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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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good morning, it's a beautiful morning in the belgorod region, there is a state of emergency at the regional level, so is the whole of belgorod region, they started with the fact that just in case, let's start evacuating people, now it's already very, very be careful, they missed, they did not notice what happened in kurshchyna and now they are trying to pretend that they control the situation in other regions, in sumyshchyna... an interesting story, because there was a man there who said that the village of lypova dolyna, said that supports the russians, well done russians, the court reacted, they convicted him, he got three years and after all, not in the form of punishment, probably, but attempts to rehabilitate, they gave him to read shevchenko’s kobzar, read it, man, and maybe there will be people out of you, and then he made excuses, he said that the neighbor quarreled. franko and
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to finish with dontsov, maybe then it will work, we talked about how the shelling that would have increased in sumy oblast, yesterday in kharkiv oblast, on the contrary, they were talking about a different trend, now we will ask about it from the deputy of the kharkiv oblast council, galina kuts, in connection with our studio, mrs. galina, good morning, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes, how did you reduce all these powerful cabs after some reconnaissance drones hung out there, then the bombardment began, how is it now? thank you, so we have, as soon as the events began in kursk, such interesting, good events for us, kharkiv immediately became calmer, much calmer, and we are very grateful that those events are taking place. kharkiv is a little relieved,
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of course, this does not apply to the region and places where hostilities are taking place, the vovchan direction, the kupyan direction, there the hostilities continue, are being conducted, there are shelling, for example, the shelling that took place on august 12 in the town of bogodukhiv, then there it was recorded that russia used north korean missiles again, that is, there are shellings, kharkiv itself, in principle, so far more or less. calm, air alarms are sounding, but more calmly. we also extended the curfew in more than 200 settlements, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., because in kharkiv itself, the curfew lasts from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., uh, these are our districts, again, the areas of hostilities, these, or those bordering those areas, are the kupyan district, the chuguyiv district and... the zyum district,
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the bogoduhiv district. in addition, two more communities have this extended curfew : lipetska, with its center in liptsi, and dorgachivska. well, the dorgachiv community, she in fact, it already borders kharkiv itself, and there is such a curfew there. and because of this, they are now changing the movement of suburban trains, adjusting to that curfew, for those people who go to the side, they have such new problems, but in general , eh... kharkiv really likes this kurdish offensive, and we are grateful that we we can live a little more calmly. mrs. galina, it was the west to kurshchyna that gave us some answers to what we were interested in, how much in these, ancient ukrainian lands, which even lenin raised and recognized as the territories of the ukrainian people's republic, how much they destroyed, as they say, the spirit,
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the language, how much they brainwashed there, it turned out that not everything is so catastrophic, at least in the video reports of our soldiers, which are sent to us from various forces. quite interesting dialogues, conversations, meetings and so on, and another ancient ukrainian city, as it was noted in the russian empire on postcards, the ukrainian city of bilhorod, and how are you in your, let's say , area, if you look, it's the same there too the situation, has bilhorod been made russomir after all, thank you, and belhorod too kursk constantly went to kharkiv to the big bazaar. barabashov shopped here, went to our supermarkets, went to our central park, took their children to attractions, they came here every year because life was better in our country, and they perfectly knew and perfectly understood what we said, but more than that, i will say, today is a very interesting
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date: on august 14, 1918, there was such a decree of the ukrainian people's republic that from now on, from august 14, the suzhan district will...belong to the kharkiv governorate, that is, there is such a decree of the ukrainian people's the republics, moreover, changed everything, but today we have a very interesting date, which proves that slobozhanshchyna was actually large, these are the zabki lands, these are the lands of the sobesky cossacks, so the judge, in principle , from today is a date of 106 years, as it was annexed to kharkiv, and the belgorod region also understands and speaks ukrainian as kursh or not, from belgorod. a lot of people worked in kharkiv, lived in kharkiv, there were many people, starting from 2014, who, you know, both yours and ours, just in case they bought apartments here and there, there were such people and they traveled here and there, i don’t know how they managed now, but they
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decided where it was better for them, and there was also a very interesting situation when they had already given visa-free access to the country, and with kharkov used to fly a lot of lookosts to europe, that was it. en masse, when people from belgorod with russian passports were constantly flying to the lookosts, because it is cheap here, they came en masse, they liked it very much, and they questioned us about everything, and that you really don’t get checked, like us, we say , well, look, they don't check, that is, they do they constantly took advantage of our benefits, yearned for us, and they understood everything perfectly, i remember that i was flying in some lookost, and there were only ukrainian language inscriptions on the chairs and everywhere, they didn't even ask questions, they understood everything. they all knew, this is slobozhanshchyna too, uh, ms. galina, and we you, because it is a very interesting story with these even there apartments and the fact that people from belgorod region worked for themselves in kharkov calmly, if you had the opportunity to find out for us a little more until our next meeting on the air and tell what is now
