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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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in this way, zelensky is trying to prepare the basis for future negotiations with russia, because russia speaks to ukraine in the language of ultimatums, and putin literally a month and a half ago expressed his, his vision of the conditions under which it is possible to talk about peace or a truce, you give us four oblasts and the republic of the autonomous republic of crimea, and then we will. we sit down at the transition table, we talk about something, the armed forces of ukraine are being withdrawn from there, then we talk about peace, in light of what is happening in kurshchyna, the head of the foreign ministry of italy and of switzerland, antonio tajani and ignazio cassis signed a joint declaration calling for a second global peace summit involving all parties, including russia. we call for provision. nuclear
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security, the release of prisoners of war and the establishment of lasting peace. we support the holding of the second peace summit with the participation of all parties, including russia, the declaration says. can the events in kurshchyna push russia to participate in the global peace summit, or to start negotiations with ukraine, at least in the format of it was at the conclusion of the agreement. about the grain corridor on the black sea, that is, when ukrainians and russians do not communicate directly with each other, but there are intermediaries, and one side talks with ukraine, then this side talks with russia, then comes to some kind of consensus? to answer the question briefly, i would say that no, this situation does not bring putin closer, does not
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encourage putin, as a matter of fact, as the main political subject in russia, to actually participate in any negotiation format, er, more that, i think that putin will try to change the situation, and until he changes it, he will not be ready to negotiate. the fact is that putin is used to speaking from a position of strength, and... and to be honest, those actions of the russian army on the front, on the eastern front, on the southern front, this continuous pressure, regardless of the losses, which i already talked about, and without any visible strategic goal, in the military sense, actually this can be explained precisely by putin's preparation for negotiations and the formation of this strong position, when his position is weakened, he
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naturally loses motivation for negotiations, that is, in fact, these negotiations are on putin's terms, they are, if not very attractive to us, they are dangerous for us, as they threaten us with major concessions in our national interests, and therefore we must create a situation in which putin will be forced to go to negotiations . in the face, so to speak, of some inevitable catastrophe. so far, the situation in kurshchyna does not look like such a disaster to him. uh, if, we don't know how this operation will develop, if you remember the previous years, the 22nd, 23rd, when the options to enter were considered, er, the main, so to speak, er, enemy force, which is concentrated in donetsk.
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in the direction of the luhansk donetsk region from the north through the territory of russia, this could threaten the defeat of this group of enemy troops. in the face of such a threat, it is obvious that putin should think, uh, and possibly agree to some uncomfortable conditions for himself. in the current situation, i think that the peace summit, the second peace summit with the participation of russia , these events. on the contrary, it is put under a big question mark, because so far the situation will not be resolved until it becomes clear where it is going and whether ukraine seizes the initiative on the battlefield, it will be very difficult to force or encourage putin to such negotiations. president zelenskyi, mr. maksym, announced a decision that, as he said, would strengthen spiritual independence from moscow. his statement came
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at a time when the verkhovna rada of ukraine is preparing to re-consider the draft law in the second reading on banning the activities of religious organizations connected with the russian federation, listen. what did he say the president of ukraine? i just held a preparatory meeting about a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spiritual independence. we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities, limit the freedom of ukrainians, and the solutions for this must be 100% effective and really work. we will provide them. mr. maxim, do these words also mean confidence. the president, with whom he spoke about the moscow church, that the moscow church in ukraine will be banned, er, i would say here in this way that the moscow church in ukraine will get rid of
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the legal status that she has at the moment, because eh, well, it's logical, it's for many reasons, let's not pretend now. as for the current statement and the forecast in general, you know, a little earlier i came across an article by nikita poturaev, the head of the parliamentary profile committee, who actually spoke in support of this decision, nikita poturaev, one of the leading representatives of the actual political force of the servant of the people and obviously close to him. to the president's office, and i understood that a decision, a principled decision had been made, and it was obvious that some kind of delay, it is, so to speak, connected with some internal negotiations, the search for compromises, a political solution,
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but it seems that really at the moment our power is consolidated, centralized, er, in the person of president zelenskyi, has made this decision. what could be the consequences of such a decision? that is, it will again force putin to hysterically talk about the russian orthodox church, about ukrainian fascists, to use all kinds of weapons in order to show that we are wrong, that is , on the heads of kyivans and residents of other cities. because for putin this is a fundamental issue in his policy towards ukraine. i think that it will not be a big sensation, including for a russian citizen, a viewer of russian
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tv channels, since, well, for us, to put it this way, everyday, we have nothing to lose in theirs. we have long ago become nazis and everything possible, the worst, and, that is, they will, i think, be surprised that the russian church in ukraine has not been banned yet, because according to their ideas, they are probably already doing something like that here with her priests, terrible, that is why it is so acute reactions to this act. in fact , this law resolves certain legal issues of property registration and so on, that is, it is not actually a religious conflict or discrimination of people on the basis of faith, so
