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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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thank you oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. we are now going on a short break and will return with another guest, we will talk about the pokrovsky direction. there are discounts until independence day on citremon darnytsia 10% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until independence day on decatelene. 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid in the stomach.
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which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms isota your water, if heartburn bothers you, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. you are not from the place of events live kamikaze drone attacks political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. two hours to learn about the war and what life is like world. two hours to keep abreast
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of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult de... years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the angels unit tyra yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. so, we return to the chronicles of the war, and serhiy is with us. tsekhodskyi,
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an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. i congratulate you, mr. oleksii. sergey oh, sergey, i'm sorry, it's me. and, you know, they are trying to do different things like the kursk offensive, there, they blew up morozivsk, the airport, today they fired a few more shots at letovych, but, judging by everything, on your the tone of the front, after all, the tension and... attempts to advance the russians do not stop, how about you, what is happening there now? tension, well, it has decreased a little, in general, the pressure of the enemy, precisely in the area of ​​the front, where our brigade is tactically part of the krasnohorivka group, but at the same time the enemy keeps his troops there, the enemy is trying to act, especially to act there, let's say, to the north of ours . uh, in the direction of the settlements
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of grodivka, mykolaivka, here, there they, well, let’s say, behave more actively, on there are also attempts of assaults on our area, attempts, i say, are there, but they are no longer so powerful, and let's say, well, this is not only connected with the fact that the situation in the kursk region is here, i will just frankly say what exactly.. in our section, in this area, for more than four months, the enemy was exhausted and very actively exhausted, and at the same time, we still find opportunities to search for their heavy weapons there, to destroy them, only today the units of the brigade were destroyed bm-21, hail, destroyed bc field warehouse, 122, 120 millimeter mortars, a damaged
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120 millimeter mortar, and somewhere around five dozen occupiers have been eliminated, so the fighting continues. the enemy is still dangerous, we need to understand this and relax for now. well, by the way, in order for this activity of yours to be even bigger, even more successful, we ask you to join the collection for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, your goal is 5 million uah collected by our soldiers for the needs of bomber pilots, it was mr. tsehotskyi who said about them, how they undermine everything there, and that's it you see the qr code, please join, the card number is also there, well, actually, this is a very necessary and important direction and we need exactly the right collection, i
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understand that it would be even better and even more effective, and an even greater reduction in the power of the enemy, yes, mr. serhiy, well, i want to add to your wonderful words that... it is thanks to donations that we are able today, well , our workshops are working, which include stuffing our drones, that is, strengthening their capabilities, and also today we very skillfully compose means of rap, i.e learned how to make rap tools, and i will say that on average every day we liquidated. we deactivate about 100 different flying machines of the enemy, this is every day, but for today there were 96 per day, this is to go along the wing, there are 22 pieces, all the others are hangers that are filled with explosives and carry danger, that
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is thanks to the meetings of our partners in the rear , i call these people who are helping us today, precisely partners, may god give them health and strength so that they all live to see our victory as much as possible, if you want to be partners of such wonderful fighters, then be it please join in, you know, you have such a large amount of destruction, and tell me what they are mainly attacking now, whether it is their infantry groups or the involvement of armored vehicles, as you have armored vehicles now. in fact , they haven’t been involved for two, well, almost two sundays, there was an attempt there up to 40 units, a reaction from our side, 15 minutes and that’s all, everything that didn’t make it, still remained on the battlefield for metallobrukt, here together with their
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crews , but these are more infantry assaults and mostly now they use two-wheeled motorcycles, they move on them, they drive a bull. they pick up personnel, and including every day we have to chase after them and destroy motorcycles, that is, the tourists are going in the wrong direction, they must have a way to escape to the urals, but for some reason they are not going in the wrong direction, that is why we still have to hunt for motorcyclists, and tell us what about attempts at bombing from the air, because there are our airfields working there. do you feel any reduction in e-cabs and bombings in general? already, already, yes, they periodically launch their cabs there, that is periodically, but i will already say that for two days in a row, this is, well, there is no such thing on our
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front line, and this is also, i think, the result of this work, which works in the deep body of the enemy, you see, a complex approach, sooner or later he has to give a result. and he begins to give it, they are still removing troops from the area of ​​the front, including from the east, we already know for sure that a unit was removed from our area as well, and a unit was removed from our neighbors, sent there in the kurdish direction , on the kurshchyna, so to speak, that's why, but at the same time they keep the infantry, they are more, let's say, they took specific units, so they keep the infantry. they still hope that something can be expected of them and they can expect something here, well , i understand that putin is in a very bad situation right now , you know, he doesn't know what to do, that's for sure, because he's not a military man, not a politician, in general, he is not a strategist, he is just
