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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm EEST

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the most important thing is that they are willing to pay 30 to 33 € per megawatt, this is a lot, for example , i will say that in the european union such a service costs 1.53 € per megawatt, this company calculated and said, it will be profitable, and i think that it is real, that the generation will be built quite quickly, thank you, ihor stokalenko, head of energy programs of the center for global strategy. 1 century was in direct contact with us, the time for news has already passed on the aspresso, so we pass the floor to our wonderful colleague ania eva melnyk, who has already ready to share with us an important situation at this moment. colleague, we give you the floor, please share what you have found out about. good afternoon, by the way, i will start this issue with why planes fall in the kursk region of the russian federation.
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the plane crashed in the kursk region of russia, the defense forces of ukraine destroyed the enemy su-34 tonight. the information about the downing of the fighter has already been confirmed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. in total, since the beginning of the full-scale war, russia has lost 366 aircraft. the kremlin... about the loss of its equipment not officially announced. strengthen the units of the ukrainian defenders in the donetsk and turkish directions with equipment that comes from the allies. president volodymyr zelenskyi gave such an order, the main honor in the offensive. only the achilles unmanned aerial vehicle strike battalion destroyed four tanks and damaged four more and destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles. the occupiers killed a resident of kherson,
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and two more people were injured, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the military administration of the kherson region, announced. the russians attacked the city drones when civilians were on the street, the official added. germany suspects a ukrainian of undermining the nord stream. the law enforcement officers issued a warrant for the arrest of the diving instructor, german publications say. the suspect's name is volodymyr. he apparently lived in... the polish town of pruszkiw. the investigation also suggests that two more citizens of ukraine helped the alleged bomber. the man and woman seemed to be able to plant explosives on the pipes. the prosecutor's office of poland confirmed that they had received an arrest warrant in this case, but for the location residence of the suspect was not found. let me remind you that two years ago, a blue fuel leak occurred in the baltic sea on the route of the north stream gas pipeline. the united states, great britain and the eu announced that
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traces of explosives were found at the site of the pipe damage. ukraine denied its involvement in the incident. cocaine, not washing powder. law enforcement officers eliminated a drug smuggling channel from the netherlands, which was established by a resident of odesa, who purchased cocaine abroad. in order to deliver him to ukraine, he involved his acquaintance. woman transported a prohibited substance in her own car under the guise of washing powder. both accomplices were detained in odesa, and a kilogram of cocaine was seized from them, the value of which, according to black market prices, is over uah 2,300,000. more than a ton of smuggled heroin was destroyed in ukraine, which was confiscated from smugglers by the sbu in january 2021. the liquidation took place after the verdict of the lviv court. it was reported in the department. let me remind you that in 2021 the sbu conducted a special operation. and documented
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the group's illegal activities. then operatives in lviv, the special services detained four persons involved in one of the organizers of drug trafficking and three foreigners who packed drugs in rented warehouses. on the black market at the time the product was discovered, its value was more than uah 2 billion. and the security service neutralized the russian spy network. the fsb group collected confidential information about ukrainian special services, officials and public activists who were of interest to the enemy. the network was headed by yanukovych's former bodyguard, who accompanied him during his escape to the russian federation. after the occupation of the crimean peninsula, he betrayed his oath and went over to the side of the russians. he also enlisted the help of his former colleague and an active national guardsman. the latter used familiar law enforcement officers to...
