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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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[000:00:19;00] us presidential candidate donald trump gave an interview to billionaire elon musk about putin's ukraine, the assassination attempt and more. what they talked about and why ukraine is here, we will talk about it later. 15 minutes of bbc broadcasting live from london, with jafer umerov. donald trump's debate with green musk lasted almost two hours, no video, just voice. they spoke on the platform that musk owns. and this is ex-twitter. and musk said that this conversation was aimed at open and independent voters. however, it started 40 minutes
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later than the scheduled time, due to the fact that... many users had access problems. musk blamed this on a massive hacker attack. this, he said, shows that there are those in the united states who do not want people to hear trump. however, the cause of the technical problems has not been fully clarified. during the conversation, they raised very different topics: the elections in the usa, illegal migrants, they talked about putin and ukraine. trump called the change of the democrats' candidacy to camelo harris instead of biden. coup d'état, i can tell you this: we cannot have a democrat, pro president, we can't have harris, she's incompetent, she's as bad as biden, she hasn't given an interview since this scam started, no matter what you say, it was a coup, it was a coup d'état for the president of the united states, he didn't want to withdraw the candidacy and they told him, we can do this in a good way, or we can
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do this... in a bad way, what happened overnight is that they are rewriting history and making kamala look like she moderate, when in fact she is far left, far left. where is bernie sanders? she is considered even more liberal than bernie sanders, she is a radical left-wing lunatic. i heard people shouting, "bullets, bullets, lie down, lie down." i landed pretty easily and pretty quickly. i heard bullets overhead after i ducked. so i'm glad i caved. an even greater miracle was that i was looking straight in the direction where the shooter was. i was affected, but by no means as bad as others. kut, that's what helped. it was a miracle, for those people who do not believe in god, i think we all have to think about by this, i am a believer, but now even more than just a believer. during the conversation, trump entrusted the issue of russia's war against ukraine. he repeated his rhetoric that russia
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did not go full-scale. invasion if not for biden. musk did not deny this statement, calling it a great idea. according to trump, russia began to form a large army on the border with ukraine, exactly when he left the post of president. trump once again boasted of his good relationship with putin and said he advised the russian leader not to invade ukraine. i know putin, i know president xi, i know kim jong-un, i know them all, and i will tell you. people say oh that's terrible, i'm not saying anything good or bad, they're at the top of their game, they're tough, they're smart, they're angry, and they 're going to defend their country, if they love their country, and they probably do, it just a different form of love, they will defend their countries but they are tough people at the top of their game, i got along well with them and hope to get along well with them again, i was on good terms with them, that's good, not bad, i know putin very well and
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get along well with him. he respected me, we talked a lot with him about ukraine, it was the apple of his eye, but i told him: never do this, never do it. the bbc correspondent in the usa, tom bateman, waited for a long conversation on the x network between elono maskom and donald trump and says: this dialogue at times resembled a mutual recognition of sympathy. further his observations. when it comes to how many people have listened to it, it's about audio. interview on the eks platform, the number of those who listened live exceeded a million, and if you look at elon musk's tape, several million people have already listened to the more than one-hour conversation, so it clearly has an impact, and this is the meaning of the conversation, when it comes to the alleged hacker attack, which elon musk cited as an explanation for the delay of more than 40 minutes , then he said that this is an attempt
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by unnamed persons to undermine freedom of speech. to prevent people from hearing donald trump, although experts quoted by the us media this morning doubted that this could be the reason for the delay. according to their version, the page is simple could not withstand a heavy load. it didn't really feel like an interview, but more like an exercise in mutual praise. such a warm bath. donald trump is counting on it to reinvigorate his campaign, which has started to graze after a surge in attention on kamala harris and the democratic nomination. after this conversation , heated discussions spread in social networks. about how trump sounded, what his voice and diction were. in particular, the kamalegari election headquarters drew attention to the fact that trump lisped when he spoke about climate change. spokesman trump's campaign staff said to these remarks:
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"you have hearing problems." and in contact with us is an expert, an americanist from the council of foreign policy, a ukrainian prism, oleksandr kraev. congratulations, alexander. what is the purpose of this conversation, can it be considered as? trump's new pr campaign, because the latest polls show that kamela garis is still ahead of the ex-president. absolutely true, it's really part of his new pr, it's really part of his attempt to restore his own popularity, because his collaboration with musk is already underway long enough only recently, trump said that allegedly musk sends more than $40 million in funds to his company every week, although we did not hear confirmation of these words from musk himself, but... because he wanted to influence the trump campaign in one way or another, he wanted would support it, and trump's victory would be beneficial for him, this is a proven fact, and therefore it was really a kind of collaboration that allowed musk, on the one hand, to emphasize
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his importance to trump, to demonstrate his irreplaceability, both in the context of publicity and and in the context of finances, and for trump this is yet another way out to the people, another attempt to restore americans' interest in his political position. well, you said that it would be beneficial for musk if trump, trump would become the president, but here is this tandem of trump and musk, because the relationship between them was not the best, a few years ago trump also called musk a liar. musk said that trump needs to end his career, but what has changed now? now we see that musk remains the only great businessman who really is ready to fully support the trump campaign. while very... many republican donors are now shifting their funds from the presidential campaign to the congressional campaign, that is , they are beginning to sponsor individual republican politicians in the field instead of supporting the presidential candidate. musk now clearly
