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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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the spaniards did not allow it, because it is between palestine, because mr. mody supported israel, and it is also important that there are certain turns in indian foreign policy, what will happen with ukraine, we will see when he comes, he will have these negotiations. i hope that he will also visit some humanitarian organizations or other places, where to honor the memory of the dead, and it will also be possible to meet with the diaspora, but time. very little, i don't know, we did one such, one appeal, and i collected the signatures of about 215 people in those two days from monday, and already yesterday they sent him an appeal saying that please, you have this, that, that is, this is our appeal to you directly, and they received it in the office of the prime minister, i was told yesterday, and that is, we will see if he meets with us, it will be good, uh, they got it and passed it on, don't you know? no, well
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, the adviser said that we will talk to him, that's how we have it, that is, you understand, we need to break some channel so that there is direct direct communication with him, and so that he knows the truth, whether he will have it, again , maybe this is not a question for you, or is it possible to address the ukrainian people on a rendremode in ukraine, as is often done by the leaders of countries that come to ukraine? i think he is coming, if on the 23rd, let's... let's think about it, what is it for us, the day of the flag of ukraine, yes, and immediately in 12 hours it will be the day of independence of ukraine, so this is a very good opportunity to congratulate the people , do not make speeches, do not make any political statements, at least to congratulate ukraine, because he constantly talks about the territorial integrity and sovereignty of this state, and coming to that day, he thus supports this one.
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sovereignty, he is not against this state, well , at least we are supposed to do this, if we would give him the opportunity, even for one and a half or two minutes in the parliament, such a platform, then it would be very good, it depends on the ukrainian leadership, well definitely not from me, it is from the ukrainian leadership, is it from e protocol, no, well , india cannot say give me the floor in the parliament, this... there must be an initiative from ukraine, of course, i would very much like this initiative from ukraine rang out because it yesterday there was a joke like this, you know, someone says, or maybe they won’t give it, because there is no translator, they say, because there is no translator, there are so many people, for 30 years the university already has faculties, a department, and there is a hindi center that trains specialists, there there are many people who are fluent in indian, so if there are no indians who know the language... well, i will not sit in front of
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the translator, so it must be an official translator, but there are ukrainians who can do it, well, i would really like to, that after all , god gave reason to our leadership and that it proposed to do this, because that's how you are they said, to offer it is one thing, and the second is also to understand that from this side, you understand that this is how he makes such a statement. not a statement, congratulations, but by that he is gaining a lot of people, you understand, gaining some kind of trust, turning his face, this is very important now, because a lot of damage has been done by russia, and to us, to our country, and that india does not support ukraine , that's the impression, you see, and a lot of people support it, a lot of ours, well, we didn't go anywhere, we're sitting here, we want to prove that there is another india.
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now let's get caught up on this, there is another india, but you are talking about another india that supports ukraine, but there is another india that maintains very close ties with russia, there is, there is how close it is, can you say that mr. modi, well maybe independent from russia, but feels some need to be constantly in touch with russia, well, that's not really the case. to mr. fashion, in general, our foreign policy department, and also a lot of these think tanks, which are think tanks, no no not governmental organizations, they are very, as if they closed their eyes to all other countries, that is, they are quasi, i don’t know , such, russia is a great friend of the old historical ones, i do not understand at all what kind of historicity, because history began with them. in 1991, no, our
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story began in 1947, when india became, because this is the entire soviet period, they usurped, and therefore all the other republics, which also had a very big... influence and contribution, by the way, ukraine has a very big contribution, how many ukrainian scientists worked, how many ukraine made these developments, you know, there are a lot of space programs, a lot of defense programs, these are all ukrainian scientists, but they simply forgot about it, no, ukraine is some pro-western state, it is there for nato, it is looking at us, all this rhetoric that we are at war with nato, it is very scary. this is a nightmare and so on, and then the second thing is that it is supported by america, you understand that america has abandoned afghanistan, america will soon abandon ukraine, it is constantly with such rhetoric: there in every home, through cable television,
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and that’s a billion and a half , you can't understand, it's just necessary to work so hard and can develop, break. have it only through human contacts, that is, contacts between people, it needs to be expanded, well , ukraine has not been in a big hurry with this all these years, and probably now with these agreements and political processes, we really hope that india has opened an embassy now also in the baltic countries, it was not there, but what, i say that you they expected that russia would occupy and there would be no need for an embassy, ​​well, those were jokes, bad jokes, but now it is opening. i think that there is also eastern europe, the poles left a long time ago, you know, they have different languages ​​they study, indology is so strong there, and ukraine had a foundation, here is antangel crimea, here such is pavlo ryttar, there were such giants here, and i am very sorry that omelian prytsak, who
