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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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through the russian invaders on our ukrainian land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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russia is evacuating its citizens from some areas of the kursk and belgorod regions, some people are even planned to be taken to the occupied ukrainian territories. biden spoke for the first time about the operation of the armed forces in kursk. he stated that this is a dilemma for putin, what... the president of the usa means, and we are also talking today about what was it is hard to imagine even a month ago, now, when the ukrainian authorities officially recognized that the ukrainian military on the territory of russia is a right-wing aspect of the time, how the armed forces of ukraine should behave, so that the kremlin would have nothing to go to the hague with. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting, join us. and we start our broadcast with the situation in prikordo. in the 20-kilometer zone
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of the sumy region, restrictions on the movement of citizens were introduced, now only those citizens of ukraine who have the appropriate mark in their passports are allowed to enter this territory registration of residence in this zone. the general staff of ukraine informed about such restrictions the day before. the reason, as they say there, is due to the increased intensity of hostilities and the activity of russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups in this territory. during the previous day in the border of the sumy region, they were counted. 45 shelling and 95 explosions. such data was made public by the sumy regional military administration. in addition, the regional center of sumy was also under attack. as a result of a combined air-missile attack, one person received a mine-explosive injury, another had an acute stress reaction. this was reported in the city council. electricity grids, gas pipelines, a hospital building, and cars were damaged in the city. evacuation continues in sumy oblast. according to the data of the regional
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military administration, since august 6 , about 3,800 people have already been evacuated from 23 settlements, of which 170-175 are children, the head of ova volodymyr artyuk stated such data on the air of the telethon, due to regular shelling of the sumy oblast in some areas, it was necessary to declare a mandatory mandatory evacuation, that is the village of basivka, what for 2 km from the russian border constantly suffers from shelling, but not all locals are in a hurry to leave. details in the material of anna tokhmahchi. in the village of basivka in the sumy region, which is only two kilometers from the kursk region of russia, there are few local residents left. yuri malyovany, the owner of a dairy farm, continued to live and work in his native village until the end. his farm with animals has already twice come under the attack of winged aerial bombs of the russian army. all 10 boxes were intact. it was just one
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heifer was killed, and the other two heads were just killed and the third bull, literally 2-3 minutes later the cars went to this and that house, and life would have ended like that, now the man dared to leave, he is transporting the injured livestock that survived to a safer place, but somehow he did not run anywhere, he lived here for 3 years under shelling not shelling. that i'm not a migrant or a refugee there, that i was running, everything was just in place, that's all, i didn't even plan any maneuvers there, if they hadn't been broken, in principle i would have continued to scratch, but i planned to feed those cows with that grain, probably the grain will remain here and the cows will remain, another farmer from basivka, yuriy the oil farmer has about 40 cows. he
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refuses to leave, despite calls from the local authorities to evacuate. i have 40 cars, i can't leave them either, we take out cats, we take out one at a time, and leave the cows. it's simply impossible, the cat can find somewhere to eat, the dog will go and tear something, padel after that, and the cow, when she eats, that's one thing, and she's still waiting, she has to. the man says that artillery shelling from russia has decreased recently, but the kaba, on the contrary, are arriving more often. to stop shooting here for that reason, even for that reason they drove them away from the border already at a distance that the orta can reach, and they began to beat only with kababs, and already with the orta. they get it and we are generally calm now, before we ran from bush to bush and hid from each drone, because they were hitting us with drones, drones. the farmer hopes that the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region will draw the russian troops away from the ukrainian border, and the peasants will be able to continue raising animals and tilling
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the border fields. until the buffer zone is on the other side, there will be no territory of ours, and you can imagine, we, let's say, we... it's a pity it was that they forced at first 2 km, then 5 km, now 10 km, you guess what kind of land is here, and how many hectares of fertile land are left to that jackal just like that, for what, we need to create a buffer zone on the other side, we we do not need their land, but we will never forgive them for this, according to the sumy regional military administration, after the announcement of mandatory evacuation at the beginning of august, 3,800 people, including 175 children, managed to evacuate from the border, but there are people who continue to refuse from evacuation to our broadcast olena sima, head of the youth community, joins. mrs. elena, congratulations, thank you for joining. good morning mrs. olena,
