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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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partners, patients of ukraine, when we talk about what is important to do in this or that situation, it is important for us that parents still know where to turn, and be proactive, have this clear position that it depends on me, as in i will continue to develop mine, for example, there is a medical history, where i receive this service, who i can turn to, do not be afraid to ask, so it is important to look at this, it is actually very important, and therefore you can tell me exactly what rights you are talking about, that women and men, families, in general... who will hear us now, they could understand what rights they really have, what you are talking about. when we conduct trainings, we even start with the following question: do you know what nszu is? and we very often have such answers that we do not know what nhzu is, and since 2016 , medical reform has been ongoing in ukraine, and there are 44 packages of medical guarantees, these packages, one might say, are classified according to different diseases, according to different problems, now i am not talking only about premature babies, or only about pregnant women, or about the topic. children, that's generally all of them
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problems, these are strokes, which also affect many families in ukraine, and cancer, and even now four packages have been added about, for example, artificial insemination, about, for example, or organ transplantation, that is, it is any disease that can occur in any - which of these packages, and you need to at least understand these packages, whether there is a disease, or the problem that affects this or that patient, whether it is on the list of those packages, before running to a private clinic. and decide for yourself that you need to quickly solve this issue, understand your rights, and we teach this in trainings, we conduct consultations for this, we explain in detail how to do this, if the service was to be provided by a state body, a state clinic, for example, there or i don't know, a women's consultation or perinatal center, and it was provided for a fee to compensate for these costs, and there are also such cases, that is, it is our standard practice, how we advise and help. because we manage to convey
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the main point now, if the families know that the services are covered, that the pregnant woman can expect for the fact that it is guaranteed by the state, it is from tests, management of a complicated pregnancy, it is both childbirth and care of the child after discharge, then there is no such stress and level of worries that you have to pay for it all from your own pocket, let's imagine a situation where the family had to leave the de-occupied territory, has to rent housing, for example, the husband went to the front and has no stable income, the mother has a prematurely born child with a million questions, because this is a normal situation, there are many questions, and that is why we guarantee guaranteed services, we tell you that at least this one support, to reduce worries and stress for this family, and therefore it seems to us that the informational front of our work, of our organization, is now important, and we are trying to keep it, also this work with groups is equal when the family. who have already
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gone through a difficult stage of weaning, can share their experience of weaning with other families who are going through this experience now, for example, we had a survey, we asked 90 families about those cases when families had to kangaroo, that is, hold a baby with weight less than 2.5 kg skin-to-skin on the chest, without separating mothers or fathers, if the mother could not breastfeed the child for physiological reasons, how much... this process took place in different regions of ukraine during a full-scale invasion. more than 90 families have shared their stories with us. some of them are very touching, about these first bondings that happened for each family, how touching, important, and for some painful stories, where they did not have the opportunity to touch the child, where they were not told about this method, how much it important and useful, especially now during the absence of stable electricity, so for us... such information products,
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projects and the opportunity to unite families, to make groups equal, they are now tools for us that, in our opinion, can implement, well, our dream is for children to be born healthier, to give them the best start in life. well, if we are already returning to the families in which a premature baby was born, what is there for them in this package from the national health service, which they should know free on a free basis, and when they were discharged, i understand that when they are in the hospital, it's one thing, but when the mother has already returned home, she has to, again, as we said, one-on-one with the child, what she should know well, as i already said, there are 44 packages, several of these packages that concern our families, they concern, for example, pregnancy management, it is the birth itself, it is also a caesarean section or a natural birth, it is at the stage even in... walking of the child in
