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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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yulia paevska, the founder of the yangola taira unit, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned, and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news. of sports news: two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we are coming back, thank you cheesepresso, don't forget to donate as soon as you see the qr code, and in the meantime, we know a little more from the belarusian
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public figure and leader of belarus 2.0 , we are doing together serhiy bulba in connection with our studio, mr. serhiy, congratulations, good afternoon, congratulations, yes, but we can't hear you, we see, maybe something with the sound, mr. sergey, i can hear you well, you probably didn't turn on the microphone, that's all. yes, mr. sergey, let's start with, probably, with the fact that the belarusian gang confirmed what was already obvious to ukraine, namely that lukashenka's sick fantasy and his ability to lie proudly and loudly, no drone attack, there was no drone attack in the airspace of belarus, moreover, nothing ...
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rose and did not fire back, it is easy to establish with the help of intelligence tools now, why lukashenko once again lies in style, and now i will show where from ukraine, from four directions, the blow should have come, why this lie? lukashenka's problem and his recent one the trip to putin ended for... for him not in the best way, that is, putin does not approve of his next presidential term, and now lukashenko is looking for options in which way he can show putin that he is needed by putin, from here all these questions grow, uh, in this case, what do you mean that it was not quite... a successful meeting with
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putin, that lukashenko failed and what did he want? he also wanted to receive... political support from russia for the next term, for the next elections, although in belarus it has been a long time they understand that since 2010, lukashenko has never won an election, he nominates himself, that is, he expected primarily financial, but also political support from russia. in fact, the economic project of the belarusian miracle, this miracle. this project turned out to be unworkable, and therefore without russian financial support, lukashenko will stretch his legs, and these are the main two reasons why lukashenko began to talk about some actions
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of ukrainian drones on belarusian territory, as well as russian back channels. accused him that he also supported the entry of ukrainian troops into the territory of kursk, which lukashenko allegedly withdrew his troops, and this gave ukraine the opportunity for ukrainian northern troops to redeploy in other directions, but look, belarus... the ministry of defense constantly stated that ukraine keeps approximately 120 thousand troops in the territory near belarus, of course it was a lie, it is illogical. look, let's stop now, the ukrainian part
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of poland is a big, big minefield, and in this case, mr. serhiy, this statement. about the fact that some drones ukrainians are flying in, that is, this lie, it helps lukashenka to defend himself from accusations of russian propaganda, it gave him something, whose statements open the way for him to the money that he begged from the kremlin. he hopes that putin will really listen to him, that he will see that lukashenko is also patient, he kept saying that... but everyone understands that the west is not going to attack anywhere, but he hopes to show that ukraine is constantly in danger, and only thanks to lukashenka, ukraine has not yet attacked
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belarus, so this is purely a story for putin. an old fairy tale, in this case, how this bow system looks in general in belarus. as of today, because if he wasn't afraid, he wouldn't have initiated the bill, that security guarantees for him and his family, even after he ceases to be the president, that is, he is afraid of something, that is, the special forces that control his son, the fact that suddenly on command from moscow, or the military or the kgb, can suddenly... carry out an order against lukashenka, not lukashenka's order, no longer guarantees putin's security. yes, forces power structures is a big problem. moscow generally appoints its people as it deems necessary, and for example, the fact that a month ago such
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a rather intelligent belarusian was removed from the post of head of the general staff and appointed in his place. who claims that belarus has the right to develop the suval corridor, no one knows why, but he declares that he is ready to lead this movement, that is, as of today, the top of belarusian structures, it is more pro-russian, and for lukashenka. remains the ministry of foreign affairs, and even after after the death of makei, who left this world under unknown circumstances a year and a half ago, and
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now they continue to deal with his affairs, this is to establish relations with the west and lobby lukashenko, but with... all these actions of the ministry of foreign affairs, they are leveled by the actions of the ministry of internal affairs affairs, for example, about 5 months ago... when lukashenko visited pidnen, when he spoke directly with chinese representatives, we expected that after that a thaw should take place, and there were talks that there would be an amnesty, but what the problem is that since 2020, after the protests against lukashenko...
