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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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did not arise even more internal indignation, regarding what is happening, in particular, in the issue of humanitarian evacuation corridors? we were not indignant when russia opened humanitarian corridors for citizens of ukraine who remained surrounded, in prison, in the war zone. many of these people then left russia for europe, and many of these people left through russia for ukraine, right? we were not outraged by this, because we understood that from the point of view of international law , the occupier is responsible for the population in the territory he occupies, and if you could imagine, if russia did not open these corridors and people were dying there, what would we say about the russians, that they are murderers, that they left people to die of their own accord while they could have taken them to a territory where there is no war, and we were just raised, it was not what the russians are doing from the point of view of evacuating people, but the procedure, filtering, the fact that they did not let some people out, detained them, that raised the question for us. to outrage, and now we are in the role of a country
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that occupies the territory of another state, internationally recognized, for the purpose of defense, absolutely legitimate, no one is occupying anyone, as you can see, no one in the world, in principle, even china did not say that we did not do this, but it means that we are responsible for the population that is there is that if this is a war zone, we have to think about the safety of this population, because otherwise we will be seen as a country that violates international law, we are helped precisely ... because we adhere to these principles, that we stand for these principles, yes that society's point of view, it can any, but a civilized state must behave in such a way in order to survive, because if we always conform to society's ideas about how we should act, then most likely society will remain, and the state will disappear, and people will already be talking on facebook somewhere within the russian federation or abroad. and this is how we approached the topic of civilians from kurshchyna. and their possible
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evacuation. actually, after deputy prime minister iryna veryshchuk announced that ukraine will evacuate residents of kurshchyna. she later corrected her statement and now says that ukraine will not evacuate russian citizens from the territory of the kurt region, but will provide them with a humanitarian corridor, well, in accordance with all norms of international law, apparently vitaly portnikov also spoke about this just now. well , whether they will take advantage of this opportunity, whether they mean the residents of kurshchyna or not, that is their business, he says. well, a day earlier, she said that ukraine should be ready to receive russian refugees and that integration even opened a 24-hour hotline for residents of kurshchyna who need humanitarian assistance help, or they simply want to evacuate to ukraine, and it is not yet known for sure how exactly such an evacuation will work, but we asked the residents of sumy oblast what they thought about such plans, such a prospect, and whether they were ready to accept them, in their city or residents of the kursk region in their village? listen. the question is ambiguous, why,
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because in principle, how much we have suffered, and the country has suffered from the russians, and now to open a corridor here, it is a quality camelfo, especially since we have a border region, so it is difficult to say, so civilians there is no need to touch it, it is necessary to behave more normally, nobody here has any objection to a humanitarian corridor for the kurdish regions, well, how will it be organized and what kind... we are provided with people who will enter here through the humanitarian corridors, well, you see the situation, we do not we can provide border posts for evacuation, and these are good initiatives, only where is the solution to the question, where are the funds, they are more visible, probably those in the leadership, i think they know more, but as for us as an average citizen, i am against it, it is not necessary accept them, they have their own let the country protect them, we have...
