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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine. i hope you got bored with us, big ter is back and now it's time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is next to me. alexander, please. greetings, greetings to the viewers, the next few minutes will talk about the most important thing of the day today from the world of money, this is booking in action, as well as news from a private bank and you will find out what ukrzaliznytsia is forecasting there. about this and not only in a moment. this is a column about money during the war, i am oleksandr morchevka, the next few minutes are with you. so, thanks to the action of the reservation, we have already received more than 160,000 workers. this was reported to the ministry of statistics. the minister of economy yuliya svyridenko also confirmed this information. we are talking about specialists from strategically important enterprises, such as those that work directly for the needs of the security and defense forces. the process itself happens automatically. so it allows to reduce. both the time of submitting
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documents by the business and waiting for the results. the most actively booked employees of the company from the kyiv, dnipropetrovsk and lviv regions. the government is currently working on expansion categories of employees subject to such reservation. the state private bank reduced the tariff for international transfers from 2% to 1%. we are talking about an operation in privat2. four of the currency cards. the service will be valid until february 15 next year, as the member of the board of the institution for retail business, dmytro musienko, explained, this decision will make modern digital international transfers to foreign cards all over the world more accessible to ukrainians. but ukrzaliznytsia is discussing a change in ticket prices, the manager said of the company's passenger line oleksandr pertsovsky in an interview with forbes. it is
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possible to release the prices for class sv tickets so that they are regulated by the market, depending on demand. despite the high cost, these tickets sell out the fastest, and flexible pricing is also offered for all intersity plus classes. certain price ceilings can be set, - says the top manager. we will follow specific decisions. well, we will continue to talk about ukrainian grain exports. joins us. olga trofimtseva, ambassador from special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2022-23, she also took care of food security issues and performed the duties of the minister of agricultural policy in 2019. good evening. good evening. i congratulate you. mrs. olya, well, we are monitoring how the harvest continues actively, and there are already indicators from the profile ministry, which is growing, agro-export, in particular, from the beginning of the new marketing year, which started in july. well...
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i want to talk, in particular, not so much about export figures, but about what is important now, so that our agricultural sector is more active integrated into the european economy, well, if we don't talk about the old blocking of the border by polish farmers, to what extent is it necessary to improve the legislation and perhaps do practical things with our agricultural producers? yes, thank you very much, we really have the harvest going on and our farmers are working in... there are already more than 30 million tons of the new year's harvest, if you look at exports, by the way, in fact, agricultural exporters also started their marketing year just in july, yes 2024 and we see that too the figure is quite good, and ukraine has already exported more than 4 million tons of grain, oil and legumes. for this first month, these are
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the first official statistics, and therefore we can draw the first conclusion that the ukrainian agricultural sector continues to work, firstly, and secondly, not just to work, but also to work quite successfully in the export direction. as for the european union, here we have to draw the attention of our viewers to two aspects: on the one hand, if we look again at these figures from july of the current year, we will see that... only 13% of ukrainian just grain oilseeds were exported via land routes, i.e. across the borders with the countries of the european union, and this 13%, it accounts for this railway and road connection between ukraine and the eu countries, and not all of these products were exported specifically to the countries of the european union, some, of course we know with you that volumes are also in transit, for example, through those. the same ports
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of romania, further to third countries, if it is profitable. and you mentioned blocking and absolutely right, because again we remember that this is such a on... let's let's say diplomatically, and i would call such a confrontation, yes, a confrontation, first of all exactly polish farmers, the polish government as well, and then french colleagues joined in , who came to the european commission with a proposal that let's let's be more careful with ukrainian exports to the eu markets, so that, let's say, there is no such concern for european farmers in some countries and we... remember with you that when we continued this so-called unilateral trade, trade goods visa-free for the ukrainian agricultural industry in june, yes this year, and this was a positive in the continuation of such a duty-free regime for ukrainian agricultural products, on the other hand , we also remember with you that at the same time
