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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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such a thesis, did they really prove there that russian weapons are beautiful, well, the general population will believe in anything, if two weeks, i was simply told by people who deal with this seriously, that two weeks of intensive processing of some group of people, it begins to believe what they are told, that's all, well, if by excluding billions for propaganda, putin can't do it in these two or three weeks, maybe, so to speak, well, at least, well, in such a half-dead, in a semi-living form, and try to negotiate something with someone, well, or to lose, because if, excuse me, from the point of view of military logic, if we receive , god forbid, and these technical issues will be resolved for missiles of 320 km, then we have nothing to do in kurshchyna, we have nothing to do there, that is... the
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things that our soldiers are trying to do there now can be done by completely different means and everything, and then, this security belt or sanitary zone that he dreamed of, it will be like this 320 km from the ukrainian border, this is what russia owns kneel down. mr. volodymyr, you are talking about the fact that it is not yet catastrophizing the collapse of putin's regime, and what elements are missing for this collapse to come. in my opinion, before the kurdish operation, we need to think about the crimean operation, and then it will really be the pincers that will actually end up on the neck of the putin regime, if our group remains in kurdistan or develops further, we still get additional opportunities to strike deep into the territory of russia with others. on which side, the southern flank, well
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then, even if the enemy reaches there and takes another 10-20 km in donetsk region, this will be a disaster. this is how we started talking about these red lines, about the fact that these red lines no longer exist, but as of today, ben hodges recently said in an interview that this... the offensive in the kursk region showed that the notorious lines of the russian dictator putin do not exist, let's hear what the general said. i believe that ukrainians need freedom of action. my criticism of the biden administration was that it pursued bad policies that hindered ukraine's ability to defend itself. so i'm glad that now kyiv was not pulled. this also applies to risks of escalation. you know, the idea that putin will allegedly apply. nuclear weapons. the worst thing he
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has done so far is shelling another ukrainian supermarket, so we held back for too long. oh, it was very rightly said by ben hodges, this opinion was also articulated, but still, if there are no red lines left on the side of the russian federation, and on the side of the west they remain these red lines of our western partners, then in what way ... these we can overcome the red lines of our western partners, which others our western partners do not have enough arguments to tear down these red lines and say: listen, we need to finish with putin, and it is clear that, in principle, this is an achievable goal, and not just, let's say, an opportunity or an attempt by such and such goals i watched this interview in its entirety, well, benhodges is really a great friend of ukraine and... a person who
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looks soberly at the situation, you see, an american general who criticizes the american administration for its, indecisiveness, for being afraid of its own shadow and so on , but you know, on the other hand, well, we can’t even imagine the details of all the technicalities, how difficult it is to do those things so that they are effective, well, here ’s another american... such an ex-military man said that it was so that ukraine could completely dominate russia in the air 400 f16s are needed, but realistically today, we can service several dozen of these aircraft, the question is whether we need 400 e aircraft today, which simply, as he correctly says, will simply become a target for a russian attack and then they will be destroyed, that is, this everything is very complicated. technology, it's a lot
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of mathematics, of course, and to calculate it, it's really not an easy thing, to understand where, what and how it is possible, therefore, criticizing the administration, of course, we want it... faster, but maybe there are certain points that well , objectively they suggest that we should hurry slowly, how long it will take, that is the question, but for some reason it seems to me that if the politicians in the united states of america will remain, well, in this current paradigm, even despite the results of the elections in november , anyway... this flywheel has already left, and it is already going gradually, gaining speed, and we will get to the point where we will get permission for these long-range missiles, well, not long-range, but at least 300-500 km, and then it will be the same game changer as it is now it is fashionable
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to say, in a war, when these factors, which add up to a pile, will make victory almost illusory for putin, and he... understands that the further he goes in this aggression, the worse it will be for himself. and what could be the end of this war for putin? well, the best is gaga, the worst is that that his own environment will remove. and it could happen over there in the next couple of years, and we're not going to, no, i think it's about if, if, if, if we have everything that we need, it's not years, it's months. that is, there will not be these long years, as some of our political experts predict, they say that we are entering these decades of war there or several decades of war, well, there are also experts who need to ask some such , you know, ideas so that they will listen, but what is there
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in 10 years, i think that in russia, if to analyze its internal economic situation, there are simply no 10 years physically. you and i have already said that, uh, the demographic crisis in russia is now so deep, and if we take only this one moment, that there is no one left to go to enterprises, that so far putin is throwing away the billions that he is still earning from oil, into this furnace of the military industry, but how do people who understand this more deeply than you and i, mr. sergiu, explain that this is s... burning one's own money that does not give anything, these tanks, which you showed how you destroyed ours heroes, these are actually the same, the billions that went into iron, which was destroyed, it did not give any, any additional effect for
