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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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martyna bohuslavets , the head of the mezh anti-corruption center, was with you the other day. well, we move on to the news and pass the floor to my colleague annieva melnyk, who is ready to share with us all the most important state of affairs at this moment. colleague, we pass the floor to you and please share what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, we, the news editorial team, will continue to work , we will tell you about the main things, in particular, how and what exactly donald trump mentioned about ukraine during the interview. elon musk. all the details are below. be with us. i'll start with this. the operation in kurshchyna helps the ukrainian military at the front in ukraine - said the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, george. he noted that
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the battles are necessary in order to distract russian forces from the offensive in donetsk region, as well as to complicate logistics for the occupiers. the ministry of foreign affairs says that ukraine is achieving the relevant goals and will continue its offensive. unlike russia , ukraine doesn't need anything else. ukraine is not interested in taking the territory of the kursk region there, but we want to to protect their lives. people are asked to exchange for azov prisoners of war captured by the 488th regiment of the russian army appealed to the dictator vladimir putin, a video with a statement of the occupiers was distributed by ukrainian defenders. the russians said that they were captured by the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, in their opinion, if they are exchanged for fighters of the azov brigade, then negotiations will take place in priority order, and they will be able to return home. donald trump blocked
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putin from invading ukraine, he mentioned this in an interview with elon musk, conversation took place on the x social network. the us presidential candidate stated that he had a good relationship with the head of the kremlin, and he dissuaded the dictator from invading. also, trump once again repeated that a full-scale war with russia would not have started if he was the head of the usa, saying that it was joe biden who provoked putin to attack ... the country, this allegedly happened because of the promise of ukraine's membership in nato. moldova denied the information about the intention to deploy f-16 aircraft for ukraine on its territory. earlier, on this occasion, the russian ministry of foreign affairs summoned the temporary attorney-in-fact of affairs of the embassy of moldova in moscow. the moldovan diplomatic service replied to the russian side that it receives information from fake news and... that
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the only country that illegally deploys troops and weapons on the territory of moldova without the consent of the authorities is russia itself. in the lviv region, the security service detained a 51-year-old businessman who helped men escape abroad. for his services, the organizer of the scheme took a round sum of 19,000 yen from each client, the press service of the sbu said. the criminal was detained for a bribe during search he was found with draft documents and more than $3,500 in cash, he has already been notified of suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine, namely illegal transportation of persons across the state border of ukraine. an investigation is also underway to identify and prosecute other possible participants in the illegal scheme. taxes were levied on entrepreneurs and robberies were organized.
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attacks, the security service neutralized a gang that terrorized residents of front-line donetsk region. a resident of kyiv turned out to be her shepherd with a criminal past, he and two henchmen planned to extort half a million dollars from the owner of a private clinic in kramatorsk, after which the man was going to be killed. bandits were arrested during an attempt to kidnap the victim near his house, they face up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. ukrainian traditions are reviving and becoming popular not only in ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. for the first time in israel, a master class was held on punching ancient techniques, creating prints on fabric using wooden stamps. the technique has long been famous on the territory of our country, but with the development of industrial production, it could have disappeared if it were not for the craftsmen who took care of it, but... now they are spreading
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knowledge all over the world. correspondent ulyana dryuchkova also attended the master class. in the ukrainian cultural center in tel aviv, from the morning it was like a beehive. even the threat of an iranian attack did not scare me to join the ukrainian cultural heritage, everyone is determined to distract themselves from the news a little and create, i knew absolutely nothing about the sample until the moment i came to the first i really liked the workshop after that, i did very well the first time, i was very surprised, because i and paints are incompatible, and i have never been good at drawing there. even more specially, and here from the first time i just started turning out very cool, very individual things, very very original, very beautiful. i worked as an animator for about five years, and we held master classes for children in large numbers and we also did the animation, and i love it very much, it
