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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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there to kursk or to moscow about the transfer of armed forces or something else, there is no, of course, mr. yuriy, we actually heard about such a threat yesterday, yes, mr. yuriy, thank you, yuriy zarko, head of the bilopolska otg, even yesterday we were talking about creating such a threat , then you need to put signs, you know, like at the airport, citizens of the european union, there are no passport holders, then there should also be such an arrow, you know there, representatives of the svr, external intelligence to the right, the fsb to the left, you know, all the rest on teotkino, somewhere like that in... it looks like there are no refugees there yet, like in mariupol we have found out, we have not yet delivered, yes, and near the russian-ukrainian border, we will take a short break and shift our attention to the hottest part of the russian-ukrainian eastern front, we will talk about pokrovsk, mirnograd and everything around. there are discounts until the day. in the pharmacies
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psylshynyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 3% at the pharmacies psyslynyk, pam and ochad. the book of women at war, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and duhiliter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the tv channel host christina parubiy's espresso. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book, dedicated to women who chose to fight the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at podorozhnyk, bam and oshkad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska, 10% at psylloshnik vam and oshkad pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? on these and other questions, which worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal program. examination on espresso tv channel.
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journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts, analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. and here in regard to donetsk region, in regard to shelling, two people were killed, two more were wounded, one person died in turkey, the other in chasovoy yar. in general, all this time the russians were fighting in the pokrovsky, kramatorsk and bakhmutsky districts, we mean this front-line territory. however, how do people manage
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to live in... we will ask serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. i am a hero, i congratulate you. it is difficult to ask something now about pokrovsk, because we understand that it is probably there not the most difficult in the whole country now. tell us how people live, how they are now reacting to the constant shelling, how they are acting, or are they leaving? yes, indeed. we have an evacuation, well, it is very good, because people did not leave, the city had a population of more than 61 thousand, now we have a population of 60 and a half thousand, so we have been through various communication channels since 2022, we must rejoice, urged people to leave for safer places, evacuations from the city and from the law intensified. ugh, in
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the neighboring myrnograd there are also the same ones 20,000 problems and they are also trying to convince to leave, we actually found out about it yesterday. the priority, of course, is the terrace, myrnograd and pokrovsk, did the military -civilian administration, together with the ssu, manage to create defense lines near the city, so that this goal of the russians, to capture these two cities and get an open road to the dnipro, was not realized despite all their efforts. yes indeed, well, let's say so, not in the city and not... in front of the city, but there are several lines of defense, on each of them, at each city of donetsk region , a military brigade, a combat brigade, is stationed, there are certain plans for the defense of each city, and according to the task of the military, the city, that is, we carry out
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the task and build a fortification, together with the regional military administration, together with the engineering troops, and we were also joined by assistants from some regions. that's why we are building, but if you see that there are ten times more rashists, that's why our guys are forced to leave somewhere, 6 km from them to mirnograd, 10 to pokrovsk, what does this mean, what exactly is the maximum they can afford and how to terrorize the population, i'm not a soldier expert, but the nomenclature of shelling will change for sure. if they hit us with missiles from 300 or tornado s or kabs not so far away, then it is possible that there will be artillery as well. ugh. at one time , mirnograd and pokrovsk were considered as cities where our citizens were evacuated from
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the front-line territories, that is, for them it could be a second, as they say, a second departure, and where they are offered, or whether the people themselves have. to find a city where they will evacuate, are there any agreements with other administrations, are there specific regions or cities where they can go? so really, well as for our community, then we first experienced a large-scale invasion of russians, almost 15,000 people who left neighboring communities, including avdiivka, cheretensk community, krasnohorivka, maryenka, and volnovakha, live in us, this is the first wave. uh, these are people who already fled the war, that is why we called on families with children, elderly people, as well as internally displaced persons to evacuate, we have a regional commission, today
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the host, host region is rivne region and poltava region for children, there are several stages, first, people leave by themselves, also... companies help to evacuate their families, well , i'm talking about the mining and construction industry, as well as centralized in places of compact living, this is in the rivne region, you go to akapo, then, our colleagues actually told us that traveling around the front-line communities and cities, quite often such a situation arises, as we heard yesterday in... with storetska, yes, well, for example, there was fighting right near the city, and people refuse to leave, and you can't all be here at once i began to suspect that it was the same history is already repeating itself in a big city, in yours, that is, here, there are also those