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the perinatal center or in the maternity ward at home, for example, we even have banks of breast milk, then even lactation consultation, they also go there, this is actually all psychological support. within the hospital, they also enter there, now in fact families are not obliged to buy medicines according to the lists, as it was several years ago, literally because it was such a widespread practice, now most of the questions, most of the questions, not all question, of course, if it is there an improved ward or some special services, of course, that the family it pays for itself, but basic all issues, they should be covered by medical guarantee packages, and in such a case, for example, when the family is discharged and work. rehabilitation centers or catamnistic offices, this is in order for us to ensure, so to speak, a review of the child's condition already after discharge at the stage of three, six, 12 months, and observe how it develops, that is, the child comes to the center, they examine him, whether any deviations
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from development, if you need specialized help from a narrow specialist, that's it is obtained by an electronic code, that is , in order to receive these services for free, it is important to receive this code, and then there is a referral to... for example, a pediatrician, or if it is, for example, from a perinatal center, then accordingly, such a service must be provided for free . it is important for us that parents know this, and accordingly, the family can rely on it and receive such financial stability, such a guarantee for themselves, which would also give them a sense of peace in these troubled times. well, guarantees are guarantees, but we understand that, again, on the de-occupied territories, in the front-line territories, women also continue to... and very often it happens that there is no infrastructure there, because the hospitals, medical centers, they were destroyed by the russians, bombed, as in these situations, do such women come somewhere in are safer in the region, do they refuse,
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and what is happening there, in fact, it is really a problem that it is impossible to equate centers in kyiv, lviv, or one can say in big cities with small ones. which destroyed some territories, where the infrastructure is damaged, or mothers have no way to get even to this institution. yesterday we talked, for example, with doctors from kherson who, for example, had to freeze a part of their institution, but at the same time medical care continues to be provided, but of course, the emotional state and infrastructure and capabilities of such a hospital cannot be equated with others, so it seems to me , that there should be more help in such institutions, in such locations from state... structures in order to give them more support and perhaps some administrative help with documents, in particular the logistics of medical drugs where possible, i know that there are mobile teams for pregnant women and assistance is provided with mobile teams to get there, i am not sure if this
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is covered in all regions, i would like it was in all regions, but in fact , according to our information, we see that these are often the areas where mothers do not receive full medical care, that is, after all... we want these, these issues to be a priority, so that for these mothers , for these families there was more support, so far there is a feeling that these families have to sort out, well, you can say, solve these issues on their own, where the financial burden falls on them, because they have to rent housing and find services on the ground, and not have no one they know in these places, these are families who turn to us, for example, from the de-occupied territories, they move and have to organize everything on their own, i have a feeling that it is extremely difficult for these families, and that is why i would like have more programs helping families who had to move with small children, and what are the basic resources that families who have a newborn child, prematurely born, need,
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so these resources, for example, when we talk about hospitals, is our medicine able to cope with all this, so that you and i also talked before the broadcast about the fact that there is an air alarm, there is no light, and doctors do not leave such children, these children remain in the intensive care unit, and there is no way to transfer them, for example, to a shelter. i would say that now it is extremely important to support the medical front. in first of all, during the implementation of the reform, i also hear a lot of questions so that the reform also covers the basic needs of the doctor, so that there is still a decent payment, so that the packages are balanced so that the conditions of the doctor... are decent, let's say, we in in this partnership, we are very much looking forward to the fact that both the rights of the patient are realized and fully covered, as well as the rights of the doctor, our organization does what it can in terms of burnout prevention trainings, this is usually a block of our trainings on
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patient rights, because we understand where there is no burnt out doctor, the best medical services will be provided there, so we understand that it must be balanced 50 by 50 in order to... but quality services are provided, so we will only be in such conditions where the dignity of both parties will be respected, will dialogue on the same level will be provided comfortably, there will be this trust... faith will exist this dialogue and the best services will be provided, so returning to the question, it is important for us that the review of the reform and its implementation take into account the two sides, there are no distortions in which side and that there be full funding for such babies of basic pregnancy care services to support the child through the weaning stage, as well as after providing catamnistic observation, rehabilitation, early intervention until the child is. on its feet and will be socialized, actually this is a long process, accordingly, the packages that exist, they help to rely on this,
