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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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territory of russia, they answered yes, well, i may not be verbatim, but the point is that germany did indeed transfer tanks to ukraine, but when it transferred them, they became ukrainian, and if ukraine uses them as it sees fit, that is its right , if it does not violate international laws, we do not violate any international law, we act clearly within the limits of the 51st article of the institution of the united nations organization, which prescribes what self-defense is and what a country has the right to do and what to... which suffers from aggression, and it has the right to destroy the military objects on the territory of the occupier, on the territory of the aggressor, as it deems necessary, the only thing that cannot be done is to attack the civilian population, well, to commit war crimes, which the russians constantly commit, so this can have an impact here operation, which looks strange to an ordinary person, let's say, a german or an american, that we are carrying out an offensive action... on
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the territory of the russian federation, they cannot stop us, but it is not impossible to shoot american or german missiles there at a military object, because it can lead to escalation, well, people who say that will look even less funny, and i think neither scholes nor biden wants to look funny, so i hope that something will be resolved with the tauros, and you know, the relationship of our partners, when we well, even heroic defense is, well... not quite that, but when we win, when we press the enemy, then the desire to join those like us now, it increases, and i think that this will affect the increase of aid, military help us, and everyone saw that russia is not what they thought it was putin is weak, and this can lead to, i want to believe in the strengthening of sanctions and a change in the attitude of many political elites in europe and in the world towards the russian federation, because
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we constantly hear this, and maybe not necessary, maybe it will be an escalation, maybe there somehow will dissolve by itself, well, this is a very serious argument, and what, then, and what to finish the opinion about what this operation achieved, well , except, well, this is the last, it gave the russians an understanding that putin is not so powerful , as they believed, and for the russians it is very important that... whether the president or the tsar was powerful, it gives them a sense of greatness, and they are ready to give up part of their rights and freedoms for this, for this feeling of greatness, and when the tsar becomes weak, such a tsar is not needed there, not for the people of russia , not for political elites, and the last thing i wanted to say is that it had a very positive effect on our people who are not on the front line, although there are already conversations here, and whether it is worth it or not, well, that is separate, if... if this is your question, then
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we will talk, but it had an extremely positive effect on the military, extremely, people just simply in if you want, well, it is obvious that it inspires, because all these conversations about the fact that the war should not go beyond the territory of ukraine, as if the territory of ukraine is some such place that can be destroyed, but there is some sacred territory of russia that must be protected to the whole world, our leadership, military, political, they constantly say that the war should move to the territory of the russian federation, well, that 's how they wrote, as they say, that any country that commits aggression against another country should understand that sooner or later the war will come to their territory, so it must come to territory, to be a theory, but became practice, we defend ourselves, we defend ourselves in this way, war, russia can stop this war, well, it is also a well-known phrase that if russia stops shooting, the war will stop, if we stop shooting... ukraine will stop , that's why we, we
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cannot stop, and russia at any moment gives the command to withdraw the troops, we will immediately leave kurshchyna, we, our political leadership has already said that we are not going to hold, well, it was a joke, some kind of referendum, kurdish people, no one should do this, we respect the borders of all countries world, internationally recognized, we also respect the borders, no matter how strange it sounds, the borders of the russian federation, we respect these borders, but what we... on their territory, we do within the framework of the 51st article of the organization's charter, as part of self-defense, we will take military action as soon as the war stops, yes, well, you know, why do we need these swamps, well, we will immediately withdraw the troops, no one is going to create anything there, well , let's not fantasize, because i heard such, let's create there , no one will create anything, let them be there, we are once again us we demand respect for our borders, and we also respect the borders of any country, international recognition. but i'm sorry, during