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enough of our pain, these people were waiting for us to die, many times we heard how they rejoiced, when we had flights here and the drg came, well, me, me i'm afraid if such a person will live near me, well, they must, first of all, they must be resettled, what kind of payments will they be given, i have many acquaintances of our displaced people who have nowhere to live, they come to visit relatives, somewhere they are looking for some... dormitory, and we welcome them, right? andriy osadchuk, a native, has already joined our broadcast deputy, voice and representative of the committee on law enforcement activities. andrii, i congratulate you. good evening. let's start with the issue of evacuation. if you already know something, place dots above ib, there will be an evacuation, it is possible in the future, impossible. what is meant by the humanitarian corridor to russia, and if a person does not want to go to russia? i don't know anything about it officially,
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so i can only theorize with you about it, i listened to a little bit of your broadcast, and i have my preliminary opinion from... she preliminary, because it was formed 20 seconds ago, but as far as i understand international law, and i understand it a little, because i am a graduate lawyer in international law, by the way, the main thing that we need to do now, conducting the so-called kurdish operation, is to adhere international humanitarian law, no more, no less, i think that ukraine has no obligation to engage in evacuation. citizens, civilians from the territories of the combat zone , which are temporarily controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, there is no such obligation. in we have an obligation not to touch these people, to provide them with help, to provide them with food if this
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happens for a long time, and so on and so forth. but i think that if they want to evacuate somewhere, that's certainly their right, but i think that they should evacuate to... their country of citizenship, which is the russian federation, if they have the opportunity, give them that opportunity, yes, of course, let them leave, but given that the line of contact with the russian federation actually exists the line of the hot front, it is difficult for me to imagine how it can be implemented, so i would focus on the fact that ukraine has repeatedly talked about this, and not just talked, but also done, we adhered to, are adhering to and will continue to... adhere to the general principles international humanitarian law, but we should definitely not do more than international humanitarian law requires, because it can create huge additional risks for ukraine, for the security of ukraine, for the general situation in the country, risks and costs as well, if ukraine and
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in the future, we will maintain control over these territories, if these territories will become larger, but literally today the information is coming, then in the future there will be several dozen more settlements. can come under the control of ukraine, there just today several bridges were blown up, in a word, this burden will continue to fall on ukraine, if the political issues are not resolved, no agreement is reached at the negotiations, otherwise ukraine will be forced to provide for these people everything you need: treatment, training, some kind of infrastructure minimal, what services are minimal, who will do it and for what money? and look, as i understand it, we have already finished the topic of potential... evacuation and have once again moved on to the topic of ukrainian obligations in accordance with international humanitarian law. there was no such experience in ukraine, there was no such experience in ukraine, right? no one in europe had such experience, let's say in the last 70 or so years, but yes, if we control
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the territory, then according to the general principles of international humanitarian law, that country which controls the territory, it is obliged to ensure the basic security and basic needs of the civilian population, therefore... as it may not seem surprising to someone, an additional bonus in quotes for temporary control over the territory of the russian federation is that we as a country will it is necessary to spend money, to spend organizational resources, there must be special trained people there, as i understand it, this is exactly why a temporary military administration was created the day before yesterday, which is obliged to regulate all these issues, that is, ukraine clearly follows this the trajectory which is prescribed in international humanitarian law, or will these be additional costs for ukraine? yes, it is our duty to do it qualitatively, and again, it is very important, so that the whole world, including the russian federation, sees the difference between how the troops of the russian federation behave on
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foreign territory and how the troops of ukraine behave on the territory of the russian federation, and we are there not because we want so much, but it is simply part of operations to protect ukraine, and there are none here. from the point of view there is no international law, unlike you, i am not an international lawyer, not an international lawyer, but from what i had to read while preparing for the conversation with you, it is said that if a military administration or military command is created by a state that controls these territories, then in principle it is allowed that it will cooperate with the authorities on the ground, well, if, for example, these authorities there will take care of some communal issues and so on, but from the fact that we... see the information that we will get power, in fact there is no they flowed from there, well, maybe this is not the final information, but this is how the journalists are now conveying it, i would just like to understand, to clearly explain for our audience where this limit of this control and provision of all life activities there will be, excuse me for