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who refuse, who say, well, we heard, but we will not go anywhere, in every place there are people who do not want to leave until the last one. until a neighbor is put to sleep there or, god forbid , it will fly somewhere nearby and when there is already fear, so it cannot be said that all are hungry, it was the same in avdiivka, and it was in bakhmut when people were taken away, but i understand, that a few, if we saw along avdiivka or along bakhmut, then people stayed there and got in the occupation, well, now we see it as a danger, well, 2,500 say in turkey, in new york, even up to you... local people remain, despite the fact that it is already street fighting, you expect from this number of citizens who now, how many there will be some approximate calculations, well, we already had a mass evacuation of the population,
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mostly independent, why are we now calling for a planned evacuation, so that there is no crowding at the railway station, so that we do not get a thousand people there, that is, it is possible make a scheduled pick up. er, when it was created military administration, and in august, september 2022, the community had a population of 27, in general, before the large-scale invasion, 86. of the population, that is, we see that 2/3 left immediately, uh, well, as practice shows, somewhere 10-8 percent remains, and which services remain, and which services remain in place, the emergency police, emergency services, who is still working, as of today, but as of today , all services are working, the state medical service, the national police service, the national police, all hospitals. banks, that's how big stores, retailers close, the family closed there,
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varus is closing, as far as i know, well, it’s from big stores, and that’s how everything works, you say that hospitals remain, and it’s not about relocating these medical institutions with equipment, with medical workers a little further from the rear cities, so for the time being we are looking, we are not looking, but we will... make it a perinatal center, but a clinical hospital to provide, god forbid, help to the wounded, we have to leave it in the city for now, can you still summarize, actually , by how many people remains in the city on this moment, maybe you have numbers, how many of them are children, and here are the forecasts, now there are 60,500 people in the city, in the community. in the community, in the city, 46,000, of which we still have 4,900
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children in our community, 13,000 before the large-scale invasion, and of these, of these 6,500 internally displaced persons who live, live in the community, that is, those who previously evacuated from the neighboring territories, which are now under russian occupation, right? that's right, mr. serhiy, very recently there was a high-profile arrest of the entire deputy minister of energy, they say that the minister himself even contributed to the security service of ukraine, and it also applied to your region, because the deputy minister allegedly had to sign an autograph for half a million in order for the mining equipment to come from the pokrovsky district itself. got to the lviv-volyn coal basin, that was the story, eh, and it immediately
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interested me, indeed, this is a unique and quite expensive equipment, if the enemy approaches, well, let it not be in such a way, but scandalous, but it will remain for, if suddenly the enemy enters, will it also be transported, only in a legal way, i can't comment on anything here, but in any case. we need to relocate the equipment, yes, by the way, we have already taken out all of our valuables from education, culture, all of them, we have taken out all the archives, well, that ’s the wealth that belongs to our taxpayers, so we had to, well, we have to preserve them , but with regard to such expensive equipment, in particular mining equipment, the ministry is not carrying out any relocation now, is it? no, the relocation was carried out from dp krasnolimansk, yes, of course, i can only say about
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my territory, i cannot from other territories to comment, i don't know, thank you, mr. serhiy, thank you for being with us, and we hope that we will be able to hold on and bring out those who need it most now, serhiy dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration, was with us, the tv channel, a short pause , then we will move a little south along the front line, about what is happening in zaporozhye region, in that area, along the line of combat, we will ask our next guest, wait, in the august issue of the magazine krania will tell about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children kidnapped by russia, the country touches on painful
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topics for all ukrainians, we talk to experts, listen to the stories of the soldiers who were captured, ask the country at the points of sale of the press or pre-pay online. fm: galicia. listen to yours. pelergia mechael lev overcomes city lev. citrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. dynamo-kyiv, red bull-salzburg only on mego. for a chance to enter the champions league, kyivans will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21 at 22:00, exclusively on mego. there are discounts until the day
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of independence on valeriana bulgarska. 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oschadnik. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. an unusual look on the news: good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view on events in ukraine, so needless to say , that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who then is china, me, my heart
