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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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we will provide them, mrs. yevgenia, what decision is it about, about the second reading of the draft law, which one is in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, if so, then what does the president have to do with the current situation, if the draft law is being considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine? well, because the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, showed indecision for many months, because in fact with such great difficulties. managed to add this bill to the agenda and it is indeed now on the agenda for the first plenary day, again there are still issues of these spam amendments, that is why we may not vote on the first day, but it is obvious that this long road is approaching its logical end, and this long road began precisely with the decision of the president, the decision of the national security council back in december, then the decree. of the president in
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january and one of the points above, besides the fact that the kivopechersk lavra returned to the management of the state and ukrainian prayers were finally sounded there, and sanctions were also imposed, and we saw that the sbu began to work quite briskly on various collaborators in ryas, and one of the points - it actually was mandate to develop a draft law, the president cannot entrust it to the verkhovna rada, he entrusted it to the cabinet of ministers, and actually now it is the second reading we... as a committee, we are still waiting for certain recommendations from the working group of the conciliation council, they took a time-out until the 15th, until august 15, it was the decision of all factions and groups, and if it is necessary to introduce some final things, the committee will be ready to consider them, well, in particular, there were quite good proposals, of a purely legal nature, which would strengthen the law from the speaker of the parliament, ruslan oleksiyovych. thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr.
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rostislav, tell me, in this situation, does the president want to convince someone in the verkhovna rada that it is necessary to vote for this bill, or to seize the initiative and say that it was the president's team that did everything in order to pass the bill in the second reading , that is, i cannot understand, there is the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there is a draft law, which in no... the government is the prime minister, after all, there is a government appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there is a verkhovna rada of ukraine, which passes laws , and there is an executive power that enforces these laws, can you explain the logic why the president is talking about this spiritual independence now? well, whatever the motives, i really hope that this is a signal to the president's office to stop ee... creating obstacles for people's
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deputies to support this bill, to vote for this bill, and finally to put an end to this issue, and it is very important, because the president said that we will ensure it, but then it will be very important to implement this law, we will see if it will not be like the law on renaming, when s... sabotage from the center and to the places made its implementation very difficult, to put it mildly. this law provides for specific mechanisms of how to determine the connection with the fact that this is a moscow church, how to interrupt this connection, and how to stop the activities of those organizations that refuse to interrupt this connection. therefore, i really hope that the signal will be heard by those who are now outside the verkhovna rada, most of all in the president's office. and in the verkhovna rada itself, they
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oppose this, that we will really vote for this draft law, it will become a law that will then be executed. thank you, mr. rosyslav, mr. yaroslav, can anything prevent the adoption of this decision, because the dots of hope must be placed, well , even more so, during the already great war of russia against ukraine, and the dots must be clearly placed over the activities. uoc m. well, for sure, something can get in the way. i'm sorry, this is the third time, unfortunately, we have unsuccessfully tried to expel maryana bezula from the defense committee, somehow it is not included in the decision, although everything was already ready for this, so i am not surprised and on another such issue of national security, but i... think that we need to
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wait closer to the plenary week for not only law-making, as i understand it, the news will be about or related to law-making, but also religion, but not only at the level of legislation . and therefore it seems to me that one way or another, the issue of the moscow church will be closed, at least at the level of the verkhovna rada in august. and how will this change the situation in ukraine and , in particular, in the spiritual sphere, that is, the absence of this church or the reformation of this church, whether there will be any protests by parishioners, or whether there will be any protests by priests? in churches, or will it still be a gradual process that will eventually force both parishioners and priests to choose one of the churches, but not the moscow one? to whom do you have questions, and this is to you, mr. yaroslav, i will tell you honestly, if
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you ask me how they can be taxed, i will easily tell you, on your broadcast now is rostislav pavlenka, who literally brought thomas for ukraine and yevgenia kravchuk, who works. ok, i'll ask you how then it is possible to tax those priests who engaged in smuggling and were covered by the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, i think that this is exactly where we will put things in order, especially, taking into account the restart of the bep and the upcoming reform of the customs, well, in general, to be honest, i would look a little closer at the tax benefits from these organizations, but let's face it... first , the specialized committee will still make a decision on their definition there, which will be voted on by the ukrainian parliament, believe me, we will definitely not mess with taxes. thank you sir rostislav and ms. evgenia, then i will redirect the political part of this question about parishioners and priests, about their choice,
