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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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a problem because he is not predictable, because he can actually threaten anyone, with anything, that is, he is the type of personality who does not base his actions on reasoning and logic, who can change his mind, who can come up with any plan at the last minute for a minute, and that's exactly why i don't believe that he has any real plan for ukraine, i think that he is just thinking of meeting with putin and zelensky at the same table and so... by the power of charisma and threats to achieve something, and what to achieve well, for sure , he still can't imagine himself. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, and friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, throughout our broadcast we ask you the following: can the uoc become independent of the roc 0 800 211 381, if you are looking. we are on tv and you have
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a smartphone, if you think that the uoc can become independent from the russian orthodox church, no 0,800, 211, 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or leave your comment , please, in the comments under this video. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, let's not start with kursk, let's start with biden and his flirting with the russian opposition, with those people who were released by putin, or exchanged by putin for his terrorists and spies. joseph biden met at the white house with vladimir karamurza, released from a russian prison, and his family, and actually posted this photo by biden himself on... on
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the x network that the president of the united states of america wrote, today i welcomed volodymyr karamurza and his family to the white house to celebrate his return to america. volodymyr spent 2.5 years of unjust imprisonment in russia for speaking out against russia's war in ukraine, today his family is whole again. how do you perceive efforts, mr. volodymyr? of the united states of america, after all, it is still possible to find good russians and, according to tradition , probably since the time of the soviet union, to create or trying to support this image of some group of people who can return to their homeland and change everything there, well, this is such a soviet mythology, i have the impression that biden supports a certain such, well, phantom. of soviet dissension and dissidence,
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because he sees that putin lives by it, and biden creates a mirror for him, a mirror in which putin would see himself, so to speak, on the one hand as a continuation of the sovka, sovka traditions, and on the other hand , well, he felt powerful, like soviet party bonzes. but we perfectly understand that the current russian federation is not the soviet union at all. secondly, if dissidents are to be hated, or even such a network of dissidents is to be created, then we vividly recall the dissident solzhenitsyn or the dissident marinkovich, who carried such nonsense and such chauvinistic, so to speak, heresy that it was not overstretched. but in principle
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, it is important for democracy to support any opponents of the current fascist russian regime, in the hope that something democratic will grow from these seeds, i doubt it. sir volodymyr, but the united states of america is trying to flirt and constantly flirt and show this. the pseudo-russian opposition, and this is also, well, the creation of some kind of false world, because until then dokey joseph biden will show whether kamala harris or donald trump is there, while they will show russian oppositionists and say: look, these are the people who can oppose putin , until the world will believe that it is impossible to remove putin from putin. connect with all
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the people and carry out denazification, de-racialization, deputinization, because this is putin bad, and there are good russians, isn't washington now sending false messages to the whole world? well, it's not actually creating an alternative to putin, it's just an attempt to protect those who challenge putin, it's a slightly different logic, the united states basically, well, understands the current russia, and they, they think how to encapsulate it, and this regime er... how to balance this regime so that it does not finally dissolve into the chinese regime, so that it still remains at least semi-subjective, because uh, well, china, china sees, looks at russia as a tool
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competition with the united states, and the united states, but in the united states there is such a, well, the idea is cultivated that if you pull... russia out of the mouth of the chinese dragon, then sooner or later russia will democratize. first of all, russia cannot democratize, because 30 years of that, well, spam, which was sent to the russians of miysk, they simply reformatted their population, and this population does not think in democratic terms. by the way, it is very, very similar to soviet paternalism... dependent, that is , it looks at the state as the only their regulator and feeder, that is, this population in its mass is not independent, it needs paternalistic support, and because of this it cannot but pay a price for its own life,
