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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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mr. artem, well, we are witnessing the deployment of a kurdish special operation with the armed forces of ukraine. zelensky says that the events in kurshchyna are a disaster for putin's russia. can the liberation of crimea from the russians accelerate this putin disaster? in my opinion, the disaster began when no one knew about this operation in... kurdish in the direction of kurdish, because before that everyone was talking in tongues and what was needed and what was not needed, yes, and all this came from the entourage of president zelenskyi , this really suddenly became for everyone, and first of all for putin and his gang, god forbid that there would be a similar surprise in crimea, because, well, excuse me, but the people who are responsible for such secrets.
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special operations, they haven't done it yet, they're already talking and whether it's bragging, but probably it would apply to politicians, or some public figures, here the head there, let's say, a special special of such, special institutions, gives slowly such and such. interviews everywhere, yes, this is wrong, because it should not be assumed that this information will not be studied and it will be able to be important for the enemy, that is, in crimea, that is nothing like that at all, i think that did not happen in kurdish, because in history too.
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we know from history that where there are problematic areas of the front, we must strike, yes, and the fact that this happened is very correct, true, and of course, it greatly influenced putin himself and his entourage and, in general, this population, therefore that it always hid behind the military behind the mints, as we say, yes, behind the security forces, behind the fsb, and... with stalin in part, and no matter what they did, no matter how they mocked the people, they were always right, and that's why this is a strong tradition in them, and it is also the same in crimea began, all those who love russia, the descendants of all these creatures who took advantage of the opportunity in the 44th year... after
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our people and other peoples were deported, yes, actually condemned to genocide, they came to they lived for free, settled in our houses, lived and used everything that the people had built there over a thousand years, and therefore they too... criminals, the same criminals as the one who came to crimea today, and therefore we expect them to be moved to re-educate, this, this is some kind of delusion from these experts who know nothing about crimea, the fact that there was an occupation on these territories, which are already mainland ukraine, did not become a lesson for them, they will consider for grants that... tolerance is when you forgive
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that criminal who killed your loved ones, children, destroyed everything, everything related to the history, culture of your nation, people, that 's why in crimea they called all these years of ukraine's independence, they called the enemy, these descendants, and then the fathers joined them, mr. yehavshi, and that's why crimea exists.. i still remember you from the first day on your broadcast back in march of the 22nd year, i said that for me the deoccupation of crimea began with those victories, when our military, not politicians, not the government, but the military beat the enemy near kiev and gave so that... the whole the peace
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was surprised, who also did not expect that ukraine would stand up for more than three days, this military is the people of ukraine, ukrainians, ethnic and... identities, which, which have from this territory, with the land, that from this ukraine, here they are all this did, you and i all did when we took the automatic weapons, and before that, i'll be honest, well, verkhovni there was no soviet anymore, you said that there were no soviets at that time, and most of them did not exist in ukraine at that time, so crimea is a weak place, a place for russia. for the front, it is an island, and what we are fighting there, and over the years have proven that crimea is not as protected as they tried to scatter these scraps, yes, that
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the enemy will not pass, and crimea is forever, some there is a smelly harbor, the like, we destroyed all that, and we destroyed the symbols, and here is the black sea fleet. at the last meeting with senators, with congressmen, i brought this up examples, and how the mood has changed in america, in the authorities and in the congress, in the congress, i also saw it, a year ago, that they were talking about some kind of red line there, some of them, not all of them, but it was felt that they still have such a comparison with the soviet union, yes, with that one,
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mr. gtem, you said that the position and attitude towards ukraine has changed over the last time to a positive one, that they believe in ukraine, but what is happening in crimea now, you surely you know exactly what is happening and what the atmosphere is like, what people say, in what way a part of the people is probably fleeing from the crimean peninsula, well, those who fled and those who... of course, they don’t have, why would they end up in crimea, well, from such a category, all the so-called liberators already live in crimea, obviously they understand what it’s all about came, found, they wanted to find for themselves a continuation of their blessed
