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tv   [untitled]    August 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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this is how the western media came out with enough, i wouldn't even say, not even negative publications, but such significant publications about russia, specifically this dictator, well, i think that he will not be able to erase this shame from his face for a long time and it will remain a big red spot on it. ladies and gentlemen, your colleague, roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence , jokingly addressed the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk from the border of the russian federation in the sumy region, calling it a foreign business trip. let's listen to what colonel kostenko said. ruslan oleksiyovych, i am here now. to
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the russian federation, i'm sorry that i don't have permission, but i'll go there with our defense forces, and then i'll write a letter about the business trip, mrs. yevgenia, clearly a colonel of the sbu, roman kostenko hinted that he was not signed a foreign document business trip when he wanted to go to the munich security conference. by the way, and now he is without any order stefanchuk entered the territory of the russian federation, tell me when your great monomajority, led by ruslan stefanchuk, will cancel these humiliating foreign business trips for ukrainian people's deputies, because it looks a little like this, very strange. when
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representatives of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, in particular the secretary of the committee, cannot go abroad and communicate with foreign colleagues at the munich security conference at the profile for roman kostenko. well, i am not ready to comment on the actions of those who signed or not i signed a business trip for my colleague kostenko, because believe me, i go through absolutely all the procedures as well. some of our monomajority missions end with davyd georgyovich arakhani not signing, so we sometimes have a more difficult situation, especially when it comes to plenary days, and it is clear that the faction wants the deputies to be in the hall and vote on important laws, but i agree that people's deputies can travel abroad only for official purposes. and
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it is obvious that this is supported by society, because some vacations or just some private visits, of course, they are inappropriate, but i really appreciate colleagues who are really professionally engaged in parliamentary diplomacy, i myself travel a lot by steam to various international events and i know that it is actually becoming more and more difficult keep focus thank you, mrs. yevgenia, mr. rostislav, tell me, please, what colonel kostenko said, you and your colleagues in the faction are already facing this, that is, the only thing that is surprising in this situation is that this humor, with which roman was talking sideways stefanchuka, in principle, she is an irony, but in principle, she is very kind. nia and
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benevolence, perhaps, after all, in the third year of the war, it is necessary to ask the question that people's deputies of ukraine are people who defend the position of ukraine, that there is a conditional opposition to the authorities, but we all play in the same team, in a team of the ukrainian state, well, this would absolutely be the right approach, because now... now that ukraine is starting to pick up the initiative, now is simply a golden time to use the means of parliamentary diplomacy, the means of expert diplomacy, with the inclusion of journalists, the inclusion of various opinion leaders, and to conduct a diplomatic offensive in support of the actions of our armed forces, because now everyone who understands putin will join in, now we will begin to hear a lot of all sorts of nonsense that will be thrown... russians through
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their channels, through useful and useless idiots in different countries of the world, we will hear a lot about various ukrainian corruption there, various ukrainian abuses and... and all sorts of similar things, and it is not interrupted only by the theses of representatives of the authorities that everything is fine with us, on the contrary, just joint work, i emphasize that abroad we really all defend the interests of ukraine, joint work of the majority and opposition factions, experts, it would serve a common goal, and now, if ukraine is able to turn the tide of the war, then then this moment... can be used to bring back that true unity that was there in march 22, when no one particularly looked around for political positions, because everyone understood what was at stake, and that well, it's a pity that
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most likely it won't happen, but it would very, very good point. thank you, mr. yaroslav, please tell me how, how often yours. tion is faced with the fact that you are not signed by foreign missions, because, well , kostenko is one of the examples of what we now call, but many cases are obviously left out of the picture, and you do not escalate this situation too much during the war, and this is a question and obviously you also have problems with trips abroad, how does it generally correspond with... the rights of a people's deputy of ukraine and with the duties, i think, after such a video of roman, if he will even bring stepanchuk not a business trip, but an agreement on a loan for an apartment, then ruslan oleksiyovych will sign it. look, this
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question, frankly and seriously, is definitely not for evgenia kravchuk, she is true, i think that they have a worse situation than the servant of the people. and even where ruslan oleksiyovych is concerned, this is a question for the president’s office, there are people with frankly some childish complexes who for some reason sometimes believe that they can educate people’s deputies in this way, well , the last case we had was when we they demonstratively and beautifully blocked the bad law on be, then a large number of people canceled their business trips there and did not sign it. the good news is that after that this large number of people gathered, brought up once again the office of the president and the administration and just in case there are some mediators in the verkhovna rada and after that they started to sign everything everything everything, you want my personal opinion, if anyone thinks , that traveling on