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aggression, during hostilities, we will conduct a military operation as we deem necessary to achieve success in the war, these are different things, once again we did not invade russia, we did not do it, this is a military operation . and we are not going to attach anything to ourselves, we need to fuck, in simple words, but you know, now i personally have the impression that exactly what ukraine, well he clearly says, we are not going to take this territory there and that's all, so far he is playing against us a little, because, well, look, the russians are withdrawing some forces there from the leningrad oblast, well, that is, they. they understand that nato will not attack them, there is no threat from nato, so there, well, they don’t need any army there, no matter how much they say, how they fight with nato, but they don’t need it there, they are calmly throwing it over there now to the ukrainian front, and so far i have the impression that the russian leadership does not really
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believe that the ukrainian army is going to gain a foothold in this territory, they expect, well, a week or two will pass there and somehow the ukrainians will somehow shake off, the ukrainians will go to... and therefore there is no such, you know, massive transfer of forces, from such the most hot directions, i wonder, but how to show them the seriousness of our intentions and what the situation should look like so that the russians really understand that perhaps it is worth defending their own territory, and not trying to continue the offensive in donbas, for example, what should happen, where should we go, roughly speaking, or how should it look like this? where to reach home, but we may reach home, well, we are not there yet, but let's take the realities that exist now, there is, for example, this kursk region, where there are such painful points for russians in the kursk region, where would we go if we reached, it would be really painful for them, well
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, kursk directly, i think, well, the point is that whether we will be entrenched or not, we are already entrenched, the first thing is, you understand, to conduct combat operations on the territory of the aggressor, we still time, we have a full, full legal right, according to international under international laws, and we are there we will stay as long as we can, as long as we can hold the defense or make counterattacks, leave, well, if it is a raid, if it is announced, well, it was not announced, it was not announced at all, if it is a raid, then the raid involves entering, leaving, maybe like this there was a goal, and if the goal was different, then we will stay there and continue to expand. to expand the territory under our control already on the territory in russian in russia, well, exactly until the end of the war, this is not an occupation, this is not an invasion, the war is over, we signed a peace treaty, which should look like the capitulation of the russian federation in this war,
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we hope that it will happen like this, then, like the second world war and other wars, we will withdraw our troops, but once again we, we do not need your barren lands. well , this is the same story as we said about the russians in the kyiv region, that is, there is a need to supply our troops there, so how can we not be cut off from these supply routes, have security, is this a threat to us now? no, i think that what are you talking about, like that our general staff will not fail to plan offensive actions and, well, let's say capture, let there be such a word: to the territory of the enemy and without providing transport of everything that is necessary, without providing logistics, no one does this, this is how raids are carried out, if it is a raid, then it is possible to go once again for a very long distance, do as the drg enters, does certain work, military work and returns to the point, well, temporary or
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permanent deployment, if it is another goal, then no one will leave, and advance without inspection, well, no one either not going to you know when the military operation took place after the corresponding so-called combat orders were signed, where it was written what the unit should do and to which point it should go, the combat order is not written, we are advancing, how much fuel is enough in the tank, yes, no one does not do, that is why we were prepared and we had to go to certain boundaries, i think we went to them, then there will be a new combat order, what do we do, do we fortify there, do we move on, do we carry out raids, well, it will be written down and thank god, that we do not know this, we did not say about one of components of the positive components of this offensive, which stopped, at least in our country , big conversations about the announcement of some of our military operations, about the analysis of our military
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operations in the sense that, well, we know people who began to tell us what bad generals we have, that they are nothing they don't know how and that everything is bad, but you know, i'm starting to worry, maybe it's not necessary, there is, i don't want to call it usual, there is one very great people's deputy who knows how to fight better than all our generals put together , you don't know what's wrong with her? there she disappeared, is silent it's been a week, what happened, maybe she got sick, maybe you know, because i'm worried, we're all, we're all soldiers, we're worried about where she went, why she doesn't give advice, we're already starting to get confused about what to do, where to go, how to shoot, what to capture, how to form logistics, well, tell me, we are here without you, well, it is such a sad irony, well, thank you, in short, i will summarize your words in such a way that we will still hope that... we there for a long time, or at least until the end of the war, well, until the end of the war,
