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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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i also think that if putin declared war or imposed martial law, it would cause panic throughout the russian federation and reduce political stability, which is a major factor for putin. therefore, i believe that putin's decision to once again subordinate what should be adequate military planning to his political goal for his own internal stability is another problem. historically, he has always made mistakes about how to wage this war against ukraine. and he preferred political considerations at the expense of the military. reliable answer. thanks to andrii, we will definitely follow this topic. let me remind you that andriy boris told us the latest news about the operation of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of the russian federation. on july 29 , ukrainians remembered the leaders of the terrorist attack in volenivka. the colony, in which the explosion killed at least 50 prisoners of war, mostly defenders of mariupol, who were leaving the territory of azovstal under the guarantee of the international committee of the red cross. so far, none of the international organizations has been able to conduct their own investigation. and
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name the culprits. at the same time, according to the voice of america, the un monitoring mission in ukraine collected testimony about the tragedy and in its conclusion indicated that the shelling was from the east, from the territory of the russian federation, and therefore russia is responsible for this war crime. why was the document not made public? iryna solomko investigated, and no international organization has placed responsibility for olenivka on moscow. after the terrorist attack in olenivka, the reaction of un secretary general antonio guterres was prompt. already at... at the beginning of august he announced the creation of a special mission that would establish the facts of the tragedy. permanent representative of ukraine prion serhiy kyslytsia was involved in the process of organizing its work. two similar appeals were sent to the russian ukrainian side, in order for both sides to provide security assurances for the deployment of this mission. at the same time, the secretary general gathered a team of... military and non-military experts at
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the expense of the un were gathered together, brought to new york, they even came to me and we held a briefing with them, the ukrainian side, after interdepartmental coordination, provided security assurances under the signature of the minister of foreign affairs, the russian side did not provide security assurances, and without security assurances deployment cannot take place, the un did not succeed. to obtain a security guarantee for the work of the un mission in olenivka from the russian side, and therefore there was no other way out than to dissolve the commission to the un secretary general, explains kyslytsia. it became known about the dissolution of the commission on january 5, 2023. the secretary-general decided to disband the fact-finding mission regarding the july 29 incident 22 in olenivka due to the lack of conditions necessary for deployment. mission in place,
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we needed clear assurances of security and access from both sides, and we didn't feel like we got them. dmytro lubinets, the ukrainian ombudsman, said in a voice of america commentary that he criticized this decision from the very beginning. in order to at least somehow save, to save the image of the largest world organization, the united nations. the mission was closed, the legal monitoring mission in... probably remembered that oleniv katsev is a legal territory of ukraine, therefore the mandate of the permanent of the monitoring mission, theoretically it can lead to the fact that the report can be worked out by the permanent monitoring mission, including for olenivka. according to the voice of america, the monitoring mission of the un in ukraine, which reports to the un high commissioner for human rights, is really almost immediately. began to work on the analysis of
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what happened. an important source of information for this internal report was the testimony of azov residents who survived the terrorist attack. in the fall , the first exchanges began, and this made it possible to start collecting testimonies about the tragedy. there were also studied and photo and video materials. according to voice of america, the conclusion of this internal report refuted the version of the russians that borak was hit by a projectile from the american hymers. and also determined: the shelling was from the east, that is, from the russian side. the meeting was transferred to the office of the high commissioner. on human rights, but it never became public. at the same time, in september 2023, a small part of it was published in the general report on the situation with human rights in ukraine. the explosions were not caused by hymars missiles launched by the ukrainian armed forces. the degree of damage to the walls, ceiling, roof, and windows of the barracks, the condition of the bunk bed inside, the size of the residual crater, and the radius of damage are not characteristic of damage by hymars ammunition. it is the lack of a conclusion in the report that russia is responsible for the attack. the most - says dmytro lobinets.
