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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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is very afraid of dying here and wants to return home as soon as possible. thank you, ms. oksana, for being there and sharing your stories with the viewers of espress, oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council. we will take a short break, very interesting information about radio electronic warfare and the means of rebs, which come to defenders in the kherson region. we will remember this information, because we will be talking to the military in a few minutes. so we will ask them what it is, how it is, and whether these are isolated cases or systemic, stay with espresso, we will continue to report, this is the qr code and in a few minutes we will continue, there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl pills, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. in the august issue , krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how
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is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. national tebe na megogo is many channels. well, a lot of channels. and yet. movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable megogo on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day on citremon darnytsia, 10% at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. fm: galicia. listen there are
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10% discounts on motorex tablets until independence day in psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion in spite of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments , houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions.
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countries about people's rights, opportunities and personal experiences. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult. 10 years of our life through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military serviceman tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira angel unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in tape 10 years of war exclusively. on the air of the tv channel espresso. we already visited today. on this
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part of the front, i mean, the kupyan direction, we only saw it with our eyes, as they say, on the battlefield and with the eyes of the military administration, and now let's see it with the eyes of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, the head of the communications department, welcome to us , vitaliy, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, to the heroes of the word, as they say, your... eyes, how does the kupin direction look now, why are we asking from the point of view, at least what has changed in the last week and a half, is there a feeling, that works and another section, the kursk section, and it somehow changes, well, at least the intensity or tactics in your direction, so it is felt that the intensity of the enemy's offensive actions has decreased. this may indicate that
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the reserves were transferred, probably in the direction of kursk. also, the enemy, in our direction, if we talk about the tactics of his actions, e. uses small groups, two or three men each, they try to accumulate, in landings, there in dugouts, accumulate and then carry out assault actions directly on foot , on foot, without the use of armored vehicles, often even without the use of lightly armored vehicles such as tabagi motorcycles, often simply on foot, as they say, and what does this give them in the alternative, well, they piled up, for example, a group in the area of ​​two vaults, they succeeded, for example, they continued to attack on foot, so what is a contact battle or something? eh, that’s right, their main task is to accumulate, then they are already under the cover of drones, artillery there, trying to make
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a breakthrough, just making a dash, trying to run into our positions, but we managed to defeat them we detect them on distant approaches and destroy them. and this is a cynical question, and it is paid for, they now move, sometimes in pairs, that is, spending fpv drone on one occupant, do you neutralize them with such methods even on the approaches, or do you still wait to see where they huddle, well the expediency of spending one fidron per one occupier. justified, because, well, because this is a potential threat to the life of our serviceman, so yes, even on one occupier you can spend half a drone, in in principle, we have no problems with this, well, they are, of course, of course, there is
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always a need for them, but we do not have any acute shortage of them, so we can afford, we would like... our viewers, those who have the inspiration and ability to respond to your collection, i see that you also collect for reconnaissance, strike, unmanned aerial systems, we can now help our viewers to see this collection number, if we can get it on the screen, then i will be grateful to my colleagues , if you need to your collection, here is the qr code and... eh, so you lack these reconnaissance and strike systems, you have to collect them yourself? eh, there is no shortage of them, now it is a normal practice in the military that these means are purchased with the money of donors, with the money of caring ukrainians, because , as i said, they always have
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a need, eh, to imagine a modern war without drones, well, it is impossible, therefore, yes, they are always needed, because they are also always lost. just want to announce to our viewers, who do not, do not practice much through the qr code, 5375, 41/12, 1751, 3774, this just a card number for those who find the traditional method easier, for reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial systems for the 77th separate airmobile brigade, they just spoke with kherson, and there they noticed that... the enemy has, well, better fp-drones , or they began to fly further, that is, they really fly to greater distances now, or do you also notice this in your direction and how can this be explained? eh, in our direction, we