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hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17. 10 sunday 18:15 at espresso . and we return to zaporizhia. almost 300 drones were used by the russians in just one day for attacks zaporozhye region. well, 400 more than 400 strikes on various settlements. these are stable figures, a few less, a few more, but this happens every day in the zaporizhzhia region. most. the number of attacks, of course, falls on the front-line areas of the russian armed forces, artillery, that is what is heard there, unfortunately, all the time. we will ask our guest, the spokesman of the legion of freedom, kostiantyn denisov, about all this and more. mr. kostyantyn, glory to ukraine. glory to you as a hero, i congratulate you and the viewers of espress. mrs. kostyantina, we have seen that in the last few days in
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the enemy was in a certain panic, they said, it seems that something is being prepared. precisely in the south of the zaporizhia region, perhaps this is a double blow for the purpose of deoccupation of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, assumed by their eyes of warriors who are running somewhere in front of you and there they cover all this, as it looks as of now, that is, they still have a certain nervousness , all the more so as reports say that some part of the troops were withdrawn from the reserves somewhere over there for the kurshchyna. how does it look to your eyes on the touchline in particular? no, well of course, they have a certain nervousness, because they, you yourself, have just announced the figures for drones, for artillery fire, how much they are laying down, and they have no promotions and solemn victories, of course they have a certain malice and nervousness, they cannot have nothing
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to show their superiors, so they spread some kind of panic. well, again, judging by the fact that i announced that i personally do not follow the messages of russian military leaders, i am not interested in them at all. due to the situation, they slowed down the infantry attacks a little, this is due to the fact that, first of all, they also need to be there to heal wounds, secondly to bring in reinforcements, and thirdly, you and i have already discussed more than once that due to the fact that they are constantly pounding their artillery, they fire everything that they see in front of their elementary infantry. there is nowhere to gain a foothold, and their failures are also facilitated by the competent and active defense of the ukrainian security forces, of course there are losses, let's say objectively, but the defense is built multi-layered and competent, due to which the enemy, having a total advantage in resources, cannot advance.
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you have, mr. constantin, we are actually watching for to understand how they will act. like in this song, you know, go crazy, go crazy, crazy cats, feed spies, build prisons, and that's kind of how we look at it, but yesterday they finally tied it into some kind of operation, at least, because they said that a dirty bomb will be prepared for a terrorist act at the temporarily captured zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and who but you and others to do this terrorist attack, because that's what they are. even the whole ministry of ours had to refute this stupid thing, and it has already happened the second time when an informational attack is thrown into the mix that ukraine will make provocations with a dirty... nuclear bomb? no, well, this is not the first time they raise this issue and arrange provocations around the nuclear plant, we
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must understand that ukrainians are conscious creative people, the nuclear plant is an object of increased danger, and no one from the ukrainian side will shoot at it , no bombs to throw, despite the fact that the russians from the vicinity of energodar are regularly shelling the same ones. communities of dnipropetrovsk region provoking shelling in response, it was they who arranged it there, even you and i discussed that they themselves shelled the industrial site of the nuclear plant with their own mortars, cut power lines and managed even to the point that for certain periods the energy capital of the zaporizhzhia region was completely without electricity and people even there was no heating in the apartments, these are the results of russian terrorist attacks on the territory of energodar and... the community, they are doing it all themselves, and they are spreading panic in order to raise rates, attract some attention, then in fact, you see, periodically the international monitoring
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commission or whatever it is called, the russians run around there and tell all kinds of nonsense about the ukrainian defense security forces, but they are not fools either and understand perfectly well that of course ukraine will liberate all settlements temporarily occupied by russians on the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, no one refuses the strategic task of reaching the state borders, in particular on the territory of the zaporizhzhia region. sir konstantin, they are not fools, of course, but they are not always allowed there, that is, it also gives them a lot to think about. behind the front line, what do you see there, because? your brothers told us the other day that there are settlements under occupation, but right behind the front line, such as nesteryanka, a small settlement where ukrainians still live,
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that is, people do not leave, do not flee, and i i understand that the biggest threat for them there is actually not people flying in from behind the front line, that is, from us, but the russians, the occupiers who occupied their settlements, what do you see, how people live there now? well , look , ukrainians live in every settlement that is located on the temporarily occupied territory, yes, of course, the russians bring all kinds of people there, they change the ethnic picture of zaporizhzhya, the question of why people don’t leave, well, you have to understand each situation separately, someone deliberately does not want, someone is afraid to leave the house, someone has nowhere to leave, someone can't due to their health, the fact that russians hide their military equipment in private yards. and they use these people as a human shield, yes, this is also true, let's say objectively, that they dream of trenches and various fortifications there,