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tell us what the situation is like in your community, how many people remain. a week ago you said it was 200 people. what is the current situation? the situation in the community is very difficult, we are evacuating people, in basivka-loknia we have been evacuated for a whole year, a lot of people left by themselves, a lot of people were evacuated by the village council by special transport, you evacuated people who wanted to on monday, you understand that a ten-kilometer zone, it has now become so that they had to be evacuated, people lived a peaceful life. they raised cattle, as our deputy oliinyk said, sowed grain, worked, worked on their land, to date there are 20 people left in lokna, in basivka, 100 people are still left in yunikovka, there are still 100 people left, but we are trying,
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we are going , we are persuading, we are trying to take people out, ms. elena, but no matter what people say, those 100 people who do not want to leave, that is, literally in the last... 100 people left, but 100 people still do not leave, what do they say, people, people say that we do not want to leave our homes, people hope that the armed forces of ukraine will not allow our neighbors, the aggressor country, to enter the territory of our community, we hope , and all the people, and i am at the head of the people, that there will be peace in our community, tell me under what conditions, it is very difficult for me to speak, because i... it is very difficult for me to speak, because i live this every day, you do not you know, as a bug, i am very worried about my people, i go there every day, but i can't be in every village, i have 14 settlements, i try to be in every village, we have problems with
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electricity now, we don't have electricity, we don't have it repaired, that's why our generators can't pump water, today we will deliver bottles of water to people. i can't forcibly evict those people from their homes, do you understand me as the head of the community? mrs. olena, of course, you and other heads of communities who are faced with similar stories in other regions of ukraine, they say the same thing, there are always people who do not want to leave until the very end, you say that there are problems with electricity, with water, shelling, and yet people hope that there will be no occupation, they continue to live in those conditions. in which they remain and it is impossible to persuade them, it is so impossible, when we have uncles, we cleaned them, there is water, but people are already used to civilization, you see, and now there are many people, they do not understand that this is a war,
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they they still can't even imagine it, they don't even imagine that it's a war, you know, they they think that these are probably toys, ladies, if the infrastructure is broken, everything is... knocked down, you understand, the fact that we repaired it all, put it in proper condition, tried to make our community dignified, worked on it for like four years , like a head of the territorial community, everyone worked well so that our community showed good indicators. ms. elena, it's really hard for me, it's hard to imagine what you're going through, i thank you for sharing your emotions so openly when you really invested your time, your life in improving the conditions and because war, all this is simply reduced to nothing, you say that people do not understand that this is a war, but in reality they simply do not understand some. maybe they, that is, how do you feel, for example, about the fact that there was a forced evacuation, there were
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some changes in the legislation in order to still take people out, if people really do not understand the threats that can be, today you have the opportunity to help in some way, but it is not known how this situation can change, and people can actually be left alone, we explain in the same way as you asked me a question now, so do i i explain everything to people, the legislation, you understand, the law. if the law is adopted, we will comply with it, they are now very literate, well-read, there are no laws, there is no forced evacuation of us, so we will sit here until the last, we do not want to leave anywhere, i brought my 80 -year-old grandmother, she sat down and went back home , please tell me she sat down, went back home, i identified her, found her a place, found her everything, she went home, everything. and mrs. olena, would you be in favor of changing it in the legislation and, in order, to
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after all, to argue with people means that according to the new legislation, evacuation is mandatory and you have no choice, you are in favor of such, if from my side, if from my side as the head of the village council and from the side of my residents, then i and i also understand my people, they lived there all their lives, they worked on this land, they built houses for themselves. i'm sorry, that's all they have that they've made a living all their lives, i understand them, they don't want to part with their property, their native village, they were born there, grew up there their parents are buried, i think you understand me, ms. olina, absolutely, there are no questions here, and it's obvious that those... people who have come across this, unfortunately, they understand more what you're talking about, that
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it is difficult to experience, it is difficult to imagine when a person at an older age, who has lived there all his life, now has to leave his home because of this russian-ukrainian war, on the other hand, i want to ask you about another aspect, what on the other side from the russian federation, already the second week of the operation in kurshchyna, already it is officially known that ukrainian troops are there, and will also be discussed. perhaps you know something about the discussion of the possible evacuation of the russian population from the kursk region, are they talking about it, or do you know something about it? i don't know anything about this, we only know from television what is said on television, we know that, all the other aspects, i don't go into it, i don't know, no one proves anything to me. if it is necessary, then maybe to the higher management, not to me, as to the head of the village council, no one from there has yet addressed.
