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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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it is clear how it ended. the second world war, they say, well, we tried, like, no, no , well, we tried to de-escalate incorrectly, but in fact, we still need to de-escalate so that there is no great slaughter. that is, you understand, well, from their point of view, they may be right, of course. it's another matter that if, then they perceive russia as a great enemy. and here we come to the most, probably, unpleasant story. and this is primarily what we are talking about, probably about the americans, although also about the europeans and the same germans in the first place, who for 50 years they lived with the russians according to the durandel durandel principle, that is. let's trade, and that's why no one will want to fight, this was the policy since the end of the 60s of the last century, and the americans have a slightly different phobia, they, how can i say, they also believe that the type , that's how they won the cold war, no direct clashes with the soviet union, only some peripheral stories, or stories where you can, let's say, act through some , well, let's say so, spacers, but then it will be ok, and then this will give a result ot they are basically repeating the same story now. but they have one huge fear,
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which, unfortunately, russia is always playing on, playing very well, and it's not a nuclear war, even i 'll tell you, but another thing is that russia, okay, russia is falling apart, and in its place with yes, this is what americans have told me personally many times during meetings, imagine that tomorrow russia disintegrates, putin dies, moscow loses power, and 25 bantustans appear in russia's place, each of which is headed by some kadyrov and everyone has each nuclear warhead, and what should we do with them. well, just so that you understand their thinking, they think so, and i will tell you that until we, as ukraine, propose a solution, a concept of reorganization and a certain sense of control of this space, where the place of moscow will in a certain sense be taken by kyiv, that is, kyiv will not an imperial center, and a center that will simply lend a helping hand to every nation that wants to do something there, to every nation that wants to self-determine and so on, to promise this nation that it will not remain alone in this changing world and so on. then there is
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a chance that the same americans will really begin to seriously expect that, well, yes, let's destroy russia, but there is one more factor that is the worst for us in this whole story, this is of course the confrontation of the americans with china, and everyone perfectly understands that as soon as the russian central government begins to weaken, then a large part of russia, if not physically, then in any case in terms of influence, financially, in any other way, will be taken by china, and this is ... a black nightmare for americans, so that they are beautiful understand that china will in principle lose this war with the americans, and they have no chance of winning a confrontation with the americans, but they appear when china gets the opportunity to have uncontrolled access to russian resources, when they get access, god forbid, to russian nuclear weapons and so on, this will be a nightmare for the americans, of course, and that's why i'm just very afraid that if no one there loves russia, believe me, you know, those who say that they want to save russia... but why get into
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a fight and spend your strength, if you can to put it bluntly, not only that, but also to try to drag it somehow in the process, well, putin will die one day and not allow russia to become a mere limiter of china as a niaprichnik, you understand, nightingale, but it seems to me that this is roughly the story of this whole story , and i'm sorry that i'm like this, but... just you know, just to say that oh, stupid west, just afraid of russia, no, well, it's not only about that, you know, and until we offer our vision, what to do with all this, nothing will happen, instead of just shouting, let's cancel the russian ones, let's, no, that's great, but they don't understand why we need it, you explain to us why, well, sorry, that's how politics is done, friends, yes, and that's how it's done, that's how statements are made, now let's talk about the statement of the belarusian dictator... lukashenka, because against the background of
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what is happening in kurshchyna, he has already made several statements during the week that we will, they say, defend ourselves from the ukrainians, ukrainian drones are flying into the territory of belarus, although the belarusian army is monitoring group refuted all these statements, which monitor the movement of belarusian and russian troops, said that on august 9, when this statement was heard, that they were shooting down ukrainian drones in the sky of belarus, that this does not correspond to ... reality, then this khrenin, sorry, this the name of the minister of defense of belarus, the same minister of defense who, on the eve of the great invasion, convinced oleksiy ryeznikov that there would be no march from belarus to the territory of ukraine, no russian troops, hryenin is talking about what we have attracted here to the border with ukraine, tanks, mlrs, there, iskanders and we will defend ourselves, although who threatens them there, but... the dictator took the floor and