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obtain data from departmental information systems, and also had to look for new candidates for recruitment. in prykarpattia , it is noted that... our correspondent ivan haruk joins the airwaves on the anniversary of verkhovyna from the day of the first written mention. ivan, good afternoon, and tell us more about the program of events and the celebration. greetings, colleagues, the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the founding of verkhovyna began in verkhovyna, today's service began, in memory of those who started the construction of the church of the carving of the most holy theotokos. years ago , a conference was also held on this occasion in the premises of the church, well , the events continued today also in the gotsulchyna museum, where an exhibition of midians, local midians, who presented their products and also photographs, presented by local photographers, and
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in the local lyceum there were also solemn ceremonies measures, old-timers, people who are directly involved in the life of the community received. certificates of honor from the authorities, and such events, which are dedicated to this event, will continue for several days, both in verkhovyna, the district center, and in the surrounding villages, kryvorivna, yasenov, ilsyakh, bukiv, all of them will also present, will be visited by many tourists, local museums, of which there are quite a lot here, and this is facilitated by such good, real summer weather, and i will add that tomorrow... the holiday of the nativity of the most holy theotokos will be celebrated, that's right called a temple holiday in verkhovyna, where many guests are expected to arrive, who will come to visit the museum itself, to attend these events that the organizers have prepared for everyone, for locals, for visitors, for those who want to take and
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join the celebration of 600 - the verkhovyna river. colleagues thank you, ivan haruk, correspondent of espress in prykarpattia , it is noted that the satyr anniversary of the peak. classes on art history for children of soldiers and immigrants are held in kropyvnytskyi, participants are introduced to the biography of artists and offer to reproduce legendary canvases, and also debunk soviet myths, because the russians are appropriating the achievements of the ukrainians. one of the lessons was dedicated to oleksandr murashko from kyiv, and our film crew heard his story. returning home with his wife. he was met by three, three bolsheviks and asked to go with him to the police station, although murashko said that at that time, by the way, there was also a curfew and he did not go out at night, but murashko had a pass. tetyana chernyaeva
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tells children about the painter oleksandr ant. the communists considered him an enemy of the totalitarian regime. the bolsheviks killed a ukrainian when he was 43. the soviet authorities leveled his achievements at... the artist's paintings were preserved in the funds, the next day he was found shot dead on a nearby street. most likely, he was shot in the back of the head, like many ukrainian artists, painters, and composers. the painter became famous thanks to his portraits. the carousel painting brought him european recognition. at the munich international exhibition, the author was awarded a gold medal, and in paris he created his own iconic work, portrait girl in a red hat. murashko was one of the founders of the ukrainian academy of arts. from his paintings, we can see what they were wearing, what they were doing, things that were directly related to everyday life. and he was a great portraitist. they also appropriated repin,
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peimonenko is appropriated, murashka too, well , there are a lot of such artists, due to the fact that they were forced to pass their education either in st. petersburg or in europe. ninth grader nikita. klyuchnyk tries his hand at drawing for the first time, but tries to get closer to the original he wants to show the completed work to his father when he returns from the front. in general, it turns out, you just need to choose the right colors and look at the reference, that is, at the picture itself. i paint with pencils, because they are easy and convenient for me to work with, but i have such a color scheme because i saw such a greenish color there. blue sky, i decided to express it with different, well , different shades of green, the biographies of ukrainian artists will be studied in the space for military families for three months, the organizers are sure that this knowledge will be needed to high school students and during exams.
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there are 30 questions related to ukrainian culture in the questions of znu, and it is here that we consider these questions, but by going through all the topics, you can prepare in this way and sketching there by communicating with each other. with themselves, they remember more, and there are chances that later, during the exam, the child will remember that this painting belongs to one or another artist. lessons for child defenders and displaced persons are free of charge. willingly. waiting twice a week in the public hub. kropyvnytskyi volunteers organized a course with the support of american donors from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. and we have important information: explosions were heard in zaporizhzhia according to preliminary information, rocket launches were recorded. we are monitoring, the news department is monitoring the situation, and we will report more in the next issue.