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ms. elena, are there any close ties between relatives, well, this is a border region after all, and again, people somehow talk about it, maybe they have relatives there in kurshchyna, for example, there are such stories, well, you understand, that this is a border zone, it is certain that there are people, there are relatives among them, but i do not know how they communicate with them, what kind of relations they have there, those who work in the village council, the relations have all been ruined. they stopped communicating with their relatives from russia, ms. elena, i am at a loss for words, thank you for joining in and being so honest shared what the situation is, i can only wish that somehow it will be resolved, thank you again for joining, olena sima the head, i also hope that peace will come and everyone will return to their homes, and there will be a child in our homes children's laughter and everything will work as before, thank you. thank you, olena sima, head of the yunakiv community, told about the situation in her community in
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sumy oblast, in general. thank you elena. really there are no words, i also thank you, dear viewers, for commenting and having empathy too, you can share and with your stories, your experience, if you were also forced to leave your homes at one time due to the russian-ukrainian war, due to the armed aggression of the russian federation. and share your experience, your experiences, it is also important, well , let's talk about the situation in kurshchyna, the armed forces of ukraine continue to advance there in a day in separate directions. the ukrainian military covered from one to 3 km, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky, said that it was possible to take about 40 more km of russian territory. volodymyr zelenskyi said that 74 settlements are under control. today, there were already several reports of the syrian head of state regarding the situation at the front. also in
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the territories of our operation in kursk region. we are increasing the territory. of active actions, the head reported that our forces control 74 settlements in kursk region, i thank every soldier, every commander who ensures this. the russian side officially declared in the last case that the number of uncontrolled settlements was almost three times smaller. august 12 oleksiy smirnov, acting chairman of the kursk regional administration , spoke about 28 settlements, and if prose'. the ukrainian army of towns and villages, russia prefers not to talk about it, it actively reports on losses, the ministry of defense of russia claims that since the beginning of the offensive in the kursk region, the armed forces of ukraine have allegedly lost more than 200 people. also , the russian department allegedly counted 35 tanks, 31, 31 armored personnel carriers, 18 infantry fighting vehicles and four anti-aircraft missile
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complexes. ukraine, in turn, does not disclose data on losses. the same in the general staff armed forces are disclosing the losses of the russian army during the operation in the kursk region, thus maintaining informational silence. although the politician writes that putin transferred some of his units from the zaporizhzhia and kherson regions in the south of ukraine, dmytro lykhova, spokesman for the tavriy operational-strategic group of troops, stated this in a comment to this publication. he said russia had redeployed a relatively small number of soldiers to its own territory to try to repel the invasion. of the armed forces of ukraine in kursk and bilhorodsk region, how many, however, he did not specify. this creates a real dilemma for putin, this is how american president joseph biden, the head of the white house, reacted to the events in the kursk region, by the way, for the first time commented on the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of russia, reuters reports, and
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according to biden, us officials are constantly in contact with the ukrainian side, they report to him about the situation on... the us state department also informed about the operation every day. there, once again, they emphasized that ukraine is defending itself from russian aggression, and the only aggressive side in this war is russia itself. there they say that the planning of this offensive by the armed forces, they were not involved in the planning, and the spokesperson of the us state department, vedant patel, stated at the briefing that the states are focusing on supporting ukraine. at the same time , to the question of whether putin really began to withdraw. troops from ukraine in order to focus on events in russia itself, the spokesman refused to answer. we are not involved in any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation. the ukrainian military will talk about their operations, our role, on what we are focusing on is supporting ukraine in defending itself, especially when it comes to defending against attacks coming directly from abroad. we will continue,
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focus our attention on doing everything possible so that ukrainians have everything they need for this. the offensive in the kursk region is also considered a defensive operation in poland, polish prime minister donald tusk said that ukraine has every right to wage war in such a way as to paralyze russia in its aggressive intentions as effectively as possible, it was all quote. the ukrainian foreign ministry says that ukraine does not need any russian territories, ukraine is not interested in taking territory in the kursk region of the russian federation, but wants to protect... the lives of ukrainians and protect itself from attacks by the russian federation. such a statement was made by the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, heorhiy tyhiy, at the briefing. according to him, more than 200 strikes have been carried out in the sumy region since the beginning of summer, only from the kursk region of the russian federation. in particular, 255 guided aerial bombs and more than 100 missiles were used. the spokesman noted that ukraine is achieving the corresponding goals
