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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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you are watching court control, i am tatyana shustrova. for four years of work, the higher anti-corruption court has already passed more than 20 verdicts in corruption cases against ukrainian judges. almost all were accusatory. however, many high-profile cases involving multimillion-dollar bribes and abuses have not yet been completed. moreover, the servants of themis, who have committed serious crimes and are involved in high-profile cases, have not been dismissed from their positions for years. even in the pre-trial detention center, they continue to receive hundreds of thousands of wages every month, without carrying out legal proceedings, the former head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, who is suspected of corruption , was released by the supreme council of justice the other day, not for the largest multimillion-dollar bribe in history, but for the extremely low price of the apartment he rented in kyiv. we will tell you today why it is so difficult to bring the most corrupt judges to justice. and first. to the news.
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the higher anti-corruption court stopped the trial of ilya lonskyi, judge of the primorsky district court of odesa. he was mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. ilya lonsky is accused of attempting to provide an unlawful benefit to another judge of the same court, for making a positive decision in an administrative case, as well as for possessing part of a bribe by deception. the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine published an excerpt from the conversation of the participants at the time of the transfer of the illegal species. damn, i'm somehow so sorry, in general, to be honest, i'm running for someone, i 'm sitting alone, and you have no one, right? yes, i have nothing interesting. the office of judge ilya lonsky was searched, as a result of which the security forces found a bribe. it is interesting that after lonsky not only pleaded not guilty to this, but also filed a complaint with the supreme council of justice. he said that the law enforcement officers put pressure on him and interfere in the activities of the judge. lonsky was informed of the suspicion of corruption, but now that the judge... has mobilized to
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the zsu, the case has been stopped. note that this is a very popular scheme among the servants of themis in an effort to avoid responsibility. in fact, he is not the only one, and he is not the first, and maybe not even the last, who makes such a thing, because there are other judges who are also suspected of committing other crimes, in particular corruption, and have also mobilized, and in this way they are obviously trying to wash their hands, hang out somewhere, somewhere, i don’t know, god, forgive me, take a picture with a machine gun, or in pixel, and then tell what they are heroes, how they defended ukraine, and therefore they should be written off for all the crimes they committed before that. this is a very dangerous story. volodymyr luhanskyi, a member of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine, turned out to be a fake doctor of philosophy in the field of law. the anti-corruption center sent a request to the ministry of education and science of ukraine regarding whether luhanskyi has a doctor of philosophy degree. date nauk,
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it turned out that the member of the higher kvaliv commission does not own any of them. volodymyr luhanskyi, a former judge of the north donetsk city court and a military serviceman. during his participation in the competition for the position of a member of the central committee of the central committee, we emphasized his alleged dishonesty and wealth of dubious origin. during the interviews with members of the competition commission and vrp, volodymyr luhansky stated that he defended his thesis at the international academy of personnel management in 2011. however, in... at that time, this educational institution did not belong to the subjects of issuing diplomas of doctor of philosophy, moreover, only in september 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted changes that equated the title of candidate of sciences to the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy. luhansky could not explain how it happened, nor could he remember the name of the specialty on which he wrote a scientific dissertation. in what specialty did you defend yourself? name specialty, clearly. i defended myself, my
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topic was article 382, ​​this is criminal liability for failure to comply with a court decision, i remember, well, i haven't seen my diploma for a long time, i took off the photocopies, i just don't remember. it should be noted that it may not only be a matter of lying when taking office, but also possible embezzlement of the state, since for having a scientific degree, judges and military personnel receive a supplement to their official salary. however, it is not yet known whether volodymyr luhanskyi received such a supplement when he worked with a judge and served. the supreme council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the makariv district court , oleksiy tandyr, and the judge of the cassation administrative court, part of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz. employees of themis were fired for committing a significant disciplinary offense. we will remind you that last year oleksiy tandyr, in a state of alcoholic intoxication , killed a soldier of the national army.