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decorates things so much, and makes them so authentic and gives a sense of belonging. first, a bit of history to better immerse yourself in the technique, to feel its roots, then to work. first, we try it on the fabric, it is applied, it is applied to the element with such wetting movements, as if you poke into it, you can’t use it like a brush, because it will give white lines in those places when it is punched, that is , it must be wetted if you apply a little too much, it will go beyond the elements, it will... run away and lose its texture, give too little, it will shine. paints, local israeli wooden stamps from ukraine, made by the hands of ukrainian masters. the process of framing clothes with a bump can last several minutes or several hours, it depends on the imagination of the participant, but two identical
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t-shirts, dresses or shirts, the organizers assure, are unlikely to work. sometimes it's very, very difficult and you don't know how to recover. for me, this is... one of the sources that i want to make my own, and use it, and do beauty, well, of course, of course, yellow-blue, and yellow-blue is just, well, no way without it, i even brought here's a shirt with two pockets i want make one, yellow on one pocket, blue on the other, and probably red and black. i imagined that there was something else, something difficult, that there must be, i don't know, someone there, that is, i was a little afraid, a little afraid, but i think, well, people go, they can, and what i can't, that is, i really thought , that it will be difficult, that it has to be done under some kind of press, or
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it is passed through something, through something hot, that is, i did not think that you just take the color, take the bump and just do it, in fact it is easier, than i thought and you you immerse yourself in this process of creativity, in its appearance in israel, the technique of punching is owed to the co-organizers of the project ukrainian ddybanks in israel, who became interested in the ancient tradition and began to master it themselves. volunteer olga, in order to teach the beaters, studied a lot herself, in particular, she took experience from a workshop in ukraine. in my opinion, for 90% of people, this is something completely new. in fact, it is new to me, that is, we have heard. tried, maybe a year ago they tried in more detail to try with different paints and with different colors on different textures of fabrics, but for most people this is a new technique, and i am very happy that it is coming back and it is now becoming more fashionable and popular, and you can use it to make elements of a more modern character and more
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on modern clothes, if take a look at the work on jeans and pockets today, that is, it looks very cool and modern, a master of nicks, not the first authentic master class held by the organizers of ukrainian dydybans in israel. this year, they have already taught everyone the secrets of the petrykiv painting and pysankarstva, a master class of weaving christmas spiders is being prepared for the winter. from israel, ulyana dryuchkova for the espresso tv channel. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault unit. brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones.
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our goal is uah 3.5 million. there are no small donations. join the gathering. you can see all the details on the screen. here's what's going on at the moment. see you at 5 p.m., you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel, see you soon, we will return to i remind you, our viewers, that you can watch our live stream broadcast, our live broadcast is also on television, and there is also our youtube channel for your convenience, there are live broadcasts where you can leave your likes, comments and... questions to our guests, we try to read and voice the most interesting things on
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our broadcast whenever possible , and now we will actually talk with ivan kyrychevsky, a military expert of defense express, about the events in kurshchyna. mr. ivan, we welcome you and are glad to see you. good day, glad to see you again. well, today there is a little more information about the events in the kurdish region. according to the head of the armed forces, oleksandr syrskyi, it is about... approximately 1,000 km2 of captured territory, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine says that our goal is not to occupy enemy territories, but to protect our civilian population, our military, that is , our people, but how is that fits into this concept of this operation, how can it help us save our people? i am personally inclined, let's say, to believe that what is happening now in kurshchyna can be described. the western concept there, which is called operation of basic effects, this is, let's say
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, a kind of core of western thought about how to conduct a hybrid war, and its essence can be conveyed briefly, let's say, the side, well , the formation so successfully begins hostilities on the territory of the enemy and combines military and non-military methods , the methods are so successful that the only thing left for the enemy there is to collect all the egyptian treasures, or there are various specific moments that can happen to them, because let's note, regardless of how much ours actually advanced there units on the territory of kurshchyna, well, somehow, for example, luckily there are no queues in the russian military committees with the desire to defeat the nazis there on their territory, well, how do they imagine the nazis, it’s also a strange story that somehow, when they had to organize the mechanism of the deportation of our citizens in the temporarily occupied territories, the russians worked there, even... it was involved in this according to some investigations there, it turned out that the russians had a logistical collapse to withdraw literally several