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the deletant questions, but a lot joked there atb, conditionally speaking, opens in court, the new post office is moving, there smilyanskyi has already commented on whether it is possible that ukrposhta will open there or not, that... who specifically from the ukrainian side can open there and work or is it all a joke? actually, i strongly encourage everyone to joke less about this topic. we, the nation, are very cheerful and inclined, so to speak, to everything. to create some kind of nonsense, but this is not a joke, once again, there is no cooperation with any authorities and there cannot be, we control the territory, they have all scattered there, the task of ukraine is to ensure the functioning of networks and life support systems for people, if there are no doctors there, ukraine have doctors there to deliver their own, no matter how terrible it sounds, but we have to provide the basic needs of these people in medicine, if there... ukraine should send teachers there, and i can't answer this question for you, it all depends on the duration of
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temporary control over this territory. if this will happen for years, then yes, we will be obliged to refer teachers and all the world and doctors and so on. another question, russian rubles run out there, what currency will be used there? again, this is a philosophical question, i think that... for a certain period there will be no currency circulating there, because there will be additional sales, probably some warehouse stocks in local stores, and the only source, as i understand it, of the supply of goods will be humanitarian supplies from ukraine, which most likely will just be distributed free of charge, uh, soon the verkhovna rada will meet for a meeting, i understand, in front of the verkhovna rada now too challenge to adopt a number of laws, legislative initiatives. that somehow these territories functioned there in some legislation or
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not? no, no, i'm sorry, there are no such challenges, and let's talk about it clearly so that you and the audience understand, from the 14th year russian the federation violated the sacred, the inviolability of the borders, crossed the borders of ukraine with weapons, but we know what happened from the 14th to the 22nd year, they said all this time that it was not them, and so on and so forth. the annexation of the autonomous republic of crimea and the temporary occupation of part of the donetsk-luhansk regions took place, while the principle of the inviolability of borders was violated. since february 24, 2022, the russian federation openly, without concealing anything, using brute military force, invaded the territory of ukraine, thereby committing an act of aggression. this is not an opinion of ukraine, this is the position of the world community, which was confirmed by the united nations in cuba. decisions and fixed in accordance with international law, this gives ukraine the opportunity
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to defend itself, to exercise the right to defense. it implements the right to protection by any available means, the only limitation being compliance with international humanitarian law. after the invasion on february 24, the state border between ukraine and russia turned into a very conditional line, which in no way affects the order of operations of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as it... in no way affects our ability to launch missile-bombing or drone strikes on the territory of the russian federation, from the point of view of law and warfare, there is no difference. we search them with drones, there at a distance of 200, 500, 700 km from the border line, whether a ukrainian tank with infantry has formally entered the territory of the russian federation to conduct certain military operations. that is, we conduct a military operation to protect national security, using those actions and implementing the decisions made by the military command. that territory, which
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now there is, it is simply controlled by the military. no additional decisions regarding the status of ukrainian troops are required for the operation. the only thing that is needed is to provide guarantees and secure our military from the point of view of social and legal guarantees. therefore, the only thing that will definitely, i think, be voted on next week is the introduction. amendments to the law of ukraine on military guarantees on social and legal guarantees of servicemen and members of their families, where we will simply add literally one sentence: we will extend the effect of this law to the territory of the aggressor state, if the serviceman will be involved in carrying out certain operations for the protection of national security in these territories, that is , to eliminate any ambiguous interpretations, as far as i understand. this is the only thing we have to vote on to fix all the legal details, and in the budget for next
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year you have to include these costs that will be related to these territories, well, let's live to prepare the vote for next year's budget, but believe me, this is absolutely marginal cost compared to those expenses incurred by ukraine, both for the maintenance of its social sphere and for the maintenance of the defense force. thank you very much, andrii sadchuk, mp, voice and representative of the committee on law enforcement, we talked about the challenges facing ukraine in connection with the territories of the kurdish region, which are now controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. we have everything for today, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work until... monday, there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in pharmacies plantain, pam and savings. in the august issue, krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for
