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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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means that a moment of silence is heard throughout the country, we remember all those who died in the brutal war of russia against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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ukraine is preparing to accept refugees from russia, said deputy prime minister iryna veryshchuk. the ministry of reintegration has already launched a hotline for residents of the kurdish region. who would like to evacuate to ukraine. sirsky talks about the advancement of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of russia, establishing control over the city sudja and a large number of russian prisoners, and zelenskyi about the creation of military commanders on these lands. does this mean that ukraine has entered kurshchyna seriously and for a long time? greetings, this is svoboda ranok, i, iryna ostrovska, will host this broadcast for you, we are starting. russia is worried and digging trenches, because.
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is afraid of the rapid advance of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region. analysts of the american institute for the study of war came to this conclusion. they believe that the course operation has a significant impact on defense, logistics and security in russia. in the institute the study of the war analyzed satellite images of the maxr company. they show field fortifications, trenches and anti-tank ditches that may have appeared recently. fortifications are located southwest of lhov along the lhov-rylsk highway. glukhiv and near the highway south of lhiv. these new trenches are located approximately 17 km from the farthest declared border of the zsu advance. general tsirsky reported to president zelensky that the ukrainian military has completed the search and destruction of russian troops in the city of sudja, kursk region. within a day, the armed forces succeeded advance in different areas from one to 2 km - said the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army. according to syrskyi, the ukrainian military captured more than 100 russian soldiers.
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ukrainian journalist yury botusov also published pictures of the prisoners. meanwhile , another evacuation has been announced in kursk region. the acting governor of kurshchyna oleksiy smirnov said that the local residents should leave the settlement of glushkovo and the entire glushkovo district. the russian ministry of defense declares that i quote: the russian military continues to repulse attempts by ukrainian forces to invade russian territory. and for the first time, ukrainian journalists visited kursk. oblast, at that time, the film crew of the 1+1 tv channel went there, as well as yuriy butusov, the editor-in-chief of the censornet publication. journalist natalya nagorna shot a special report from the city of sudja. according to the journalists, at the entrance to the city remained a burned column of russian army equipment with russian license plates and markings. tsn also showed how the russian was removed from the local administrative building flag. they also talked with local residents and filmed how the ukrainian military was handing out. humanitarian aid.
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the report says that local residents are forced to hide in basements and that the russian authorities did not inform them of the evacuation. footage of the advance of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region also got into the network, they were published by yury botuzov. it is stated that these are scouts of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade. the footage shows demining of the road, crossing the border, and it is clear that there is a checkpoint that is heavily damaged and captured trophy tank. russian army. the date of the shooting is unknown. valentyn badrak, military analyst, director of the center for research, army studies, conversion and disarmament, joins our broadcast. mr. valentin, i congratulate you. also, congratulations and glad to join the broadcast. thank you for taking the time. tell me, how do you currently evaluate this exchange rate operation at this stage? well, of course, at this stage, she looks great. boring and very important,
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considerable progress has already been achieved, and these successes are in many areas, in my opinion, if to analyze as a whole, then... the biggest success, the most important success, is a psychological rise and a very serious elevation of the morale and fighting spirit of the entire ukrainian army and society, the second point is, on the contrary , a high level of influence on the russian leadership and on russian society, there they began to understand , that for the first time... since the second world war, the territory of russia has been attacked, and this is an extraordinary event, and i would even say that next to the influence on the russian military and political leadership, we should also note the influence on the west, on western society, we
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we see very large gaps in the consciousness at the level , unfortunately, only at the political level. but it can also be very important, well, in particular , on august 12, two senators from different parties, republican and democratic, visited ukraine, and now they want to submit a draft law, bipartisan with the support of two parties, to hedge against a possible visit. trump to power and to fully provide aid to ukraine for the 25th year, these are also very important things, but i want to say once again that these are political achievements so far, if we take, let's say
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, things that are important to us, the united states, france, and great britain are against the use of cruise missiles and tactical ones. missile complexes, tactical missiles, atapaks, ballistic missiles, which it would be very important for ukraine to use now, so there are many, many great achievements, and these achievements, well, show that, as general godges said in an interview with deutschewela, that really there are no red lines and that the russian machine is vulnerable... the military and it power itself is the crux of the putin regime, but it is definitely as of today, because from now on the situation will be more and more risky and