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guards of vadym bondarenko. vsevolod knyaz is suspected of receiving a record bribe - almost 3 million dollars. however, the prince was released not because of the largest judicial system in history corruption, and through undervalued rental apartment. the supreme council of justice decided to dismiss knyazev vsevolod serhiyovych from the post of judge of the cassation administrative court as part of the supreme court on the basis of paragraph three of part six of article 126 of the constitution of ukraine. instead , a complaint to the vrp filed last year by the dere foundation, which was directly related to khabar and should have resulted in the prince's dismissal, was never considered. the work on the complaint regarding the bribe of the ex-chairman of the supreme court was distributed to a member of the supreme council. justice serhiy burlakov, a figure in our investigations, he in turn was in no hurry. the record holder simply for, firstly , closing cases, and secondly, for not holding judges accountable where they should be held accountable. according to experts, borlakov is considered a creature of borys
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gulka, the head of the civil cassation court within the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so-called judicial mafia, which has been destroying the judicial system of ukraine all these years. since serhii burlakov himself currently holds an influential position in vrp, it has all the leverage to manipulate the handling of complaints against judges. so, in order to remove the prince from his post, while not investigating the facts of global corruption, a completely different, much smaller and actually artificial case was initiated in the supreme court. in december 2023 , the pechersk district court of kyiv received materials from nazk about bringing the prince to administrative responsibility for the oren. to an apartment with an area of ​​133 m2 at a price lower than the minimum market value, namely for 100 uah per month, such prices really cannot be found even on the outskirts of the capital, not that in the very heart of kyiv, the government quarter, where knyazum lived since 2017. at the same time, the ex-head
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of the supreme court and his landlord were not close relatives, so he had no right to accept a gift in the form of such a significant discount on the princes' housing. by resolution of the pechersk district. court of the princes of kyiv during the discussion of the rental price of housing and approval of the rental offer in the amount of 100 hryvnias, despite the private property interest, was obliged to immediately take the following measures, to refuse the proposal, to attract witnesses, if possible, to inform in writing about the proposal of the immediate supervisor, if available, or the supervisor of specially authorized subjects in the field of anti -corruption. instead, knyazov accepted an offer to rent housing for 100 hryvnias. per month and systematically used the received gift. in this way, over the years of renting the princes , he saved almost 1 million hryvnias. the court prosecuted him for this administrative offense and imposed a fine of uah 2,500. information about non-compliance with anti-corruption legislation
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was also referred to the supreme council of justice, and instead of strengthening the prince's corruption history with a bribe, the vrp actually undertook to consider only the misdemeanor with the lease. apartments council member serhiy burlakov dragged out the consideration of the bribery complaint in the supreme court so much that knyazev was eventually released only on the grounds of low rent. i'm sorry, the circular bailout has already had enough, it has been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering. the supreme council of justice was never able to establish justice. at the same time , the case about the alleged corruption crime, in which, in addition to the prince, the majority could have been involved, is losing its relevance. on the majority of members of the grand chamber of the supreme court. we know that at least 13 judges were there in the collegium in the case where the prince accepted a bribe. and with great probability, many facts in that case indicate that this bribe could
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be intended not only for the prince, but also for some other judges from the grand chamber, that is, the key conclusion, the highest judicial instance, the supreme court in our country. exchange needs its own cleaning. as a result of the vrp's decision, the grand duke of knyaz promised to appeal his dismissal in court, and it will only be about the circumstances of the housing lease. meanwhile, the story of the largest bribery in the judicial system, thanks to such members of the vrp as serhiy borlakov, lost any chance of being considered by the supreme council of justice. for today, i have everything, it was the court control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judiciary. system, or you want to talk about a dishonest judge, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see at their screens. see you in exactly a week, all the best. laughter, physical activity.
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sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. femininity uuro - urination. under control are discounts until independence day on carsil 10% tablets in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. national tv on megogo - too many channels, well, too many channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows enable megogo on multiple devices, without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day on temple pills, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. the book of women at war. a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of
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the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. by support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. dolokseng built up. more joints let go. with doloxen strong, i'm back in the game. doloxen strongg. there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills, 10% at psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny. journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola unit taira
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yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. military vehicles are increasingly becoming targets for pali people recruited by the enemy, there are four dozen such cases known in kharkiv region alone. police. oblast managed to identify all the perpetrators, mostly young people aged 12 to 18. across ukraine, the age of criminals varies. 68 citizens now have the status of arson suspects. such cases recently recorded in kyiv, odesa, dnipro, kharkiv, lviv. behind them are the russian special services, which recruit ukrainians on job search sites, social networks, and messengers. people who are looking for quick and easy money usually fall on the hook, because for setting fire
