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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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already happened there and what else would we like to happen? well, of course, this is one of the goals of this operation - it is to force the russians to withdraw troops or from those that are not fully prepared, because they are withdrawing troops not only from the front line, but also from the reserve, which are inside, inside the russian federation, there is information about the fact that the troops that were planned to be sent to the pokrovsk direction, where the russians are the most, well, where the most fierce battles are taking place, then these troops will apparently be used in the kursk direction. there is also information about what troops are being withdrawn from the direction of kharkiv, troops are being withdrawn from crimea, are being loaded onto platforms and they will be transferred, well, this is already, this is already an effect, speaking of the fact that we all expected offensive actions on sumy, well, on sumy oblast, we planned to do something similar, how
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they tried to attack kharkiv and come to a distance that was no less than a shot, an aimed shot from the barrel artillery, they did not succeed, and well, the attack on the sums is already, let's say , canceled, at least in the near future on the part of the russians, they now have to hold back our counterattack, our counter offensive action, so this is already an effect that is difficult to overestimate, there , well... you can count, well, at least five more effects that, well, that this operation already gave, even if it will end today, so, well, it is not only a military effect, although there are several components of a military effect, it is a political effect, it is a political, military, media effect, i am sure that our partners, this argument, our attack on kurvshchyna, will give you the opportunity to remove these prohibitions, but... because we
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understand that these prohibitions are not because there is scholz or there is biden, they are against us using it, they are guided by the opinion of the citizens, they analyze it, and well , at least in germany for a long time there was, well, not... acceptance of the powerful help of our army, they were afraid that this will lead to an escalation, well, everything, everything, which we remember perfectly, but even germany reacted when the russians began to accuse them that german tanks were again driving on the territory of russia, they answered like this, well, i may not be verbatim, but the essence such that germany really did transfer tanks to ukraine, but when she handed them over, they became ukrainian, and if ukraine eh...
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to use them as it sees fit, that is its right, as long as it does not violate international laws, we do not violate any international law, we act clearly within 51- th article of the charter of the united nations organization, which states what self-defense is and what the attacked country has the right to do, which suffers from aggression, and it has the right to destroy military facilities on the territory of the occupier, on the territory of the aggressor, yes, as she deems necessary, the only thing that cannot not be done - it is to attack the civilian population, well, to do... war crimes, which the russians constantly commit, so this operation can affect it here, which, well, looks strange to an ordinary, say, german or american, that we are conducting offensive holes on the territory of the russian federation , they can't stop us, but it's impossible to shoot american or german missiles at military targets there, because it can lead to escalation, well, people who say that will look even less funny. and i think
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neither scholz nor biden wants to look it's funny, so i hope that something will be resolved with the tauros, and you know, the attitude of our partners when we, well , even heroically you hold the defense, it's not quite the same, but when we win, when we press the enemy, then the desire to join to the likes of us now, it's increasing, and i think that's going to affect the increase in aid, military aid. we, well, everyone saw that russia is not what they thought it was, that putin is weak, and this can lead to, we want to believe in the strengthening of sanctions and in the change the attitude of many political elites in europe, in america, in the world to the russian federation, because we constantly hear this, and maybe it is not necessary, maybe it will escalate, maybe it will somehow dissipate by itself, well, here this is a very serious argument, and so what... if
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we finish thinking about what this operation achieved, well, except, well, this is the last one, it gave the russians an understanding that putin is not as powerful as they thought, and for the russians it is very it is important that the secretary general or the president or the king is powerful, it gives a sense of greatness, and they are ready to give up part of their rights and freedoms for this, for this feeling of greatness, and when the king becomes weak, he is not needed there, not for the people of russia, not for the political elites, and the last thing i wanted to say is very it had a positive effect on our people who are not on the front line, although here... there are conversations already started, but whether it is worth it or not, well, that is separate, if you have a question about it, then we will talk, but one of the military, it is influenced extremely positively, extremely, people are simply, simply delighted, well, that is obvious inspiring, because all these conversations about the fact that the war should not go beyond the territory of ukraine, as
