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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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following the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. ukraine continues to establish its control over kurshchyna. russian channels report that the armed forces destroyed the bridge over the seim river in the kursk region, but at the same time ukraine is losing donbas, russian troops are 10 km from pokrovsk. what will happen if the city falls? about this today in svoboda live, as well as about the possible evacuation of residents of kurshchyna to ukraine? what do ukrainians themselves think about it? my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. commander-in-chief of the nato joint forces in europe, general christopher. voli called russia's reaction to
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the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region slow and scattered, according to the military, this is due to the fact that the russian military command does not understand who should be responsible for hostilities inside russia itself. meanwhile, the ukrainian president's office reiterated that ukraine is not interested in occupying russian territories. mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the president's office, said that the offensive in the kursk region is necessary in order to convince moscow to... negotiation process. well, if you translate podolyak's words into a more understandable and human language, it is probably about forcing moscow to negotiate on ukraine's terms. nevertheless, the advance of ukrainian troops in the kursk region and the establishment of control of the armed forces of ukraine over 1,000 km of russian territory forced kyiv to form its governing bodies on these lands. in particular, ukraine created the first military command in kurshchyna. it was headed by major general eduard mosca. you see his picture now, why
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him, for example, there is something humorous the explanation the bbc received from the general staff, from sources in the general staff, is both humorous and more logical. listen. no one knows for sure why moskalyov was appointed commandant of the kursk region, but even in the general staff i joke that his last name could be the reason for this, jokes a bbc interlocutor close to the military leadership of the state. in all seriousness, the bbc source describes moskolov as not talkative, but as a closed , rather strict man who reveals himself from the other side only in the circle of those closest to him. at the same time, moskalev is characterized as a trench general, not a cabinet general, who spends a lot of time in direct communication with soldiers, and, for example, will not be disgusted by simple soldier's food. well , according to the bbc, the ukrainian authorities set the following tasks before the commandant's office in kurshchyna: for example, to organize the support of the local population in accordance with all norms of international law.
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or maintain public order, ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to local residents, provide any other the help they need, for example, to create all the conditions for the work of humanitarian organizations, which, as reported by the bbc, may visit kurshchyna in the near future. well, just now , igor levinok, a correspondent of the inter tv channel, who was in kurshchyna the day before, in particular in the city of suja, is joining our broadcast, igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, actually. from what you saw in... on russian territories, in russian settlements there, how were the ukrainian military met by the civilian population? well, actually speaking, i will not say that they were met by the local population, rather our military, they themselves find the local population, local people who are hiding there, well, for the time being, mostly in basements, in some hiding places there, and when they meet... we try
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to talk to these people, and offer help, in particular, humanitarian aid, water, food, write down the needs of the people there, and accordingly transfer these needs to the already newly created humanitarian headquarters, which is now engaged, as a matter of fact, in here this humanitarian aid for the residents of the kursk region, but from your experience you spoke with local residents, there was an opportunity to talk with them at least briefly there, to exchange a few words, it was, it was, i will tell you more, but they communicate, no everyone, but they communicate with ukrainian journalists, i will tell you that there was such an interesting case, and i managed to talk with one man there, he is 72 years old, his name is pavlo, and well, this is the same russian, who you will probably never say that he is not interested
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politics, because he is just interested in politics, and our conversation turned out to be quite interesting, you may have seen it on the air, i gave a fragment where he criticizes... his government, both local and the kremlin government, he about the local authorities, then he told a rather interesting fact, and the rest of those people who were nearby, they confirmed the fact that the local authorities, in particular the employees of the fsb, border guards, security forces, they left the city of suju on august 2, their, 2 august, 2-3, they were no longer outside. offensive of ukrainian troops, the counteroffensive began on the sixth, that is, literally in four, in four days, in fact, and what are their hopes now, do they hope that the russian troops will liberate them and liberate their territories or not,
