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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 799, with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need to call, there are discounts until independence day on normoven pills 10% in pharmacies, plantain , bam, and savings, there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine, on the air of spresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. in the morning, the occupiers attacked myrnograd in donetsk region with artillery, targeting private house. a 77-year-old woman died, and
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a 56-year-old woman was injured. three private houses were damaged, - announced the head of the region, vadym filashkin. myrnograd was attacked by russian terrorists last night as well, targeting an unfinished nine-story building. one person died, four others were injured. the russians attacked ukraine this night with ballistic aircraft and cruise missiles, as well as drones. 16 targets were fired at it, the air force of ukraine reported. our sky defenders shot down 13 missiles and drones. air defense worked in kyiv, sumy and poltava regions. the russians launched air targets from the kursk and voronezh regions of the russian federation. the night attack did not pass without consequences for the kyiv region. the wreckage of the downed drones fell on the territory of three garden societies. currently, there is information about the destruction of two.
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damage to 16 private houses. also in germany, four cars, fences and power lines - reported the regional authorities. russian terrorists also attacked kyiv in two waves with ballistic missiles at night, and cruise missiles at dawn. during the first wave was probably hit by inaccurate north korean ballistic missiles, the second time iskander mk was previously attacked, - reported the city's military administration. all targets were shot down by our p on the approach to the city without destruction. in total, russia launched more than 40 missiles, 750 drones and 200 attack drones over ukraine this week. cities and sals came under fire. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, said this. sumy region, kherson region, donetsk region, kharkiv region, dnipropetrovsk region and zaporizhzhia were attacked. the president emphasized that ukraine more air defense systems are needed to defend...
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the skies. less fuel for the occupiers in the general staff of the armed forces confirmed the attack on the oil depot in the rostov region of russia. at night, our defense forces attacked the kavkaz plant. he got busy after the attack. at least two centers of fire were recorded. the propagandists themselves wrote that the refinery in proletarsk came under attack, but the local authorities assured that... all the drones were shot down, and the fire started due to falling debris. air force commander mykola oleschuk showed the video of the attack on the bridge in the kursk region of russia. he noted that our aircraft attacked him. the day before, the defense forces significantly damaged the overpass across the seim river in the village of zvanne. traffic on the bridge is impossible. the local governor claims that the ukrainian military wants to seize the wilderness. kyiv district along the seim river.
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the russians used this crossing to supply their units in the kurdish direction. at present , only one undamaged bridge near the village of karizh remains in this region of the occupiers, because the third overpass in hlushkovo was destroyed the day before. and to operational information from the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. 139 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. it is the hottest in the pokrovsky direction. there , the occupiers tried to storm the positions of our troops 46 times. another 24 attacks took place in the lyman direction. on turetsk , the occupiers tried 19 times to storm the positions of our troops near northern turetsk and zalizny, as well as 12 times on kramatorsk near chasovoy yarut ivanivskyi. 17 combat clashes took place on siverskyi and kurakhivskyi. kharkiv region is also restless. 10 enemy attacks succeeded.
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repulse in the kupyansk direction and another six in the lyptsi and vovchansk areas. our rocket launchers and gunners hit seven tanks, the same number of armored fighting vehicles, 71 artillery systems. one anti-aircraft gun, 82 cars and special vehicles of the occupiers. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last. defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your help , we have already collected more than 1 million hryvnias. remember,
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each of your donations is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the bery assault battalion. of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need the means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaze drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes , glory to the heroes, at the age of 89 she became a volunteer, in uzhgorod a woman weaves chugaistry for the army, that's what the locals call camouflage. costumes, about her daily work in the material of maria kochmar: then i take a ribbon, fold it in half, like that, put it in a cell. each knot tied by the hands of 89-year-old anastasia
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lastivetska filigree forms a complete picture. in uzhhorod, the oldest volunteer the city weaves chugaistry for the armed forces of ukraine. that's what the locals call camouflage suits, the work is not difficult, but it really requires a good memory, because if you make a mistake, the worst thing is to scold yourself, because it's so difficult to sew, like embroidery, well, sometimes god helps me that i won't make a single mistake , happy, anastasia is the seventh of 11 children. her family was repressed twice. first , they were resettled from poland to ternopil oblast, later to lviv oblast. and after the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the family already took her from there to uzhhorod. here she could not sit back and join one of the volunteer organizations. a weaving woman from
