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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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mr. dmytro, in 10 seconds it will be 9:00 a.m., that is, we must thank you, because this is a national moment of remembrance, this is what we had time to ask dmytro snigerev, and now is a moment of remembrance for all those who died in the russian- the ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was... unleashed by russia.
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the armed forces of ukraine captured the largest number of russian soldiers, initially in a course operation, russia has already taken the initiative in the exchange, ukraine is interested in taking it for the first time. a line of seriously wounded and defenders of azovstal, what lengths will russia go to in order to return the kadyrivites? meanwhile, in donetsk region, the russian army is closing in on pokrovsk, the local authorities are asking residents to collect their belongings, and the western media meanwhile are describing the details of the undermining of the northern streams and placing responsibility on ukraine. how does this affect ukrainian-german relations? this is morning freedom, my name is bohdan lugunov. we begin. ukrainian forces
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suddenly established control over a settlement in the yakur region of russia. this is reported the ukrainian deep state monitoring project. it is located approximately 5 km from the border of ukraine, but analysts of the american institute for the study of war confirm that the armed forces of ukraine have advanced in the korenevoy region, in particular in the village of safonovka. it is 28 km from the state border. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army , general oleksandr syrskyi, the day before... reported to president zelenskyi that ukrainian forces had advanced in the kursk oblast over the previous day to a distance of 500 m to 1.5 km, and in general, says syrskyi, from the beginning operations in kurshchyna, ukrainian units occupied 1,150 km of russian territory and 82 settlements. in addition, syrsky announced the establishment of a military commandant's office in these territories, headed by ukrainian general eduard moskalyov. in russian the ministry
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of defense announced the restoration of control over the village of krupets in the bilovsky district, and the commander of the chechen unit akhmat, abti alaudinov , says about the clearing of martynivka to the northeast of sudja, however, russian pro-war publications write that it is unsecured the result of the chechen subdivision. ukrainian military personnel carrying out an operation in the kursk region of russia show how they bring food and water to local residents, in particular, a soldier... of the 14th separate regiment of the third battalion of nakhtigal posted a video on his youtube channel of how he communicates with his comrades with a resident of the kursk region . serhiy himself says that during such conversations, he is most surprised by the fact that people in kurshchyna communicate in ukrainian. good evening, good evening, we brought you some water, have a good one.
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continue to visit the city of sudja in the kursk region, which is currently controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. our colleague from public affairs, diana butsko, visited there the day before, also talked to local residents and asked if they would like to evacuate, how they feel, and also saw what the city looks like, broken equipment and the bodies of russian soldiers. diana butsko, hromadske correspondent joins us. diana, i congratulate you. good morning. you are one of the first among ukrainians... you can tell us and the audience how it is locally how does the population feel about such visits and do they make contact, what are they willing to tell you about? well, when we talked with the locals, i approached them and i told everyone, introduced myself that i am a ukrainian journalist, i think
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it is important to emphasize this so that they understand and have a certain right to choose, and they all talked with us, not all of them they wanted their faces to be shown, to... be recorded on camera, because they are afraid that if the russian authorities come back there, er, they can be with them, they can be persecuted, er, not less, that's how they communicated, talked, told about the situation, about how they feel, what they lack, what they think about it all, well, judging by your report, there are very few people left in the city, who stayed, why they did not leave, and the main question is, do they want to leave, where do they want to go to ukraine, as the deputy prime minister said, or to russia anyway? actually we don't know how many people remain in sudca, i think those who remain are hiding in basements for now, they are afraid in principle, well not only, maybe not so much military there, but first of all
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arrivals, maybe, possible, yes arrivals of artillery or cabs, with which russia will now cover them, so those who are left there, they are hiding over... in basements, in their houses and not so much walk the streets, but everything is fine, since there is no communication, from time to time people go out to understand what it is, somehow to find at least some information, they walk, they go to the store, the shops that are left open open, go in search of food, maybe some other things, which they take from stores, who stays, well, it seems to me that in our report... there is such a bright moment where this russian grandmother, she approaches, we approach her, and she shouts that the rich left, but we stayed, that's how they explain, that the russian authorities did not inform them in any way about what was happening, did not organize evacuation, so those who had
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cars left, those who had the opportunity to leave, had a place to leave, left, and those who could not drive and leave on their own left, they everyone talked about what... maybe they would like to leave because they are afraid, but when i asked them whether they would like to leave here, in the sense of the territory, the internationally recognized territory of ukraine, the majority said no, some said that they had no relatives, some because they were here war, why leave the war to go to war, and how do they perceive, by the way, it is interesting how they perceive the ukrainian military, because we have seen many videos on the network that have already been published, that they are quite friendly, many people speak ukrainian. at least they try to speak it as they perceive ukrainian the military, what do they talk about, and also, in my opinion, an important question off camera, what do the locals tell you? from what i saw of how they interact, in principle yes, many people come out, approach,