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life there, we violated this, and of course crimea has lost such value for them, and the second is that... they are leaving, and that is why the prices there are very high, and that that there is no stability there now, and this has always been important for this cattle population, security, yes, it is not there, there is another category, yes, here are the collaborators, these supporters of russia, they will also think about how to overthrow, and that is why they are there in russia somewhere for themselves. are looking for a backup option, and the fact that now the development of abkhazia, that gray zone that existed for 30 years after the capture of russia, is going on at a fast pace, yes, and i also
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told our american partners about this, that they are very , very fast the black sea also do. i want to place the fleet there, that is, a military base, and these are hundreds of thousands of people, you understand, the route has already been launched, sochi is sukhumit, and this indicates that russia is paying a lot of attention to this region, that is, they treat crimea a little bit as a symbol, and no, they did not consider there that... it is necessary to make it such an attractive region, it was such an outpost for the attack on ukraine to control the black sea, and here we have shown that we will not allow this to happen, and therefore our people, our citizens,
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they feel it all, and when you talk to them, they in 10 years, they didn't think that they would be able to live... there to take advantage of the moment and live, to decide their issues already within the framework of russia, yes, and this, and this is the main, main thing. such and such an aspect of the behavior of our citizens, and our actions in kursk, too, now they can’t say it so loudly, yes, but they are happy with these processes, and therefore our task is the crimean bridge, it’s a tailor, it’s not crimean, it’s diabolical the bridge, we did not build it, thank you, thank you, mr. akhtem, it was... okhtem cheygoz, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people.
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friends, we continue to work directly on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our platforms and also vote in our poll. today we ask you about this, will the servant of the people party support the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. well, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the servant of the people will support the ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with pavlo klimkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, co-founder of the national stance center. and intelligence, mr. pavle, good evening, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy, always happy to be with
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you, considering the fact that they almost called me a deputy, i quietly called them a deputy, and he is a people's deputy of ukraine, and well, that is, you, you, you have consistency, and, then, then it's great, yes, yes, yes, i was not mistaken, mr. pavle, i'm sorry, so... a diplomat, i said, people's deputy cheygos and diplomat pavlo klimkin. mr. pavle, let's start with kursk, with the kursk region, with events that are in the epicenter of the attention of the international community, ukraine and the international community, and the russian community, of course, because what is happening in the region next to us, it clearly shows about that in what is the current state of the military and political leadership of russia and
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russia itself, what are the possible consequences of this kurdish operation for putin and his close ones? perhaps, this is certainly a correct story, but the consequences are already there, the consequences are psychological, and these consequences. rather about vulnerability, not so much about weakness, but about vulnerability, and this is understandable in the west, this is understandable not in the west, this is understandable inside russia, no matter how much they say, and the first reaction to kursk, to this operation, was precisely the reaction of incomprehension and not accepting one's own vulnerability, psychology affects, it also affects any further steps, this is already a weaker position
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for the russian regime in advance, there is a political aspect, it is of course also very important, in today's reality it will be difficult for putin to again swing the issue of negotiations that he wants conduct on their own terms and from their own positions, and now even domestic politics. but this is a very, very complicated story for them, and you can start any conversations with russia only from a position of strength, if there is no such position, then it is better not to start this story at all. the third, as you already said, is the feeling that even in their own territory they are not all-powerful, and actually, i don't know why this came as a surprise to anyone. in my opinion, this is quite a logical, if you don't want to, even a natural step in the sense
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that we have international law, international law, it contains the right to self-defense, including the un charter, and it is very clearly stated that such a right is for whom, for everyone, actually in such a way that it can be realized, it is not limited in any way, in particular geographically. and we can, as in me, we have to do on the territory of the aggressor, as far as the prospects are concerned, i believe that for the russian regime... it is, if you will, to a certain extent, a violation, in their understanding, because they believed that they were forcing us to do something there, and now it is actually very difficult to invent another terrorist operation of the svo and to deny that it is a war, which means a fundamental change
