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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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really pass, as our first president said, the krapelek bridge, and now what is in drops, it is , respectively, beijing and the countries of the west, well, and moscow, he is trying to balance, why beijing, i will remind the position of the prc, which considers belarus its outpost for the future promotion on the european continent. belarus is in the zone of military and political influence of the people's republic of china. remember, ms. khrystyna, it is not accidental after. conducting joint chinese-belarusian exercises, the issue of tension on the ukrainian-belarusian border, it disappeared a priori, precisely the position the prc was the key, and russia can make any claims to the belarusian leader, but in my opinion, he is not the subject of decision-making, the decision will largely depend on the official policy position of the prc, and now let's recall the statement of the prc regarding the events. to the kurdish people's republic, you
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were not surprised, quite a calm and balanced tone, do not try to escalate, but less so we state the fact, this is the answer, that is, everything in this situation will depend on comrade xi's position, and comrade xi is not interested, accordingly, in the sweep of the russian federation, he does not need it, he will weaken it in any way, and by the way, khrystyna, will you remember that literally the other day there is a message that the russian side is experiencing problems at the time of mutual settlements with chinese partners, and more moreover, since july 1, it is for the benefit of the idiot military experts who spread the thesis that the prc provides military technology, the prc has introduced, in fact, put an iron barrier at the moment of further transfer of dual purpose goods to the russian federation. sir
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dmitry, i am very grateful to you for joining the new week on espresso. dmytro snigiriv, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative right, was in touch with us. well, now we have the opportunity to include in the conversation roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. mr. roman, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. a few questions if i may. and i understand that most likely this opportunity may be limited in time. so, kurshchyna, it is she that we are discussing now. for the first time, the russians recognize the fact of losing control over significant territories, namely in the kursk region. this was reported by the local governor. a few moments to listen to direct speech. please. today , 28.40 km are under enemy control.
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28 settlements are located in this zone, that's about 2 thousand people, whose fate we do not know. at the same time, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, in the telegram channel, actually also admits that it is now about kursk oblast of russia. about the work of the defense forces right here. in addition, he instructed the minister of internal affairs and other government officials of the security service of ukraine to prepare a humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation. well, the maps are opening up a little bit, and mr. roman, what is really happening in kursk oblast now, to what extent it has a deep military-political aspect. well, i think, here already, let's say so, if we are talking in general.
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the defense forces of ukraine are conducting an offensive operation to capture the russians territories, which, let's say, have several goals from my point of view, the first is the withdrawal of russian forces from hotter directions, from active directions, where the russians are pressing us, this is a question of intercepting the initiative, with the forces we are working with here, intercepting , it was only possible to seize the initiative here, and our military leadership did it, well, you see, on the third day, your exchange fund really increased quite a lot with the kadyrovs, and there are many conscripts, and there are officers, so this is also an important story, let’s go on, well let's say moral and psychological state, i will say, the fighters who are here, they are... in such a high
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mood, and they leave, realizing that they are doing an important thing and bringing our victory closer, so many aspects, well, i say that on you can see the level... of our international partners and inside the country, this is a serious operation, which, both from a moral and psychological point of view, and from a political point of view, has very important , important consequences. mr. roman, as a people's deputy, how do you assess the risks and advantages, let's talk, yes, of the political aspect of what is happening on kurshchyna, because, if we talk about internationally recognized borders and international law, then definitely russia... this is a country that spoiled this history not in 2024 22, but much earlier and not even in ukraine. on the other hand, we position ourselves as a country that adheres to relevant international norms, and on the other hand, we see that for a long time our partners resisted and did not
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want to give us permission to use certain weapons. now they are already talking about additional leopards in the direction, seeing that the defense forces are capable of success. directly on the territory of russia, what has changed? well, i think that we finally understood that only by pursuing our national interests and doing everything for victory, not only on the territory of ukraine, but also outside it, we saw that before this gur had started to do this, now the defense forces have already moved to do it, we must do everything so that our victory is approaching. we are very grateful to our partners, we listen to... their advice, but we do what is in our interests, i say once again, it was difficult for that team, and they even work here, to seize the initiative, for example, on pokrovsk, or, for example, near kupliansk, but here in this direction we, the enemy, imposed our actions, the enemy now has