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is happening with this property of theirs, it would be very interesting and we will thank you, but now we ask you to tell us about the evacuation that took place in the zolochiv district from... we know that all the children were taken away, so whether to kharkiv, because we know that in kharkiv has many opportunities to resettle people, and how they organized the lives of these families, because we understand that the children themselves were definitely not taken, but with at least one parent or guardian, it is a big problem to constantly evacuate families with children, because many simply takes and returns, because it's summer, because you have to collect tomatoes, because you have to preserve them, and now they are being evacuated, they are coming back. and that is why the forced evacuation was announced specifically for families with children, because russia is hunting ukrainian children, and we know it, parents are constantly being told that they are allegedly taken to some camps, then not returned, and there are a lot of such situations, and very it is good that those children are evacuated, they
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are resettled not only in kharkiv, kharkiv is a former large student city, kharkiv had the most students per unit of population in ukraine, that is, if you look at it, we had somewhere between three 300 00 from... 300 to 5000 students, it is like a large regional center, there were a lot of them, and of course we have many dormitories and places where they can be settled, together with that's why a lot of families with children settle in the south of kharkiv region, in the southern communities, i just know that there are both the loziv community and the southern communities, they have an overflow of children in their schools, because there is partly also education there, if the school with protective structures is live to behave, then... that is, they are children of families with children are accepted, there is a place to accept them, kharkiv tries, kharkiv accepts. well, we also have some interesting news with decommunization, i'll stop for a bit, okay? yes, actually, it is interesting, because we, we monitor who is among the champions of the protection of rusamir values, the mayor of odesa or
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the mayor of kharkiv, so we follow this, well, i will first tell you about the situation that happened on the night of august 12-13, when the news. such a self-dismantled monument, a large monument, to the russian-soviet general, general volakh, petr volakh, it is quite large, he was like that. izumi, he is still was erected in 1950, er, and it symbolized such a russian measure there, because that volog was buried in moscow and was born in the saratov region, he simply died in an airstrike in the izyum region, that's all, but there was also a street volokha, which in 2022 was renamed to hetman polubotka street, and this big monument, and the situation is that we are undergoing decommunization and decolonization, but the minkult is very... somehow, in my opinion, it is sabotaging these processes, because this monument could not be dismantled, due to the fact that it is a monument
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of architecture and the ministry of culture does not give importance, well, it does not remove that status, and the monument itself was dismantled, it was moved to another place, but look at the interesting symbolism here: a vlach was born in the town of pokrovska sloboda, which is now called engels, and this is the engels, from where the strategic bombers are constantly. of russia, flew to the kharkiv region and bombed the same raisin. in that engelsi, the same volokh is with the honorable citizens of engelis, there is volokh street. and lo and behold, there is this monument to volokh, this is a man who, on the part of the soviet union, fought with poland against the ukrainian people's republic in the 20s of the last century, this is a person who is so involved in many interesting things against ukraine, and so on. that is, such an interesting
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self-dismantled story, and here is a question for the ministry of culture, when you already remove statuses, monuments from all these things that need to be changed, this is another question that arises, mrs. galina, you said this very correctly, because we once saw such the most idiotic discussion about the fact that the horse under the horse with leonid kravchuk's face is so... one criminal, now it's odesland's turn to catch up with you, you know, there is one bandit there, a mausoleum for him they did, kotovskyi, plundered transnistria and bessarabia, and this one, if they demolish it, it will be 1:1 between kharkiv oblast and odesa oblast, that's how the morning trolling of the ministry of culture is transmitted, mrs. galina, thanks for the conversation, thanks for the reminder. august 14 is the historical date. halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, a judge then on august 14, was
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part of the kharkiv district of slobozhanshchyna. in fact, what is happening in kurshchyna is now one of the most discussed topics in the world. unexpectedly. actually the effect of surprise made it so that attention was drawn to this topic. we have fresh material according to the new york times. they write that it was possible to communicate with several people involved in this operation, and they write that everything was so classified that although they had been preparing the operation for several months, only a very, very limited circle of people knew about it, the officers found out literally three days before operations, but ordinary soldiers actually the day before, however, decided... officers, senior officers, that soldiers are responsible, that their colleagues are
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responsible, not even telephones were taken so that the information would not spread, and we see that it worked, that is, the stake and the general staff, you see, and accordingly , no one went on tv with announcements, and this and no one transmitted the plan earlier to moscow, as was the case with the counteroffensive in the summer of 23- th year all training was disguised as training, that the training was hiding armored vehicles somewhere in the woods, we understand that it is very difficult, because we constantly see how when the russians move their armored vehicles, either at night or through the woods, we manage to track it, that is, imagine what it's a skill to such a number of equipment and personnel were redeployed, and no one noticed it, i believe that skill was demonstrated in kyiv, because we remember that... "where are you moles of my people?" the security service of ukraine never gave us an answer, with that completely
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merged counteroffensive of the 23rd year, because the plans were in moscow, the sbu themselves declared, before the counteroffensive began, so i say, we draw conclusions, we will donate to the armed forces, that’s it qr code, we will talk in a few minutes, remember, there was an announcement that the russians are going to take these evacuees from kurshchyna somewhere: to the south of ukraine, to zaporozhye, they want to the temporarily occupied territories of the azov coast from berdyansk to kyrylivka. we will ask our next guest about this in a few minutes after the break, wait. tired of a mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set of savevory pro. unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999.
