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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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i will start the issue with why muscovites left for kharkiv oblast, and you will learn more in the issue itself, stay with us! russia withdrew from the sotnytsky cossacks in the kharkiv region, and... was forced to transfer part of the troops from the vovchan and lipetsk directions to the kursk region, the head of the military administration of the region, oleg synigubov, told the public about this in a public comment. at the same time, the enemy continues to intensively storm these areas of the front, but the armed forces of ukraine manage to hold the kharkiv front line, the official concluded. strengthen the units of the ukrainian defenders in the donetsk and toretsk directions with the incoming equipment. from the allies,
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president volodymyr zelenskyi gave this order to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. syrsky assured that the armed forces continue to advance further in kursk region. at the beginning of the current day , the troops advanced from one to 2 km in some directions. the search and destruction of the enemy in the settlement of suja has been completed. at the beginning of the day, more than 100 axis soldiers were captured. opponent, thanks for the exchange fund, in the morning more than 100 people, this will help us to return our boys and girls, the attack on russian military airfields at night was carried out by drones of the security service of ukraine and the defense forces, it became the largest during the war, ukrainian media write about this with reference to their own sources in sbu, it is about the airfields of voronesh, kursk and savasliyka, as well as boriso glibsk, this... was a specially planned
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operation so that the enemy could not use the airfields for strikes on the front line and ukrainian cities. in the enemy the ministry of defense was informed in the morning about the downing of 117 drones and four tactical missiles. satellite images recorded fires at the savasliyka airport in the nizhny novgorod region. from there, the russians launch planes with daggers in vain. also, local media released a video of how three ... airfields in the kursk and voronezh regions are burning. muscovites visited the humanitarian aid point in kupyansk with a drone. a 64-year-old man was injured. the prosecutor's office of the kharkiv region reported. he was in his own car, close to which the explosion occurred. injured in the hospital. the car was also seriously damaged. the occupiers killed a resident of kherson. two more people were injured. injuries -
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oleksandr prokudin, the head of the military administration of the kherson region, announced. the russians attacked the city with drones when civilians were on the streets, the official added. during his three years in office, he became richer by more than uah 56 million from asap, the ex-chairman of ova announced the suspicion. the agencies do not name the suspect, but note that the reason was a journalistic investigation of the schemes. so probably means the head of the antimonopoly committee, who previously headed the donetsk regional military administration, pavel kerlenka, according to law enforcement officials, from 2020 to 2023, the official purchased more than 20 real estate objects, including seven apartments in kyiv and uzhgorod, houses, land plots, a luxury car and parking spaces, the official carefully registered all the property to the wife's relatives, and the suspect also did not indicate the acquired property in the declarations. government representatives and
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ukrainian media representatives presented the first one a typical policy of gender equality in media content, because ukraine is part of the democratic world community. spresso tv channel was the first to officially implement this policy in the work of the editorial office, according to general producer anastasia rava, it helps to solve ethical dilemmas, explains the principles to the audience and is valuable. editors, this is our commitment to our audience, and this is such a manifestation of leadership, and this is even the enlightenment of our audience, that in our media content there should be a balance, when both women and men are equal in in equal parts are experts of our programs, are participants and heroes of our stories, a person to a large extent... tries to imitate those
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models, those examples that we offer them and present them in a high-quality, interesting way. if we present the opinion that gender equality is good. so, then people begin to follow these good examples, take them as a model. ukrainian traditions are reviving and becoming popular not only in ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. for the first time in israel , a master class on hammering old equipment was held creating prints on fabric using wooden stamps. the technique has long been famous on the territory of our country, but with the development of industrial production. could have disappeared if it were not for the craftsmen who preserved and now spread the knowledge all over the world. correspondent ulyana drichkova also attended the master class. in the ukrainian cultural center, which in tel aviv was like a beehive from the morning,
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even the threat of an iranian attack did not scare those who wanted to join the ukrainian cultural heritage. everyone is determined to get away from news and create. i knew absolutely nothing about the selection until that moment. until i came to the first workshop, after that i really liked it, i did very well the first time, i was very surprised, because i and paints are an incompatible thing, and i have never been good at drawing there or especially specially, and here from the first time i just started turning out very cool, very individual things, very very original, very beautiful, i worked for about five years as an animator and... we held master classes for children in large numbers and ages also did, and i love it very much, it so decorates things and makes them so authentic and gives a feeling of belonging to our people. first, a bit of history