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if the territory of ukraine is some such place that can be destroyed, but there is some sacred territory of russia that must be protected by the whole world, our leadership in .. politically, they constantly say that the war should move to the territory of the russian federation, well, that’s how they drew it, as they say that any country that commits aggression against another country should understand that later the war will come to their territory as well , that's why she should come to the party, these the words ceased to be theory and became practice, we defend ourselves, we defend ourselves in this way, the war, russia can stop this war, well, it is also a well-known phrase that if... russia stops shooting, the war will stop, if we stop shooting, it will stop ukraine, that's why we, we cannot stop, and russia at any moment gives the order to withdraw the troops and we will immediately withdraw from the kurdistan region, we have already told our political leadership that we are not going to withdraw, well, it was a joke, some kind of referendum, kurdish people, no one should do this, we respect
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borders of all countries in the world, internationally recognized, we also respect the border, no matter how strange it sounds, the border of the russian federation, we... we respect the borders of any country, international recognition, but sorry, during aggression, during hostilities actions, we will carry out military operations as we deem necessary in order to succeed in the war, these are different things, once again we did not invade russia, we did not do it, this is a military operation and we
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are not going to attach anything to ourselves , we need a fix here, in simple words, but you know, right now i personally have the impression that the fact that ukraine... well, it clearly says that we are not going to take this territory and that's all, for the time being, is playing against us a little bit, because well, look, the russians are withdrawing some forces there from the leningrad region, well, that is, they understand that nato will not attack them, there is no threat from nato, so there is no need for an army there, no matter how much they say, how they fight with nato , but they don't need it there, they calmly throw it over now to the ukrainian front. and so far, i have the impression that the russian leadership does not really believe that the ukrainian army is going to establish itself on this territory, they expect that a week or two will pass there, and somehow the ukrainians will somehow disperse, the ukrainians will go back, and therefore there is no such thing, you know,
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a massive transfer of forces from the most hot directions, but i wonder how to show them the seriousness of our intentions and what the situation should look like so that the russians really understand that it is possible, it is worth defending own territory, and not try to continue the offensive in donbass, for example, here is what should happen, where we should reach, roughly speaking, or how it should look like, where we should reach, and we may reach the donbas, well, we are not there yet, let's go from the realities that exist now, there is, for example, this kursk region, where in the kursk region there are such painful things... for the russians, where would we go, it would really be painful for them, well, kursk in particular, i think, well, the point is that whether we are going to be established or not, we are already established, it is first of all, you understand, to lead hostilities on the territory of the aggressor, we, once again,
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we have a full, full legal right, according to international international laws, and we will be there as long as we can, as long as we can get defense there. whether to make counterattacks to withdraw, well, if it is a raid, if it was announced, well, it was not announced, it was not announced at all, if it is a raid, then the raid involves entering, leaving, maybe that was the goal, and if the goal was different, then we are there we will hold on and continue to expand the territory already under our control on the territory in russian in russia, well, until the end of the war, this is not an occupation, this is not an invasion, the war is over, they signed a peace treaty, a treaty that should look like the capitulation of the russian federation in this war, we hope that this will happen, when there was also the second world war, other wars, we will withdraw our troops, well, once again, we don't need your... barren lands, well , but this is the same story as we said
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about the russians in the kyiv region, that is, there are the need to supply our troops there, well how not to break away from these supply routes, to have security, is it now in danger for us? no, i think that, what are you talking about, our general staff will not fail to plan offensive actions and... well, let's say, capture, let's say such a word, a certain territory of the enemy, and without providing transportation of everything that is necessary, does not provide logistics , no one does that, that's how raids are done, if it's a raid, then you can go once again for a very long distance, like the drg goes in, does some work, military work and returns to the point, well, temporary or permanent dislocation, if the goal is different, then no one will leave, and advance without review. well, no one is going either, you know, when this military operation took place
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after the corresponding so-called combat orders were signed, where it was written what which unit should do and what point it should go to, the combat order is not written , we are advancing, how much fuel is enough in the tank, no one does that, so we were prepared and we had to reach certain milestones, i think we reached them, there will be new things in the future battle order, what are we doing? whether we are strengthening there, whether we are moving on, whether we are conducting raids, whether it will be written down, and thank god that we do not know this, we did not say about one of the components, positive components of this offensive, which stopped, at least in our country, big conversations about the announcement of some of our military actions, about the analysis of our military actions in the sense that, well, we know people who started telling us how bad our generals are, that they can't do anything and that everything is bad. well, you know, i'm starting don't worry, maybe you don't need to
