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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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to acquire for the armed forces of ukraine at the front, there cannot be a function here, mr. ivan, the main hope, well, i also hope that they will consider the prohibitions of the russian church, or rather, the russian agency in ukraine, because all russians, well those priests who are now in the uoc mp, the so-called can transfer to the ocu, no one forbids them to do so, but hope that this will be the result, but again we hope for the effectiveness and coherence of the work of the verkhovna rada in these matters, despite various political differences there. thank you very much for joining. the following shots may shock you with news from the ground. political analysis objectively and
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meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobolaya frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, good evening, we are from ukraine. you know, when you report news like this, doctors were killed, there was a civilian car, and you think, why are you saying it so coldly, somehow slurring the words, it just hurts, i think, for everyone, and we understand that from the fact that you you can say it loudly and descriptively, that's fine will not change, people are dying, unfortunately, defending our independence, eternal respect and honor to them, well , there were loud explosions in zaporizhzhia, defenders shot down an enemy target in the sky above zaporizhzhia district,
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ivan fedorov of the regional military administration reported. the details of the enemy attack are being clarified. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, said that to strengthen the units of the ukrainian defenders in the donetsk and turkish directions , the equipment coming from the allies. such a mandate was given by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, the commander-in-chief of his own armed forces. the general himself assured that the armed forces continue. to advance further in kursk directions in order to prevent the start of the current day, the troops in some directions advanced from one to 2 km, the search and destruction of the enemy in the settlement of suzhe was completed, more than 100 enemy servicemen were captured at the beginning of the day, thank you for the exchange fund, more in the morning 100 people, it will help us get our boys girls back.
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by the way, just a second, today i was just listening to an interview with a guy, so and so not even a boy, well, a soldier is sitting , his mustache has not yet grown, and he says, the company ran, the platoon ran, where everyone was supposed to be, everyone ran, and he says, i surrendered her as a prisoner, this is the situation, of course there are battles there, of course it is not so easy to say that everyone runs away and surrenders as prisoners, that is also not true, we have to understand it, but in any case the very fact of mass surrender... of people who, in principle, did not go to war, but simply served a term service, who don't want to die like this from either this or that, because sorry, the border turned out to be leaky, well, this is also an indicator of the desire to defend not even one's land, but the regime, the regime that sends russians to kill in ukraine, even ukraine for the need to create military command posts in kurshchyna, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy emphasized this during a special meeting. the head of state noted that hostilities are active on russian territory. protect the lives of ukrainians in
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the border communities, at the same time, the defense forces plan to form a security zone in the kursk region, deputy prime minister iryna added veryshchuk, which provides for humanitarian aid for local people, the opening of evacuation corridors and the admission of international organizations to this zone. i would just like to add, reading today the soldiers who had real experience of fighting and also people who... in mariupol, when the corridors were opened there, and the enemy used it very often, so i think that here, when it comes to corridors, all minuses and risks will be taken into account in order to protect the defense forces as much as possible, to give the enemy something to come up with, and of course people who are not tangential to this war, where should we evacuate, because the ukrainian army is going to kurshchyna not to kill people, but to destroy the russian regime again.
