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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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we are the government, we guarantee you everything that they guarantee, they guarantee that everyone broke up and abandoned their own citizens, and now the ukrainian military is already guaranteeing and correctly doing the observance of humanitarian law, observance of humanitarian corridors, so in those territories where the armed forces are now for residents of the kursk oblast, please, humanitarian corridor, do you want to leave in that direction, do you want to leave ukraine, leave, well, regarding the humanitarian corridor and how the ukrainian vii... officials must administer these the territories that are now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, zelenskyi also spoke today , he spoke with the chief of defense, with the government, about the fact that with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, that it is necessary to create military command posts that will administer and ensure order on the territory of the kurt region, which is located under our control, that is, the creation of such commanders, what does this mean, that is, does it mean that temporarily the power in these...
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territories will come under the control of ukraine? i think that this should be left to the decision of our military, the general staff, what and where to create the armed forces of ukraine, because now our defenders are performing much more difficult combat tasks, and it is necessary, i think, to worry about their lives, about the success of the operation, about their daily support, because it is already the ninth day counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the kurdish direction, and look at other directions. there is also very active combat work going on and we need to support the armed forces now more than ever, this is what i call on everyone who is watching us now, and by the way, let's note that the kurdish direction and the kurdish the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine raised so many donations from the citizens of ukraine, raised the morale even higher in the armed forces, these are also two results that we can only be proud of, but returning to humanitarian international law, i really, as a professional lawyer,
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tell you... that this is correct, and the ukrainian armed forces from the very first day have been observing the principles of international humanitarian law even on the territory of the kurdish region, well, there are several conventions, including the geneva convention, but most importantly, the main postulate is that civilians are not targets, civilians, full respect for movement, residence and so on, that is, the armed forces of ukraine perform exclusively combat tasks and destroy exclusively because... military targets of the aggressor country, protecting ukraine, that is, we, the armed forces are not just you know, they came there because there was nothing to do, you told me before the broadcast that you yourself were born in the sumy region, how many schools and roads have been destroyed there by the aggressor, people have been killed, you just know, so brutally, because they could pull under artillery and mortars were not just brought under the border, but in the peaceful cities of ukraine in the sumy region, 2.5 years ago, the armed
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forces, defending ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, repelled and continue to repulse, push the enemy away from our borders, this is the meaning for international law and for you and me, unfortunately, my native school where i studied was also affected, so unfortunately, but i hope that we will rebuild and repair it, one more topic, sir valentin, this is the transfer of troops by the russians, and this is what the minister of defense of lithuania is saying, laurinas kaschunas, he says that the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region forces the russian ministry of defense to transfer the troops that are in kaliningrad to kenissberg. let's listen to what the defense minister of lithuania said. we now see how they are redeploying their troops from kaliningrad to kursk, and i say. to the lithuanian people, you look at how
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the ukrainians are fighting for you, because because of their struggle they need to withdraw troops from kaliningrad, and we even call it the demilitarization of kaliningrad, which is happening thanks to the bravery of your military, thanks to your decisions, putin is trying to solve something, and is transferring troops from kaliningrad, and lukashenko suddenly announced that ukraine threatens belarus and is pulling up here, they announced the pull-up. tanks, iskanders, as well as mlrs, which were inside the state here closer to the ukrainian border, are putin and lukashenko capable of creating any additional problems for ukraine, on the northern front, in this story that is now unfolding before our eyes we have a 1100 km border with belarus, chernihiv region, that is, as far as putin is able to do. something that
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would create certain problems for us in kurshchyna, and in the eastern and southern directions. let's fully expose this bluff as well. do you remember, the csto was created by putin, he talked about how it is an organization of the collective security agreement of the former ussr countries, the cis, where russia presided, belarus is included, turkmenistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, all are included, armenia, of course, pashinyan quickly understood , and the first left there even before the kurdish offensive, and with the kursk offensive, none of the csto countries is going to defend'. as you know, putin destroyed russia, and therefore the csto, during the second and third year of the war with ukraine. further, as far as belarus is concerned, even belarus, even lukashenko, did not and will not allow his troops to defend or fight in kursk oblast, which is directly stipulated by their alliance agreement.