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purposes in the kursk region will continue to do so, as it is necessary for security and protection. ukraine: in ukraine, you have already asked about it, there is not enough opportunity to deliver long-range strikes with all the weapons that are available. in order to defend against this terror, there are not yet the appropriate solutions that we are insisting on, so there is a need to liberate these border areas from russian military contingents that strike ukraine... or cover up terror with the help of the armed forces. quiet also noted that the targets of the armed forces of ukraine are only the russian military forces and reminded that the russian federation brought the war to the territory of ukraine and quite... it is surprising that this war is now returning to the territory of the russian federation, this was a quote. oleksandr khare, an expert of the center for defense strategies, joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, congratulations,
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thank you for joining. good morning, congratulations. well, we are already talking to you at the moment when it is officially understood and known that the ukrainian troops on the territory of the russian federation have stated in the ukrainian foreign ministry that ukraine is not is interested in taking over the territory of the kursk region of russia. no, to take away - no, in your opinion, temporary occupation is in the interests of ukraine? it depends on the military objectives of the operation, we still do not know them, and it is probably a very good thing that not only us, we, as i mean the citizens of ukraine, but also our partners, because you know, very often there were leaks of information that gave our enemies the opportunity to prepare better, it is clear that... that what is happening now, the war is returning to miv, from where, where it started and we're bringing back normalcy, because what was completely abnormal
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was that we couldn't, we were actually banned, we weren't given the opportunity to operate in the enemy's territory, and now we're bringing back that normalcy, i wouldn't say, you know, some of the western media began to use such a term as invasion. this is definitely not an invasion, the front line between the two countries is flexible and it can reach, well, actually the most distant borders and not only on the territory of the russian federation itself, you know very well that our special services quite actively conduct operations on the african continent, that is, wherever there are russian soldiers or their mercenaries, they are a legitimate target, and it is clear that we are not going to. to annex these territories, we respect international law, and we want this international law to resume its effect, by and large, the peace plan of ukraine, it
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is based exclusively on international law, we want to restore our borders, our territorial integrity, for the entire history of ukraine , no serious politician, i am already i am not talking about the presidents, no one has made any claims to the russian federation, referring to some historical territory there, although you know very well that the kursk region, it has been inhabited by ukrainians for a long time, and if we were putin, we could claim and in kursk and many other regions, i am not talking about the krasnodar territory, but we are not doing this, and it is clear that our task is to end the war on our terms, and by and large the result of this operation is already positive, no matter what it will end in the... dimension, that's the first and most importantly, we showed that this is not a dead end, that ukraine will not lose this war, because
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it seemed to our western partners, the media and some experts that these small advances in the direction of our territory in the east, this is the thesis that ukraine is not even capable to keep its territory and actually lose to russia, now we have shown that this is not the case, we can... we can resort to corrective asymmetric actions. the second very important point is that we were able to accumulate a large amount of forces and means in order to carry out this operation, and in this way we destroy the myth that ukrainians are in despair, that they are crying for peace, and are ready to make any concessions to the russian federation, and the third point is that we are a little... thickened clouds and there were more and more calls for direct negotiations, even the ukrainian authorities began to talk about it, actually reacting to
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the change of mood in the partner countries, and above all the countries of the so-called global south, just last week before last, the special representative of china was also in the south in africa, in brazil and in indonesia and promoted the chinese peace plan, which is not peaceful, which does not lead to a just, stable, long-lasting peace, i.e. the restoration of territorial integrity, and with this very operation we show that no, it is not time to so so-called compromises, because, why so -called, because they are exclusively based on the idea that ukraine has to give up something , both territories and its foreign policy choices, i mean, first of all, membership in nato, that is why this operation, it has an extremely important foreign policy . effect, and finally, it also has an internal political effect for the russian federation, i understand that there is no free media in russia, and of course that the information is dosed and distorted.
