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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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in ukrainian, pure, as you and i are talking now, he gave me an interview for half an hour, i told him, you gave an interview in ukrainian, no, i don't know ukrainian, it's called tama, well, here's the whole story, televised the premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, the founder of the yangola unit taira yulia paevska, writer... povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons mastered and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel.
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this is the saturday political club at espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov is with us, of course, and we still have 10 minutes to discuss important events for the world, events important for certain regions, and mr. vitaliy proposed, and who am i , in order to refuse, to talk about the announced visit of russian president vladimir putin to azerbaijan, possibly in the near future, it should take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, 18-19 will meet in august. bloomberg reports.
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on the other hand, there is also, as far as i understand cautious information, i do not see any official confirmations, maybe yet, that french president emmanuel macron may visit armenia. as we know, the relations between these two countries have recently strengthened somewhat, even in the context of some military cooperation. mr. vitaly, what does this mean, what is happening now in the caucasus, some kind of displacement? it looks like this, in general, you know, putin reminds me of a hedgehog from the well-known anecdote, you remember, who was very afraid of metalism after dinner, and all the time ran and shouted that nothing would happen to him, and when something unpleasant happened, he began to run and shout that it did not happen to him, if so intelligently to retell this joke, we are still on television, it is absolutely important for putin to prove that nothing happened to him, that everything is fine with him, you might think ... he just needs to go somewhere and
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show that he continues his foreign policy activities according to the planned schedule, but the number of countries, which he can go, as you understand, is not so big, and he cannot now, christina, go to any csto country, because if foreign troops are on russian territory. the csto is silent, as if it does not concern them, he comes to some csto country and does not even ask for support, right? huh, that looks weird too. what kind of dcb do you have? why did your dkb peel off? a strange thing. so, there are even fewer countries to go to. well, there is azerbaijan, a country that is in good relations with russian federation. a country that is not
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a member of the csto, does not owe anything to russia, and in which you can spend a beautiful state visit, it is not just a trip, it is a state visit, and he understands that ilham aliyev is in this situation, because ilham aliyev is balancing between russia , turkey, the west. ilham aliyev cannot refuse him. on the other hand, ilham aliyev is an energy competitor of russia, because the west is now trying to agree on... azerbaijani gas in order not to occupy russian, well, this is a difficult situation, yes, there is also iran, uh, i added to these countries the balance would iran and israel. azerbaijan balances between them all, buys weapons from israel, wants to maintain good neighborly relations with iran , while iran itself wants to destroy israel, and wants to with russia. have good relations, but
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agree with the west on how to deal with the supply of russian gas. you can imagine how difficult this game is, well, in this game, of course, you don't have to tell putin, we are you. what we don't want to see here is to destroy the balance. putin understands this, and he can go there. of course, there won't be any sensitive decisions here, because this precisely a demonstration of calmness. in this situation, alia should play the role of a person who should demonstrate that everything is fine with putin. by the way, aliyev already played such a role, he was in moscow on february 22, 2022, remember? that's how i sign an agreement with putin there. strategic partnership, conditionally speaking, and putin also signed all this with him as if he were busy with the caucasus, not ukraine, and aliyev was so mad because it was then that putin recognized the independence of the so-called dpr, that he did not even attend a joint press conference with putin, he signed something with him and flew to
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baku, and putin alone answered the questions of journalists after talks with the president of another country, and now a lot. situation, i will not be surprised that aliyev is now talking about the conference, mr. botnikov, but you said that in russia, in putin personally, with azerbaijan, there are no such topics under question, as far as i understand, such sensitive topics, but the situation in nagorno-karabakh , where the actions of azerbaijan and from some sides undermined a certain authority of the russian federation and its peacekeepers there. isn't it yes? well, as we can see, the russians do not think so, for the russians the most important thing was to punish armenia, not to undermine the authority of their peacekeepers. if you know, if russia wants to punish a nation for disobeying putin, it can sacrifice the lives of its own soldiers.