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in what way they can choose the next church, where they can be, of course, after your decision, literally 40 seconds each, sir rostislav well, in fact, the whole question is this: the ukrainian orthodox church now pretends that it is not connected with the russian orthodox church. the law prohibits the activities of the russian orthodox church and all related structures on the territory of ukraine. therefore, pcmp will be a very simple choice, or how part of the russian orthodox church not to work in ukraine, or to sever ties with the russian orthodox church and negotiate with the ocu about... unification or unification, there are many historical examples of how this is done. thank you, mr. rosysislav, ms. yevheniyu, well, what exactly should the state not interfere in, this is a choice, the main thing the state says is that there should be no connection with russia, there can be no connection with the roc with
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the aggressor country, and the orthodox kirill and gondyaev did not meet with a wedge, from now on every religious community can make this appearance, after it has been... proved that this connection exists, because this is a specific consideration, through the court, that is, we follow european procedures, and i can say to my colleague zheleznyak that there is a beautiful, but with a minus , example on the road to peryatyn, where there is a church, well, this according to the documents, it is a church, a religious building, in fact it is a big bazaar where pies are sold and no taxes are paid. bazaar, yes, well, let's hope that hetmantsem does not watch this broadcast, he will deal with real taxation of the moscow church and see what they pay, whether they do not pay to the budget, and what they are exempted from. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your participation in the program, yevgenia kravchuk, yaroslav
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zheliznyak and rostislav pavlenko were guests of today's program, finally, the results of our survey, we asked you this today, will the course operation of the armed forces of ukraine become a disaster for russia? 46% yes, 54% no, we put an end to this, it was a program of the verdict of serhii rudenko, bye, there are discounts until independence day on imodium, 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and ochad, allergies are rare. the lion overcame. ci3v neo. protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day at citramon darnytsia. 10% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on estezefin 25% in pharmacies
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psylansky, bam and oskad. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. isotaa your water if heartburn bothers you. books until the day of independence for 20% off in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhii zgurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy feder, already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war.
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two hours in the company of favorite hosts about cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us in touch, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and... indifferent people in the evening at espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours. tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii
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rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone poll. turn on and get involved. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporizhzhia. was i then in charge of the department of national statehood protection? but how the former actress became a russian pseudo-mermaid. i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, following the call of
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their hearts and wallets, went to serve the roshi to the occupiers in today's issue , we will talk about sellers from the occupied part of zaporozhye, about those who think that our justice will not reach them. she was a ukrainian actress, but became a russian pseudo-mayor. we work for the benefit of the population, to help people who live in the territories that suffer from shelling from ukraine. this is nataliya oleksandrivna romanichenko , born in 1993, a native of the city of vasylivka, in zaporizhzhia until february 24, 2022 , she was a theater and film actress, participated in the play be at home with ada rogovtseva and pasha lee. in addition to acting , natalya had a production children's center bee wow, where she taught children theater skills, modeling and the basics of journalism. in addition to this, there was the owner of the company tof-garant romannichenko in vasylivka, which was engaged in
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maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. children, in order to be able to express themselves in work, they had comprehensive development. they were developed, for example, if it was necessary to dance, they could dance. but with the arrival of the occupiers in zaporizhzhia natalya decided to radically change her life. now she is playing pseudo-politician. i take on the temporary duties of the chairman. vasylivska administration, i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. romannichenko returned to her hometown and began to actively cooperate with the rashists in several directions. the first is direct assistance to russian soldiers. to begin with , she offered the occupiers the services of her service station. it repaired and painted military equipment of the russian federation, and also provided supply of spare parts. for each repaired. the car was covered with the symbols of the rashists, the letter z. romannichenko ensured
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the supply of construction equipment, with the help of which the occupiers created fortifications to counter the armed forces. at the same time, the collaborator did not forget about campaigning in favor of the russian federation. she called on the locals to help the so -called brotherly russian people in every possible way, and spread anti-ukrainian propaganda about the bloody war, which was allegedly started by ukraine itself. in general, it proved loyalty. to the kremlin dictator to later receive its bloody dividends, namely the chair of the so -called mayor of vasylivka, zaporizhzhia region. we are residents of the liberated territories of zaporizhzhya. regions, we see the difference, we see the improvement in the quality of life, we see all the benefits that the russian federation provides, we are full-fledged territories of the russian federation, and this is all thanks to our president, as an illegal karmanich, natalya is russifying the city in every possible way, calls to get russian passports,