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sees his own benefit in supporting trump. there is also the question of taxes, which trump obviously wants to reduce for big business and for tech business, and which will greatly contribute to the development of musk's business. here the question is also that... musk, by his own admission, he wants to influence politics, and precisely through trump, through an anti-system, i would say, counter-system candidate, to exert such influence as best as possible, and regarding their previous conflict, donald trump in in principle, he conflicted with almost everyone, even with those with whom he has sufficiently friendly and even trusting relations, so there is nothing surprising here, but i repeat, the basis of their relationship is that each of them sees an opportunity for himself through the other to embody certain own. interests, well, you said that mass wants to influence politics, he just asked trump if he would take him into his administration, and trump joked. and in general, trump often talks about good relations with vladimir putin on the same level with kim
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jong-un and sizenpinho. and his words about the war in ukraine, they did not become something new. and here you are, have you caught any hints about his steps in the event of victory in the elections in november? what he said. trump said yesterday, regarding ukraine, regarding potential negotiations with putin and zelensky, this is basically part of it its political sinusoid, that is, a certain increase in interest in ukraine and its subsequent decline, and this sinusoid of his is connected exclusively with how successfully the current administration, that is , the biden administration, copes with supporting ukraine. in those moments when biden could not provide weapons for ukraine, he could not convince congress. trump stated that he would have bombed moscow, bombed beijing, if... such an attack had occurred during his term of office, and in general, ukraine should be given 120 billion. now, when the biden administration fully supports ukraine, and just a few days ago there was a new package of security support worth almost 300 billion dollars, we see trump again saying that this is all
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the wrong policy, and it is necessary to end the war as soon as possible, and precisely because of the russians, not because of the ukrainians . that is , in fact, for now it is almost impossible to predict his real position regarding ukraine, because it is politicized, it is... tied to the confrontation with the team of democrats, and therefore for him at the moment it is not a strategic issue, it is one of his political tools, which he uses it to win the elections. well, just then we see that, as of now , several tens of millions have already listened to this conversation on network x, but did his voters hear anything new? for his voters, trump a priori says everything correctly, this, unfortunately, turns into a certain cult of personality, where in principle his words, whatever he says, on which platform regarding any issue, his words are a priori the truth, because he said them donald. trump, therefore, in fact , did not become something new for his voters, somehow
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this interview was a revelation, it simply showed one key aspect for them, that allegedly at the moment when kamala harris, while not yet revealing the details of her own politics, speaks on quite general topics, here their candidate can allegedly speak clearly about specific tasks , specific problems that he is ready to solve, according to trump, even before he becomes president, that is, he has for now simply played ... his classic image of a decisive, in some ways even militant politician, but at the same time he also won support. thank you, alexander. oleksandr kraev, betraying ukrainian prism's foreign policy, was in touch with us. thank you for finding time for us. thank you elon musk, who became a citizen of the united states in 2002, said that he always voted for democrats. however, musk changed his mind last year. and said he would not vote for biden, and now during the conversation musk asked
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trump if he would take him into his administration if he won the election, trump joked. correspondent for the us edition of weiert, makena kelly more. donald trump recently made a post in social network x to the then twitter last year. it was a photo from the mcshot police station. and before that, january 8, 2021, a few days after the storm. capitol, and what i really expected from this conversation was for trump to announce that he's going to be posting more on that social network from now on, but he didn't even hint at that. trump still maintains a page in his own social network true social, as it was before. as for elon musk, their conversations about various political issues were not of any significance. trump spoke about american oil production and refining. musk tried to ask questions. he was interested in how trump sees
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the work of the state efficiency commission, whether he is ready to take on the role of his administration, and trump did not promise anything, but rather joked that it would be great, you are one of the best specialists in cutting costs, and that musk is hoping for something like that, but it's only natural when people who donate such huge sums to an election campaign then want to get something in return, and if we don't only. about musk, as a person who has a huge number of supporters, but also about specialists from silicon valley. for decades, this place has been a liberal stronghold, a hotbed of progressive values, but in the last few months in venture capitalists, such as david sachs and other influential tech specialists of silicon valley, have expressed their support for donald trump. elon musk is one of the most famous and recognizable among them. of course, it will be'. it is an exaggeration to say that all representatives of silicon valley are conservative in their
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views, for example, the entrepreneur and founder of linkedin reid hoffman, lauren paul jobs, roy conway, these people last week held a zoom meeting in support of kamela garis, that is , not everything is so clear. it was the correspondent of the american edition of wired, makena kelly , about the conversation between donald trump and billionaire elon musk. so, subscribe to ours. pages in social networks so you don't miss out on instagram and tik tok, on youtube you can find the most important news and analysis from our correspondents, we are on facebook, see our issue if you missed it on the air so, and that's all we have time to tell you today, look for more stories on our website, and we'll be on the air again