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that is why russia did not prevent azerbaijan from restoring its territorial integrity twice, twice, and when it came to the so -called security chain, that is, the regions of azerbaijan that were under romanian control for many decades and then, when it came to nagorno -karabakh itself, as you can see, now in russia they do not mention nagorno-karabakh at all, there is definitely another point in this story, but it is not primary now for putin, but secondary, to show azerbaijan that he is a true friend azerbaijan, in fact, in the situation when president macron is going to armenia, you see, this event, he surrounds armenia, armenia has betrayed us, pashinyan is talking to bli'. and of course this is a threat to you, and i am your true friend, but you understand that aliyev - this is not lukashenko, this is not the kind of person to whom you can hang noodles, of course, he will , of course, politely listen to putin, say: yes, mr. president, oh, i understand how much you are full of love for azerbaijan,
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all this will be beautifully pronounced , but aliyev is a person who clearly understands what russia is, how much it threatens not only azerbaijan, but also... his own government and has always threatened it. and all this, one way or another, putin will try to disrupt the peace agreements between armenia and azerbaijan there in baku. will he succeed? no, i think it won't work. ugh. you think because, once again, his influence is not the same in the post-soviet space as it was recently. this war weakened his influence on the caucasus. we see it. ugh. the weakened influence of putin in the caucasus in more. let's say in such a distant perspective, can it lead to the resolution of many hot spots in this location? i really hope that armenia and azerbaijan will sign a peace agreement, to the people of azerbaijan who sincerely want this, i have always said to armenians and
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azerbaijanis: i do not demand that you be friends and loved each other, i know for sure that this will not happen, and therefore i do not demand from you what you cannot fulfill, i dream that you can share. to exist in a peaceful region, to have normal economic relations, even if not political, even if you still have political suspicion, but to have normal economic and security relations and thus create opportunities for the development of the region, for the development of the south caucasus, the development that russia tried to stop by his actions over the centuries, well, after the annexation of these territories in the empire. which russia after the annexation of azerbaijan and armenia and georgia, by soviet russia, that was the usual annexation and occupation, again, if we call a spade a spade, so in this sense, i hope that now in both the armenian and azerbaijani peoples , not just states, peoples will first of all be able
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to get out of this trap, not in the direction of some great love and understanding, this will not happen for many more decades, in the direction of just normal... i would say, coexistence in not good-neighborly, neighborly coexistence, when armenian and azerbaijani mothers will not bury their children who will die at the front, this is the most important thing today. thank you, mr. vitaly, as always, vitaly portnikov, and the saturday politclub on saturday night for espresso viewers and listeners. i remind you that you should stay with us and on august 24 , espresso is preparing a special project "light people in dark times". there will be exclusive interviews with prominent ukrainians for you. don't miss it, we will work for you. mr. vitaly, thank you for always brilliant analytics. thank you christina for this one. conversation, all is well, goodbye,
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there are discounts until independence day on eden, 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. fm galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until independence day on citramondarnytsia - 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on pills 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and eschadnik. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is
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vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets and what the world lives on. yuriy feder, it's time to talk with me about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to catch up. economic news time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka next to me and sports news i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news our art viewer is ready to say good evening presenters who have already become movrodnidenko for many along with me, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day, events of the day in two hours.
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the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetiana chornovol, founder of the angels taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana. about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the air of the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, my
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name is yuri fizer, this is espresso-interview. well, as always, we invite very interesting guests in order to talk with them and discuss interesting topics. today i'm going to talk with my guest about a country that... is located geographically very far away from us, and for many people, when they hear about this great country that is located far away from us, they think, why is this country not actively involved enough to the process of finding ways, finding methods to end the russian war in ukraine, and this is the question i want to hear today from my guest and many others, the country that we will talk about today talk, after all, not only about her, it is india, india, its prime minister on... well, and much more. so, my guest is mridula ghosh,
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international historian, chairman of the board of the east european development institute. mrs. meridulo, i congratulate you. congratulations. i thank you very much for visiting today and for the fact that today you will explain many points that may remain unclear for the ukrainian viewer, perhaps, and some many points also... ask the ukrainian viewer a lot of questions , why we you invited, and because we want to talk, why i invited, because i want to talk, first of all, about what will happen, well, literally. less than you, less than two weeks. on august 23, on the eve of independence day, or at least that's how it is currently announced, indian prime minister narendra modi is scheduled to visit ukraine. before that he has to visit poland, after poland he has to come