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to better immerse yourself in the technique, to feel its roots, then to work. the first thing we try is on the fabric, it is applied to... it is applied to the element with such wetting motions, as if you stick it into it, you can’t use it like a brush, because it will give white lines in those places, that is , it must be wetted if you apply a little too much , it will go beyond the elements, it will spread and the texture will be lost, you will give too little, there will be lightening, paints, local israeli wooden stamps from ukraine, made by the hands of ukrainian masters, the process of framing clothes with a bump may last several times. minutes or even a few hours, depends on the imagination of the participant, but two identical t-shirts, dresses or shirts, the organizers assure, is unlikely to work, sometimes it is very, very difficult and you do not know how to recover, for me, this is one of the sources that
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i i want to make it my own, and use it, and make beauty, well, of course, of course, yellow-blue. on one pocket yellow, on the other blue, and probably red and black, i imagined that there was something else, something complicated, that there must be, i don't know, someone there, that is, i was a little afraid, a little afraid, but i think, well, people go, they can, but which i can't, that is, i really thought. it will be difficult, you have to do it under some kind of press, or it is passed through something, through something hot, that is, i did not think that you just take the color like that, take a bump and just do it, in fact it is easier than i thought , and you immerse yourself in this process of creativity, in your appearance
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in israel, the punching technique is owed to the co-organizers of the project, ukrainian ddybanks in israel, who became interested in the ancient tradition and started. to master themselves, volunteer olga, in order to teach the outlaws, she studied a lot herself, in particular, she took experience from a workshop in ukraine. according to my feeling, for 90% of people this is something completely new, in fact it is also new for me, that is, we heard, we tried, maybe a year ago we tried to try in more detail with different paints and with different colors on different textures of fabrics, but for the majority people, this is a new technique and i am very glad that it is coming back. and it is now becoming more fashionable and popular, and you can use it to make elements of a more modern character and more modern clothes, if you look at the works on jeans and pockets today, that is, it looks very cool and modern. masterka vybiyka is not the first authentic master class held
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by the organizers of ukrainian dydybans in israel. this year, they have already taught everyone the secrets of petrykivsky painting and pysankari, and are preparing a master class for the winter weaving. christmas spiders. from israel. ulyana dryuchkova for espresso tv channel. you can always read more about important things on our website spreso tv. also subscribe. to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel, i'll see you at 4 p.m. and later on the air , meet my outstanding colleagues lesya vakulyuk and marta oliyarnyk. dear friends, we are coming back and the next hour of our marathon, we are starting it, we remind you that... we have a very important gathering going on, and we are already getting closer to having
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the first million, and some 70 with a tail, a small thousand of us away from that first million, dear friends, or with your help, we will be very close, if you start donating right now on this qr code, scan it, not you know how it scans, just take a picture of your screen and then ask someone who knows how to help you. with qr codes, we collect on drones and rap systems, please join now on your screens, in fact, in addition to the qr code, there are pictures of what we are collecting on, and we are collecting for three brigades, the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and the 47th, they need our help, because they suffered losses in ammunition , also in the avdiiv direction, when they were, so please join us, so far, well, so far we have advanced only by 100, i don't know, in the first hour, somehow this happened to us and... i hope that in the second hour, our viewers will be a little more active with their
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donations for our army and will show that they still care about our army. dear friends, let's do it together. more so, in general, we need to collect 3.5 million. the qr code is here. well, in the meantime, we are joining vladyslav shtegelskyi, a history teacher, to our airwaves, with him we will also talk about the recent initiative by the minister of education oksana lisovoy about... unifying the history of ukraine and world history, already in social networks whole riots are being organized by users , because they say that in this case, our children will not know their history or the history of the world, it can mix a lot of events in their heads, and we will not have an understanding of who we are and to understand the cause and effect relationships, even the fact of why this war that is happening now, it is happening and what were the reasons for it that stretch back centuries. mr. vladyslav, how did you personally perceive it? this initiative on the part of the minister of education, did anyone
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talk about it with the pedagogical environment in general, or did they somehow consult, and what do you think it can turn into the study of history in our schools? congratulations, first of all, they actually talked and consulted, this is not a new idea as such, that is, it is more about systematization and the formation of really defined concentrations, in fact, if we talk about the idea of ​​integration. and about the fact that it stirred up the pedagogical community, for me it is more of a kind of surprise, because we had this idea in the mid -2000s, this idea of ​​integration into a joint course is all over the world, in the united states, in poland, wherever please, our neighbors, here only we have this story divided, and if we talk about reality, then i will say one simple fact: integrated courses already exist today, since 2017 there are recommendations of the ministry that... teachers can to teach, for example, not a separate world history of ukraine once a week, for example,
