changed from the ministry of defense rebami, and it's difficult for me to answer your question, i think you understand why, well , let's do it, i won't say that... there is nothing there and nothing is coming, but i can tell you that 90% of those rebs who standing now on our
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cars, which are driving us to the position, that's all or dues, which thanks to you we collect money, or by salary, at the end of the salary, the guys gather, there is no need to rush, because you can wait for a very long time, you can go to the position once a day to work, and it is just the extreme rate of the supreme commander, he said that including the question was considered. rebs, i think maybe something has changed, look, well, i just don’t want to put the responsibility there, you understand on the scale of the entire front what it means to provide for all rebs, this is a figure even, it is a bigger figure than paying a month’s salary to all the army, which is next in line in the amount of this monetary provision there, is 100,000, because a normal rap, which will muffle the banners that fly on our cars, its cost will be about 200,000, imagine the sables of the front provide this... immediately, of course, we would like it to be, of course, we think we are waiting, but when you know that your life will be threatened by
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the security tomorrow on outings, well, let's put it this way, you take that money out of your pocket, from your own salary, dropped in the vault, put , equipped the car with brakes, ugh, 200,000 uah, that's what you mean, listen, i'm telling you this very conditionally, because for example, the system of the guys that we installed on our car, we spent 260 on it, i know guys 150 each buy some equipment, but here you understand, the story seems to be that you already want to put the rap not for a tick, but so that he, let's say, plants the drones that fly in our country, and the rap that plants drones too, they are just for a tick is on the car, it costs more than 200 thousand, thank you, mr. yevgeny, thank you for your service, yevhen yevliv, a fighter of the armed forces of ukraine with the call sign sheikh, was in touch with us, they talked about the horliv direction, on which the russians have now also begun to advance. and i used the calculator for security, just such an interesting character who was for berkut and
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against the maidan, was detained for a bribe of 500,000, oleksandr hailov, 500 thousand dollars, these are 102 good people, about whom i just told us, and it was all for one autograph from the state-owned coal enterprise of the east to the state-owned coal enterprise of lviv. pools, listen, actually, it's very interesting here the history of these with the removal of enterprises directly, and that is, businesses from areas close to the occupied territories, and it is interesting why there is no state relocation program now and whether it is possible at all, because well, there from conditional myrnograd or pokrovsk, now it was from pokrovsk on whole apartments are taken away with beads, you can't predict there, can you? some kind of export of an entire enterprise, you see, there is very valuable and expensive
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equipment and it is simply within the limits of one state-owned enterprise to another, but the scheme was complicated and the autograph cost 102 rebs, i.e. $500,000. that's the story. serhii sgurets will join us soon, but after a short break, please wait. tired of the mess in the kitchen. you constantly have to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro kit. unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little space. and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even in the oven. made pans with a rack to damage to stainless steel. savory pro pans will serve you for many years. from now on, food heats up evenly, cooks quickly and does not burn, and how elegant they are,
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promised, serhiy from hurets , the director of the defense consulting company, will be added to our broadcast. express with us in communication, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers, mr. serhiy, we are now in the active phase, the fog of war, because if you look at the enemy, the enemy says, in some settlements of the kursk region, they managed to destroy the airborne troops and fight back positions, that's how they reported yesterday on this putin bid. on the pond, syrsky reported to zelensky about the offensive and control over 1000 km, in a word, the numbers no longer match, i am not talking about the fact that federal tv channels are talking about some large-scale losses, which are also not correlate even with their previous reports, what is the size of the landing groups,
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in a word, the fog of war has begun, how now with all these contradictions... are we given data and numbers? well, actually, when we try to comment on the little things, we can't see the forest for the trees. now we are talking about the fact that a week has passed, as the ukrainian armed forces, finally it is recognized that it is the ukrainian armed forces, although there was no doubt about it, they are conducting an offensive operation, which is extremely effective, this operation, in my opinion, is being conducted on .. uh, the concept of the so-called operational mobile group, these groups were one of the effective offensive tactics of the soviet army against germany, then the russian army forgot this and the theory, but we can see that now our syrskyi command knows the history of the second world war well and imposed
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this is a solution to the technological achievements of the modern... technological world, so now we have that in a week of hostilities , the ukrainian army has secured control there within 1000 km, by the way, this is much more, if we take into account our offensive actions on south, then it was about 230 km when we repelled the enemy’s defenses, now we are talking about 100 km and now the offensive is developing... in four directions, two directions are so deep into the enemy’s territory, these are lgov and kursk, and two directions that provide flank expansion. of this control bridgehead, it is just to the west, we are talking about rylsk, where the fighting near koronevo and the right flank is all that
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is east of suzha, there are precisely the combats 30 km from suzha, where our fourth armored personnel carriers were operating , there will be such difficult battles, and now we are talking about what is happening, first of all, and further, the advance in the direction of kursk. rylsk and the expansion of the flank east of suja and then the use of the second echelons, which are fixed at certain areas, which are the most effective for defense. the adversary is trying to bring up reserves, they are really throwing reserves, but these reserves are being destroyed in ambushes, as it was, in particular with the attack on the russian column near rylsk, haimar themselves, and here is an important point, i am waiting for more confirmations of use. on this one, on that one bridgehead, because we know that this operation was planned by the ukrainian side in secret, our western partners then accepted that it