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to ukraine for literally half a day. i understand how important it is for ukraine, but my first question to you is: is it possible? you confirm that it is exactly on randram modi will come to ukraine, because i read information that it could be the minister of foreign affairs, that it could be the national security advisor, or will it be mr. modi? yes, i can't confirm this, but i'm sure, you know, i can say in advance that everyone is preparing to meet fashion, but according to the plan, i know, it's still may or april. at that time they were still talking about the fact that the minister of foreign affairs should visit this year, and that is exactly what was planned, in the meantime some events took place, and this is mr. mody personally announced that he wanted to visit, that is, it was also his initiative, and not only that, president zelensky
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invited him to ukraine many times, and mrs. maridulo, please tell me, if it will be mr. modi, of course we would like to... , so that it would be him, as the head of state, of a large country, of an asian one, if he comes, do you personally have any explanation as to why, after 2.5 years of aggressive russian war, he only came now, will come, maybe not at all there was a prime minister of india to ukraine since independence, you know that, since 91, this the highest political. the level of leadership it was not in ukraine, well, we are looking for an answer, maybe we need to dig deeper, and there were only two presidents like that, in 1993, it was mr. shankardal sharma, the president, and the second time was during the term of office of viktor yushchenko,
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he came here is president abdul kalam, and both of them were outstanding scientists, and they communicated with... your elite, shankardail sharma received and annoris cause from kyiv university, but the president for us is such a more ceremonial person, that too, and the head of the government and the parliamentary leader and the prime minister, that is, in a parliamentary democracy, he is the main political leader, so from this point of view, the arrival, the first arrival of the prime minister, because once i also said that... in general, mr. modiy was the prime minister, whenever i spoke, they waved their hands, yes, what a prime minister, the courts will never come, that is, that's how it was, you know, this was always the response of the officials, with whom i could communicate , they reacted exactly like this, you see, ukraine was not a priority, the priority was the field of view,
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that is, they believed that all these post-soviet states focused all their attention on russia. first of all, for and there was not even an embassy in the baltic countries, for example, they just opened this year, last year they opened in lithuania, in latvia, well, you see, there is still no ambassador in moldova, the ambassador in romania is accredited and works part-time, well that’s let's leave these diplomatic details, but in the first years of independence , there was an embassy here, kazakhstan has all of central nazia, and the caucasus did not have an ambassador for a long time either. and in armenia, and the ambassador in ukraine was also in favor part-time ambassador to armenia, it was also a long time, but then he was appointed anyway, that is, at the diplomatic level, ukraine was not a priority, and you understand, it was still like that then, remember, the sale of tanks to pakistan, it’s just such, such a distance created between countries, absolutely, it was very annoying,
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annoying, and it made everything simple, until 2002. president kuchma just went there last year, and before that there was a visit by the head of the national bank, mr. yushchenko, and he saw and wrote a letter to mr. kuchma that they sold some 600 70 million, but they lost billions here, that is, it was a very responsible step, personally, mr. yushchenko was very supportive of relations with india, and he received that president in 2005, i remember after that... nothing happened, but who traveled from ukraine? kravchuk went in 1992, this was right after independence, then mr. kuchma went and then mr. yanukovych went in 12th year, so in response to that visit in 12th year, in december, now someone will come, not
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the president, but the prime minister , but i consider this a very important event, and there were deputy ministers of foreign affairs, they were, but why is he like that, i mean mr. narendra modi, why is he here for 2.5 years, this is enough to form some kind of understanding, even in himself, understanding that from ... and if you really understand what aggression is, as mr. modi says, well, he does not openly say it, but, but he talks about it, he says it, if he says it, if he understands it, why even 2 it took 5 years to understand that i needed to go to ukraine, so you understand, there are many questions, i unfortunately, i cannot give an answer, because it is not just his desire, it is his desire, political will, of course, there is such a factor here, but there is another factor without... security, that is , where the military, well, action takes place , then maybe they will say, no, no, no, it is not necessary and so on, but the factor of this visit was, unfortunately, unfortunately, a lot of blood and grief and tears,
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ours and you, so you know, here without relative nationality or passport, i will say that we are also sad, and we were very indignant, and many people even wrote a letter to mr fashion from the diaspora that you should not go there. if there, then come here too, i wrote an article about yes, you mean there, this is to moscow, moscow, yes, i also wrote an article about the fact that if the optics there will be terrible, i did not know that there will be shelling that day ohmadit and in general we will be, modi, when he is on that day, it was not a press conference, at a meeting with putin, you know, it was very interesting, they met one on one, and well, mr. noda is an experienced politician, that’s all - still a very experienced politician, but... he has certain such, you know, he has such a natural feeling is something, i am not a fan of him, a fan, i will say this right away, without any piety, that is, you know, i am not like that,