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in addition, according to him, there was neither a separate report nor an investigation on olenivka. if you even draw conclusions that ukraine could not do it. so, who did it, the russian federation is responsible for the murders of ukrainian prisoners of war, why were they brought to olenivka, they were kept by the russian federation, even on the basis of this there should have been a statement from the international committee of the red cross and from the united nations organization that they were prisoners of war for murder and mutilation . the russian federation is responsible for the armed forces of ukraine. short voice of america tried to get comments from both the spokesperson of the secretary general and the office of the un high commissioner for human rights regarding the reported facts. the spokesperson of the management, kshe shyanovsky, only sent an official position,
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which was made public on the eve of the second anniversary of the tragedy. the authorities of the russian federation took measures that prevented the independent establishment of facts regarding the explosions in olenivka. the russian federation did not allow it. other independent expert analyzes were not carried out by un observers, although the exact type of weapon and its place of origin could not be determined, the structure of the damage is consistent with ammunition that moved along a trajectory from east to west. spokesman jegoteirashe, during a briefing, answering a journalist's question, who does the general secretary think responsible for the attack did not give a direct answer. the secretary-general set up a fact-finding mission that failed. to travel due to lack of permission, we have never received permission from the russian side to travel to russian-occupied territories, of course, there still has to be a process in which people are held accountable. lubinets, in turn, calls on the un to resume the work of the mission and demands that international
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organizations do their work. in my opinion, for the first time in the history of the activity of the international committee of the red. christ's publicly recorded execution of verified ukrainian military prisoners. i demand that they publicly evaluate the actions of the russian authorities a long time ago, they have one, one argument: we are neutral, we cannot evaluate any side of the international military conflict, and i say, you are for... neutrality, you have covered up your real , must have a true face, efficiency, impartiality and justice, the russians do not allow you, say so about it, for more than
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10 years they have not allowed your representatives to the ukrainian prisoners of war, and you remain silent, the more you remain silent, the more they will torture. lyubinets believes that the available technologies make it possible to make an expert opinion without being physically present at the scene of the tragedy, and this is precisely what the ukrainian side expects from the un. at the same time, the source of america's voice at the un noted that this is unlikely to happen, because the secretary general and his secretariat have been making conclusions and statements for the past few years only after multi-level verification and without appellate evidence from the scene of events. from new york iryna solomko, voice of america. let's go to. another topic. one of the main issues that worries voters in this year's presidential race in the united states is access to abortion. after the us supreme court overturned ro v. wade two years ago, which guaranteed women the right to abortion. states can decide for themselves whether to allow such medical procedures. today, in 14
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us states, abortion is prohibited either completely or with small exceptions, but other states , on the contrary, protect this right of women at the legislative level. eight american of the states bring up the question. access to abortion to the referendums, which will be held simultaneously with the elections in november. the kamelis campaign is counting on voters' support for abortion rights to motivate them to vote in november, even as donald trump and the republican party have toned down their statements on the issue. oleksiy kovalenko will tell the details. women's reproductive rights are at the center of the campaign of vice president and democratic presidential candidate kamela harris. we who believe in reproductive freedoms, let's stop donald trump's extreme abortion bans because we believe women can make decisions about their bodies and their government shouldn't tell them what to do. former president
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donald trump has endorsed the supreme court's 2022 repeal of federal guarantees on access to abortion. he emphasizes that he advocates. that each us state decides to grant or block this access. actually, democrats, not all of them, because most of them agree with us, they are radicals, our position. trump and the republican party has recently toned down their anti-abortion rhetoric, which has included calls for a national abortion ban. and this is no accident, says ashley koning, an expert on polling at the radar university. we've seen in the midterms and special elections when the issue of abortion has been directly or indirectly on the ballot, what the consequences have been for the election and what the voters. democrats are betting on a
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pro-choice audience and support for abortion clinics. for example, on july 23, the husband of vice president garis dak emgov visited the reproductive health center in mcallen, virginia. the move was approved by the center's medical director , dr. jessica rubino. i believe that this is one of the most important topics for the election. it is actually important that the vice president, her husband focus. on this, continue to engage us and work on the next plan. among anti-abortion groups, there are those who doubt that reproductive rights will lead to a record turnout in the november election. the trump campaign most likely did not will increase their focus on the issue of abortions, even if the company garis does it, - believes the president of the national committee for the right to life, keral tobias. i think they will talk about what they think is important. and i don't know to what extent they will decide to answer her. i think they should definitely
