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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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big, that is, everyone saw what state he was in, he was really in a state of shock, he did not know what commands to give, because gerasimov, the chief of the general staff, simply failed this situation, he simply demonstrated once again that he cannot really adequately assess the situation and reported to putin that everything is fine, everything is under control, and even his most recent report back in... in the first days of the start of the kurdish operation, he reported that only 1,000 ukrainian servicemen had crossed over, 700 had been killed, and there were still there are remnants running through the forests and so on, well, that is, the reports are very similar, as was reported to putin in february, march of the 22nd year before the disaster, when they began to flee from the kyiv, chernihiv, sumy regions, that is, the toolkit is small, so you are now showing , there is dyumin and... these
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are the closest people to putin, and there was information that it seems that putin instructed dyumin and zolotov to coordinate precisely the counter-terrorist operation, it is i who will say this, mr. mykhailo, to our viewers, two former bodyguards of putin, yes, so the gold was generally guarded by the mayor of leningrad, it slipped my mind from whom putin got sobchak's suitcases, that is, sobchak still employed young zolotov. and when putin became president in 1999, he summoned zolotov and he became his personal, or rather the head of his security, and young dyumin is such a boy major, the son of a lieutenant general, still in the soviet military medical service, then he graduated from the military the school also fell under putin's protection, and since 1999, and they have continued theirs. way, let's say so, in
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a close circle, i.e. he, well, different information is coming in, now it seems they are already denying that dyumin and zolotov were assigned to coordinate this counterintelligence operation, but in fact now putin does not know what to do, that is, gerasimov has been given the command to continue the offensive in donbas, maybe dyumin zolotov will is tasked with coordinating the counterinsurgency operation in the kurt region, but what to do next, if there are not enough reserves, he cannot... withdraw even one division from donbas in order to somehow neutralize the threat of the advance of ukrainian forces in the kurt region, start operations in the bryansk region, i think that first the ukrainian troops can start their operations there in order to protect the flanks of our troops that are advancing in the kurtsk region, that is , the belgorod and bryansk regions are such flank areas where the ukrainian army can conduct its actions, i think that they will not give this initiative to the russians, as for massive... missile strikes, well
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, russia has not found any new resources, except for the possibility of iran transferring ballistic missiles there, that is, the sanctions are still in effect, yes, russia did not stop the production of its missiles, but it did not increase it radically, that is, they can accumulate a certain number of missiles, they can strike even at kiev, they do this constantly, but i do not think that this will somehow be news for the air defense of ukraine, so that we also have f-16s that can fight effectively. with cruise missiles, so even for eh to use patriots and anti-ballistic missiles in a more concentrated way, now there are more opportunities, so even if they hit kiev, even if they hit civil infrastructure, in principle, they cannot surprise the armed forces of ukraine with anything, or surprise the ukrainians with anything, we are already used to the fact that there are inadequate bloodthirsty terrorists in the kremlin, so we can expect them... every day when they
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hit the ahmadite, there were no kurdish operations there, they just took and hit the children's hospital, so some super surprises, i don't think they can do it, that's why putin has such a look, he understands that in fact there is an inspection now of his regime, the stability of this vertical, the stability of the regime's demonstration of power in general, because if the russian elites feel... feel that these old men sitting there, they lose control over the situation in general, they may revolt, because not everyone in the russian the elites are ready to die together with putin, because in this elite, each of them owns 10 billion dollars on a conditional basis, he would somehow like to live some more, maybe agree with the west and somehow remove sanctions and so on, so the situation for putin is very, very dangerous. mr. mykhailo, against this background ministry. of defense of belarus and the head
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of the ministry khrenin announced that they are moving troops to the border with ukraine, formally they blame ukraine. that ukrainian drones crossed the air, well , the border, and entered the airspace of the republic of belarus, although the monitoring group of the belarusian army says that on august 9, which is mentioned in the message of the ministry of defense of belarus, that in fact no shots or missiles were fired at the drones was not on the territory of the republic of belarus, the planes did not take off, the helicopters didn't take off either, and andriy demchenko, the spokesman for the border guard of ukraine , said on the espresso channel that ukrainian border guards have not yet recorded the transfer or build-up of the forces of the belarusian army near the border of ukraine. let's listen to what demchenko said. of course, i cannot rule out that