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thousand people from their border areas there, not to mention the fact that the russians suddenly ran out of nuclear fuel, well, that is, the desire to threaten, at least the use of tactical nuclear weapons, there you can do it , you know, for more such three general basic effects, not to mention the fact that in some ways the beginning of this operation, he turned the strategic situation in our favor, because , you know, one thing is that yesterday certain us senators came to tell how they were fascinated by all this and the like and the like, but somehow we forgot to mention that the same senators of the usa, if they put us in a situation where there was such a great lack of resources and there was no regular aid from the usa for six months, that you think that if it is possible to build even such a hypothesis that if the operation on the wreckage would not have been started, then we would expect just such an inertial one. moreover, the negative for us is where the russians would gradually, slowly, but
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surely look at us there in the east in the pokrovsk -naturets direction and simply add us to the fulfillment of the kremlin's conditions, this is how it turns out now that the kremlin itself hysterically declares that it they say they don't want any negotiations and no one wants to tell us about any speeches, just in case, you know, even a demonstration of how much we have a shortage of resources there and how, to what extent the use of such a limited resource turned out to be given. in the first footage that the russians showed about the entry of our units into the territory of kurshchyna , we could see all the armored vehicles there, outwardly similar to hammer, but not hammer, our armored vehicles, which began to be produced this winter, are just superior to the fact that even armor for us these same hummers did not arrive regularly, and military vehicles are needed for yesterday, and they made such interesting armored vehicles based on the gaz-66 wheelbase, aka shishiga. well , in the event that the truck itself cannot be restored there, but
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at least the wheelbase can be taken, and therefore consider that this was just such a successful strategic move that at least turned the situation in our favor, of course it must be developed somehow there , to turn even more on our situation there, but by the way, that's okay, we're not we intend to occupy and annex there, but the statement from the head of state, president of ukraine zelenskyi that a humanitarian plan is needed there. which will be conducted there by the ministry of internal affairs, the security service of ukraine and other specialized structures, it is, especially since nato standards regarding the military, the ability to establish military-civilian, civilian cooperation with the population of the territories. where these or other troops are stationed, no one canceled either, so we still have a lot of, you know, interesting things ahead of us, including in terms of how to secure the rear of the group there troops operating on the battlefield. actually, mr. ivan, we were just showing footage of the ukrainian military, it seems, in the village of lyubimivka, this is kurshchyna, and this is attention, 70, even a little more than kilometers from sudja, and
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much less, less than 40 km already to kurchatov, i.e. and to kursk, after all... it ’s not far, here we redraw lyubym, lyubymovka becomes lyubymovka, a very good ukrainian name, by the way, what does military science say, is it a large enough area, in particular, it was voiced in thousands of square kilometers, it was like this stated yesterday under the control of ukrainian troops, is this territory enough for this operation to be really significant, to be able to talk about something further, we remember when they entered sotnytskyi kozachok, it was really a patchwork and they had to quickly from there to return home, looking with whom and what to talk about and who should determine the importance, because this is exactly what military science says, i described, judging by what it is, it completely falls under the definition of the operation of basic effects, there as a western style of conduct of hybrid warfare, we
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for some reason they just thought that the russians had invented a hybrid war, no, they invented a hybrid war ... years before the russians and ran it on the russians, for the first time during the russo-japanese war, in this case too, how good is the basic effects operation that there, first of all, the strategic result that was obtained is important, and then the number of territories that were taken, again, the emphasis is that it is the number of kilometers to kurchatov, i think it is not very suitable, because it is obvious once again it is necessary to repeat the article even at this stage no one canceled the geneva convention, which prohibits hostilities on the territory of nuclear facilities, even if the russians... chick, it is very far away from kursk and very far from the road to moscow, so even here, in my opinion, if there is a choice either to moscow or to the chick, you have to choose, well, go to moscow, even if we are far from it there to go, purely because at least