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ask, say, your boys, in the sense of our boys, in principle you can say it in a friendly way, but i don't know, i would do it. a discount for the fact that they still can, well , they understand what is happening, i don't know to what extent what they show, how they behave, we can perceive as some kind of sincere reaction, and not that they itself allowed in these circumstances, but in principle i did not see any aggression, and our military says that they expected it to be much worse, that there might be some internal resistance, but in principle there was none, at least physical resistance, yes. there were no protests or hammer cocktails in these villages that our soldiers visited, and the locals communicate like that, well, in principle, our soldiers bring water to the people they more or less know, know where they live in the sense, they bring water, food and i think this too forms a good attitude, and they didn't
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tell you in the event that the russian authorities return, are they not concerned about the security situation, because now they are giving comments to the ukrainian media, they are communicating... with the military, are they not afraid of the consequences of this maybe they told you about it in private conversations? yes, they said, they are afraid, i say, that's why some asked not to show their faces. in principle, they are so aware that all this can happen, there some of them do not like it to the russian authorities, but again, it is they who know that we ukrainians are saying this, and that is why they asked us not to publish, not to show their faces, they are so afraid that some kind of negative consequences will be possible, we only have a few minutes, but i want more have time to ask, did you see and videotape the bodies of the dead soldiers, do you think, maybe you... the ukrainian military told why the russian dead are not taken away,
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neither the russian side nor the ukrainian side are taken away, what will happen to these bodies in the future, what you about it do you know everything happened suddenly for the russians, they retreated, apparently they were running away, fighting back, that is, they were trying to save each of them, so i think that the bodies of those who died were not taken away, we were told a story that, for example, there was... probably an fsb employee at this border post, who shot himself when he realized that he was surrounded and would not get out, no one would come to him, but here, the russians, that is, the russians were running away and did not have, did not have time, our ukrainian military, i i think because now it's just not up to that, ukrainian the defense forces are moving very quickly, they are advancing deep and the russians are gradually raising their reserves, that is, the battles will become more difficult if our forces are left there... they decide to gain a foothold, so it is obvious that the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian authorities,
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the ukrainian military are not yet ready for this, but again anyway, if you look at the footage from the city of sudcha, there are no russian bodies right on the streets or anywhere else, we saw them only on the kpv, and then there were a few left, so there used to be more, there is no such picture that there are many lying around the city the body of the russian military, no, by the way, when you were in the court in... in the report , you said that it was relatively quiet there, from time to time you could hear the buzzing of drones, and shelling was also possible, what was your general impression of being in this place, that’s a different story country, unclear status, what are your impressions? if we talk about my inner emotions, i would say, i would describe it with the word strange, that is , when we worked in the liberated territories, when we went to kherson or izyum, there was a feeling that we were going from... ukrainian cities, here i had some very ambiguous impressions, very ambiguous
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emotions, i thought to myself, what is happening, where am i, why am i here, why are we here, i personally did not have such a feeling that this is how we drove into ukrainian territory, so it is completely controlled by the ukrainian military, but somehow mentally it is possible to feel that it is still russia, that it is not ukraine, not even... for example, in the east, in donetsk region, i have never had such a feeling. of course. diana botsko, correspondent of hromadska was in svoboda ranok, shared her impressions of her trip to suzha, in the kursk region of russia. thank you very much. residents of the kursk region, part of which is currently controlled by the armed forces of ukraine , will not be evacuated to ukraine, let alone forcibly. however, ukraine is the norm. international humanitarian law is obliged to give people the opportunity to leave the territories where the fighting is going on. this is how
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the minister of reintegration of ukraine iryna vereshchuk explained her announcement about the creation of a state hotline for evacuation from kurshchyna. according to her, to the hotline already people who have relatives in the territory of the kursk region called. veryshchuk also says that ukraine is ready to release people to the territory of russia, but the russian side has not yet contacted ukraine. with a request to open a humanitarian corridor for its own citizens, and special agents of the special operations center a. the security services of ukraine captured more than a hundred russian servicemen, including officers and representatives of the akhmat unit. this was announced by the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. military counterintelligence and investigators are currently working with them sbu, then ukraine will be able to negotiate with russia regarding their exchange - said malyuk. according to the project. chuzhit is the largest number of russian soldiers who were captured at one time. the financial
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times, citing a source in ukrainian military intelligence, reports that ukraine has already begun negotiations with russia regarding the exchange of prisoners. a day earlier , human rights commissioner dmytro lubinets reported that against the background of the events in the kursk region, there was a conversation with the russian side regarding the exchange, which was initiated from there. and the head of ukrainian military intelligence. kyrylo budanov named the principles by which ukraine will return its citizens from captivity. according to him, the priority is, first of all, seriously injured and seriously ill people, women, those who have been in captivity for a long time. at the time, the defenders were also included in this list and civilians, as well as crimean tatars. the british publication independent, citing an unnamed ukrainian colonel, writes that the number of captured russian soldiers in kursk oblast may reach 200 people, however, none of the sides officially names the number of prisoners. well, we are joined by