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its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country is touching. painful topics for all ukrainians, we talk to experts, we listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured, ask the country at press outlets or pre-pay online, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings, wow , took a walk in the water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo, i am saving myself, reo. you're ready, my dear, you're ready took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my
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name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on espressu tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world lives by. yuri fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka with me and sports news. i invite you to talk. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast,
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a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. television premiere of a documentary about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military serviceman tetyana chornovol, founder of the angel taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape. 10 years of war exclusively on the espresso tv channel. greetings, we are looking for three boys from the luhansk region at once: nikita dyachenko, mark bakharev and vlad hristosenko. all of them disappeared on the temporarily occupied
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territory, which greatly complicates their search. however, there is a very high hope that some of you will recognize them and provide information that will help find nikita, mark and vlad. so, mykyta dyachenko, he is 13 years old, he disappeared in the city of happiness of the luhansk region, and nothing is known about him since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. pay attention, the guy has an oval face, dark eyes and dark hair. we will be grateful for any information about nikita dyachenko. and this is 16-year-old mark bakharev. contact with him was lost on the 24th february 2022. mark disappeared in the city of rubizhne in the north donets district of the luhansk region. and, unfortunately, there is no news from him since then. zim and his whereabouts are unknown. but we really hope that the boy is alive, that everything is fine with him, and we do not
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stop searching for him even for a day. again, due to the fact that mark disappeared in the okupa. we have very little information and this is just his photo, but we ask you to look closely at his face, if you know anything about him, call the magnolia children's helpline on 11630. if for example, you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to us on facebook, instagram or the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. the search for eight-year-old vlad hristosenko, whose story we have already told you more than once in our programs, continues. however, unfortunately, the boy has not yet been found, so i'm asking for yours once again. maximum involvement, and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find the government or find out at least some information about it. so, vlad hristosenko also disappeared in
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luhansk region, and here is a photo of a boy taken two years ago on his birthday. of course, during this time, maybe not radically, but the child has obviously changed, but still i ask each of you to look very carefully into his face. vlad is a very cheerful and sociable, but at the same time sensible and independent boy, and he also loves the animals he protects at home. vladyk is a kind and caring child, but unfortunately, this carefree, happy childhood ended on february 24, 2022, when a full-scale invasion began. february 25 the russian military entered the village of petropavlivka, where the boy lived, and... it is from that day that almost nothing is known about the authorities. so let's do everything possible together to find the power of the christ child. it is possible that the boy
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is in a territory not under the control of ukraine, and at the same time it may be that he was taken to russia. it is clear that ukrainian television is not broadcast either in the occupied territories, or even more so in russia. so i appeal first to those who can see this program. on the internet please, look at the face of vlad khristosenko, he is 8 years old, he has brown eyes and dark blond hair. among the special signs, there is a small scar on the forehead. and i ask you to contact the child tracing service if you recognize the authorities. indeed, even the smallest information about the boy can help or become decisive in the search. you can inform us about vlad khristosenko by dialing the short number 116. calls are free from all mobile operators, and you can also write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. let's not be
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indifferent, and let's all try together to help find the authorities. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and let us know. let's launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time is on the air, i am its host oleksiy kovalenko. they announced in the widow's house. who consider ukraine's offensive in russia's kursk region a defensive move, but according to media reports they are also worried about potential complications against the backdrop of the rapid advance
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of the armed forces of ukraine into the depths of russia. this was reported by the reuters agency with reference to high-ranking us officials. it is also said that the white house does not fully understand the goals that ukraine is trying to achieve in the kursk region. the american official, speaking on condition of anonymity, noted that the further the ukrainian forces advance. into the depths of kurshchyna without specified conditions, all the more it complicates the position of the usa. at the same time, ukraine is asking for permission to use western weapons for long-range strikes inside russia to increase the pace of the kurdish operation. my colleague ostap yarych had the opportunity during the pentagon briefing the day before to ask whether the operation in kurtsk region has changed the us position regarding the use of western weapons to carry out deep strikes on russian territory. and also, does the pentagon consider the events to be why is this still considered an escalation given that