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above all, who finances this war and supplies men to war. an important goal: ukrainian counterintelligence destroyed the rare russian radar station kasta in zaporozhye, it was actually the eyes. enemy air defense, thanks to it the occupiers could recognize even those air targets flying at very low altitudes, so the station was hidden in the rear, carefully camouflaged and quite often moved from place to place, the cost of such a radar station, depending on the configuration, starts at $60 million, so with one shot minus $60 million, and our defenders. from the 92nd and 43rd brigades repelled the most massive offensive of the invaders in the last month near the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region. the enemy attracted lightly armored vehicles and tanks covered with metal shelters, under which the assault infantry hid. the enemy lost almost all the equipment that participated in
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this offensive. only the striker battalion of unmanned aerial systems, achilles destroyed four tanks, damaged four more and destroyed two combat vehicles of the enemy infantry. this is exactly what we are collecting on drones, this is why it is important to have drones, because when you have drones, and they are also a plus of a reb that works effectively, and you suppress the enemy’s reb, you can express the enemy and destroy the gobron equipment, as they say, without leaving the shelter and minimizing the risk for the personnel, because people are the most priceless thing at the front, we understand this very well, gold and silver instead of russian scrap metal is almost... uah 25 million earned by the ministry of defense on the processing of destroyed enemy equipment into precious metals, this is the data for this year, a part of these funds was transferred to the state budget of ukraine, in particular, according to the data of the ministry of defense, from thousands of tons of blackened iron, the occupiers managed
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to get 100 kg of gold, almost 2 tons of silver and another 25 kg of platinum. by the end of the year, the ministry of defense plans to receive at least 18 million hryvnias from such processing. more than a ton of smuggled heroin was destroyed in ukraine, which is still in ukraine, which is still in january 21 the security service of ukraine confiscated from smugglers. the liquidation of this, durman , took place after the verdict of the lviv court, the department informed. let me remind you that in the 21st year, the sbu conducted a special operation and documented the illegal activities of a criminal group. then operatives of the special service. detained in lviv four suspects, one of the organizers of drug trafficking and three foreigners who packed drugs in rented warehouses . on the black market at the time of discovery of the product, its value was more than uah 2 billion it is known that the cargo was on its way
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from pakistan in transit through ukraine to the european union. the drugs were hidden in a container among food. however, according to sbu materials, all the arrested persons have already been convicted of smuggling. narcotics in particularly large amounts, they are already serving their sentence, according to the third part of article 305 and the third part of article 307 of the criminal code of ukraine. government representatives and ukrainian media professionals presented the first typical policy of gender equality in media content, because ukraine is part of the democratic world community. espresso tv channel was the first, the first to officially implement this policy. in the work of the editorial office, according to general producer anastasia rave, it helps to solve ethical dilemmas, explains to the audience the principles and values ​​of the editorial office, this is our commitment to our audience, and this is such a manifestation of leadership, and this is even
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the enlightenment of our audience, which in our media content should be balanced, with both women and men. who are experts of our programs in equal parts participants, heroes of our stories, people try to imitate those models, those samples that we offer them and present in a qualitative and interesting way. if we present the opinion that gender equality is a good thing, then people begin to follow these good examples, take them as a model. well , really. the espresso channel tries to set good examples and role models for the media community and, of course, for society in general. preserve cultural heritage. public activists demand to stop construction in the historical part of the capital district of kyiv parnassus. currently, the developer
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is suing the ministry of culture. in the historic city, he plans to build a high-rise with more than 16 floors. activists say that the appearance of a high-rise building will destroy the landscape and the house will lose its properties. historical significance, the court session in this case will be considered by the kyiv district administrative court in october this year. close to the landmark of saksagansky's house, pozhulyanskyi 96, kyiv city council, without any doubt, for no reason, for no reason, took a plot of land not just somewhere close, right next to it for construction, i i think that all of us as a group, the prosecutor 's office, the ministry of culture, and the kyiv city council, and i, as a representative of the public, will protect this monument of buynoksaganskyi and illegal construction will not be allowed, and unfortunately, the russians for... destroyed the museum of lesya ukrainka in the still occupied ukrainian yalta. journalists