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2023, at home, works every day. if it's a camouflage suit, it can save someone's life. after all, my work can help a little, i think so, and i put my whole soul into it and am happy when i weave something, i am so happy in space that i can still do something for my ukraine, and he also says that he wants to wait for the collapse of russia, so it will work until victory, i believe that at the moment i have 33 suits like this... i am completely ready, how many parts of them have i woven, i don’t i know, i didn’t count, but i confess, i always dreamed of becoming a volunteer, and i dreamed of being a volunteer, i thought, how should i be, everyone does something like that, and i couldn’t
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do anything, well, god sent me and you see and maria kochmar from uzhhorod became a volunteer for the spresso tv channel. the legend of french cinema alain delon died. the actor was 89 years old. this was reported by his relatives. alain delon is a film and theater actor, film producer, screenwriter and director. he began his career in 1957, among the most famous films with the participation of the actor on bright sun rocco and his brothers, leopard, unconquered samurai, sicilian clan and others. a movie star from the first. supported the ukrainians on the day of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. such was the morning in ukraine. read more news on our website and on our social networks. join, put your preferences. i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my
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colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. welcome to espresso, it's saturday politko. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i thank everyone who joins us this saturday p.m. vitaliy portnikov will certainly appear on your screens with brilliant, as always, analytics, it will be in the second part of our program, we will devote the entire first hour a little less to conversations with the most qualified experts, we will talk about the situation on the fronts, about affairs in international politics, well, let's not forget about the middle east either. and i will probably start with the main news items of this week:
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ukraine recognizes its presence and its operation in the kursk region and even creates an administration there in order to be appropriate way to hold these territories. in addition, there are certain successes of the defense forces in the context of enemy logistics and fighting against it, does this mean that it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to knock out our forces specifically from the kursk region and whether we will be able to create. is there a bridgehead for possible future maneuvers, is aviation already involved in the work in the korsk region, we will talk about this and not only for the next 15 minutes, and i am glad to welcome kostyantyn kryvolap, analyst, aviation expert, to contact us, i congratulate you, mr. kryvolap, congratulations, glad to see you, very mutually, we will probably start with, and it will be fair, with russian attacks from the sky on our cities, we see that it was hot in kramatorsk today, it is interesting to actually observe the enemy’s logic, purely for
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military reasons, they refrained from attacks on this one of the largest cities of ukraine's donetsk region, do you have any guesses as to why and is it generally related to events in the direction and adjacent areas? the russians have two such tasks. the main ones are creating a terrorist impression, and they do this with the help of kn-23 missiles, there dropping the cabs, where it got to, and it doesn’t matter if they drop on their territory or on ukrainian territory, it doesn’t matter, they drop, and the second task is a military one, it ’s an impression, well, let’s say by the same iskanders, of some serious goals, on our goals or our models , and not only. kramatorsk, there were two powerful strikes on sumy oblast, directly on sumy, on the villages of sumy oblast,
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they had to drop cabs there, that is, they are not military targets, they are all civilians, there are no military personnel there, there are no military targets there, but this is the tactic russian terrorist, and if we talk about sums and attacks on sumy oblast, quite interesting things are happening in the region, which is located... across the border from our sumy oblast, but obviously this does not stop the russians from attacking precisely on our now more or less deeper back in your opinion, according to your estimates, it would be logical to push back the russian troops with all their installations and possibly aviation, so that the entire territory of our country would be more- less safe and comfortable, let's say so, let's talk about the width of the possible sanitary zone, you see, they have
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iskander m, it’s 500, the radius of action is 500 km, now they’re also pressing these korean missiles, the radius of action there is 700, 800 km, well, 800 km, it’s almost up to peter, yes moscow definitely falls into this sanitary zone, that is, we have no new way out of it. situation, how to make such a sanitary zone, well, it wants to and it looks fantastic and it’s a little funny to say such a thing, but in reality the sanitary zone itself must be understood that we will fight for a very long time, and they will shoot at us if they have such an opportunity if we can suppress these systems with our missiles, or our partners will give us such an opportunity yes, let's say jason for the f-16 with great ideality. ier, who are allowed to hit almost 900 km there, then
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there will be some parity and then there will be, well , you know, the situation of israel, its entourage, you hit us, hit us, we answered, you hit, we answered, well, maybe like this situation to be, but the people there, let's say, there the east is subtle, and they understand something about these things, but the russians do not. they, as long as they have something to shoot at, as long as they have something to cause some damage there, they will do it, mr. kostyantyn, and tell me , please, is this our attack on kurshchyn? coincided with well , at least chronologically, with the first statements that ukraine has f-16 at its disposal. i would like to quote now the commander of the air force, lieutenant general mykola leschuk. literally yesterday, he shared a video about the destruction of the important logistical route