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putin must go and die for putin, they go because they can get money for it , they think it's such a game. in the lottery, someone died, and i, and i will slip through, and i will survive and have 20,000 dollars in my account or something else, this is such an absolutely infantile way of thinking, but the russian nobility is also racist and fascist, it also thinks with such infantile categories. mr. volodymyr, let's return to ukraine, because zelenskyy made several statements, and in particular, regarding what decisions should be adopted. about the spiritual independence of ukraine from russia, and it is obviously about a bill that will prohibit the activities of russian religious organizations on the territory of ukraine. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, wrote today that the committee on
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humanitarian and information policy supported the amendments to the final version of the government bill on the banning of the uoc-mp. and, as knyazhytskyi writes, they voted unanimously. at the committee for the latest amendments, they looked for compromises, but did not deviate from the fundamental issues, the next plenary session of the verkhovna rada, we will start with consideration of this issue, and zelensky also announced that among the urgent bills with which president zelensky addressed the verkhovna rada, there is a demand deprive traitors and collaborators of state titles and awards. let's listen to what zelensky said. anyone who serves putin, or justifies his war, or aids evil, is not deserves to keep everything that the ukrainian state celebrated him or her with. traitors who fled to russia after february 24, collaborators
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who work for the war, all criminals who served the russian state, they should be deprived of any ranks and awards in ukraine. is it correct? mr. volodymyr, i understand that on the eve of the next independence day, ukraine will meet this day with a decision to ban religious organizations that are connected to russia and cancel the titles of the hero of ukraine, yuriy boyk and the people's artists, anni lorak, taisi povali, and other people who escaped. outside of ukraine, boyka did not escape, but he is a hero of ukraine, perhaps he will fall under the category that will allow him to be deprived of this title. i will remind you that on the day of the great russian aggression , february 24, the mentioned boyko was on the air
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before solov'ov. already, already in kyiv , houses were bombed, people died, and boyko for some reason decided that he would talk about... the peoples of the brothers on the russian airwaves, so in fact, if the government were consistent, then the factions of the opzzh already, or rather, even rudiment of the faction. and opzh would no longer be in the verkhovna rada or in the councils of various levels, in particular the councils of the otg and in the district , regional and city councils, but we see that only in ukraine in general these deputy groups in the councils of various levels were not even the same , which are dissolved, but removed from voting, even in the kyiv city council, the opz faction remains, and it votes in the same way together with'. well, all over ukraine, i’m going to beat you up, sorry, in 2020, more than 4,000
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opzh deputies were elected all over ukraine, and they remained, that is, they only reformed, well, not always remained, if they remained, then in many councils they were deprived of the right to vote, that is, they formally remain, because, well , let's say, the authorities took a... strange line of behavior in relation to banned parties, some, some smaller parties like , sharia, they were almost expelled from the councils, but the opzh remains, in many councils, in the kyiv region, the first fastist voted to deprive them of the right to vote, well, they remain equal in all councils, so if the government is consistent, it would also have such a gift to ukraine. did do you think that the decision on the opcmp will be resolved
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next week? briefly, if possible. the problem is that with this law, speaker stefanchuk has cheated the opposition several times already . and by the way, and, well, in those cases too, the committee correctly voted for the introduction of this law, and then stefanchuk found a reason not to introduce it. well, it's interesting. because , by the way, they publicly promised european solidarity in front of the whole of ukraine that they would start a new session with this particular draft law, this is an intrigue, let's see if will they deceive the ukrainians or not. thank you, mr. volodymyr, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, friends, we continue to work live on espresso tv channel. let's look at the interim results of our television poll, we ask you today. about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, 60, 51% think so, 49%
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no, so it's 50 to 50. dynamo, kyiv, red bull-salzburg only on mego. for a chance to enter the champions league, kyiv will give everything on the field strength cheer on august 21 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively. on mego there are 10% discounts on carsy pills until independence day at psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% at psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time.