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a new regulatory regime was introduced and established , let's say, restrictions, so these are the ceilings regarding ukrainian imports. products, primarily of such sensitive, i would say, yes product groups, we are talking about eggs, we are talking about meat and poultry, we are talking about some types of cereals and so on, and sugar, for example, also falls here, and nevertheless, nevertheless, we can again say that exports to the countries of the european union are carried out quite actively, here, for example, again the next figures show, the official statistics of the european union show that for the last... such a period , and this is exactly the reporting period, ukraine took second place among the countries supplying honey to the european union, second only to china in this market, and you also know that
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, well, this is a very revealing case when ukrainian ukrainian manufacturers and ukrainian exporters also export other types of products , not those, not only those about which. you and i very often talk about, for example, grain, and as far as changes in legislation are concerned, here in fact, or rather, these are the changes that are taking place in general, let's say this, in matters of market regulation, trade and so on, and then on the one hand, of course , agrarians are now well enough, i would say yes, they are cautiously waiting for these innovations that concern taxes not only in the agricultural sphere, of course, but in general for all subjects. management, and we are talking about these changes, and the second point , which is also important for them, is of course also the cost of fuel, because we understand that when it comes to a diesel fuel, about diesel fuel, here farmers are
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so vulnerable group, because the increase in the excise tax on this type of fuel will also cause an unambiguous and... increase in the same crop, the increase in the same tax is so impressive, that is, it will impose additional costs on farmers, in particular, farmers and the all-ukrainian the agrarian council, we spoke in the studio with denys marchuk, presented its proposals regarding the excise tax on fuel, i hope, i hope, that the government listened to the advice of business, because here we cannot do without a dialogue, but if we talk about the future prospects of ukrainian agricultural exports, then here the un is looking for grain now for... drought-stricken south africa. in your opinion, perhaps it is necessary to attract investments here, in particular from the same african countries that buy our food and perhaps want to invest in the development of our agricultural export. what are the forecasts? and yes, as
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regards cooperation with the african continent in particular, and the first thesis is that it is not easy, of course, such a region for cooperation. and the second point, which... it is worth paying attention to, and we started working on this back in, well, probably in 2017, if i am not mistaken, namely on what our, we, we, we turned attention to the fact that our partners in african countries quite often talk about what, you know, we actually have too, by the way, surprisingly, they really have good soils, on which you can grow good crops and provide yourself more or less with one or another type of staple grain or some other crops. which they need to ensure food security, so here in the country it is worth paying attention, in addition to the aspect you pointed out, it is necessary to pay attention to such, i would say, technological cooperation with african countries, including, perhaps, in some cooperation with countries european union,
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why, because china is currently very actively present in africa, we know, very actively and aggressively in a bad sense , russia is present there, and in order to squeeze out such, well , not very conscientious, i would say, yes, competitors there, and it is really worth not only exporting finished products, conditionally there also for... yes, or flour, and it is worth talking to our african partners about the fact that we are ready to invest in technology, breeding, we have an excellent grain selection, for example, and work with them so that they can not only buy this grain from us, but also grow it themselves, ukraine can become an investor in african countries, absolutely, and i will tell you more than that, our companies, for example, nibulon are a great example, they are already going to africa, they are already starting to work there, the only thing that is really needed here , you know, well, as in everything on... probably more systematic and long-term such an approach in order to help business, in order
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to promote business in this, and in order for the state to also, well, do the appropriate things, for example, our minister is not making his first visit to african countries, this is part here is such a ukrainian expansion. thank you for really optimistic conversation, forecasts for growth, such as investments and such promising plans of, olha trofimtseva was in touch, ambassador on special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2022-2023, and at the very end i will read very interesting news from aggressor countries. so, in russia, the price of alcohol from so -called unfriendly countries is going up significantly, this will happen after the russian government increased the import duty, which has already increased since august 1, in particular for wine up to 25%, for other meat... drinks up to 20%, the publication writes moscow times. change in prices for on the shelves of stores will happen before the end