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of the voice of crimea found this out. on the building where the institution was located, there is only a plaque reminding of the stay here of a ukrainian writer at the end of the 19th century, from the exposition dedicated to the outstanding ukrainian poetess, social activist lesya ukrainka, only small photos remained, interspersed with photos of pushkin, tolstoy, and tsviteva. even the museum staff do not know where the exhibits went. i should note that the russians are fat. destroyed an authentic monument of world importance in the crimea, chersonese tavriyskyi. and now it's time to talk about events that happened outside the borders of our state. yuri feder is already next to me. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today i will talk a lot about the reaction of the world to what is currently happening in the kursk people's republic, as it is extremely important for us, but that is not all, we will also talk about many other things in a moment. yes, and the beginning will be somewhat
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unconventional for the world about ukraine column, anyone who watches my column knows that i usually save such news for the end of the column, but today i will start with this. so, three russian military airfields were attacked tonight by good drones friendly to ukraine. in particular, the sava sleika airfield is the one from which the russians launch. mig-31s ​​carrying daggers under their bellies. in the morning, drones struck the nizhniygorsk region of russia, local media there wrote that the road to the city of kulibaki, which is also named, i must tell you, which is located 12 km from lytovysh, was blocked, and the local governor confirmed that the region is being attacked. local telegram channels reported 10 airstrikes in the area, the regional authorities reported that all targets had been landed by enemy forces. defense and means of radio-electronic warfare,
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i like it when it's simple, as they themselves are not understand, ordinary people film on their phones how drones fall and hit some targets, and then the governor of the region or some high-ranking official of the region comes out and says that oh no, no, the valiant air defense shot down everything that could be shot down, but the most interesting thing , that they have blocked youtube, one thing is taught, there is telegram, there are other social networks, and in principle , it is probably impossible to hide the truth in this way, fortunately. drones also massively attacked another large russian city, the city of milyonnyk, varonesh, explosions rang out throughout the city, russian nedozmi reported that witnesses wrote about the attack on two airfields, baltimore and borysoglebskyi, the latter of which caught fire, su planes that attack cab. in kharkiv region, as the russian telegram channels wrote, the attacks were
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effective, well , so effective that there are even satellite images showing that at least one su-34 bomber will definitely never take to the air, and there were still some parked on the side near it are also damaged, but it is not known, it is not known to what extent serious damage, and in the meantime, three more villages in the kursk region, the kursk people's republic, were taken over by the armed forces of ukraine overnight, russian military correspondents reported. they argue that the initiative remains with the ukrainian military. the evening before , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi reported to the president of ukraine that our military already controls 74 settlements in the kursk region of russia. and for the past day. advanced another 40 km deep into the territory of
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russia. well, now to the reaction to all that is happening in russia, in general, i mean drone attacks, and in kurshchyna in particular. so, the silence was finally broken by the president of the united states of america, joe biden. he commented on the events taking place in the kursk region. well... boarding his presidential plane on the way to new orleans, the current owner of the white house talked to reporters and expressed his opinion about all these events, which... joe biden himself said, let's hear it in his direct language. for the past six days, i have been talking regularly with my advisers. we on call somewhere every four or five hours. what is happening in kursk oblast creates a real dilemma for putin. now we are in constant contact with ukrainians. but that's all i can
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say on the matter for now, as there is ongoing activity there. here is only a big sign. the question remains, what exactly did the current owner of the white house mean when he spoke about the dilemma for putin, well, because these dilemmas for the main terrorist of the world can be very many, i personally would like the most important dilemma for him to be about what to do, to withdraw the troops from ukraine or to continue the war, and so that in this dilemma he finally understood that it would be better for him to withdraw the troops from ukraine in the first place. and more. speech, because, as you can see, joe biden did not really comment like that, but more speech was his subordinate, the spokeswoman of the white house, karin janner, during a conversation with journalists, but this time already on board the plane that took the president to new orleans, she emphasized, that the american administration will not comment on military actions in the territory of the kurdish region
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russia, as it is ukraine's sovereign right to do what its leadership deems necessary. in order to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. at the same time, ms. zhanpir once again reminded the journalists that this is a russian war and russian aggression on the territory of ukraine, and the ukrainians, she says, are bravely repelling this aggression. and then, let's hear a piece of her speech in direct speech. we will continue to do what we have been doing for the past two years. we will continue to provide ukrainians with the help they need. them for to stop russian aggression. russia is attacking their sovereignty, their freedom, and the ukrainian people are showing incredible bravery, and we have nothing to do with it. well, let's go on growing, if joe biden only mentioned it like that, karin jan a little more, said that