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but there are versions that a lot of people spend on political articles, and when the conversation about amnesty, which is needed, came up. lukashenko in order to show the west that he began to turn towards the west, but the ministry of internal affairs completely blocked these attempts, it said that they will release those who came for economic reasons, but we will not release political prisoners, and these conversations between these two ministries, it always exists. looks enough in bipolar, such a bipolar girl, we give signals to
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the west by going to the communists in china, but at the same time, you expect something, that is, if lukashenka managed to change, well, excuse me for such a no, undiplomatic word, krisha, i.e. get out from under the kremlin and climb under the communist party of china, would it change anything? in lukashenko's understanding, yes, he chose china as a strategic partner a long time ago, and we really have signed a strategic partnership with china, moreover, i don't know what information they use, but they see that china should become one of the dominant countries. and he even sent his beloved son to study in china. it is with this side that he connects his future, he is very interested in this conditional visa, tehran,
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moscow and crimea, and he believes that these countries will become the moderators of the new world, where the united states will disappear, well, he understands that he has no chance to cooperate normally with them, from that side he sees sanctions and demands. we have one more moment, just actually, based on that, folk wisdom, to want that he wants, but who will give it to him, let's imagine that the next visits will be more effective, and let's say minsk-beijing can draw. for some reason, we know that the communists know how to plan, they have a lot of money, they can
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send labor migration to half of belarus to build something, as they do in africa, and in this case, what will they do with lukashenko, the cooperative the lake of putin's chekists, that is, they will let him go to china or liquidate him? do you understand it for the first time? he is primarily interested in the preservation of external belarus sells external sovereignty, in recent years he has been preparing for the cream scenario so that he will take all the necessary actions, but in beijing now he is begging beijing to step in and stop. deepening of belarus into russia. this is such a long strategy. good. mr.
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serhiu. thank you for sharing the view from belarus with our viewers. serhiy bulba, belarusian public figure and head of belarus 2.0. let's do it together. meanwhile, we can look at the same border line only from our side. contact us spokesman of the state border service of ukraine andrii demchenko. mr. andriy, glory to ukraine. glory, well, of course, in the kursk special operation of the armed forces of ukraine, the accused lukashenko was executed by russian propaganda, potatoes. the führer, self-proclaimed lukashenko, was very psychotic and invented these ukrainian drones, which he belligerently shot down there, which were not there, and then said all tanks to the belarusian border, ukraine wants to attack again, well, this is the information we just heard from our guest , and from our side,
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what does the ukrainian-belarusian border look like and what we can see, as they say from the sky, looking... behind the border line, well, let's talk not only about this moment, but in general during the war, then they see ukrainian explosives, then they see some saboteurs, then they see weapons, that is going from ukraine to belarus, the situation is being instigated, because we are moving some forces to the border with belarus, they themselves are instigating at first, then they remove the same situation, because everything seems to be calm, and so with such an enviable rule.' all this is happening, now another wave of pressure in the direction the border with ukraine, attempts to shift the responsibility to our state, well, this is no longer news, how belarus acts, being under the influence of a terrorist country, most likely russia is also putting so much pressure on lukashenka and
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on belarus, in general, so that it is possible for them to keep it like this all the time. .. informational, in the informational field, the situation, or maybe they are even being pressured to join the war that the terrorist country has unleashed against our state on a larger scale, but with regard to this situation in general, of course, i cannot rule out that in order to create even such a picture as was spread by the ministry of defense of belarus, they still carry out the movement of certain of their units, perhaps in a small number, but everything... this is happening deep in the territory of belarus, because near our border, there in the maximum proximity, we are not we record neither the movement of equipment nor personnel from any units of the army of belarus, as before in the direction of the ukrainian border, but again, at a certain distance from the border, belarus keeps certain of its forces, as
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back in the 22nd year, they noted that in order to... pour this direction, and actually this situation remains unchanged, during the previous round, when they saw a risk from the direction of ukraine, under this noise, they even made a rotation, well, most likely , everything was planned for rotation, but they made more of such an informational influence, again shifting the responsibility to our state, huh. but in spite of everything, i will note once again that this direction for us in general remains threatening. we remember how belarus opened its border for of russian troops, we also see the current rhetoric, the constant rhetoric of belarus, so while it will be under the influence of russia, while this direction will of course be extremely important for us
