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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we are talking about the incident at the reiter’s shop, when a grenade was detonated in the center of the capital in such a prestigious and expensive district, for which the waiter gives the client a training grenade, i don’t i can understand some absolutely stupid things in the rear, when there is something to do in the country , well, we will actually do it now. next
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, see what is happening in the south through the eyes of our next guest, viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, with us, mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. viktor, well, what does the anti-national center write about what the enemy is carrying to the occupied territories from the russian federation until the day of celebration, before the celebration of the day of the flag of the russian federation. who is being taken i don't understand them at all logic, well, it is absent in many, in many industries, if their logic is absent, but they take some simply unnecessary in the next, and try to use it not for its intended purpose, but because they mostly have unnecessary things that die at the front, and then they are surprised , what is wrong, then... they bring them
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to the occupied territory, and then these citizens begin to express some complaints that they do not like something, that we do not have infrastructure or some conditions have not been created, then the money will not be paid and then they start scandals and so on, that is, as a result, it all rests on the fact that they are taking unnecessary things to our own territory, with regard to berdyansk, in general, no such signals have yet been received to bring someone there... and on the nave something , because i i think that the occupiers will get by with the local population and local collaborators and visitors from the donetsk region, but nevertheless, my prediction is that it will really be another waste that simply cannot find a place and success in the territory of bolot. it's good if it's just something there a tv picture in which some of the many flags they can't decide on are waving sickles in tricolors. or imperial
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somehow, it’s one thing, it’s a tv picture, but there are absolutely real things here, the logic is that they announced some, some kind of evacuation of people, on a voluntary, voluntary basis, or not from the kurshchyna, that is, the logic of evacuation from the front-line zone to where, to the front-line zone, to the occupied lands of zaporozhye, in particular in zaporozhye, they said that most likely... they will all be moved to berdyansk, or what is observed? berdyansk, berdyanskiryvka, this almost 200-kilometer stretch of the coast, is what was proposed by gauleiter balytsky, presented to the head of the kurdish administration, their governor. in fact, apart from announcements and plans, there was nothing, no information. it's as if routes are being worked out, although
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everyone understands which route can be taken there, because people are extinguishing inside the occupied territory and went to the border through kursk, bryansk region, including everything is clear, they just agreed, so to speak, fortunately, nothing happens , besides the fact that the locals are really outraged by the fact that it can, mr. viktor, something in my opinion went a little too far, simple. viktor dodokalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk regional council, oh, he's back. yes, mr. viktor, we were just interrupted, we were interrupted a little bit, i say that the locals are outraged today by the fact that this was announced at all, because in reality we do not have enough for the locals in the occupied territory, and it is clear that the gauleiters are next in line plan to dispose of real estate and settle these immigrants there, but taking into account the experience of settling the orenburg under... drowned people, remember,
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this happened not so long ago, then they were simply abandoned, these drowned people, they were not created any normal conditions, and they went home, so now... you know this , so to speak, they are probing the soil, what will the masses say, what will the authorities say, what will everyone say, and this, and they will continue to organize, but i repeat, further than statements, until the matter came to an end, and she was directly the local holator the team should be ready for the fact that this will happen, when it is not clear, it was yesterday it was very unexpected to find out, we took this as an example, we looked at mariupol, that is, there are some allocated funds and there are some humanitarian such cargoes, which show that humanitarian aid is going to the temporarily occupied territory, or as they say, to the newly acquired territory, but they seem to were supposed
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to conduct this once again, but then the kurshchyna began and they shouted that the inhabitants of the newly acquired regions of the south of russia. so sincere and kind that they said: give that humanitarian woman, take her to kurshchyna, and they even said that these are the new southern regions of russia, so to say, that is, the territories of ukraine occupied by russia will supposedly accept the displaced people , and the humanitarian worker is sent to the kulshchyna, and, moreover, to the local people who survive the occupation, they are told that let's go and you can help with something, well... how many your humanitarian will go to the kursk refugees, and maybe you will help with something, well, at one time it was such that they, let’s go to the front, collected our boys for the front, the second army of the world, collected tea, honey, socks during the occupation, really from the people there shook out, but today they say, yes, you
