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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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cowboys of texas, only cowboys of texas, in this situation they themselves control, they themselves rob, and they themselves, apparently, surrender, as with herman hlushchenko, this story with this hale, that the minister of energy knew about it, but the minister of energy was probably recorded, where hal's conversations with his partners were recorded, where he said that now the minister will go there to kharkiv, maybe he will be fired upon somewhere. please, when mr. valery was enumerating this big, long list, i just thought, this is really the same indicator, only half a percent, a percent, maybe 2% of the scale of corruption that takes place, that is, corruption is everywhere, it is extremely large-scale, we spend during the war, i am not afraid of this word, tens of billions of dollars through corruption holes, steal at various levels, well...
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at least before the war, i came across a figure that 8 billion was lost at the customs only because of gray schemes, i am not talking about smuggling, only because of these schemes, and unfortunately, our western partners understand this and make demands on us, so i will remind you, i came literally a week ago penny pritzker, who for now remains in the position of special representative for the economic recovery of ukraine, who directly said that not taxes. and cigarettes, er, the shadow market of cigarettes, excise goods, alcohol, petroleum products and customs reform, here is your dear money, it was said in the direct text, and a few days ago the secretary of the treasury of the united states stated that the budget financing will depend on carrying out reforms, our partners are already just shouting at us, telling us to look for money
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internally, but in reality, when you see all these scales of corruption, i emphasize again, only in individual demonstrative cases, we only see the surface part, it remains unclear, let's say, despite the good percentage of trust in the authorities on the part of the citizens of ukraine, well, in fact, i am very happy, there regardless of party affiliation, in fact, i am very glad that during the war... the level of trust in the authorities remains quite high, but the responsibility for corruption, responsibility for failures, for untimely decision-making, for poor quality decisions, for incompetence, unprofessionalism, on the part of citizens, this responsibility, they do not critically evaluate the government, for example, citizens collect 100 hryvnias for drones, for slaves, for anything else, and instead of coming to the cabinet of ministers and saying: stop the nonsense, here, here and here are dozens.
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literally from today to tomorrow, they will not come to the door of the city hall and say, no, no, we should drop uah 100 per person, and you should stop building, asphalting, putting sidewalks, parks, squares and a lot of other nonsense, well, i think that this is a huge problem that we need now under it's wartime, don't play games, you spoke against the government, it's already a russian ipso, so... these games need to be stopped, we need a critical attitude towards the government, and in fact, we need to keep the government in such tight hands. thank you, mr. oleksiy. another topic, gentlemen, is zelensky's announced, announced decision on spiritual independence from russia. as you know, the verkhovna rada of ukraine is supposed to consider the draft law in the second reading on banning the activities of the russian church in ukraine and churches, let's say, russian churches. in
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ukraine, zelensky talks about what will happen decision, and this will strengthen spiritual independence from moscow. let's listen to what zelensky said. i just held a preparatory meeting about a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spiritual independence. we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities, limit the freedom of ukrainians, and the solutions for this must be 100%. effective and really working, we will provide them. mr. valery, we are talking about the bill in the second reading, or could it be the decision of the national security council to ban the uoc? well, i think that now zelensky wants to saddle this one worry, because you remember what kind of people were holding hands when this law had to be adopted. may i remind you what it is about? well, actually, zelensky didn't have... for example, there is a friend and,
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therefore, the deputy head of the president's office , shevir, who dealt with the issues of changing the law on languages, remember his interview, the first is the following. there was a kind of office of the head of the president's office, serhiy trafimov, who was sitting sprawled out, sipping a drink, saying that the parliament of the previous convocation had passed a law that split ukraine, meaning that the law, which actually solved the issue in the way that it could be solved then, well , they were engaged in this kind of thing, so let's sit in the middle of their general tactics, but now they understand that the people of ukraine do not want this kind of... kind of stuff, if you forbade channels that were propaganda, so why didn’t you take away the main channel, the one that broadcasts in every village, whose popes these, so they did what they did in the temporarily occupied territories, don’t you think, ukrainians don’t understand that if not god forbid, the occupier had passed somewhere further there, then the priests
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of the moscow church would have done the same thing as they did near kiev, what they did in the donbas, what they did in the crimea, now they are breaking up, dismantling the last church that would have... relation to the real ukrainian church, that is why we actually have such a situation now, when zelenskyy now wants to saddle up, they are probably uncomfortable, maybe something should be done with the law, maybe, maybe they will still create a council of national security and defense, zelenskyy will say, so come on, let's go and they will still vote, besides , by the way, they said such things that, like, they are waiting, when they would not like ukraine to be slandered there in the west. well, because there is such a situation there, actually giving cartridges to voldemar, where are the cartridges, giving just these russian propagandists, because if they show it to trump, or let’s say to the magatrumpists, look, the people’s deputies don’t want to pass that law, because they have problem, really then there is a problem, that is, they create problems,