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it does not violate the geneva convention, well, and myself the fact that the ukrainian army showed the ability to advance at the time before various western analysts said: we don't need to go on a counteroffensive, it didn't work out, so let's say you will somehow die according to the inertial scenario, where the russians are constantly pressing you, then we just in reality, somehow we sound rude too quickly, and quite often we do not even prefer to stop for a moment to realize what a disaster we have missed, because i will repeat once again in this case , this kursk operation is not even about how much our troops have already arrived there, how much they have taken under control, and about the fact that... that we got out of that trap where we were just offered, let's you with the limited resources there, shells, weapons, equipment, and there you will simply try to recruit even more people into the army, having problems with heavy equipment for their armament, and you will simply deter the russians in the east with one success or another, the plan of the white house for victory, it somehow looked like this: ukraine maintains an energy system
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of destruction and stops the russian troops at in the east, a cool plan, just not implemented, but luckily we will have it. its own and now it is being realized in kurshchyna. well, mr. ivan, but in order to present this information in the most balanced way, we also have to recognize the fact that, unfortunately, we are also suffering losses, and our armored vehicles are also on fire, because the russians are trying to destroy them, and many western media people say that this operation is a kind of adventure, which can either give us great success and turn the tide of this war, or it can be for us a big defeat, and in fact, today there was a message that they decided to take away all the people in a 20-kilometer zone of the sumy region, from there, actually, what do you think, whether our military command and the authorities are working through the situation, which could be negative, and in order to make it impossible, perhaps some, excuse me for the teptology, casualties
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among the civilian population, in case something goes wrong, well, it actually happens, but you know, we have the impression that somehow the western powers - these are the bearers of truth, that is directly teachers that they are the bearers of the truth, i'm just, i'm just for us to talk about it in a balanced way, and of course we can't underestimate the success of this operation, but again, i think it will be fair enough to our audience to talk about not very pleasant scenarios, okay, if we talk about not very pleasant scenarios, if someone thinks that it is possible to advance without incurring losses, then he is very mistaken if he tries to present... the situation, so in us, judging by the situation was even like this: or bear losses in the defense and have a heavy morale and come close to capitulation, or still, well, obviously somewhere on some level. the military and political leadership made a decision that if there is an opportunity to advance, then it means to advance, and even if at the same time to bear losses, at least to raise the morale, and at least
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to have some more time to strengthen one's potential, to strengthen the resistance and the like, because we always, when we like to go down even, well, go into such details, we miss the moment that the probability of losing, that we constantly have some scenarios where we constantly slip through the cracks, thank god, the probability of just losing the war, that is, losing and already discussing... mind that the kremlin imposes one or another conditions on us, this is the first problem , secondly, even that we just thought that something is constantly happening in the border area, well, some kind of danger, it just means how attentive we are to ourselves in quotation marks, because not long ago, even before these events there was a very large-scale terrible shelling in korshchyna, for example, in the sumy city of glukhiv, which is 10 km from the state border, the local media reported this, i understand that... we did not pay attention to this at the national level, because usually, well, somehow , history occupies there style , north korean missiles flew to kyiv, but north korean missiles are, of course
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, a separate threat, about which we can talk a lot, just about the regular shelling of sumy, no one talks less, and even about the fact that the russians managed to create such a difficult humanitarian situation , that in in some cities of sumy oblast even before that, in principle , the possibility of a normal civilized life disappeared and that there are constantly working different ages. routes of ukrazaliznytsia to get people out of there. unfortunately, this is also a fact. it simply turns out that in this case, when it was announced that there was a need to evacuate 20 thousand people from sumy oblast, to evacuate several tens of thousands of people from kharkiv oblast there, to introduce an appropriate border regime in the 20-kilometer border zone of sumy oblast, this simply turns out to be the forcing of those measures, which evacuation, rescue of civilian residents, which the local military civil administration was forced to conduct and so on. there is even a story in that. that we somehow forgot that even in the border area of ​​sumy, the russians first began to run these guided air bombs, well, these fabs with the ompk module, and then they already went to the front, in this case