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for the time being, they will smoke there, smoke, and we will help the residents of the kurtsk region, tomorrow they will bring them to our territory, and they will take them away. the last gasoline, now there are interruptions, they will take away the last norm, so again the connection is not the most stable, but we hope that it can be restored, and that actually, viktor dodukalov, deputy chairman , mr. viktor, interrupted because the fear that they will take away and so limited gasoline, yes, and normal food, medicines and everything that is still in the occupation of the people there, what remains, therefore that... the russians want to shift the problem to the occupation, to the residents of the occupied territory, to a social problem, they mean that all claims will go there, they do not want ukrainian-speaking residents of kurshchyna, who will say that it
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is really happening there, they want to blackmail them together with everyone, with the whole background, from there to us, so that no one sees, hears, that everything is fine with them, that's the way it is... the story is like the russians , russia needs russians, this is such an example, mr. viktor, fedorov said that half a million tons of ukrainian grain was exported from occupied zaporozhye, they pass it off as russian, on federal channels in russia, they often show stories about prices, as they say, in bazaars, and there they proudly always show the cherry melitopolska, as in the local market it sells everything... they make money on this, is it some kind of confiscation, how does it work in general, grain, that’s how the melitopol queue works there, on this, on this , those who are determined by the fsb or by the curators make money as watchers of certain
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branches, in fact, the final worker began to earn less than he earned before, because the occupiers set up state-owned their so-called enterprises. at which people were employed, and at these so-called state-owned enterprises, almost all of them were delayed with wages, so, you know, the real worker, he only lost from this, but the visitors, the middle class, come, so to speak, from the occupation authorities of these those looking after, for example, scrap metal, yes, someone there is responsible, but not officially, for grain, this is what ivan reported... about 5 tons - this is something that is similar to the actual volume, remember, not so long ago we had information about what the occupiers admitted, there are simply hundreds of times less, that is, they officially exported a little, and this is all that is exported, this is all grain, scrap metal, there is also any raw material that
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is exported, it is exported without taxes, it is exported without any accounting, and it is simply exported as black money, black scum that settles in... . in the pockets of those who manage this occupied territory, in pockets such as baltic, in the pockets of various curators of fesbeshny and all, they earn from this, they don't just squeeze juices. from our territory, against this background, an employee of the one in melitopol, for example, a cherry factory or an employee of the berdyansk port, who at one time was glad that more grain was being exported, because his salary was more than that, actually three or four and a half months, there may be a delay in salary for six months, or they will tell him in general that, well, we will thank you and shake hands for the fact that you worked when there will be money, maybe we will pay, but now... and this is the case with everyone at all enterprises in any industry there, well, they have such
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a continuous dumping of workers, workers, i am very interested, whether in saratov, in voronezh, and in st. petersburg the same situation, very unlikely, but this kind of piracy is flourishing there, mr. viktor, let’s understand that we are not talking about some successful tourist season there, but by the way, the summer is coming to an end, and what are the results of this pseudo vacation that the russians are trying to organize in berdyansk, or at least local people managed to earn some money, at least a little, in order to then buy products that are becoming more expensive, to pay for utilities, which the russians are also increasing, the prices of which, so what can you tell us? well, what can i tell you, i remember,
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you know, if you sum up, you need to understand what we are starting from, what plans were set. the occupiers planned to meet half a million tourists, i remind you, at the beginning of the season, and the fact that it all turned out to be such a mess, i think that you can not comment, in general, on the summer in berdyansk passed, it was a little different from the winter, because... as in the winter they come from russians to work there somewhere in education in medicine or somewhere else, so plus minus they also came in the summer, but there were a little more people who also went to the sea, but taking into account the number of working resort areas and taking into account the number of berths, so to speak, which were prepared, which were put into operation at all, and taking into account the number of occupied berths... it is clear that this will simply fall into such meager statistics, and tourism
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and the tourists who came, which is a shame for the pearl of azov, the occupiers could not organize, could not advertise properly, on august 3, only on august 3 , the water park opened, that is, less than two weeks ago, and we are summing up the summer, and what really worked and what... brought income, as you say, that someone made money from it, these are mostly cafes and restaurants, which plus or minus work with the same amount of work and work even in the off-season, but it can no longer be called season, so it's definitely a failure, ah, a picture of the occupiers for their own residents were made, there are no questions here, they are all class, forums were held in them, and several festivals were held under cameras, but... in reality, only under cameras, well , they even filmed several cars with