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the economy, it eats up opportunities and does not give anything in return, so this is the way to nowhere, this is the way to that the russian economy will very quickly pass the limit from which... it will not rise anymore, look, the rate is 18%, it is more than ours, and what does 18% mean, it means that the economy cannot function, because if i businessman and i take a loan at 18%, then i will never give it back, especially in times of war, so where is this economy going, it is going down the drain, the economy is failing, what a war, what, shovels, well, it won't work, well... another aspect that struck me in these 10 days, while the hostilities are unfolding in the kursk region in the kursk region, is such silence in the post-soviet spaces, information silence, because on the one hand there is the csto, that is
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, the organization of the collective security agreement, well, formally legally, they exist, that is, there are some agreements within the framework of the cis, and there is on... like some space that is managed or not is ruled by putin, it is clear that the leader of the csto is also russia federation, but we don't see any kind of reaction, well, that is, russia, part of russia is under fire and our troops are entering this territory, that is, they all disappeared somewhere, except for lukashenka, of course, they all disappeared, they don't say anything, why? well, you see, mr. serhiy, and because, excuse me, for a diplomatic comparison. licked their tails and do not understand what will happen tomorrow, and in such a situation it is much more profitable to just fill your mouth with water and be silent like fish in an aquarium, because it is not known what will happen tomorrow and how it will turn out, but understanding this in moscow already
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found, you know, as always a fantastic way to justify this silence, they say that since russia is the main element... of the csto, then in principle we do not need the help of our partners in this bloc, we say that we ourselves we will manage with all this, but the csto is very good. and if you remember how it was in kazakhstan, when there were anti-government demonstrations of the csto, it immediately became clear that the truth was that for some reason the kazakhs wanted this csto to disappear from the territory, to get out of there, so, well, you see, these are all fictions in which they live moscow, what a thing makes things up, invents, thinks that this is something that doesn't really exist, you're right, only lukashenko, well, but he... excuse me for such a short, on such a short chain that he simply has nowhere to go, and that , that he
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is from moscow, this putler calls and says that he is barking at the word sorry, he must be barking here, because otherwise he barked, as you say, like him, that he told russian propagandists, because he gave gave a big interview, now we will look at the part where he calls to sit down at the table negotiations to end the war in ukraine, and at the same time threatened the west with a blow. in response to a military threat of nuclear weapons, let's listen to what the self-proclaimed president of belarus said, we will respond immediately and adequately, if they want it not to happen, let's sit down at the negotiating table and end this fight, it is neither for the ukrainian people nor for the russians, nor the belarusians do not need it, they need it, i cannot cite those facts, they are completely closed, where they speak openly: high-ranking people, literally,
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let them beat each other, ukrainians, russians, let them all die in this cauldron, what he said about nuclear weapons, i also listened to this part, he said that we are a union state, and if suddenly someone encroaches on the territory of belarus and the border will cross, we... we, he said, we will use nuclear weapons, and until we use these nuclear weapons, here we are, in relation to the nuclear weapons of the russian federation, it looks very strange, this is, first of all, - secondly, it is not a fact that these nuclear weapons are on the territory of the republic of belarus, well, they probably are there are such, because after all, it was most likely placed there, but the question in the problem is completely different: lukashenko does not have access even within a cannon shot to what is on his territory. he means nuclear weapons, that is, the key to nuclear weapons is not in his pocket, in
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moscow, well, that's obvious, no one there will give him the right to use these weapons, so what he says, well, it's another attempt, first of all to show in the eyes of belarusians that he is once again a serious uncle, that he can scare someone, but there is nothing to scare, well he said today in the same interview that we have 40 brigades there. listen, well, 40 brigades, even if you put all the belarusians of draft age together and give them each a berdanka, 40 brigades will still not work out, well, this is an absolute bluff and absolute nonsense, and he just needs to be reminded that he only has two oil refineries, one is not far from our border, you can reach there with your hand, you can throw a stone there and hit it, and the other one is a little further on the border with russia. novopolotskyi, and if these two objects cease to function, and if
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you imagine that they fly to this er, alenia in the murmansk region 1800 km away, then they will reach these two in such a way that there will be nothing left, and this is also the basis of the belarusian economy, so here you can say it differently. without a nuclear bomb, without anything, just a few key objects are covered, and on top of that, the belarusian economy collapses like a house of cards, a few days ago lukashenko said that drones seemed to have flown from the territory of ukraine, and it was on august 9, the belarusian gang monitoring the group said there was no movement in the sky that day, no military planes, no missiles, no drones. but the ministry of defense of belarus officially announced that they are moving tanks, iskanders and rockets, missile