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two hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, our article. a film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of ordinary
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ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively, on the air of the espresso tv channel. what are you the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that are taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment based on the facts. and the forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. kursk scandal for putin. the armed forces of ukraine are successfully developing an offensive operation on the territory of russia. what will it lead to? desacralization of the kremlin dictator? an attack on the northern stream. american journalists accuse the ukrainian side of sabotage. who benefits from the spread of anti-ukrainian hysteria in the world. unpacking kyrylenka, the head of the anti-monopoly committee who previously ruled donetsk region, is accused of illegal enrichment, how do officials manage to acquire wealth during the war? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work not only on the live air of the tv channel, but also on our
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youtube and facebook platforms. for those who now watch us live there. subscribe to ours. take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, because we are all waiting for a decision, and president zelenskyi has already announced that there will be spiritual independence of ukraine from russia, we hope that it will will be, that is why we ask you whether the opc can become independent from the russian orthodox church, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please write it in the comments if you watch us on tv. take the ether into your hands smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers 0800 211 381, if you think that the uoc can become independent from the russian orthodox church, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have a traditional journalism club and i want to introduce my colleagues, this is olga
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len, a political viewer, espresso presenter, author and presenter. programs information chronicles of the war. hello, olga. congratulations. and bohdan butkevich, journalist, radio host, author and host of two youtube channels, censornet and showbiz bohdan, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the conversation. we have some problems with communication. i hope that, uh, that we will have contact with bohdan. please check it out for sound engineers. maybe there are some problems on the line, well, as colleagues, we are asking our tv viewers whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, let's go through this question in the format of a blitz poll and ask you and hear your thoughts about what you think, whether it is possible ooc to become independent from the russian orthodox church, olga, the question, well, they had for
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this, well, i don't know, six years ago, yes from the moment. obtaining tomos, and somehow it didn't work out until now, so i don't know, i think it's just somehow time to admit that this is a systemic, systemic organization that is, well , subordinate to another country, and that's all, well, i understand that it can be so , that the uoc will have no other option than to become independent from the russian orthodox church, or at least join the ocu. bohdan, you can hear us, well, i hope you join in, i can hear you perfectly, i can see you, everything is fine, everything is much better now, because at the entrance we had some, some problems with the sound, do you think that the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, how is it possible, how can it become independent from the body, for example, the right hand, well, that is, it is impossible,
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in principle, it is exactly the same story here, you understand , well, i would... pay attention to the fact that if there are people left in the uoc who, for example, well, let's say this, until now, i don't know for what reason they are still there, frankly speaking, that is, it could have been the argument that they didn't understand something there, something else, now actually, well, to be honest, i don't know, well, let's imagine that there are such people, well yesterday, it seems, epiphanius made a wonderful appeal to the actual head of this structure, i honestly just don't understand... what else can be said, that is, everyone understands everything perfectly, all the masks have been removed a long time ago, and therefore it seems to me that if these people want to continue to be in the orthodox church, the ukrainian orthodox church, then they... just need to unite with the ocu, actually the stupidity of moscow, i don't even want to say bad words, so as not to spoil your youtube monetization and to have a good time didn't
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run, well, but okay, look, stupidity of muscovites is that they could, for example, take some very dangerous step, well, imagine, and they take, for example, the moscow russian orthodox church and give their tomos, it would be absolutely illegitimate, they had no right to give it, but just imagine, they take and give their own tomos to the uoc. well, imagine such a step, it would not really be dangerous, but it would be a situation in which, well, i would say, for some morons there would be some choice, but moscow is so stupid that it does nothing can come up with an exception what she is doing now, apart from wasting time, that is why i am sure that of course no uoc will exist in this form, whoever wants to continue to be a priest, if he goes through the sieve of boron and purification, will enter the ocu, well... whoever wants to be a part of the russian orthodox church, well, he will continue to be one, i have no doubt that somewhere at home in the apartment of some crazy moron, they will gather, i don't know where,
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to tell that they are a catacomb church, like the first christian, i do not doubt it, but i will repeat myself, i am sure that i will repeat myself, here thank god, you know that our enemy is very cruel, merciless, cynical, but fortunately , there is no misogyny or strategic thinking in him, and this is very good, so they should simply be banned and forgotten as terrible. let's hope that next week the verkhovna rada of ukraine will vote in the second reading of the draft law, which has been pending for a long time, and this is basically the political will of the current government, it is clear that no matter how much president zelenskyy says that we will now vote for spiritual independence or declare it from of russia, but this spiritual independence could have been proclaimed a long time ago and then nodded in the direction of the parliament and said that the bad parliament does not do this, well, it is very strange, despite the fact that... ruslan stefanchuk is an associate of zelenskyi, a servant of the people the parliamentary majority, well, who can complain, if zelensky is still in the mirror, that is, he