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founded the institute of damage science, here had such reserves, then it would be possible to make candy, sorry, it is possible. and maybe, maybe we will make this candy. mrs. mridula, let's go back to the prime minister, and considering his arrival, his visit to moscow, he made this statement there, which is quite, quite good for ukraine. tell me, please, could mr. modi become such a driving force, well, i don't know, maybe with a locomotive, why doesn't he... want to do this, i ask, and lead the countries of the so-called global south with him in helping ukraine against russia? i think he will not dare to do this until, you understand, he should have come here a long time ago, talked for a long time, be in constant contact, that is, be
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such a mediator even between the global south and ukraine, you need to have connections and work more actively, so far this the leader of the global half. is limited to statements, statements very much, statements about the multilateralism of diplomacy, statements about reforms of the world financial system, or statements about the environment, a lot of strong statements that were made during the g20, you saw from other summits, and even within the framework of the un. within the framework of the un , india is applying for a seat on the security council, it has been looking for support from the countries of eastern europe, including for a long time. therefore there is a lot more in india, the problem is still very big, there is a problem for india, it is the russia-china rapprochement relationship, here, you know, here you have to think very seriously, why did he go to moscow, not just some people told him to go there,
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there to his friend, no, it was a very serious statement, which was, when they got close, that putin left, then he went to the northern region. and it was already very serious, well, such a reaction was very serious and the second economy of the world, if it starts helping russia, where will this war be today, so china must be stopped, and it has always been that they do not come closer, it is scary for us, because we we have territorial disputes, china has and we have territorial disputes with them, so it is very important for us. and why is there a quad image, well, there is a quad formation there are a lot of formations now, negotiations with japan and other countries are also taking place, so the strategic plan is moving away from russia, maybe
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rhetoric, maybe we don't see these people, but one figure, 76% of the defense of the supply complex was russian. when 2009, this is according to the swedish institute for peace research, and 2019 it became this share of 36, well... we have to see how it moves away from, that is, it goes very slowly, reduction, but on the other hand, now everyone in in ukraine, when they talk about india, about indian-russian relations, everyone probably, well at least those people who are interested in international relations, who watch it, read about it, they know how much oil india buys from russia, not even how much it buys, how much more it started with. to buy from the beginning of a full-scale secondary, that is the question, i have already
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answered this question more than once, and i will tell you that yes, she bought oil, we went a little deeper, we looked, she bought oil below the ceiling price that was determined by the european union, rather it is a group of seven 60. dollars and they they even sold for 45 then, why did they do it, because the saudis, saudi arabia did not want to lower the price, so you know, if no one buys that share, some one share, of russian oil, then someone will buy, maybe china buys or someone will buy, and there will be some other imbalances, and it was a clear coordination together with the seven countries, huh. india bought, but paid money for fracking, and india
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resold, because it bought crude oil and processed clean oil. according to your customs data for 2022, india was the first supplier of oil and petroleum products to of ukraine. that is, russian oil already entered ukraine in a processed form. yes, these are the data of the customs of ukraine, not my data. ago. i don’t say for the year 2023, because a very large part of it is resold there, and they make money from it, india makes money, it’s just that it’s purely earned, and it’s a very interesting detail, i haven’t put this puzzle together yet, because no one has put the final dots, there three dots there needs to be a serious investigation because apparently we are being told that we are buying it all with rupees, we are not spending hard currency so people please calm down that all this kept in our bank, it's like you
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bought me something and you don't give me the money, you say you'll keep it in your safe, they'll all be, they're yours, but they'll lie here, because the rupees don't travel , the rupee is not a convertible currency, so wait, let's explain this very strange situation to our viewers, that is, russians pay in rupees, no, india pays in rupees, russians understand. india pays the russians in rupees, receiving that oil, and these rupees, but these rupees do not get to the russians, because they simply cannot physically get into the tuna our banks, and i know four, it turns out to be some kind of theft, well, do you want to say theft or do you want to say some such strange, strange scheme, because in this way you deprive, as it were, well, they explain to us that we deprive the use of these resources. for the war, well, in this way, yes, that they can’t buy anything, it’s interesting, by the way, because
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the russians, that is, the russians gave oil, they were paid for this oil, but they did not receive physical money, it happened in 23- year, i tell you, i said then, and they can to buy something from us, and they wanted, they wanted to buy weapons, they even wanted those weapons that they are co-owners of a joint venture where these... missiles are made very modern, even better than those daggers, but they didn't sell ours, they said , this is a settlement for civilian goods, you can only civilian goods, because that is not possible, that is why it is financially there, in the financial world, you know, we are smarter than we were . if something happens in russia, the geopolitical situation changes situation, right? well, look, i laughed, then i said, well, then these rupees will go to ukraine for reconstruction, i