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let's face it, it wasn't for long, yes, thank you, oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, we are now going on a short break and will return with another guest, we will talk about the pokrovsky direction. big ether. vasyl zema, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets and what the world lives yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news. i would like to invite mr. evgeny to the conversation. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters about cultural news, our tv viewer is ready
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to say good evening to the presenters, which has become like a day for many, and she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzemil, the leader the crimean tatar people are in touch with us , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in the winter, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. so, let's go back to the chronicles of the war, and with us is serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, sergey. oh, serhiy, i’m sorry, and you know, well, they’re trying to do different things, the kursk offensive, there, they blew up morozivsk, the airport, today there are a few more things... latovich, but apparently, in your style the front, after all, the tension and the attempts
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of the russians to advance do not stop, how about you, what is happening there now, the tension, well , it has decreased a little in general . the enemy keeps his troops there. the enemy is trying to act, here, especially, to act there, let's say, northern shenazh, us in the direction of the settlements there, grodivka, that is mykolaivka, here, there they are, well, let's say, they behave more actively, in our area there are also attempts at assaults, attempts, i say, are there, but they are no longer so powerful, and let's say, well, it's not only... in connection with the situation in the kurt region, i'll just
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say frankly that precisely in our area, in this more than four months of active operations, after all, the enemy was exhausted and very actively exhausted, and at the same time, we still find opportunities to search for their heavy weapons there, to destroy them, only today the units of the brigade were destroyed . bm21 grade, destroyed bka 122 field warehouse, 120 mm meters, that is damaged a 120-millimeter mortar, and about five dozen occupiers have been eliminated, so the fighting continues, the enemy is still dangerous, it is still too early for us to understand and relax, but by the way, this is your activity... bigger, even more successful, then we ask you to join the collection for the 59th separate
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motorized infantry brigade, your goal is 5 million uah collected by our soldiers for the needs of bomber pilots, that is exactly what mr. tsehotskyi said about them, how they undermine everything there, and here you see the qr code, please join, the card number is also there, well, actually... this is a very necessary and important direction, and we need exactly this collection, as i understand it, to make it even better and even more effective, and even more with... reducing power the enemy, right, mr. serhiu? well, i want to add to your wonderful words that it is thanks to the donations that we are able today, well , our workshops are working, which include stuffing our drones, but strengthening their
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capabilities, and also today we very skillfully assemble rep tools. that is, they learned how to make rap tools, and i will say that on average, every day we liquidate, that is , we deactivate about 100 different flying machines of the enemy, this is every oak tree, but today there were 96 per day, this is to go for the wing, there are 22 pieces, all the rest are fivishkas that are filled with explosives and carry danger , it is precisely thanks to the meetings of our... partners in the rear, i call these people who help us today, precisely partners, may god give them health and strength, so that, as much as possible, everyone will live to see our victory, well, how do you want to be partners of such wonderful fighters, so please join, you know, they are great the amount of destruction you have, and tell me, what are
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they mainly attacking now, or is it after all... all their infantry groups or the involvement of armored vehicles, how do you have it now? armored vehicles have not been engaged for almost two, well, almost two weeks, there was an attempt to up to 40 units, a reaction from our side, 15 minutes and that’s all, everything that didn’t make it, still remained on the battlefield on the metallobrukt, here together with their crews, but this is more infantry. assaults and mostly now they use these two-wheeled motorcycles, they move on them, give a lift to a bull, give a lift personnel, and including that every day we have to chase them and destroy motorcycles as well, that is, the tourists are going in the wrong direction, they must have a way to escape to the urals, but for some reason they are not going in the wrong
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direction, so we have to there is still hunting for motorcyclists, and tell me, how about... well , actually attempts at aerial bombing, because there are our airfields working there, do you feel any decrease in cabs and bombings in general, already, indeed, yes, they they periodically launch their cabs there, that is periodically, but i will already say that for two days in a row, this is, well, there is no such thing for our grade of the front, and this is also the result, i think. work that works in the deep body of the enemy, you see, a complex approach, he wonders, sooner or later he must give a result, and he begins to give it, they still withdraw troops from the front area, including from the east, we are already we know for sure that a unit was removed from our area, and a unit was removed from our neighbors
