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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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captured ukrainians, the defenders of mariupol, who themselves went through captivity, told the americans about russian captivity, about torture, recovery after liberation and what kind of attitude they want from others, the military told my colleague iryna shinkarenko. i led a unit that broke through on steel. i make decisions and the people who believed in my plan are behind me. there were more than 200 of us, and 186 of them were marines . serhiy volynskyi, a former commander, is in the ukrainian house in washington. of the sixth separate brigade of marines recalls the time on surrounded by azovstal and in russian captivity. we were awaited by a hellish half-day tour, interrogations, torture, terrible food and inhuman living conditions. for me, it lasted four months, three of which i spent in a disciplinary cell. galina fedyshyn, a military medic of the 36th marine corps brigade , was also among those captured during the escape from azovstal in may 2022. my captivity continued. one year, 7 months and 14
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days, each of these days, it will be incredibly etched in your memory. it's hard for me to remember those days and being there cannot be described in words. galina returned from russian captivity on january 3, 2024, the last among female marines. after rehabilitation, she is again serving in the marines, she says, she is not sure if she will ever fully recover from russian captivity, well of course it is difficult, you are without normal communication for a long time, you are without normal food for a long time, you are for a long time you are in very bad conditions, and of course psychologically, i think that this period is not yet is over, it's still going on, it's impossible. to go there in a month, two or even
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six months, this is such an impression that remains for one's life, i think that all the prisoners of war who returned home will understand me, and i think that this will continue. after returning from captivity, halyna says, she was helped by the understanding of her friends and colleagues who had gone through a similar experience. her fiancé, marine mykola hrytsenyak, was also in azovstal and in russian captivity. i am lucky in that i have a lot like-minded people, i have many friends who have already returned. from captivity, and we have common themes, we can discuss it, what we cannot discuss with others, what we cannot discuss with family, what we cannot discuss with psychologists. one of these comrades is a marine from the 36th brigade, george roshka. surrounded by zovstal, he survived the amputation of his arm, then was captured in a donetsk hospital. there, he says, not only were they not given painkillers, but they actually starved him. this is the first problem that is in captivity. you are so hungry that you can't sleep at night you can
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george returned from captivity on june 29, 2022 . however, he says that he was unable to work with psychologists and is still closed to communication, the help of the front and the support of the military saves us, we were there for a very, very long time , yes, after the bankers, mariupol, the encirclement, then polon and you go through such hell, that is, the war is in full scale, let’s all go , and you come back here, they are not here, i am still in the third year since i was changed, on foot, i still do not go, well, it is very rare when i can go to some institution there with friends, with family, i from at home somewhere marines who themselves have been in
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captivity now support other service members returning from exchanges, as well as the families of those who continue to wait for their loved ones. you know, most of these families have more enthusiasm, strength, spirit and confidence than ours, they do not give up, they constantly continue to support all this, and they are very well done, because they do not leave their sons, their own. men, and they do not get tired, every ukrainian should remember them, and every ukrainian, as far as he is can remind his location that there are prisoners of war. halyna recalls that after informational isolation in captivity, it was very important for her to know that they were waiting for her at home and that they were doing everything possible for her release. now, former prisoners say, they want normal respect from the people around them. basic respect, that's all.