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well, we come back to you, the information day on the espresso tv channel in rozpal itself, and now, by the way, the time has come to perhaps sum up the interim summary of our broadcast in the context of how you donated today, lesya says that today we don't have very good results, maybe it's too early to just make a summary, maybe this year? while we are on the air with you, our viewers will be upset, because so far 3 thousand and a half hryvnias have been added, but i hope, i have such great hope for this final hour of our participation on the air of the espresso marathon, that you will still not ignore our reminders and let's show our viewers the qr code in full screen again so that all those who want to join our collection will do so, so look at the qr code on the right on... if you face the screen, and you can also see the photos, what we are collecting for are drones and rap systems, this is what
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will protect the lives of our military, we are collecting for three brigades, a third separate assault 110 -47 need our help 3.5 million, more precisely, drones and rebsystems will be bought for these 3.5 million, we are gradually approaching the first million and in fact less than 70 thousand. we don't have enough for this, we hope, well at least, listen, let's collect some 10,000 for this hour or not, i'm just curious, 100 hryvnias have just been added, i've just updated the bank, i'll see how the updates will proceed, i really hope that the viewers of the tv channel are caring people who will join, so it doesn't have to be a big amount, but 10, 20, 30 uah. this is also very important to donate, especially when there will be many of you, dear friends, whether there are 400 people, 10 uah each,
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or 500 people, 10 uah each, it is already 5 00. in a word, join us, we will continue to monitor how the collection is moving, and we will be with you in the meantime talk about the successes of our military, and with us oleg kadko, a military expert, chief editor of defense express, we will ask him about this drone attack, which was carried out by our ukrainian fighters on four military airfields, voronesh, kursk, savasliyka and borisoglebsk , and this is considered the biggest attack on airfields. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. yes, we are absolutely talking about the fact that such a powerful blow was delivered, and some of them, that is, vasleika, she is currently the most researched. because there is a video directly from the scene of the events, there are satellite confirmations from the nasa
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fire monitoring service and directly there is confirmation of effective strikes, and in relation to the savasleyka, it is possible to really talk about the rather negligible success of the ukrainian defense forces in this matter, and the savasleyka is very well known, if only to every ukrainian, because it is from it that i raise the entire sky for the filming of the mik 301k, the carriers of the daggers, that is, of course, it is not... on which they can be based, but it is definitely their main air base, and now we can definitely say that ukrainian drones struck and destroyed, apparently, something just the nasa satellite service recorded a powerful fire on the territory of the warehouse with fuel and lubricants, and here the important aspect of the mik-31 is that it is such a machine that needs a rather specific fuel, it is aviation gas t6. aviation fuel is very specific, which is intended specifically for the execution of high-altitude,
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high-speed flights, precisely, and only mixtrydin is refueled with such fuel, and that means damage to its reserves, damage to the infrastructure for its storage, pumping from these same tanks railways, this is actually a very powerful attack on the air base as an infrastructure object, also a video was shown, which was shot by the raiders themselves. of the airfield itself, and there it is recorded that the effective damage by a drone of the type " fly" to the area where you can see the tail, the tail stabilizer of the mik-31, about this is a very important aspect, because if the planes remained at the air base, and we are talking about the ill-76, which is perfectly visible, and
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most likely the mig-31, so this means that the enemy was not able to lift them into the air, moreover , in short this whole video is just with the defeat of this mig 301, was it a mig 301k, which is a dagger carrier, was it a mix31b or a bm, which are interceptors, this is a separate question, of course nothing is visible here, the fact is that the entire air base is based there like the mig 31, like the interceptors, and the dagger carriers, and in general there is a base there is actually a training center for pilots on these machines, well that is a blow to the sivosleyka. was definitely the most effective that can be imagined. and what about the russian anti-aircraft defense, which was supposed to somehow cover the tusavaka, but something went wrong with it. well , yes, there is a wonderful video again from the residents of the surrounding settlements, where a russian lives in the hinterland, he shouts, beat up at least one, that is, well, this is a very