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tomorrow at 9 o'clock. take care of yourself. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, in this issue we will talk about... such. the catastrophe of putin's war. the armed forces of ukraine are creating a sanitary zone in the border regions of russia. where did the aggressor strike from? how will the exchange rate operation affect ukraine's international position? postponed personnel decisions. ministry for months remain without authorized leaders. when will the verkhovna rada be able to fill vacancies in
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the cabinet of ministers. strengthening spiritual independence, president zelenskyi announced effective solutions that will provide a countermeasure. russia on the religious front, will the parliament be able to pass the long-awaited law banning the russian church. friends, this is all we will be talking about for the next 45 minutes, but before we start our conversation with our guests, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether the kursk operation of the armed forces of ukraine will be a disaster for russia, as zelensky believes, yes. no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you're watching us on tv, grab your smart phone or phone and vote at 0.800-211-381. if you believe that the kursk operation of the ukrainian army will end in disaster for russia, no 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guests. it yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, head of the paré committee on culture, science, media and sports, mrs. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. yaroslav zheliznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the holos faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. rostislav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. good evening. ladies and gentlemen, we are asking our
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viewers and tv viewers what they think, whether the kursk operation of the armed forces of ukraine will be a disaster for russia, i will ask about... about this and you, let's try to give an answer in the format of a blitz poll to this question, ms. yevgenia, let's start with you, well, she is already becoming one, and for russia they are symbolic defeats, even humiliation, and well, this is very bad for the general image of the so- called government and, in general, for the manageability of the situation. thank you, ms. evgenia, sir. rostislav, i would also use the present continuous, and the present continuous tense, because it is unfolding before our eyes, and it is very important what the next moves of our military will be, because we need to seize the initiative and press putin, because he is still far from
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disaster, unfortunately , but our military can do a lot here, we need to focus on their support. thank you sir yaroslav. i don't think that only this operation, let's say, will be a disaster, but this is definitely a new page, this is definitely a page that is written in our favor, and i think that the biggest effect will be psychological and even, probably not on putin, he has something human there, probably not left, for our partners, who were very afraid of it. escalation, well, it seems to me that there is a sufficiently eloquent excuse that there is no more escalation, we already have it now and it hasn't happened. well, where else to escalate, let's listen to what president zelensky said, i mentioned that this is the opinion of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, the president of ukraine, what does
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zelensky say? we see how russia is actually moving under putin, 24 years ago... there was the kursk disaster, the symbolic beginning of his rule, and now we can see what is the finale for him, and kurdsk too, the disaster of his war, it always happens to those who who despises people and any rules, russia brought war to others, now it's coming home, ukraine has always wanted only peace, and we we will definitely ensure peace, ladies... most of the commentators who wrote about the kursk breakthrough and the offensive on the kursk region in the international media say that in the current situation in... ukraine is improving its negotiating positions in order to negotiations, or
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through mediators, or at the peace summit to talk about some kind of peace agreement or ceasefire agreement, and that this is one of the steps, this special operation, this is one of the steps to strengthen our position, as much as these positions are strengthened in the current . situation and what our western partners are saying, that is, they are equally afraid that putin will respond and, moreover , respond rather harshly to the actions of the ukrainian army in kursk region, including in peaceful cities of ukraine? well, first of all, it is very good that all these international observers and the ukrainian ones did not know anything about this operation, because in fact, this effect of surprise had a very positive effect on the speed of the advance of our troops, if
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we talk about what it gives, then tactically, well , firstly, it gives a large exchange fund, and we hope that we can get ours back prisoners who are in much worse conditions in russian prisons or in temporarily occupied territories than they will be. there are all these conscripts and all those who surrendered and now, i said today the president during the address that there are hundreds and hundreds of people there, and it is also tactical, well, in fact, he is drawing attention and reserves to another, to another part of the front , and well, russia needs to spend more people, reserves. in order to, well, at least get closer, as they say, to the stabilization of the situation there, if we talk about the strategic situation there, then we saw
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the reaction of, for example, the senators of the united states, who simply did not hide their delight in this operation, we hope that this will give a boost in american politics and in general in the decisions that we can use weapons at long range, because now ... we are doing this we are pushing back the artillery, there are fewer kabs, although, of course, all these front-line territories, the northern territories of sumy oblast, they will suffer, it is good that the evacuation is organized, and of course that for negotiations this is a strong argument and a strong argument and a strong trump card, and here too will be depend on further actions. our military, which we definitely support in all the operations that are still planned. mr.
