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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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representatives of a country that does not exist intervened, that is, in principle, all these things, they put pressure on him. john kirby, the white house national security advisor, says that putin is concerned about the situation in the kursk region and is looking for ways to counter ukraine's push north, but he is not ready to use nuclear weapons, to quote mr. alexander, john kirby, if he moves troops there, then he's somewhat concerned about... what 's going on, i don't know if it qualifies as drunk or not, but he's definitely reacting to what's going on in kursk oblast, but we have not seen or heard any escalating rhetoric, especially regarding nuclear weapons in recent days, - noted kirby, as mr. alexander, to explain the reaction of putin and , in general, the reaction of the russian leadership, which until now has been speaking with the mouth, including dmitry medvedev, that... if there is
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a threat to the territory of the russian federation, then they will use their military doctrine, according to which they can use nuclear weapons, if this threatens the territorial integrity of the russian federation, why do we not see such putin's reaction, does this mean that these red lines, which the kremlin talked about for so long, simply disappeared, they do not exist, and now, in principle, the whole world understands that... putin and medvedev are the ones who are constantly bluffing? well, you know, the white house spokeswoman actually said that if putin didn't escalate the situation, meaning a nuclear escalation, that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future, and that's how she explained why there hasn't been a change in policy yet prohibition of strikes by american missile systems russian territory, perhaps. putin and his
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entourage, they were simply paralyzed by the fear of what happened, understanding the possible consequences, and therefore even completely forgot about the red button, but on the other hand there are other things, well, first, the most important thing is that americans usually listen to rhetoric and that including dmitry medvedev, who has already forgotten about this red button as well, and most importantly, they are looking at the possible preparation for... tactical nuclear weapons, by the way, the basis of the state policy of nuclear deterrence of the russian federation, among those let's put it this way, the reasons that could lead to the use of nuclear weapons by the russian federation, there is no border crossing or seizure of some territory of the russian federation, there are other cases that could fit our case, for example, it is striking on... subjects and nuclear
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deterrent, recently we destroyed another m-22 tu-22m, a strategic nuclear bomber, and this year we struck the sprn, that is, it is an early warning system of a missile attack, and actually, according to the doctrine, then russia could it is legitimate from the point of view of russian legislation to strike at ukraine, but it did not even prepare for this, and the rhetoric of course...remained rhetoric, so i think that in the west they understand the flexibility, the elasticity of the red lines of the russian federation, they understand that ukraine has shown the ability to change the course of this war, i hope that the kurdish operation, this is the black swan that will bury this regime, the russian federation, and of course that they have no choice but to support us and help armed ammunition, and this is of course very relevant. there is
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in the context of the elections in the united states, by the way, such a change in the position of the united states, well, if we assume that they knew that such an operation was planned, agreed to it and gave permission to strike deep into russian territory, this means that there was a transition in the administration, in fact the formulation of policy on ukraine from jake sullivan to phil gordon, this is the national security adviser, camila harris, the vice president, and of course, if... president, most likely he will head the national security council. perhaps they thought that against the background of those positive electoral successes, and camilo harris has now somewhat detached herself from donald trump, and she has a very positive dynamic, that it is necessary to add positive news from ukraine to her portfolio, and that is precisely why we can consider that help , increasing aid to ukraine, reducing the number of restrictive measures.
