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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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also on our youtube channel, so please subscribe to it if you haven't already, because not only is there a live section, which is actually a live stream of espresso tv with the possibility to leave your comments, but there is also a video section , in which we publicize special projects and programs, as well as the main theses that sound during our live broadcast are in this section, in the shoarts section you can see short vertical videos on hot topics. we ask you to be active, subscribe, like the content you like like, comment on it and share it if you like it on your social networks, in this way this content will be recommended and seen by as many people as possible, and this is important for us, because true information about what is happening in ukraine and the world , i think everyone should know, and we are trying to do it, now we will involve dmytro little by little. looking for a spokesman for the naval forces,
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the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, important information, we have important information about the work of the air defense forces, about the work air defense forces claim in sumy oblast, the local population must have heard the explosions, and therefore there is already official confirmation, it was our defenders of the sky who worked, and the defenders too, some unknown rangers are also working further north, in the bryansk republic , conducting activities there... at this moment we have information that they managed to hit the deployment point of somali mercenaries, and the means of communication were also eliminated at the opportunity, so for some such unauthorized use against our country, in a word, we see military personnel there, there somali mercenaries, i wonder who else will be walking around with them on the eastern and northeastern borders, but for now we are waiting for inclusion. dmytro pletenchuk,
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we would like to remind you that today turned out to be very fertile for suspicions of corrupt officials, and even, no matter how strange it may sound, in our country suspicions can be received not only by corrupt officials from top officials, officials, employees of the central committee, but also and bloggers, a blogger, for example, is popular in ukraine, and his name is oleksandr slobuzhenko. and here he is today too have been charged with tax evasion, but i think our journalists will tell more about this, and we are now bringing in dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain third rank, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you and we would like to have you right away to ask about what happened in the crimea that night, if possible, please give us a few details. every time i get asked that, i think of the bombax song, actually, congrats studio, congrats. and so these nights in the crimea
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, of course, they become similar to each other, but however, each time we have to verify the outcome of that particular night, and as of now , i am not ready to provide any information that is 100 percent true, but i can nevertheless confirm once again that the navy periodically conducts various fire missions that... related to the liberation of our territory, including in crimea, and the destruction of relevant elements of the russian military infrastructure, without regard to the case you are asking about, in any case, such information regarding such injuries must be verified, i can just to note that periodically we are asked about the use of atakams missiles, for example,
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we do not have such weapons systems in our naval forces, looking ahead, well, we just hoped that maybe you, as a military officer, as a spokesman, could tell us a little more, so that all the experts were also watering their mouths and waiting for official reports, but we, what about us, we just want to know, because we hope for good news, okay, mr. dmytro, and in general, earlier you talked about what and not quite russian airfields to... in our crimea, their aviation is not very good, what is the situation at the moment, what airfields do they use, and are they attracting even more air defense, or is there nothing to attract there to work under cover? of course, they still have some resources, they pull them from the mainland, you see that there are various flights of unknown people from time to time. and
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in fact, only some people with ordinary small arms are standing in their way, so they periodically hit even quite accurately. affected, er, nevertheless, they are in crimea continue to protect, of course, such structures, objects, as the so-called crimean bridge, they continue to protect some other objects, er, so to say that the situation there has somehow changed radically recently, no, er, as for the airfields, yes, two of the five that they use, which they are forced to use, given the special... technical characteristics of their aviation, that is , they cannot, for example, use more distant airfields, so that they can be quickly engaged, and they are forced to base directly , yes, two of these five airfields actually remained without aviation, this is a fact, or there
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is such a small number of them there that it is impossible to say that they are fully operational there, nevertheless , it can be said that these objects were also destroyed by 100% can't you just talked about tasks and goals and what else may be the focus of our attention in the near future. well, mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, dmytro plytenchuk was with us, a spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine and a captain of the third rank about the situation in the black sea, the sea of ​​azov and crimea well, we continue to keep informational silence about what happened. and did something happen that night in the vicinity of this illegal, illegal structure, which we call the kerch bridge, let me remind you, the russians themselves say that as many as 12 atakam people were beaten, how many were not shot down, they do not write and also do not add any other information at the moment, for a short
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pause now let's go, then we'll come back and try to summarize this week, and in particular we'll talk about... events in the verkhovna rada, about what concerns deputies' law-making activities, wait. do you want wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa, you can't help but turn around? you need to improve your sleeping place. meet the casper ortolight mattress stopper from mattress tv experts. instant solution. the problems of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 hryvnias, even with the possibility of free delivery, old sofas, uneven mattresses, springs sticking out, all this is in the past. the stoper ortolight mattress is your deep healthy sleep, for only uah 999. call