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listen to yours. there are 20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetiana chornovol, founder of the angels unit of taira yulia paye. writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively. on the air of the espresso tv channel. republic. coming back, we actually talked about the events in kurshchyna, of course, but now it's time to move on to zaporizhzhia and with us alisa sysoeva, deputy
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of the zaporizhia district council. mrs. alice, good morning. thank you for joining. good morning, congratulations, thank you. for the invitation, we will immediately ask how the night passed, because in fact the whole country, except for the west, was red and for quite a long time these shaheds were flying, just like yours, exactly yes, unfortunately, we do not have a single night without shelling, i am talking about the zaporizhia region in particular, the number has been increasing in recent weeks, today there were 510 strikes in the zaporizhia region, but fortunately there were no casualties and no deaths. there is significant destruction, well, as always , they fired mainly from drones, but they used artillery strikes, other types, but most often in the last months there , it can be said that the zaporizhzhia region is shot from drones, in general, this is the first attempt to strengthen the course group was
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in the fact that under the cover of heavy shelling from the south, some attacks began. transfer to the north to kursk oblast, this concerned kherson oblast, and how generally these northern events on the borders of ukraine, have you changed the situation in zaporizhia oblast, have you not changed anything, you see, for example, kharkiv oblast has become calmer, som oblast has more shelling, on the zaporizhia section of the front, more, less, well, to be honest, i wouldn't say that we have anything significant. has changed, because it has been almost two years of a large-scale invasion, the number of shelling every day zaporizhzhia region, well, it is simply amazing, it is usually several hundreds, and here in recent months... on the contrary, there is probably not a single day when the number of shelling, it was less than 400, well, there were a couple of days, maybe last week, but usually already, you
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you know, when we sum up the shelling for a week, there are more than 3,000, so unfortunately, as the zaporizhzhia region was shelled, so they are shelling continuously, of course, this is how i will quote the acting governor of the kursk region to you... the temporary formation under called russian federation. oleksiy smirnov, he declared that now the second, second stage has started, now it is called such a novoyaz-russian, voluntary evacuation, so they are refugees from kurshchyna, those who applied said that they would transfer them to zaporizhzhia, and i i can't understand how the logic works, i.e. taking people fleeing from the front lines. territories in one place and transfer them to other front-line territories, well, there is no need to look for logic here, but just where are they being thrown? to berdyansk? just like that, that's how they reported it already
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they will be resettled in the berdyansk district, in kyrylivka, probably, well, in general, for the last two years they have been trying to bring as many russians as possible to our occupied territories, and besides the fact that a significant number of russian soldiers are stationed there, they are also taking... and doctors, that is there is such a powerful, powerful change in the ethnic population, and of course, the events in kurshchyna, they also used them to bring us as many of their russians as possible, unfortunately, there were such calculations this year that only a third of the local population remained in the occupied territories, like us we see that more and more are arriving, and as for their security, well, it's not surprising, they never took care of... the security of their own citizens and our citizens in the occupied territories. it is only worth mentioning that in the first days of the occupation, they settled their
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soldiers directly on recreation bases, where people were, where children were, and for two years they generally used people, our ukrainians in the occupied territories, as human shields, so one is surprised at their cynicism definitely not worth it. and what routes? are these people being transported, if they are already being transported? or plan? well, they did not report on their logistics, but this route probably goes through the annexed crimea, or through the luhansk and donetsk regions, and they probably have exactly such routes. as for the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, we want to return, we remember that there were fires, there were various types of fires, and the tires, in particular, everything else, did not make it. experts from magaten to understand what happened there, do you have information, do you have information, in fact, what is
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happening there now, did anyone manage to get more information, how around? well, unfortunately, the situation does not change much, there are a lot of russians there, many russian soldiers report this to our general staff, and you know, our local residents personally, they are inclined. to believe more in our armed forces, which of course say that the cause of these fires is of course the russians themselves, and the fact that the authorities do not make public the cause of the fire, well , let's hope that maybe they will have some conclusions, but well, in the last two years we we see very soft statements of the maga- ta regarding occupiers, but, you know, in recent months they are no longer even hiding, they are not baptizing themselves, if earlier footage appeared that military equipment and armed soldiers from... are located directly in the engine rooms of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and this was filmed by employees , somehow the russians still distanced themselves from everything, now they