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dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, mr. dmytro. greetings, good morning, studio, good morning, ukraine. from your words, it seems that this time russia initiated the negotiations against the background of the events in the kursk region, who do they want to return first, why are they in a hurry, or is it the kadyriv people that the media and experts are talking about that is such a priority for them? look, i publicly stated that that for the first time we had an initiative with the russian side regarding... conducting consultations, negotiations in various directions, i will say this, i will definitely not reveal the details, i publicly stated and today i will confirm that in my opinion the situation that has been created primarily through the efforts of the armed forces of ukraine, including in the territory of the kursk region, improves the situation with the return of
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our citizens from the territory. of the russian federation, as well as with the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine. i would very much like to finally be with the russian side agreed on the principles of conducting exchange processes and returning civilians using this situation, namely, this is what we publicly stated yesterday at the briefing, that based on the geneva convention , there are two priority categories of citizens of ukraine that we need. first of all, these are seriously wounded, prisoners of war, and seriously ill citizens of ukraine. the next category is women. unfortunately, we have a large number of ukrainian heroines who remain in russian captivity, and the third category is all the rest, apparently, we have communication problems,
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folks. will return dmytro lubinets to svoboda ranok, i will remind you that today we are talking about prisoners, in fact, mr. dmytro, please continue, thank you, yes, and the third category is all the remaining citizens of ukraine who remain in russian captivity, but we have to use the principle of justice, which means whoever gets captured first gets out first, we have a list of prisoners of war, civilian hostages who... russians captured before the start full-scale aggression, that is, since 2014. we have defenders of mariupol who have been in russian captivity for more than two years, including, unfortunately, among them are those who, even after verification of confirmation by the international
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committee of the red cross, were wounded in captivity, this is total nonsense from... according to international humanitarian law, the geneva convention, the detaining country guarantees safety and respect for the protection of the rights of prisoners of war, civilians do not have the right to take prisoners at all, but the russians do not pay attention to these international legal acts, that is why we have a situation where there are wounded in captivity and even those who have died, including as a result of torture, so all these things that were yesterday... discussed in detail at the rate directly chaired by the president of ukraine , new approaches were discussed and adopted, first of all , a council of the coordination headquarters was created, the heads of the relevant law enforcement and intelligence structures of ukraine entered it, i also entered there, and this
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council received the authority to carry out changes regarding. mr. dmytro, maybe the russian side has already provided lists of people they want to return, maybe the negotiations have already reached something, with all due respect, i will not publicly reveal the details of what the communication is about, precisely because the russian side did not use my words to to suspend it again, or to block the return of our citizens altogether, i understand that society wants... more transparency, we also discussed it yesterday at the pond, a decision was made, for example, the creation of a public council at the coordination headquarters, so that from among the families'. of missing prisoners of war, the heads of public organizations were included in this process so that we could show them the details of what was happening in our country, in this way
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society could additionally receive information, but definitely not publicly, without details, precisely because we need to return everyone and each one home from russian captivity, but not just to show the process for the sake of the process, but does... the operation in the kursk region give any opportunity or perspective to conduct an exchange in all-for-all formats, perhaps this is what it is all about language, too, maybe you can talk about that? i can say that the ukrainian side constantly takes the initiative of conducting large exchanges, including several times through intermediaries we took the initiative of conducting exchanges of all for all, do i believe that in the near future... can an exchange of all for all take place? no, i don’t believe it, or do i believe that the ukrainian side is doing everything to ensure that major exchanges take place and
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take place, so i don’t just believe it, but a large team of the coordination headquarters, i personally, and we do it in daily mode. also, by the way, the question was raised yesterday that we need to communicate more actively with the families of missing prisoners of war. by the way, yesterday i was in zhytomyr, 600 families of prisoners of war came to meet with me, we talked for almost three hours, i answered many questions, there were representatives of the coordination headquarters , including one of the decisions of yesterday's stake meeting, this opening in to each regional center, representatives of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, i would like to, i know, we have very little time to talk with you, i would like to have time to ask another extremely important question regarding the evacuation of the local population from the kursk region, iryna vershchuk, at first she