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of the bridge over the seim. and he emphasizes that it is the aviation of the air force that takes part in hostilities . in the direction of kursk, ukrainian pilots hit the enemy with high-precision strikes strongholds, accumulation of equipment, as well as in logistics centers and enemy supply routes. well, and about enemy logistics, if there is an opportunity and desire, we will talk with you a little later. to what extent is the aviation component from our side present now in the context of the kurdish operation? it is there at all levels, starting from the level of uavs, in fpv drones, scout drones that fly. this bridge is not easy. they made a fool of themselves there, you see, four such perforations, such holes, very neat, they were most likely hammers, that is, hymers, and this last one was most likely struck by a missile, uh, hammer, a french missile, or maybe, i can, i think, most likely it was a humber, uh, well, according
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to the degree of impact, maybe 250 kg, maybe a ton, eh, it's generally such, you know, such a weapon that appeared from the fact that the military , when the cold war ended, they look at their warehouses like this, a bunch of bombs, inaccurate, who needs them, a bunch of guided rockets, which are there for airplanes, what to do with it, so they started over this is what they thought and came up with, this is the jidam, this is the hamer, this is the russian umpk, this is all the same when they took an inaccurate weapon, a bomb or a missile and installed a guidance system there, a system that allows it to gain some speed there, or with the help of aircraft, or as in hamer, this is an additional engine, and it is quite accurate to hit the targets, and the accuracy of these means became 3, 5, 10 m there, and
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with regard to the missiles there, the same ones were attached to the hydra missiles. so small, not controlled, 70 mm in diameter, but attached to it and it became a very accurate missile with laser guidance, with which we work very well, and what concerns the kurshian applications of aviation, starting with drones, in f16, as far as i know, they do not fly there, but there are very bellows are working seriously, su-27s are working very seriously, our rotorcraft are working, and there, well... a military operation, all types of troops are involved, and all capabilities are involved, and our air defense is there, and so on, and we also shoot down k-52 helicopters , and we shoot down with manpads, and we shoot down with 34s with the help there, well, most likely it was patriot, that is, everything is working there at full speed,
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mr. konstantin, well, i don’t know, half joking... still, i would like to have some idea, in your opinion, according to kurshchyna, everything is the ukrainian aviation works more, or the russian one, because sometimes, when you look at the scale of the destruction, where exactly they drop their guided, unguided or semi-guided bombs and ammunition, then, well, this is genocide against their own people, in fact, you understand, they are the same, but this is a country of slaves, yes, here we are, if something happens to us there in the central district, the western ones. the districts somehow sympathize, somehow worry about it, we are close to each other, we have there, we can argue, we can have something, but we are ukrainians, we are united by this, yes, and it was shown there on 22-24.02/22 , yes, it showed very significantly, and they are slaves, and here’s something there in
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kursk oblast, they are committing crimes there, in bryansk, in bilhorodsk, they don’t care there, i assure you that... or in tula oblast, they don’t care about all this to spit, they wanted to sneeze on it, and their own population, the population of slaves, why? it eats them, they somehow change their gene pool there, let’s say so, and i’m not surprised, i had this at first, or they will set up a new border and will not pay attention to the fact that they are hiding there and isolating the population, isolating all means information transfer. will send their people there, children, to boarding houses, or to the crimea, or to zaporizhzhia, so that this information does not differ about what was really there, or they will be like fools, they will climb. and now i come to the conclusion that most likely they will be like fools to climb there, they will to destroy with this system of a barrage of fire, with these kabs, with resets, with these assaults,
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if there is someone to storm, if there is live meat, if they have enough, although, judging there, well, from the number of personnel, then, well, they have such opportunities, but there are no trained troops there at all, it’s hard to say, i’m not a small... military expert, i understand something, but i understand more about issues related to the air there, so it’s very difficult to say now what will happen there in the future, mr. konstantin, let's talk about the air and those areas, let's say yes, the lands without which planes do not take off, a few words about russian airfields, the voronezh region, baltimore and borisoglebsk, these very objects were attacked. this week, the defense forces of ukraine have other hits, other exercises, in particular in savasleitsa, this god-forsaken
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village, if we are talking about the people who live there, about some conveniences for them, but an extremely important military military object for the russians, where planes are rising to attack us, and we see that these attacks are becoming more frequent. we have these attacks a very specific target and that we are no longer talking about hits once every few weeks, we are talking about sometimes several hits actually per day, which could mean whether the level of russian air defense coverage is deteriorating, and whether our toolkit is improving to hit these objects? you listed everything, you just answered at once, so here... what is the story, we have three main tasks, yes, this is the destruction of the russian pppo so that we do not prevent us from doing what we need to do in the air space,