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, there is a very great people's deputy there, who knows how to fight better than all our generals put together, you don't know what happened to her, where she disappeared to, she is silent already a week, what happened, maybe she got sick, maybe you know, because i'm worried, well, all of us, all of us soldiers, are worried about where she went, why she doesn't give advice, we're already starting to get confused, what to do, where to go, how to shoot, what to capture, how to form logistics, well tell me, we are here without you, well that's such a sad irony, well thank you, in short, i sum up your words in this way that we will still hope that we are there for a long time, or at least until the end of the war, so let's go to the end of the war, let's make it it was not long, well, thank you, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine. a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, we are now going on a short break and will return with another
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winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become native languages ​​to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. so, let's go back to the chronicles of the war, we have serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, i congratulate you, mr. oleksii, serhii, oh, serhii, excuse me, it's me, and you know, well, they're trying
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to do something like the kursk offensive over there... the airport was shelled a few more times today at letovych, but apparently, on your part of the front, the tension and attempts to advance the russians don't stop, like you, what is going on with you there now? the tension, well, it decreased a little, in general, the pressure of the enemy, precisely in the area of ​​the front, where our brigade is part of the krasnohorivka tactical group, but at the same time... the enemy keeps his troops there, the enemy is trying to act, especially to act there, for example, northern she, us in the direction of the settlements of grodivka, mykolaivka, and there, they are, well, let's say, they behave more actively, in our area
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there are also attempts of assaults, attempts, i say, are there, but already in... they are not so powerful, and let's say, well, it's not only in connection with the situation in the kurt region, i'll just say frankly that in our part of these more than four months of active operations, after all, the enemy was exhausted and very actively exhausted, and at the same time we find opportunities to look for them there the weapon is heavy, destroy it. today the units of the brigade destroyed the bm-21 grad, destroyed the field warehouse of bc, 122 120mm mortars, a damaged 120mm mortar, and about five dozen occupiers were eliminated, so the fighting continues, the enemy is still
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dangerous, this must be understood and it's still too early for us to relax. well, by the way, in order for this activity of yours to be even bigger, even more successful, we ask you to join the collection for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, your goal is 5 million hryvnias, our soldiers are collecting for the needs of bomber pilots, that's what mr. tsekhodsky said about them, how they blow up everything there, and here you see a qr code, please join, there is also a card number. there is, well, in fact , such a very necessary and important direction and we need exactly this collection, i understand that it would be even better. well, i want to add to your wonderful words that it is thanks to
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donations that we are able today, well , our workshops are working, which, among other things, fill our drones, that is, strengthen their capabilities, and also today we... very skillfully put together rep tools, that is, we learned how to make rep tools, and i will say that on average every day we liquidate, that is, we deactivate about 100 different flying machines of the enemy, this is every day, so today there were 96 in a day, it is to go for the wing, there are 22 pieces, all the others are fivishkas that are filled with explosives and do not carry... security, that is thanks to the meetings of our partners in the body, i call these people who help us today, precisely partners, god bless you with health and strength, so that everyone can do as much as possible
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survived until our victory, well, if you want to be partners of such wonderful fighters, then please join, and you know, you have such large volumes of destruction, and tell me, what is it now? is it important to attack, are these their infantry groups after all, or the involvement of armored vehicles, as you have it now? armored vehicles have not been involved for almost two, well, almost two weeks, there was an attempt to up to 40 units, a reaction from our side, 15 minutes and that's all, everything that didn't make it, still remained on the battlefield for scrap metal, but together with... their own by crews, but these are more infantry assaults and mostly now they use two-wheeled motorcycles, they move on them, drive a bull, drive personnel, well
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, including every day you have to chase after them and destroy motorcycles as well, that is, the tourists are in the wrong place they are going in the wrong direction, their way should be to the urals, to run away, but for some reason they are going in the wrong direction, so they have to hunt for a motorcycle. letters, and tell me how it relates to, well, attempts to bombard from the air, because, well, there are there, are ours working at the airfields, do you feel any reduction in cabs and bombings, in general, already, already, yes, they periodically launch their cabs there, but periodically, but i will already say that two days in a row, so it’s not this to our front line. this is also included, i think, the result of this work, which is working in the deep body of the enemy, you see, a complex approach , sooner or later it must give