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of the year - experts predict that restaurants used to make certain such purchases in advance, but the stocks of alcohol accumulated by large retailers will be enough for several months, then the price will increase by 10-15% for one bottle of alcohol from the so-called unfriendly places in russia . by the way, i don't understand alcohol, but what does alcohol from unfriendly countries do in unfriendly russia? well , you see, vasyl, not all brands have left the country of the aggressor, the aggressor, and we know that raiffeisenbank is still working, and if i'm not mistaken, the french chain auchan still continues to feed muscovites. well , this is where i will end the column about money during the war, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. i also thank oleksandr for talking about money,
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now we will listen to the announcement of the verdict program, i always wait eagerly and want to know what exactly will be discussed, because serhiy knows how to choose such topics and such guests that you simply cannot help but hear. serhii rudenko is already with us once, congratulations, please give me the floor. congratulations vasyl, thank you for your kind words, we have the verdict today. there will be one big foreign policy verdict with volodymyr mogrysk, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. let's talk, of course , about the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine, about what is happening on the territory of the neighboring state in kursk region, because military command posts have already started to be created there. today, the first such military command, headed by major general moskalev, has already been created in the territory of the kursk region, with mr. ogrysk we let's talk about the current status
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of these territories, into which ukrainian troops have entered, what international legal norms apply to russian territory, to ukrainian troops who march on the territory of the russian federation, and , of course, we will discuss with mr. volodymyr the situation that is not ... is unfolding before our eyes in the international information space, and not only with regard to kurdish history from the history of kursk, but with the northern stream, the gas pipeline that was damaged, and, according to american journalists, journalists of the publication wall street journal that the damage to this pipeline, which was supposed to deliver russian gas to europe, was involved in... in particular , valery zaluzhnyi, the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, and give arguments as to why this is
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so and why ukraine was interested in damaging it gas stove of course, now a lot of information appears in the international press, in the world press about ukraine and ukrainians, in what way and in what way ukraine should defend its truth and talk about it. what actually happened and whether ukraine in any way at all i knew what was going to happen with this gas stove, in fact we will talk with the stove today. oleksandr lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, made another statement about peace, the peace formula or the need for peace talks between ukraine and russia, he says that it is simply a necessity, while lukashenko said that the nuclear weapons that are in the arsenal of the allied state, i.e.
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the republic of belarus and russia can come to the defense of the republic of belarus, and this weapon... can be used, as he said, because if the borders of the republic are violated belarus, then this weapon will be used. lukashenko did not explain why the belarusian dictator decided that the weapons belonging to russia, which are temporarily located on the territory of the republic of belarus, should be used against the neighbors, as i understand it, either against ukraine or against poland, and in what way, which side to this nuclear weapons... also, what do the latest statements of, uh, the self-proclaimed president of belarus mean, regarding the escalation in russian, on the ukrainian-belarusian border, and how will it all be resolved, i i hope we will discuss with mr. mogrysk, among the topics, the elections in the united states of america, preparations for the global
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peace summit, and, in fact, how the world is changing its attitude towards putin. through this course operation, which is currently being implemented by the armed forces of ukraine, the best diplomats there are, and the best diplomatic corps, behind which the future is not only of ukraine, i hope, but also of the entire european continent. that 's the end of my announcement, literally in 13 minutes we'll be on the air, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, stay tuned to our channel, vasyl, to you! thanks to serhiy, so at 20 o'clock the verdict with serhiy rudenko, well , now we'll see what our art viewer lina chechenina has prepared for us. high art for a mass audience, the bouquet kyiv stage festival has started in kyiv . in just a few minutes , the telnyuk sisters will start performing there, and lina chechenina will tell what exactly they have prepared for
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the public. lin, you have a word, good evening, congratulations vasyl. greetings to our audience, the telnyuk sisters can talk about their programs themselves, literally in a few seconds we have them we can hear so, i am now on the territory of sofia of kyiv, it seems to me to be one of the most beautiful, most comfortable and most artistic locations for various cultural events, because it has great acoustics and a general atmosphere, when a lot of people come here just to to sit on these chairs, many people from kyiv even bring their own chairs or small ottomans, and to sit and listen to really good ukrainian music by valentin sylvestrov every year in the valentin sylvestrov program,