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this case can be invested in the election campaign of kamila garis. mr. oleksandr, in parallel with our successes in kurshchyna, we we observe informational activity. ness in the international media, in particular in the american press, and in the wall street journal writes that ukrainians were allegedly involved in blowing up nord stream-2, and this whole story unfolded in 2022, that ukrainian saboteurs were allegedly involved in this, and including the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, is accused of this, well, that is, we... what a strong enough attempt to present or, shall we say, present ukrainians on the international arena as saboteurs and terrorists, and obviously this is not accidental either, and despite the fact that the wall street journal has
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the reputation of an international media there, we are still in this situation, obviously we have to perceive it as a part of informational and psychological. special operations of the russians, or how should ukraine react in this situation, how should the ukrainian leadership prove that it is not ukrainians who are terrorists, the terrorists are actually russians, it is obvious that such a special operation, which took place at the bottom of the baltic sea with nord stream-2, could be organized sufficiently powerful subversive and terrorist a country like russia. yes, indeed, there are a lot of technical points here, and frankly, it's just ridiculous that on a small commercial yacht you could transfer half a ton or more of explosives there, and then, well , actually the security equipment, mount this
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explosive and blow up the gas pipeline, which is 15 meters deep, which means the soil is at the bottom of the sea, and it is clear that it is simple, well, i would like... that our special services, the maritime center that we have, they are really professional, nice guys, but this is a specific, specific environment, and to be honest, i doubt that we have such professional people and the most important equipment that would allow us to do this, in any case, our partners should be shown evidence and not just what someone said, whether the camera recorded people some kind of athletic appearance, what kind of cargo is there? on the yacht, that is, let's look at the facts themselves, the second point is the positive reaction of germany itself, where it was already said that even if it was ukrainians, it would in no way affect the support of ukraine, because these are unrelated things, protection
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ukraine from the genocidal war and what happened to nord stream-2, i looked at the reaction of the western american expert community. british, others and generally european in general, they ask the question absolutely in a ukrainian way, whether it was bad, even if they are ukrainians, it was bad to destroy the tool with which putin actually conquered europe, and whether, on the contrary, it is not necessary to conduct an investigation into the role of schröder, merkel and many others who, despite, let's say, the objections of ukraine, despite the advice of that trump himself, remember? as at the session of the un general assembly, he told the germans that we are protecting you, and you are building gas plants and are going to buy more gas from russia, they were smiling then, so in principle the situation is like this, let them show the evidence, let's see, i don't think that the ukrainian the authorities should do
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more than they did, because they denied our involvement, i honestly do not think that the situation was such that zelensky first gave the green light, and then with... in this operation, and here is someone else, either zaluzhny or budanov, i don't know who else, simply ignored the president and decided to carry out such an act, so it seems to me that we just need to keep calm and not react to these non-provocative things, and i absolutely agree that in a strange way this news, it surfaced when the ukrainian military is carrying out an important mission in kursk, and of course, this is a partial p... the information agenda in the western information market, well, we must remember that in the early 2000s, you know, it all happened the story with chain mail, when they tried to accuse ukraine of selling
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chain mail to iraq, and this whole story was in the international press, including the press, and many had to make many excuses and explain that ukraine did not do this, but... at that time, russian resources obviously had more opportunities and capacities than ukrainian ones in order to heat up this topic and in such a way... to take steps to bring ukraine closer to president kuchma and russia, already then the president of the russian federation. well, the very end, mr. alexander, trump publicly accused biden of russia's invasion of ukraine. this was stated by the candidate from the republican party on elon musk's broadcast on the x platform. how do you feel about such statements by trump, this is pre-election rhetoric. trump, that he is saying that everything that happened before me, or everything that happened before
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my possible arrival, is all wrong, it's all biden's fault, or is it, there is some common position there, the conventional republican party, and the republicans also believe that if it were not for biden, the situation in ukraine and between russia and ukraine would have developed completely differently way i think it's stream of consciousness. trump, who is being picked up by his associates, the maga, let's say this, this nato, and of course ordinary americans, republicans who relate to trump, or rather to the trump cult. i don't think there is any doubt that russia is the only one to blame for attacking ukraine among the conscious traditional republicans, i'm not talking about the democrats, so this is an exceptional election. rhetoric, secondly, you know, we live in such a, shall we say, world, when the ideas