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instead of this, what he does, he makes the movement of troops, as usual, in order to avoid at least any participation, at least in some way in z'. you know, armed actions against the armed forces of ukraine, so i regard this as the first thing that lukashenko is abandoning putin and is not going to use his troops, although the direct agreement is foreseen, despite the fact that you see how the armed forces of ukraine are advancing every day and in a serious way, including in different directions, both western and eastern, but my second conclusion is that this imitation or even the movement of troops is, you know, a way to turn a blind eye, to show putin: you see, i have my own territory here, so i can never give anything, he is bluffing and not giving his side. thank you, mr. valentin, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. after a short story, friends, we will return to the studio, we will be in touch with akhtem chiygoz, people's
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deputy of ukraine, and for now, watch the story about how lviv teenagers from school years learn to defend their homeland and learn military affairs and tactical medicine. the national-patriotic education was held at the lviv lyceum named after heroes of krut, our correspondents talked with the participants. the national and patriotic education in lviv lyceum named after heroes krut. young activists, members of public organizations and youth councils gathered here. we all understand what the situation is now. ukraine, we are waging a war, the end of which is not yet in sight, and we must be ready for our whole country, all the people, to defend their state, so that the youth also join the ranks of the armed forces, to train themselves, to be able to defend themselves both themselves, their relatives, loved ones, as well as our entire people in general.
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participants were divided into eight groups, medical and tactical training was prepared for them and military affairs. the youth learned how to fly drones, go through an obstacle course, play ... shoot air and laser weapons, and detect explosive devices. now here they will see how this training takes place by itself, they will acquire some practical skills for its further use, directly in combat operations, if someone associates himself with a military cause. special forces of the omega unit explain to students how to load different types of grenade launchers and rifles, activist roman. catch up is testing a sample of american-made anti-tank weapons, now military training, it is, well, the most important, because taking into account today's realities, you need to always be ready for any events and you always need to have a certain amount
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of knowledge so that any emergency situation does not become fatal. while some students are practicing with quadcopters. at a nearby location, teenagers are listening to instruction in tactical medicine, they are shown how to stop bleeding. everyone should know about the turnstile, i think, because in case of something the bleeding is strong, the tourniquet will be needed first of all, so i believe that young medicine is very important. first, we had a small briefing, where we were shown which functions, which buttons are responsible for, how to take off in general. turn off the drone and so on, and then everyone had the opportunity to play with the drone, try it on their own experience. schoolchildren and students are instructed by the lyceum teachers themselves. you can say that we are now helping them to shoot correctly, showing them so that they do not point their weapons at anyone, well, they need to be explained to them, i don't
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i think that each of them can know it. the military-patriotic school was organized by the lviv regional council. teenagers learned how to work in a team, react to dangers and behave. with weapons kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now. watch us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey, today we ask you whether the party will support servant of the people ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine, what do you think about this, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers 0800 211 381, if you think that the servant of the people... supports the ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? no 0 800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with akhtem cheygoz, a native deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people. mr. akhtem, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. mr. artem, well, we are witnessing the deployment of a kurdish special operation. armed forces of ukraine. zelensky says that the events in kurshchyna are a disaster for putin's russia. can putin's liberation of crimea from the russians accelerate this catastrophe? in my opinion, the disaster began when no one knew about this operation in kurdsk, in the direction of kurdsk, because before that everyone was talking about what... what is needed and what is not needed, and all this came from the entourage of president zelensky,
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this really came as a surprise to everyone, and first of all to putin and his gang, god forbid that there would be the same surprise in crimea, because well , i'm sorry, but the people who are responsible for such a secret special operation, they haven't done it yet, they're already crying and whether it's bragging, but it would probably apply to politicians or some public figures, here the head there, let's say, a special special of such , special institution, slowly gives such an interview everywhere, yes, that's it wrong, because it should not be assumed... that this information will not be studied and will
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have significance for the enemy, that is, in crimea, that is , nothing like that at all, i think that did not happen in kursk, because in history we we know that where there is a problematic... front, we must fight, yes, and the fact that this happened is very correct, it is true, and of course it greatly affected putin himself, and those around him, and this population in general, because it always hid behind the military, behind the mints, as we say, yes, behind the security forces, behind the fsb, and this since the time of stalin, and no matter what they do. no matter how much they mocked the people, they were always right, and that's why