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minutes. there are discounts until independence day on baneocin 20% in psylanskyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. and those who care about espresso in the evening. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangole taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and which we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively on the espresso tv channel. well, let's get back to you and
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now we will add two people's deputies to our live broadcast: mykhailo tsimbalyuk and andriy osachuk appear with us on the live broadcast. gentlemen, welcome. so, zelensky called on the verkhovna rada. to meet adjourned, it is about the adoption of important draft laws, with which they will start, so we understand that the first thing they will consider is the law on the ban of religious organizations connected with the russian federation, but not only this draft law will cover the next session of the parliament, let's start with you, mr. mykhailo, in general, what is possible from your committee that will now appear in the hall of the parliament and which questions... will this apply? well, you said correctly , as far as i know, the verkhovna rada will start with
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the law on religious organizations, finally, in the second reading, i think we will manage to pass it as a whole, then there are a number of bills on the support of the security and defense forces, our social policy committee, protection of the rights of veterans, we recommend the bill is important regarding the recognition of the humanitarian aid reserve'. parts and equipment for water utilities, because there is active preparation for winter, and there is an urgency in this, our partners are handing over the equipment, in fact , taxes and duties must be paid for it, the bill also concerns what we already know, it is about the citizenship of ukraine of persons who today they protect our state and members of their families, because there is a certain legal... legal conflict and it must be regulated, well,
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i also emphasize once again the military bills, i think it will be an interesting and busy week, with many important legislative initiatives in committee. undoubtedly, the list that you have just voiced, and we understand that this is not all that will have to be talked about, it is really a lot of tasks. then maybe somehow we will start breaking down and try to predict how it will all look, mr. andriy, then i will ask you if there are already any ideas and studies about how it will look, what will be the status of ukrainian military personnel who are currently fighting on the territory of kurshchyna, and also what will happen with the legalization or general settlement of the issue of trophy weapons, because no... everything can be unambiguous, it is necessary, it is necessary that it all be in accordance with what the law says, so that
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later there are no claims, neither from the east, nor from event? well, first of all, let's take a sober look at this whole story with the president's call to immediately convene the verkhovna rada, well, to some extent, this is a kind of political theater that accompanies politics in principle all over the world and in ukraine as well, and even war is not an obstacle to this . office of the president knew perfectly well that there had been an agreement for a long time that we would... work this last week of august, that is, it is not a secret, in general, if the president there says to meet urgently, then surely it would be necessary to meet immediately today or yesterday , and i think that this would be urgent, and this is a completely planned event, which was planned for next week, and yes, the president announced such a positivist agenda from the tasks to a certain extent, and there is actually nothing new there either, they chose from those bills that have been around for a long time were worked out in the verkhovna rada, let me
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start with the simpler ones, and finish with the more complicated ones, which you asked at first, and i can report to you that yesterday there was a meeting of the committee on law enforcement, where i am the first deputy chairman, for about 2.5 hours, and this is actually again such emphasizes that the verkhovna rada is actually working, despite some manipulations, that we are supposedly resting somewhere there, no, the verkhovna rada is working, there are a lot of us. that were discussed and including the committee supported the second reading of amendments to the law on participation citizens in resisting armed aggression, this is the famous law that we once adopted... on march 3, 2022 at a historic meeting of the verkhovna rada, which actually allows citizens of ukraine to kill any of the occupiers, regardless of the status of the citizen, whether he military or civilian, but amendments were made to this law regarding trophy weapons, regarding the procedure for their registration and accounting, this is a problem that has existed for a long time, exists, it should have been solved a long time ago,
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but you see, this is how they decided to confine everything to week to the day of independence, as once again such a positivist signal to society, i voted yes in the committee, i will vote ironically, but i also warned my colleagues, and i have already spoken about it publicly and am ready to repeat it, that this draft law very strongly exposes the problem of the absence of a law on weapons, unfortunately, for four years in this term we have been talking about the fact that there is no law on weapons, as you probably remember, it was voted on in the first reading, in my opinion, right before the big... invasion, but to today's question it is not settled, there is no final agreement, and it turns out that on the one hand we will settle the issue of trophy weapons, and on the other hand the big gun law, it was not and is not, and this is actually a problem, it is a challenge for the government and for the verkhovna rada, but for now we are where we are. the second issue that was settled at