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rostislav, this is kirby, john kirby, this is the strategic communications coordinator of the white house national security council, says that putin can stop the war against ukraine if he is so worried about the situation in the kursk region, to quote mr. kirby, this is putin's war against ukraine, and if he doesn't like something, if... something doesn't satisfy him, there is a very simple solution: let him get the hell out of ukraine and stop the war - he said kirby, judging by the reactions that there are in russia to this kursk operation, judging by the facial expression with which putin met the information about what was happening in kurshchyna and gave instructions to his security forces, can it be said that the putin regime has suffered a very... serious blow, a reputational blow, and first of all within the russian state,
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because our western partners are saying that he either ends the war, or goes to hell and will continue to receive it in various areas bordering of ukraine, i understand that voronizka, bryansk, bilhorodsk, and in this way the war will return to where it came from. well, it is known that the best negotiator from the side of ukraine with russia is the armed forces of ukraine, and we see a very effective method of conducting such negotiations, and here it is important that various means are used so that the russians do not understand what awaits them next, and this is probably the only a way to win for ukraine, which has fewer resources, has fewer troops, has a smaller economy, and so on. but he definitely thinks better and definitely acts better, and this advantage is also necessary
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to use, and it is clear that such a strategic initiative can be intercepted by ukraine , it is really and very important that our western partners are beginning to view the situation in a completely different way, but now putin, and it seems to me that his henchmen also have a certain phase of rejection, they are still they expect that it will somehow get wet, that if two more battalions are thrown in there, and then three more battalions, then somehow it can be dealt with, and to the extent of how it will be with the armed forces... countries will happen, to the extent that they can change the mood and plans of the russian leadership, so far they have really been hit, the predator is wounded, this is not his first such wounding, but they will not stop right now, and right now it seems to me that neither putin nor his crew are ready for any negotiations ready,
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because for them it is also a war to some extent. inflation, but not the inflation of the nation, as for us, but the inflation of the empire, the inflation of their way of seeing the world and living in this world, and therefore the only real way to drive them to negotiations on the terms of ukraine, the result of which will be ukrainian victory and liberating the whole of ukraine means continuing to inflict such blows on him. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. yaroslav, please tell me, but the story that is now in front of us... is unfolding, does it testify to the weakness of the russian military and political elite, to the fact that this power, which putin tried to demonstrate, playing his weapons to the whole world and showing how he can and what he can do, that in fact this whole system that
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they have from the center to the regions, and in general these are all vertical. all structures, what, what they are are not effective, that this state is militarized, but it is not governed, that putin cannot control russia as he shows outside, as he shows on tv. well, it seems to me that it is obvious that it is difficult to talk about the strongest army in the world and claim to... some kind of geopolitical influence and the status of a superpower, if under your nose and under your nose your military is being captured or liberated, i will surely say 72 inhabitants points, and with all this military economy, you can't do all of them
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threats that the same westerners probably paid attention to once upon a time. partners, well, they ended up with nothing. it is significant that for the first time, after the second world war, and in russia , territories were seized, and, let's be frank, quite defiantly and easily. and the way russian propaganda keeps silent, or tries, well, with all its might... if it is possible to minimize what is happening, well, this seems to me to be the best compliment to our armed forces of ukraine, so we are probably not very interested in some image of putin there, well , i think that we are all tens of thousands of years ago made a conclusion years ago, but the way
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the western media came out with enough, i wouldn't even say no... not even with negative publications, but with such mocking publications against russia, specifically this dictator, well, i think that he is longer than this embarrassment - will not be able to wipe off the face for a long time and it will remain a big red spot on it. mrs. tapanova, your colleague, roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine and secretary of the committee. of the verkhovna rada on national security, defense and intelligence addressed the speaker in a joking manner of parliament ruslan stefanchuk from the border of the russian federation in the sumy region, calling it a foreign business trip. let's listen to what colonel kostenko said.


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