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and sent there in the kursk direction to the kurshchyna, so to speak, that's why... but at they are holding this infantry, they are more, more, let's say, specific units have been withdrawn, but they are holding the infantry, they still hope that they will get something, and they can expect something here, well, i understand that putin's situation is very different now, you know, he doesn't know what to do, that's for sure, because he's not a military man, not a politician, not at all, not a strategist, he's just an ordinary thief at the level of ee... there, i know, the opg can rule there in this way, all the time deceiving his his own people, deceiving and deceiving the entire world community. or maybe a little more in detail, you say that they are already filming little by little, who exactly is being filmed, that is, how, what, what kind of forces are these? well, look, so what we know is better not to voice out loud, because,
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well, so that the enemy does not know what we know about, clearly, yes, it is absolutely. this is how it should work in war, you don’t need to give the enemy any chances at all, even the smallest ones, so that he is aware of something, that’s all, and we know quite a lot of what is done in their units directly, that what is being done in their rear, we follow everything very carefully, and in general, this work is complex, it is being carried out and will be carried out until the moment we liberate all our land. well, but the process itself goes little by little, yes. uhu, but look, we know that the fighting has already started for grodivka, it is such a serious place, maybe we see such a concentration. in this particular direction, if you say, you have a little peace, maybe somewhere else, but there, judging by everything, there are more active battles, well, this tactic of the enemy, it was always,
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you know, to hit everywhere and search there are some weak points, yes, but there is no need to make premature conclusions now, why, because, well, you understand, everyone has already understood that the commanders of the command of the armed forces. our headquarters knows how to plan operations, knows how to make surprises and surprises, because who knows what the enemy is waiting for in the area of ​​the same grodivka, the same there in mykhailivka, and so on, that is why the battles are premature and difficult, the enemy is pressing, the enemy thinks that he there will now be success and so on, it 's not easy, as i say, it's all happening against the background of very powerful battles. what are they holding? everyone, and as neighbors, we also help in this regard, so we are waiting for the results, everything , everything that can be said on the air, that is exactly
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how we must support, again, support, i repeat, all our military, all defense forces , who apply, there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to support, yes, and your collection, i also ask that you support it for bomber pilots, we have already talked about it, but you see now... we have it on on the screen, a current account, cards, please join, and there is a qr code, and more you know, i want to ask you how you feel, well, there are such conversations that they spent their efforts to enter the kursk region, it is not known why, the results are unknown, everything is unknown, it would be better to throw reinforcements at your pokrovsky direction, for example, what do you think about this, i will say my subjective opinion... here i will express the opinion of my brothers, with whom we communicate on the topic, firstly, for us, as for the military, it
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really raised the morale, that is, it really raised for everyone, you see, this once again opened the eyes of everyone in the world community, democratic in the first place, to show that russia is not the same, it is also scary and strong, that it has absolutely ee... open borders and that you can go there and carry out those operations that, well, we do not conduct ourselves as they conduct on our land, but at the same time take the territory, vote there, excuse me, referendums, appoint a military administration and so on, and this once again shows that the king and their king in quotation marks, i mean, putin is naked, literally and the metaphor of this meaning of this word, that's why... means military operation, that means if we just stand in one place, if we can’t attack them due to the fact that it will be a big loss on
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our side, so why not go around, it’s absolutely damn, a grandiose military operation, that’s why i think that it must be continued, we just need more people to join directly in the service to the lavzba. victory, that it is possible, in principle, since on the first day we all came, here we are, who is 10 years old, who is less, fighting, and we believe in negotiations, no matter what, thank you, thank you, with we were sergey tsakotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, directly from the pokrovsk region. his opinion that pokrovsk is important, but also the course operation is very important and raised the fighting spirit of him and his comrades, well, that's a good point,
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the chronicles of the war will be in a week, and you remain on the espresso tv channel, we still have a lot of interesting things for you .