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said that he calls on russia and ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table to end the war, and threatened the west with a retaliatory strike in the event of... a military threat, let's hear what lukashenko said. we will respond immediately and adequately, if they want it not to happen, let's sit down at the negotiating table and end this fight, neither the ukrainian people, nor the russians, nor the belarusians need it, they need it. i'm not i can cite those facts, they are completely closed, where. they speak openly, high-ranking people, literally, let them beat each other, ukrainians, russians, let them all die in this cauldron, well, what lukashenko says, of course, this, as they say, drives away
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the devil, yes, yes, with slang , if you say, olga, that's why lukashenka is doing this now, he doesn't want to support it. putin, he does not want to give his tanks there or what he has left there for putin and his troops, he imitates this activity, that i am ready to serve there and to make another front for ukraine, the northern one, that is, what is his behavior in general, what is the logic of his behavior, well, it will be interesting to watch this whole interview in general, because look, well, he gives it to... one of the main the presenters of the first russia 1, the state russian channel, state duma deputy yevgeny popov, and here it is interesting that popov clearly came to make and somehow force him to
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make some other statements, it seemed to me, at least from this tone and from the way his face was under this, during this time these of lukashenka's statements that... he used a little different words, so it seems that these are not so much lukashenko's words as lukashenko's broadcast of some certain position, it seems to me, chinese, because now china has a very big influence on lukashenko, and therefore, by the way, he can afford all these conversations and some such more independent policy, because it is obvious that the russians expected belarus to withdraw its forces to the border. the distraction of ukrainian forces on this, that is, some such, you know, steps, well, lukashenko, i would say, on these steps have not been taken, and in this way we can, well , rather analyze it, but why is china’s position like this, and this is a slightly different question,
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you know, and it is more, perhaps, even more interesting, and this somehow shows that it is possible that china no longer considers it a good idea to continue. actions, because somehow, from her point of view, putin is suffering unacceptable losses, such that, in principle, do not add any positives to, let's say, his allies, but perhaps, rather, this whole story should be viewed in this way. thank you olga, bohdana, what do you think is important for lukashenka in the current situation after all, well, sit in your own. seats to move to the next term, or after all, and thanks to russia as well, or after all, to play for china, because china, in principle , is carrying out such a chineseization of europe, that is, there are several leaders of states in europe who work
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actively with china, in the same orban, and fitso, and lukashenko, and these are the states that communicate very actively. with beijing, and beijing also counts on these relations and on the fact that these states will help china expand, carry out expansion to europe? well, i would say yes, china would very much like to carry out the sinicization of europe, but so far nothing has come of it, this time, not only that, china is now standing on a very dangerous border, when the europeans have directly warned that any further serious support for russia will lead to .. that europe will start introducing tariffs against chinese goods, first of all, against batteries, electric cars, that is, something that is very critical for china, er, actually, that is why the chinese are now trying with all their heart to show that they not like russia support, although this is not the case, of course, well , as for the leaders who support them in
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europe, then you yourself said correctly, orbán is definitely a serious reinforcement, taking into account the fact that this is the poorest country in the european union, well, what about mr. vučić, well, we ourselves saw his statements about the fact that her... serbia chooses the eu, serbia chooses to join the eu and so on, so here is the story, but as for belarus, here the story is very simple, in my opinion, look, lukashenko is a scumbag, a cynical creature who... is already 30 years in power, longer than putin, longer than anyone else, and he understands perfectly well in fact what it is all about, he perfectly understands that as soon as putin is forced to stop in ukraine, belarus will be next, because we are perfectly we understand that putin's regime, come on, putin will fight to the death, it doesn't matter with whom, as soon as he stops, the whole bubble that he has inflated now will collapse, so he will have to constantly look for enemies, grow territories, but they will tell to their morons, for which they live badly again and so on, that's why belarus is the easiest