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because there is no respect, or rather there is, but a very small percentage of people who respect you, you don't want to be considered a hero, you don't want to be considered an outcast, that is just a simple ordinary relationship, i think that we already have prospects in this regard, i think that over time our society will get used to it, because we will have to get used to it in this regard, because there are a lot of soldiers returning from captivity, and this the same applies to boys who return from the front with disabilities, that is , we do not want some hyperalized one. well, we just want a relationship with respect, that's all, that is, nothing, nothing so fantastic. according to the latest data from ukrainian law enforcement officers from russian 287 marines from the 36th marine brigade were returned from captivity, about
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1,300 marines remain in russian captivity. according to dmytro lubinets, the commissioner for human rights of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the russians are returning those soldiers who defended mariupol extremely reluctantly, holding them for... so-called trials. iryna shankarenko, yuriy panin. voice of america. and to the news in the united states. democratic vice presidential candidate tim walsh agrees to debate republican candidate jaydee venson. the debate will take place on october 1 on cbs news. meanwhile, one of the main issues in the upcoming us election is immigration. according to data from the us department of homeland security, the number of migrants illegally crossing the southern border continues to decline. july is the fifth month in a row showing such dynamics. this is the lowest level of illegal immigration since the fall of 2020. vice president kamela harris
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is highlighting the biden administration's achievements on the border in her campaign. then, like the former president donald trump criticizes this immigration policy and promises to carry out the largest deportation of illegal immigrants in esto. usa, nataliya leonova tells the details. on the campaign trail , vice president kamela harris is highlighting her background as a private, district attorney, and later attorney general of california. i walked with law enforcement officers through the underground tunnels between the united states and mexico on this border. i prosecuted transnational gangs, drug cartels and human traffickers who entered our country illegally. i pursued them in... during his presidency, donald trump built more than 80 km of wall on the border with mexico, reduced the annual limit on the admission of refugees to a historic low and introduced a policy
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that separated the children of illegal immigrants from their parents. this november the american people will compare these achievements and say: look out: abroad haris, you did a terrible job, you are a disgrace to our country, you are fired, get out of here, you are fired, get out. immigration is a hot topic in this presidential election. a survey by the chicago council found that 50% of respondents believe that a large number of immigrants is a threat to the united states. while just over half of americans support the construction of a wall and the use of us troops on the us- mexico border, a majority opposes it. mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. because congress has failed to pass immigration reform, the country relies on executive orders and executive orders on these issues, regardless of who is president. in the political environment in which we it's a tough situation we're in because
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executive orders will always be the subject of lawsuits, our congress is unwilling to act. garis promises to support border security legislation, she points out. on trump's role in the fact that a bill to strengthen border security agreed by a bipartisan working group of senators was not passed by congress. he failed a bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win the election, which shows that donald trump doesn't care about border security, he only cares about himself. so, i promise you, as president, i will bring back the border security bill that donald trump killed. and i will sign it. trump's republican allies have urged him to focus on areas where they believe he has an advantage over harris, particularly immigration. he continues to call for the deportation of illegal immigrants and criticizes the biden-harris administration for what he
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calls an open border policy. thanks to your vote, inflation will stop. illegal aliens will be sent back. they 're coming and... we have to stop them, you seen her say now, oh, we had a very good border, oh, great, they had the worst border in the history of the world. in june of this year, the us border patrol detained. about 130,000 immigrants, a jump from 104,000 in the same month of 2019 during trump's pandemic-year presidency. however, last year in the same month their number exceeded 300,000. alin baros, natalia leonova, voice of america. migration issues have intensified since the beginning of the month and in the united kingdom, there was a wave there anti-migrant riots and pogroms that took place. due to the murder of three girls in a dance club near liverpool.
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fake messages spread on the ex network with hints that the attacker was probably a refugee, a refugee and had a name similar to a muslim one. the police later denied the report, and while some blame it on simple racism and fake news, others say there are deeper social and economic factors at play. tetyana vorozhko will familiarize herself with the details. seven days of violence that shook britain looted shops, torched public buildings, anti-muslim attacks on mosques and non-white businesses , torched hotels believed to be housing asylum seekers. we want an end to the illegal arrival of people by boat from safe countries. the violence was sparked by a tragic knife attack at a children's dance class in southforth , near liverpool, in which three of the six girls died. seven and 9 years old. a website called channel freenow has posted
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fake information that the killer of the children was a muslim asylum seeker who arrived in the country in a small boat. fake news: spread quickly on social networks. within hours, violence had erupted in southport and spread to other towns. the violence started because of a lie. to some extent, i think it's fair enough to blame social media for... this. many observers say that the cause of the violence is deeper than social discord. this is the tension that you see now in many countries. i would include in this list from the us to a certain extent, where there are feelings of nationalism, the feeling that people are being left behind. critics have blamed some right-wing politicians, particularly nigel farage, leader of the anti-immigration reform party, for inciting the violence. farage is a strong critic. rejects on his youtube channel, farage has previously reported on hotels housing asylum seekers.