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demonstrative situation, because there is such a rule that has been proven, it has already been proven a lot. once with the defense forces of ukraine, the deeper into the rear of the russian federation, the fewer means of air defense, and directly to protect the carriers of hypersonic, so-called dagger missiles, which are unique for the russian federation, but the maximum that i heard there in these videos was the work of the zu-232, that is, there are no tanks, tors, beechs, s-350 there. well, it wasn't even close, well, at least at the moment of the attack, the attack was carried out directly through the anti-aircraft machine-gun window, it was carried out so effectively that, well , let's say this, the results can be seen even from the satellite, but in any case , we really wait until the detailed satellite images will appear, and of course, for now
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resolutely, they will not start posting videos for the places of events, and this is usually how it happened in the example. strikes, for example, on the moroziv air base, i.e. first satellite images appeared, and then the iraqis began to post videos and photos from the scene of the event, and in order for us to have the opportunity to really assess in great detail what was happening during the drone attack, well, they say that this was a specially planned operation so that the russians could not use these airfields for airstrikes on the front line and ukrainian cities, can the enemy now move his... aviation further into the territory of the russian federation, if he understands that these nearest airfields, they are already under attack, and something regularly flies there, can they some part of the air defense that they are currently using on the battlefield, redeploy and cover these airfields, which are still closer to the front line, how do you think they can correct this
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story? really, it's actually a very difficult question, because from... on the one hand, well, it's hard to say that these are all strikes, but they started not yesterday, we are talking about the fact that the drones attacked this air base, kusivskaia, the already mentioned one, and after that a number of air bases, and this is just another page of a successful operation with strikes by drones, and if the enemy understands already, well, it must be understood, that in the kremlin and in the ministry of defense of the russian federation there are so-called clinical empaths, they understand what is happening, as was the case with the oil refinery... but there is no corresponding reaction, that is, ukrainian drones continue to successfully attack and attack significant ranges and nearby airfields like the baltimore base there, which is near voronezh, or even there, it should be mentioned that the deer, which was successfully attacked by drones there at a distance of 1,800 km, but they are not increasing their air
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defense means, why, the answer is simple: lack, of course they can ... try to remove them from the front line, but then he will not cover his troops with anything and they will start to cause more losses, but there is another possible aspect, here are the answers to this question, officially in this is the russian federation defeated the ministry of defense of the russian federation together with the local authorities, they took it under the radar and reported that all the drones were destroyed, damaged, there were no losses, and then the question arises, why something? if everything is fine with them, and for us, it seems to me that for ukraine, the louder the orf will shout that they have everything under control, that they are screwing everything up there, everything is going according to plan, the better it will be, because there will be no changes. it won't be, mr. olezh, i would also like to ask you about the statement made by the head of the foundation come back alive, taras chmut, in one of
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the conversations he said that ukraine now produces 10 long-range missiles a year, he said that whether we can say that we produce missiles, probably yes, or can we win with ten missiles , obviously not, and we understand that our enemy, unfortunately, is ten times more powerful. possibilities, they produce dozens, maybe even hundreds of rockets a month, and actually, what do you think, the main problem why we cannot scale this process is that we do not have the technology, it is that we have there is no money for this, it is very expensive, are there any other security reasons why it is impossible to do this in ukraine on a larger scale now, the main problem, it seems to me , is that it is difficult to talk at all about... the production of weapons, especially missiles, which if in the form of, well, the rocket assembly is, for example, there is solid fuel or liquid fuel, plus
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a warhead, that is, a rather dangerous solution in itself, and it still needs to be manufactured somehow and somewhere in ukraine, if we are talking about ukrainian production, so it's difficult to do, when the enemy simply delivers methodical long-range blows, well, it's banally difficult , really. given that the inhabitants of some cities, including, for example, kyiv or dnipro, well, let's say this, well understand why some rockets that are russian missiles regularly attack some areas of the city, and that after that it is possible to speak or not to speak, how many missiles are produced there, especially since the important aspect here, if you take the phrase, can you win there with ten missiles, then the important aspect is that it is not the name how real rockets are, it's just an abstraction. that is, i don’t think that panichmu actually knows exactly how many rockets are produced in ukraine, but in any case, the proportion will not be in our direction, because it’s a banal situation, the orf can make them there three