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to do something, we must not forget, we still have thousands of kilometers of border, where we can conduct the same actions, and the enemy needs to consolidate them, well, or mobilization. conduct, or withdraw all of your troops completely from the active areas and deploy them along all the thousands of kilometers of the border, so let's say, here we see that this will have serious consequences, including for the defense of our country, how will it be further, i will say, even if there is, i just don't know what the future plans are, or i won't say what the future plans are, there may be several options depending on the enemy's actions, what he will impose, how he will react to it, but even if the forces the defenses there... the decision will be taken by example, after all, this operation has already played both its historical role and from the point of view of showing that we are ready to go to any lengths to liberate our territory, it was very right to go, show that we are ready to go red eyes lines that, as it were, someone
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drew for us, and now in fact even there, not having super-large reserves there at the moment, russia will understand that their thousands of kilometers of the border are not protected. or protected only by border guards and military personnel, they are in great danger, at any moment it can happen in any direction, especially since we have already shown that we can covertly bring our troops to the borders. in principle, ukraine recently received the possibility of reinforcement in the sky by aviation, can we to say that it can work precisely in this operational direction? well, it will depend on the team's decision. mr. roman, a few more questions, belarus, our border with this country, in principle certain movements are recorded, i don't know how convincing they are in
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a military sense, do you think this is a real threat or a bluff and an attempt to somehow maneuver now? i think this... intelligence should first of all explain whether this is a bluff or not, and we should perceive it as a real threat, because we have already seen that the russian federation is coming at us from the territory of belarus spent its troops, so it can be said that russia cannot use the forces of belarus, especially those that are part of the csto. of course, few believe in it, but we should be ready for it. ugh, actually what lukashenko said, he doesn't understand why... it's all about ukraine, but he gives instructions to strengthen the grouping of troops in the gomel and mozar tactical directions, let's listen briefly. why is this in ukraine, i don't understand, we have to figure it out, but, as i said, we clearly conveyed to them
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the information that any provocations are not will remain without our answer, so the ministry of defense and the general staff of belarus should take operations in the international media, sometimes authoritative media, we understand certain reservations that there may be, but some of them believe that ukraine is going to waste money, and this decision of the military-political leadership of our country is the most risky in the given circumstances, if we talk about we understand that there is a war, if we talk about the worst case scenario, how can it affect us? well, to be honest, i don't see anything wrong with it
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there is a strong response there, the fact that i communicate with my acquaintances there, they are delighted with that, because you can see that this was the background recently, that it seems that ukraine is losing, that somewhere ukraine is moving eastward, somewhere we have left the box there , that is, ordinary people, there who are not involved in the war, or there abroad, for them, even the fact that we , while leaving, inflict a great defeat. to the enemy, for them it looks like, well, logically, we leave, which means we will lose, and this was the background, discrediting began of the military leadership, and this fund was pumped up, including the russian ipso, which picked up everything, and this operation, i will tell you, even talking to the soldiers, they are now on the rise, we see how even in the information field, trust in the forces has risen of defense and in general to our army, and the fact that our partners, they are also watching in the majority, maybe someone there... you are right, somehow evaluates in their own way, but this operation has already had a great effect, once again,
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it is important of course, bringing it to its logical end is very important, it has, let's say, the effect - the end of the operation, which was conceived, is to prevent the enemy from entering, because we are in a threatening direction, on the right, on the left, we must hold the flanks clearly, to prevent the enemy from breaking through there, or for him to close a ring there, all this must be done militarily, but strategically... from my point of view, this operation already has an effect and helps us in all directions, not only here in kurshchyna. ugh. well , putin is actually introducing a counterterrorist operation regime in the regions bordering ukraine, which means that refueling in these regions will already have full rights representatives of the federal security service. this russian special service. actually, what is your impression of the actually russian visavi.