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will depend on many factors, the most important factor that no one knows now is how much preparation general syrsky has. reserves, yes, because it is very, it is a determining factor, if in fact the authorities had taken care of this factor since the 22nd year, when expert nikolas started, well, beating the baht, yes, that it is necessary to prepare new reserves, then, strictly speaking, it would be possible there is a lot to do, well, in particular, i want to draw attention to what the deputy head of the mejlis said very much such an interesting thing, provocative. well, of course , the kurdish operation can actually be a rehearsal for the operation to liberate the crimean peninsula, and indeed, if there were enough reserves, then even if an amphibious assault operation began on the crimean
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peninsula, and you can also hit there with tactical attack missiles and cruise missiles and british and french, a completely different picture. yes, and the influence on putin would even be tripled, but i will be restrained, since there are several signs, well, literally before this operation in a few weeks there were statement that 14 brigades are being prepared, and it would be good to have them armed, and president zelensky said that he argued that there is not enough weapons for these 14 brigades. this is one nuance, the second nuance is that one of the western publications quoted the ukrainian wounded, already during the kurdish operation, and these wounded testified that they were transferred literally a day, two days before the start of the operation, from this i
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draw conclusions that in fact from with the reserves, not everything is as good as we would like, yes, and if we take it further, then they are surely aware of this... good in the russian general staff too, because although this operation in the kurdistan region is taken care of by the fsb, led by sabortnikov, still, the general... stage manages the offensive, and we see that this offensive continues in the pokrovsk direction as far as pokrovsk 13 km , so of course we understand that the kurdish operation has started to some extent, hence, but it has unfolded and can really change the narratives of the whole war, and now the question, the question is, the first thing, i what i said, is the reserves, how much is enough reserves, because the depth depends on the reserves, and
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if there are not enough reserves, if there are not enough of them now, then you have to stop and dig in, well , this is how this situation looks, secondly, the question of the flanks, how to ensure the vulnerability of the flanks, and again here is the question that this should be taken care of in advance, in including taking care of fortification in advance. equipment and mine-engineering barriers already in the territory that was managed to be captured, but in general, all this looks like a very positive, powerful push, and everything will depend on how events will develop next, next weeks. mr. valentin, but russia also has its reserves and obviously it is transferring them there, and perhaps not from the directions that the ukrainian command would like, yes, because earlier they said that one of the goals, with the aim... of this operation could there may be a desire for russian military personnel to be transferred from
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the ukrainian front, from ukraine from the donbass, to the kurdish direction, but the other day we had such information from the minister of defense of lithuania, laurinas kaščunas, he says that russia withdraws its troops from the kaliningrad region to kursk, that is, this plan failed, if it really was such that precisely, well, there are several nuances here, firstly, the defense forces. prevail and surpass, surpass the russian groups precisely in the matter of intelligence and the ability to quickly strike with high-precision means, we saw this, in particular, on august 8, when the column was broken up, this is very good, yes , these are very powerful things that make it almost impossible to cross the border, i i would say... uh up to 70, at least kilometers though we also saw dropping bombs, the su-24 is already in
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the kursk region, and it is already an analogue of kabs in terms of range, i.e. it is 40-75 km, depending on what kind of bombs they are, what kind of modification they are, so the damage is done by high-precision forces defense er, they carry out and make it impossible to overturn nearby, but really here the distance can be very large for deployment, that is why our politicians asked for the possibility, the americans to give permission to use tactical atacoms complexes, yes, which can hit up to 300 km and actually destroy reserves on large steps. and this again limits, and general godges admitted, this is a very important recognition, because only we,
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ukrainians, said and wrote about this earlier in the 22nd year, and now about the fact that washington is trying to manage the war and manage the escalation, so to speak , and hodje said that literally, we americans have restrained the ukrainians in their actions for too long. this is a very important recognition, because all the risks, all the problems that we have now and are critical, all the problems of the 24th year, are the consequences of american foreign policy and the policy of the white house itself under the leadership of biden, it is not difficult to admit that if this had not happened, then the 22nd year could have changed, i will remind you, at the end of the 22nd... zaluzhny proposed to attack and reach the sea, and it was possible, then there were no mine
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barriers, there was no frantic defense and so on, this was not done, now, now the ukrainian army is operating in conditions of such critical danger, unfortunately, yes, but the truth is also that, you started the question about russian reserves, in russia so there are not enough reserves, if there were... enough reserves in russia, then we predicted readiness strategic offensive operation of the russian army at the end of august. the beginning of september, and we see that ukraine has gone on the offensive, yes, and the reserves that the kremlin is recruiting and compensating for huge losses have dried up, but it is not possible to recruit people, it is not a problem for the kremlin, the problem is to prepare them, and they were already at the level of july a message from russian military
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bloggers that training was shortened to 14 days, which means that... in russia, it’s the same, well, not the same, it’s generally very bad with reserves, i don’t want to talk about our possibilities, they seem to help us, but this is a separate story, the analysis of the preparation of our reserves and power, there will not be enough time for this today, there really is not much time, mr. valentin, who wants to have time to ask you about such a thing, but yesterday general syrsky reported to zelensky that only in the first half of the day, it was possible to take a large number of russian prisoners of war, right? and it is more than 100 people, what is evidenced by such a large number of prisoners? indeed, this is a very significant aspect, and this, strictly speaking, the aspect here can be considered as military and, but the main aspect is not the military aspect, the main aspect is that there is a huge disappointment inside russia with this war, well,