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talk about the fact that the unborn child is a member of the human family that deserves protection. experts expect the economy to continue to be a priority for trump's campaign, as it has historically been a top issue during presidential elections. oleksiy kovalenko, oleksiy osyka, veronika bolderis eglesias, state of america washington. after the full-scale invasion , more than half a million ukrainians came to the united states. most settle down and adapt to a new life, but there are also those who want to return to war-torn ukraine. why? khrystyna shevchenko knows and will tell. victoria nikitina, a 48-year-old woman from dnipro , carefully paints a still life in her apartment in seattle. paintings with flowers can be seen on its walls, but closer to the evening, a favorite activity is necessary
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stop. at night, victoria leaves for her first and so far only official american job. i clean at a nursing home in seattle. three times a week at night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., victoria vacuums, washes the floor, wipes surfaces, and takes out the trash. maybe i could find a job closer to my specialty, but i don't know the language. victoria works in dnipro. an interior designer, says that she was in great demand in her hometown, and in the eighth month of the war, in october
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2022, when she was walking her labrador biggie is at the house, a rocket explodes over her head. the district of victoria was constantly shelled by the russians due to its proximity to a strategic object. the woman hesitated for a long time, but made a difficult decision to fly with biggie to the usa, where her daughter had been living for a long time. victoria. became a participant of the you for you program, and the first months of life on american soil became a real test, she says that she fell into a deep depression, i just wanted to close my eyes and wake up at home, even i did not think that it would be so difficult, i was not i was ready for this, you know, i had such a story that i am physically here, and... well, everything else, well, soul, everything is just me, well, everything remained there, all my friends remained there,
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my work remained there , psychologists claim, forced resettlement can become a deep psychological trauma, the feeling of loss and isolation affect the psyche the most. it wasn't a choice, most people run for their lives, so you know, they bring all the psychological baggage of life in the war... a time laden with trauma environment, and then add adaptation to possible loneliness, lack of family nearby, feeling of grief. people with post-traumatic stress disorder feel guilty, feel bad, and wonder why i survived when my not-so-best friend or family member died. forty-six-year-old iryna trygidko, iryna from irpen, rests on this lake, south of seattle. she also flew to washington state under the you
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for you program, with four children and a husband. we thought so at first that we would stay alone for... a month with my sister, but after arriving in washington, i felt complete safety for myself and for the children, and i stayed with the children, and my husband did not want to stay and went to ukraine because of business. iryna immediately fell in love with the state of washington. we can walk in the forest, visit the beach, without thinking that children will pick up from the floor, or there will be a rocket attack, or there will be a riot. you feel free. a woman with children currently lives in the house of her sister, who acted as a sponsor and fully provides for the family? well, officially i don't work, i would hairdresser, i can now only serve my friends when the children are at school. iryna says that responsibility for
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small children helps her to keep going. nevertheless, - say the psychologists of sumy, it may arise at home... later, when you have to face your own needs. if you have children, young children, then you consider the needs of your children, not your own, and perhaps that is the main motivation for the children to be safe, to have access to education and perhaps to a new way of life , but in the future there may be sorrow for the native country, and the woman may want to return. if you follow the history of ptsd, some of the early cases were described as nostalgia. the best cure for isolation is to seek support. there are no special programs for ukrainian refugees in the usa, as there are, for example, in switzerland or germany. viktoria and iryna can only receive cash assistance, like low-income citizens of the state, and food cards. for both
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women, the circle of communication became the ukrainian community, where women feel that they can be useful they conduct classes for young ukrainians in a local ukrainian-language school and art camps. iryna says that she is leaning towards the fact that she will not return to ukraine. well, the further we stay here, the more you feel differently. because there is a lot of corruption in ukraine. and victoria, on the contrary, is seriously thinking about returning to her native dnipro. there, there was my life, simply. i just left it all there, and here everything is just completely different. seattle, washington, khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko, for voice of america in the words of a classic, everyone has their own destiny and their own wide path. and we move on to our last story about how in a small village forge in vinnytsia region, a ukrainian and an american