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then they say that this problem arose where they themselves created it, so i think that zelenskyy will now try to ride somewhere in the wave, because ukrainians are much smarter, but we talked about trust in... the government, the government thinks that it is trust in it, no, ukrainians are just wonderful understand that it is not possible to change the government now, because putin, our enemies, will use it, but to hold us for fools, for hostages, well , in fact, it is short-sighted, because we saw that if the issues are not solved from above, they will be solved in a way, in which they decided on the same vinnytsia or in the khmelnytskyi region, when people themselves came, they made those decisions themselves, which to a certain extent one way or another show the legitimacy of what the citizens, no, absolute power. doesn't corrupt at all, it's seeding, bernard refuted the show, it's not the government that corrupts, it's the fools who come to power, i quote, for those who are censoring us there now, i quote: fools come to power, they corrupt the government, bernard show, but no one is censoring us, we can simply be monitored and
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deciphered and placed on the table, obviously, in certain offices, thank you, mr. valery, mr. oleksiy, what do you think, what is this solution? about spiritual independence, will it be before independence day, a council decision, or will it be a decision of the national security council? well, i want to remind you about the church bill, it was submitted to the parliament back in january of the 23rd year, and it was a government bill to implement the decision of the national security council and in accordance with the presidential decree, that is , we imagine that such bills should be adopted on... of course promptly , numbered weeks or numbered months, the decision of the national security council, the presidential decree, this did not happen, and now, once again, i will remind you that this is a bill that placed on two pages, only two pages, one fundamental amendment, that’s all, that is
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, there is nothing to refine, rewrite and everything else, and there was a consensus in the parliament on this bill, it dragged on for a year and seven months, and now it comes out... the head of state and says: we will make a principled decision, you know, i heard, my eyes were round, i only wanted to ask, mr. president, who delayed the adoption of this bill for a year and seven months, your team in the parliament artificially delayed it, i am, i i recall stefanchuk's words that in the parliament does not have the votes for this draft law, by the way, i believe that the speaker should apologize to his colleagues, people's deputies, to ukrainian society. for deception, for deliberate deception. what is the reason for this bill, why was it delayed? because in the parliament there are two groups of the former opposition platform for life, which vote with the authorities as one. so we conducted a huge study, analyzed all bills and analyzed who
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voted for them. the servant of the people, the parliamentary trust group and two groups of the former opzh, de facto, it is an informal coalition in the parliament, because the monomajority. itself does not provide votes, and that is why this draft law became hostage to such a friendship with the opposition platform for life, and now they are trying to sell us, to lead the process, we will... flatter the president, who finally initiated that his team consider this issue in the parliament, but unfortunately, we lost precious time, we lost one and a half years, and in these one and a half years, in fact, i am convinced that the vast majority of parishes of the uoc mp could already become painless, seamlessly part of the orthodox church of ukraine. the process could already go and... come to an end, because there was an emotional upsurge, people gathered meetings, people
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voted, people wanted transitions, but there were no legal grounds for this, the authorities lost precious one and a half years of time, and our key task, so that at least 80% of the representatives of the uocmp joined the orthodox church of ukraine. it can be, by the way, a fairly painless process, but i'm afraid that it will either... be slowed down again, and the process can drag on for years and even decades, or they break firewood, we have to finish, god grant that such a decision be made, if it is appropriate here to mention god in this situation, god grant that this decision be made. valery dymov, oleksiy koshal were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, asking you whether the servant of the people party would support the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, in your opinion. the final results of our television survey 31. yes, our people still do not believe, 69% - no, it was a program
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verdict provost serhii rudenko, bye, there are discounts until independence day on templegin tablets, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and saving allergies, not cheap. overcomes deer. c3 neo. protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts. independence day on lineks forte 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. i'm colleagues, let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, about the war front. in the composition of serhiy zurets and what is the world like ? courses of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, carrot in the field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen postakhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, news of culture, our art viewer, ready to tell, good evening, presenters, that many have become as if they are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the respected... and the studio of mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day for two
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hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. knyazev's dismissal: why did the ex-head of the supreme court lose his position for renting an apartment? from the post of judge of the cassation administrative court. but who in the vrp helped knyazev not to answer for a multimillion-dollar bribe. the record holder is simply the first to close cases. on thursday , august 15, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the journalist who joined the zsu is political an expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front. this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major