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notice that very often we give fpv drones reboms, this can be explained by the fact that repeaters are used on... drones like the mavic, which increase the range of the signal and they can fly further, i think, probably for this reason, that is, they just continue, as they say, to lead the fpdrone with a signal, that is, it could have flown without that, but it simply did not communications, of course, but look at this interesting information, i spoke with a deputy of the kherson city council, she and the defenders, who are always nearby, and the military, who protect the right bank, complained a lot about the fact that the means of radio-electronic warfare , which they receive down the line ministries of defense are not very effective or do not work at all. i just want to say
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that rep himself, his, he may not be effective, due to the fact that he may be jamming the wrong communication channel for us on... on which the drones in this direction are working, that's why we need there , for example, extinguish more communication channels, close a larger range, because of this they may be ineffective, well, this particular one... but the range may be ineffective, it should be increased, more means should be purchased, you see, actually, why i forwarded it it's for you, that's why that we saw in the analysis, and so they said in kharkiv that thanks to ukrainian rap, russians are already switching to wired communication in some cases. that was yesterday's statement, which is why we were interested in the fact that there are such different assessments of the quality of the work of the children. yes. yes, it’s simple, i’m saying, the whole point is how much
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and which range is extinguished, you, what do you expect in the near future, we understand that we do not reveal secrets, but do you expect that in your direction there may be something similar to some foul last hope and accordingly, some kind of aggravation, but what kind of... much further south along the front line we observe in the pokrovsky or kramatorsk direction, or vice versa, you can see that the intensity may decrease, but we do not see, we do not observe, any kind of accumulation of a large shock grouping, therefore, we can say that offensive actions will probably continue at the same pace as now, that is, at a low pace, however... we are preparing for any, any, outcome of events, well, we always
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don't, don't lose our vigilance, get ready, and always ready to repel the enemy, mr. vitaliy, thank you for your service, thank you for being with the viewers of espress, the head of the communication department of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, was with us, i hope that those who wanted and were able to support them by gathering, then you managed to use. we will take a short break, during that time you will be able to support our aerial bombers at these coordinates, and after a short break we will analyze the situation in general in the eastern and northern areas, although yesterday there was a big panic and about the events in zaporozhye, that is , the southern front, about all this... you will talk to dmytro snigeroi, stay with espresso. there are discounts until independence day on
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comfort, your pair, the quality and comfort of your life, order comfort sneakers at a sale price, only from uah 299, call, there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream until 30% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings the book of a woman at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house, a book based on... the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy. in the military ranks, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation, there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk, pam and oschad, there are discounts until independence day on edem, 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. good morning to those
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who are already down. thank you for being with us, please share what you can to invest in our defense forces, this qr code is our joint collection with the vesna foundation. in the meantime, we will analyze the general picture on all front lines, and we will be helped by a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative of the right right, dmytro snigerev. mr. dmitry, good morning, glory to ukraine. words to the heroes. mr. dmytro, two days ago everyone was quite critical. publications are as they were in from the military experts of the new york times, already yesterday the policy was written about the same thing, but it refers to the words of our military, that is, about the asymmetry, that while the armed forces of ukraine are having success in the kursk region, the russians are gradually occupying donetsk region, they mean
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primarily the pokrovsky direction, or is it just not here... is this effect, which everyone hoped that the events in kurshchyna would force the enemy to reduce the intensity of the eastern donetsk front, something did not work, or is it the other way around precisely because of the events in kurshchyna, so actively the enemy climbed right on this direction, pokrovsky? mr. roman, let's start with the fact that we were all happy that the kurdish operation is going smoothly. informational silence, but, let's analyze the reports, well, what military experts were called about the possible plans of the ukrainian command, all of them first began to talk about the fact that the operation in the kursk region was planned and aimed to withdraw the operational reserves