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the deputy spokesperson of the us state department, vedant, was the most talkative. patel during the briefing of the event in the kursk region, he commented as follows, let's hear mr. patel as well. president putin is the one who invaded ukraine, and ukraine is defending itself against it aggression from the very beginning, it was an aggressive war of the kremlin against ukraine, period. so i just want to reiterate what other administration officials have said, which is: we were not involved in any aspect of the planning or preparation of this operation. the ukrainian military to talk about their own operations, but our role and what we're really focused on is supporting ukraine's ability to defend itself, which we think is common sense, especially when it comes to defending against attack or operations that may be planned directly on the other side of the border, therefore we will continue to focus on ensuring that our
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ukrainian partners have everything necessary for this, but at the same time emphasize that... the states of america do not have this, these events are not have absolutely no relation. and the comment on the events on the kursk border from the main european diplomat joseph borel was also interesting. he spoke by phone with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and after the conversation wrote on his page in microblogging network x. this is a former twitter about the fact that a ukrainian counteroffensive is taking place in the kursk region and that the european union... fully supports ukraine's right to fight against russian aggression, moreover, the head of european diplomacy also emphasized that putin failed to break the resistance of ukraine during his unjustified invasion, so now he simply means that the ukrainian people are forced, putin is forced to retreat deep into the territory of russia, just how much further into
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the territory of russia will he retreat, i wanted do you know somewhere in... to drive there across the volga, to siberia, to the amur region, maybe even there, and there in the amur region and the chinese are not far away, well, who knows what, what could happen there in the direction of kazakhstan, and over there in the endless steppes beyond the urals, as they say, you can get lost in the very place where they once drilled our taras shevchenko, there they are from somewhere and there he is, and there he is from there, let him write poems there, you know there paintings, you can build a bunker , there is a lot of space, well... you can imagine, maybe one day it will happen, maybe even very soon. listen, who knew, here we are with you there a week and a half ago, that today ukrainian troops will control hundreds of kilometers of course. region, that's why we don't know, we believe in the armed forces and will support and everything is possible, everything can be. and also about the reaction, what kind of reactions are coming from
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world leaders and world high-ranking officials about the events in kurshchyna. ukraine has every right to defend itself by advancing into the kursk region, as russia regularly bombards the ukrainian capital, kyiv, and has occupied large areas of ukraine. about it during. visit to åland islands - said the president of finland alexander stup. at the same time, and this is the most important thing, the finnish leader emphasized that during hostilities on the territory of the terrorist country, the armed forces of ukraine have the full right to use the weapons they received from finland. next is a short quote from the finnish leader. we have no restrictions on what kind of weapons ukraine can use, and in what way the starting point is what ukraine has in full. the right to defend oneself within the framework of international law, and here too an interesting point and nuance, i.e. the president of finland, alexander stup, says that everything that
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happens in the kursk oblast, while it is still in russia and still in the federation, is taking place in accordance with the norms of international law, and therefore ukraine has every right to it, and we thank the finns for that , that they allowed to use their weapons as well, i wish that one more country and one of its leaders... well, i mean the chancellor of germany , olaf scholz, that he would still allow the use of, for example, the taurus, or that france would allow the use, oops , scalps, yes, uh, the same, because, because, but you, by the way, when you were looking at the photos about the visit of the president of finland to the alan islands, you noticed that he and his wife, i ask if the director can show it again we have these photos, especially the first two, where the president... with his wife, so they are dressed in the colors of the ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, and whether they dressed like that on purpose, i don't know, but it is very,
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very symbolic, that they show even by their appearance that they are with ukraine, that they are support ukraine and that they will continue to support us in our just fight against the russian aggressor. saudi arabia could... contribute to the holding of the next peace conference regarding ukraine with the participation of russia and china. this is the assumption in an interview with the italian newspaper corriere sera, said the minister of foreign affairs and at the same time the vice prime minister of italy antonio tajani. according to him, this would be a step forward in the process of finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully. before this, mr. tajani signed with his swiss colleague ignazio cassis , a joint statement on cooperation in the organization of the second international conference on peace. with the approval of all parties, including erefia, and also taking into account the proposals made so far to end the conflict, although