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it will be difficult to make a new picture out of this, so to speak, and to achieve some great propagandistic effect , in... everything else, everything else, so to speak, is just part of the russian-ukrainian war. of course, putin will take revenge, i think he has already accumulated enough internal motivation in order to do the worst thing that he can do, uh, against ukraine, against our people, and of course, that the independence day is coming, for the russians, it's... like a red rag to that bull andalusian, er, and they will try to do something, but they have been trying to do something for a very long time, so we will wait, we will be patient and we will bring
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victory closer. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym, a smart political expert, doctor of political science. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel espresso. now we will see. on the interim results of our survey, today we ask you about this, will the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine be a disaster for russia? 46% think so. 54% no, when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families are choosing topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package, is quite easy to remove, within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in
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the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m 10% in psylansky, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time. hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what life is like the world, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view
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of events in ukraine, so needless to say, that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is china, me, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m., on espresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. in this issue we will talk about the following. the catastrophe of putin's war. the armed forces of ukraine are creating a sanitary zone in the border areas of russia, from where the aggressor struck. how will the exchange rate operation affect ukraine's international position? postponed
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personnel decisions. ministries remain without authorized leaders for months. when will the verkhovna rada be able to fill vacancies in the cabinet of ministers. strengthening spiritual independence. president zelennyai announced effective solutions that will repel russia on the religious front. will the parliament be able to pass the long-awaited law on banning the russian church? friends, we will talk about all this in the following. 45 minutes, but before we start our conversation with our guests, please take our survey today we ask you about this, will the course operation of the armed forces of ukraine become a disaster for russia, as zelensky believes, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take your expensive smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers 0800
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211381, if you think that the course operation of the ukrainian army will end. a disaster for russia, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guests, this is evgenia kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, head of the pare committee on culture, science, media and sports. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction. first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. rostislav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member
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of the parliamentary committee on education, science and innovation. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you. you are with us today, good evening, er, ladies and gentlemen, we are asking our viewers and tv viewers what they think, whether the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine will be a disaster for russia, i will ask you about this too, let's do it in the blitz format -survey, let's try to answer this question, mrs. evgenia, we'll start with you, well, she's already becoming one, and for russia, such symbolic... defeats, even humiliation, well, this is very bad for the general image of the so- called government and the overall controllability of the situation. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. rostislav. i would also use the present continuous, and the present continuous tense, because it is unfolding before our eyes, and it is very
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important what the next moves of our military will be, because... it is necessary to seize the initiative and press putin, because he is still far from a disaster, on it's a pity, but our military can do a lot here, we need to focus on their support. thank you, mr. yaroslav, i don't think that this operation alone will be a disaster, let's say, but this is definitely a new page, this is definitely a page that is written in our favor, and... i think that the greatest effect will be psychological and even certainly not at putin, he probably doesn’t have anything human left there, at our partners, who were very afraid of escalation before that, well, it seems to me a sufficiently eloquent excuse that no escalation more than what we already have now has not happened,
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well so where is there more to escalate, let's listen actually, what president zelenskyi said, i remembered... that this is the opinion of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the president of ukraine. what does zelensky say? we see how russia is actually moving under putin. 24 years ago was the kursk disaster. the symbolic beginning of his reign. and now it is clear that kurdsk is also the final for him. the disaster of his war. it's always like that. happens to those who despise people and any rules. russia brought war to others, now it's coming home. ukraine always wanted only peace, and we will definitely ensure peace. mrs. yevgenia, most of the commentators who wrote about the kurdish breakthrough and the offensive on kurshchyna
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in the international media say that in the current situation ukraine is improving its situation. speaking positions in order to negotiate, either through mediators or at the peace summit, to talk about some variant of a peace agreement or a cease-fire agreement, and that this is one of the steps, this special operation, this is one of the steps to strengthen our positions, how much these positions strengthen in the current situation, and what our... western partners are saying, that is, they are also afraid that putin will answer and answer rather harshly. the hopes of the ukrainian army in kurshchyna, including in the peaceful cities of ukraine? well, first of all, it is very good that all these international observers and the ukrainian ones
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did not know anything about this operation, because , in fact, this effect of surprise, it had a very positive effect on the speed of the advance of our troops, if we talk about what it gives , then tactically, well, first of all, it gives... a large pool of exchange, and we hope that we will be able to return our prisoners, who are in much worse conditions in russian prisons or in temporarily occupied territories, than all these conscripts and all those who surrendered will be there, and now today i said the president during the address that this there are hundreds and hundreds of people there, and this is also tactical... well, in fact, attention and reserves are being drawn to another, to another part of the front, and russia needs to spend more