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you know, i got the impression that that these people are what they are, and before all these events , they simply relied on some kind of... fate on the fathom, and even now they rely on it, as it will be, so it will be, that is , no talk about what is here and there soon we will be released there, we are there, well, theirs are russian there the troops, i mean, i didn't hear about them, that is, i asked them, asked them whether they had food, whether they were provided with water, everything was there, they even showed, of course, that, of course, that... there is a certain dissatisfaction the fact that these people lived in comfortable conditions for themselves, now they have to stay in basements, and i also, you know, had such ambivalent feelings, because , well, for 10 years, i have
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already, well, repeatedly had to remove this grief people, how they live in those basements, but our people, ukrainians, they suffered, here i saw... in the basements of the russians, and you know, well, i don't know, what can i tell you in terms of emotions, i can only say one thing, when we were going to suja, right in front of the border there is the ukrainian village of pysarivka in sumy oblast , and just the night before that , the russians hit this village with air weapons, either rockets or cabs, but half the street there was simply... demolished, and at least five houses were completely destroyed, there were wounded among civilians, and i stopped, we talked there with the owner of a house, with a man, of course, he was at the beginning, can you imagine, in one moment he was left with all
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housing, wealth, he in turn, well, asked us, and the military, who are following us. where are we going there, we informed him that we are going to kurshchyna in order to communicate with the people there, to provide them with humanitarian aid, well, put yourself in the place of this man, when he heard this, and what emotions , i don't know what you think of him, but we are definitely preparing a survey of the local people of sumy region today, we will ask them if they are ready that people from... shchyna will be evacuated to them, we will show this survey at the end of the program, but there are really very different reviews, and i have one last question for you, igor, and this is how you drove through all these settlements, through villages, stopped in suzha, as far as i understand , russian flags are removed there, ukrainian flags are installed or not,
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because there are a lot of videos on telegram channels of ukrainian military personnel installing flags somewhere there, it is not known for sure whether this is a special information operation or whether it is or is not really. happened, what can you say? i will speak for what i saw, and i did not see ukrainian flags on the administration buildings, just as i did not see russian flags there, of course, thank you, as for the flags. thank you very much, ihor levinok, correspondent of the inter tv channel, who visited the territory of kurshchyna the day before and shared his impressions with us. thank you igor. well, it is already known that ukraine is building new fortifications on... the border with russia, between the kursk and sumy regions, presumably preparing for a possible attack by moscow in response to the offensive of the armed forces. here is the video reuters agency published today. to repel the ukrainian offensive, russia transferred several brigades to kurshchyna, but moscow did not withdraw serious reserves from the ukrainian section of the front, writes cnn.
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journalists refer to a source in american intelligence, which says that russia, in addition to a part from ukraine, sent personnel from leningrad to the kursk region. military district and even kaliningrad, and cnn authors also state that, according to many western politicians and officials, ukraine is unlikely will be able to hold the kurshchyna territories for a long time, and therefore it is still too early to... judge how exactly this operation will affect the general course of the war. while the operation risks softening some of ukraine's own defenses along the 600,000-mile front line, it could also distract russian troops, who have made some gradual gains over the summer, inside ukraine, the sources added. ukraine says it has seized more than 1,000 km of russian territory since the start of the surprise attack, forcing tens of thousands of russians to flee their homes. senior us official and senior official european intelligence said that the main purpose of the operation appears to be to create strategic
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dilemmas for putin, especially when it comes to where russia should deploy manpower. however, russia is believed to have hundreds of thousands of troops on the front lines in ukraine, so the distraction of a few thousand may not have much impact in the short term, officials say. well, in the meantime , russian troops continue to actively advance in donbas, only for the past. day , russian troops occupied the villages of zhelanne and orlivka, advanced in new york, krasnohorivtsi, mykolaivtsi and zhuraravtsi of the donetsk region. this is reported by the deep state syn project. as of now, apparently, the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region has not led, as of now, to the withdrawal of russian units from donetsk region, and now, according to local authorities, they are 10 km from the outskirts of pokrovsk. russian troops are there. and here is the post of maryana bezuglo, a representative of the defense committee of the parliament, calling on people to evacuate immediately. from pokrovsk and myrnograd, it is interesting that literally a week ago it was local the authorities of pokrovsk purchased for landing in