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let someone, perhaps, consider some of his works too complicated, but... everyone here is always delighted, and i want to say that there is not only music here, but it seems to me that after all, for a bouquet of kyiv stage, music, a musical program is the most important thing, now you can, now we will show you a little bit of the scene, but now one program has ended, it was very, very cool, there was a field song, and sylvesterov, and a lot of other music, there was a very gentle atmosphere, now literally 12 minutes before galina's performance and lesi telnyuk, but now... are happening preparations, the last ones, in general, the telniuk sisters will sing their program, which i think you have already heard, and have even been to concerts, these are songs based on poems by taras shevchenko, and it is clear that we are rethinking taras shevchenko from, well, actively, i think, from since the beginning of the war, since 2014, probably
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the largest such, the most popular... and now its definition is a prophet, we now call taras shevchenko a prophet and absolutely deservedly so, and let's listen to lesya and galina themselves, that they told me about their program, first of all, they promise an atmosphere of love, and also what they said about the reinterpretation of shevchenko's poetry, and i agree with them that shevchenko's poetry is... just suitable for any occasion in life, and they bring any kind of atmosphere, let's just listen to galina and lesya, they told me everything. well, here is his prophecy, what you yourself said, it is felt in everyone, each person feels it in his own way, what he said,
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and it happened, and he said, and it will happen, obviously, i think, exactly it is also attracts a lot to his poetry, and we all really need it now, well, and they perceive it depending on the circumstances that are now uh... on what are now, how things change quickly, how events change quickly, in fact , in such a clip the state changes very quickly, every day we have some kind of news, and a person experiences it very emotionally, someone chooses for himself a real calmness and some of his lyrics that are almost contemplative and even visual, very beautiful poetry of his, someone on the contrary. of this power, you know, of such power, it's like going like a battle, so that this battle is in your heart, to awaken yourself, your will, your heart,
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your dignity, someone needs prayer, and shevchenko has all this, well, you see that people are already gathering, usually all the chairs here are occupied , absolutely all the people on... half are still standing, now everyone got distracted a little during the pause to go to the bar, and well, this is usually also an important component of any cultural events, i will say that for the kyiv stage bouquet, in addition to the musical program, there is always a visual program , also in from year to year we see pictures of an oak tree, and so on they are now on that side, maybe you have seen them already, and there are also conversations here under asen. there is an ash tree on sofia of kyiv, such a really big tree, already old, and under it different people gather and discuss different topics, they are listened to, and the topics are completely different, but
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all important, for example, they will discuss cultural genocide, this is an important topic, and i have people who are engaged in proving cultural genocide, and they say that it is extremely difficult to prove it, a lot of evidence is needed and they are engaged. this, of course, will also be discussed of cultural diplomacy, also a very important story, and something that we should definitely do, and in the end, i will say once again that until sunday you can come here to this festival and on its territory throughout the day to listen to music, participate in various discussions and simply enjoy such peace in the semisinky center. in kyiv, if you have a chair, be sure to take it with you, it will be completely unoccupied. thank you for the introduction and
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the invitation, unfortunately i can't take a chair and leave now, but i definitely can to introduce natalka didenko, who is already next to me, with a chair, but we will stay here. good. oh vasyl, i wish we could take these chairs and... you certainly went with pleasure to this beautiful festival, and by the way, i will tell you something about it a little later, except for the weather, of course, in just a second, we will have our meeting today let's start, of course, with greetings with clean-up, clean-up, be healthy, and to be honest, you know how i feel about folk signs and, in general, about various such signs, the so-called folk weather forecasters, but since this topic is very popular, why should we bypass it, and therefore, of course, i looked into the omens,
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what can be done, what can’t be done, what different weather conditions are, so to speak, if it’s clear, and what then it will be with autumn or , for example, even winter, well, let's see together what these signs are, so if the day is sunny and warm, the midsummer... will be cool, well, after this heat, which was and will be, no problem , if there are a lot of cobwebs, cobwebs, there will be little snow in the winter, i don't remember when there was a lot of it, by the way there was, so there will probably be a lot of cobwebs, if it rains that day, then september will be rainy, september will obviously be dry according to popular forecasts, fog before the mushroom harvest, well, mushrooms happen every year, so that’s the case here, and this holiday is big , of course , this is, by the way, one of the... 12 most important religious holidays, you can't work hard, cut your hair, light a fire, well, you can't light a fire at all now and...