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this is the first task, the second task, purely economic, this is the destruction of the russian oil and gas complex, this is strikes on refineries, on oil depots, the cutting of these logistical fuel arteries, and the third very significant task, which is related precisely to the problem of cabs with... the problem of missiles attacks are the destruction of airplanes at airfields, this is the most effective way to solve these problems, and we have such a very interesting situation, but you took only this week, and i took another starting from july 20, we had attacks there, almost every day , or some airfield every night, started there with millerov, then there was morozovsk, there was a fuel depot destroyed, then it flew there, there were strikes by temirin near moscow, two rotorcraft were destroyed there, then there was korzhi, saratov province, then there was a simultaneous attack on
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four, or rather, three strategic bases of the russian strategic aviation , this is olenya, this is diaghilev, this is engels-2, exactly from where. tu-95 ems planes fly, which carry kha-101s, which on december 29 last year , almost 100 of them were thrown there for the new year, yes, and the eyes were impressed at the same time, and olenia is 1,800 km away, yes, if we remember there, before that, we hit air defense equipment there, voronezh, voronezh dem, two stations in vorsk and one in armovir, that's it. also a very long range, and i will tell you that we have now, well , about 300 companies that are engaged in what they produce, mainly there are private
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companies that produce everything for short- range drones, and somewhere around 100 companies that are developing very strongly , and there are several innovative platforms, there are several hubs that allow it to live, accelerators that allow it to be done quickly, and we are seeing these results. if there, say, there, when zelenskyi said that we want to have a million drones there next year, then everyone said that this is nonsense, it is impossible, we probably already have three, and the year is only half over, yes, that is, it is developing very significantly, and if we will look at the impressions of these airfields, then what happened in the belt sea, it is very difficult to say there, because there is no confirmation yet. but this is an airfield, which is there, the 47th aviation bomb-bomber regiment is there, there are mainly 134,134 that carry these cabs, er, so to speak, were stationed there, and
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the main problem there is that the drones they don't fly very fast, and they russians manage to get up during this time, but we impress, impress the technique of the operational part, express the fuel , fuel-bridging materials, etc. , impress this airfield structure and create difficulties, but especially so... interesting story about this samosliyka, the name is so wonderful, yes, it is phonetically clumsy, i would say so, so in russia there is a main aviation hub, it is zhukovsky, all research work is carried out there, tests are carried out there, a crazy hub is there, all the kb are there were except for antonov, and when the plane and the engine
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have already reached their... there is a certain level, when it has already been adopted, it is transferred to lipets-2, where the ministry of defense already runs it, trains people, and there in lipetsk 2, this airfield, and by the way, by the way, we also hit lipetsk-2 and the warehouses there, there was a lot of pathos drunk there, there are 400 aerial bombs and everything else that was accumulated there for 100 years at this airfield, and there is the fourth training center of these pilots, he is also called that very seriously there somehow, his branch is this samasleika, but it is aimed purely at the mig-31, mig-31 bm interceptors and mig 31k dagger carriers. and what is interesting is that we first have such a curious thing, there were 10 blows there, it is local, they say, and if you analyze the whole attack in this way, then it began at night and... and there
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is a video when it was specifically there at night, and then was hunting already in the light, when the furies were flying in, and he looked so closely, as if there with the help of machine vision he recognized the image of exactly the plane he needed, took aim and hit, and it was very visible, very you can clearly see how it flies up, almost stops, and enters the pike and hits, but it is closed there, it is not very visible, but i think... that there were impressions 1 2 3 4 does not matter, because the main thing is that it everything creates big problems for the pilots, for the air forces, for the technical personnel, for everyone else, and notice, this was on the 14th, today we know what the number is, and we have all the air attacks that used to be associated with
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the mig-31 k took off and everything... it all landed, blocking the lift, now we are waiting for the realization, unfortunately, of the ballistic threat from the enemy, but the migs really don’t take off, no, you understand, this is the result, if we still repel these complexes, and there will be something to repel them, it is best to repel the f16 with jasom missiles that hit at 90 by 900 km, then and and these are alarming. will be mr. kostyantyn, thank you for always meaningful thorough analysis. kostyantyn kryvolap, analyst, aviation expert, joined the saturday political club program. until august 24, espresso is preparing a special project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plohii and the documentary film 10 years of war, on independence day at espresso. from eight in the morning to midnight, don't miss our
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