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there was no serious response from the russians to the ukrainian invasion of their territory, it seems that every red line drawn by russia is erased by the ukrainian military. we can be a very long conversation about this, the facilities that we provide them, you have to remember that it's not just the united states, it's a coalition of ... countries that come together through the ramstein format and provide weapons and facilities to support ukraine . we believe the best way they can be effective on the battlefield is to combine these capabilities together and continue to push back russian forces to reclaim their sovereign territory. this will not necessarily happen by striking long-range deep blows inside russia. and of course we are concerned escalation it is that russia did not respond to something. doesn't mean it can't or won't respond in the future, and that's something the administration is always weighing, but you have to remember what ukraine has been able to do with
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some resources, either from us or...from other countries , they have been very successful in reclaiming their sovereign territory and they continue to do so, it is not something that will be over in one day, although it could be if putin decided to withdraw his troops from ukraine, but it will certainly take time and training, and me i will tell you what you know, we are committed to being with ukraine in the long term. i will stop there. russia is still trying to formulate a response. to the ukraine operation in kursk, but so far this reaction has been slow and scattered. this was said by the commander-in-chief of the nato joint forces in europe, general christopher cavolier, during the event of the council on international relations in washington. this reaction of russia is connected with several facts according to kavoli. first, there is a lack of understanding of who should be responsible for hostilities within russia. the second is the lack of troops that russia can mobilize against the operation in kursk. russia is still
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putting together a response to the invasion of ukraine, so far it's only been a pretty slow and russian response, partly because they don't announce who has the authority, the ministry of defense is responsible for military actions inside ukraine, but not inside russia, right , that is, it had to be the ministry of internal affairs, the federal security service and other internal bodies. secondly, russia has no free forces that it can transfer there. level the involvement and share of russian ground forces located in ukraine is very significant. units remaining in russia that may face a similar challenge are usually conscripts, who are theoretically and legally prohibited from fighting in ukraine. the war has returned home to russia, and ukraine has every right to defend its people by striking russian territories.
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andrii, the minister of defense of latvia, thinks so. spruce on how latvia is evaluating the operation in the kurdish region and its wider implications for of the war in ukraine, myroslava gongadze, head of voice of america in eastern europe, spoke with the latvian minister. you said that ukraine should win this war on the territory of ukraine. ukraine has already moved into the territory of russia, now it is fighting and has already captured, as ukrainian officials say , more than 100 km. russian territory, how do you see the victory of ukraine in this war? that's right, i think we're seeing now that the war has come home to some extent, the war was started by putin and russia, we've seen that the war also directly affects what is happening in ukraine, and ukraine has absolutely every right to defend its territory, to defend its people, in particular by striking russian territories, this is a very clear position of latvians and latvia,
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in particular. personally mine, therefore, of course, these are absolutely legitimate actions, in the war of self-defense, in the war for freedom and the struggle for integrity, ukraine and ukrainians have the right to strike at the territory of russia as well. in my opinion, this just reminds russia of the element of self-destruction. i said it at the beginning that in fact, putin has started a process of self-destruction, and sooner or later it will reverse. so now, as president zelenskyi accurately said, the war has returned to where it started. and i think this is a very good signal. and a very important signal that, look, russia cannot win this war. sooner or later, of course, with the support of the allies, ukraine will win this war, and i am absolutely sure of that, and it will take as long as it takes, but ukraine must win this war. regarding the movement of russian troops, there is message that russia is withdrawing part of its troops from ukraine. how do you see this progress in terms of the area around
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your country? there is definitely some displacement, i think that most likely indicates that there is also some lack of resources and some vulnerability on the russian side. let's not underestimate russia, don't underestimate russia's disregard for human life. do not underestimate russia's aggressiveness. let's also not underestimate russia's willingness to put everything on certain military war rails, but at the same time, let's do not overestimate. russia has its own vulnerability. republican presidential candidate donald trump held his second press conference in a week on thursday, while his democratic opponent , vice president kamela harris , spoke alongside us president joe biden for the first time since he withdrew from the race. during a speech at his golf club in new jersey, trump emphasized the...


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