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the russian service, well, the federal security service , it is really capable on a large scale, we should not underestimate the enemy, looking at who we are talking about, now there is a story that the defense forces of ukraine have captured many fesshniks, well, in fact, they are border guards it is madmen, because they are part of the fsb, and well, we cannot underestimate the enemy, the fsb is a strong enough structure, we have to to count and definitely not engage in hat -throwing, we need to always be ready for the fact that, say, the fsb can conduct its operations there and react quite seriously to one or another of our, well, our conducted operations, so here is our security service of ukraine, which is also here now in... in kurshchyna and sumyshchyna works quite well and
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also together with the armed forces helps, let's say, helps our armed forces advance, and i understand that they are preparing a humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation on the instructions of the president , this is exactly what he wrote about, well, the president, i think, should have given an order to hold a referendum, but why not, many people here speak ukrainian, that is... is it true, is it true that the villages of kurshchyna speak ukrainian, because a lot, i personally did not hear, but i personally simply did not hear, but many fighters with whom i communicate really say that they speak ukrainian, especially those who are older, those who are still russians, let's say so, no , no, they did not have time to break down, ugh, what does the communication of the ukrainian troops look like with the local ones remained, and ukrainians are always decent. this is definitely the case, but how do you, how do they react, are they afraid, i don’t know, they
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live in propaganda all their lives, i think that let’s say it like this, i didn’t contact them, let’s say it like that, let’s say it, yes, maybe colleagues share, you understand, but mr. roman, another important point, when we talk about the kurshchyna operation, many people quite ambitiously mention the energy facilities located there, i am not talking about gas, i am talking about... a nuclear power plant . what happened literally yesterday at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant when again the president announced that from nikopol we are recording and seeing the fire at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. in your opinion, these things are connected with each other, that is, a russian provocation, it is, in principle, placed in the context of our actions in the kursk region, the fact of the matter is that i am right here on, let's say, in the northern direction, and this situation heard so, from the mass
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media, and simply, what can i say now, without analyzing, without having time to analyze there or talk with... the letters, then i think that the russians could have provoked, hinting at something that we will have an accident there or something, because we understand that putin is a person who is now trying to threaten everyone since the beginning of the war, he threatened, he tried to hint at something, but the defense forces are doing their thing, well, somehow i don’t know, we need to talk to specialists so that the sump in which the cooling water is located starts to burn, well... it’s kind of hard to believe, but i think more specialists should be asked here, who exactly works with these atomic stations, can this happen. mr. roman, in context after all, globally, we do not understand that in the united states there is an election race, in europe there are challenges that are being overcome there with
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variable success, and here we see this large-scale operation, as far as it is able to influence. all the political processes and possibly the military traditions of at least our region are in sight, so i to what extent this operation can affect the political processes abroad, you mean, that's right, and the military traditions of our region, well, the military traditions , i hope that it will affect, and we will traditionally, yes, yes, to set a trend, let's say so, taking the initiative into our own hands, in relation to our partners, this is the task of our supreme commander-in-chief, the president, our ministry of foreign affairs, to convey our position correctly, to show once again that ukraine will to do everything, well within reasonable limits, of course, we
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are not talking about any crimes there now, but will do everything in order to win. liberate our territory, if for this it is necessary to attack russia, we have already shown that we we can do it, and i say this again, it opens, it opens a new page of this war, i think it is a very correct page, but once again , let's say it here without such a hat-blame, the main thing here is that the military now clearly understands what reserves they have, what resources do they have, convey it correctly to our partners, then understand what we do next, establish ourselves there, advance further, what objects are important for us to... establish, how do we go on the defensive or, i don't know, start attacking on the other hand, it is already a matter for the military, we, as, let's say, citizens, we we have to believe in them, support them and do everything so that they can do their job. mr. roman, thank you, thank you for this inclusion, i understand under what conditions, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary
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of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service. of ukraine joined the new week on espresso. thank you, and so, in principle, roman kostenko cannot yet name their disadvantages in the context of the operation in the intended direction, but we definitely understand that any offensive actions, they carry risks, loss of personnel, these are our people, these are ours, our gold. resource, and therefore, i am sure that there must be a competent approach with absolutely calculated all possibilities for the continuation of the situation in kursk oblast according to our scenario, and i would like to remind you that according to our scenario , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi gave an assignment to the ministry of internal affairs
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as a government official, the security service of ukraine to prepare a humanitarian plan for the territory of operations, that is. in stability humanitarian situation, which means that ours are there for a certain time, this is also a priority now, and i will remind you that today we are asking you about your, you know, feeling, possibilities, threats from belarus directly, and whether you consider an attack likely belarus to ukraine? if so, please call 0800 211-381, if you think it's not... maybe 0800-211382 please. all your calls will be free, but it is very important for us to understand what you think and how you feel in context. recent events well, just as important is how the world will react to the actions of the defense forces, i'm actually already
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lost in the definitions, i'm lost in the right way to call this operation, of course, we still don't have enough official and public data, we're on them we are waiting as soon as possible, i am sure that they will definitely tell us about it, just like that... and the difference, the figure recognized by the russian federation, they say that ours control 28 settlements of the kurp region. well, according to the data of our so far osinters, in particular the dibstate, there are already 44 settlements, you know, with a recorded the presence of the defense forces of ukraine. the flight is crazy, but the trend is clear, every day the number of settlements increases, where it is not that ours are recorded, but i definitely do not record... the russian military is sneaking in, because often everything looks to them, either to escape from these settlements, or to be captured . i am glad