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the committee, which deals with what are called presidential appeals, is the issue of awards, namely the revocation of awards. from persons who are collaborators, traitors, or who supported armed aggression, this is also quite interesting history, because at one time, back in the 21st year, before the beginning of the large-scale invasion , he voted on a similar bill, and then no one was interested in it at all, although its essence was clear, and yesterday at the committee , the president's representatives very well articulated why this it is important, but we talked about it in the 21st year, no one listened to us, but it is worth remembering that in... may 22nd , our bill was voted in the first reading by the constitutional majority of the verkhovna rada, but the office does not like to share the laurels of the winners, and the president submitted his bill literally a few weeks ago, exactly the same, he submitted it not a month, several months ago, and they will try to vote it in the first reading and in general, again, following the soviet
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tradition, do something before the holiday , i consider it absolutely absurd, because this issue... is important, it definitely needs to be settled, but i personally am not ready to vote for this draft law in general right away, there it needs to be finalized before the second reading, and i hopefully we'll still get it through the two-reading process, which is what i had yesterday in committee and what corresponded, so to speak, to the address and the call of the president, and i 'll end with a difficult, although it's probably not that difficult, as it seems, namely the status of the presence of ukrainian troops on the territory of the aggressor state, there is nothing ... complicated from the point of view of war, because the ukrainian state exercises its right to repel armed aggression and can use any means in accordance with international law, and here , believe me, there is no big one the difference, whether we hit some objects in the russian federation from our territory with drones or our missiles, or a ukrainian tank enters the territory of the russian federation and
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also hits some objects, this is an element of protection, the problem is probably social issues... guarantees to military personnel, payments to military personnel who are actually outside the territory of ukraine, and the relevant bill has been submitted there, it is very short, it is an amendment to the law on social guarantees for military personnel, which actually extends all guarantees to the territory of the state aggressor, there's literally one sentence added there, so i think that's definitely something we 'll vote on after we hopefully close the church issue, and... and again, it's kind of a positivist agenda that the office of the president has shaped, and this is again a problem, because it would certainly be better for the verkhovna rada to formulate it in general in our state, but less so, we are where we are, and i think it will be voted on next week. mr. mykhailo, look, we would also like to touch on the topic of rights and those servicemen who are citizens
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of the russian federation, but they are currently fighting on the side of the defense forces of ukraine, and among the proposed... legislative initiatives is the granting of ukrainian citizenship to the legionnaires of the russian federation who are currently fighting on the side of ukraine. how will you support this draft law in general, or do you think it is timely, and maybe we should introduce some safeguards, let's say so, so that those people who are now showing by their actions that they are really on the side of ukraine really take advantage of this right. actually, it's... part of that big bill on dual citizenship, but finally realized that the version that was proposed, it would not pass, and left, as they say in parts, one of them is extremely important, which had to be settled back in 2022, but it did not was included in the agenda, that is why we are talking
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about those legionnaires, as well as members of their families, we know a large number of belarusians who have addressed me, including those who are fighting in ukraine, this is a unit of the kalinovsky regiment, and in a number of other units where there are belarusians and not only belarusians. russians, but we know that the consulates do not work and even where the russian foreign ministry or the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs have been contacted, they do not give an answer and do not deprive them of their citizenship, and the current ukrainian legislation does not allow us to grant our citizenship if the person is in another country, i.e. in in this case, russian, belarusian, etc., that is why this draft law is extremely necessary and there... there are certain safeguards, for this there is also a security service that must check those persons, and in the end, it is a small among persons who exist today, have consequences for
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temporary residence, or are persons without citizenship and serve in the armed forces and other military formations, i emphasize once again that the number of such persons is small, but there must be a legislative mechanism, we remember that we were in in the history of ukraine there are such... cases when the office of the president and the commission that exists there granted ukrainian citizenship on the basis of forged documents, and then it is unknown how it was taken away, there must be a civilized legislative mechanism, or rather a legal mechanism, just such a mechanism this is proposed by a legislative initiative, i don't think there will be many discussions, i personally and our team of the homeland faction. we support this bill and believe that it is timely, thank you, mr. mykhailo, i have to make a short and very important announcement for our viewers, first of all, one million and 206 hryvnias
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are already in the account for drones and rebs, thank you for helping we need to overcome the million mark, and let it be only acceleration, because we need 3.5 million, so we will all donate, i will continue to ask mr. andrii and i want to... ask, is this initiative with the ratification of the rome statute until august 24 time-limited, and what are your predictions that give us the chances that we will ratify, because this is actually what we should have done a long time ago, demanding that the world delay and stop putin, and we ourselves we have to do something in that direction. yes, this story is very important, it is very old, because ukraine signed the roman statute many, many years ago. but there was always no strength, no desire, no will to bring this matter to an end, ah, and actually, in the third year of the great war, we still have not ratified the statute. in fact, there are two parallel lines: on