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russian license plates, in parking lots, well, from distant regions, in parking lots near the beaches, so and so so so so so the result is sad, the picture is all there, you can go home, but we know what it looks like, mr. viktor, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso in the morning, viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, about the results occupation li'. so we will talk in a few minutes with the person who said that he is ready to take responsibility, to bring order to the territory that will remain after the war, where there is now a temporary entity of the russian federation, ilya ponomarov promised to be with us, so we will find out , how the exported russian opposition organized an incredible offensive, a second front and ... a coup in russia, just kidding, but after a short break, stay with the espresso. do you want to wake up
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tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira angels unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyai. about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. morning to all who are in this pori joins the live broadcast of the tv channel, thank you for being with us, thank you, thank you for donating to our meetings, the qr code will appear soon, it has already appeared on your screens, scan with your smartphones while we are. .. to speak with an opposition russian politician, a member of the state duma of the russian federation in 2007-tre-16. ilya ponomarov is on our air this morning. good morning. good morning ukraine. mr. ilya, we know that you had problems a little after the shelling, it's normal,
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everything has grown back, everything has recovered. almost, almost, almost, can't wait. yes. mr. ilya, you said that you were ready to, as they say, go all the way and, accordingly, to take on the mission of some kind of post-putin arrangement, but the competition has increased, a large number of the opposition has been exchanged for various killers and chekists, and ulyana and i are sitting here and we watch in horror as khodorkovsky's pmc attacks moscow from the south, katz organized an attack from the north. yashin and kasparov advance from kurshchyna, announcing there the kursk people's republic and all together say, let's add not only with sanctions, but also with fronts, everyone called for an anti-putin riot, and then we realized that we had a dream, and why so? yes, mr. roman, i really wanted
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it to be that way, i'm all for it. competition, but it begins with the fact that it is necessary to come to ukraine and, together with armed units, with russian volunteers, with russian partisans , to invite them to do something there and so on, well, unfortunately, there really began to appear various statements about , what should be thought about this one there, well, if not kursk people's republic, but there is about... the announcement of some new government in the liberated territories, liberated from the ssu, by the way, but somehow no one here is in a hurry to come and start doing it. this is actually what the deputies of the congress of people's deputies are doing there, if we talk about politicians, well, of course, the main thing is what
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the russian volunteer units are doing, mr. ilya, and why you, it would seem like an apple, whose head is a former lviv' yanin, why did they condemn the actual actions of the armed forces. in the kurt region, and in fact i see that it is not, as they say, not a single apple, er, instead of picking up the option that we can build something from these grounds, they condemn the actions, and well, in ukraine, it is perceived as the opposition turned out to be neo-imperial, they want to have and preserve the empire without putin for themselves by the hands of the armed forces, while they are criticized. well, here the situation is such that, in fact, of course there is a part of the russian opposition that is imperialistic, well, this is the truth and such exists, but
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to say that it is all like that, well, it is not wrong, it is not true, but, as i said someone, it was some american, often che... and it wasn't churchill, it was some american politician who once said that politicians who think about the future, future elections, and there are statesmen who think about the future of the country , and now the vast majority of the so-called russian opposition, they are thinking about the upcoming elections, which do not exist at all, and they are thinking that they will liberate the territory of russia, and then they will have to go to these and these to win and that is why it is necessary to wait now
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and not do anything so that it does not happen later there are problems in these elections, but i think that first you have to win and that it is unfair and simply immoral, if the armed forces do it, it should be our business , it should be the business of the russians who win. of course, this should be done together with the armed forces, but the key role should naturally be played by russian volunteer units. but actually we remember earlier, when we were on raids in the belgorod region, we often saw you side by side with representatives of the russian legion, rdk, you were somewhere next to some media component in terms of the fact that we could hear what, where, how and... where were you now with the events in kurshchyna , are you also going to stand side by side somewhere and how do you personally assess what