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an ordinary thief at the level there, i know, the opg, he can rule there, in this way, deceiving his own people all the time, deceiving and... having the entire world community, and can you somehow give a little more detail, you say that they are already shooting little by little, who exactly is being shot, well , that is, how, what kind of forces are these? well, look, so... what we know is better not to voice out loud, because well, so that the enemy does not know what we know about, of course, yes, it is absolutely correct, it is in the war, this is how it should work, no need to give the enemy no chances at all, even the smallest ones, so that he would be aware of something, that's all, but we know quite a lot of what is being done in them directly in the units, what is done in their rear, we follow everything very carefully and... in general, this work is complex, it is being carried out and will be carried out until the moment we liberate all our land. well, but the process itself
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is going on little by little. yes. ugh. but, look, we know that the fighting for grodivka has already begun. this is such a serious place. maybe we see such a concentration in this particular direction, if you say you have a little bit of peace, maybe somewhere else. and there it is, judging by everything. more active battles, well this one the tactics of the enemy, it has always been, you know, such as to hit everywhere and look for weak points somewhere, uh, but there is no need to draw premature conclusions now, why, because, well, you understand, everyone has already understood that the commanders of the command of the armed forces, our general staff knows how to plan operations, knows how to make unexpected and surprises, so who knows him? what is waiting for the enemy in the area of ​​the same grodivka, the same mykhailivka, and so on, that's
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why the battles are going to be tough before long, the enemy is pressing, the enemy thinks that he will be successful there now and so on, it's not all easy, as i say, it everything is happening against the background of very powerful battles, which everyone is holding, and as neighbors, we also help in this regard, so... we are waiting for the results, everything, everything that can be said on the air, this is how it should be and support, again, support, i repeat, all our military, all the defense forces that apply, there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to support, yes, and your collection, i also ask that you support it is mandatory for bomber pilots, we they already talked about him, but you see, now we have a current account, cards, whatever on the screen please join, and there is a qr code, and also... you know, i want to ask you how you feel, well, there are such conversations that you spent your energy
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to enter the course area, it is not known why, unknown the results, everything is unknown, it would be better to send it to your pokrovsky direction for reinforcement, for example, what do you think about this, i will say my subjective opinion, but i will express the opinion of my brothers with whom we communicate on the topic, first, for us, as for... the military, it really raised morale, it really raised it for everyone, you see, eh, this is again it opened the eyes of everyone in the world community, first of all a democratic one, to show that russia is not the same, it is scary and strong, that it has absolutely open borders and that you can go there and do those operations that, well, we do not conduct himself. how they lead on our land, but at the same time take the territory, vote there,
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excuse me, referendums, appoint a military administration and so on, and this once again shows that the king and theirs are in the king's paws, i mean putin, naked, literally and the figurative meaning of this words, that's why, it means a military operation, it means that if we just stand in one place, if uh... we can't attack them due to the fact that it will be a big loss on our side, so why not go around, it's absolutely damn, a grandiose military operation, and i think that it should continue, we just need more people to join the service in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and then we will finish all this sooner, no need, accordingly, we have to believe in victory, that it is possible. in principles, since on the first day we all came, here we are, who is 10 years old, who is younger, we are fighting,
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and we believe in victory, no matter what, thank you, thank you, serhiy tsekotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate unit, was with us of the motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, directly from the pokrovsk zone, his opinion that pokrovsk is important, but also the kurdish operation is very important and raised the fighting spirit, his... and his comrades, well, that's a good point, the chronicles of the war will be in a week , and you stay with the espresso tv channel, we still have a lot of interesting things for you. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro -
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see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporozhye? was i then in charge of the department of protection of national statehood? but how did the former actress become a russian pseudo-mermaid? i am sure that together
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with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. greetings, i am olena kononenko. and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of the heart and the wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's issue, we will talk about sellers from the occupied part of zaporozhye, about those who think that our justice will not reach them. she was a ukrainian actress, but became a russian pseudo-mayor. we work for the benefit of the population, to help people who live in the territories that suffer from shelling from the ukrainian side. this is romanichenko. nataliya oleksandrivna was born in 1993, a native of the city of vasylivka, in zaporizhzhia. until february 24, 2022, she was a theater and film actress. participation in the play make yourself at home with ada rogovtseva and pasha lee. in addition to acting, natalya had a production children's center bee wow, where she taught children theater skills,
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modeling and the basics of journalism. in addition , romannichenko was the owner of the company tof-garant in vasylivka, which was engaged in maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. children to be able to express themselves in work. they had comprehensive development, they were developed. for example, if it was necessary to dance, they could dance. but with the arrival of the occupiers zaporizhzhia, natalia decided to radically change her life. now she is playing pseudo-politician. i am taking on the temporary duties of the head of the vasylivska administration. i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. romannichenko returned to her hometown and began to actively cooperate with the rashists in several directions. the first - direct assistance to russian soldiers, initially offered the occupiers the services of its service station, repaired and painted russian military equipment, and