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of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. good evening. we are from ukraine. and let's go further. syrsky reported on the kurdish operation. he voiced all the details for the president of ukraine, in fact, it became known to society, we will tell you about it in detail. a blow to the infamous savaslitsia, as expressed by the planes it launched. to ukraine, and in general it was a massive raid on russian airfields, is there any information about which targets the drones managed to hit. the verkhovna rada does not want to raise taxes, at least it opposes the project proposed by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, so where to get money for the fall, we will talk about it with the people's deputy of ukraine. heavy fighting in the pokrovsky direction and
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the dollar is growing, what is the reason, or really is it worth buying foreign currency? to continue to trust the national team, and tax reform is also important, we will talk about this in detail, and dynamo kyiv, despite many negative forecasts, is still moving forward in the champions league, and now the kyivans are waiting for decisive matches with austrian salzburg, like yesterday managed to play at hendon park against glasgow rangers and what was decisive in the victory of the kyivans over the scots, we are also talking about this... this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zema and we are starting, i will hand over the floor to serhiy zgurts, to the director of the defense express agency and the host of the column, the military summaries of the day. sergey, please. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the powerful strike campaign that ukraine carried out today against enemy
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aircraft at airfields deep in russian territory, and about the features of the current stage of hostilities from the russian federation. in the evaluations of experts about kursk and beyond, further on in our issue. well, everyone knows that an air alert is announced throughout ukraine when a russian plane takes off from letovyshka . fighter-interceptor mig-31k with a carrier that is a carrier of the dagger missile, these are hypersonic missiles, there is no danger. furnaces and long-range, and this is countered by either a dense air defense system with patriots, or the destruction of carriers, daggers of mig-31 aircraft at their bases, and it was on this night that such a regular and powerful stage of the ukrainian air strike campaign to destroy the russian military took place planes, stocks
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of means of impression that these planes use, well, as well as airfield infrastructure, far. nor drones of the sbu and forces defense, air force, special operations forces, unmanned systems center, carried out today the largest attack on russian military airfields, and some want to conclude that this is the largest attack of the entire war, i hope that in fact the largest will be, but in any case today the targets were several enemy airfields at once, of course, i started self-sluicing for a reason, because just like that... one of the airfields that was attacked by drones is precisely vasleyka, which is the mig-31 base, and this base is located 650 km away from the front line in the nizhny novgorod region, what we know today is the data of the nasa satellite fire detection system, these data
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record that there are foci of fires, they can be either arsenalist. or storage with fuel for mig-31 aircraft, although there is an expectation that an il-76 aircraft could also have been hit and probably at least one mig-31, because this conclusion is suggested by videos that show the russian military itself, which tried repel the attempt. repel the attack of our drones, it says that there are at least 10 drones knock one down we would like to add that there are three sites for basing aircraft at the military base in sevosleitsa, all of them are open, so in any case, i hope that the work of the drones was effective enough, but we will wait for the satellite images. in addition to savostliyka, there were
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also strikes on airfields in the voronych region, actually two. baltimore and borysoglebsk airfields, they are 180 and 340 and 340 km from the front line, respectively, there are videos that show the work of russian air defense there, explosions, there are comments that we cannot voice on the air now, but in any case, there are already satellite images of at least one litavishch for borysoglevsk, where the 125th is based there. 30-34 and there are pictures that we now see on the screen, in fact, we can say that in the western-western part of the airport... there are strikes on the hangars, which are there in these hangars, or means of restoring aircraft or means
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of impact , i think that it will become known a little later, but in any case we can say that this attack was effective, and the fourth resort is kursk itself, the halino resort, it is 7 km from kursk, here the least amount of information, but... i, for example, do not rule out that the downed su-34, which the general staff reported today, could probably rise from the airfield in halino, and i think that this just generally indicates such a systematic approach , a massive strike by our drones on a number of russian airfields, and speaking in general about the approaches to this campaign, i would actually mention the strikes on the russian strategic base of olenia, which is 1,800 km from the ukrainian kordo. as well as strikes on the morozov airfield, where significant stocks of russian cabs were destroyed, i.e. now we see the consequences of this strike, and
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also the strikes on the lipetsk-2 airfield, that is , in general, this speaks of systemic approaches, but we have also carried out strikes on russian airfields before, but what has changed now, firstly, the strikes have become more large-scale, the distances have increased, the number of drones... used has increased significantly, the power of these drones has increased, and now we see, by the way, a map showing at least 20 russian airfields that are located at a depth of up to 300 km, we are now conducting attacks on this airfield, mainly by our drones, although it would be much more effective and, er , more powerful, how could we also use american atikams and storm shadow missiles, because the missiles cause much more... surprise, given the shorter approach time, than our drones, so in any case we hope that eventually the situation will change and such