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glorifies the army of the russian federation and putin and continues to bring humanitarian aid to the invaders to the front. party. russia organized humanitarian campaign in support of our servicemen. she explains all her activities in the telegram channel called on the same wave with head romanichenko. the poverty of the channel is emphasized by the russian symbols b and z in the name. but romanichenko could not remain unnoticed by our law enforcement agencies for a long time. at first, she was suspected, and later on july 28, 2022, the sbu submitted an indictment to the court in relation to her. i apologize to everyone for everything i am guilty of. already in august 2023, the ukrainian themis recognized her guilty and sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment with confiscation of all property. so far , in absentia, but who knows, maybe soon this saleswoman will apologize while sitting in a ukrainian cell. our next anti-hero is dmytro oleksandrovich kucharkov, he is 41 and comes
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from melitopol. in this video, he talks in the national language, saves the lives of ukrainians in extreme situations, in extreme situations, it is very difficult, he explained to a person how to save these gardens, so that he can take a step, but in a few years he will change his form and switch to russian to serve the occupying power. by order of the governor, we tour the settlements. before becoming a collaborator, from 2006 to 2021, kucharko worked as the head of the melitopol district department of the emergency services of ukraine in the zaporizhzhia region, the rescuers, people who know a lot about the disaster, will provide valuable experience and good knowledge. after
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the occupation of melitopol, kocherkov did not leave the territory under the control of ukraine and continued to work in... emergency services only in russia, becoming a chief there the so-called ministry of emergency situations. we responded to the message we received that pensioners aged 46 and 52 lost their homes after the shelling. the aide urged people to cooperate with the so -called new leadership and, as the fake head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the zaporizhzhia region , persuaded locals to leave for work. to the newly created body, promising good privileges from the occupiers. in 2023, the sbi announced that kurchik was suspected of treason. therefore , don't forget the ukrainian language, dmytro, you still have to listen to the court sentence and repent like a nightingale. and finally, i will tell you about the major general of the sbu during yanukovych's time, who is now in charge of
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the russian military forces in zaporozhye. serhii valentinovych gandzha, born in 1959 , hails from kirovohrad. which region he started his career in ganja organs in 1986. he was deputy head of the sbu department in dnipropetrovsk and kyiv regions and deputy mayor of dnipropetrovsk. in 2012, he received the position of authorized president of ukraine for control over the activities of the security service of ukraine. but ganja really showed his nature during the maidan. by in the 13th year of viktor yanukovych's presidency , ganzha was appointed to head the national state protection department. at that time, i was in charge of the department of the security service of ukraine for the protection of national statehood, and every morning i heard everyone who spoke, who gave commands, where the leaders of the maidan met, how they then went to yanukovych. during the revolution of dignity, general ganja directly led the violent crackdown on the maidan, and according to one version, it was he who gave the order to shoot at the demonstrators as
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part of the sbu operation boomerang, which was aimed at seizing the house of unions, as well as further cleaning of the maidan. on february 26 , 2014, ganja was released and declared wanted on suspicion of treason. and while our law enforcement agencies were waiting for him in ukraine, he hid in obolots, after february 24, 2022 he went to the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. in january 2023, the rashists appointed him the head of the so-called state security service of the zaporozhye region. and already on the 24th, he received a suspicion of collaborative activity from the sbu and the sbu. according to the police, ganja is involved in organization of mass repressions against civilians, their counseling and sending to russian torture camps. ganja has been waiting behind bars for a long time, but who knows, maybe before going to our prison, ganja
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will find himself in russian torture chambers. we all know well how the kremlin treats those who are no longer needed. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address, or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to trace. and a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening. we are from ukraine. heavy fighting in the pokrovsky direction, the enemy captures new villages. new data from the deep state map. kurdish operation: the russians surrender and their generals prepare for a decisive battle. they are evacuating from kurtshchyna to ukraine, where are russian officials taking residents from the war zone and why exactly there, are western sanctions in effect, what is the real margin of safety in the russian
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economy, to change the mobilization age in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, they want to mobilize in a new way, from what age and up to which they now want to call for troops, well , it turns out that putin was preparing to hit the european union with the help of his fleet, why he will not succeed ... and also why britain is against its missiles storm shadow flew to the chicken, we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes, this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and by the way, today we will also have a connection from hendon park, and from glasgow, where literally in a few hours will begin his decisive match at this stage, for the entry to the champions league kyiv dynamo, we will have inclusion from scotland, so there is a lot of interesting and important, well, simple. now i invite serhii zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column, to the conversation. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate
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you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will again talk about the dynamics in the kursk region, because finally the official kyiv has admitted that our defense forces are fighting there, and they are fighting quite effectively. and about what and what conclusions are drawn from the kurdish operation our manufacturers. drones, which manufacture them directly for the defense forces, about all this later in our program. so, a week has passed of the initially well-planned operation on the territory of the russian federation, which is being carried out by the forces of what i believe to be an operational-maneuver group. this group includes a number of mechanized. landing brigades, artillery brigade, territorial defense brigade, new ranger regiments, special operations forces, electronic warfare groups, unmanned aerial