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a business trip is, well, to say something mildly positive to the people's deputies, they are very wrong, first of all, it happens on my own... money, which honestly speaking, no, well, enough, well, in my case, it’s a big enough loss for the family budget, secondly, it’s just quite difficult logistics, i really sometimes look at colleagues who have to go there as a couple to the nato, osce session, well, they are on the road all night, then they come to the ukrainian parliament in order to have time to vote, well, believe me, this is definitely not the most favorite... task, i think they have it too there are families, and there are also many other things to do, so my personal opinion is that in the first place this the government needs it, yes or no, and the coalition, and the government and so on, why do the people's deputies themselves allow the government to rub its feet against itself,
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because it is decided in one vote, well , so that the government will then go and drive instead of drivers people's deputies for... well, this is probably a question for the parliamentary majority, and not only from the servant of the people, but also from other factions, let's say, less oppositional, which allow themselves to do so, and the last, no less important, i have the feeling that everything then this situation will become a huge problem in the future european integration and cooperation with international partners, some geniuses from the president's office there thought of canceling... business trips, well, which were confirmed from that side, well, these are the steps that are very easy to explain why, but the norm is not a normative vocabulary, so i i think that in the future this situation will develop into a positive scenario for people's deputies and a negative one for those who, as he said, still left the children's complex.
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thank you, mr. yaroslav, i would like to remind our tv viewers that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us now. live on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, will the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine be a disaster for russia? yes, no, please vote or yes. or not, write your comment under this video, if you have your own personal opinion, if you watch us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and vote on the phone numbers 0800 211 381, if you think that the kurdish operation of ukrainian of the army will be a disaster for putin, no, 0800 211 382, ​​vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, today we will remind you once again on the air... yevgenia kravchuk, yaroslav zheleznyak and rostislav pavlenko, people's deputies of ukraine,
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and i understand that you will soon start sitting in the session hall, ladies and gentlemen, and the issue of the government, the issue of appointments, the issue of dismissals, will appear on the agenda, because president zelenskyi also spoke about this literally a week ago, about this... have been talking on the sidelines for several months, in some ministries do not have ministers, that is, heads of ministries, as in the same ministry of culture and information policy, which is important for the ukrainian state for ukrainian, ukrainian propaganda during the war. ms. yevgenia, is the issue of personnel reshuffles and personnel decisions being discussed now, or should we wait? uh, solving personnel issues literally from the 19th, you start working like this or when? we
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will not name the dates yet, but the verkhovna rada will return to the plenary mode of work in the near future, i do not think that there will be some very loud appointments, or even more so, resignations during this plenary week, because, fortunately and unfortunately, in our country , the majority will go... it can obviously go to amendments that can be made by the deputies who submitted to the law on the russian church, and we definitely need to vote for him at this session, and maybe there will be point appointments, but i am not ready to name the ministries or name names, but there are issues on which we will concentrate, including there will be laws. projects that i i think that in the near future they will register, which will concern the payments there and all
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the legal points that concern the fighters who are now in the kursk region. mr. rostyslav, in your opinion, do personnel reshuffles, something change in the state power system, appointments, dismissals, in the conditions when 5-6 managers around zelensky are running the state, well, since... the threads, unfortunately, still lead to the office president, no matter who is appointed there, no matter who is dismissed, no matter what reshuffles are made, unfortunately, it really has little effect, by the way, some due to the fact that several of our ministries are still vacant, this is also included in such an approach that, well, what's the difference, if the managers decide all this anyway, that's why yaroslav very successfully talked about being in the parliament. and finally there was a little more parliamentarism, so this is also a question for both the largest faction and
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others to still show their roles and importance, according to our constitution, well, the prime minister proposes ministers, but the logic is that these candidates have be discussed with those who actually vote for them, when or if so will be, we will see a completely different quality of the government's work, while this is not the case again. because we all heard president zelensky at a press conference last year, who said that everything is in the hands of five or six managers, but five or six managers, despite their desire , cannot handle everything, so if we want a better and better policy, well, the best answer is a unity government, of course , which would allow political issues to be postponed, but the president's office definitely does not have the will to do so, so we are watching the process and bear all the responsibility. lies on the president and his five or six managers, mr. yaroslav,