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target, that's why, if you paid attention, indeed lukashenko, well, he has been flirting with china for a long time, in fact, since the beginning of the 2010s, but now, well, you remember, for the first time in history, the belarusian-chinese military exercises took place in belarus recently, and not only that, he withdrew troops from the ukrainian border and so on during this, so i think that lukashenko understands very well. what does it all lead to, and he is trying not to fall under putin completely, his main goal - he has two simple goals: first, to survive putin both physically and politically and hand over power to his son, and the second point is to make sure that putin does not drag him into the war again. that is, he is ready to give him everything that is in belarus, but he does not want to fight physically, because he understands that this will be the point of no return, not only that, he knows how poland or someone else will react there already, eh , that's why all these statements of his are, in principle, well... i think that when he talked about negotiations, he really satisfaction, he really wants this story to end, but here are all his scarecrows, that we
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will transfer the belarusian troops there under the border, when in fact he did not transfer anything in particular, well, he is showing the putin type that i am so definitely loyal, but not to fight i will, and i think that he will continue to act in approximately the same way, because he is not an idiot, firstly, the military depots in belarus are empty, his army is not a fact at all that it will fight normally against the ukrainians, thirdly, excuse me affection. well, i just want to imagine the meeting of people who have never in their life not fought, but never had any combat situation with any brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, i think the result will be very fun, and accordingly i think that lukashenko will to continue beckoning the next in the way he is doing now and in the future, and i repeat, his main task is to survive putin, he understands very well that in order to survive him, he must not allow himself to be dragged into this war under any circumstances, well, he will in this way to do yes...
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to follow the events in belarus, because i continue in the last week, i read quite actively all the messages coming from minsk, and i have such different feelings and sensations about what they write, and even more so, after what happened on february 24, 2022, when, in principle, the belarusian the dictator has become an accomplice in russia's war against ukraine, and the only question is when the armed forces of ukraine. there they will give a decent response to the actions of the belarusian dictator, and it
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is only a matter of time, it seems to me that if they escalate the conflict, the army of belarus will definitely not be able to withstand the onslaught of armed forces forces of ukraine, and something similar will happen on the territory of belarus, similar to what happened and what we are observing in the territory of the kursk region, well, in general, lukashenko in the last ... well, this is the second release of his political prisoners there, that is, literally today, yes, he released 30 regular political prisoners there, who were convicted for various protests, before that, a month ago he released there, it seems, 18, well, that is, he clearly wants to somehow build his relations with the west and his relations with the world . and well, they are a little not the kind of relationship that they are trying to have to build putin, that is, well, he has
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something like that, moreover, they have now reduced the activity on the border with these attempts to transfer migrants to poland, which are also in principle some and we will monitor what is happening in belarus, that there are still a few topics on the belarusian-ukrainian border, colleagues, which we should have time to discuss, so please hurry. just to comment, because ahead of the topic of the northern stream-2 in the wall street journal , he wrote about what the ukrainians seem to have taken. participation in undermining this gas pipeline between russia and in germany, in denmark and norway, and it is of course, of course, a top topic there in sweden and denmark, forgive me, and it is a top topic there for the american press, american journalists are being entangled in
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all this, and here is büchner, this is wolfgang büchner, this is the deputy spokesman. of the federal government of germany says that the investigation of the sabotage at the nordstream gas pipeline is the highest priority for the german side, but regardless of the results of the investigation, it will not harm german-ukrainian relations, but they also monitor this and try to look at the situation in some way. is it possible to consider this publication in wallstre journal, its informational and psychological special operation of russia. because it seems that some information was leaked in a reputable publication, which may have been either thrown in for journalists, or, let's say, somehow inspired by moscow, because if you listen and read about what is being written about
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the ukrainian special services , then the ukrainian special services are probably the coolest in the world now, and small and... syria and the northern stream and something else, well, that is, the coolest thing can only be massad. olga, well, this is not the first time, already last year there were such events with similar publications, three or four, there with a difference of two or three months, that is, this is already some kind of regular one, there was some kind of break, they did not write about it for six months, i i think that now it has been dropped, well, for one reason only, because they did not write anything new, if you pick up the old ones'. it's about the same, just now it's more dramatic, because some fantasies about the fact that some people in the ukrainian intelligence services told them something, well, it's about nothing, you know it, this is some kind of romance and it's literally fiction, it's not an investigation, but
