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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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yaana budzherin, nuclear security expert and researcher at harvard university, doctor of political science, we will take a short break and continue our studio live, i am a lucky person today, in a few minutes the executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda will visit me. you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but from an old mattress. the whole body hurts all the time, you can't find a comfortable position on the couch, you need to improve your sleeping place. meet casper ortolight mattress stopper from matrac tv experts. instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 uah, also with the possibility of free delivery. old sofas, uneven mattresses, springs sticking out. all this is in the past. stoper ortolight mattress - your deep healthy sleep for only 990. 109 uah. call right now and
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11:34 am
rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, to what end get ready leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch legal expertise every tuesday at 7:55 on the espresso tv channel. as we agreed, you support our divisions, you donate, and we present you with nice guests. yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, came to our studio. mr. yevgeny, congratulations. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. let's start with, well, the top event. one way or another, even in the west, where
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many media simply removed the russian-ukrainian war from the first, second, and third lines, even there it returned in the form of a kurdish offensive, and here we are... i was interested in one point, you probably also paid attention to it, because it seems to be on the verge of some certain conventions, laws, if it were not ridiculous, the laws of waging war and other humanitarian obligations, our vice-prime minister veryshchuk proposed a humanitarian corridor along which holders of russian passports from kurshchyna should go to ukraine, it seems to me that there is no ... mandatory moment, for ukraine to provide a humanitarian corridor for citizens who until today say that we supported the svo, comrade putin, help, and we have to bring them here, is this an obligation of ukraine, or
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the idea of ​​vice-prime minister veryshchuk? i can't say, probably, i understand that ideally this is compliance with international humanitarian norms. and the corresponding movements, but to be honest, i am also not sure that we should transfer residents of the russian federation to the territory of ukraine in this way, what next? well, that is, when the russians created a humanitarian corridor, the so -called... this is a separate song and a separate separate suffering of the people who were there, and i think that this is exactly what should be reminded today, as the russians did it, then with various wanderings, the citizens
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of ukraine, who aspired to it, who had the opportunity to do so, they returned to ukraine through third countries, however, through russian territory, we are in such a way that we will give... a ticket to life to those russians who want to enter the territory of the european union , by the way, they are not very willing to let you in there, we can, we can take everyone to transcarpathia, because hungary has created opportunities for citizens of russia and belarus there, the so-called funds for all this, you yourself understand, that is , now i am more interested in the idea itself, that is, when the government proposed such an initiative, well, military prosecutor's office, and then military-civilian administrations? on the territory controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, this is according to the convention, but to open a humanitarian corridor, i simply do not understand how ms. vereshchuk will propose, will say so, those who are under the guise of refugees represent the svr, the foreign intelligence service, please to the right, and those of the fsb,
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please, to the left, because the local deputies are already saying, listen, and where is the guarantee that saboteurs will not be thrown here under the guise of russian passport holders, well, the logic is, of course, there is such a threat, and i would say that the russian special services have similar capabilities, as well as russian propaganda, for example, russian propaganda already compares this proposal with the actions of the nazis during the second world war, which were exported there population from the occupied territories, well we should not pay attention to russian propaganda, we should pay attention to what... this is being done . no, well, i knew that it existed, that there was a relevant ministry, i didn't see his work, why, you don't remember
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the work on the formation of checkpoints, hubs on kalanchak and changaria, just a little, it was before the large-scale invasion, i after a large-scale invasion i... can't get an official figure anywhere on how many citizens of ukraine ended up abroad and approximately where they live is clear, that is, here or at least it is clear that there are no obligations of ukraine to create humanitarian corridors for citizens of the aggressor country, now there is another country with a very cunning hybrid status, i have meaning that they are not direct participants in the aggression, but... the participants in the aggression are the so-called belarus self-proclaimed president, and i do not agree that belarus is so-called, because belarus exists, and the president is self-proclaimed, no, belarus is the so-called president lukashenko yes, yes, lukashenko yesterday started a war, this bloody ten-year one, and the one that he himself