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who in the current situation deserves to be dismissed and appointed? oh, if we talk about the resignation, i think that you will not have enough airtime, one, only herman glushchenko, who is nowhere, not a day without a corruption scandal, which he deserves, so let's move on from the one who will be fired, for now, as is correct said my colleague evgenia, no one this week, the story with the change of the prime minister, well, at least it was postponed until the fall, i think that they will be this week. there are ministerial appointments, we have them five now, they will appoint, not all of them, i think that the ministry of culture, the ministry of sports, the ministry of veterans, maybe minagra, they will appoint permanent positions, and our ministry of culture is mr. karandeev, this is yevgeny
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committee, he has been there for a year, he has been sitting on the status even longer oh, by the way, just... i would like to remind you that this parliament of ours first voted to ban ministers from being ministers, and then, under the influence of the president, canceled this rule, but now we have ministers hanging on their posts for more than a year in their status voo, this is about the subjectivity of the ukrainian parliament, specifically this convocation, but i think that's all for now, there will be nothing more to the personnel appointments, they remain an open question. a minister or two for infrastructure and reconstruction and regions, i think that there will still be two, we have a vice-prime minister for reconstruction, let me remind you that we wanted to strengthen regional policy so much that we have not had one at all for three months no one who deals with regional politics, but i think it's already autumn. thank you, mr. yaroslav,
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but it is absolutely certain that there will be a solution, how says president zelenskyy, which will strengthen spiritual independence from moscow, as he said, and this statement was made exactly at the time when the verkhovna rada of ukraine is going to consider in the second reading the bill on banning the activities of religious organizations associated with the russian federation. let's listen to what zelensky says. i just held a preparatory meeting about a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spirituality. dependence, we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities, limit the freedom of ukrainians, and the solutions for this must be 100% effective and really working, we will provide them. mrs. yevgenia, what decision is it about, about the second reading of the draft law,
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which one is in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if so, then what does the president have to do here in... in the current situation, if the draft law is being considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine? well, because the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, showed indecision for many months, because in fact, with such great efforts, it was possible to add this bill to the agenda, and it is indeed now on the agenda for the first plenary day, and again, there are still the issues of these spams amendments, so we may not vote on the very first day. but it is obvious that this is a long road, it is approaching its logical end, and this long road began precisely with the decision of the president, the decision of the national security council back in december, then the decree of the president in january, and one of the following points, in addition to the fact that the kyiv-pechersk lavra returned to state management and there it sounds,
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ukrainian prayers were finally sounded, and sanctions were also imposed, and we saw that the sbu was quite active... it began to work on various collaborators in ryas, and one of the points is in fact, there was an assignment to draft a draft law, the president cannot assign it to the verkhovna rada, he assigned it to the cabinet of ministers, and in fact it is already the second reading, we as a committee are still waiting for certain recommendations from the working group of the conciliation council, they took a timeout until the 15th, until on august 15, it was the decision of all factions and groups, and if you need any finals. things to introduce, then the committee will be ready to consider, well, in particular, there were quite good proposals, of a purely legal nature, which would strengthen the law from the speaker of parliament ruslan oleksiyovychak. thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. rostislav, tell me, in this situation, the president wants to convince
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someone in the verkhovna rada that it is necessary to vote for this draft law, or to intercept the initiative and say that it was the president's team that did everything in order to pass the draft law in the second reading, that is, i cannot understand, there is the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there is a draft law introduced by the government, there is the prime minister, after all, there is a government appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there is a verkhovna rada of ukraine, which passes laws, and is the executive branch that enforces these laws, can you? explain the logic why the president is talking about this spiritual independence now? well, whatever the motives, i really hope that this is a signal to the office of the president of perest. to create obstacles for people's deputies to support this bill, to vote for this bill, and finally,