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they have such a strong tradition, and that's how it started in crimea, too, those, all those who love russia, the descendants of these fathers of all creatures, who took advantage of the opportunity in 44- th year, after our people and others. peoples were deported, yes, in fact condemned to genocide, they came for free, settled in our houses, lived and benefited from everything that the people had built there over a thousand years, and therefore they are also criminals, the same criminals as those who fled to crimea today, and therefore... to expect that we will overtake them, this is
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some kind of delusion from these experts who know nothing about crimea, the fact that the occupation of these territories has already become a lesson for them of mainland ukraine, they will consider for grants that tolerance is when you forgive the criminal who killed your loved ones, children, er, destroyed everything, everything related to history, culture, your nation, people, that's why in crimea... they called all these years of ukraine's independence, they called the enemy, these descendants, and then they joined them, having fled, and that is why there are such people in the crimea, you remember us, in general, i remember you from the first day, and you were still on your air in march of the 22nd year, i said that for me
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the deoccupation of crimea began with those victories, when... our military, not politics, not government, but the military beat the enemy near kiev and gave such a victory that the whole world was surprised, which also did not expect that ukraine would stand out more three days, because this is a military, this is the people of ukraine, ukrainians, ethnic, identity, which, which they have land from this territory, that, this... ukraine, they did all this, we all did it with you, when they took machine guns, and before that, to be honest, there was no verkhovna rada anymore, that's what you said about hearing there , well, at that time, most of them were not there at all, and there were in ukraine, that is why crimea is a weak place, a place for russia
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for the front, it is an island, and what we are fighting there. and over the years have proven that crimea is not as protected as they tried to scatter these scraps, yes, that the enemy will not pass and crimea will be forever, there is some smelly harbor and therefore similar, we destroyed all this and destroyed the symbols, yes, the black sea fleet, at the last meeting with the senators, with the congressmen, i gave... these examples and how the mood of the authorities in america and in the congress has changed, i also saw it in the congress a year ago they talked about some kind of red line , some of them, not all of them, but it was felt that they still have such a comparison with the soviet union, but
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with that power, let's say, that disintegrated state, russia has nothing to do with it. .and the attitude towards ukraine changes over time lately on the positive side, that they believe in ukraine, but what is happening in crimea right now, you probably know exactly what is happening and what the atmosphere is like there, what people are saying, in what way some people are apparently fleeing from the crimean peninsula, well those
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those who came to crimea and those who are so -called liberators live in crimea, obviously they understand what this is all about... well, it is clear from such a category, they don’t have, why did they come to crimea, came to crimea, they wanted to find a continuation of their own there blessed life, this is what we violated, and of course crimea has lost such value for them, and the second, and that is why they are leaving, and that is why the prices there are very high, and the fact that there... there is no stability now, and this has always been important for this poor population, security, yes, it is not there, there is another category, yes, here are the collaborators, these supporters - russians, they will also think how to get rid of it, and that is why they
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are looking for a backup option somewhere in russia, and that what... now the development of abkhazia, that gray zone, which has been going on for 30 years, is going at a fast pace was after the capture of russia, yes, and i also told our american partners about this, that they are doing very, very quickly and want to station the black sea fleet there, that is, a military base, and it is hundreds of thousands. people, you yourself understand, this route has already been launched, sochi sukhumit, and i say this about the fact that russia is paying a lot of attention to this... region, that is, they treat crimea a little bit as its symbolism, and not that they did not consider it there at all, that crimea
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is needed in order to make it such an attractive region, it was such an outpost for the attack on ukraine, for the control of the black sea, and here we are, we have shown that we will not allow this to happen, and therefore our people, our citizens... they feel all this, and when you talk to them, them, them in general, for some years they did not think that they would live there, take advantage of the moment and live, solve their problems already within the framework of russia, and this, and this is the main, the main such and such aspect of the behavior of our communities. and our actions in kursk , too, now they can’t, can’t talk about it so loudly, yes, but it’s them
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are happy with these processes, and that is why our task is the crimean bridge, it is crack, it is not crimean, it is the devil's bridge, we did not build it, thank you, thank you, mr. akhtem, it was akhtem cheygos, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, friends we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our platforms and also vote in our poll. today we we ask you about this, will the servant of the people party support the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. well, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you think so. that the servant of the people supports the ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote,