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today there was information from russia that they are not going to go to kursk oblast because of what ukraine is doing negotiations and announced a long-term pause, the ambassador on special assignments reported. radion miroshnyk of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, well, i'll continue i will even quote him: due to terrorist actions in kursk and terrorist actions in the kurdish direction, ukraine at least put the track related to peace negotiations on a long-term pause. well, they started singing in a completely different way. and finally, the police of ar' discovered a huge underground tunnel near the bank building. gentina the secret passage is 220 m long. it was dug at a depth of 3.5 meters. according to law enforcement officers, the tunnel leads from an abandoned
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barn to one of the banks in the city of san isidro. the law enforcement officers called him a work engineering thought. however, who snatched it is still being investigated. it is known that the construction took from six to nine months. the police suspect that they planned to use the tunnel in the near future. well, that 's all i have in the world about ukraine section, as i always say, it's only for today, because tomorrow there will be more, well, there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you have to... understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio
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zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's return to the conversation, the great ether continues, and oleksandr moshchev is ready to talk about money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience. today, traditionally, we continue to conduct discussions on tax reform, and also learn about the energy reform security and changes in state programs, what... new, what will be easier for ukrainians to do, all about it in detail in a moment, i'm oleksandr morchivaka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, so the consequences of the fire at the zaporozhye nuclear plant do not allow assess the occupiers, the russians forbade magate specialists to get inside the cooling tower, the ukrenergo company reported, there
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they noted that the experts. planned to check the tower for the level of distribution of water nozzles, instead they were only able to inspect it from the outside and measure the level of radiation on the territory station, it is normal to hear about a fire at zas 3 days ago, yevhen yevtushenko, the head of the nikopolsky nikopol district military administration, said that the possible causes of the fire at the power plant are the negligence of the occupiers or deliberate arson. well, we already talked in this studio about the fact that the occupiers are constantly... trying to carry out all kinds of provocations on the territory of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, so there is no need to panic, but magate's position, in my opinion, should be clearer and tougher, all- it is necessary to find out draw conclusions let's go further. changes to the "yeosel" program were approved by the cabinet of ministers. we are talking about reducing the first mortgage payment from 20% to 10%. this was announced by the prime minister.
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minister denys shmyhal, this applies to citizens under the age of 25. youth and young families will have greater opportunities to buy real estate and ensure their own well-being, the head of government added. currently, more than 12,000 families have taken advantage of this state initiative, among them military personnel, law enforcement officers, teachers, doctors and scientists. application for renewal. housing to submit now simpler: owners of war-damaged real estate can obtain a criminal record in the action application. this is done when filling out an application under the recovery program - the ministry of digital affairs reported. also , the guardians under whose care minor or incapacitated owners of damaged property have the right to receive payment for repairs. and to the consumer market in
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the near future. months, we can expect a further decrease in food prices, this is the forecast made public by the experts of the institute of agrarian economics, they say that this will happen under the influence of mass arrival of this year's crop, primarily vegetables. according to the state statistics service, in july the prices of products decreased by 0.8% compared to the previous month, the prices of eggs and vegetables fell the most, but the prices of sugar, oil and fruits rose. but according to the estimates of the national bank, it is expected in the future. further acceleration of inflation primarily due to an increase in business costs for labor and electricity, and new excise taxes will also be added to this, which are soon going to be increased, by the end of the year inflation will rise to approximately 8.55%. well, but here about sugar, i follow this situation, almost every year vasyl, that sugar is traditionally more expensive in august and before
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the product is new. export of sweet sand, so it will be enough for ordinary consumers, and i am sure that the new crop will also be harvested in september, but until later, andrii ligach, doctor of economic sciences, professor, founder of advanter group will join us, we will talk with him about taxes and actions of the national bank. good evening, good evening, congratulations, mr. andriy, well, yesterday i appeared information, in my column i talked about the fact that the national bank is going to complete certain procedures to combat the so-called drops by the end of the week, i would like to hear an explanation of what this term is and how it relates to ordinary consumers, ordinary owners bank accounts and why it is still necessary to fight this phenomenon? first of all, i want to say that according to the analytics...
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of the national bank, we can confirm here as well.


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