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they must have our legal basis, all protocols must be written under this, and then we will be able to know that this system works, it's a big process, it's a long process, but me inspiring our medical teams, who despite everything hold on, work, incredibly fulfill the mission, despite all the challenges that are around, that is, we believe in it, we work... together, we try to do what depends on us, but you talk about this long process, and at the same time you and i once talked, and you told us how doctors from abroad came to us, they were simply shocked, how professionally our doctors can work during the war, and how much our help of ukrainian medicine left up, i'm not really going to go far, now i've been from... this morning and yesterday i was at a pediatric congress, the largest pediatric venue in which people stand
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on the sides, they're a lot of students, a lot of talk about building our future, the medical community that will work for the future of this country, and it is very inspiring that the people who are here, they care about each child, about each, well, the pediatric community, in general, it has a holy mission to ensure that the future of ukraine is as healthy as possible, and in order for these to be free and healthy, and, that is, there were still two sides, and this is very inspiring, sasha, i know that you actually know a lot of stories that happened during the war, but can you briefly tell a story success of one of the families of prematurely born children? we have quite a lot of stories that yulia oleksandrova tells us, we have a parents' chat, and very often there are such stories that inspire us, since, for example, the pregnancy said that there is no chance, this pregnancy, well, it is definitely necessary
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to have an abortion, but for example, my mother says, i believe in this child, i believe in this pregnancy, yulia accompanies her, for example, and then we celebrate a year with this family, then we celebrate with the middle, when the child left, in fact, such stories are told when some reference points for a certain child, for example, this child will never walk, this one will never hear, or these... the child has no chance, they, there is always an element of faith, love and a lot of work behind it, our colleagues, we see many such stories that inspire and actually help us get up, sometimes, even when there is no strength to believe that if this child walked when they told her that she would never walk, then there is definitely a chance, and such stories, well, believe me, you can simply collect a whole album of them, there are many of them, and i can still dream someday to publish such a book, because it is very nadi... in fact, each of these stories. sasha, and about your personal experience that you received
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during the war, which you would never want to receive? a difficult question. i would never want to say goodbye to my family without knowing if i will see them again. oops, i was asked an unexpected question. because we never we know when we will tell people to say hello again, because we said goodbye to them. it was difficult to see people at the border, when mothers said goodbye to their husbands and did not know if they would see them again, and in fact all the goodbyes or all the greetings, they became more precious, we do not know what will happen tomorrow, we live our experience every day, as if he has become immensely more precious to us, and we don't know what tomorrow will bring, so we appreciate each day more, and i would like to never say goodbye without knowing if it will be... tomorrow, i thank you for this openness, thank you for your strength, thank you very much for your support, because i
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really could not have done anything without support, so i am very grateful to the team, thank you, thank you to the partners who make it possible to do these movements based on support of relatives and dear people with whom our values ​​coincide. oleksandra balyasna visited us today, and it was an experience of war. see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporozhye? i was in charge of the department of defense at that time national but how did the former actress become a russian pseudo-mermaid? i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the roshi occupiers. in today's issue, we will talk about sellers from the occupied part of zaporozhye,
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about those who think that our justice will not reach them. she was an actress, but she became a russian pseudo-mer. we work for the benefit of the population to help people who live in territories that suffer from shelling from the ukrainian side. this is nataliya oleksandrivna romanichenko, born in 1993, a native of the town of vasylivka in zaporizhzhia. until february 24, 2022, she was a theater and film actress, participated in the play be at home with ada rogovtseva and pasha. in addition to acting, natalya had a producer's children's center bee wow, where she taught children theater skills, modeling and the basics of journalism. in addition, she was the owner of the company tov-garant romannichenko in vasylivka, which was engaged in technical maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. children, in order to be able to express themselves in work, they had comprehensive development, they