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in order to create even such a picture, which was spread, spread by the ministry of defense of belarus, they still carry out the transfer of certain of their units. maybe in a small amount, but all this happens deep in the territory of belarus, because near our border, where there is maximum proximity, we do not record the movement of equipment or personnel from any units in the army of belarus. mr. mykhailo, why does lukashenka create this picture that ukraine is a threat to security. belarus, although on the contrary it is now and has been recorded since february 24, 2022. why should lukashenka rattle his weapon? in this way, he wants to support putin, who, well, actually fell into the trap of the armed forces
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of ukraine in the kursh region. it is very interesting here, in fact, remember, for several weeks that's why lukashenko, on the contrary, withdrew. from the border of ukraine, he solemnly announced this, and when the kurdish operation began, many russian military commanders, so-called bloggers, in principle there, it seems, also deputies of the state duma, they accused lukashenka of betraying russia, demonstratively took him to the conspiracy, he they said there that it was an agreement between lukashenko and zelenskyi, lukashenko withdraws his troops from the border with ukraine, ukraine takes advantage of this, gathers exactly those... troops that were near the border of belarus, gathers a shock fist and hits in kursk region. of course, this is completely delusional, but the accusation against lukashenko has been made, and lukashenko can thus address the information space of russia, demonstrating that look,
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nothing like that, i am returning my troops to the border with ukraine and i am ready for battle, of course, not before what fight he is not ready for, i would be in his place at all. he sat quietly, because his maneuvers simply have to be understood that he has 10-15 thousand soldiers there, which he can send a real combat contingent of some kind, which has never been in its history, the armed forces of belarus did not take part in any peacekeeping operation, not even in any combat, that is , it can be a very difficult situation for lukashenko, when he can provoke ukraine, and you know, minsk is 700 km away, that is, here, in fact, clearly, that is, clearly in a place that is still more calm, now he was somewhere, the potato season is already coming and so on, somewhere he would be engaged in gardening, i think he is engaged in this, that is, this plot has passed, and now they will sit quietly
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because, god forbid, they will touch ukraine somewhere, it can end in the real collapse of lukashenka, he knows it, that's why he knows how much... you can press, how much you don't have to press, because the provocation itself, some real military, can end for lukashenka's regime very, very bad. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was military expert mykhailo samus. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and you can like this video, subscribe to our pages, as well as participate in our survey today it sounds like this: will the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine become a disaster for russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a personal opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that
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the kursk operation of the ukrainian army will end in a disaster for russia, as president zelensky believes, then 0.800 211 300. 71 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will tally up the results of this vote, then contact maxim rozumny. political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maksym, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. good evening. let's go, mr. maksym, and you will try to answer the question that we ask our tv viewers, whether the kursk operation of the ukrainian army will be a disaster for russia, and i would also go on to say that it will also be a disaster for putin. this operation, of course, changed some of the... in the course of the russian-ukrainian war, i don't think
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it will be an immediate disaster for the putin regime, but at least these changes are very significant. well, let's start with the fact that, in general, this operation, first of all, it was prepared, obviously for more than one day and quite carefully, and we still do not know its strategic plan, but the truth is also: that it, well, what is called , was designed and implemented by the ukrainian side not because of a good life. the fact is that the russians are pressing, they have been pressing for quite a long time, stubbornly, persistently, regardless of losses, and we we are losing settlements, we are exhausting ourselves in this struggle, so it is obvious that some were needed. symmetrical actions, transferring, so to speak, the emphasis of combat operations to new
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territories, and this finding of the general staff of the armed forces is obviously, as it stands at the moment, quite successful, because it changes, so to speak, the dynamics, makes adjustments to the plans the enemy, and in this sense it can become a point of reference in which... ukraine can take the initiative on the battlefield, i am not a military expert, so i will limit myself to commenting precisely the military side, with this wording, can take the initiative, but this means for the political situation in russia and, as you rightly noted, for the fate of the putin regime, such a... seemingly small change, it is very significant and perhaps even fateful,
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therefore that as soon as putin starts to lose, as soon as putin shows weakness, that he is not in control and that he is, so to speak, forced to defend himself, to react, he does not know what to do, we have seen this footage, he looks quite confused, he immediately loses auto'. and he loses that legitimacy, so to speak to say, which is currently formed both in russian society and in the russian ruling class. this operation, a military operation, mr. maxim, is taking place against the background of talks about the upcoming peace summit, about the second peace summit, the global peace summit, and actually, most of the observers who are in the west. they are talking about the fact that, they say, in this way zelensky is trying to prepare the basis for