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since then, a wave of much larger anti -far-right demonstrations has swept across britain. the riots subsided. more than a thousand people were arrested, and hundreds convicted of riot-related crimes. dozens were charged with offenses related to social media posts. x network owner elon musk. was criticized for allowing such a publication and himself posting information about far-right protests, claiming that civil war was inevitable. i agree that we need to take a broader look at social media after this mess. the government warned that violence could flare up again. great britain during the last 10-15 years had a very low rate of economic growth and no did a lot for a lot of people who are struggling economically, it doesn't in any way justify any violence,
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but i think it's absolutely appropriate to think about, given what happened, whether there are circumstances that make people feel how desperate they are more prone to violence than others. the violence only deepened the trauma for the families of the children killed in the southport attack. 17-year-old axel muganwa rudakubana, who was born in... britain, was accused of murdering the girls. tatyana voroshko, henry richwell, voice of america and finally, the story about buchansk witches and valkyries. this is what the women who joined the work of mobile fire groups as part of the buchan volunteer formation call themselves. the first women's mobile fire brigades became operational in the kyiv region in april 2024. from that time, their composition. expanded and already has more than fifty women. these groups are on duty 24 hours a day and destroy shaheds with maxim machine guns. weapons
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used during the first world war. on a combat trip with buchanan witches anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolsky traveled. target detection fire. the buchansk witches mobile fire group practices hitting the target. their main task is to shoot down russian shahed-type drones on approach to kyiv. this fire group in the buchan voluntary formation of the territorial community is formed exclusively of women. it is dft. the tg was formed in april 22, and in april of this year, the first women's mobile group made its first combat trip. later, several more women's mobile teams were formed. 37-year-old yulia from in july of this year, he heads the buchanski valkyries mobile group. she does not want to give her last name and asks to be called dzyga. in general, we train so
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that we can be interchangeable, but the commander is responsible for everyone, responsible for how quickly we ... we will gather, we will go out, so that everything is in place, so that the machine guns are installed in time, so that they are ready for both . dziga is a lawyer by education. after graduating from the academy of the ministry of internal affairs , she served eight years in the police force at that time. currently combines service in the breeding group with work in the salon beauty her ten-year-old daughter is waiting for her at home. well, at first she was very worried that i wouldn't go to war, but now she's used to the fact that i'm in place. on combat missions , the unit leaves for... kapakh is armed with machine guns and a twin machine gun turret with two maxim machine guns. the machine gun itself weighs about 20 kg. to prevent rapid heating of the barrel, water is poured into the system during firing. a machine gun can continuously fire 2,000 bullets into drones before the water boils, the machine gunners explain. this weapon was
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designed by a british gunsmith of american origin hyram steve. maxim. the maxim machine gun is called the progenitor of automated weapons. these machine guns were actively used in the first and second world wars. despite the fact that this weapon is more than 100 years old, it is effective against the shaheds, says andrii verlaty, the head of the buchansky dftg. it has no analogue in terms of efficiency, except probably browning. high accuracy of shots, and most importantly, this weapon does not overheat. that is, actually. tape after tape, tape after tape, the main thing is to reload quickly, we have a machine gun, an assistant machine gunner, they can automatically replace it, change tapes in seconds. russia most often carries out terrorist attacks at night. around two o'clock in the morning, the alarm sounds and the valkyries of buchan go on a combat sortie. male colleagues help women
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load supplies. dzyga gives. command to go. during the combat deployment, the commander of khadzig will monitor the movement of the shaheds on a special tablet. another member of the group - 52-year-old ksenia, with the call sign puma, will identify the shaheds with the help of spotlights and sound. ksenia's husband and son left to protect ukraine from the first days of the great invasion - she says. ksenia herself is a professional cook. this june. year, she saw an announcement about recruitment to the dftg and decided to join, as a ukrainian, i want to protect our country, our land, our children, i do not want these orcs to enter our land, so that they get angry with our
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people, yes as much as they want to destroy us, we try to do it. not to give them, on the account of the group commanded by yulia, three downed shaheds for july, but that night there was no opportunity to fire a shot. russian drones are not flew to the place of their deployment, and were eliminated by other air defense units of the region. that night , about 40 shaheds attacked the territory of ukraine, but fortunately they did not reach us. women in the buchansk dftg undergo regular training, they are trained by russian-ukrainian veterans. women learn mining, tactical medicine and necessarily train to shoot. 34-year-old lydia with the call sign bulochka is on duty the next night, she is the mother of four children,
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divorced from her husband in the military, until recently worked as a saleswoman in a store, but after joining the dftg in... in in june of this year, i got my job and in my free time is improving my shooting skills, i used to be a professional equestrian, so i heard that i was going to the game, well, i was recruited into the horse patrol group, that is, at first it was a decision to join the horse patrol. well, then mine was requalified. duties to cover the rear, to see that no one, well, that no one came and shot my group in the shelter behind, according to the data of the air force of ukraine. as of the end of june, since the beginning of 2024, the russian army has launched 2,277 drones of the shachet type over the territory of ukraine.