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a result, and it is starting to give it, they are still withdrawing troops from the front area , including from the east, we already know for sure that a unit was removed from our area, and a unit was removed from our neighbors and sent there in the course direction. on the kurshchyna, so to speak, that's why, but at the same time they keep the infantry, they are more, let's say, specific units have been withdrawn, but they keep the infantry, they still hope that something for them, and something can be expected of them here, well, i understand , that putin's situation is very different now, you know, he doesn't know what to do, that's for sure, because he's not a military man, not a politician at all, not a strategist, it's just... an ordinary thief at the level there, i know the opg can rule there in this way, deceiving his own people all the time, deceiving and deceiving the entire
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world community. and can you somehow be a little more detailed, you say that they are already shooting little by little, who exactly is being shot, well, that is, how what, what kind of forces are these? well, look, it means that what we know is better not to be voiced out loud, because, well, so that the enemy does not know what we know about. it is clear, yes, it is absolutely correct, it is at war, this is how it should be done, it is not necessary to give the enemy any chances at all, small ones, in order for him to be aware of something, that's all, but we know quite a lot of what is done in their units directly, what is done in their rear, we follow everything very carefully, and in general this work comprehensive, it is being carried out and will be carried out until the moment when we liberate all our land, well... the process itself is proceeding little by little, yes, uh, but, look, we know that the barricades have already started for a while, it's such a serious place. maybe
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we see such a concentration on this particular direction, if you say, in you a little quiet, maybe somewhere else, but apparently there are more active battles there, well, this enemy tactic, you know, it was always such as to hit everywhere and look for weak points somewhere, uh, but there is no need to draw premature conclusions , why, because you understand, everyone has already... understood that our commanders, the command of the armed forces, the general staff know how to plan operations, oh, they know how to make unexpected and surprises, because who knows what the enemy is waiting for in that area the same grodivka, the same over there mykhailivka and so on, so i am early, but the battles are going hard, the enemy it is pressing, the enemy thinks that he will be successful there now and so on, it's not easy, as i say, it's all happening against the background of very er...
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powerful battles, which everyone is holding, and how are we neighbors we are also helping in this regard, so we are waiting for the results, everything, everything that can be said on the air, it is necessary to support, again, support, i repeat, all our military, all defense forces that apply, there is such an opportunity, it is necessary it is necessary to support, and your collection, i also ask that you support it for the bomber pilots. we are about him have already said, you see, we now have a current account, cards on the screen, please join, and there is a qr code, and you know, i want to ask you how you feel, well, there are conversations that they spent their efforts to enter the kursk region, it is not known why, the results are unknown, everything is unknown, it would be better to throw reinforcements at your pokrovsky direction, for example, what do you
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think about it? er, i will say my subjective opinion, but i will express the opinion of my brothers, with whom we communicate on the topic, first, for us, as for the military, then this it really raised the fighting spirit, it really raised it for everyone, you see, it once again opened the eyes of everyone in the world community, it is democratic, first of all, to show that russia is not the same and scary. and strong, that it has completely open borders and that it is possible to go there and carry out those operations, which, well, we are not so good, we behave as they behave on our land, but at the same time, to take the territory, to announce, excuse me, referendums there , to appoint a military administration and so on, and this once again shows that the king and their, in quotation marks, the king, i have on in putin's mind, naked, in the literal and...
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figurative sense of this word, that is why it means a military operation, it means that if we just stand in one place, if we cannot attack them due to the fact that there will be great losses from from our side, so why not go around it, this is an absolutely damn grandiose military operation, and i think that it should continue, we just need more people to join us now. directly to the service in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and then we will finish sooner, there is no need to wait you have to believe in victory, in the fact that it is possible, in principle, since on the first day we all came, here we are, some 10 years old, some less, we are fighting, and we believe in victory, no matter what, thank you, thank you, serhii tsykotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, was with us, directly.
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the pokrovsk zone, his opinion is that pokrovsk is important, but also the course operation is very important and raised the fighting spirit of him and his comrades, well, that's a good point, the chronicles of the war will be in a week, and you stay with espresso tv channel, we still have a lot of interesting things for you. details of the case of dubnevich, which the investigation managed to find out, the former head of the regional military administration became richer by uah 56 million.


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