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knows well, because he knows what was fired, flown from the territory of belarus, that passed through the belarusian borders, chernobyl districts to kyiv, he knows it all well , and when... he says, it's time to stop fighting, that is, you call it all a fight and then offer some lukashenko cartoon style peace formula, guys, let's... but negotiations, that is, his proposals that let's stop it , these are actually
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veiled proposals of vladimir putin about that let's stop hostilities, because anyone who has seen the expression on putin's face during the last week, he understands that he does not like what is happening for some reason, well, somehow there is such indignation in them, i... it is possible to invade the territory of russia, that is , well, you know, as in this joke, and what are we for, ugh, and this time, the second time, well, lukashenko once again proved that his fantasy is something, you know, like a flower bud, it is itself it reveals itself when a person who has about 5-6 combat-ready... military personnel thousands according to experts' estimates, they say that they
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will take 20 brigades and battalion tactical groups to cover the border, this is a separate point, and when he says that he will not use nuclear weapons, the problem is that in fact there is no objective evidence yet confirmation of the existence of a russian self. weapons on the territory of belarus, i.e. there are warehouses there, lukashenko and putin have already reached an agreement that a reinforced russian unit will be transferred to the territory of belarus, well, somewhere in the size of a brigade of 4-5 thousand to protect the warehouses nuclear weapons, there are even iskanders, as carriers of nuclear weapons, and there are even... su bombers, which, ideally, should drop nuclear bombs, but they are
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somewhat slow-moving, and therefore their pilots immediately become kamikaze pilots in such , in that case, but lukashenko and nuclear weapons are, you know, like the fantasies of an adult uncle who is already under 70 years old, august 30 is lukashenko's birthday, and he saw it for the first time. into a radio-controlled car, and he tries to drag it everywhere with him in much the same way that he does it alternately with with his youngest son mykola and his favorite white pomeranian spitz , which lacks a red stripe at all , is mediocre in order to demonstrate the opposition of individual belarusian citizens, you are right. that it is actually bravado, well
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, even the border guards mocked her at the so-called belarusian military threat, trolled them all the time with various bigboards right on the line of the belarusian-ukrainian border, so this bravado is absolutely false, the statements are just as false, and in principle, this is how it turns out the feeling that lukashenko and putin are competing precisely in the lying, that is, in your statements, and here it is important how... under certain angles of the nuclear threat, other threats, or the spread of the conflict further beyond the russian-ukrainian border, how much all this bravado still works for the political class of the countries of europe and america. there is an interesting point here, you know, well, first of all, lukashenko is competing not with putin, but with apti alaudinov, i think, yes, this funny political trick from kadyrov, who... the head of the military-political or main political administration, something like that, which
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says that everything is fine in the kursk region, and no chechen soldiers were captured, but look, lukashenka has an argument, this, this argument is called the krieger case, when a german citizen was not just detained on the territory of belarus, but sentenced to death. .. punishment for a crime which, judging by everything, was not there, that is , there was not even a hint of a crime at all, that is, he was instructed to blow it up there. railway track, which , judging by everything, he did not do, but he was incriminated and sentenced to death, now he has already been exchanged, and by the way, the germans are following the spirit and letter of the law against him in this sense, they have already opened a criminal case in germany and are investigating how he
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committed the crime there, that is, we will eventually find out the truth, whether he did it or not, well , there germany, as far as i... understand, will connect its intelligence agencies in order to look at all this, but now i'm talking about something else, i'm talking about what uh, well, well, there is a reflex, that is, lukashenko saw , which was violated, that is , they sentenced krieger to the death penalty in the case the release of krasikov, the berlin killer, who shot a person just in berlin in a park, she left much faster, well... in his understanding, well, in the understanding of german society, they saw it, that is, lukashenko plays obsessive very well, and not an urban, obsessive on the russian balcony, on na on the russian belarusian, that is, in russia it is called the belarusian balcony, because this projection into western europe from central
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europe is very beneficial for russia, but on the other hand, putin... well, i am sure of this, it is necessary independent belarus, formally independent, why? because this formal independence does little to reduce governability, but forces the civilized world to comply with the norms of international law. we actually have to look carefully at the situation around lukashenka for one simple reason: i am sure that if russia... finds a way to eliminate him in the literal sense, and lukashenka has already been physically ill twice in may of last year and in july of this year, and this can be some chronic diseases, i am not a doctor here, i cannot say whether the consequences are bearish in the kremlin,
