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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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in a diplomatic format, you can get guarantees that russia will not attack, or come on, let's wait, literally a decade will pass, and russia will change, that is, physiologically, putin cannot be eternal, he is now over 70, in 10-15 years, he will already be a person who is unlikely whether he will be able to open the door on his own, well , obviously, it is precisely such sentiments, precisely such sentiments, that everyone is afraid of getting involved in a long-term war. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. volodymyr, for the first time commented on the situation in kurtshchyna and said that it creates a real dilemma for putin, we are in direct constant contact with the ukrainians, that's all i'm going to say about it while it's all in an active phase, and what's putin's dilemma now? mr. volodymyr, unfortunately, unfortunately, volodymyr prysenko seems to be leaving. left
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the program, unfortunately, mr. oleksiy, what, what dilemma, what dilemma is biden talking about when he says that putin now has a dilemma, that is , to fight or not to fight, or some, or is it some other dilemma? well, actually, i wouldn't want us to underestimate putin, after all, he is a man who has been in power for almost 25 years, in the position of president and prime minister, before that he held fairly high positions in the russian fsb. that is, i think he perfectly understands tactical steps and strategic steps, and it is quite obvious that he understands that strategically he will lose, and when western politicians now say that ukraine has already won, these are not compliments address to ukraine, this is also a somewhat realistic assessment of the situation, because putin is now forced to observe that irreversible processes are taking place in the russian economy.
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the russians are already talking loudly about it bankers, that the economy is overheated, there are problems, trade with china is under big questions, so, well, under big questions, every transaction succeeds enough because of serious problems, because chinese banks are vulnerable to american sanctions, by the way, the issue of sanctions is the whole list it is far from exhaustive, because just like before , just as weapons are given to us... they are given in doses both in terms of quantity and technical indicators, as permits for the use of weapons are given in doses, exactly the same applies to sanctions, the measure gives, the measure applies sanctions very carefully and very slowly, and putin perfectly understands that with each step, he hits russia hard enough. well, let's see, let's say there is a russian car industry. 92% of new cars are chinese... the auto industry in the russian
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market, russia is losing entire markets, these are quite serious things, well, again, putin perfectly understands that there are problems with mobilization, quite serious, and now they are already exhausting important influences , i.e. the sums of one-time payments rose to extremely large numbers, i.e. in moscow the lift for the mobilized 23 thousand dollars, in the provinces from 5 to 10 thousand dollars, several weeks. therefore , the presidential decree in the region of 6,000 dollars for the first year of service for contract workers is quite a serious number, and now they are making a decision that people who are under investigation can mobilize, well, get amnesty, that is, they have already gone through the details , for small things, financial levers, other levers have already gone, and putin perfectly understands that the question of large-scale mobilization is a question, is it a question of whether... this question is possible, not even
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six months, in the coming months. how will it be perceived? society is another story. so far , he has a good situation with this, because there are no protests, and we do not even see single protest actions of the mothers of the dead today, and again, we see isolated actions in the province, that is , the authorities of vladikavkaz are panicking there, some local public organizations about the fact that... uh, the nation is dying, a huge number of young people are dying in the war, well, these are isolated actions, that is, everything is more or less calm for him, he received a serious reputational blow, but he understands that in the future, if we look at the perspective of one year plus, then these problems accumulate both in the economy, and depending on our current partners, and in the issue of mobilization. thank you, mr. oleksiy, friends, let me remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel. also on our
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youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please don't forget to like this video to help it trend on youtube, and participate in our survey today we ask you about the following: does the servant of the people party support the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine? yes, no, if you are on youtube, or yes, or no, if you want to leave a comment, please write under this video, if you watch us on tv, you can vote by smartphone or phone, numbers on the tv screen 0800-211 381, if you believe that the servant of the people party supports the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine and 0800 211 300. 72, if, in your opinion, the servant of the people party does not support, this is the decision regarding the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and to us one more expert, valery dymov, political scientist, director of the center for public information technologies forum joins. mr. valery, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our
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broadcast. good evening, thank you for inviting me. well, we still have oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, chairman of the committee of voters of ukraine, still in touch. we are already, sir. valery, in the first part of our program, we went through the course of the special operation, the consequences, the results, and how this may affect putin, his team, well, accordingly, and what, what in in this case, ukraine wins, how the world reacts to this kurdish operation, but we see that next to this kurdish special operation, which is commented quite actively already in the ukrainian information space, referring to ukrainian officials, we see that... for zelensky, there are quite serious internal challenges, in addition to external ones, we see corruption, cases of bribery, we see an investigation into the head of the antimonopoly committee, pavlo kyrylenko, because the sap announced suspicion of