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watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. release of knyazev. why did the ex-chairman of the supreme court lose his position for renting an apartment? release knyazev to sevolod serhiyovych from the position of judge of the administrative court of cassation. but who in the vrp helped knyazev not to answer for a multimillion-dollar bribe. the record holder is simply the first to close cases. congratulations. judicial control, i am tatyana shostrova. for four years of work, the higher anti-corruption court has already passed more than 20 verdicts in corruption cases against ukrainian judges. almost all were accusatory. however, many high-profile cases involving multimillion-dollar bribes and abuses have not yet been completed. moreover, servants of themis, who have committed grave crimes and are involved in high-profile cases, have not
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been fired from their positions for years. they even... in the pre-trial detention center , they continue to receive hundreds of thousands of wages every month, without carrying out judicial proceedings, the ex-head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, who is suspected of corruption, the supreme council of justice released the other day not for the largest multimillion-dollar bribe in history, but for the extremely low price of his lease apartments in kyiv. today we will tell you why it is so difficult to bring the most corrupt judges to justice. and first before... the high anti-corruption court stopped the case judge ilya lonskyi of the primorsky district court of odesa. he was mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. ilya lonskyi is charged with an attempt to give an illegal benefit to another judge of the same court, for making a positive decision in an administrative case, as well as for possessing part of a bribe by deception. the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine published an excerpt from the conversation of the participants at
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the time of the transfer of the illegal benefit. i'm somehow so sorry in general, to be honest, all the work, i'm running for someone, i'm sitting the damn thing, but nobody to you, yes, i have nothing interesting. the office of judge ilya lonsky was searched, as a result of which the security forces found a bribe. interestingly, after that, lonsky not only pleaded not guilty, but also filed a complaint with the supreme council of justice. he said that the law enforcement officers put pressure on him and interfere in the activities of the judge. lonsky was informed of the suspicion of corruption, but now that the judge mobilized. to the zsu, the case was terminated. note that this is a very popular scheme among the servants of themis in an effort to avoid responsibility. in fact, he is not the only one, and he is not the first, and perhaps not even the last, who does such a thing, because there are other judges who are also suspected of committing other crimes, in particular corruption, and have also mobilized, and in this way they are obviously trying to wash their hands. stay somewhere there, somewhere there, i don't know,
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lord. take a picture with a machine gun or in pixel and then tell what heroes they are, how they defended ukraine, and therefore they should write off all the crimes they committed before committed, this is a very dangerous story, volodymyr luhanskyi, a member of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine, turned out to be a fake doctor of philosophy in the field of law. the anti-corruption center sent a request to the ministry of education and science of ukraine regarding whether luhansky has a doctor of philosophy degree or a candidate for... it turned out that the member of the highest qualifications of the commission does not possess any of them. volodymyr luhanskyi, a former judge of the north donetsk city court and a military serviceman. during his participation in the competition for the position member of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, we emphasized his alleged dishonesty and wealth of dubious origin. during the interviews with the members of the competition commission and vrp, volodymyr luhanskyi stated that he defended his thesis at the international academy of personnel management in 2011. however, at that time. this educational
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institution did not belong to the subjects of issuing diplomas of doctor of philosophy, moreover, only in september 2014 the verkhovna rada adopted changes that equated the title of candidate of sciences to the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy. how it happened, luhansky could not explain, how could he not was able to remember the name of the specialty on which he wrote a scientific dissertation. in what specialty did you defend yourself? the name of the specialty, clearly. i... defended myself, my topic was article 382, ​​which is criminal liability for failure to comply with a court decision, i remember, well, i haven't seen my diploma for a long time, i took off the photocopies, i just don't remember. it should be noted that it may not only be a matter of lying when taking office, but also possible embezzlement of the state, since for having a scientific degree, judges and military personnel receive an additional payment of
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official salary, however? volodymyr luhanskyi received such a supplement.


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