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at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we will be in touch later pavlo klimkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, co-founder of the center for national stability and intelligence. mr. pavle, good evening, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, i am always glad to be with you, despite the fact that you almost called me a deputy, i called him a deputy, and he is a people's deputy of ukraine, well, that is, you, you, you have consistency, and, then, then it's great, yes, yes, yes, i wasn't wrong, mr. pavle, i'm sorry, so to the diplomats, i said, the people deputy whose state diplomat pavlo klimkin. mr. pavle, let's start from kursk, from the kursk region with the events that are in the epicenter of the attention of the international community,
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ukraine and the international community, and the russian ordinary community, because what is happening in the region neighboring us, it clearly shows that , in what state is the military and political leadership of russia now, and russia itself... what, what consequences could there be, what could be the consequences of this kursk operation for putin and his close ones? maybe, it is certainly correct history, but the consequences are already there, the consequences are psychological, and these consequences are more about vulnerability, not so much about weakness, but about vulnerability. and this is understandable in the west, it is understandable not in the west, it is understandable within russia. no matter how much they say, the first
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reaction to kursk, to this operation, was exactly the reaction of incomprehension and failure to accept one's own vulnerability. psychology has an effect, it also affects any further steps, this... already foresee a weaker position for the russian regime, there is a political aspect, of course, it is also very important, in today's reality it will be difficult for putin to re-introduce the issue of negotiations, which he wants to conduct on his own terms and from his own positions, and now even domestically, politically, this is a very, very difficult story for them, and the beginning. any conversations with russia are possible only from a position of strength, if this position is not available, then it is better not
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to start this story at all. the third, as you already said, is the feeling that even in their own territory they are not all-powerful, and actually, i don't know why it came as a surprise to anyone, as for me, it quite logical, if you don't want to, even a natural step in the sense that we have international law, international law, it contains the right to self-defense, including the un charter, and it is very clearly stated that such a right is for whom, for everyone, actually in such a way that it can be implemented, it is not limited in any way, in particular geographically, and we can, in my opinion, have to do it on the territory of the aggressor, as for the prospects, i believe that for the russian regime it is, if you like, to a certain extent, it is panitic, in their understanding.
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movement, because they believed that they were forcing us to do something there, and now it is actually very difficult to invent another terrorist operation of the svo there and deny that it is a war, which means a fundamental change of the entire narrative for the russian regime, and how can we now say, that it is not actually a war and that the war is post-colonial. uh , most of the world understood this, although they will now spread fakes quickly enough, and the last one, it is very important to understand, from the point of view of perception - this is the biggest blow to the image of the russian regime after the first weeks and months of the 22nd year, it is absolutely obvious, and i passed on, by the way , many asian, latin american,
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african... did not have time, but i think that there is approximately the same logic with certain amendments, well special sympathies russia in this, in this situation, by no means has such sympathies and does not generate or cause them, it is quite obvious. mr. pavle, the united states of america stated that it did not participate in the planning of the ukrainian offensive in kursk region, the deputy speaker stated this state department vedant patel, he said that our role is to support ukraine in its ability to defend itself, we are still not focused on ensuring that our ukrainian partners have everything they need to do this. at the same time, president biden believes that ukraine's offensive on russia's kursk region has put russian dictator putin in front of a real dilemma. let's hear what biden said. for the last six or eight days, i
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have been talking regularly. as advisers, we are in touch every four or five hours. what is happening in the kursk region is creating a real dilemma for putin. now we are in constant contact with ukrainians. but that's all i can say on the matter for now, as it's still active there. mr. pavle, what dilemma did biden talk about? well, biden is called a dilemma. we will call you, mr. serhiy, a civilian. this is putin. is not raising the stakes now and is trying to continue to work and eliminate the consequences of this operation by conventional means, whether he can do it, the big question is how much resources it will require, their relocation, their refocusing, well that is the story is quite complicated, but there is another
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reality... he raises the stakes, and he can raise the stakes not only by military means, he can do so on his own, there he still has a mentality from the special services, but then the question arises, why ca n't the west the answer to putin raising the stakes is also to raise the stakes, well, for example, with the supply of new weapons, permits to strike western weapons. no longer for short distances and not under restrictions, but with no restrictions, or with minimal ones, with an increase in rates in the sense of sanctions, tightening the nuts on existing sanctions, imposing sanctions on their ways around, well, that is, in fact, or putin stays where he is, but then he looks.


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