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of enlightenment based on reason, on logic of thinking, they are now in decline, because when trump says, if i were president, putin would not have attacked ukraine, this is called an unreal past in the english language, that is, it is such a thing that is simply not possible. to check, because in history we cannot set experiments, from rewinding, that is why it is used, and unfortunately, i did not see anyone in particular protesting at the same time, yes, indeed, under trump there was no escalation of russian aggression against ukraine, there was no many things, including, for example, the attack on israel by hamas, terrorists of hamas, but this does not mean that trump restrained this, because there are certain processes, the same russian federation is accumulating... forces and means, was preparing, therefore, and undermining our statehood in other ways
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, in fact, through the minsk agreements, tried to put pressure on the united the states were not very interested in getting involved in this story at the time, so i think we have to take this as just rhetoric, although i am absolutely sure that in trump's head that was the case, that he is the best president of the united states ever times that everyone... is afraid of him, that he can solve any problem, because he is not predictable, because he can actually threaten anyone, with anything, that is, this is the type of personality that does not base its actions on reasoning and logic, who can change his mind, who can come up with any plan at the last minute, and that's exactly why i don't believe he has any real plan for ukraine, i think he's just thinking about meeting putin. and zelensky at the same table, and with the power of charisma and threats to achieve something, and what to achieve,
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well, for sure, he can't imagine himself now. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, and friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, also on our youtube and facebook platforms, throughout our broadcast we ask you about the following: can the uoc become independent from the roc, 0821. 381, if you watch us on tv and have a smartphone, if you think that the uoc can become independent from the roc, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, on youtube everything quite simply, yes no, or your own leave a comment, please, in the comments under this video. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. let's not start with kursk, let's start with biden and
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his flirting with the russian opposition, with those people who were released by putin or exchanged by putin for his terrorists and spies. joseph biden met at the white house with a person released from a russian prison vladimir karamurza and his family, and actually. biden himself posted this photo on the x network, which the president of the united states of america wrote, today i congratulated volodymyr karamurza. and his family at the white house to celebrate his return to america. volodymyr spent 2.5 years of unjust imprisonment in russia for speaking out against russia's war in ukraine, today his family is whole again. mr. volodymyr, how do you perceive the efforts of the united states of america to find good russians, and according to tradition,
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probably since the time of the soviet union, create, or try to. to support this image of some group of people who can return to their homeland and change everything there, well, this is such a soviet mythology, i have the impression that biden supports a certain such, well, the phantom of sovietism and soviet dissidence, because he sees that putin lives it, and biden creates it for him. such a mirror, through which putin would see himself, so to speak, on the one hand as a successor of the sovka, sovka traditions, and on the other hand, well, he felt powerful, like the soviet party bonzas, but we are perfectly we understand that the current russian federation
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is not the soviet union at all, secondly, if we want to warm...dissidents or even create such a network of dissidents, we perfectly remember the dissident solzhenitsyn or the dissident marinkovich, who carried such a shame and such chauvinism, so it is a heresy to say that it was not pulled on the head, but in principle it is important for democracy to support any opponents of the current fascist russian regime. in the hope that something will grow democratically from these seeds, i doubt it, mr. volodymyr, but the united the united states of america is trying to constantly flirt and show this pseudo-russian opposition, and this is also, well
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, the creation of some kind of false world, because as long as joseph biden will show or. there is kamala harris or donald trump, while they will show the russian oppositionists and say: look, these are the people who can oppose putin, until the world will believe that putin, putin is impossible, clean, well, how impossible it is to connect with everything by the people and carry out denazification, de-rasification, deputization, because putin is bad, and there... there are good russians, isn't washington now sending false messages to the whole world? well, it's not really creating an alternative to putin, it's just an attempt to protect those who challenge putin, it's, it's a little bit different logic, the united states basically uh, well, they understand
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the current russia, and they, they're thinking about how to encapsulate it, and this regime, how to balance this regime so that it does not finally dissolve into the chinese regime, so that it still remains at least semi-subjective, because uh, well, china, china sees, looks at russia as an instrument of competition with the united states, and the united states, but in the united states there is such a, well... it is surprising to think that if you pull russia out of the mouth of the chinese dragon, then sooner or later russia will democratize. first of all, russia cannot democratize, because 30 years of the, well, spam that was sent to russian bridges, they simply reformatted their population, and this
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population does not think in democratic terms. by the way, it is very, very dependent on soviet paternalism, that is, it looks at the state as the only regulator and feeder of them, that is, it the population as a whole is not independent, it needs paternalistic support, and because of this it cannot pay a price for its own life, putin must leave and die for putin, they leave because they can get money for it. they think that this is a lottery game, someone died, and i, and i will slip, and i will survive, and i will have 20 00 dollars in the account or something else, that's it... such an absolutely infantile way of thinking, but also russian, she is a fanatic, a fascist, she also thinks in such infantile categories. mr. volodymyr, let's go back to