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attacks will be added to ukrainian drones, and just for the sake of surprise, we know that this is one of the factors that significantly affects the front line, which demonstrates, to about the operation in the kursk region, where our defense forces are advancing deep into the enemy's territory, in general it can be assumed that the front of the wedge... is about 60 km wide, the depth of the wedge in certain areas is from 10 to 30 km, and today general syrskyi reported to the supreme holokomovych about the fact that there is a further advance of our troops that an additional number of prisoners have been captured, and by the way, the number of prisoners during this week of hostilities there varies in the hundreds of russian prisoners, although i actually think that... indicators are approaching a thousand, there are conscripts there, there are fsbeshniks, and ahmet, and those who belong
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to chechen units, so in any case the replenishment of our fund for exchange, well, it has increased significantly, this is just one of the consequences of this operation , then we will talk in more detail about the assessments and consequences of this offensive of our units in the kursk region, and now we are joined by... valentyn badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer, mr. valentyn, i welcome you, i am glad to see and hear on our channel, mr. sergey, congratulations, as always very happy to join the channel, but i would like you to evaluate the objectives of the kurdish operation that the defense forces are currently conducting, at what stage do you think this operation is now? and what results are most acceptable for the armed forces of ukraine, because you can hear different voices and different assessments regarding the riskiness of such an operation, which
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the armed forces are currently conducting? i will try to speak about where we are now, so to speak, and at what point, what we have achieved and what are the risks, really, the whole world has been talking all week, starting with the ukrainian offensive in the kursk region, and this is a very serious achievement, because thanks to the sudden offensive, it was possible to influence russian society, to influence western society, including the political establishment, which began to rapidly change its opinion about how and to what extent it is necessary to help ukraine, more on that later. in more detail, but a prisoner exchange fund also appeared, a huge number, it is also very important, and the main thing. what has
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been done, what has already been done, is the demonstrated weakness of the russian military machine and the weakness of putin's regime, the inflexibility of the generally criminal regime of the kremlin, and this is a huge achievement, some media wrote that these red so -called lines began to disappear in the heads or in the minds of western politicians regarding the pressure on putin. and it is definitely important that the russian troops began to pull back their units, their units from the front, from areas from the kharkiv area, from areas even from some military experts called the pokrovsky direction, where the situation was quite critical
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, and this is definitely an achievement. very very important. i will briefly go through the countries that could change their attitude and seriously affect the further advancement of ukrainian troops, namely... the united states, which still maintains the ban on the use of missiles, about which you already said on the air, then germany , on the contrary, is ready to allow it, but it did not provide us with cruise missiles, france is silent about cruise missiles, britain spoke against the use of cruise missiles, that is , it turns out that in the future, ukraine
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will again have to.. . to prove, to prove that it is conventional weapons that can change the course of the entire war and actually nullify the ideology of nuclear confrontation, which could have happened already at the end of the 22nd year, then it could have happened in the middle of the 23rd year, and again, because of the stalling of the event, this did not happen. now about certain risks, the risks are definitely very serious, and in general... this offensive, as it appeared to me, was born from there in general, and from the fact that there was constant, constant pressure from russian groups, and there was nothing to do, so that in my opinion the problem was a lack of reserves, a lack of key weapons and ammunition, and now by stretching the front, which is also an increase in risks, the ukrainian defense forces in...
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change the situation, now military experts have already said that the biggest risks are the first is in the deep depth of the advance, where more than 60 km, if ukrainian troops pass, it will be very difficult to maintain logistics, and if further, it will generally depend on the readiness of ukrainian reserves, and the same can be said about the flanks, closing the flanks military experts consider it to be a very big risk and... a big potential problem, but we do not know for sure what reserves sirsky is operating today, and if the reserves are, assuming that at least part of the brigades from the 14 brigades that the supreme commander-in-chief zelenskyi, about whom he argued, that there is nothing to arm, that if at least part of
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them, for example, four or five brigades are ready, then... well, it is quite possible to develop the further success of this offensive and even carry out a very powerful fortification, by the way, the consolidation and construction of powerful, powerful rampant defenses is already in the kursk region, this is a very important element, it would be, i don’t know in what form it is happening now, by the way, here i can’t help but say the following words that in addition to engineering divisions, it would be very logical to establish private military companies in this form, but we have been talking about this for the fifth year and have three draft laws, which experts call quite empty and far from how private military companies should be built, and this is an opportunity asymmetric actions, including conducting.


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