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vehicles and anti-aircraft systems of defense, there is a breakdown of all these brigades, if you analyze the various messages there, but this does not make sense, the main meaning is that this group was created for a quick breakthrough of the enemy defenses and for the opening of a new section of the front. with the enemy, and here is the place, the pace of advancement, the clearly planned interaction of units caused such a shock effect both in the enemy and, it seems, in our partners, and ensured the growth of such fighting spirit in the armed forces and in our society, despite all the complexity of this rather risky operations yesterday, all of kyiv acknowledged that the operation in the kursk region is being carried out by defense forces, commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi said that during the offensive operations in the kursk region, our troops have already taken control
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of the territory, an area of ​​1000 km, this is actually, as i understand it , determined by the points where our units operated in various settlements of the kurdistan region, statements from the ministry of foreign affairs were also made today, it was said about... by the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs that we are not interested in taking away kurdistan region, we don't need someone else's, but the kurdish operation does not allow the enemy to transfer reserves to other directions and complicates the military logistics of the enemy, this is actually the correct conclusion, and now, if we try to describe what is happening in the kursk region, then the armed forces continue ... a maneuver operation, having an advantage in this while russia is trying to respond, transfers its reserves, but this did not affect the stabilization
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of the front line and as such ... there is no such front line yet, because the mobile armored groups of the armed forces are breaking through the rear of russian units, our subversive and reconnaissance groups now actually cover all areas, primarily the roads from rylsk to kursk and even there to the kurskorod road in the east, and if we look at the map and try to integrate various photos and videos there. message, we can say that now there are actually four directions where the armed forces operate, two such directions - these are the corners of the blatzdarm in the directions of lviv and kursk, and two directions of action, this is for flank expansion, in order to secure our blastarm from the west from the east, and here we are primarily talking about
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the rila samsuju, when we talk... about the left flank, then it is precisely our forces of the operational-maneuver group now operating in the direction of rylsk and here the settlement in front of rilsk, this is exactly korinevo, it is about 25 km from rilsk, the enemy is entrenched there, there is no exact information at the moment, yesterday, the day before yesterday , there were attempts by our units to bypass this root in order to get closer to rilsk, and this is exactly the left flank, if we look at on... the bridgehead, and the right flank is what is happening near suzhi, there ours, firstly, despite being in parallel with full control of suzhi, our reconnaissance groups were operating east, there was such a populated point, it is 12 km from the border, there by the way, our reconnaissance group was operating with armored personnel carriers, there were videos that some of these armored personnel carriers
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were impressive. enemy lancets, this is war and there will actually be losses of combat equipment in any case, but it is important that precisely the direction east, even with an exit to the belgorod region, is precisely the supply of our group on the right flank, which is extremely it is important, well, actually two directions of advance in the main directions - these are precisely lhov and to kursk, in the direction of lhov, here we actually have some advance. and there are about 18-17 km to this settlement, the direction to kursk is the same, now halfway there is the village of martynivka, where hostilities were taking place, but in any case, we understand that all this dynamics is quite fast, and it allows, first of all, to conclude that ukraine has achieved tactical and
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operational successes, probably we... at this stage , the enemy is now trying at the expense of its own reserves, let's see how it will turn out, i think that it will not just be with the enemy, because at the same time our units are being consolidated on certain lines, and when we talk about strategic challenges, i think that here ukraine itself has already won a victory , because we have both an informational effect and an effect of influence on our partners, who understand that if we regularly provide ourselves with a sufficient number of weapons, then the ukrainian... military leadership is capable of conducting non-standard such asymmetric operations that put our the enemy is in a state of shock, and now, i think, this shock continues, the question is how we will take advantage of this and find a balance with actions in other directions, where, in particular, pokrovsk and toretsk, the enemy is trying to push through our defenses, but as we see, the presence forces and means allows us to carry out offensive operations and find solutions
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that... actually provide strategic, informational and, i think, operational, tactical advantages. by the way, the operation in the kurdish direction is now interpreted in different ways by different publications, they are looking for it detailing the actions of our units, and from a lot of publications that in this direction our military created the prerequisites that, at the expense of the rep system, suppressed russian drones and... our drones themselves worked at those ranges where the enemy could not do anything with them to work out, and they actually destroyed the equipment and manpower of the enemy, and about certain details, about certain conclusions from these unmanned components of the kurdish operation, we will talk with our next guest, we are joined by the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the special unit of strike drones is white.


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