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the city of troyandy. i will remind you that pokrovsk is the largest city northwest of avdiivka, which was captured by russian forces in february, and look at how the evacuation of people from the pokrovsk direction is currently taking place. i have this cardiac simulator on my heart, i can't take it hard, we'll get up all right. well, are you ready? come on, give us a hand a little at a time. if she walked with her feet, yes? i might not have gone, i am 84 years old and i have a son. then stay in uman, then i would still maybe you wouldn't go, well, my son
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is very worried, let's leave, let's go here and there, well, lately it's been noisy here , yes, it's dangerous, but i'm actually not afraid , it's better for me to go there, the cherkasy region is my family, i was born there, i've lived here for 65 hours, no, i'm not afraid of course. of course it's lunch that i built everything there, that's why i came here, oh, that's why i came here, i saw a need, i saw a woman walking in the snow in the winter of 2022, she was carrying her babies and her fingers were swollen, frostbitten. there was no face on her, but she kept on walking, and must have walked for two days,
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she had no hope, and thousands of people tried to escape and i saw her on tv, my heart stopped and i thought: i have to do something, i can't just sit here and do nothing, so i called my friends and said: i need connections in ukraine, i ex-military, we have evacuated over 58,000 people over the past 2.5 years with the help of various organizations. mykhailo zhirokhov, a military expert, has already joined our broadcast, mykhailo, i congratulate you. good evening, today we will talk at the same time about the situation on the kurdish front and on the donetsk front. see
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today i had to read the following reports in the western press: they are talking to the ukrainian military in donbas, and they are telling them, the journalists mean that less weapons have started to arrive at the front during the last week, and they assume that this is possible is connected with the events in kurshchyna, in other words, they are trying to tie the events in kurshchyna to the loss of territory in donbas. do you think that the advance of the armed forces of ukraine in kurshchyna really played any negative role in the situation on the front in donbas? is this a false assumption? i can't hear you, mykhailo, i don't know if it's me having problems with the connection or you, maybe you accidentally turned off the microphone? no, no, i guess not, yes, and now it’s audible, yes, yes, ugh, and, well, we see only the intermediate results of this operation, and we cannot say that during the week of fighting , the situation with shells,
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ammunition on others has somehow changed areas of the front, i have not heard of such a thing... while working with the military, although, of course, the resources of ukraine are not infinite, and if there are more resources somewhere, then it is obvious that somewhere there are less, it is not clear at the moment the situation with strategy in general, not with tactics, the tactics are more or less clear, but the strategy of the stake, the strategy of the commander-in-chief, it... it is not yet clear, if the western media write that they understand something, well, i think they are deceiving, and nevertheless, what are your forecasts for the near future for donbas, is ukraine at risk of losing pokrovsk, for example, it is an important transport hub, and the troops, as the local authorities have already admitted, are standing 10 km from the outskirts of pokrovsk, russian troops, well
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so far there were only small losses populated areas and... los, it did not affect the situation in general, but pokrovsk is already such a bell that maybe we need to watch, we need to see if the command specifically, well not that specifically, in takes the troops of pyatitsa to some lines of defense, or is this retreat unplanned, or do the defenders have a plan. it is completely incomprehensible, but still the front line, the loss of pokrovsk, the loss of selidova there, it will be very important and may lead to the fact that the advance of the line front, let's say so, up to the dnipropetrovsk
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region, seriously, is the loss of pokrovsk so critical in such a strategic military plan? from a technical point of view, not only pokrovsky is there, i’m saying that selidovo and beyond, the geography, well, well, it gives few chances to defend, there are no more defensive lines there, well, i mean rivers, and i mean some there are other geographical points, but it is clear that there is a plan, that these wastes, they are not spontaneous, and our military. inflict maximum damage and they leave, and they leave, there is none of what the russians like to say, kotlov, there are no hundreds of prisoners, there is no equipment, well, they would have already demonstrated it, if there was, they very often say there, there will be a kotlov near zhylanov, here there will be a boiler, there it is, but