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themselves publish a lot of videos, they even hold some flash mobs there, some training right on the territory of the nuclear power plant, so unfortunately, the russians are still there, their equipment, personnel warehouse, moreover, we are told by the military administration that they are building fortifications around the nuclear power plant, so... unfortunately, the threat remains there as long as there is even one russian armed soldier there. ugh. i wanted to ask you this, because yesterday i looked with interest at the work of the zaporizhia historian, serhii zvilinsky is trying to save a large amount of historical material from the front-line communities so that they are not destroyed by the war or stolen by the russians, well, in particular, i was interested in his story about goliaipil antiquities archive . and all others things, and in this case i immediately remembered that in the occupied southern ukrainian lands , the russians were robbed, as always, and something was stolen and taken to russia, well, how was it in...
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mariupol, in particular, do you know anything, in fact, that as regards these occupied places, from berdyansk, from melitopol, antiquities were stolen, taken away to their various hermitages, as they have been doing for hundreds of years, and unfortunately, i cannot say any specific cases, what exactly was stolen, but what they took away , it was 100%, because even when they occupied melitopol, the first thing they did, they went... specifically to the melitopol museum, and we know that there is a very powerful, very powerful collection there, in particular , the skivsk gold was there, i don't think that there is anything left there, because it is so stable the situation when they take everything away and loot everything, what they couldn't take out and loot, they simply destroy, you mentioned the bare field, it was really so very important in terms of history, the consequence
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for the city of zaporozhye, because there was very many historical buildings that have directly important for the zaporizhzhia region, and currently almost all of them are destroyed, so, unfortunately, we also bear such losses from the occupiers. oh, losses, this is also when our children are taken away, even from the occupied lands, and taken somewhere deeper, now we have a case when it was again possible to return several six children from... zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast. what is the next procedure? they returned the children who, during the russian offensive in 22nd year, were somewhere with relatives there or somewhere else in the currently occupied territories, and managed to bring them home. what procedure, how working with those children, is there a developed algorithm to wash from them everything that the russians did, this is their reflashing.
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bullying is moral when they are forced to learn the russian language and learn the russian program and say that they do not support ukraine. what does it look like? that's right, i completely agree with the term you used, that this is a complete re-flashing of children, they have been doing it for two years, well, probably wash it all away, it's only high-quality education, it's only interesting, and interesting lessons in ukrainian schools, of course , what... with these not only teachers there, but also psychologists should work with the children, because the load on the children's psyche is going crazy, and of course, it is good news that the children have been returned, but unfortunately, the number of children returned is significantly less than those who are taken away , the russians take away our children by the hundreds, you know, it's summer and even in the summer, they don't let schoolchildren rest when they don't go to schools, which they turned into
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a propaganda center. russians are currently taking children in the occupied territories to the so -called patriotic camps located in in russia, and there, even during the holidays, children are forced to learn some basics of military training, that is, they prepare future russian soldiers, we understand that the longer the occupation continues, the greater this influence on children's music, which, of course, later on us, adults, and parents and all ukrainians will have to suffer a lot. work to first of all restore the consciousness of our children, who must remain ukrainians, of course. ms. alice, thank you for sharing your thoughts with espress viewers. alisa sysoeva, deputy zaporizhzhia district council, was in touch with us. actually, it is strange, because it is official, that under the cover of shelling , russia transferred troops from kherson oblast and zaporizhzhia, from the occupied territories to the north
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to the kursk oblast, under the cover of shelling. but at the same time, in zaporozhye, you see, nothing has weakened from the point of view of battles and shelling. news time on the espresso tv channel. khrystyna parobiy and the editors have already prepared a selection of the latest, most important information and will now share it with all of us. so khrystyna, we give you the floor and no more we can wait to know the details. what will you talk about? congratulations, colleagues, thank you, i will tell you about the new attacks on russia in the issue, in particular at which airfields. there were explosions, already wrapped, wait. espresso broadcasts news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. savasliyka airport. from where the russians launch daggers.


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