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announced the humanitarian border to sumy, then explained that no one forcibly residents of kurshchyna will not be taken away from the territory of ukraine, why are opinions about this process changing and whether ukraine is generally able to provide security for these people who may want to evacuate to ukraine, because it seems that not everyone is ready to accept them here, how should this happen? this should be done on the basis of international humanitarian law and the united nations charter. we, unlike the russian federation, clearly understand our international obligations, as we should, even in the conditions of carrying out this operation, which ukraine has the right to do on the basis of article 51 of the un charter, despite this, in a voluntary manner. order, the armed forces of ukraine already provide humanitarian goods to the civilian population in the territory of the kurt region. we offered each and every one
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residents of the kurt region, if you wish to evacuate from this territory, ukraine will open humanitarian corridors to the controlled territory. by the russian federation or to the territory of independent ukraine, it should be the personal choice of any citizen who is currently there from among the civilians, we are definitely not going to violate their rights, we are monitoring the situation, i will say frankly that my employees work in the territory of the sumy region , we have the opportunity to get all the information from the territory of the kursk region, i... i can state that, in my opinion, as of now, ukraine fully complies with international humanitarian law. and if they do show a desire to come to
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ukraine, where will they be settled? perhaps the infrastructure for this is already ready, or is it being discussed for its creation? we had an infrastructure created in advance, we had a border crossing point with the territory of the russian federation right on the territory of the sumy region, so... there were places that worked and are currently functioning to receive citizens, to communicate, to provide for their needs. i do not think that there will actually be a large number of people willing, from among the citizens of the russian federation, but nevertheless, in the event that, as i said, their goodwill is revealed, that they will want to come to the territory of ukraine. ukraine will provide them with normal conditions, by the way, you probably noticed that a lot of local residents in the territory of the kursk region communicate
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in ukrainian, as do we. by the way, we talked about this very fact with the correspondent, which was on the territory of the kursk region. mr. dmytro, it is also important that the ukrainian side will provide the infrastructure, provide the conditions, and will it provide security for the russian citizens who will come here, where will they be placed, it will be, it will be some kind of integration into ukrainian towns and villages, or is it still there will still be special camps, places of compact living, like this, how will the safety of these russian citizens be ensured? i will say this, well, for sure ukraine will not create any special camps for civilians population, it is only the russians in the modern world who could create filtration camps, in fact concentration camps for ukrainian citizens, ukraine will definitely not do anything like that, i mean, we do not expect that there will be a large number of people who want to come to us, if at all there will be, but i am definitely not
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worried about... what will be dangerous for the civilian population from the territory of the kursk region. i will say, in fact, there is a lot that we have, not just similar, but the same, this is the ukrainian language, and traditions, and such an impression that in fact the ethnic group that lives on the territory of the kursk region, these are the same ukrainians who, unfortunately, due to the decision of the soviet authorities, were simply... divided, i draw your attention, we have a map from 1918-1917 , this is when the first ukrainian people's republic was created, and on this map, the entire territory of the kursk region, these are ukrainian lands, ukrainians lived there, so, by the way, historians often talk about this, in our comments, but under the broadcast and in social networks, very often
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the opposite opinion is held regarding... accommodation of russian citizens to ukraine, at least we heard the side of ukraine, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for what i wanted, i wanted one more literal remark, i understand that our society can interpret ukraine's efforts to fulfill its international obligations in different ways, but we and we differ from the russians, that we are a civilized nation, that we are a democratic nation, and for all critics of such... actions of the ukrainian authorities, i want to remind you that all international partners continue to help ukraine precisely because they see the difference, as soon as we show that we can behave uncivilized in such a way the same way as the russians, then we should simply forget about international support, about joining the european union, nato, about our cooperation with international partners, please, when you make critical statements. do not
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forget that thanks to international support, we continue not only to fight against the russian invaders for more than 10 years, but we are already doing it on the territory of the russian federation. thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, was on the air of svoboda ranok. thank you very much. russian meanwhile, the troops approached the pokrovsk-donetsk region almost at close range. army. the russian federation is more than 10 km from the outskirts of the city. serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration, announced this in his own address. he urged local residents to leave the city and evacuate. we see that for all the shelling that was on our community in the city, the enemy cynically hits either critical infrastructure, or private buildings, or residential buildings. people die. therefore
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, please do not delay. evacuate, especially families with children, especially the elderly, sign up for evacuation using the evacuation numbers, also if you have families or have a place to leave, please do not delay, leave early, plan ahead, pack your things. the myrnograd community is being urged to evacuate. myrnograd itself, even closer to the front line, northeast of pokrov from pokrovsk. give forced evacuation was announced here since the beginning of august, but as of august 10, there were still about 4,000 children in the community. residents with children are evacuated, regional rescuers and police officers from the white angel group and other units. they go around populated areas and persuade families to leave. here the police showed how they evacuate a family with two children from bernograd. will you evoke or not? will you be now? yes,
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yes, now, yes. collected all, well, yes, try it.


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