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there is and is a reluctance to fight, but we know that there is a thicket... detachments and so on, and russia is a nation of adaptors, yes, with a genocode that was formed by stalin, but that’s how it is now, and earlier at the beginning of the war we even divided the power of russian and russian society, now it’s all homogeneous and it’s all russian, russian adaptation, it’s even worse , than the soviet one, because it is based on... ah to such a genetic code of memory and that adaptation , and that is why it is doubled now, this adaptation, unfortunately, but this is passive resistance, this is passive resistance in fact, it can develop, it can develop in the event that the ukrainian army goes further and deploys its well, so to speak, our power, but
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again, we are limited by reserves and limited by our nuances and plus limited. those solutions that, unfortunately, the western partners apply, therefore, thank you, mr. valentin, we actually have very little time, thank you for your analysis and expertise, valentin badrak, military analyst, director of the organization of the army, conversion and disarmament research center was a guest of svoboda ranok, in particular, mr. valentin believes that the scenario of the kurdish operation can be applied to the liberation of the ukrainian crimea. meanwhile, zelenskyy discussed the buffer zone in the kursk region of russia, and iryna vereshchuk said that ukraine should be ready to receive refugees from the russian federation, and even suggested that citizens of this country call the 24-hour hotline at humanitarian aid, or with a request for evacuation. by the way, write in the comments what
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you think of this idea, are you ready for ukraine to accept refugees from russia? deputy prime minister. the minister of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories reported that the defense forces of ukraine are creating a so-called security zone on the territory of the russian federation adjacent to the territory of ukraine, and they say that this is being done to protect the border regions of ukraine, primarily the border region of sumy oblast. iryna vereshchuk noted that there are civilians of the russian federation who are in this zone are protected by international humanitarian law, which ukraine fully complies with. she also said that the ukrainian authorities plan to organize a humanitarian. for civilians on the territory of russia and open humanitarian corridors, both towards russia and ukraine. kyiv also wants to allow international humanitarian organizations, such as the international committee of the red cross and the united nations, to participate in the kurshchyna. this has already been reported by dmytro lubinets. according to lubinets, it is necessary to ensure the supply of food in the buffer zone,
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medicines and other items needed by the civilian population. the ombudsman noted that the ukrainian military adheres to the obligations stipulated by international humanitarian law, the 1907 guyana convention and the geneva conventions. but the minister of internal affairs stated that the buffer zone on the territory of the kurdish region will protect the border communities of ukraine from daily russian shelling. residents of settlements in the area of ​​the defense operation were abandoned by russia without the most necessary, and now the military is providing the ministry of internal affairs with information about needs to provide local drinking water and food products. medicines, hygiene products, so that in coordination with other relevant bodies, we could organize home help as soon as possible. what should be the policy of the ukrainian authorities regarding? of russian territories controlled by kyiv, i talked about this the day before with political scientist volodymyr fesenko. let's hear his opinion. mr. volodymyr, so
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the kurdish operation continues. it is already clear that this is not a three-day, non-three-day such raid, a non-three-day sortie, as it was previously with the participation of russian volunteers, so today the ukrainian media actually got into the kursk region and showed footage of the ukrainian military handing out humanitarian aid to the residents of this region. it turns out that we find ourselves in some new reality, how should we react to it, how to understand it all, how to perceive it? well, one must react calmly with the understanding in this new reality that this situation can drag on in time, and develop for a long enough time, until hostilities continue on the territory of the russian federation or... until some negotiations on the end of the war, namely the time frame that may arise in connection
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with the presence of ukrainian troops on the territory of the russian federation. what should be understood? first, the ukrainian side has no intention to occupy these territories, to annex them, that is, we will not act as the russians did. for us, staying in this territory is temporary. there are no official statements about this, but it is clear from the context of individual statements, individual officials, that for us it is about protecting our defense interests, in particular by conducting combat actions on the territory of the enemy, but since there is a civilian population on this territory, the ukrainian side demonstrates that we will act completely differently than the russians did, we will not do what the russians did in buch, irpin and many other populated areas of ukraine. we will not transfer our
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hatred of putin's regime and the russian state to the civilians of russian regions who have found themselves in the war zone. on the contrary, those who remained are provided with humanitarian aid, and ukraine. specifically demonstrates this, in particular so that russia does not made provocations, did not spread fake information that allegedly ukrainians are killing civilians in kurshchyna, what are they doing there, doing arbitrariness, because such fakes are already being launched, russia wants to use the situation of hostilities in kurshchyna to discredit our country, not only for its own population. propagandist , they have been doing it since the 14th year and especially after their invasion of ukraine, well, i think today's visit of ukrainian media,