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the one hand, the ratification of the statute, which must take place, and on the other hand, the improvement of ukrainian legislation, criminal legislation, which today differs from the provisions of the rome statute in terms of war crimes. the rome statute and the whole mechanics of the international criminal court, it is built in such a way that, first of all, national law must prosecute for war crimes, which we actually do, but we cannot actually prosecute to responsibility for war crimes according to the standards of the roman statute, because our legislation does not correspond to the roman statute, and it all needs to be regulated, while there has been a huge amount of manipulation in recent years since the beginning of the war in the 14th year, that the roman the statute is some kind of very scary thing that will persecute our military and a lot of... manipulation on this topic, and believe me, these are all manipulations not in favor of ukraine. if ukraine wants to fully participate in the process of prosecution
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war criminals, she is required to be a member of the roman statute, the roman statute club, if you like, you can call it that. at the same time, all those who sometimes continue to dispel treason forget that since 2014 , ukraine has officially recognized international jurisdiction. court on its territory regarding war crimes, regardless of who commits them, this has already been done, accordingly we have given rights to the international criminal court, and we ourselves as a state have no tools of influence, because if we are not members of the court, we cannot delegate there representative, people from ukraine cannot work there, we cannot ask for any changes and so on and so on, so this is absolutely a worldview and civilizational story. that ukraine should, on the one hand, ratify the rome statute, as all european states have done, become a member of the rome statute club, and at the same time
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adapt its own. criminal legislation to the standards of the rome statute, there is work to be done, the president submitted the corresponding bill, unfortunately, this bill was submitted without consultation with the law enforcement committee activities, and this despite the fact that the committee of law enforcement activities studied this history in depth, we were in the gas several times, we involved scientists, international experts, and on our side there is a separate draft law on the implementation of the standards of the rome statute, but... i don't i know how it will be finally resolved at the level of legislative technique, but let's leave it to the parliament and my committee, and in general, i want to once again state and confirm that the very fact of ukraine's public readiness to join the rome statute, on the one hand, brings us closer to the civilized world, on the one hand is the fulfillment of our obligations to the european union and one of the requirements for the membership of the european union, and on the third hand, what is most important, if we... we all
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repeat for the third year that an integral part of victory is attraction to the responsibility of the war criminals of the russian federation, then sorry, it is impossible to demand a gag for putin without being a full-fledged member of this criminal club of criminal justice, so i welcome the decision of the president, as there are always certain problems, but i am very i expect that we will settle them at the working level, at the committee level. we have three more minutes, each of you. also, please respond to the legislative initiative that applies to boys under 25 years of age, as far as is known, currently the parliament is preparing some kind of amendment to the bill or a separate bill that should regulate this category of boys who should not be subject to mobilization, well, i would like two more words to react according to the roman statute, before that we also need, i agree with my colleague, a large
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number of draft laws. that is, we need to adapt the national legislation, and for now we are just saying that the desire is not the final decision, moreover, it is an opportunity to participate in the elections of the leadership of the international criminal court, as well as access to those funds that go to compensate the victims, because of that it is a positive history, but it is simply not done like that, and unfortunately, ukraine has not taken concrete serious steps here, as far as 25 years are concerned. winter age, well, i believe that we have enough today after the improvement of the law on military registration mobilization reserve and there is no need to lower the conscription age, but there is a legislative initiative to clearly put a stop to it: persons from 18 to 25 years old are not subject to mobilization, this should be updated so that no one and some tsc are managed. that they
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read differently not temporarily unfit or limitedly fit period of martial law, all persons under 25 years of age are not subject to mobilization, this needs to be put to an end and we will insist that this bill gets to the session hall as early as next week, and was voted in the first reading and in general by the day of independence, the committee on national security and defense, as far as i know, has already... supported such a legislative initiative, having worked out its committee version. unfortunately, mr. andriy, we do not have time to give you the floor yet, but we really hope to see you in our next broadcasts. thank you, gentlemen, for this inclusion, andriy osachuk and mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputies of ukraine, worked for you live on the espresso tv channel. oksana vysochanska and i will be together today to complete work, but thank you very much
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that we have reached this mark in over. at our meeting, please continue to report, and take care, we'll see you on a peaceful, safe evening, and don't ignore the air raid signals, it's all good! greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anyavamalnyk and this is news: russian troops are 6 km from myrnograd, donetsk region, and the enemy is advancing little by little, approximately 20,000 residents remain in the city. this was announced by the acting head of the city yuriy tretyak of the military administration. according to him, the situation in the city is tensely stable, people are leaving, but not as briskly as before...
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the situation requires constant hearing of explosions.


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