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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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well, i would like to hear from joseph biden, a man who made an important decision to withdraw from the presidential race at a certain point, i will remind you that he had the opportunity to speak with cbs sunday morning reporters, and if the result of this interview is, in particular , the understanding that which forced the current american president to withdraw from the campaign. races, let's listen. the polls showed that we were going stirrup to stirrup, the fight would continue to the last, but what happened here is that several of my democratic colleagues in the house of representatives and the senate decided that i could hurt them in their election, and my concern was that if i stayed in the race, that would become their issue, and i decided that it would distract everyone.
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well, actually, mr. kulyk, the fact that joseph biden made a decision, and we know that there are trumpists in america, there are certainly those who are direct supporters of the current president joseph biden, i don't know how much it is, well, let's say this , a stratum of society with such a sectarian orientation, because this is what they sometimes say about people who perceive donald trump, but... however less, we understand that there are exclusively biden voters, or this decision of the current american president prompted them to cast their votes for kamala harris? i think that the voters, especially biden, they will be disciplined, and they are oriented towards the establishment party, so the election of the candidate harris is just the best option among the other candidates who was... the candidate does not participate and who
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would you vote for then, there is such a technique among sociologists, and this tool shows that harris is taking the votes of biden supporters, this is a large enough percentage, in fact, she channels in her favor people who were focused directly on the bai himself. but at the time of removing biden as a candidate for president, he was losing votes, those who hesitated, he was losing votes of the left, he was losing votes of centrists, and the decision was, in my opinion, fairly balanced, because in this way harris can win back the votes of those who split off, those who began to doubt, the votes of the left, and by the way, let me remind you that during the primaries... in some democratic voters
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refused to vote for biden because of his israel's position on the war against hamas, and the palestinian issue is quite important and hot for the left wing of the democratic party. haris, she is an anti-crisis candidate, and that's it. dissatisfaction with the policy of the white house regarding palestine, ukraine or any other issues there, global climate change, etc., which were raised, they charis is covered as an anti-crisis candidate, she acts as the lesser evil, as such a centrist center, sorry for the toftology, which actually returns the opportunity to defeat trump, and this is very important for democracy important, so voter... and mr. vitaly,
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thank you for briefly but already touching on the subject of the importance of the middle east, not only for the united states and its electoral processes, but also for the entire world, is this world located, by the way now awaiting a strike from iran on israel. i will remind you that in tehran , the leaders of hamas were liquidated and the appearance itself. it so happened that this proxy army of iran was disorganized and disoriented for a certain time, certainly the holy place there is never empty and new names are already appearing, by the way, which have involvement in the preparation of a terrorist attack in the eyes of this frenzied attack on october 7, but less with whether iran is now in a mode of preparation for an israeli revenge strike. well, the information
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is that within 12 hours, 24 hours, but we remember how iran carried it out, it was strikes by shaheds, strikes on infrastructure. on the part of hezbollah, there were the launch of missiles against the military infrastructure of israel in settlements, expect a transition to ground operations related to the operational corps and an increase in the number of sabotage it is unlikely that groups from iran, which fought for the territories of lebanon or syria, attacked israel. talking about the exchange of missile strikes and drones. in addition, in favor of such a hybrid response and lowering, let's say, some threshold of escalation, plays the president of iran, who is worried that
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a radical or violent attitude towards the khashtians can provoke a general escalation. the situation will lead to a great war in the great middle east, and here the new president, who belongs to the centrists, he is even called a liberal, the president of iran, although it is enough conditionally, since he is a representative of the theocratic regime, but this is a deterrent from some selective extraordinary swarms, but what is possible is recorded. missile attack, this possibility exists, moreover, iran has increased its military presence in lebanon, provided hezbollah weapons, we have seen how missiles are used by the houthis, missiles that can fly 1000 km, we see that actually soviet scuds are used
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by hezbollah, and this recycled scads of iran's tyranny, that is, they are not, trying to... maximally saturate the region with weapons and to use all possible proxies to launch strikes, so-called mosquito strikes on israel. of course, israel will respond. in the end, literally two or three minutes, mr. vitaly, so as not to stir up betrayal, let's say, but as it is, we have a scandal upon scandals in two, now strategically important ministers. for ukraine, the deputy minister of the ministry of energy was detained on suspicion of bribing one of the suppliers of the ministry of defense for 500,000 dollars , a full trunk of black cash was found, and for some reason such news does not become any kind of news for us
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rare, it is some kind of trend, it is the confidence that everything will be fine with ukraine, you can continue to steal, lack of self-preservation instinct, or simply our political one. tradition, i think it is the lack of self-preservation instinct for some officials, since corruption schemes, according to most investigators, live no more than one octalo, and then they are gone, they have to be reformatted, change the figures, start new ones on foot and build new schemes, that is, the schemes live in one quarter, then they become known. they are covered up or exposed by the investigators or covered up by the recruiting competent authorities, and those who are currently in power believe that they will slip into this narrow place and it will be possible to cut off an extra million dollars there through some corrupt means, although the name of the same