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systems of volley fire to polonaise, to the ukrainian border, he wants in this situation, meaning lukashenko, to play along with putin, and in this situation, when the ukrainian troops advance on kurshchyna, that is, to create tension on our northern border there. 100 km, well, obviously, that's how, how, how we withdraw forces from donetsk region and luhansk oblast, the operation in kursk oblast, he wants to do the same at the behest of moscow. something similar here, but without a hot phase, that is, if he concentrates troops on the border, well , then we must react to it, we must also raise troops that will in any case oppose this offensive, but again, well, he he perfectly understands that there will not even be a mention of this so-called belarusian army
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, and very quickly, and then, by the way, both he and his... oppression will come to an end, so he balances the same way, realizing that it is possible to talk on the public, you can say it on tv, but he must also understand the limits of his capabilities, because otherwise he will have to very quickly scratch somewhere in the region of the green wedge, i don't know what they will meet there, maybe in china, or maybe in china, sir volodymyr, this is a diplomatic component of what is happening... between belarus and ukraine, it is clear that starting from february 24 , 2022, they are co-aggressors, that is , lukashenko is putin's co-aggressor, they gave their territory for the entry of russian equipment into the territory of ukraine, so that they implement aggression against ukraine, but when these drones, as it were, flying there in the sky
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of belarus, they were probably russian in general, because they were several times in the same history when they... flew into the territory of ukraine, then flew into the territory of belarus, but the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus summoned the temporary charge d'affaires of ukraine in the republic of belarus and declared a protest, a protest against these supposedly ukrainian drones. i understand that diplomatic relations between us and belarus remain at the level of temporary proxies, that is, we do not have an ambassador there, and here. no, well, it’s like that, in my opinion the mission is closed here in general, i don’t know for sure, but it seems to me that there is no belarusian embassy here, yes, well, but what is the status of our relations, that is, they are a territory, which is also theirs the leader is a person who supports this aggression of putin against ukraine,
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we have a temporary proxy there, and that is, how appropriate is it in the conditions of war, in the conditions of what... belarus in relation to ukraine? a difficult question, mr. serhiy, i was at one time, when this full-scale phase began, and when territory of belarus, the aggressive actions of the russians began, i was among those who called on the ukrainian authorities to break off diplomatic relations, put an end to it and move on, well, it's you. they are complicit in the crime, well, there are no belarusian troops there, but there is the fact that lukashenko provided his territory to carry out aggression against ukraine, and the belarusian military infrastructure, where the planes were actually located, and that is correct, yes, that is, probably in our political management still has some
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hope that under certain circumstances it will be possible come to an agreement with... lukashenka, having promised him something, well, i can't imagine another course of action, although what can be offered to lukashenka, or to think that he will suddenly change his position and move to the side of good, i can't imagine that either , that's why it's probably something like that, you know, well, we'll see what's ahead, but for now, let it be as it will be, well , somewhere, the logic of actions is probably something like this, well, because... because of some such objective analysis of the situation, we now we don't have to break off the relationship, of course you can, it's not a problem, but is it later will not distance us from communication with
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belarusians after lukashenka, well, this is the question , friends, i remind you... that we work live on the tv channel, also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watching us live on these platforms, i remind you that that we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today whether the kursk operation will change the world's attitude towards putin, yes, no, there are two options on youtube, if you want to write your comment, do it under this video, we are interested to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv you can vote in our phone poll, the phone numbers on the screens if you... think a currency operation could change the world's attitude towards putin (0800-211-381), no 0.800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. mr. volodymyr, the presidential election campaign is underway in the united states of america. donald
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trump went to see elon musk and they had an interview on platform x. and during that interview, the candidate for the presidency of the united states trump said that the invasion of the russian federation into ukraine was due to politics. joe biden, what did trump say? biden started saying such stupid things, for example, he said that ukraine could be a nato country, but russia would never agree to that. the war had zero chance of starting if i were president, is what trump is saying now, is it campaign rhetoric or an attempt to put the current president of the united states of america, who is already a lame duck, in charge. for what he could not put putin in his place there and allowed russia to go to war against ukraine, i think that these are exclusively pre-election statements, this is
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an attempt to position himself again as a determined serious match who can do what others cannot, but biden is not determined, but i could have done that, but biden should have done that, and i... did that, well, it's a tricky position, because you can always say what i would have done, well, but nobody can verify what you would have done. did, and what would it be, and what would be the result of what you did, that is, i think it is exclusively campaign statements, exclusively trying to smear the democrats as such, he attacks biden, but the styles fly in... absolutely, because she positions herself as the person who will continue this line from obama through biden and beyond, that is this is such a planned, well