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but if lukashenko will not die a political death, but a physical one, i do not like such assumptions. but he deserved it, then he will not be replaced by a democratic politician, tekhanovskaya will not come from vilnius, she will not be able to enter belarus before the change of power, there will be some, but there will be an even more pro-russian politician, i am asked in such cases, what can be more pro-russian, i say simply, and any representative of the kgb or the military class, who are actually now more ready to swear an oath to the team. so there is also wolfovych, there is also moravejko, there are different ones, that is those who can stand at the helm and give the order to the belarusians to go to ukraine, to attack literally did not take much time, but it was very resonant and it still has waves that go after this resonance, i don’t understand why, but the wall street journal repeated one
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a story that has already been denied, like the one about north stream 1 2 that is , this publication went so far as to say that those who are involved in it, and it turns out that an influential american publication somehow presents this story in such a way that it resembles some of our ukrainian internal political discussions , because there allegedly with zelenskyi listened to the cia officers, said that it's fine, we won't blow it up, but zaluznyi was then the chief, he was going to blow it up, he didn't listen, somehow it sounds very, very ukrainian. the script from this film: poland has officially rechristened itself, because it mentions the territory of poland, that they are not involved in this. the white house is categorical today, it was kirby who said, we will not comment on the publication of the wall street journal, the publication is scandalous, which portrays us as some kind of international terrorists, although we
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have already said it a long time ago, and we spoke with and with this scenario, that... a year ago, in my opinion, yes, when kyiv denied any involvement at all. what is this game for? in such cases, it is always necessary to look at who benefits. i believe that it was absolutely no accident that it appeared during the kurdish offensive of the defense forces of ukraine. ugh. in order to discredit him. and why the wall street journal? and let's remember which publication's journalist was detained in yekaterinburg and recently exchanged. i assume it is quite realistic that the element of even hershkovich's return was, well, agreements with the russian special services about the fact that the wall street journal... will be quite instrumental in promoting such materials, this is, i'm sorry, classic realpolitik, i
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certainly wouldn't want to be accused of leveling the influence of the western media, i think its it is difficult to level because of its competitive nature, but when more than once and more than twice authoritative western media promoted the theses of the russian language. gandas, it is not by chance, and they, in my opinion, these theses, which are widespread, also testify to the interesting fact that the popularity of valery zaluzhnyi remains high, and russia is interested in driving a wedge between zaluzhny and zelenskyi and leveling zelenskyi's influence is a long mountain, they played it and highlighted it in those days when zaluzhny was still there. it is no accident, that is, we must understand that for russia it does not matter who is the president, who is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, they see
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ukraine, ukraine only in a subjugated form, only as one that has capitulated, that's all, there is no other approach. absolutely in the same form, another international terrorist and criminal has, he gives weapons, millions of projectiles and missiles are flying at us with a report, then i am about kim chang-in. on north korea, that is, he says today that he is raising a toast there, russia will win, the steadfast russian people, as he literally said, under the leadership of putin will resolutely defend sovereign rights in this holy war, well, that is, this psychosis of dictators is simply increasing, i mean mind you, this is already a complete alliance line, that is, we have to say putin, ayatollah, kimchen and... i think that they have different interests after all, because kimchenin depends a lot on china, and in this way he is
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obviously trying to get additional a portion of grain or rice, no, he is taking goats now, there russia handed over almost half a thousand goats as part of humanitarian aid, it was literally the day before yesterday, they were taken from the kadyrivs and handed over. i don’t know, but it’s really such and such a level of cooperation, i.e. there are millions of shells, rockets, there and such and such things, well, this indicates many things, it reminds me of the million shells promised by the european union, of which 300,000 came out in the best case , and this is, well, this is a problem, this is a problem and a challenge to the world order. that are democratic countries were unprepared for the escalation that putin embarked on, and they currently look at him with this
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fear, the speed of integration of this axis of evil and these dictators is very high, that is, it will become in half a minute literally for the world it will become a global threat and the world will be forced to unite literally with one sentence. i would like it to happen, but i have my doubts. about the fact that it will be, well, in any case , before the presidential elections in the states, you need a leader who can do it, and again that the very rubicon, which we have already talked about more than once today, we would like to thank yevhen magoda, the executive director of the institute of world politics for this interesting story, this is what we managed, friends, for this morning, we managed a lot, thank you for donating and see you soon tomorrow. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need
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