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were developed, for example, if it was necessary to dance, they could dance. but with the arrival of the occupiers in zaporizhzhia, natalya decided to radically change her life. now she is playing pseudo-politician. i am taking on the temporary duties of the head of the vasylivska administration. i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. romannichenko returned to her hometown and started to actively cooperate with the rashists in several directions. the first is direct assistance to russian soldiers. to begin with , she suggested the occupier. there the services of its service station, it repaired and painted military equipment of the russian federation, and also ensured the supply of spare parts. the symbol of the rashists, the letter z, was affixed to each repaired russian vehicle. romannichenko provided the supply of construction equipment, with the help of which the occupiers created fortifications to counter the armed forces. at the same time, the collaborator is not
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i forgot about campaigning in favor of the russian federation. she called on the locals to help in every possible way. the so -called brotherly russian people were spread anti-ukrainian propaganda about a bloody war allegedly started by ukraine itself. in general, she proved her loyalty to the kremlin dictator in order to later receive her bloody dividends, namely the chair of the so -called mayor of the city of vasylivka, zaporizhzhia region. we, the residents of the liberated territories of the zaporizhia region, see the difference, we see the improvement in the quality of life, we see all the benefits provided by the russian federation. we are complete territory of the russian federation, and it's all thanks to our president. as an illegal pickpocket, natalia russifies the city in every possible way, calls for russian passports, glorifies the russian army and putin, and continues to bring humanitarian aid to the invaders to the front. the united russia party organized
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a humanitarian action in support of our servicemen. she teaches all her activities. the poverty of the channel is emphasized by the russian symbolism in the name. but romanichenko cannot remain unnoticed by our law enforcement agencies for long it turned out at first, she was suspected, and later on july 28, 2022, the sbu submitted an indictment to the court against this traitor. i apologize to everyone for everything i am guilty of. already in august 2023 , the ukrainian femi. found her guilty and sentenced her to 15 years of imprisonment with the confiscation of all property, so far in absentia, and who knows, maybe soon this saleswoman will apologize while sitting in a ukrainian cell. our next anti-hero is dmytro oleksandrovich kucharkov, he is 41, originally from melitopol. in this video, he is state-owned tells how he saves the lives of ukrainians in
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extreme situations. in extreme situations, it is very difficult. explained to the person i am saving so that he steps out of the window, but in a few years he will change his form and switch to the russian one to serve the occupation authorities. by order of the governor, we tour the settlements. before becoming a collaborator, from 2006 to 2021, kucherkov worked as the chief of melitopolskyi. rescuers will provide valuable experience and good knowledge to the management of the state emergency service of ukraine in the zaporizhzhia region. people who know about the trouble very much with the occupation of melitopol, kocherkov did not go to the territories controlled by ukraine and continued to work in the emergency service
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only in russia, where he became the head of the so-called ministry of emergency situations. we responded to a report we received that pensioners aged 46 and 52 lost their homes after the shooting. the traitor urged people to cooperate with the so-called new leadership and as a fake head of the ministry of emergencies of russia in the zaporizhzhia region persuaded locals to go work for the newly created body, promising good privileges from the occupiers. in 2023, the sbi announced that kurchik was suspected of treason. therefore , don't forget the ukrainian language, dmytro, you still have to listen to the court sentence and repent by solov'ina. and finally, i will tell you about... the major general of the sbu during yanukovych's time, who is now in charge of the russian military forces in zaporizhzhia. serhii valentinovych gandzha , born in 1959, hails from the kirovohrad
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region. he started his career in ganja organs in 1986. he was the deputy head of the sbu department in dnipropetrovsk and kyiv regions and deputy mayor of dnipropetrovsk. in 2012 , he received the position of authorized president of ukraine for control over the activities of the security service of ukraine and. he really showed his true nature of ganja during the maidan. during the presidency of viktor yanukovych in the 13th year, ganja was appointed to head the department of protection of national statehood of the sbu. at that time, i was in charge of the department for the protection of national statehood and every morning i heard everyone who spoke, who gave commands, where the leaders of the maidan met, how they later went to yanukovych. during the revolution of dignity , general ganja directly led the forceful dispersal of the maidan with... one of the versions is that he gave the order to shoot the protesters as part of the sbu's boomerang operation, which aimed to capture the house of unions and further clean up the maidan.