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even dared to say that, but it’s just a joke, it won’t happen, if i’m serious, then there is such a problem, but i know that the group went, even today or yesterday, to decide, as possible, at what rate to make this calculation, because now, when this calculation is made, there is a dollar, only a mythical dollar, but then... that is why it is very seriously devalued, because the ruble devalues ​​faster than the rupee, therefore received rupees, they also now reduced these volumes, if they understand, yes, when... i gave you a certain amount there, and then according to the exchange rate, it became less, he says, and now you can't, because now at such a rate, that is, it is good, but what do the russians say about this, they see that they are not given money, they somehow try to say this money, well, finally give us this money somehow, so minister lavrov traveled four times in the last two years,
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and didn't achieve anything, i don't know what the situation is now, it's strange, but you know what... without saying that india has long been part of brics and within these, some countries really want to reform the financial system a little, and they are constantly talking about de-dollarization. there is an interest of a certain elite in this, that de-dollarization, but at the same time india does not want to fall under sanctions, india does not want to lose the connection it has with the united states or the european union, because now it is being discussed, it is being developed. and the free trade agreement with the european union, recently signed by switzerland, norway, liechtenstein and iceland, recently signed the agreement on the free zone of free trade, so these are all the points, i think that the financiers will take money into account, and they
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are smarter, they understand where the world market is going, and there is not much talk of de-dollarization, because... trade headquarters between the usa and india are very large, many times larger. we still have literally 7-8 minutes left, maybe nine, i want to discuss one more topic with you, after all, not even a topic, to talk about a country, a country neighboring india, bangladesh, in fact it is a country that is surrounded by india , and here are a few the past few weeks, months, even there are very events. there were very serious, there were murders, there were protest actions, there even the prime minister of this country resigned, fled, is now in hiding in india, some say, even a revolution in bangladesh, what was really happening there and what was it all about , if it ended, then how did it end, it was
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the maidan, in one word, because the optics show, you know, the shooting of students, the student movement, well... how did it start in kyiv, yes, we only have small scales, because there is a country of 140 million people, the highest population density, a lot of young people, most of them are under 25 years old, this is a very large reserve. hasin awazet, the prime minister, she used her father's popularity all the time, she was a very authoritarian woman, her party, even they are awamilik, they say activists, auamization, that is... this party had its goons everywhere, and to be honest, there was also this, you know, a lot of corruption, there was also a lot of disappearances of people, i absolutely see, whether you want it or not, this helicopter, escape, everything it reminded me of 2014, but i was very
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afraid, so she was given a helicopter for 45 minutes, the army left with the people, but the police were shooting. students, so far they say at least 300, but according to some estimates, more than a thousand were killed, and i saw terrible footage, i am in constant contact with these activists, i am friends with them, and there are also such people, artists, who united with them, the teachers are also with them, that is, how was the situation here, the scale is just very large there, and there is still a problem, because there was a certain chaos, and then, you know, it started very... i am very worried, this the first wave, and as some indian media reported, some indian media said that there was a hindu store there, there were such stores, they were attacked, there were indeed attacks, there were attacks on individuals, there were individual cases, because the indian minority, the christian minority, there well , an aggressive crowd of people, and there were also
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a lot of such elements, you know, who take advantage of the moment to... slander this political student revolution, romantic, i would say, even, it is painful to look at it, and, but it is not very such a pure form, any revolution, when blood flows, then you you find a lot of excesses, so all this must be done very responsibly, for the first few minutes india behaves very responsibly, but to ask, you know, it was not, you know, i was very afraid that now something... hasina will ask that india introduce troops , thank god it didn't happen because we don't need that and you have to realize that there was some anti-indian on... sentiment in this country and that's natural because you know when hasina is going to, you know, do all the time yes, to be like a protectorate, yes, she
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did so, but the country has its own independence and must have her thoughts, ultimately sovereign actions, she was in china a week before these events, in the end the army already said that it was all, there is no more time, we are with the people. and she gave weapons to the police that she had no right to give, there are a lot of such moments, but i am silenced by the fact that at the call of the students , a person who was not in politics came out, this is mughammad yunus, the nobel peace laureate of 2006, this is an outstanding person , he went here for another seminar in 2008, and i invited him, and we organized his meeting as a student. diaspora, well, ours of the south asian diaspora at shevchenko university, and he was presented with an order at that time, before the onoriza, because there is a learned council, you