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shifts a day and without any threat to get it from the enterprise , well, besides, they have the money for it, yes, there is money, but there is another important aspect, the russian federation produced as of 21 years. these rockets are mass and serially, we are only talking about scaling up production, and they were actually produced in a closed cycle, well if you count the receipt of western civilian components that can be bought on aliexpress, that is , it is not about the need to produce all the electronics yourself, although again, a significant part of the electronic components in these missiles is russian-made, but the fact that they do not produce, they can already buy simply on the civilian market, it was not a problem. and it is not a problem for them. ukraine for 30 years, objectively until the 14th, well, until the 15th year , approximately not at all about missile weapons,
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not that they were not thought of, but these developments did not go beyond the limits of individual very small such projects that were not brought to the end. the fact that ukraine, in fact , from the 14th year to 18-19 years received against. this is already a huge achievement, the fact is that usually in other countries this path is completed within tens of years, and not in a few, and this is already an important achievement, but again, we physically cannot catch up with the russian federation in terms of the number of missiles, it is should be the greatest for ukraine, for every citizen a lesson, because in general the idea that the sky above the head is peaceful is free. satisfaction, turned out to be false, and it will protect, and this is a peaceful sky, it is guaranteed precisely by long-range missiles for the development of which, if there was even a demand in society, if there was no, this
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is a very important aspect that we all need to remember and draw appropriate conclusions to do, mr. olezh, i wanted to ask you one last question about the fact that poland bought apa helicopters for 10 billion dollars and poland is a country that, well, they still have them there is no war, i hope there won’t be, but they are constantly updating everything, all their military ammunition, there and with tanks , they also have updates, what can we do for ourselves, what conclusions can we draw for ourselves, what do we have with helicopters in ukraine, in a country that is at war, yes, absolutely, which is an example of the fact that the poles are also taking a risk, it is clear that we... because measuring above our heads is not a free pleasure, and so for poland a ten-billion contract for 96 apache helicopters in the guardian version, this is the latest h96, well,
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this is the latest version. from helicopters, record for example, 180 korean tanks, plus more than 200 korean self-propelled guns cost about 5 billion dollars, 32 fifth-generation f-35 fighters cost less, that is, this is really a record contract, but what conclusion should ukraine draw from this, the fact that poland has them buys in order to replace the soviet mi-24, this is a similar situation that ukraine has to go through. because ukraine is also currently operating the mi-24 and is also standing on the issue of replacing these helicopters, and poland has chosen apaches to replace them, it is important to understand the terms in order to complete it took two years to go through the stages of negotiations and sign a firm contract in poland, just to agree on everything, agree and sign the final firm contract, and another eight years will be spent to receive them. why
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deliveries will start from the 28th and continue until the 32nd. ugh. thus, if in order for ukraine to now, well, understand that somewhere at the level of the 34th year, it is necessary to get on new helicopters, in this paradigm, look for 10 billion conditional and start negotiations with the usa or any other country that can ukraine sell attack helicopters of the appropriate class for the appropriate funds. it is necessary now. and we are talking about the perspective in the mid- 30s, because these problems, which will be in the mid-30s, must be solved starting today. it's just about the timing of the delivery of weapons and their costs in the real world, and not in the world of pink ponies and rainbows, where you can snap your fingers and get the necessary number of helicopters tomorrow. thank you for talking about this real world, mr. oleg, thank you, oleg kadko, military expert, chief the editor of defenses-express was with us, we thank
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our viewers, because our collection moved a little from the dead point and i must say that now since the beginning of our broadcast you and marto have already collected 800 and i hope we will collect more, let's go for a short pause, let's return to the qr code over there in the corner, and you pay attention to it. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you! meet the perryina dreamlight mattress. the perryna dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, clamshell, it can be laid down to sleep simply on the floor. soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so affordable. only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias. and we offer you a mattress-pilin of extra
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