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was all okay, the defending country can act as it sees fit, but so far there has only been one such case the use of haimars in the area where at least 300 russian soldiers were destroyed, yesterday we saw that zelensky sets the task of getting a moderate from partners to... on the use of atakams, i think, all the arguments are interconnected, because if there will be further confirmations of the use of american weapons, this will significantly simplify the conduct of this operation, which is carried out by the armed forces today. the operation is well planned, it is supported by reb means, artillery, ranger units, airborne assault brigades, all this, in principle, will be well analyzed one day, as well... the use of new solutions using the experience of the second world war to break through the enemy's defenses, and what are the prospects, mr. serhiu, what are the prospects that there will be a permit right now, because he
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needed, as they say, for yesterday, we got confused, for example, the telegraph says that britain is against the use of stormshadow on the territory of the kursk region, and even before that, the same newly elected british prime minister said that there are no objections that... use, let's not mention it, now we have what we need now hymers, atekams, we need artillery ammunition, and literally on the second day when the operation began, on the third day, the americans announced another package, there was a significant number of artillery shells , which provide remote mining, there were munitions for heimers, i am now most interested in the position of the americans and precisely their decision on the tekam, why is takamsya important, now relatively speaking, the effectiveness of... aviation has decreased in many directions, but even in the kurdish direction they cannot to be used, because we are advancing quickly, there is nowhere to actually aim, except for
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their villages, which they actually do, they destroy their cities, but at a certain stage the situation may change and it is necessary now, conditionally speaking, to make it impossible to use the enemy's aircraft at those airports that can receive su-34s, we saw strikes on airports literally. there on the sixth with our drones, when they talked about areas of russian positions with airfields adjacent to this zone, now the attacks need it in order to minimize the use of enemy aircraft, and in principle now, as i think, all these risks, even if there will be no attacks of kams and so on, everything is the same, this breakthrough is now up to kursk, there is up to lhov, it is going optimistically now. indicators, but moderately optimistic indicators are that we can then pull back to the line, conditionally speaking, there is rilks, suja, and
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actually this section of the border, it is quite acceptable for holding, because there is good logistics of funds, and secondly, there is a relief, rivers on the left and right and the limited number of roads make it difficult for the enemy to introduce any actions there to squeeze out our armed forces, only more so than yesterday. the counterterrorist operation on the territory of the russian federation is entrusted to bortnikov, fsb officer bortnikov, and this is actually quite good, because there will be problems with coordination, because the ephesbeshniks are not capable of conducting such operations, if gerasimo is in the background, so to speak, other fsb will not be able to establish effective coordination of army units, it will play into our hands. mr. serhiy, the experience of chechen companies shows that if fsb officers are there, they will earn well. and this is what their mission has always been, and i want to return to what was already analyzed by defense express, maybe share with our viewers what the russians were showing, some
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new jet in... strike drone, what can it do and how many of them are there? oh , well, in fact, we at siteexpress are forced to react to various such conditional novelties that appear from the enemy, because it is simply necessary to track them in order to be informed, but now all these army 24 eyes, these russian propaganda forums have on the purpose is only to show how, to be honest, fake weapons look to me, because this is a sample of new ones. unmanned complex that can carry the kh31 missile there, in fact, it is a modification of the soviet missile launcher there, a bodyless missile system of the strizh type, which actually, well, it still needs to be significantly improved, and we have a situation where the russians have a bunch of other unfinished models, we remember this unmanned system called the hunter, which was supposed to work there
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with a fighter the su-57 de... the hunters that they talked about for a long time promoted it, even took it into the air, now we are talking about some samples where the soviet experience should be refined and used on the line of defense, most likely it is primarily a propaganda fake or more eyes are different russian manufacturers are now trying to take part in such a massive waste of russian money, which is now primarily directed to defense needs and where any crazy idea can now be supported by the russians. which are now directed at this particular area of ​​the russian defense industry, creating risks for the russian economy in general, so in any case, when you see information about some new wonder weapon of the russian federation, remember this, now the potential of russia is such that they they are trying to buy russian iranian ones the missiles we talked about yesterday are being used by iranian drones and north korean missiles, and of course they simply won't be able to do something of their own quickly, but
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they are trying to do propaganda work... mr. sergey, in the end we still have, literally, a few minutes to let me ask you, we just spoke with a fighter, a fighter from the horliv direction, and we asked him about the situation near new york, in particular, and he says that sometimes it makes no sense to hold on to positions because the russians are breaking up the area so much , which is there, that well, there is simply nothing to cling to, not a single tree of any kind that you can. to hide and there is not a single safe dugout, but how can you counteract such actions of the enemy? well , in fact, i will say that now the enemy’s eyes are used as the main element when the enemy’s infantry does not pass, then the eyes are used to destroy any structures, fortifications that our soldiers receive, and the issue of fighting with eyes
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is theoretical now... is being developed to the stage when our f-16s will be able to drive these su-34s away of our border, at the current stage there are only options for the so-called mobile defense there, which are based on the redeployment of units, on other tactical techniques, which i think our military knows well, but in any case, at the current stage , the enemy really has an advantage in aviation, he uses this , but in general, if we even look now at... sections of the front and in the turkish direction, in the pokrov direction, against the background of these hostilities, against the background of the kurshchyna, in fact, i see that there is a certain slowing down of the enemy's advance, because these tactical goals that they set there and in the turkish direction and on pokrovsky, even with the advantage in manpower, are actually being realized quite slowly now, and this suggests that our headquarters correctly balanced the forces with the kurdish operation, you... serhiy sgorets, director
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of the information and consulting company defense express, 9 o'clock is approaching, it is the time of a minute of silence in memory of all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence died in the war started by russia.


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