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this is not there, all all the actions that i see, they are tactical, that is, these... the planned withdrawal, what is this going to, well, i personally do not understand, then, look, there was a lot at the beginning of the week , i especially remember, there were such forecasts, surprises, maybe forecasts the expectation that russia will begin to withdraw its brigades from donbas, we see that this did not happen, could this be such a plan and a conscious, absolutely conscious decision of russia, in principle , not to withdraw troops from the ukrainian front from anywhere, because they are well entrenched there . are prepared, know the area, and maybe even putin does not consider it necessary to withdraw troops from the donbas there in order to strengthen some territories there in kurshchyna, you allow it, well, when planning military operations, it is possible that some factors it is impossible to take into account at all the fact that now
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putin has decided that for him the offensive in donbas is... more important than kurshchyna, i think that it was very difficult to predict, if it was impossible to predict, and it is obvious that some parts from kharkiv region, some parts from kherson region are withdrawn to and from donbas, on the contrary, they transfer fresh parts from the newly mobilized and these volunteers, because for some reason they decided that access to the administrative... borders of donetsk region is more important for them than some border regions russian, let it be, let it be their regions as well, do you allow it, or let's imagine that putin... is now giving up these kurdish territories, i already saw today on russian television that such and such a narrative appears , they say, well, yes, these are our territories, it’s unpleasant, but you
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look at how big russia is, we lost a little there, let’s put it on hold for now, in other words, if putin really gives up these territories and does not consider them it is necessary, just now to put a lot of effort there and reflect, does it mean what the front is stretched and it will be such an additional load. and on the armed forces of ukraine, as an option for reconnaissance of events may be, but this option will be very bad for us, it is the worst option, as far as i understand, an option that can be, but again, throwing conscripts now, giving up territories, it sooner or later will lead to internal conflicts, and for this putin will need something... but in general, it will not be possible
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to simply give these territories away, even there for a month, for two, for a year, for three, and we will say that after some time we them we will take it back. well, it will look like, well , well, i, i don't know how, how putin's propaganda will be able to get it into the heads, deep down... people are definitely already starting to do it, well, you know, i have duties to monitor such all sources, so i am also monitoring what kind of rhetoric prevails there, to me, it seems to me that at least sounding is taking place, i have one last question for you, just a few minutes ago, maybe a little more, in russian telegram channels it started information appears that the armed forces of ukraine destroyed bridge over the seim river, this is the village of glushkove, kursk region, and it is noted that, if this is true, then... 27 settlements can be cut off from russia there, from what you know, you may have already been monitoring this situation , what can you say? it is absolutely certain that the expansion
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of the front line along the sejm has begun, there are only three bridges there, which are very important, two of them have already been destroyed, only one remains, one bridge remains, which, on which all communications are now kept silent. which area with great russia and the troops stationed there. second, the second bridge literally, there was also information that it was damaged and has a very small throughput capacity, and in fact it cannot be used for the russians for the group, for military purposes, and this expansion will lead to the fact that this... territory, it will come under the control of the ukrainian army without fighting, because now the russians will either throw some pontoon bridge with losses, with huge losses, but
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they will withdraw their group, well, they have no other option. thank you very much for your comment, mykhailo zhirokhov, military expert, we talked about the situation on the fronts, both in donetsk region and in kurshchyna, thank you very much, and the breakthrough of the border of the kursk region by ukrainian... troops is a failure, first of all, a political failure of russia and putin, according to the political radio svoboda columnist vitaly portnikov. why is the kremlin reluctant to comment on the kurshchyna issue, and what price is vladimir putin willing to pay in the end in order to regain these territories. listen. how do you think the russian authorities reacted to what happened in the kursk region and above what can putin be thinking now, why is he reacting so weakly to it? well? first of all, putin needs to minimize the failure, because in any case we all understand very well: if the troops of any country end up on the territory of your country, and
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the troops of the country with which you have been waging war for 2 and a half years, and it turns out that your border unprotected, precisely from this country, it didn't happen somewhere on the border with china, or on the border with finland, it happened exactly on the border with ukraine, the conflict has been going on for 10 years. the great war has been going on for 2.5 years, and it turns out that russia was not even going to really defend the border line, well, this is a failure, a failure, the ineffectiveness of the state, the ineffectiveness of the state, it is necessary to minimize the consequences of this failure in public opinion, it is necessary, it is necessary, first of all, to emphasize that we told you that ukraine is a threat, you did not believe us, some, that ukraine is a tool. of the west has now come to this territory, not only to donbas, this is what they are doing, this is absolutely, i would say, from their point of view, from the point of view of the people who suffered such a fiasco, logical behavior,