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forged victory together. more in the history of tetiana kukuriyki and serhiy repchynskyi. 33-year-old american ben gerber came to ukraine in the summer of 2023. my mother is dead, so only my father. i said, i, when she died, i will go to vinny. and he said: okay, he is not there, you can erase my opinion. ku, he knows that if i will, i will. ben is from of the state of florida, worked at the university of georgia as a teacher of american history and culture. in his free time, ben dreamed of traveling, for this he bought a car. reni is a bitch. i will buy it, for the time being, i think, when i have time, you can travel, through
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europe, well, europe, travel from... ben sent a car from florida on rum to belgium, from there through poland he came to transcarpathia, there he helped volunteers carry humanitarian aid to zaporizhzhia. ben created an english-language version of the site where people anywhere in the world can can buy charity stickers, the funds go to the vinnytsia mother and child center. i think everything is fine. it is an important part for the history of ukraine now, it is very important, and back home, what do i do there, it is a normal life,
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and for me a normal life, it is good, but for me it is, i know, i can do more, i want to do more . last summer, ben joined roman trenos' volunteer forge. roman trenos devoted his whole life to metalworking, 20 years ago , the man set up a forge in his own yard, since 2014 for ukrainian military. trenos produced bulrushes, and with the beginning of full-scale russian aggression, staples for dugouts were added to the bulrushes. requests are coming not only
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to us now, requests are coming to everyone in the forge who work in volunteer mode, there are a lot of requests, and it is very difficult to provide them. fittings, they are not very expensive, but in such quantities it is also a large amount, for a normal forge, it is a large amount. production. begins with a lottery, where various products are raffled off. according to roman trenos, it is possible in a week for donations to buy a kilometer of reinforcement, which is 25 staples, one dugout requires from 70 to 300 staples. over 2.5 years, the volunteer forge sent more than 235,000 skup to the front. currently, ben works at the forge.
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eh, it's not too bad, i understand more and more, i can play a little bit, that's a problem. in february of this year, ben went to florida to visit his father, he quickly returned to ukraine, according to the american, this is where he feels happy, and this is where he lives his best life. when the withering is over, there is still a lot of work to be done, so i think it will be better i lie here tetyana kukuriika, serhii repchynskyi, for the voice of america, from vinnytsia. friends, this is where we say goodbye,
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read more of our stories on the voice of america ukrainian website. hang in there, something will be fine. pope! there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m 10% in podorozhnyk vam and oschad pharmacies. fm, galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until
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independence day on corvalment. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on motororex pills. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. oho, took a walk water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. rheo. you are ready, dear! ready took reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and savings pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events, if you want to understand how...
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today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday political club every saturday at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. television premiere of the documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military servicewoman tetyana
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chornovol, founder of the unit. holetair yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel.
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. the kursk offensive operation continues. the armed forces of ukraine took full control control at the zone city of suja and continue to advance deep into russian territory, will the tactical successes of the armed forces lead to the strategic defeat of the kremlin? a completely legal operation. world leaders express support for ukraine's actions on the aggressor's territory. will the success of the ukrainian offensive prompt them to lift restrictions on the use of western
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long-range weapons? an unsinkable aircraft carrier is leaking. russia has withdrawn almost the entire black sea fleet from crimea and uses only part of the military airfields. how long will the russians hold out on the peninsula, if destroy the kerch bridge. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, congratulations. and i wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about what happened that night at the airfields of the voronet, kursk and bryansk regions, how the offensive of the ukrainian army in kurshchyna is taking place now in the current conditions, and of course, we will talk about crimea and about the prospects of how and when the peninsula will be
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liberated during all on... the air in in the first hour we will have three guests, two people's deputies of ukraine, akhtem cheygos and valentina leveychenko, and the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine pavlo klimkin. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have two political experts, volodymyr fesenko and oleksiy koshel. however, before starting our big conversation today, i suggest you watch a video of the consequences of the strikes by the defense forces. on russian airfields, which were during the last night, and russian resources claim to have shot down, as it were, 117 drones in eight regions of russia, but many drones still achieved their goals, military airfields in voronezh, kursk, savasleyka and borisoglebsk were affected. let's watch this video.


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