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there were probably international ones there, and the fact that they they showed how the ukrainian military distributes this humanitarian aid to the residents of the kursk region, maybe by the end of the day we will see even more such photos and videos, it will be such a slap to putin, it will have some effect , political or not, of course, we have to... understand that the russian country will not show what the ukrainian mass media showed, but it is important for us to show it to everyone else who is ready to accept open information, ready to hear the ukrainian point of view, by the way, our people need this too to show, because we also have different attitudes, someone wants to take revenge, but we have to show that ukraine. ukrainian troops act completely differently, not at all like the russians, we cannot repeat their actions in relation to the civilian population,
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on the contrary, we must demonstrate the contrast, but this is exactly the video, in particular the information, because now we live in such times when video information it spreads not only through official channels, but also through the mass media, or rather through social networks, such unofficial, informal ones. mass media, the same youtube, and and tiktok, even there now a short video is spreading, and here too we need to think, there somewhere it will go spontaneously, such a viral spread, as they call it, yes, but somewhere we ourselves have to push the spread of such information so that it eventually gets and for the russians, mr. volodymyr, there is another question, is the status of these territories now clear, or should it be clear at all? at this stage , determined in such a way as in general for ukraine to establish life there now in these territories, even if only temporarily, on
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temporary period well, i think that now this should be determined by the ukrainian, let's say, ukrainian authorities, because if control over a certain part of kurshchyna will be maintained for a certain time, and we don't know how much, several weeks, it could be months, who knows, yes, therefore, it is necessary to actively think about the model now, i think that some bodies of the military administration, which would be engaged in solving, in particular , social issues, infrastructural issues, in this territory should be made so that they ensure communication between the military and the local population, by the way, since there are already initiatives from the russian opposition, well, well, do you want to help? yes, let's work with the local population, help to organize social life in these areas while the hostilities are going on, how to define it purely legally, at
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the moment i think that... the key, let's say , definition is the zone of hostilities in the territory of the russian federation, it is not about the creation of any occupation administrations, no, these are bodies that should simply temporarily provide administration in these territories, a very popular version, i do not rule it out for the future, that there may be some kind of exchange in the future so that the russians leave kharkiv region, we can then leave kursk region, well, that is an option. i will not attempt to give an assessment here, because everything depends on the further development of hostilities, on peace negotiations , and so on, but eh, yes, a certain administration is needed to ensure livelihoods and the civilian population in these territories, and simply in order to , well, let's say so, our troops could do just fine operate in these territories. mr. volodymyr, there is another question, what political steps, the following, yes, would you consider expedient for
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the ukrainian authorities regarding these territories? you have already talked about the possibility of a green corridor, you are talking about the importance of the information component, is it possible, for example, from the point of view of international law, for zelensky to come there, or is it unacceptable now? i think that it should not be done now, well, the points of view may be different, and we know, our president, he very often appeared in hot spots of hostilities, but here the situation is like this very delicate, it is about the territory of another state, hostilities are going on. and here is what is important, maybe these are clear statements from our side that we have no aspirations to seize these territories, to annex them there, we must clearly state this, yes, but on the other hand, we must also clearly state that cessation of hostilities on the territory of the russian federation will become possible after the russian, russian troops.
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will liberate ukrainian territories, this is definitely a subject for negotiations, but this is a clear condition: you do not want to be combative actions on the territory of the russian federation, leave the ukrainian land, this is a way of putting pressure on the russian authorities, that's what i think, well, it's more like hints, but to clearly state that we have no intentions to occupy, annex these territories, i think it is worth saying. i personally, my subjective point of view, i am not a supporter of the president coming to these territories, i think our stay there is temporary, yes, and if the president appears there, well, russian propaganda can, the president of ukraine, russian propaganda can recognize this, well, it can try to use it in its own interests in order to accuse ukraine of some aggressive intentions and the like, that is
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the conduct. hostilities, informing about it, yes, it can be highlighted, this is especially in order to refute various tricks and fakes of russian propaganda, but our, shall we say, activity in these territories must be so moderate and limited, we must demonstrate, for us, it is primarily the protection of ukrainian lands, but on the territory of the city, did you hear? we are volodymyr fesenko, political scientist regarding the policy of ukraine, which the ukrainian authorities should or could pursue, regarding the russian territories under the control of kyiv for the time being, thank you for your activity in the chat, i see that you are actively discussing the topic of today's issue, do not forget to also please like if you like liked this video. well, we continue our release. currently , 74 settlements in the kursk region are under the control of ukraine, reports ukrainian.


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