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the fact that it was dropped now, i connect directly with what's happening in the kursk region, and it's an attempt in some... way, of course, now, well , here is to pay attention to another subject, firstly, secondly, somehow, i think, well, to reduce support primarily to germany, because germany now has to provide another tranche of quite serious aid, and this is, of course, an attempt to undermine it , and that's why pro-russian politicians in germany immediately seized it, started doing all this, but, well why i say that this is fiction, yes, and not some kind of investigation. because, for example, the only such thing that is very important, and that really, well, would say that these are real materials of the investigation, if there were any conversations about where the explosives came from, how many explosives, what it was, by what means was supplied, well, that is, this is real evidence,
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some real things, and the fact that some yacht was sailing, which for some reason had the passports of the community... the eu, but the ukrainian flag, so that the pivfuzberezhja would know that these saboteurs are ukrainian, well, well, where logic, well that is, yes, yes, a lot questions, actually, answers, secondly, some, you know, phone traffic, which is there somewhere, something, well, what does it say, that people somewhere with phones were in this city, that's all, nothing else, well that is, i think that, well, outside of that, that is, where, you know, the investigation is somewhere that impression is separate. and this material is a little bit separate, yes, there is 40% of real information, but 60% is just, i say, ticket-busting, that is, you can immediately shoot some kind of movie and call it absolutely some kind of fantastic, you know, something like that, thank you olga, bohdan, well, i think that of course one more thing needs to be mentioned here, well, here i absolutely agree
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that this story is definitely connected to the fact that now the russians are convulsively trying to use at least everything they have, any bookmarks . in order to destroy our support, the unity of the western allies and so on, but for sure i would also mention that in parallel with that, for example, the financial times published another scarecrow the other day, about the fact that the russian fleet is keeping all european american ships under its sights cities, well, they repeat themselves, you see, of course cursed ukrainian terrorists, look about this investigation, first of all, it is not an investigation, secondly, well, i just know, most of all, i am interested in who read this article. there , the whole article is built on communication with some unnamed high-ranking official, okay, okay, i can still somehow understand, well, okay, people sat down and decided to blow up the northern stream, well, let's assume, okay, maybe it happens, but tell me, either please, any high-ranking official who would be available, well, admitted to a similar level of decisions, i would decide to talk now, well, with all due respect, the american journalist is far from
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in the super first league, although he does not really represent a sufficiently authoritative publication, so what, tell me please, so what, well, i understand when you know there, here they have water pouring in the president’s office, they pour shit on each other, i can understand that, well, they sat there with shuster and talked about who there was with someone, who decided to pour it and for what such information? just imagine who it is could be, how small would be the circle of people who would be consulted to make such a decision, and why would these people suddenly decide to talk about it, understanding, well, all the consequences of such stories, i refuse to understand, i am already silent about myself the magnificence of asking the question, it is unrealistic to do it from one yacht, especially since all possible experts have already written a thousand times that the detonation was most likely inside the pipeline, and why would this american journalist of serbian origin write about how for months over the places where really then... these explosions took place, russian so-called scientific vessels were sticking out, of course, zelenskyi was blown up behind the lye, and they forgot to write that chervynskyi was corrected and personally blew everything up there,
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you know, you could film a cool james bond about it , and who played the main role there, because i don’t know any different people there, these are different, but honestly, it doesn’t seem to you that it’s just full of madness, even from the point of view of just common sense, i think, i’ll say it frankly , and it seems to me that there was simply an idea that... all the names that are more or less known in some foreign media, well, the western media, were involved, everyone who was mentioned there, chervinskyi was mentioned, zelenskyi was mentioned, zaluzhnyi was mentioned, i don’t understand why budanov was not there, well that is the only question i have is why they never mentioned budanov, a typical ballistic, well, sorry, i think it's nonsense, well, because honestly, let's face it... if it really was a special operation of the ukrainian special services, well, then each of these people must receive a hero of ukraine and free travel, free travel in the kyiv metro for the rest of my life, well, but i’m sorry, well, honestly, well