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of the entire narrative for the russian regime, and how can we now say that this is actually... not a war and a post-colonial war, for the most part it is clear to the world, although they will now spread fakes fast enough. and the last one, it is very important to understand, from the point of view of perception - this is the biggest blow to the image of the russian regime after the first weeks and months of the 22nd year, it is absolutely obvious, i am here. by the way, many asian, latin american, and african ones did not make it, but i think that there is approximately the same logic with certain amendments, well , russia does not have special sympathy in this situation, and it does not generate and does not
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cause such sympathies, it's pretty obvious. mr. paul, the united states of america declared that it did not take part in... planning the ukrainian offensive in the kursk region, deputy speaker of the state department vedant patel said. he said that our role is to support ukraine in its ability to defend itself, we are still not focused on ensuring that our ukrainian partners have everything necessary for this. at the same time, president biden believes that ukraine's offensive on russia's kursk region has put russian dictator putin in front of a real dilemma. let's listen to what he said biden. and for the last six or eight days i've been talking to my advisors regularly, we're in touch every four or five hours. what is happening in the kursk region creates a real dilemma for putin. now we are in constant contact with ukrainians. but that's all i can say on the matter for now, as it's still active there. mr. pavle, what
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dilemma did biden talk about? well, his name is biden. we will call you, mr. sergey, a civilian, but putin is not raising the stakes now and is trying to continue working and eliminate the consequences of this operations by conventional means, can he do it, the big question is how much resources it will require, their relocation, their refocusing, well, that is, the history until... is complicated, but there is another reality, putin raises the stakes, and he can raise the stakes not only by military means, he can do it on his own, he still has a mentality from the special services, but then the question arises, why can't the west, in response to putin's raising
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the stakes, also raise the stakes, well, for example, with the supply of new weapons, permits to strike western weapons no longer at short range, and not under restrictions, but with no restrictions, or with minimal ones, with an increase in rates in the sense of sanctions, tightening the nuts on existing sanctions, imposing sanctions on their ways around them, well, that is, in fact, or putin remains like this ... where there is, but then he looks strange, not only weak, but also strange, or he raises the stakes, but then who prevents the west from also raising the stakes, there is its own complex internal discussion about the red lines, it's almost schizophrenia so red
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they have lines, but if putin raises, then so be it the west will say, well, we raise, this is in response. therefore, the dilemma is actually really difficult for putin, here biden is absolutely right, i agree with him 101%. mr. pavle, what does the current stage mean for putin, that is , on the contrary, he will raise the rates, we know that he still has this highest rate, and by the way, in the doctrine of national security, it is already written when they can apply their nuclear suitcase. or a nuclear stick, he leaves more such, such a right for himself, does he understand that the application of the last argument can lead simply to... the destruction of the entire military-political leadership of russia and even earlier, when they reach for this stick. first of all,
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not only the west, for example, the chinese, are against the use of nuclear weapons , because to open this pandora's box, and then everyone will have nuclear weapons in 5 years and around the chinese in the first place. why it is absolutely incomprehensible to them. the second point, well, from a point of view. of the russian constitution and amendments, well, we now occupy part of the russian territory, they declared these regions to be part of russia, so what about putin does not use nuclear weapons? and the question arises, and if he does not apply it all this time, why should he apply it, what is the difference between one russian territory in the marismistic sense of the russian constitution and another. well, if he goes to raise rates, then he shows that he has no other means, and this means that both
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the regime and the russian structures, they are really weak, and they have nothing left but nuclear weapons, and the last thing , if the pumping begins in earnest, not in words, the issue of nuclear weapons is serious, then of course the russian one reply mode will receive, he will not just become a pariah, that is, it is one thing not to shake hands, and another thing, as they say, we cannot live together on this ball, that is, the stakes will be raised to the maximum, and here i think that there is a real threat for putin the unification of the interests of the west and non-west, and he certainly cannot stand against this, prime minister donald tusk, mr. pavle, commenting on the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine, stated that poland will support ukraine in the war, which has a defensive character for her. let's listen to what mr. tusk said. actions