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was borderline illogical. to dig, but this is just for our good fortune, and not for the mountains, i would say, in ukraine. and what do you think, were there any red lines, which are conditional partners of ukraine, if ukraine consulted with them about this operation, obviously it could be, they set up, well , i don’t know, ukraine says that there will be no occupation of the territories, we don’t need it, we just enter conditionally with a raid in order to create a certain zone in order to protect, i don't know, sumyshchyna from constant attacks and so on. or there could be some red lines, so-called, which western partners, western allies told ukraine and laid out, here's what to do on the territory for example. the russian federation is not possible, it is one thing to break through the border, but i don't know, do not go there, for example, to occupy a nuclear power plant, what was said earlier about the fact that it might be a target and so on? i think that the red lines are flexible now in international politics, in 2022 certain new red lines were broken, in 2014, before that other red lines, these red lines will be violated in the future, it does not matter at all what red lines
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were offered there now or not. offered to ukraine by the allies, because in a month these red lines may not have any meaning for the allies themselves, i can explain it simply: the allies believe all the time, and this is a false claim, that russia will realize that it cannot take over ukraine and that it will go to some negotiations to end the war, and that's why they are constantly moving the red lines, maybe russia will realize here, let's be here let's make red lines, remember, it started with the germans, now german tanks are already on the sovereign territory of russia, they crossed the red lines, they crossed, they said that it is impossible for the war to be on the territory of russia, it already is, they crossed the red lines, they crossed , will the red lines continue to cross, yes, will this , will this mean that putin will understand that he needs to end the war, no, this statement is false, because putin will understand
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the political logic very simply, if the enemy ... crosses the red line , i have to cross the next: the one who will cross the red lines ad infinitum will win, that is why the russian-ukrainian war is pregnant with a major world conflict and the use of nuclear weapons, not even necessarily russia over ukraine and the conflict between russia and the west, because we do not know how far the west is will be willing to go in crossing the red lines and how far putin will go in crossing the red lines, one thing i am sure of, putin will not ... agree with the logic of the west, that he has to understand something because he is paranoid from a political point of view, he sure that his the country can be an important world player only if it regains the territory of the former soviet union, this is the goal, at any cost, for russia to become an equal partner of the united states and china in the vision of the russian chekists, they are ready to pay any price, and they will pay it
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as long as they have the resources, so... the road to the end of this war in the foreseeable future or to the suspension of this war, it may not end, it may stop in years to start again, it there may be such a middle eastern option, it is the exhaustion of russian resources, i believe that the ukrainian army, when it enters the territory of russia, it follows the path of exhaustion of russian resources, after the ukrainian authorities announced that the humanitarian corridors of sumy will be opened on the territory of sumy oblast from the territory of the russian federation from the kurdistan region, in particular, facebook is simply rife with outrageous comments there. in relation to the fact that the ukrainians are not ready to accept those russian citizens who will probably be able to evacuate to the territory of ukraine, and so on. to what extent the non-acceptance by ukrainians of the history that took place and the possibility of evacuation on the territory of ukraine can somehow cause internal misunderstandings and what this can lead to, how to work in this direction so that even more internal indignation does not arise regarding what is happening, in particular in the issue of humanitarian evacuation corridors, we... were not indignant
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when russia opened humanitarian corridors for citizens of ukraine who remained surrounded, in detention, in the combat zone, many of these people then left russia for europe, many of these people left through russia for ukraine, however, this did not cause us indignation, because we understood that from the point of view of international law, the occupier is responsible for the population in this territory that he occupies, and if you could imagine , if russia did not open these corridors and people died there. what would we say about the russians, that they are murderers, that they left people to die to their own devices while they could have taken them to a territory where there is no war. and we were just called, the question was not what the russians are doing from the point from the point of view of removing people, but the procedure, filtering, the fact that they did not let some people out, detained them, this caused us.


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