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, with all due respect, well, i don’t know, i talked to a lot of people, for example, with people who built such pipelines and know how they are being built, well , it's simply unrealistic, well, it's physically unrealistic to blow up in three places the way it was blown up, well, it definitely doesn't, and the main thing is that the people who wrote this article, they would at least once... swim across the baltic sea and looked, it is like a khreshchatyk at peak time, there are so many ships that it is impossible to sail there, for example, in the baltic sea and not constantly seeing some ship nearby, well, how do you imagine it, well, that is, physically, that is , from a small yacht, that is what, for example, they can now try to use some or stupid people, or just people who ukrainian passports were painted, that’s another story, but excuse me, why did ukraine blow up the northern stream, so that russia wouldn’t start supplying gas there, class a... let’s say such an argument then, and russia instead, excuse me, got the opportunity in this throughout history to raise the rates, as they hoped in the gas pressure on europe, no, the fact is that at that moment russia had already
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stopped supplying gas, they, well, at that moment they had stopped supplying gas and had already started blackmailing europe with gas, they well , let's throw in the conspiracy theory even more then, and please tell us which country in our country really benefited the most from the undermining of the northern currents, what do you think, colleagues, and i... i know the answer, because it is in monetary terms , and this is the united states of america, who in fact seized 70% of the entire fortune of the former russian gas market, so maybe let's blame the americans for this and say that it's all the damned cia, which is now being covered by the ukrainians and special services, but why, we have an even more conspiracy story, wait, that all came out in the newspaper of robert murdoch, who literally just recently married his ex-mother-in-law. the class is super perfect, well, then, let's go , conspiracy theory, yes, conspiracy theory, why stop yourself, i agree, thank you, thank you, colleagues
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literally a minute, well, there is almost no time left, we would like to talk more about how the head of the regional military administration, the former head of donetsk ova pavlo kyrylenko, got into him, they found illegal... enrichment of uah 56 million and unreliable declaration, he bought seven apartments, that is, they learned a lot of interesting things about kyrylenka, well, today in the kyiv region, two heads of the tsk, they were arrested because they were preparing schemes to evade mobilization there, the people who were supposed to carry out the mobilization, they found 1 million dollars there during searches, well that is, something incredible is happening in the country, and it is... true, it is next to the grief and next to the war, next to the trouble with which we all live, but we will talk about it next week in other broadcasts,
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thank you. to my colleagues for participating in the program, these are ulha len and bohdan butkevich, and i would like to remind you that during the entire broadcast, friends, we conducted a survey, asking you about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, let's look at the results of the survey: 47%, yes 53%, no, we put an end to that, it was a program verdict privy rudenko, goodbye. there are 20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. in the august issue, krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts. we listen to the stories
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of the soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. dynamo, kyiv, red bull-salzburg, only on mego. for a chance to enter the champions league, the kyivans will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21st at 10pm, exclusively on megogo. until independence day, there are discounts on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in psylslynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a woman's book.
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at war - a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of khrystyna parubiy, the tv presenter. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path fighting the enemy in military ranks. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until the end of the day not in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oskad. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives, through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the angel taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva,
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about how we have changed, what lessons learned and which we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the air of the espresso tv channel. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and? distinguish the truth from the enemy and dog. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. maria every week gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our
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accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sister eu. in ukraine, the 14th newsroom is ready to tell about... the main thing for this hour, congratulations all viewers, with you anna yevamalnyk, general director okhmadita volodymyr zhovnyar were suspended from performing their duties. such a decision will be in effect until the completion of inspections regarding the restoration of the children's hospital, said minister of health viktor lyashko. according to him, the executor should be a person from among the heads of the department.


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