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future negotiations with russia, because russia speaks to ukraine in the language of ultimatums, and putin literally a month and a half ago expressed his, his vision of the conditions under which it is possible to talk about peace or a cease-fire, you give us four regions and the republic... the autonomous republic of crimea, and then we sit down at the negotiating table, we talk about something, the armed forces of ukraine are withdrawn from there, then we talk about peace. in light of what is happening in kurshchyna, the head of the foreign affairs of italy and switzerland, antonio taiani and ignazio cassis , signed a joint declaration calling for a second global peace summit with the involvement of all parties, including russia. we call for the provision of nuclear safety, the release of prisoners of war and
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establishment of lasting peace. we support the holding of the second peace summit with the participation of all parties, including russia. it's about the declaration. can the events in kurshchyna push russia to participate in the global peace summit, or to start negotiations with ukraine, at least in the format as it was. when concluding an agreement on the grain corridor on the black sea, that is, when ukrainians and russians do not communicate directly with each other, but there are intermediaries, and... one side talks with ukraine, then this side talks with russia, then it comes to is there any consensus? to answer the question briefly, i would say that no, this situation does not bring putin, well, actually, as the main
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political subject in russia, closer to, actually. in any negotiating format, moreover , i think that putin will try to change the situation, and until he changes it, he will not be ready for negotiations. the fact is that putin is used to speaking from a position of strength, and to be honest, the actions of the russian army, on the front, on the eastern front, on the southern front, this continuous pressure, without... taking into account the losses, which i have already talked about, and without any visible strategic goal, in the military sense, actually this can be explained precisely by putin's preparation for negotiations and the formation of this strong position, when his position is weakened , he naturally loses
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motivation for negotiations, that is, in fact, those negotiations on... putin's terms, they are, well, not very attractive to us, they are dangerous for us, because they threaten us with big concessions in our national interests, and therefore we must create a situation in which putin will be forced to go to negotiations in the face of, so to speak, an inevitable disaster, so far the situation in kurshchyna does not look like such a disaster to him. if we do not know how this operation will develop, if we recall the previous years, the 22nd, 23rd, when options were considered to enter the main, so to speak, force of the enemy, which is concentrated in the donetsk direction, in the luhansk and donetsk regions, from the north through the territory of russia, it
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could threaten the defeat of this group of troops. the enemy, in front of the face such a threat, it is obvious that putin should think, uh, and maybe agree to some uncomfortable conditions for himself, in the current situation, i think that the peace summit, the second peace summit with the participation of russia, by these events, he is on the contrary under a big question mark, because until the situation is resolved, until it becomes clear what it is going to... and whether ukraine seizes the initiative on the battlefield, uh, it will be very difficult to force or encourage putin to such negotiations. president zelensky, mr. maksym, announced the decision, which, he said, would strengthen spiritual independence from moscow. his statement came at a time when the verkhovna rada of ukraine
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is preparing to re-consider the draft law in the second reading on banning the activities of religious organizations. related to the russian federation, let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. i just held a preparatory meeting about a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spiritual independence. we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities, limit the freedom of ukrainians, and the solutions for this must be 100% effective and really working. we will provide them. mr. maxim, does it mean? these words and the confidence of the president, with which he spoke about the moscow church, that the moscow church will be banned in ukraine? er, i would say here that the moscow church in ukraine will lose the legal status it has at
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the moment, because er, well, it's logical, it's for many... reasons, let's not get into that now , regarding the current statement and the forecast in general, you know, a little earlier, i saw the article of the chairman of the parliamentary profile committee of nikita poturaev, who actually spoke in support of this decision, nikita poturaev, one of the leading representatives of the actual political force of the servant of the people and... and obviously close to the president's office, and i understood that the decision, the principled decision, was made, and it is obvious , that some kind of delay. it is, so to speak, connected with some kind of internal negotiations, the search for compromises, a political solution,