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this is called a bhakt, people who pray to him, well, i am not like that, but nevertheless, i think it would be worthwhile to see the leader who was sitting in samarkand next to 2 m, as you and i are sitting, yes, and to say that this is not an era of war, and it was september. the month of 2022, i think so a little, well, maybe he can suddenly, you know, say something, and this time i was waiting for such a miracle in moscow too, but nothing it wasn't, the first day, instead, we were just all in blood and tears, because what happened, and he hugs, and there are some horses, some, well, i don't know what 's going on there, and it was very terrible to watch , by the way, i'm sorry to interrupt you, we have a live mo... mr. modi from this meeting, we'll give it, now we'll let the audience hear it, and then maybe you can somehow comment on what he said let's hear the prime minister of india on randrumodi
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any person who believes in humanity feels pain when people die and especially when innocent children die, when we feel such pain, the heart just explodes, i had the opportunity to discuss... with you these issues yesterday, as your friend, i always tell you that for the light of the future of our future generations, peace is necessary tongue, we believe that war is not the solution, the solution cannot be through war, bombs, rockets and rifles cannot bring peace, that is why we emphasize on dialogue, do you think that was a strong statement on randremod or not, whether it was like that, well, the maximum is that he maybe he could he said, that is , instead of saying, why did you give the order to shoot missiles at kyiv, well , there was no such direct speech, but i think that at this
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level it is enough, i think that i would expect the same for the leaders those sitting next to me spoke, i don't really remember this, the leaders sitting next to putin, because putin's face changed so much when mr. modi said this, putin felt so uncomfortable. well, look, there were meetings with macron, there were meetings with scholz, or with other leaders, and other leaders, even so the so-called global south, well, i don't want to, because this is my prime minister, but so to speak, i don't remember at all, maybe i missed something, you know that, but this is how damage control was, i immediately i say it was damage control, but it was obvious that he was unhappy, he was unhappy, because he doesn't... he likes when his image is hit, and it was a bloody image, it's just smeared with blood, like me i say, it was simply terrible, so i think he will not be able to forgive this, let alone
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put up with it. he can't with this and soon a statement appears that he is visiting ukraine, and very skillfully, this is such a twin trip, yes, a double trip, poland-ukraine, that is, everyone was afraid, and a lot of lobbyists in india constantly said, mr. mody, you should not go to ukraine, well, what is there, just even diplomats who were retired, who now head some such, you know, foundations or think tanks, which is called... they just spoke frankly and their many such broadcasts were that it is not worth it, you need to send someone lower, lower position is not necessary to ukraine, especially it was annoying, and of course, these people are very pro-russian, and we also thought that he would do everything so that he would cancel or stop this trip or something, but you know, then the question would arise...
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then he can cancel poland, it will not work, the risk is so great, after all, so if he will be in poland, then the probability that even for half a day, well, people will come to you, after all, many european leaders also came by train and then they leave, so let it be for half a day, i think it is correct, and is there any, well, i understand, maybe you have some insights, where he is, i have in mind, mr. panamodi, where is he going to be in kyiv, well, to meet the president somewhere else, maybe it will be, i don’t know, you know, i don’t work in the protocol service, maybe they are the people who will prepare the visits, maybe it’s on the next days we will hear what will happen, i think they will have many working meetings, negotiations, it will be a lot, because political consultations, mr. kuleba
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was in march and... we should start the process that is now, you know, if so look, this is the highest level after kulebi, now the beginning will push us to renew the political consultations that were stopped, and now they are going on sectorally, for example, there was a meeting about education, it is done even online, there will be more on culture , that is, the embassy of ukraine and they work here and the ministry. individual ministries to fully work on various agreements and relations. india has already sent humanitarian cargo about 16 times over these 2.5 years, this is state aid. india also announced a grant called high impact community development grant, there is one at the local level, the money is small, it is 1.5 million dollars, but this aid,
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this... program, india does not give anywhere except to neighboring countries, but unfortunately, the memorandum on this has not yet been signed, it was announced that this program is still in november or january of this year, so we are also waiting for that, maybe there will be some solution, that is, even if the money is small, well , you don’t refuse what is provided, it’s just that it will go to local communities, it’s not centralized, and it will be here as a grant, that is... reconstruction of schools, libraries, that is civil infrastructure, this grant is price-oriented, that's why it's also important, and if india is involved, it won't give weapons, because there aren't any, although you know, there are weapons, i know that only the armenians were given recently, and there is a lot of such speculation , that apparently
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india was also sending a ship. to israel, some spaniards were not allowed, because it is between palestine, because mr. mody supported israel, and it is also important that there are certain turns in indian foreign policy, what will happen to ukraine, we will see when he comes, he will have these negotiations , i hope he is will also visit some humanitarian organizations or places where to honor the memory of the dead and also. maybe there will be a meeting with the diaspora, but there is very little time, i don't know, we made one such appeal, and i collected the signatures of about 215 people in these two days from monday, and already yesterday they sent him an appeal saying that please, you have that, that, that, that's our appeal to you directly, and they got the prime minister's office, i was told yesterday, and so we'll see, if he meets with us, that'll be fine, but... they
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received and passed on, don't you know yourself.


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