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also provided the supply of spare parts. each repaired russian car bore the symbol of the rashists, the letter z. romannichenko provided the supply of construction equipment, with the help of which the occupiers created fortifications to counter the armed forces. at the same time, the collaborator did not forget. and about campaigning in favor of the russian federation, she called on the local people to help the so -called brotherly russian people in every possible way, they spread anti-ukrainian propaganda about the bloody war, which was allegedly started by ukraine itself. in general, it proved loyalty to the kremlin dictator, in order to later receive his bloody dividends, namely the chair of the so -called mayor of the city of vasylivka, zaporizhzhia region. we, the residents of the liberated territories of the zaporizhzhia region, see the difference. we see an improvement in the quality of life, we see all the benefits that the russian federation provides, we are full-fledged territories of the russian federation, and this is all
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thanks to our president. as an illegal karmanych, natalya russifies the city in every possible way, calls for obtaining russian passports, glorifies the russian army and putin, and continues to visit humanitarian aid to the invaders front. the united russia party organized a humanitarian action. emphasizes the russian symbols in the name and romanichenko did not manage to remain unnoticed by our law enforcement agencies for a long time. at first, she was suspected, and later on july 28, 2022 , the sbu submitted an indictment to the court against this traitor. i apologize to everyone. what is my fault already in august 2023, the ukrainian court found her guilty and sentenced her to 15 years in prison with confiscation of all property. so far, in absentia, but
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who knows, maybe this sale will come soon will apologize while sitting in a ukrainian cell. our next anti-hero is dmytro oleksandrovich kucharkov, he is 41 and comes from melitopol. in this video , he tells in the national language how he saves the lives of ukrainians in extreme situations. situations in extreme situations it is very difficult to explain to the person you save from a height to step out of the window, but in a few years he will change his form and switch to the russian one to serve the occupying power. by order of the governor, we tour the settlements. before becoming a collaborator from 2006 to 2021, he worked as the head of the melitopol district administration of the state emergency service of ukraine in the zaporizhzhia region,
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rescuers, people who know a lot about the disaster, will provide valuable experience and good knowledge. with the occupation of melitopol, kocherkov did not leave the territory controlled by ukraine and only continued to work in the emergency services. russia, became the head of the so-called ministry of emergency situations there. we responded to the message we received that pensioners aged 46 and 52 lost their house after shelling. the traitor urged people to cooperate with the so-called new leadership and, as the fake head of the ministry of emergencies of russia in the zaporizhzhia region, persuaded locals to go work for the newly created body. or good privileges from the occupiers. in 2023, the sbi announced that kurchik was suspected of treason. therefore, don't forget the ukrainian language, dmytro, you still
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have to listen to the court verdict. and repent with nightingale. and finally , i will tell you about the major general of the sbu during yanukovych's time, who is now in charge of the russian military forces in zaporozhye. serhii ganja valentinovych, born in 1959, hails from the kirovohrad region. he started his career in ganja organs in 1986. he was deputy head of the sbu department in dnipropetrovsk and kyiv regions and deputy mayor of dnipropetrovsk. in 2012, he received the position. the authorized representative of the president of ukraine on issues of control over the activities of the security service of ukraine, and ganja really showed his nature during the maidan. during the presidency of viktor yanukovych in the 13th year , ganzha was appointed to head the department of protection of national statehood of the sbu. i i was in charge of the department for the protection of national statehood at the time and heard everyone every morning, who spoke, who gave the commands, where the leaders of the maidan met, how did they then go to yanukovych? during the revolution of dignity.
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general ganja directly managed the forceful dispersal of the maidan, and according to one version, it was he who gave the order to shoot at the protesters as part of the sbu's boomerang operation, which was aimed at seizing the house of unions and further clearing the maidan. on february 26, 2014, ganja was released and declared wanted on suspicion of committing treason. and while our law enforcement agencies were waiting for him in ukraine, he hid in the swamps, after february 20, 4, 2022, he went to the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. in january 2023, the rashists appointed him the head of the so -called state security service of the zaporozhye region, already in 2024 he received suspicions of collaborative activities from the sbu and the sbu. according to law enforcement officers, ganja is involved in the organization of mass repressions against civilians, their abduction and
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sending to the russians. on the ganja for a long time they are waiting behind bars, but who knows, maybe before getting to our prison, ganja himself will end up in russian torture chambers, we all know well how the kremlin treats those who are no longer needed. it was a program of a collaborator and me, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address, or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week.
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volodymyr zelenskyi discussed the creation of military command posts in kursk region, where the armed forces continue to go on the offensive. what exactly ukraine will do with the captured territories of kurshchyna, we are talking about this today, as well as about the front in... donbas, where the russian army is slowly but surely advancing. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. ukrainian journalists got to the kursk region of russia for the first time. the footage will be published by tsn. correspondent natalya nagorna showed how the ukrainian military removed the russian flag from the administration building in the city of suja. in the afternoon, oleksandr syrsky announced the defeat of the russian group in suzhi, although but the russian side continues to claim that the city is not under.


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