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it was believed that all the sins for the year, and also most importantly, from this day, with purification, the season begins wedding, and it is of course wonderful, eh, and now we go from the rains, from the debut season, the debut season of weddings, to our other sub-heading, to magnetic storms, whether they will be or not, and now we will look together at the forecast chart and from it it can be seen that tomorrow there will be some very small fluctuations, so nothing dangerous for our well-being and for the earth's navigation systems is not predicted, so we're just watching, as always, watching, and actually moving on to the highlight, the main highlight of our column, the actual forecast the weather for the next day, tomorrow, august 16, in
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the western regions of ukraine, from which we always start... we have a forecast, you can see that the air temperature is already starting, well , getting hotter, so to speak, 29-32 above zero, the heat will set in the west tomorrow , the sun, a lot of sun and of course, fire danger will increase accordingly, be attentive and careful, the north of ukraine is also getting warmer, tomorrow the air temperature will fluctuate between 26, 28, 26-29°, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather will increase. on atmospheric pressure and a lot sun, it will not be as calm in the east of ukraine as in the west, it does not happen often, but it does happen, you see , the weather is a little abnormal, so to speak, the maximum here is only 26-29°, and dry air mass will also prevail, there will be a lot of sun , the weather in the central part of ukraine is similar to the weather in the eastern regions, because the maximum air temperature will fluctuate between 27-29°, precipitation is not
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expected. can be seen heat is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. in the south, 28-32° is expected, no precipitation is expected, it will be dry. and don't forget to be careful fire handling, dry hot air. in kyiv tomorrow, the weather is classic summer, it doesn't happen often, well, you can say it's perfect, without precipitation, a lot of sun, white cumulus clouds , and an air temperature of about +27°. literally in one sentence i want to say that the heat, which i have already announced more than once, is returning to ukraine, here we have already talked about the western regions, and on august 17-18 the heat will cover a large part of the territory of ukraine and the thermometers will reach and significantly exceed +30 °. well, there is one more my small ad, i use my official position here, so to speak, i want to say, catching up with the inclusion of ours. chenina,
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that on saturday at 2 p.m. at the festival in sofia, there will be a concert of the amateur bach choir, in which i have the honor to sing, so come, please, i will be very glad to see you all, but don't forget, you need to take either nice, beautiful umbrellas or some panamas, hats, because i remind you once again, the heat is gradually returning to ukraine, but for updated weather forecasts, of course, keep an eye on our espresso channel. i am only myself finally, i will say that the armed forces of ukraine entered the borders of ukraine in 1691, because suzhan, the so-called suzhan hundred, was part of the zaporizhzhya army state in 1691, so, as they say, there is a historical development here, as muscovites like to say. thank you for being with us, it was velikiyter, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, literally in a few moments the verdict program, we will watch it together. good
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evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. controlled territories of kurshchyna. in those released from military commandos are being introduced in the regions of russia under putin's regime. what is the status of the ukrainian defense forces there and why russia announced a counter-terrorist operation. there are no red lines. the world is convinced that putin is bluffing when he threatens escalation in response to ukrainian counterattacks.


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