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to add to our conversation now, our next guest, and it will be vitaly kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems. mr. vitaly, glad to see and hear, glory to ukraine. glory to you, i congratulate you, but i would like to say a few words about what is happening in the kursk region. returning again to the topic of internationally recognized borders, international law and us as a country that adheres to it, the creation of this situation in kursk oblast, can this not be used in the rhetoric of our detractors, not only the russian federation, in order to create an image of ukraine as a country , which violates the borders of another sovereign state, and there does not comply with various... norms for example and so on and can it work, because we see that the russians are already launching similar informational and psychological operations. well, we
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see the reaction of our western partners, first of all, the united states and some countries have already emphasized that ukraine has the right to carry out a defense operation, including on the territory of the enemy, and this is normal, accordingly, the war is going on. and we will use any means to knock out the territory of the enemy and by transferring military operations to the territory of the aggressor, this is the first thing, and secondly, putin himself fell into this trap, when the movement of borders is for him an instrumental thing, and not violated according to the helsinki documents, namely instrumental, i.e. he went for the annexation of crimea, he went for the annexation of donbas. and the fault of the occupied territories in the zaporozhye kherson region, because the actions on the territory of the donbass, in particular what is happening there, are no
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different according to the current russian legislation from military actions on the territory of kurshchyna, because the donetsk region or the luhansk region, according to of the russian constitution allegedly. of the russian federation, therefore there is no legal regime other than the implementation of a special military duty operation in donetsk, luhansk and kursk region, so they announced a terrorist operation there, even patoshev was appointed to coordinate this direction, but on the other hand , putin found passions, he has nothing to blame, this is a situation when russia itself violated international law in... it in fact withdrew, terminated its participation in the recognition of border documents, and now there is no non-moral right, and its appeals to
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international law are perceived as a fact, even by those who should supposedly listen to or be in solidarity with the russian federation, such as china, such countries do not express any particular reservations, realizing that putin has cornered himself. to fall thank you for this comment. in the meantime , a bipartisan delegation from the united states has arrived in kyiv, and the congressmen are calling for the lifting of restrictions on strikes by american weapons on the territory of the russian federation. i would like to quote linzi graham now. if we do everything right, other aggressors around the world will be less likely to invade their neighbor if we stand with ukraine and win. so the administration. remove restrictions and allow the use of weapons to deter invasion, while mr. blue mental observes that we cannot allow ukraine to fight with one hand behind their backs,
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giving them weapons and ... then telling them that they cannot use them like this necessary for victory. the whole world is watching, it has been so from the very beginning, the world is watching not only ukraine, but also the united states. and china is watching, and mr. kulyk noted this now, iran is watching, all our autocratic enemies are watching. in your opinion, the successes of the forces the defense of ukraine in the kursk region will make our partners even bolder, and ah... all taboos on the use of any types of weapons with reason and in compliance with the relevant norms will be removed. well, i would like that to happen, but unfortunately, there is an election campaign going on in the united states right now, and accordingly there is a violation of some balances, a violation of changing the status quo that currently exists, and we heard mr. kirby stating that the policy of the united states in relation to...
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ukraine's use of american weapons, no has changed, so to expect that now before the elections, washington, which somehow radically revises its decision on the use of long-range missiles or some new supernova weapons deep for strikes deep into russian territory, well, in my opinion , is unlikely, everything depends on the results of the elections, i.e. the situation is unlikely to change by november. unfortunately, mr. vitaly, as for the election race in the united states, we are also closely following it, because it is our direct interest. the latter are careful, i don't know how objective they are, but still the polls are saying kamala harris is even slightly ahead of donald trump, again, not sure how representative that is, but certain trends, it just captures what you're seeing and how are you
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feeling right now about this insanely intense race? i would be careful, like evaluating the results of sociological polls, because repeatedly with trump it played a role, especially during the first trump's first election, when trump won in the year 16, that's when sociology did not predict him to win right away, and this is because that sociology did not... record people who were ashamed to admit that they would vote for trump, that is, the sociological poll does not capture the votes of those who belong to the so -called deep people of the united states, to those rednecks who refuse to answer questionnaires , and mainstream companies do not see them, or
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they are invisible in them, and then... during the voting - this is such an unfortunate fact, when the polls do not match the result, but the situation is like this now, they talk about it and closed polls about the leaks that are leaked to the mass media from the headquarters indicate that the difference between the candidates, well, is quite conditional within the limits of sociological error, and there are really three main states, where are the so-called states, what is the weight. and victory in which victory is guaranteed in the race itself, they are now leaning towards supporting haris, but again, these are officially sociological indicators, we do not see the full depth of the measurement, we can only be guided by external markers so far, the difference between them is 3 % is less, and the field for any surprises, well, i would like
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to hear... joseph biden, a man who made an important decision to withdraw from the presidential race at a certain point, i will remind you that he had the opportunity to speak with cbs sunday morning reporters, and if as a result of this interview there is, in particular , an understanding of what made the current american president withdraw from the pre-election race. let's listen. polls showed that we were going stirrup to stirrup, the fight would continue to the last, but what happened here was that several of my colleagues the democrats in the house and senate decided that i could hurt them in their election, and i was concerned that if i stayed in the race, that would become their issue, and i thought that would be a distraction.
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well, actually, mr. kulyk.


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