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of the russian occupiers from the donetsk direction, in particular pokrovsky . you know, you don't need to have an operative one. the nature of russian intelligence, it is enough to read ukrainian publications to understand the intention of the ukrainian command, accordingly, not to transfer operational reserves from the pokrovsky direction to the kurdish one, there is some truth in this, by the way, and as for the situation in the pokrovsky direction in general, it is worth saying that the distance to pokrovska is 10 km, it is shrinking, the main task of the occupiers... not even to take control of the locations of the armed forces of ukraine, access to the administrative areas of the donetsk region, attempts to cut off the defense forces of ukraine from the main accumulation bases in dnipropetrovsk region, plus pokrovsk is a large industrial city, accordingly, there are the main deposits of coking coal, uh, which are still on
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the ukrainian side, which is approximately 7 million tons of coking... coal, respectively, if we lose pokrovsk , then we can talk about the fact that ukrainian metallurgy will be quite dependent on the import of this raw material, no one talks about this, and this is the main task of the russian occupiers, the blow is not so much a military one as an economic one, to deprive ukraine of the opportunity, accordingly, to use natural minerals, it is worth talking about, so i thank the tv channel. press, that i have the opportunity to convey information regarding the transfer of operative under operational reserves from the donetsk direction to kursk, again, despite the statements of servicemen, let's call it that, let's take the ukrainian armed forces, who yesterday were experts on the coronavirus and, accordingly, other
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social phenomenon, the russians were forced to predislocate. operational reserves are not from the kharkiv direction, but from the donetsk direction. in particular, they are talking about the relocation of the 810th brigade of the marine corps, plus, respectively, the brigade of five, which was part of the first army corps, the so-called dpr, this is from the krasnohorivka district. well, accordingly, the first assault squad of the former pmk wagner under the command of ratibor, a field commander and sub. the special forces units of the akhmat regiment are not kadyrov units, they should not be confused, they are actually the backbone of 80% , uh, representatives of slavyansk. slavic nationalities, these are the most combat-ready units. another question that, accordingly, the russians are currently trying to localize the operational breakthrough of the defense forces
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of ukraine, i emphasize once again, already operational, because we are talking about advancing deep into russian territory at a distance of 30-35 km, exclusively due to the transfer of units from the territory of the russian federation itself, well, if our baltic friends. inform that there is a redeployment of units from the kaliningrad region to the kurdish direction, accordingly , the russians are calculating the possible consequences regarding the withdrawal of operational reserves from the donetsk direction, well, in the donetsk direction, to sum up, they will try to pressurize and intensify hostilities in the future, because the task is to enter the administrative borders, and this is not only in the pokrovsky direction. why the main effort in the pokrovsky direction? in addition to the factors listed by me, accordingly , the landscape of the area gives the occupiers the opportunity to advance, unfortunately, this is a flat area, it is quite difficult for the defense forces
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of ukraine to gain a foothold, taking into account the total superiority of the enemy in the air, and accordingly, the massive use of fabs, up to 700 fabs falls on the head of our defenders in a week, plus total advantage in means of defeat, well, not total, but quite serious. and, accordingly , the intensity of fire 3:1, these are the components of russian success at the tactical level. 10 km is a serious distance, taking into account the fact that during the summer period, during the three months of the russian offensive, the russians managed to advance a maximum of 8-10 km deep into the ukrainian territories, so to talk about a critical situation is premature, let's call it that. things by their names, there is promotion, and not only on pokrovsky, but also, accordingly, in the district new york, in the turetsky area, a rather difficult, difficult situation, there are tactical successes. in addition,
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the occupiers are trying to apply pressure in the krasnohorivka region, up to 80% of the settlement is already under the control of the occupier, so the redeployment of units from these directions is not accidental. by the way, rotebur's assault division was transferred from the time of the yarsky direction, which was also considered, well , almost the main one, but this indicates that the main efforts of the occupiers will still be, let's say, in the pokrovsky direction, except, once again, one rather demonstrative point, except for the location of the armed forces of ukraine, respectively, this makes it possible to implement. maneuver of the occupiers, this is the use of this route 05-04 and an exit to the flank of the ukrainian group in the kostiantynka area, this is actually