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but it seems that really at the moment our power is consolidated, centralized, in the person of president zelensky made this decision. what could be the consequences of such a decision, that is, this again. will make putin hysterically talk about the russian orthodox church, about ukrainian fascists, use all kinds of weapons in order to show that we are wrong, that is, on the heads of kyivans and residents of other cities, because for putin this is a fundamental issue in his policy regarding ukraine? i think that this will not... be some kind of big sensation, including for a russian citizen, a viewer of russian tv channels, because, well, to us, if so
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to speak, everyday, then we have nothing to lose in their faces, we became nazis a long time ago, and everything is the worst possible, and that is, they, i think... will be surprised, on the contrary, that the russian church in ukraine has not been banned yet , because according to their ideas, something like that is already being done to its priests here, terrible, that is why there is such a sharp reaction to this act, to the fact that certain legal issues are decided by this law, registration. property and so on, that is , it is not actually a religious conflict or discrimination of people on the basis of faith, so
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it will be difficult to make a new picture out of this, so to speak, and to achieve some great propaganda effect, everything else, everything else, it’s just part of the russian-ukrainian war, so to speak, of course, that putin will to take revenge, i think he has already accumulated enough internal motivation to do the worst that he can do, against ukraine, against our people, and of course, that the day of independence is approaching, for russians, so to speak , like a red rag to the bull of the anthology one, and they will try to do something, but they have been trying to do something for a very long time, so we will wait, we will endure and we will bring victory closer. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym, a smart
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political expert, doctor of political science. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel. we will now look at the interim results of our survey. today we ask you about the following: will the kursk operation of the armed forces of ukraine become a disaster for russia? 46%. think yes, 54% - no, there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills, 10% at pharmacies psyllium, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at pharmacies, psyllium, bam and ochad. wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo, i am saving myself, reo, you. ready dear ready took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in psyllanyk, bam
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and oshdka pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on edem, 25% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. big ether. news, it's time to talk about money during the war for two hours to keep up with the economic olsenchevka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen p' to the conversation. two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news chihchenina, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become familiar to many, and is ready
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to talk about the weather for this weekend with me. as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira angels unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on air espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, how
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would mykola veresin. did, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, my heart hurts , all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, friends, live. tv channel, the second part of the verdict program. in in this issue we will talk about the following. the catastrophe of putin's war. the armed forces of ukraine are creating a sanitary zone in the border areas of russia, from where the aggressor struck. how will the exchange rate operation affect ukraine's international position? postponed
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personnel decisions. ministries remain without authorized heads for months, when the verkhovna rada can fill vacancies in the cabinet of ministers. strengthening spiritual independence. president zelenskyi announced effective solutions that will repel russia on the religious front. can the parliament adopt the long-awaited law on banning the russian church. friends we will talk about all this for the next 45 minutes, but before we start our conversation with our guests, please take part in our survey, today we ask you whether the kursk operation of the ukrainian armed forces will be a disaster for russia, according to zelenskyi, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or phones, vote by calling 0800 211 381, if
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do you think that... the kursk operation of the ukrainian army will end in disaster for russia, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today 's guests: yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, head of the committee, ms. on issues of culture, science, media and sports. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with me today by us good evening. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine for european solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee on education,
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science and. innovations mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, ladies and gentlemen, we ask ours viewers and tv viewers about what they think, whether the kursk operation of the armed forces of ukraine will be a disaster for russia. i will ask you about it. let's try to answer this question in the blitz poll format. ms. yevgenia, let's start with you. well, she is already becoming one, and... for russia, such symbolic defeats, even humiliation, and well, it hits very hard on the general image of the so- called government and the overall controllability of the situation. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. rostyslav, i would also use the present continuous and the present continuous tense, because it unfolds before our eyes and...


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