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including in the territory of private yards, yes, well, they too, i repeat, simply use people as a human shield and cover themselves with them from the same ukrainian anti-aircraft artillery or ukrainian drones, mr. kostyantyn, you must have seen when our military on the kurshchyna worked, then... yuriy botusov posted a video of their commander of the base company post, everything is arranged there, better than, as they say, the textbooks write, they write with a bathroom, and a kitchen, and even an underground bathhouse, that is, it is very competently built , covered, filled with concrete, everything is as it should be, you also said that in your direction the enemy is releasing up to half a thousand drones a day, but it cannot pass, so... at least in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the legion of freedom , the defense lines are strong, you them they built themselves, they were prepared by the military-civilian administration, and
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then you already completed them together with the engineering troops, how was it and how do you evaluate them when you look at these pictures, you can compare them with our line of defense and everything else, so your analysis as a specialist is important? well, look, i'm not an engineering expert. i'll tell you right away, i 'll also tell you something that to me, brothers, we often joke that a shovel is a soldier's best friend, yes, unfortunately, we don't have it like the russians, i mean, they actively use equipment there and they have the opportunity to voluntarily and forcibly drive various utility equipment to construction fortifications, our comrades, of course , dig in, mostly by hand, and you and i discussed that often in... we have to dig not in the middle of the main field, because the russians fire their artillery all the time, b. zaporizhzhia region is mostly a steppe zone, so
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it is difficult to do everything and... russian reconnaissance drones are constantly hanging overhead, regarding the fortifications to the customers, the executor of which is the military-civilian administration, please address these questions to her, they do not comment on the actions of the legion of freedom, and we are not we are commenting on the actions of the military-civilian administration, but we were just asking because we thought that they had dug out, and then they would help you, bring wood, concrete? volunteers help, give rides. building materials, followed by a low bow, honor, honor and respect. thank you, mr. kostyantyn, we agree with you, kostyantyn denisov, spokesman for the legion of freedom, was with us about the situation in the zaporozhye region. there was information that the russians were quietly moving part of their troops from the south, from the kherson region, to the kursk region. but obviously this is not some such direction, they started a panic, and that was until the
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moment when they knew the methods. we told, in order to support this operation, that ukraine is preparing provocations at two nuclear power plants, for some reason, according to the methodology, in addition to the captured zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, they also added kursk atomic noises to the chicken, i can’t help but understand, the armed forces of ukraine went there first did not fit, why suddenly at these two nuclear power plants and why use a provocation with... a dirty bomb, let us remind you that this is simply a bomb in which, well, in theory, a bomb in which there should be radio passive radioactive material and simply as a result of the explosion it pollutes the territory, moreover, according to the method they were told that it should happen precisely on in those areas of the nuclear power plant where spent fuel is stored, the ministry of foreign affairs was forced to respond officially, we understand that such a release of information is an attempt to publish an attempt.
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to show that the armed forces of ukraine are occupiers, that the armed forces are terrorists, and all this is declared by the country sponsoring terrorism, at least this is the official status in the russian federation, the country is a sponsor of terrorism, but now probably no one in the world will even react to this, because this is not the first time in history , the russians have already accused us of this once, then we, the ukrainians, invited experts from around the world, relevant specialists and... demonstrated that we do not have this bomb, that we are not going to use it anywhere, because there is simply nothing, so the cards have been opened, i see that i changed, and the changes to the dept are already carried out when i already have official confirmation, so here is another settlement of borka in kurshchyna, so the operation is ongoing, we have a report from the air
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force. so we have a report, we have a bit of information from the kyiv region that there are targets shot down there, because our air defense forces worked effectively, there are no hits on residential critical infrastructure objects, literally in two minutes the news will definitely have more information about exactly how at night, our defenders of the sky worked, beating, we know for sure that, unfortunately, one iskander flew in, and this is actually very... no city, this is an avenue in the center of the city, where there are a huge number of people during the rush hour, fortunately, the hour was early, so there was not such a large crowd of people there, but all the same there are victims and there are damaged properties , there are destroyed cars and also parts of houses destroyed by shrapnel. the moment of silence is approaching at 9:00, the time when we commemorate each day. all
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those who died for our independence, due to the fact that the invaders came to our land. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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