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there was already a recommendation on how to distribute topics so that they are integrated, from 2018, in the 10th-11th grades, teachers have the opportunity to choose integrated courses history of ukraine and the world, and we already have two lines of textbooks that have been working for six years, and we already have one for the new ukrainian school, teachers have the opportunity to choose model programs , a separate story. ukraine's world history, there are already model programs, there are textbooks that are printed for the seventh grade, the history of ukraine and the world, that is why the history of integration, it is not new for us, nothing has really changed, it is just the drawn points and the logic in how this integration will take place, because we are simply there now we don't give a choice, but we all go to the same subject, but this is a cool story, because we see that now our integrated course is not only about integration, therefore... the subject is about how this spiral will be built, so that the children are at the level the first and fourth grades
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mastered the basic material, including of the history of ukraine, returned in the fifth grade, and in the 10th and 12th grades, they deepened and immersed themselves in certain topics and studied the conceptual foundations rather than the events, so this is a big plus. and you can clarify the question, you just mentioned the experience of western countries, it's cool, but they don't have a neighbor in the form of the russian federation, and fortunately they don't have one now. there is a war in the country and they don't have the problems or challenges that are facing us, aren't you afraid of what is possible now, it's just not at the right time, later, maybe so. actually not much it may not be timely to unite these courses, as much as it may not be timely to, for example, move away from certain topics and approaches, yes, because we really see events through the prism of the russian-ukrainian war, and this is important, important before that will return, and in the integrated course it will actually be, i.e.
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the logic is to single out the world history of ukraine separately, well, tell me whether such a division prevented the war or prevented some other events, no, that is, in fact, but the integrated course or what else is this not about, and all the more, there was communication that 2/3 of the material will be the question of how it will be done, and of course the question of the organization, but first of all it will also be a ukrainian-centric course, that is, it is not a division that we, ukraine, exist, there are european countries and of the world, no, this is a division that says that we are in the context of the european... family, that what happened in us happened all over the world, and we are a part of this whole process, we are not some separate, disadvantaged ukraine , look, there were revolutions in the world, they won, here the cossacks visited, we complained and that's all, no, it's all in the context of the european trends of ukraine as a european state, first of all, so in fact, it's not about distribution and
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accents, where we'll say that russians understand our identity or something else, on the contrary this is about... strengthening our identity and first of all it will be the history of ukraine not clearly in the russian context, but specifically in the european one. why, then, did academic circles get upset? but let's face it, we can't say that this is all, there are even among professional historians a discussion, so conditionally, and not only a discussion, it is at the level of the very idea of ​​integration, that is, if you look at facebook, there is mr. volodymyr yatrovych, who wrote posts, then says that he is not for the very integration of how it is... implemented , that is, he has more such fears, there are professional historians, there is mr. serhii gromenko, who also supports this idea of ​​integration, and academic circles have this part, that is, we must understand that not everyone is upset, we have different points of view, in that including among teachers, but teachers fears not only in the integrated course itself, teachers' fears may be a little in
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other things, in which, for example, in which, in which, yes? er, actually, look, there are several things, everyone went to such camps, first of all, this is what teachers can be afraid of, and how will it be implemented at all, yes teachers, because the important part is not only the idea itself, but will only then will programs be written, textbooks will be created, and this is a very open story, in fact, in ukraine, everyone can participate in the creation of textbooks, programs and standards will be a public discussion, teachers may be afraid that they will not be taught how to do it, secondly, there are, of course, teachers who have never worked with integration at all and they are used to the fact that the separately divided history of ukraine is universal , and this is such a history, so it is more conservative, that is, we want to teach it as it is, so here it is more about the plane that this, in my opinion, is the right choice, this integration, because we already have it, open a textbook on the history of ukraine , there are facts of world history, the authors are all the same
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faces a comparison, and this is how it is, and in the same way in the textbooks of world history ukrainian... what is it divided into, and here they can be in the first place, it is simply important to communicate correctly and help teachers to adapt to teaching this course, but again, this idea is not new, we have had it for a long time, we already have integration, will you, for example, involve in this process the same volodymyr vetrovych, whom you mentioned, who said that he has concerns about... how it is will be carried out, because this is a person who was engaged in history, and actually this history was integrated into the life of ukrainians, and not separated, because he was engaged in decommunization, engaged in returning the names of our heroes, who were forgotten very unfairly, will you include him, other historians ? well, look,