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illegal enrichment of uah 56 million and declaration of unreliable information, he he bought apartments there during the war. cars, well, in a word, a fairly large list of what pavlo kyrylenko has acquired, the day before, deputy minister of energy oleksandr hale was arrested for bribery, and he is accused of receiving or receiving $500,000. how do you assess the current situation for zelenskyi's team in the internal politics, that is, not external, not external threats, but... internal threats and the internal front, well, one of them is the most corrupt, well, zelensky himself once wanted to present corruption up to up to, in fact up to treason, do you remember, but this only concerned his rhetoric and the transfer of cases
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from nabu and from the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office to the sbu controlled by him, not everything is in order with us in the sbu either, our partners want to... deal only with security issues, but you see, they don't let go of economic crimes, because all these declarations, all these departments for the protection of national statehood, you remember, which are running around somewhere with 30 people, spending millions in order to prove something there that journalists were wrong in those investigations against the corrupt, not the corrupt, they are going to catch, well, i don't see any threats to zelensky, that is, it's more correct, as i see it, but they don't see them, because we don't have elections, public pressure in... there are no conditions for the operation of the law on the legal regime of martial law, well, the cash registers do not go out of the iron, didn't all these kirilenkas and pavels, all these heads of those deputies of the ministry of economy, didn't they have to undergo some checks there, didn't those who appointed them know what was going on there,
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pay attention, for example, to the case of the deputy minister, in fact the head of the state mine is calm, excuse me, takes cash... half half half a lemon and just gives it to the deputy minister, well, excuse me, by the way, this is the pokrovsky direction, it’s actually there now such crazy actions for them, it’s normal topic, half a million, the head of the state hat, the deputy minister can calmly excuse himself, that's how they call this kind of thing, isn't there an economic department, a financial department, a control management department, and anti-corruption department in the ministry of economy, if our viewers don't know, every ministry has a sbu curator. aren't they the antimonopoly officers who were appointed to that, i'm not saying umerov now, to umerov, weren't there also a criminal case against them, didn't we have problems with the port plant, didn't we have a problem in fact, well, in fact, the reporting agency , in which there are no problems, all these thousands
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of officials who should fight corruption, they do not find it, but journalists find it, not only that, but then journalists wait, or as yuri nikolov they are trying to scare him somewhere on the street with a summons, although in... actually , the situation with mobilization is completely different than just scaring these people. well, one journalist saw something in the ministry of defense that all these thousands of people who receive this salary did not see . do you think that people... believe that no one knows, everyone understands perfectly well, but what to do with officials who have not really felt any catharsis, after a large-scale rejection, they have a successful practice of stealing further, they have nothing more and they don't know how, all these put-upon bitterness of pavlo kyrilenko, that's kyril tymoshenko, do you remember the face of the year in 22, who was first removed because he was completely dirty there, and then he returned due to the alleged cleansing, now he controls the whole information policy. from the defense forces, not even from the ministry of defense, all his activities boil down to calling the russian pso,
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something is happening somewhere, if you take the energy industry at the southern ukrainian nuclear power station, galushchenko is lying to the whole world, they are lying to ukrainians, and everyone calls it the russian pso, that’s all their work, only you say something, it’s the russian epso, only the journalist found something that hundreds of thousands of officials, well tens of thousands of officials, didn’t see, so he also works in russia, doesn’t he that's what the painter said when... the same nikolov, 17 eggs in the ministry of defense, well, he explained to a certain extent, he saw something that no one in the ministry of defense saw, by the way, they released the head of the procurement department, they also released another head of the department , only the deputy remained minister, well, but i think that he will also be told that the millions he had in the sofa he bought together with the sofa, just as they said that the head of the supreme court of princes kept his money in a safe, it was not his the money, of course, is not his money, because the decision is made collegially there, so the same prince had to share with many
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people from this very panel of judges, well , don’t the western partners see this, by the way, they ask our donors, our sponsors, those , which finance half of our budget, and through ee salaries of officials, and also the greater part of ee pension funds, the social insurance fund, from unemployment there and so on, they asked: do not appoint the accountant pishchanska to the position of the audit service, the head of the audit, who pays the accounts, i apologize, who has to count money, including the money that the west gives to our ukrainian budget, no, texas banks should only be robbed by the texas government, ours said and they appointed, well, your government, the servants of the people, and after the meeting with zelensky, they appointed such a lady green, mrs. pishchanska, head accounting chamber, and it is still counting how our money and yours... through the budget, they finance the same kyril tymoshenko through the rada channel, which purchases content from