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alexander, the deputy minister of the energy industry, which was detained in the crimea, it sounded not the first year, starting. in the field of granting permits for coal mining activities in front-line mines, that is , all these stories were known, and only now a person was detained about the fact that the investigators wrote about the same schemes and called hela's last name, starting from... the 22nd year, well, in my opinion, this is simply a malfunction of our competent authorities. thank you, mr. vitaly, for this thorough conversation on the hottest topics right now. vitaly kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems, which connects everything to the new week on espresso project, and i
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remind you that this week and today we are asking you whether you think an attack by belarus on ukraine is likely, and interim results our survey look. as follows: 28% of respondents believe that yes, it is quite likely, and 72% believe that no, it cannot happen. in this sense , our respondents are now optimistic, there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in the pharmacies psylslynyk, bam and oskad. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfort. sleep for at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in
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independence day on baneocin 20% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl tablets, 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. television premiere. a film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on the espresso tv channel. big ether vasyl. winters, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what
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the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the live broadcast of espresso tv channel continues, it's a new week, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and this is the second part of our monday project. let me remind you that he is in common with andrii smoly, who will also appear on your screens any minute, and for now i will remind you that we are asking you today, do you think? probable attack of belarus on ukraine. if you think this is possible,
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please call 0800 211381. if you think it can't be, then 0800 211 382. again, all your calls are free, but it's extremely important to us to understand what your thoughts are. you are on this matter. well, i am glad to congratulate andriy smoliy, in connection with our kyiv studio, andriy. my friend, congratulations and glad to see and hear. congratulations, khrystyna, glad to see you, glad to see our tv viewers, our listeners, and already next monday. lok, i announce that i will be in studio and we will spend a new week together with you, analyze, discuss, talk and forecast, so let's start, i don't know, in fact, andrei, how restless you are now, when on the one hand you don't
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have the opportunity to be with our viewers on the air here in a full-fledged format, and on the other hand, yes... many different events are taking place, and these events are of a constructive nature for us and by no means constructive for the russian federation, which has shown itself to be an absolutely ineffective state in relation to in relation to, let's say, healthy, in a healthy sense, the protection of its sovereign territories, the internationally recognized borders of the russian federation, here it is that... every normal country should protect qualitatively, they are a complete failure, instead they climb and row someone else's roughly so, i see the situation that is currently taking place on the front line, which has grown a lot over the last week, and of course, this puts an additional burden on the defense forces of ukraine, but also one hundred percent diverts
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the reserves, resources, and attention of the russian federation to one more direction, which is from... kurshchyna, and perhaps these days we are not only observing the development of the situation in kurshchyna, the fact is that there are messages in belgorod oblast as well, they may also be present in one of the formats, we we do not know in which, the defense forces and representatives of the ukrainian army. so the first question for you is, how did you react in general, how do you see, how do you follow up at this stage. what is happening, it is a bit difficult for journalists, for me personally, to work with information now, because there is a lack of public information official information, but there are things that you just can't turn a blind eye to, i absolutely agree with you here that we really can't comment from a military point of view, from an expert point of view, about what
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's going on, first of all, because there is extremely little official information. more precisely, it is practically non-existent, and moreover, in the first days we learned about everything that was happening de facto from the russian mass media, from various russian telegram channels there, warlords, that is, we did not have enough information, but we understood that something something is happening, something is happening that russia does not like, that the occupiers do not like and that the kremlin does not like. that is why i am very cautious in general about the coverage of the events that are taking place in the kursk region of russia, precisely from the point of view that we cannot 100% follow where is the truth, where is not the truth, where is some kind of fiction, where is exaggeration , but we can comment on the political,
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geopolitical, possibly international legal aspect. what is happening, but what is happening in the kursk region, and what we now we see on our screens, it is primarily a geopolitical context, and it consists in the fact that russia and, accordingly, putin, the putinists, received an unexpected and very big geopolitical blow, because before ... it was believed that, yes, russia may not have achieved the strategic successes it was supposed to achieve according to its plan in 2022, that is, the actual occupation of most of the territories of ukraine, or the change, in fact, of the subjectivity of ukraine, yes, but less so, all combat operations
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before that took place on the territory of ukraine, happened in the east, happened in the south, they were determined, and, unfortunately... the letters still continue according to the open data that we have, but still it was discussed in the context of the fact that the war is taking place on the territory of ukraine, and here the geopolitical context is changing, and it is changing in such a way that the actual war begins to take place on the territory of russia, that is, well, again, if it is not a war, as they say, the territories are held by who, they use a lot of different definitions to avoid the word, words
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war, why do you think they are so afraid, even just, you know, of this rhetorical figure, the russian-speaking jaw now does not want to use it at all, but i am also surprised here, i expected to... even to some extent, that the reaction of the kremlin , russia's reaction will be tougher, that is , for some reason it seemed to me that after all, putin would, conditionally speaking, announce a general mobilization there, or at least another stage of partial mobilization, but really, and you emphasize this here, and many of our citizens also it says we see how russia is trying to avoid... in general , any explanation of what is happening there, how they are a large-scale provocation, they said, a counterterrorist operation, some kind of attack on