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in order to strengthen the line as much as possible. and the border, so that our guys from all components of the defense forces, that is, border guards, the armed forces, and the national guard, have all the opportunities to repel any attack, if it happens again from the territory of belarus. mr. andriy, and, as they say, and forests, and swamps, and lakes, and minefields on on our side, in this direction of volyn , we are keeping our fists, and if we move along the border, it has disappeared, one section of the border has disappeared, i mean where kurshchyna, the border has not disappeared anywhere, we continue to hold it, that is, there are border guards despite the fact that the troops have moved on, yes, well, actually, we don't need foreign territory, we
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need to strengthen our positions, and this is a good opportunity to continue to build up for the future, everything is not... necessary so that no occupier can enter our land, why am i asking this, because our defender is also a people's defender mp roman kostenko says he apologized to stefanchuk, went on an international business trip, well, he probably didn't stamp his passport when he crossed the destroyed letters of the russian federation, you probably saw his video post, in this case, all checkpoints were closed by government decision since 22 of the year, that is why the crossing operations are classic there... the uniform is not carried out, well, he bypassed them, but there exactly on this part of the border, which interested us, because they say that very powerful tiktok troops were sitting there, akhmat sila, kadyrov a grave and... they shout that they are sitting on the border, the cunning ukrainians took them, went around from the right, from the left and they did not notice them, did they see the chechens somewhere on the line of the russian-ukrainian border?
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well, actually, if we talk about the protection of the border line, then we did not record representatives of akhmat even before, maybe they were somewhere deep there, all the work was done by others. russian military, there is another border line that the russians broke through, and here is what the border guards in the kharkiv region are recording now, what is happening there now, we have from kharkiv itself information that the number of shelling and shelling has decreased sharply, but at the same time there is intelligence data about some kind of rotation that is taking place in the kharkiv section of the front, well in the direction of lyptsi and in the direction of... vovchanska, the enemy does not stop its actions, but those forces that
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has been used by the enemy for a long time, since may, of course, they are losing their combat effectiveness, and the enemy has to constantly replace them or replenish them with additional resources, both in equipment and in personnel. as for shelling, it is possible in the kharkiv region the number of shelling specifically with the use of aviation decreased somewhat, in general , the number of shellings, if we take kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, and chernihiv oblast, slightly, slightly, but increased, and if we analyze the sumy-sumy direction separately, the enemy there recently has been on the contrary increased the use of aviation in order to fire at the border of ukraine. well , we see that the enemy is actually hitting populated areas with such precision, because of which peaceful people are suffering, infrastructure is being destroyed, there are deaths
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and injuries of ukrainian citizens, in fact the enemy is fighting with civilians and does not want to fight with the ukrainian army, we have half a minute, i see the border guards are saying that our actions have posted a certain video in the srebyan forestry, this is the eastern front. there , the border guards are also pouring in the enemy, what kind of post is this, a fairly serious telegram channel explains it, well, actually , the border guards are an integral part of the defense forces, and we are not only on the front line, oh, on the border line, but also on the front line directly also, our at our border detachment brigade-type revenge actively fights both in the direction, and in the liman direction, and in kramatorsk. direction and quite powerfully, armed with artillery and all types of unmanned aerial vehicles, both reconnaissance and strike,
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they pour the enemy very well, the guys have been on the front line for a long time and perform the tasks assigned to them by the military leadership in those directions, where it is necessary to defend and hold positions, and i will note once again that... the work of the revenge brigade is quite powerful, and the enemy feels it well. mr. andriy, thank you for updating the information for espresso viewers, andriy demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine. this is how we had the opportunity, at least on this belarusian-ukrainian border , to see the situation from belarus and from ukraine, for which we are grateful to our guests. and we will be grateful to you for donating this qr-code for three brigades on fp drona and reb. now let's take a short break, after which the espresso team with the latest news, don't miss it, there will be more, tired of the mess in the kitchen,
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