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a private structure with our money. we will not have enough time, but they are not afraid, because there are no elections, and i will remind our viewers that last year, last year, ukraine bought more premium cars than before the large-scale invasion, all these bmws are 150 thousand, these are people who are now at zero, they have not eaten for 7.5 years. to sleep, to be at zero and not feed myself or my family and can buy a car, thank you, you are right, it just blew my mind that you can talk about this forever, and i simply cannot understand how a person who in in 2019 , she went to the nsc olympic games and asked her competitor, petro poroshenko, why all your friends still walk with both hands, how is she now? zelensky in 2019 would ask a zelensky model of the 24th year why all of
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zelensky's friends walk with both hands. mr. oleksiy, the concentration of great power, mono-power, it implies mono-responsibility, that is, it turns out that we have mono-power, as mr. valery said, robbed only by those who go to texas, those. what the hell, in this situation they control it themselves, they rob it themselves, they probably pass it on themselves, like with herman hlushchenko, this story with this hale, that the minister of energy knew about it, but the minister of energy was apparently given a tape recording hell's conversations with by his partners, where he said that now the minister will go to kharkiv, maybe he will be fired upon somewhere, please... when mr. valery was enumerating this big, long list, but i was just thinking, but in reality, this
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is only half a percent, a percent, maybe 2% of the scale of corruption that takes place, that is, corruption is everywhere, it is extremely large-scale, we spend during the war, so i am not afraid of this word, tens of billions of dollars are stolen at various levels through corruption holes, well, at least before the war, i meet... the figure that 8 billion is lost at customs alone only due to gray schemes, i am not talking about smuggling, only through gray schemes, and unfortunately, our westerners understand this. energy is making demands on us, let me remind you that just a week ago, peni pritzker, who still remains in the post of special representative for the economic recovery of ukraine, who said directly that it is not taxes, but cigarettes, the shadow market of cigarettes, excise goods, alcohol , oil products and
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customs reform, here is your dear money, it was said directly, and a few days ago the secretary of the treasury of the united states stated that budget funding will depend on the implementation of reforms, our partners are already shouting at us, saying to look for the money, it is inside, but in reality, when you see all these scales of corruption, i emphasize again, only in individual demonstrative cases, we only see the above-water part, then... it remains unclear, let's say, er, despite the good percentage of trust in the authorities on the part of the citizens of ukraine, well, in fact, i am very happy, regardless of party affiliation, in fact, i am very happy, what under during the war, the level of trust in the government remains quite high, but responsibility for corruption, responsibility for failures, for untimely decision-making, for low-quality
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decisions, for incompetence, unprofessionalism on the part of the citizens of this... they do not critically assess the government for responsibility, let's say, citizens collect 100 hryvnias each for drones, for rebs, for anything else, and instead of coming to the cabinet of ministers and saying: stop the nonsense, here, here and here tens of billions of hryvnias that can be saved literally today for tomorrow, no will come under the door of the city hall will not say, no, no, we should drop uah 100 per person, and you should stop building, asphalting, putting... sidewalks, parks, squares and a lot of other nonsense, well, i think that there is a huge the problem is, what we need now during the war is not to play games, you spoke against the government, this is already a russian ipso, these games must be stopped, we need a critical attitude towards the government and in fact we need to keep the government in such tight hands. thank you, mr.
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oleksiy, one more topic, gentlemen, it is announced, announced. zelensky's decision on spiritual independence from russia, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as you know, must consider the bill in the second reading on the banning of the activities of the russian church in ukraine and churches, let's say, russian churches in ukraine, zelenskyi says that there will be a decision, and this will strengthen the spiritual independence from moscow, let's listen to what zelensky said, i just held a meeting under... the bureau about a decision that will strengthen our ukrainian spiritual independence. we must deprive moscow of its last opportunities, limit the freedom of ukrainians, and there must be solutions for this 100% effective and really working. we will provide them. mr. valery, we are talking about
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the draft law in the second reading, or could it be the decision of the national security council to ban the uoc? well, i think that right now zelenskyy wants to ride this wave, because you remember how safachuk had his hands held when this law had to be adopted, let me remind you what it is about, well , in fact, zelenskyy had, for example, a friend there and so the deputy head of the president's office, shevir, who dealt with the issues of changing the law on languages, remember his interview, the first successor was a certain er... office, the head of the president's office, serhiy trafimov, who was sitting, reclining, sipping tea, said that the parliament of the last convocation passed a law that split ukraine, meaning the law that actually resolved the issue in the way that was then possible was to decide, well, they were engaged in this kind of thing, so let's be in the middle, their general
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tactics, but now they understand that the people of ukraine do not want this kind of thing, if you banned... channels that were propaganda, then why did they take away the main channel , the one who preaches in every village, the priests who, these, in other words, in the temporarily occupied territories did what they did, do you think that ukrainians do not understand that if, god forbid, the occupier would pass somewhere further there, then the same priests of the moscow church would do the same thing as they did near kyiv, what they did in the donbas, what they did in the crimea, now they are breaking up, dismantling the last church that had at least something to do with... the real ukrainian church, so we actually have such a situation, when zelenskyi now will want to saddle up, they are probably uncomfortable, maybe do something with the law, maybe, maybe they... after all, they will make the council of national security and defense, zelensky will say, so come on, come on, and they will still vote, besides, they by the way, they said such things that they are waiting, when they