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the border, they downplay the number of occupied, allegedly from the point of view of russia , ukraine, again, allegedly on settlements, and here we come to that situation. that putin's regime is really trying to avoid the issue of war, trying to demonstrate that they have everything under control. i think that they understand perfectly well, the situation with the russian army is not as good as it is portrayed among the russian media and among russian officials. i think that there is, of course, partly a problem with z'. because even if you mobilize a large number of people, you need them, you need to provide them with something, and i think that they
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are afraid to demonstrate the actual fact that the war has moved to the territory of russia, and that the putin regime, in this case, in fact, well, if not strategically, then tactically these days. lost, and i think also strategically, there is a certain loss for putin, a loss for russia, though it is not yet completely obvious, although russia continues to fight on our territory, but it is a huge blow, so of course they react like this, i do not know how they will react further, of course, in theory, most likely what they will try to implement ... some measures, at least of a demonstrative nature, to hit ukraine. i think so, well
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, again, from the logic of the terrorists, from the logic of the kremlin killers, that they will need to interrupt this information in some way, so it is not excluded, of course, powerful missile strikes are not excluded, no any provocations are ruled out, by the way, one of the provocations yesterday was already... carried out at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, why was it carried out, because they drew a parallel between zas and between the kursk nuclear power plant, that is, informationally, they are already trying to do this in some way kill, ugh, and here is this supposedly russian power, where they said that if russia is attacked there, if even one soldier is there, as putin said... there and his eyes are all medvedevs, nightingales, will cross the border with russia, we are there, russia will stand up, chobit to chobat, and we will all go
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west there against these fascists, nazis, as they claimed, we see that this is the bubble of these claims, it burst, ugh, that is, even we expected that, well, somehow russia, who all the time...showed off her alleged power, again, she allegedly caught a lick here, because they never expected someone to come into their territory, again, why didn't they expect, they rather after all, even if it was thought that our troops could cross the border line, they were are convinced that the united states of america... that the european union, that in general our international partners will never allow this to happen, this was their, most likely, strategic
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opinion that we will not... never be allowed to cross the border and, relatively speaking , to occupy racist settlements, well, look, andriyu, this is actually here, i would like to figure it out, maybe now we can try to do it together, we understand the current state of international law, so the borders of states are generally recognized in the international sense, we understand that the russian federation has been plundering for decades in... all this, and now, well, it is just a rag on which russia has wiped its feet, but on the other hand, for the countries of the civilized world, internationally recognized borders, sovereign territory, the sovereignty of others countries, well, they remained important and inviolable rules, and now it turns out that, on the one hand, we are playing by the rules
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of the russian federation, the rules. hybridity, the hybridization of this conflict, and our defense forces do it perfectly, on the other hand, russia definitely believed that the western civilized the world that respects international law, which it has plundered, will not allow ukraine to cross the border, and the western world was very laconic in its reactions in the first days, and today, moreover, we see two people. well , the delegation of american senators in kyiv, who already openly say that it is necessary to persuade the white house administration to remove any restrictions on strikes on russian territories. we see how the germans in their respective defense committees say that we handed over our tanks to ukraine, from this moment on, they are ukrainian tanks, and ukraine will to use them as he sees fit is a complete change of rhetoric. we see that the world
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has somehow changed its own. approach, but don't we all fall, don't we all fall into a trap, where, well, let's say this, these borders that were defined after the second world war turn out to be, well, rather floating and vague. i now emphasize that i absolutely support and encourage, and i support on many levels, which i would not like to talk about on the air now, the actions of the defense forces of ukraine on... the territory of the russian federation, but not rather, it would be fair to talk about all the consequences now, absolutely all of them, even potentially negative ones, i think that the civilized world has long understood, at least in recent months, that international law is already trampled, that is, at least in to our part of the world, and i
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emphasize once again, i am more than ... the western world, the civilized world in particular, most likely gave its tacit or tacit consent to the actions that the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, are carrying out today. i don't believe that someone there didn't know about something. i think they knew, yes after all, listen, in today's world it is impossible not to know, there are satellites that show what is happening online 24/7. therefore it is impossible not to know, at least for those who have modern technology, that is why they most likely gave the go-ahead to forcing putin russia to, well, at least some kind of negotiations or peace, but in our country putin constantly forced everyone to peace , do you remember, in georgia , as in other countries, there is always a compulsion for peace, they called it,
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well... i believe that this is the answer somewhere it is roughly proportional, but the question is different, really, khrystyna raises an absolutely correct topic, and we must also see two sides of the coin, the other side of the coin, yes, it is that, relatively speaking, if it is an effective occupation from the point between the point again from the point of view of international law, not from the point of view of ukraine there, the armed forces of ukraine or our actions, but from the point of view of international... law, then this is one thing, and if it is, conditionally speaking, a temporary operation in order to make further occupation on the territory of ukraine, maybe it's a little bit, takes on a different context, i think it can be seen not as occupation, not as effective control, but most likely...


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