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looks at stefanchuk, and sees himself there, well , roughly so, colleagues, let's move on to the main topic, probably the last 11 days, which is the offensive on kurshchyna by the armed forces of ukraine , a lot of comments with the beginning of this one special operations or operations, military operations of ukraine. at first, ukraine did not comment in any way, it was mainly the rashists and theirs who commented, propaganda channels and z-channels in telegram very actively covered this event, but ukraine has already completely legitimized this whole story in terms of information, can we assume that with this operation a completely different one began history. putin, putin in the world context, in the context of how he is perceived, how russia is perceived, it may have been a discovery for someone that
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they can walk on the territory of the russian federation boots of ukrainian soldiers, and apparently putin himself did not know that this could happen, but this is the desire to show that we are stronger here and we are so formidable, we will give it to everyone now. and god forbid, someone will enter our territory, or bite off these territories that we have already occupied, well, they mean the russians, that this story is already over, that there is nothing to mold this propaganda out of nothing, when you are in the state a foreign foreign army is coming, and there is nothing to say and nothing to do, but we simply have to admit that the myth of this omnipotence... well it does not happen all at once, of course, i would say this is one more, you know, step for desecralization of the russian
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government, and putin, and russia as such, but it is obvious that this is a long way from the moment that we can say yes, everything happened, no, it didn't happen, because in order for it to happen, the process must be long-term, that... that even there was formed in the cities of the world elite there and in general , there were some different international organizations about that russia has a special status, it was not formed in one day, well, accordingly it will not disappear in one day, for this , this operation must be both longer and definitely successful, and well , efforts must be made for this, that is, it is not something like that. the capture took place, and besides , to say that after that putin's power there will collapse, no, it won't collapse, well, it won't fall like
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that, it didn't fall. after prigozhin and after that, it will not directly fall at one moment, it defeats, of course, his personal power, it is also due to its smaller capacity, and it leads us, perhaps most likely, to some form of coup d'état in russia, but such a you know, well, a palace coup, i don't absolutely do not believe that it will be some kind of uprising of the masses, because if you look at the latest polls, well , as much as we can generally assume that... in russia there may be some surveys, but it was conducted on august 9, 11 by the public opinion fund, it was issued literally on the 15th, that is, just about, and what do you think, after everything that happened, only 25% of russians there said that yes, they began to behave worse there, they believe that somehow the authorities are doing something wrong in russian, 25%, what do you
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to say, it didn't lead to anything. account, i.e. it's not quite something like that, at the same time it should be understood that, for example, one in five russians is generally interested in the war and everything that is happening, up to, that is, four of them, as indifferent as it was, remain indifferent, well , that is what is the russian government based on, first of all, it is total absolute learned helplessness, we have seen this, if we look at the included... all the judges that were made by ukrainian tv channels, where they sit in the basement, they say, well, apparently, putin is not knows what is happening, that she abandoned us the local authorities, well, you understand, but at the same time, they simply lie to your face, that’s right, you know, the most despicable thing was when they were told, and you are aware, that ukraine was being shelled from your territory there, that the war is going against ukraine, you invaded ukraine, they, well, i don’t know, i can’t hear well, yes... or
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something else like that, that we didn’t know anything there, well, of course it’s all a proxy, but you have to understand that this passivity of the population , in principle, it allows the russian authorities to hold on long enough and, accordingly, in order to break it, the process should be longer and i would say the invasion deeper, so that's why these are important to me , thank you, thank you olga, bohdan, well, in the background , what is happening in kurshchyna, we see how our western partners are talking about the fact that, well, what did you actually expect, this is how the event should have developed, but our western partners are in no hurry to put an end to the history of putin's russia, and to help us put an end to it more actively, because they still , apparently, they hope
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that in some... format, putin, after all will leave power or withdraw the troops from the territory of the ukrainian state, here the oppositionists were also brought to the west, biden meets with volodymyr karamburza and his family, and here you see, there are good russians, why do ukrainians and ukraine have enough strength and opportunities for that , to start to finish. well , the easiest thing now is to publish another filipica on the subject of a weak west there, which does not have enough eggs and everything else, but everything is a little more complicated, i would say, you understand, well, that is, on the one hand, there are definitely no eggs in any sense, because, well, in a certain sense, they can even be understood, you know, people decided that they no longer want to fight, you know. well, it is very
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unpleasant for us, but, on the other hand, imagine already there the third generation of people, who live without great warriors, and when they go to war , there are only some, you know, small ones determined by place and desire, and in fact only those who go wants to go to her, well , that’s ok, but now the second point, we have... one more thing, well, of course there is the fear of a certain nuclear confrontation, plus you don’t forget that russia has always invested very, i would say, effectively in creating the image of such a scarecrow, and putin himself constantly does it, but i will tell you that there is a third point, which is actually also very special in my opinion, see in fact, they think to themselves that, well, first of all , look, let's just understand one important thing for ourselves.


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