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people and reserves in order to at least get closer, as they say there, to stabilizing the situation, speaking of there strategic, we have seen the reaction, for example, of the united states senators, who simply did not ah... hide their approach to this operation, we hope that this will give a boost in american policy and in general in the decisions that we can use weapons at long range , because now we are actually doing this, we are moving the artillery there, there are fewer cabs, although of course that is in all these front-line territories, the northern territories. they will suffer in sumy, and it is good that the evacuation is organized, and of course, that this is for negotiations a strong argument, and a strong argument and
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a strong trump card, and here it will also depend on the further actions of our military, which we definitely support in all the operations that are still planned. mr. rostislav, this is kirby, john kirby, this is the strategic communications coordinator of the white national security council. house says that putin can stop the war against ukraine if he is so worried about the situation in the kursk region, to quote mr. kirby, this, this is putin's war against ukraine, and if he doesn't like something, if he is not satisfied with something, there a very simple decision, let him go to hell with ukraine and stop the war - said kirby, judging by the reactions in russia to this kursk operation. judging by the expression on his face, putin received information about what was happening in kurshchyna and gave instructions to his security forces. can
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we say that putin's regime has suffered a very serious blow, a reputational blow, and first of all within the russian state, because our western partners say that he either ends the war or goes to hell and will receive is it further in various regions bordering ukraine, i understand that voronisk, bryansk, bilhorodsk, and in this way the war will return to where it came from? well, it is known that the best negotiator from the side of ukraine with russia is the armed forces of ukraine, and we see a very effective method of conducting such negotiations, and here it is important that different means are used. so that the russians do not understand what awaits them next, and this is probably the only way to win for ukraine, which has fewer resources, has fewer troops, has
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a smaller economy and so on, but it definitely thinks better and definitely acts better, and this advantage must be used, and it is clear that such a strategic initiative can be ukraine... intercepted really, it is very important that our western partners in a completely different way are beginning to assess the situation, but now putin, i think, and his henchmen are in a certain phase of rejection, they are still waiting for it to somehow dry out, that if we throw two more battalions in there, and then three more battalions, then somehow we can deal with it cope, and to the extent of how this will be done by the armed forces of ukraine, to the extent that... the mood and its plans of the russian leadership may change, so far they have really been hit, the predator is wounded. this is not his first such
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injury, but they will not stop right now, and right now, it seems to me, neither putin nor his clique are ready for any negotiations, because for them this is also to some extent a war for survival, but not survival nation, as for us, and the overestimation of the empire, the overestimation of their way of looking at the world and living in it the world, and therefore the only real way to force them to negotiate on ukraine's terms. the result of which will be ukrainian victory and the liberation of all of ukraine, is to continue to inflict such blows on him. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. yaroslav, please tell me , but the story that is unfolding before us now, does it testify to the weakness of the russian military and political elite, to the fact that this power, which putin tried to demonstrate, playing with his weapons
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on... to the whole world and showing how he can and what he can do, what this whole system actually is they have from the center to the regions, and in general these are all vertical, all the structures that, that they are not effective, that this state is militarized, but it is ungovernable, that putin cannot control russia the way he... shows outside, as it shows in the tv? well , it seems to me that it is obvious that it is difficult to talk about the strongest army in the world and claim some kind of geopolitical influence and superpower status, if your military is being captured or liberated right under your nose
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, i will be right on... say 72 inhabitants points, and with all this military economy , you can't make all the threats that the same western partners once paid attention to, well, they ended in nothing, it is indicative that for the first time after the second world war, territories were seized in russia. well, let's speak frankly, defiantly enough and easily, and the way russian propaganda is silent, or tries, well, with all its might, if possible , to downplay what is happening, well, it seems to me, this is the best compliment to our armed forces of ukraine, so we certainly not very
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should be of interest to someone there... or putin, well, i think we all came to a conclusion a long time ago, a dozen years ago, and this is how the western media came out with enough, i wouldn't even say, not even negative publications, and with such mocking publications against russia, specifically this dictator, well, i think that he will not be able to erase this shame from his face for a long time and it will remain a big red spot on him. ladies and gentlemen, your colleague roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on of national security, defense and intelligence, jokingly addressed the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk from the border of the russian federation in the sumy region,
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calling it a foreign business trip. let's listen to what colonel kostenko said. ruslan oleksiyovych, i am now in front of the russian federation, i'm sorry that i don't have permission, but i will still go there with our defense forces, and then i will write a letter about the business trip. ms. yevgenia, clearly a sbu colonel, roman'. hinted at the fact that he was not signed for a foreign business trip when he wanted to go to the munich security conference, by the way, and now he entered the territory of the russian federation without any order from stefanchuk, tell me when your great monomajority and headed by ruslan stefanchuk,


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