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but the unequivocal overwhelming number of russians , seeing that ieds are not something somewhere in ukraine, where some nazis, fascists are being destroyed, but that ieds are a real war, which has already caused several thousand refugees from the territory where the armed forces are currently operating, by the way , they are going to redeploy these people, well , in fact, they are internally displaced persons on the territory of other occupied territories of ukraine. by and large, this is another one. a war crime, since it is not possible to replace the population in temporarily occupied territories, they did it in crimea, and of course in donetsk, luhansk, and now in the newly occupied and annexed territories, so of course what is happening now in russia for russians changed the picture somewhat, and i think also undermined putin's image a little bit, that he controls everything, that he heads a nuclear
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power with a large arsenal. with great potential, and in fact war can be waged somewhere, everyone will be afraid to transfer it to the territory of russia, because russia is a nuclear power, this is a myth, and you know, i will probably say something like this again, it is very important in order to communicate with our western partners, you know, some people think that russia is too big in terms of demographics, defense-industrial complex, and so on, that it cannot be defeated, which has never happened in history. that is not true, and the crimean war, and the russo-japanese war, well, in fact , afghanistan also showed that great efforts can lose, and the key here is failure to effectively convert the crazy resources that russia has into capacity, this capacity is not just a word, and by the way, this word has no counterpart in the russian language, it is actually a concept that means that not only
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people are needed and some... weapons, these people have to be trained, they have to get the right equipment, there has to be logistics, there has to be a doctrine and under which they operate, and then it's a powerful force, otherwise it's just a collection of people with equipment, we've shown the ability to generate that, even with less resources, the russians, thank god, given their political culture, and given the corrupt system, they are not able to generate such forces, so we have an advantage. mr. oleksandr, but russia has many advantages in the number of people, in financial capabilities, in the fact that the economy is already on a military track, in the fact that russia's partners, the father of its satellites, they also actively help it, and based on all this and also the situation on the russian-ukrainian front, which is not simple, but how can we predict the situation further, i will turn to mr. biden here, he
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for the first time... commented on ukraine's attack on the kurdish region of russia, he stated that this attack presents putin with a real dilemma, i understand that it is a thankless task to interpret the words of others, especially the words of the president of the united states, but he did not explain in detail what he might have referring to what you said, that it really all shows the weaknesses of putin's regime somewhere, but on the other hand, we saw, for example, the wagner campaign, and we saw how it ended. putin's ratings, and society somehow did not bend over there, you know, not to support he, can there not be the same effect again, the regime will resist, they will show that they were able to fight back, russian society is mobilizing, and that's all, what dilemma can putin face here, well, first of all, what kind of mobilization of russian society can we even talk about, where the vast majority of russians are either aggressive against ukraine or passive against
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ukraine, that is... you know, there can be no greater escalation in this war, because russia is throwing everything it has at us, including missiles, drones , and yas, and iron, and therefore escalation is impossible be, and also there cannot be a greater, even greater unification around the fuehrer of russian peace, that is, it is not about that , dilemmas, creating dilemmas is also from the field of strategic science, from international relations, and there may be several points here , the first dilemma is that... in order to stop the advance of the ukrainian forces, it is necessary to take other forces somewhere, well, the easiest thing to do, of course, is to abandon these conscripts then, and actually this is already happening now, and of course that this is a big problem because it will not be solved security problem, but create political ones.


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