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know, these procedures, he was very happy, and he spoke very well about kyiv, and i talked with him these days , and i, you know, have a biased, subjective attitude towards the professor of economics, who just used $20 to make such a bank that has... 137 countries project, that is, he is an outstanding person, outstanding economists, very honestly, kocha hasina managed to do 190 criminal court cases against him, and there was a lot of jealousy or whatever, that is, he took over the temporary government, but it is called chief advisor, that is, it is not a political title, and he appoints people, now people work for them, he did not fly for 7 days. does he have ambitions, good ambitions, but he doesn't, he doesn't, he's 84 years old, and you understand, he only took up the request of the students, and he is
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now, they will organize the country, there will be stabilization, now there is a lot of bangladeshi elites, and you will see, there are many on youtube, many india also makes our journalists very responsible, they make a lot of broadcasts with these people who just say how to act. now, yes, very carefully, no, don't touch these things, and please, hasina, i think it was my opinion that they can be given humanitarian asylum, india can say no, political, political action or political activity from our territory will not be possible, then please leave our country, we will give you this humanitarian woman, but she has something, her daughter lives in a business that is regional... manager of un vehicles, she has a son in america, but america canceled her visa. britain, she gave, appealed for asylum, britain has not yet
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responded, and to mine, at the moment, i know that countries are not willing, they are thinking about what, but bangladesh, but can they deport her from india? i think they can, or i will find a country, because she also appealed to the arab countries, who wants to take her, that is, if, you know, she... there are such conflicting opinions, her son announces, then says: no, mom will not return , and then says: no, she will return, she will participate in politics. the fact is that a very funny situation in bangladesh was that we have two women two minutes before the end two women, this is kaledasia, this is the widow ziaurraman and she, this is the daughter of mujiburraman, then they said, either she, or she, and these two clans , now they say that the end of these clans must be now. new everything, that is, students, you know, like romantics, they don't look at these old political forces, the old elite, and so we will be very, very with such,
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you know, trembling, i see what will happen to this country, this will be a litmus test, if it will be possible to really use this energy, it's honest, it's true, such chants, such as were on the maidan, absolutely identical pictures even, well, that's why we wish the people... the citizens of this country, that they succeed in everything and that they come to that , what they fought for, what they came to this square for, they still do now, you know, student activists, they, not only as scouts controlled traffic, but also as they walked, they had joint lunches, joint dinners with various, various religions, representatives of religions, and it's very interesting, mrs. mridul, i really, really like you thank you for this rather long conversation, which went by in one breath and was very interesting to me, i am sure that the audience was also told about many things, in particular the main one is the visit of the future prime minister
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of india to rendremod in ukraine. about what he will do here, maybe he will say something, they talked about indian-ukrainian relations, in the end, a lot of interesting things, who just saw us already at the very end, please, be sure to watch this program already on youtube when we will post it on youtube, because this it's worth watching, i thank you for participating in the program, for visiting, mridula gosh, historian, internationalist, docent, docent of the kyiv-mohyla academy. well, my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon! the august issue of krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all
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the children kidnapped by russia? ukraine touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts up to on independence day on motorex pills, 10% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on estazifin, 25% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. are you waiting for heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on templegin 10% tablets at pharmacies, plantain, bam and saver. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more
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more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world , the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what are they saying? about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre eu. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with
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restoration in different regions of ukraine. about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process restoration, in the project the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. a 15-year-old on your screens. povalyaev the boy lived in kharkiv oblast, in the border town of vovchansk with russia. when a full-scale war began, the settlement was immediately occupied. and already in june 2022, information about the disappearance of dmitry appeared. in september of the same year , vovchansk was liberated by the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, but no details about the boy's possible whereabouts were found. perhaps the child managed to be taken to the occupied territories
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of ukraine. or even to russia, that is why it is important to learn even the smallest details of the boy's disappearance. if suddenly someone has seen 15-year-old dmytro povalyaev or has any information about his possible whereabouts, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or possibility to call, write. the chatbot is a service for tracing children in telegram. i also want to remind you that the search for the ten-year-old is ongoing artem kholodny, who also disappeared in kharkiv region in the city of kupyansk in september 2022. his mother asks for help in finding the boy. imagine, a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than two years. i appeal to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my...


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