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the creation of an operational encirclement, a threat to the operational encirclement of ukrainian troops in the area of ​​yar times, that is why such attention is paid to the pokrovsky direction, and in fact, so that we can see that these three lines, these are the directions of the blows of pokrovsky's time. and the kurakhivskyi direction, the most progress was made in them during this time precisely in the pokrovsky direction, and in this case, well, i want to understand before that, before that autumn, when there is not much of an opportunity to work both on the ground and even sometimes in the air, that is, rainy, let’s say , autumn time , is there an opportunity for the armed forces of ukraine at... could not keep it more or less within this line of contact, i.e. prevent them from going on these operational tasks, in particular, cutting off logistics in
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pokrovsk-konstiantynka. mr. roman, you rightly noted those two directions: chasivyarskyi, kurakhivskyi, why don't i i accidentally mentioned them, there is a dense urban development, they have been storming krasnohorivka for eight months, unsuccessfully, eight, more than haveivka even, accordingly, if... we approach the urban development in the pokrovsky direction, god forbid, but let's be realistic, the intensity of the russian advance will decrease accordingly, but autumn, autumn is a boomerang, accordingly, if the distance to the pokrovsk-konstantinivka highway is currently 5.5 km from the advanced positions of the russian occupation troops, then we can talk about the fact that autumn will hit the locations of the defense forces, respectively of ukraine, we will be forced... to use dirt roads and, accordingly, in the event, god forbid, that this route is taken under direct control, the logistics burden of the defense forces of ukraine
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doubles. these are quite dangerous options, so hope for autumn, well, in a certain way, it will slow down the russian offensive, but i emphasize once again, it will accordingly hit the logistics capabilities of the ukrainian defense forces. in other directions, where dense urban development, the same chasiv yar, six months of fighting, they will not be able to break through, after the time of yaru, constantine, slavinsk, kramatorsk, large industrial cities, therefore they perfectly understand that... accordingly , the storming of all cities is a numerical loss in manpower, equipment, and most importantly - it is a period of time, and they do not have much time before the end of the presidential race in the united states, that is why they will try to push in the direction of pokrov, to create a threat of an operational encirclement of the ukrainian group in the area of ​​kostyantynivka or asar, or the kursk offensive, in fact, and now we have...
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er, there are still signals that are certain, er , is from combat in the belgorod region, is this a new, newly created section of the northern front, well, we do not know the strategic plan, how much it will still have operational development, when it will go into another phase, or vice versa, whether other scenarios will be considered, to what extent is changing now, let's say so. in general, the strategy for the enemy is that they suddenly have this unexpected new part of the front, and in principle they are controlled by the armed forces of ukraine on the territory, this will seriously knock them off the track of their plans for summer-autumn 24, well already knocked out, you know, when they say, we don’t know the operational and strategic plans of the ukrainian command, well, why don’t we, let’s
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assume with you, mr. roman, that accordingly, if the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense announced two weeks before the start of the offensive about the fact that in the northern direction there is a redeployment of personnel and heavy armored vehicles of the occupiers, which indicates the possibility of forming an invasion contingent, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, respectively, the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine calculated the plans of the enemy, there were plans, this is, accordingly , the sumy direction. creation of a strike group with the aim of repeating the kharkiv scenario, that is, invading the territory of the sumy region, stretching the front line and distracting the operational reserves of the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, you and i can assume - assume that, having appropriate intelligence data, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine made a decision to launch a pre-emptive strike in
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order to prevent the possibility of operational deployment of the russian invasion contingent occupiers, and those, i emphasize once again, the operational, this is no longer tactical level successes, the operational level successes of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region became possible precisely because the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense received the necessary information, we were able to catch them off guard, therefore, when they say we don't know the plans, mr. roman, you'd have to be an absolute idiot not to claim that the plans of the general staff did not include the liquidation of the strike group, which would aim to enter the territory of ukraine. this is, you know, this is when a group of experts sits and receives dubs, and as one, like parrots, they begin to tell, receiving $ 50 a day for this. mr. dmytro, in
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10 seconds we have nine. hour, that is, we must thank you, because this is a national moment of remembrance, this is what we had time to ask dmytro snighorev, and now is a moment of remembrance for all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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