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, then somehow it turns out that, you know, we need to formulate the meaning here this operation in a simple way, we had a choice before our country, or to allow the russians to simply killed, or allow to make it so that they russians were forced to stop the threat there. our troops chose the second option, i don’t think that anyone is now questioning the fact that everything is going on there in the chicken without a cloud, no one and what they say, no one there foresaw the possibility that even more russian ballistic missiles would fly there in response, it's just a miracle there, why is it that there is some miracle that still flies, for example, our aviation in the border areas, if only to prevent the russians from bombing even more, but it is obvious that all these the moments were enumerated, here the question was just like that, either the russians are beating us with impunity, or they are finally... getting punished for trying to beat us, that's what i suspect, there is also the main moral significance of the kurshchyna operation . thank you, mr. ivan, for the analysis of this situation, we still want
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to talk further south about the pokrovsky direction, this is actually where it is most difficult now, the military writes about it, and observers, and experts, and we want to ask you ourselves, we see that there is a lunchtime update maps from deep state and, unfortunately, already the outskirts of grodivka. populated itself the point is marked as red, part of the city of the settlement is a gray area, we can see that other nearby settlements of ivanovka, in particular , are completely marked as temporarily occupied territory, mirnograd remains very, very close, can they already shoot through the road at this moment and how long can will they need to come even closer and completely... threaten the route from pokrovsk to the north to kostiantynka? well, as far as we know, now there is still such a possibility all the time, and
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there is no shelling of the track yet, how long it may take, well, this the question should also be opened, because in this case we would not like to, you know, somehow underestimate the ability of our troops to resist, even in such difficult conditions, when the russians have a constant fire advantage there, in any case, you just have to understand that in the east there pokrovsk at the same time... which direction the russians are simply taking because they can bomb any of our positions literally there, you know, by the meter, by the kilometer, rather, forgive me, i am not interrupting in order to belittle the capabilities and strength of our troops, and in particular to warn civilians, because civilians are, first of all , their safety if they evacuate, and secondly, they will be less of a hindrance to the military, i 'm talking about this sooner, you see, there's no need to wait, here you have to ask questions, yes, no need to wait until the russians can come, because they can come in a few days in... a few weeks, in a few months, you have to go now, it hardly depends on the actual forecast for hostilities there, you don't have to wait until there, what is there a couple more weeks or a few months to think about it, you have to go now
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must be put the question that it is necessary to organize the appropriate, well, infrastructural opportunities, right now, that is, not only to take tens of thousands of people there from kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, but also, for example, from there, because yes, i will not be original here if i say that what according to various opinion polls, the main problem that appears for moving there is that people do not understand where they are going, what kind of future they are going to, whether they will be accepted there, but this is obviously not very related to the realities on the battlefield, it is it's necessary, it's already you know, conventionally, the civilian segment that 's supposed to... take people out, you don't have to wait for them to get there, because, well, because again, even regardless of how far the russians might be there, the fact that the russians were able to hit kostantinivtka with an kh-38 missile, where the launch range is even less than that of these guided air bombs, well, in principle, it shows how boldly the russians can act to destroy our infrastructure there, but you see, such brutality cannot be used in air strikes predict in the world no one, so you don't need to wait, you need to act
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right now if you need to save civilians, thank you, ivan karachevskyi, military expert of defense express, was in direct contact with us, we will now go on a short break, after it we will continue the live broadcast on the espresso tv channel, stay with us, tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to go through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a saivory pro set, unpack tv, saivory pro pans. fold into each other and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. set saivory pro is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even in the oven. pans are made of damage-resistant stainless steel. savory pro pans will serve you for many years. from now on, food heats up evenly, cooks quickly and does not burn. and how elegant they are,
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of the russians. in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new one two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... 24 hours a day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. that we will return to you and now discuss important topics in the espresso studio oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. oleg, let's start with...


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