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would not like ukraine to be slandered there in the west, because there is such a situation there, in fact, supplying cartridges, voldemar, where are the cartridges, supplying just these russian propagandists, because if they show trump there, or the alleged magatrumpists there, look, people's deputies do not want to adopt that law, because they have a problem. then a problem really arises, that is , they create problems, then they say that this problem arose where they themselves created it, so i think that zelensky will now try to ride somewhere in the wave, because ukrainians are much smarter, so we talked about trust to the government, the government thinks that this is trust in it, no, it's just that ukrainians understand very well that it is not possible to change the government now, because putin, our enemies, will use it, but to think of us as fools hostages, well, in fact, it is short-sighted, because we saw that if the issues are not resolved with... they will be resolved the way they were resolved in the same vinnytsia or khmelnytskyi region, when people themselves went in, made those decisions themselves well, to a certain extent one way or another
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they show legitimacy, something citizens, no, absolute power does not corrupt, absolutely, it is a sow, denied bernard show, it is not power that corrupts, but fools who come to power, i quote for those who us there is now censoring, i quote, fools come to power, they are corrupting the authorities, bernard shows, no one censors us, we can simply be monitored and deciphered and put on the table, obviously in certain offices. thank you, mr. valery, mr. oleksiy, what do you think this decision on spiritual independence is, will it be before independence day, a council decision, or will it be a decision of the national security council? well, i want to remind you about the church bill, it was submitted to the parliament... back in january of the 23rd year, and it was a government bill to implement the decision of the national security council and in accordance with the presidential decree, that is,
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we imagine that such bills should include to be adopted extremely quickly, in a matter of weeks or a matter of months, the decision of the national security council, the presidential decree, this did not happen, and now, once again, i will remind you that this is a bill that is placed on two pages. only two pages, one fundamental amendment, that’s all, that is , there is nothing to refine, rewrite and everything else, and there was a consensus in the parliament on this bill, it dragged on for a year and seven months, and now the head of state comes out and says, we will make a fundamental decision, you you know, i heard, i had round eyes, me the only thing i wanted to ask, mr. president, who delayed the adoption of this bill for a year and seven months, your team in... the parliament artificially delayed it. i agree, i recall stefanchuk's words that there are no votes for this bill in the parliament. by the way, i believe that the speaker should
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apologize to his colleagues, people's deputies, to ukrainian society, for deception, for deliberate deception. what is the reason for this bill, why was it delayed? because in the parliament there are two groups of the former opposition platform for life that vote with power as one. here we are about... a huge study, we analyzed all the bills and analyzed who voted for them, the servant of the people, the parliamentary trust group and two groups of the former opzh, de facto, this is an informal coalition in the parliament, because the monomajority itself does not provide votes. and that is why this draft law became hostage to such a friendship with the opposition platform for life, and now they are trying to sell us, to lead the process, we will applaud the president, who on... initiated that his team consider this issue in the parliament, but on it's a great pity, we lost precious time, we lost one and a half years, and in these
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one and a half years, in fact, i am convinced that the vast majority of parishes of the uoc mp could already painlessly, without problems, become part of the orthodox church of ukraine. the process could already go on and come to an end, because... there was an emotional upsurge, people gathered meetings, people voted, people wanted transitions, but there were no legal grounds for this, the government lost precious one and a half years of time, and our key task, that 80%, at least, of representatives of the uoc moved to orthodox church of ukraine. this can be, by the way, a fairly painless process, but i am afraid that it will either be artificially slowed down again and... the process can drag on for years and even decades, or they will break the firewood. we have to conclude, god grant that such a decision be made, if it is appropriate to mention god here in this
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situation, god grant that this decision be made. valery dymov, oleksiy koshal were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, asking you about whether in your opinion, the servant of the people party supports the banning of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. the final results of our television survey: 31%, yes, our people still do not believe, 69% - no, it was the verdict program by serhii rudenko, goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients , feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. there are discounts until the day of independence on tablets carsil 10% in pharmacies psarynyk, bam and oskad. in the august issue
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for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. it's 14 in ukraine, it's time to learn about the main news for this hour. greetings to all. from espresso, i'm anniya vamelnyk and i'll start with this: the largest capture of russian invaders since the beginning of a full-scale war. 102 invaders surrendered to the ukrainian military in the kursk region. this is all rota, the video was published by the project of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. i want to live soldiers of the 488th guards motorized rifle corps were armed regiment


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