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on february 26, 2014, ganja was released and declared wanted on suspicion of treason. and while our law enforcement agencies were waiting for him in ukraine, he hid in obolots, after february 24 , 2022, he went to the temporarily occupied... territory of ukraine. in january 2023, the rashists appointed him the head of the so-called state security service of the zaporizhia region. and as early as 2024, he received a suspicion of collaborative activity from the sbu and the sbu. according to law enforcement officers, ganja is involved in the organization of mass repressions against civilians, their kidnapping and sending to russian torture camps. ganja has been waiting behind bars for a long time, but who knows? perhaps, before getting to our prison, the ganja himself will end up in russian torture chambers. all of us we know well how the kremlin treats those who are no longer needed. it was the program collaborators
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and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian box. see you in a week on espresso. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation on the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend a final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy. every monday at 20:00 at espresso.
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congratulations, please look carefully at the photo of this boy. unfortunately, he went missing and nothing is known about him for more than a year. his name is vlad lyubichev and he is 12 years old. he disappeared in the city of vovchansk in the kharkiv region on june 1, 2023. if you know at least something about him, do not delay and inform us on the hotline at the number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for the search. and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, it really helps a lot in the search, and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances may recognize the child. and communicate important information. we are also continuing the search for 13-year-old hleb cherepanov, who disappeared in mariupol at the beginning of
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the full-scale invasion of russia. the boy his mother is looking for him. no news since then. we applied to all search services, both in russia and ukraine, and to the police as well. despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the disappearance, and there is still no news, the woman does not lose hope, hopes very much for your concern and begs for your help in finding her son. talented, he played the guitar, studied well, so artistic, i wanted him to become an artist, he studied in the art class, he did well, and he had many friends, these friends worry about him, a very good guy. i am very
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i miss him mrs. victoria told the details of her son's disappearance. so, hleb lived with his mother and grandmother in mariupol and they stayed in the city when very fierce fighting was already going on there. because of the shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in the house of their relatives. one day , gleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that a shell had hit the house where her son and mother were. the man, their neighbor, said that a shell had hit the house and that the military had ordered everyone to get out and go to the bomb shelter. i started to cry and to say: how will i find them now? he says: go to the bomb shelters. i was in despair, i did not know what to do, where to look for them, are they alive? hleb's mother began to look everywhere for her son and his grandmother. the woman checked all the shelters and
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bomb shelters, but... unfortunately, it was not possible to find the boy. on march 13, i was in my apartment, i hoped that they would come, that they were hiding somewhere. and only on april 14, on gleb's birthday, when it was already calmer, i went in search of them. however , this time too, unfortunately, the search was unsuccessful. none result, since then nothing is known about the fate of the boy. it is worth noting that there was a version about the death of hleb, when a shell hit the house, but fortunately, the boy was not found among the dead. so, gleb's mother assumes that her son could have been injured. maybe he got a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of that he can't tell anything about himself. and that's why i'm asking you, and
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especially the residents... of temporarily occupied mariupol, who can see this program on the internet. look closely at the boy's face. the depth of growth is approximately 150-160 cm. he has brown hair and brown eyes. there are three moles in the shape of a triangle on the face near the mouth. hleba's mother really hopes for your help and concern. i appeal to anyone who can help. if anyone has met hleb or my mother... or the child tracing service, i am really asking for help, i am desperate, if you have even any information about hleb cherepanov, do not hesitate and immediately report to the magnolia child tracing service hotline for free from all mobile operators
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with the number 11630. war is a way of deception when you can, pretend you can't, when you're close pretend you're far, these are words from the treatise the art of war, written by the chinese strategist sunji 25 years ago, the operation in the kursk region, confirmation of their relevance, for the second time the ukrainian military managed to achieve an effect. suddenness, deceiving the enemy. it happened for the first time in the fall of 2022, during a counter-offensive in the kharkiv region, just as then, now the russians were clearly not ready for such a scenario. as a result, the defense lines in the kursk region broke through very quickly. as the british claim edition of the telegraph, in less than 48 hours the defense forces established control over an area larger than the entire failed counteroffensive of the summer of 2023. preparation for this
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operation is different from


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