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of ukraine, because zelenskyi made several statements and, in particular, regarding the fact that decisions should be made on the spiritual independence of ukraine from russia, and it is obviously about a bill that will prohibit the activity of russian... organizations on the territory of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine , wrote today that the humanitarian and information policy committee supported the amendments to the final version of the government bill on the banning of the uoc-mp, and as knyazhytskyi writes, the committee voted unanimously for the last amendments, sought compromises, but did not retreat from fundamental issues. we will start the next plenary session of the verkhovna rada. from consideration of this issue, and zelenskyi also announced that among the urgent bills with which president zelenskyi
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addressed the verkhovna rada, there is a demand to deprive traitors and collaborators of state titles and awards. let's listen to what zelensky said. anyone who serves putin, or justifies his war, or helps evil, does not deserve to keep all that, or. he or she was celebrated by the ukrainian state, traitors who fled to russia after february 24, collaborators working for the war, all criminals who served the russian state, they should be deprived of any ranks and awards in ukraine. is it correct, mr. volodymyr, i understand that on the eve of another independence day, ukraine will meet this day with a decision. about the banning of religious organizations associated with russia and the annulment of the titles of the hero of ukraine, yuriy boyko and people's
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artists, anna lorak, taisia ​​povaliy, and other people who fled outside of ukraine. boyka did not escape, but he is a hero of ukraine, perhaps after all, he will fall under the category that will allow him to be deprived. of this rank, i will remind you that on the day of the great russian aggression , february 24, er, the mentioned boyko was on the air before solov'ov. already, already in kyiv , houses were bombed, people died, and boyko for some reason decided that he would talk about the peoples of his brothers on the russian airwaves. so, in fact, if the government was consistent, the opzh factions would already be. more precisely, there were not even rudiments of the opz faction either in the verkhovna rada or in the councils of various levels, in particular the councils of the otg and the councils of the district and
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regional and city, but we can see that only in ukraine in general these deputy groups in the councils of various levels were not even dissolved, but removed from voting, even in the kyiv council the opz faction remains and it votes. the same with the servants, well , all over ukraine, i will kill you, sorry, all over ukraine in 2020, more than 4,000 deputies from opzh were elected, and they remained, that is, they only re-formed, well, they did not always remain, if they remained , then in many councils they were deprived of the right to vote, that is, they formally remain, because well... let's say this, the authorities took a strange line of behavior in relation to the banned parties, some smaller parties like
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sharia, they were almost removed from the ranks, but opzzh remains, in many councils, that is, in the kyiv region the first fastov voted to deprive them of the right to vote, but they remain equal in the councils, so if the government is consistent, it... should also give such a gift to the ukrainians. do you think that the decision on the opcmp will be resolved next week. briefly, if possible. the problem is that with this law, speaker stefanchuk has already beaten the opposition several times. and by the way, and in those cases too, the committee correctly voted for the introduction of this law, and then stefanchuk found a way out. there is no reason not to introduce it, well , it is interesting, because, by the way, they publicly promised european solidarity to start a new meeting, precisely with
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this law. project, this is an intrigue, let's see whether they will deceive the ukrainians or not. thank you, mr. volodymyr, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel. let's look at the interim results of our television survey. today we ask you about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church. 60, 51% think so, 49% no, that is, 50%. 50. there are discounts until independence day on normoven 10% tablets in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. no lion can overcome an allergy like a deer. cetrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. do you suffer
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field with me, and sports news. i invite you to talk. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters about cultural news, our tv viewer is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the unit yangola taira yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in...
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these 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the reconstruction program, vol. of urban development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. kursk scandal for putin. the armed forces of ukraine are successfully developing an offensive operation on the territory.
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russia, what will desacralization of the kremlin dictator lead to? an attack on the northern stream. american journalists accuse the ukrainian side of sabotage. who benefits from the spread of anti-ukrainian hysteria in the world. unpacking kyrylenka. the head of the anti-monopoly committee, who previously ruled donetsk region, is accused of illegal enrichment. how do officials manage to make fortunes during wartime? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work not only on the live air of the tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we are asking you about whether the uoc can, and what the mp is not in favor of.


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