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, from trump's point of view, a reasonable propaganda campaign, which should show that he can, and all of them are useless, they are bad, we should not vote for them, i think that in the event of trump's victory, his... because the rhetoric about putin will change very quickly, even though he is now he says that i got along with him, yes, once upon a time all other western leaders seemed to get along with him, well , they all hugged, kissed, came to visit, got along, and included him in the big seven, and included him in the big seven, yes and that's all, but now they don't get along, the same is true of the trump who was then, this is the same trump, the trump who may be tomorrow, this will be another trump, a different situation. then there was no full-scale war and aggression, that is, i think that this is all just to show that i can against the background of those who are weak, who are not
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maybe who turned out to be the one who allegedly allowed this war, while if we talk about the election campaign that is unfolding in the united states of america, then kamallagaris is already ahead of trump. in five of seven key states, and according to the poll of americans, she is ahead of trump in arizona, michigan, north carolina, pennsylvania and wisconsin. in georgia, the votes were divided equally, is there an understanding now, mr. volodymyr, who will be the next president, there is no, and you know, i think it will not be until the last minute, because, well always. the leader is the swamp, well, this is the general name, those who, who are not for those, and not for these, and who do not know whether they will come to vote, whether they will not come to
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vote, and if they come, then they will come up with who to vote for at the moment when they're going to put the ballot in the ballot box, that is, it's such an unpredictable thing that it's hard to tell now, but the trend, you see, broke when biden... withdrew from the candidacy, and then, uh- er, er, a completely new, so to speak, perspective of the democrats appeared, and this one the perspective is now being used 100% by kamala harris. she is the personification of law and justice, and on the other hand, there is no law and injustice, and therefore, now it will be, i think, a very dramatic story of literally these ... few months that are left, when, i think, the democrats will file themselves as fighters for the highest. i am a former
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prosecutor, i know what the law is, and next to me is the one against whom american justice today has several cases, who will you vote for, that is, it is a win-win for kamala harris is now an option, i think she will use it 100%, but whether it will help, well, mr. serhiu, you and i, unfortunately, cannot say for sure. and of course the american people have to choose, so we will already accept this choice. another subject of mr. volodymyr's, which the investigators, the american investigators of the wall street journal , made public today, is the nord streams, the participation of ukrainians in blowing up all these gas pipelines or two gas pipelines, almost two years after the explosions at the nord stream gas pipeline in
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the baltic sea, and... the publication writes that the prosecutor general of germany has issued the first warrant for the arrest of the main suspect, he is apparently a ukrainian volodymyr z, not the volodymyr z you thought of, dear tv viewers, but another volodymyr z, who lived in poland until recently , but recently returned to ukraine, so the publication writes that on september 22, ukrainian saboteurs, as a result of a conspiracy by a group of generals and businessmen and by order of the head of the armed forces of... ukraine zaluzhny, conducted this special operation, the operation was apparently approved by another volodymyr z zelensky, but then tried to cancel it when the cia found out about it. the investigation into the nord stream fence is the highest priority for the german side, but without regard to the results of the investigation, it will not harm german-ukrainian relations, said the deputy spokesman of the federal government, wolfgang
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büchner, who says: the investigation is conducted in accordance with the law, but absolutely without regard regardless of the outcome of this investigation, it does not change the fact that russia is conducting illegal aggression war against ukraine. you know, in the context of this investigation, i mentioned the chain mail case of the early 2000s, and how ukraine was accused of supplying these chain mails to iraq, and at that time the reputational losses were great in ukraine in... the then president leonid kuchma and there was an investigation and the whole world was thundering and saying that the ukrainians were selling weapons to iraq, while you were watching these accusations and understanding how they could appear on the pages of the wall street journal, what can you say about it? well, let's start, let's go, mr. sergey, from germany, yes the spokesman's statement, you quoted it now, and there is
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other information that... by the end of the year , germany will provide us with another very powerful defense aid package, it's about ee good good nomenclature, starting from iristy, uh , tanks er, leopards and and and ending with many other things, that is , formally, the german prosecutor's office continues to deal with er... this case, and let it deal with it for its own health, the only thing it can deal with is, well, well, as long as she has enough patience, because she has nothing real to prove maybe, look, sweden and denmark, who are directly, so to speak, involved in the situation, said that they are closing the investigation because they have no way
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to prove who... did it, why is this information coming out today, why does she appear in one of the leading american newspapers, i think there is no need to go to vorozhka here either, someone needs to spoil the image of ukraine, which now after the kurdish operation, well, went galloping up the mountain, that is, suddenly everyone from this, you know, situation such, some kind of uncertainty and the fact that russia after all advances, that it is moving forward, that it is necessary to go to some negotiations, to some compromises, suddenly turned around to the fact that ukraine can be a victorious country, because it demonstrates what they themselves, even in their best dreams, could never to imagine that there will be a foreign army on the territory of russia, well, i don't think so, neither in the pentagon, nor in the bundeswehr .


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