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to one car, russian curators promise from 20 to 80,000 uah. but, as the detainees showed, none of them received such sums. as a rule, the amount is much less, then new, new tasks are set, and then i want to emphasize here. blackmail those of our citizens who will hand over information about their previous crimes to the national police of ukraine. on july 30 , a 25-year-old man and his 20-year-old roommate set fire to three cars of soldiers and volunteers in the kyiv region. they filmed the crime themselves and sent it to the russian curator. for this he had to pay a thousand dollars, but in fact the suspects received half of the amount. also this week. in kyiv, three unknown persons burned a car to evacuate the wounded of the third separate assault brigade. the van was
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parked in the parking lot awaiting repairs. military brigades responded to this with a statement that the following abusers will be punished at their own discretion. major general of the security service of ukraine viktor yagun and former deputy head of the service. he believes that there should be a clear reaction to such sabotage by both society and of the state, i think that this is just one of those options when the society takes on itself the obligation to put such people in place, and the state must show that it is under martial law that these actions are not some hooligan, but are real sabotage and work for the enemy, in connection with which it is necessary to bring some changes or just practice in to bring the courts to such a state that this is... well , this is the destruction of military property, according to which it is actually working for the enemy. earlier,
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a whole group of six young men were detained in odesa. paliyas worked under the cover of courier delivery and established the parking addresses of defense forces' cars. yes, during the day they delivered food, at night they burned military cars. in total, the fire destroyed at least 15 cars. another 28-year-old man from odessa set fire to a servicewoman's car, the man was promised uah 80,000, but he received uah 937 and potentially 10 years behind bars. they took advantage of it and i, a fool, can now go to prison for 10 years for 937 hryvnias. according to law enforcement officers, russian special services are using arson videos to destabilize the situation in ukraine. the purpose of all these actions of the special services of the russian federation is, first of all, to form
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the opinion in the ukrainian society about the existence of the alleged ukrainian underground, which opposes the armed forces of ukraine. who want the arrival of the russian federation here, and therefore they use the indicated facts in their russian propaganda, i want to tell you that we have not seen a single fact about a russian citizen who burned a car from the ssu or a volunteer or committed other acts of sabotage. such crimes are investigated by sbu and national police officers. here. how many times the same arson can be classified differently, depending on the circumstances. for setting fire to military property, criminals face up to 10 years in prison. i emphasize that, in most cases , under article 194, the destruction of war is once again qualified, and if it is a military car that belonged to
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the armed forces of ukraine, of course it is registration follows article 114 paragraph 1. tedium of legal activity of the armed forces of ukraine, and in some cases, where there are more serious consequences, it is even qualified under article 258, as a terrorist act, or 113, as i looked, because i want to remind everyone that in our country we have the age of criminal responsibility has been lowered from 14 years, for example , a 35-year-old man from kyiv... according to the court's verdict, he will spend eight years behind bars, he burned 13 military vehicles with homemade firearms . at the court, the man admitted that he acted on his own conviction. if curators and arrange and punish the arsonists with an asterisk, because all of them carry out subversive activities on the territory of russia, then
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our law enforcement officers mostly manage to find the perpetrators of the crimes by hot pursuit.
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hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i'm not spending at the moment. funds on how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project is a program of urban reconstruction and development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative
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norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? on these and other questions that concern ukraine? the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will be responsible. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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see this week in the collaborators program. which of yanukovych's generals kidnaps people in occupied zaporozhye? was i then in charge of the department of national statehood protection? but how did the former actress become a russian pseudo-mermaid? i am sure that together with the fraternal russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the roshi occupiers. in today's issue, we will talk about sellers from the occupied part of zaporozhye, about those who think that our justice will not reach them. she was a ukrainian actress, but
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became a russian pseudo-mayor. we work for the benefit of the population, to help people who live in the territories that suffer from shelling from the ukrainian side. this is nataliya oleksandrivna romanichenko, born in 1993, a native of the town of vasylivka in zaporizhzhia. on february 4, 2022, she was a theater and film actress, participated in the play be at home with ada rogovtseva and pasha lee. in addition to acting, natalya had a producer's nursery bee wow center, where she taught children theatrical skills, modeling and the basics of journalism. in addition, she was the owner of the company ggarant romannichenko in vasylivka, which was engaged in maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. children so that... they could express themselves in work, they had comprehensive development, they were developed, for example, if it was necessary to dance, they could dance, and with