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i didn’t develop the concept, so i can’t involve anyone, but the story is that... there is a market of programs, and programs and standards are developed primarily on such a volunteer basis, and programs, a teacher can choose many programs , we can have a lot of software developers, and mr. volodymyr vyatrovych, i hope, will actually join one of the software developers, and it will be a very strong story, or will join someone, some working group with the creation of textbooks, that is, what is the plus, that it is an open community , teachers within this concept will have an obvious program. like now the model programs are optional, so it doesn't work prescriptively there, we have one program, we involved a certain group of people and that's it, it's a very open story, so i hope that mr. volodymyr yatrovych will share his... expertise. how many lessons per week will there be such an integrated story? because from the way children learn history in schools, and, for example, how i communicate, and even when i taught that
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history, it was universal, there was the history of ukraine, and it looked like ukraine is something so separate, and some the process that is happening in ukraine is separate, but what is happening in the world is separate, moreover , world history was very often written in my time according to textbooks that transferred from the soviet one. union, and there were still a lot of all kinds of narratives from russian soviet propaganda, and it was difficult to somehow connect some processes in ukraine to what is happening in the world and that it is somehow connected there, the way children now they learn history, also very patchily, i watched my stepdaughter learn some dates, get stuck, because there is a test system, but some understanding. processes, there is very little of it, on the other hand, when you communicate with your peers, peers from other countries, they they are very well versed in history, they can even say something about the history
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of ukraine, eh, and the younger her peers of my stepdaughter, who is 22 years old now, also better understand history, better understand the processes when this system will change in our country , and when the ukrainian children will really... know the history of ukraine, not the history, where somewhere there were some branches in the t-stream, and somewhere, and these branches are unknown, who made them, maybe the russians too, and some myths were added to the children again, about ukraine, about ukrainians, myths are not ukrainian, but well look, here is actually history, and such extrapolations of private cases to this entire system, let us first of all understand that with the study of history in general, we can have a certain fragmentation and you yourself... just repeated my opinion about the need to integrate the course of the world history of the history of ukraine. why? because first of all , the content is not always important for the teacher, the core is important. if i, as a teacher
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, understand how some concept of democracy works, then i can layer any material on it. it is also important here part, when we talk about the quality of studying history, it can be your bubble conditionally, so from foreigners who understand, because we have foreigners who do not, but it is clear that at the level of the system we have... there are conditions for this, it is primarily an integrated course, it is possible that the textbooks are also of the new plan, and when we talk about the need, the programs there have now been updated this year, but it is important to conceptually return to this once again and still update with those values ​​that are embedded in the reform of the new ukrainian school, and i think that this will definitely happen, and the important part about knowing the history, is not so much about the number of hours allocated to it. it can be allocated at least 40 hours, a lot really depends on our ukrainian teachers, how well we prepare them, how well we support them, and the important part is that this is
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your example, depends on the teacher himself in the classroom, because he is a teacher chooses a program for himself, and there are many of them, the teacher chooses for himself the ways of implementing the program, that is, it is any reform and even the launch of an effective the study of history will depend primarily on the teachers, what the teachers will receive. and we see there that conditionally, i as a teacher can form a lesson that will not be built on dates, that will be built on concepts, on understanding how it works, and prioritize the very understanding of history, someone does on dates, and this is a lot what exactly and in your case depends on the teacher who teaches you, and it was the same for me, i remember, even at the external examination , most of the questions were not about understanding historical events, but about what happened in in such and such a year, a, b, c, d. that is, we somehow, you know, assumed that we should study the dates, study the years, and what these events meant in our historical context, well, this was such a secondary matter, it really a very long
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conversation, hopefully we can continue it in our next broadcasts, thank you, or the problem will be solved and we will not talk about it, but we will have other reasons, but i think that since marta and i are a little confused , they were not even then, but she was already composing, and the trend remained, and this... problem, unfortunately, will be with us and we will have to solve it. mr. vladyslav, thank you for the conversation, vladyslav shtegelskyi, a history teacher, was with us, we talked about the debate about whether it is worth integrating the history of ukraine into world history and teaching it in one course in schools. well, later we will talk about our economy, about our money, whether there will be less of it in our wallets due to tax changes in our country and about the innovation that they want to introduce. in the national bank to limit transfers between cards, we will talk about it later few minutes, be with espresso. tired
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