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of ukraine are defensive. what russian troops and russian aviation are doing to the territory of ukraine bears the hallmarks of genocide and crimes against humanity. and ukraine has every right. conduct the war in such a way as to paralyze russia in its aggressive intentions as effectively as possible. mr. pavle, you and i have repeatedly talked on our broadcasts about the fact that if our western partners wanted the defeat of russia, then they would have given ukraine all the necessary means and allowed to strike on the territory of the russian federation, but in the current situation. how the development of events on is your opinion seen by the western partners after what happened at the kurskhinna? they want
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to put putin in his place, they have finally understood that playing vipism, as the west did, unfortunately, since the 14th year, this history has passed, and the fact that many did not understand the real nature, but the real intentions of the russian regime, now they talk about it, although they will not say it publicly. what donald says is certainly cool. the only problem is that many in the west do not say this, and they do not say it that way. and the west, of course, wants the defeat of russia, but a controlled defeat, one thing - mass escalation and give us everything we need and quickly. yes, and by the way, it is not so easy from the point of view of technology, logistics, military affairs there, well... but theoretically it is possible, for now, the west, even with the support of the kurdish operation, adheres to the logic of a controlled war, and nothing
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changes in this, but what pleases me is that the west still understood that the defeat of ukraine is the defeat of the west, so at least we have a real understanding and real progress in this matter, but for the time being. trump meanwhile accused biden of the russian federation's invasion of ukraine, the candidate for the presidency of the united states of america from the republican party said in an interview with billionaire elon musk that russia's invasion of ukraine happened because of joe biden's policies. he detailed that biden started talking about ukraine's membership in nato, and he said that this provoked the russian federation. how do you like it? of what happened in ukraine, starting from the 22nd year, the project, well, in fact, it is perfectly clear to everyone that no matter how much
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is said... until the political decision on nato there is no consensus within nato. no matter how much they say, he has been saying it for quite some time. actually, since 2008, the question of how to speak and what to say, of course. but musk is not stupid, he does business in the world, he reads geopolitics, so talks about nato and blaming these talks, well, this is pure nonsense, i am a lot. actually have discussions with various representatives who take positions, well not like musk, but close, and after a long conversation they actually come to something that contradicts themselves. and the second story, she well, in my opinion, the easiest thing is someone who has not understood that everything that happens is a desire. to destroy
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ukraine as such in nato, without nato, which is arbitrary, here is my meaning, i always try to explain it again and again on my fingers to those who do not want to believe in it yet, that today's russian regime, it has not yet invented its ideology that functions without ukraine as a part, and the fact that we are seen either as russia or anti-russia, but somehow... that's right, this is ukraine in the nature of the russian regime, and of course, trump is more interesting to musk. i would explain it differently to mask, well, but mask is not interviewing me yet, i think that everything is ahead. musk wants to interview kamale garis. do you think it will happen? well, we're watching it like a tv show because, well, of course there's an election in the united
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states of america. er will start to unfold even more starting on september 10, when there will be a debate between trump and harris, who do you think has a better chance of becoming president of the united states of america? first of all, if i were kamala, i would go to the interview, i'm not there i remember the last figure, but i looked at views, interviews with trump, there are almost a billion, well, it’s really cool from the point of view of both states and non-states, and then everything was cut on tiktok, and not only on tiktok, so the story is good, of course kamala has to prepare, but she is preparing properly, and it is better to show emotions in such a live conversation with musk, i think it would be a cool story, it should be decided by the ee hais team and
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directly ... yes, and as far as the elections are concerned, i believe that the situation is very much 50/50 much will depend on the debate and on whether hais will gain the drive and whether she can answer the difficult questions, especially about the border and the economy? if she succeeds, i think she has a good chance. thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, it was pavlo klinkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. 2014-19, friends, in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have volodymyr fesenko and oleksiy koshel, don't switch, it will be more interesting.
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more than a thousand square territories, prisoners of war and captured equipment. ukrainian forces continue to advance in the kursk region, what will russia do, whether it will be able to restrain the ukrainian offensive and what about this special issue. the operation is said in the west, analyzed in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. the ninth day is going on in the ivkur region of russia. according to western analysts, thousands of ukrainian soldiers and as many armored vehicles were involved in the special operation there as there were not in other points of the front during 2.5 years of full-scale war.


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