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the arrival of the occupiers in zaporizhzhia, natalya decided to radically change her life, now she is playing a pseudo-politician. i take it temporarily fulfilling the duties of the head of the vasylivska administration, i am sure that together with the brotherly russian people we will be able to establish a peaceful life. romannichenko returned to her own. city ​​and began to actively cooperate with the rashists in several directions: the first - direct assistance to russian soldiers, to begin with, she offered the occupiers the services of her service station, she repaired and painted russian military equipment, and also ensured the supply of spare parts. symbols were attached to each repaired russian car rashystiv, letter z. romannichenko ensured the supply of construction equipment with the help of which the occupiers... or fortifications to counter the armed forces. at the same time, the collaborator did not forget about campaigning in favor of the russian federation. she called on the locals to help the so
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-called brotherly russian people in every possible way, and spread anti-ukrainian propaganda about the bloody war allegedly started by ukraine itself. in general, she proved her loyalty to the kremlin dictator in order to later receive her bloody dividends. and the chair itself is like that named mayor of the city of vasylivka, zaporizhzhia region. we, the residents of the liberated territories of the zaporizhzhia region, see the difference, we see the improvement in the quality of life, we see all the benefits that the russian federation provides. we are full-fledged territories of the russian federation, and this is all thanks to our president. as an illegal moneylender, natalya russifies the city in every possible way, calls for russian passports, glorifies the russian army and putin, and continues driving. humanitarian aid to the invaders at the front. the united russia party organized a humanitarian action in support of our people military personnel she explains all her activities in the telegram channel called on
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the same wave with head romanichenko. the poverty of the channel is emphasized by the russian symbols v and z in the name. but romanichenko could not remain unnoticed by our law enforcement agencies for a long time. first, she received suspicion, and later on july 28, 2022. handed the indictment against this traitor to the court. i apologize to everyone for everything i am guilty of. already in august 2023, the ukrainian themis found her guilty and sentenced her to 15 years imprisonment with confiscation of all property. so far, in absentia, but who knows, maybe soon this saleswoman will apologize while sitting in a ukrainian cell. our next anti-hero is kucharkov dmytro oleksandrovich, he is 41 and comes from melitopol. in this video , he tells in the national language how he saves the lives of ukrainians in extreme situations. in extreme situations, it is very difficult.
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explained to the person who is saved by these gardens to step away, but in a few years he will change his form and switch to russian to serve the occupation authorities. by order the governor is conducting a tour of populated areas. before becoming a collaborator, from 2006 to 2021, kucharko worked as the head of the melitopol district department of the state emergency service of ukraine. with the occupation of melitopol, kocherkov did not leave the territory controlled by ukraine and continued to work in the emergency services only in russia, where he became the head of the so-called ministry of emergency situations. responded to
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the message we received that pensioners aged 46 and 52 lost their homes after the shelling. traitor urged people to cooperate with the so-called new leadership, and as a fake head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the zaporizhzhia region, he persuaded locals to go work for the newly created body, promising good privileges from the occupiers. in 2023, the sbi announced a curling suspicion. in treason, so don't forget the ukrainian language, dmytro, you still have to listen to the court sentence and repent by solovyna. and finally, i will tell you about the major general of the sbu during yanukovych's time, who is now in charge of the russian military forces in zaporozhye. serhii valentinovych gandzha, born in 1959 originally from the kirovohrad region. he started his career in ganja organs in 1986. he was the deputy head of the sbu department in
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dnipropetrovsk and regions and deputy mayor of dnipropetrovsk. in 2012 , he received the position of the authorized president of ukraine for control over the activities of the security service of ukraine, and he really showed his nature ganja during the maidan. during the presidency of viktor yanukovych in the 13th year, ganzha was appointed to head the department of protection of national statehood of the sbu. i managed the department then protection of national statehood and every morning i heard everyone who spoke, who gave commands, where the meeting was. during the revolution of dignity, general ganja directly led the forceful dispersal of the maidan, and according to one version, it was he who gave the order to shoot protesters as part of the sbu's boomerang operation, which was aimed at seizing the house of unions, as well as the subsequent clearing of the maidan. on february 26 , 2014, ganja was released and declared wanted on suspicion of treason. and
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while in ukraine... our people were waiting for him law enforcement agencies, he hid in obolots, after february 24, 2022 he went to the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. in january 2023, the rashists appointed him the head of the so-called state security service of the zaporozhye region, and already in 2024, he was suspected of collaborative activities by the sbu and the sbu. according to law enforcement officers, ganja is involved in the organization. mass repressions against civilians, their abduction and sending to russian torture camps. ganja has been waiting behind bars for a long time, but who knows, maybe before getting to our prison, the ganja himself will end up in russian torture chambers. we all know well how the kremlin treats those who are no longer needed. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address, or just
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to... together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. ukraine will continue to establish. its control over the kursk region, russian telegram channels report that the armed forces destroyed the bridge across the seim river in kursk oblast, but at the same time ukraine loses donbas, russian troops 10 km from pokrovsk. what will happen if the city falls, about it today in svoboda live, as well as about the possible evacuation of kurshchyna residents to ukraine? what do ukrainians themselves think about it? my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live.
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commander-in-chief of the association.


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