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has been happening for more than a week in kurshchyna, because there we see there is already a readiness to create humanitarian corridors, administrations on the ground, many new road signs appeared there, one nice one, welcome to kurshchyna. with a blue-yellow flag , a good one is on the road, so what do you think and what are you going to do? and look, we are very we are closely cooperating with the ukrainian military leadership, which is now deciding what to do there, and this process has only just begun, you mentioned that there was a price council in the president's office yesterday, where it was... it was decided how to create a humanitarian corridor and everything else, but still the decision regarding the future temporary or permanent government in these
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territories has not yet been received, of course, my attitude to this is that it is necessary to create a new government, it is necessary to create it from the russians themselves, but those that are pro-ukrainian, anti-war, it is necessary to... do self-determination, by the way, in september there were planned elections in these territories, there were elections of the governor, and elections, for example, of local authorities in suje, were, were planned, so everything is ready for this, and it is necessary to move forward and create such an example for other regions of russia, yes... a miracle that would push other russian territories to liberate, and in the end, for us to destroy putin's regime, and without that this
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war. simply will not drink as long as putin exists, as long as putinism exists, this war, unfortunately, will continue, and your setup is very positive, when will there be some first, i don't know, actions by russian oppositionists, when should we expect the involvement of a delegation of russian oppositionists in the kursk region conditionally, or maybe there won't be one at all, well, the congress of people's deputies is ready at least at least start today. it exclusively depends on the ukrainian, ukrainian authorities, ukrainian leadership, this is a decision that we cannot make for them, and what is more, as you correctly mentioned, there in belgorod region, in kursk region there was an operation exclusively by russian volunteer units, who were even officially on leave when this was done, now this is an operation conducted by the armed forces, and that's why it's up to them to decide how
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to move forward, we have already created our proposals, but please clarify, look, clarify please, when deputy prime minister vashchuk spoke yesterday about the readiness to create an administration, that was what we heard, did you hear her offer that, for example, you, here, and the russian opposition, which supports it, could be invited for... these temporary military administrations in kurshchyna, there was such a thing offer you? well, the final decision has not yet been received, that is, there is a decision on the creation of humanitarian corridors, but this authority, you understand, here is a certain branch, it can be created as a regional military administration, as it exists in kharkiv oblast,
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wherever you are. well, it will be like an occupation administration, exclusively ukrainian, but i understand that the president dares to set a precedent precisely for the occupation of territories, in my opinion it is also better to go the way that the russians themselves do something there, but there, well, under control in cooperation and... was clear new new government, but there is no such solution yet. illa, please tell us a little more about the population of kurtshchyna, i mean how many local residents loyal to ukraine can be there, because on the one hand we see a video of residents of suja crying to putin and saying putin help, on the other on the other hand, we see other videos coming in about how grandmothers in kurshchyna
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communicate in ukrainian, and this ukrainian language is similar to what i speak in my native donetsk region, my grandparents speak there, or is this an indicator that there lot more loyal to ukraine population than in other regions, we have one minute, well, that's true and that's true, if you remember, sut was already just the first capital of the ssr, yes. well, there is a short time there, nevertheless, a short time, a short time, nevertheless, there are many ethnic ukrainians there, but it does not matter, because the vast majority of the population of all border regions is anti-moscow, it is not pro-ukrainian, but it is anti-moscow, and it must be used these moods in order to create a new country, a new state, which would be friendly to of ukraine. thank you, ilya ponomarov, he was with
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us from the opposition. a russian politician was talking about the operation, i know, also a ukrainian citizen, that is, this is precisely the point of interest, because in my opinion ilya ponomariv received citizenship, they did not have time to clarify, our colleagues from the news know exactly all the verified information, khrystyna parubiy is already ready to tell us about everything that happened in this hour, the first hour of our work on the air, christ to... good morning, what will this episode be about? greetings, colleagues, thank you for the situation in the ukrainian regions after the russian shelling, we will tell the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy in a moment, wait.
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news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. dew


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