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to put an end to this issue, and it is very important, because the president said that we will ensure it, but then the implementation will be very important of this law, we let's see if it will not be like the law on renaming. when sabotage from the center to the places made its implementation very difficult, to put it mildly, this law provides for specific mechanisms of how to determine the connection with the fact that this is the moscow church, how to break this connection, and how to stop the activities of those organizations that refuse to sever this connection, so i really hope that the signal will be heard by those who are now outside the verkhovna rada. most of all, in the office of the president and in the verkhovna rada itself, they pretend that we will really vote for this draft law, it will become a law, which will then be implemented. thank you, mr. rostyslav,
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mr. yaroslav, can anything interfere with the adoption of this decision, because the dots of hope must be placed, well, even more so, during the already great war between russia and ukraine, and the dots must be clearly placed. over the activities of the uoc mp, well, for sure, something can get in the way, excuse me, for the third time, unfortunately, we are unsuccessfully trying to expel maryana bizguglu from the defense committee, somehow this decision is not being made, although there it seems that everything was already ready for this therefore, i will not be surprised about another such issue of national security, but... but i think that closer to the plenary week, we need to wait there not only law-making, as i understand it, the news will be related to or related to law-making, but
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also religion, but not at the level of legislation, and therefore it seems to me that one way or another, the issue of the moscow church will be closed, well, no less at the level of the verkhovna rada in august, but how will this change the situation in ukraine and in particular? in the spiritual sphere, that is , the absence of this church or reformatting of this church, or whether there will be any protests by parishioners, or whether there will be any protests by priests, churches, or it will still be a gradual process that will eventually force both parishioners and priests to choose one of the churches, but not the moscow one, to whom the question is for you, mr. yaroslav. i will tell you honestly, if you ask me how they can be taxed, i will easily tell you, you have rostoslav pavlenko on your broadcast right now, who literally brought thomas for ukraine
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and yevgenia kravchuk, who has been dealing with this issue for two or three years already in committee, i i'm sure they'd better just say okay, then i'll ask you how you can tax those priests who were engaged in smuggling and were covered by the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, i think that's it... just as we're going to put things in order, especially considering the reboot of the babes and the nearest customs reform, well, generally speaking , i would take a closer look at the tax benefits of these organizations, but first, let the specialized committee make a decision on their definition, and which will be voted on by the ukrainian parliament, believe me, we will definitely not get away with taxes, thank you, mr. rostislav and ms. yevgenia, then i will forward the political one. this question about parishioners and priests and about their choice, in what way they can choose the next church, where they
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can be, of course, after your decision, literally on request for 40 seconds, mr. rostislav, well, in fact, the whole question is this, uocmp now it pretends that it is not connected with the russian orthodox church, the law prohibits the russian orthodox church from operating in the territory. of the country and all related structures, therefore the pcmp will be a very simple choice, either not to work in ukraine as a part of the roc, or to sever ties with the roc and negotiate with the ocu about unification or union, there are many historical examples of how this is done. thank you, mr. rossislav, ms. yevgeniy, well, the state should not interfere, it's a choice, the main thing the state says is that there should be no connection with... there can be no connection with the russian orthodox church with the aggressor country, and orthodoxy kirill and gondyaev did not meet with a wedge, from now on every religious community can make this appearance, after...
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well, it is proven that this connection exists, because it a specific consideration, through the court, that is , we follow european procedures, but to my colleague from the railway, i can say that there is a beautiful, well, with a minus example on the road to peryatyn, where her church is, well, according to the documents , the church is a religious building, in fact, it is a big bazaar where pies are sold and no taxes are paid. hetmantsev, the slipper of this bazaar, yes, well, let's hope that hetmantsev does not watch this broadcast, he will be engaged in real taxation of the moscow church and see what they pay, what they do not pay to the budget, and what they are exempted from. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the program, yevgenia kravchuk, yaroslav zheleznyak and rostyslav pavlenko were guests of today's program, the results of our survey are at the end, we asked you today whether the exchange rate operation
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with... will be a disaster for russia. 46% yes, 54% no. let's put an end to this, it was the program verdict provyi serhiy rudenko. goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even under during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro did not help. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro - urination under control. there are discounts until independence day on normoven tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. in the august issue, krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how ukraine is looking for its own. will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful
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and opportunities. which are related to recovery initiatives, and we also want to improve the recovery process in different areas.


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