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ukrainian air defense shot down 1,953 of them. more than 80% is the work of mobile fire groups. such firing groups on pickup trucks can also shoot down north korean short-range ballistic missiles . buchansk witches claim that they have already beaten. such rockets. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from the kyiv region. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and also listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. friends, we will say goodbye to this, read breaking news and analytical materials on the website of the voice of america in ukraine, watch live broadcasts, full versions of interviews and stories on our youtube
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channel, and of course, subscribe to our social networks to always be aware of current and true news. thank you for staying with us, good night, good morning, see you soon. there are 20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until independence day on
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carsil tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until the day of independence on linex forte, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam, and save. wow, i went for a walk. water it's ordinary water here for... it's not enough, drink reo. i'm saving myself, reo. you're ready, honey, ready, took reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zemats, big air on spresso tv channel, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about
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the military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets and how the world lives. yuriy feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. it's time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours. the company of favorite presenters about the news cultural chekchenina, our car viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us on yazka, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world, do you want to understand how our today will affect
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our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the television premiere of a documentary about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, a journalist and a military serviceman. tetyana chornovol, the founder of the angels division of taira yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned, and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. today in the program the verdict from serhiy rudenko, the controlled territories of kurshchyna are held by those freed from the putin regime. military commanders are being introduced in russia, what is the status of the ukrainian defense forces there, and why did russia announce
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a counterterrorist operation. there are no red lines. the world is convinced that putin is bluffing when he threatens escalation in response to ukrainian countermeasures. how long will the countries of the west restrain themselves in granting freedom of action to ukraine. the ukrainian trace of gas pipeline undermining in the baltic sea. germany has issued an arrest warrant for the suspect. ukrainian diver, which threatens official kyiv with accusations of complicity in damaging the northern streams. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next hour we will talk about what
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is happening in ukraine and outside it. borders, and in particular we will talk about the kursk special operation of the armed forces of ukraine, the reaction of the world, and of course about how american journalists are now trying to accuse or question the authority of the military and the armed forces of ukraine and blame our special forces, who apparently took part in airdropping the north stream pipeline even today. the american press is writing about it, we will talk about it all during the next hour. however, before starting our conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian soldiers repelled another russian assault in the kharkiv region. soldiers of the 13th operational brigade of the charter national guard managed to destroy four enemy tanks, another one was damaged, in addition, the defenders neutralized four dozens of occupiers. let's watch this magical
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glory to the defense forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. today we ask you about whether the kursk operation will change the world's attitude towards putin. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no. if you have your own personal opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv , pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381 if you think the world's attitude to... to putin will change after the kurdish operation and no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have as a guest volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the russian research center, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, thank you for being with us today. thank you, mr. sergiu, for the invitation, always happy. let's in the format.
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respondents, we will try to answer the question whether the attitude of the world will change after kurdish operation to putin? it will obviously change and is already changing, i think that we are witnessing the fact that the ice is finally breaking, and we are closer and closer to that situation when finally in the minds of our western partners, all the red lines that they have drawn for themselves, will be erased, well , including the red lines, which on... putin announced, because, well, considering what is happening now in the kursk region, according to their logic, there is an attack on their territory, on the integrity of the russian territory, and they proclaimed that suddenly it if it happens, they have nuclear weapons and they can use them. but you know, i agree with you, mr. sergey, but it seems to me that the main red lines for us are not putin's, because he...


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