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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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we are coming back, thank you for watching, it was a program with maria gurska, and we continue communication with our guests, just don't forget to keep donating, our goal is quite ambitious, 3.5 m'. but these are fpv drones that are needed on a daily basis, these are the means of electronic warfare and all this is for three divisions and this is in this very eastern pokrovsk direction, so do not forget to donate any donation the community together brings us closer to this goal and in general to our goal, it is the best investment in our victory and we will never talk about ukrainian and international investments now. this
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is not how the world and ukrainians reacted to the tragedy, as it was after the shelling of ahmadyt, that's right, and we will actually talk about this, unfortunately, not about the fact that okhmatdyt will be quickly restored, but about the scandal, because it so happened that on a good cause , when many ukrainians and many companies volunteered and instantly donated a huge amount of money to restore this clinic, which is very important for ukrainian sick children, here: scandal on an equal footing place, so who will tell us this for sure, this is oksana korchynska, she headed the volunteer board of trustees of ahmadita for 12 years, frontline volunteer oksana korchynska is with us, good day, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, roman, glad to see you, my friend. first of all, i want to say that i am asking everyone who is watching the broadcast now, not to look at me like they are looking at this qr code, because it is from this qr code. the life of each of our
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wounded soldiers depends on it, we are talking about three brigades, which are now holding back the advance on the dnipropetrovsk region, there are dozens of battles they happen every day, thanks to these three brigades we somehow manage to stop them, because they are heroic brigades, and the lives of our soldiers depend on whether you donate your pennies now, because there they are gathering for slaves, and now the evacuation of the wounded without slaves. it is impossible, because both the wounded and our medics are dying, ah, you must have heard that our mike died the other day, an outstanding girl who has been in the hospital for a long time, including in rotations, was in my sector, and she died precisely from fpv, because they aimed at the sanitary car, they saw that it was a car for the wounded, they do it regularly, the only thing that can save the lives of our wounded, and our medics, is this rap, and
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therefore, the main thing, of course, we must help the front, and what is happening, of course, in the rear, is shameful, i was very upset by this, for two years i rarely appeared in ahomedita. on july 8, i was on my way to kyiv, i was in the azov patronage service, just the third storming unit, when kiev was shelled, and we went to help okhmadita, because i really headed the bikun council for 12 years and... during the war i went to the front and i no longer worked there, sometimes only called there, helped when our children were injured or needed help, and now i was impressed by the post of the chief doctor, not even the chief, the general director, his position, mr. zhomnir volodymyr polinarivych, when he said, that they cannot come to an agreement and take all the money, 3,708 million from the charity fund account, why was this terribly infuriating to me and even... well, i simply
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could not imagine the investigation of such a situation, because when we happened, everyone in okhmadity was sorting out the rubble behind it , and i helped evacuate there from brothers and with volunteers of children with cancer, i approached the chief doctor and asked what kind of help was needed, he asked me to call the next day and spread the account of the ohmadit fund, i will repeat it again, i asked him several times what the account was for, this okhmaditu's fund, he said that it is functioning with them, there is his deputy for economics, the founder of this fund and many different respected people, i generally thought at first that this was okhmaditu's special account, because when we are under the board of trustees, we do not have there were no funds in the name of okhmadit, and the board of trustees had no right to have its own account, and therefore i thought that this was a special account at the okhmadit hospital, indeed we all transfer. because a large
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number of our benefactors of our kokuin council called us on the same day of the tragedy and the next, these are our friends abroad, this is the congress, this is... the world congress of ukrainians, the ambassador of canada called many of our benefactors of atb, that is, through us guardians in 2010-2020-20, only what we know was sent to the account more than 120 million, and we were convinced that everything was transparent there, apart from the fact that it was a fund, that is, as the head doctor gave us all the bill and said that there was no alternative for this account alone, the same for me... lyashko confirmed and wrote that only to this account, of course, people donated, including our combat troops, we donated, including volunteers, and those benefactors who help the front helped, they at this moment, in these days, all donated to the homads, because this a terrible
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tragedy, the central children's country was, well destroyed, you can see this building, where we are dismantling it, opposite the new building, the whole facade of which flew into the department and when... i entered the hospital, i was convinced that there were a lot of wounded children, it is an absolute miracle of god that the children were not doctors were injured, doctors were injured, because the structures hit the doctors there, but the children even on drips were fine, moreover, they were not even scared, the only thing was that there were a lot of them in the basement, and of course there was such chaos , because unfortunately, such an organization there was no clear process, and including the affected zone there was everything else, no one was in charge there, that is, not... challenge kyiv, as well as, unfortunately, civilian cities, to shelling, and they are not ready for shelling of civilian objects facilities, because all of us in the front zones are used to our hospitals being shelled, half of the kurakhov hospital there has been destroyed a long time ago, we have the pokrov hospital,
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which has been under fire for eight or nine months, well, most of our hospitals, where civilians are also admitted, and the sick, and the wounded, and the military, of course they are shelled, such and such a process took place here. but we were absolutely convinced that this was the fund of a real ahmadiyit, ms. meruto accompanied all these payments, because the payments were from our benefactors from abroad and ukrainians from a million and more, there was one payment up to 40 million, by the way, they just turned to the tabletochka fund of the membership council, and they addressed everything to this fund, then , of course, some misunderstanding began, when after... the repairs began, some doctors told us that it seems that they are not paid for repairs from this fund departments that they are contacting, that the administration of the hospital, they sent doctors, some managers to contact the tablets about the repair of their premises, i was a little surprised, at that time there was olya
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kodyanenko, the founder of the tablets fund, i asked if you are in control, she said that she wanted to figure it all out, and unfortunately, we were not aware of it, but really, now... the managers confirmed that their departments, they repaired part of them not at the expense of the funds collected on this fund and that this is also nonsense. and then the last straw, when the fund, which, as i understand it, the managers and employees of the hospital told us that this fund was considered to be the administration of mr. zhovnyar, his deputies, they managed this fund for them and, i don’t know if they were ever there any reports, but they managed and did. in the 22nd year, this fund, and then suddenly mr. zhovnyar, regarding the fund founded by them, says that they cannot transfer money to the hospital. well, i wrote to mr. jovner that i could not believe that this was a scam, that i would publicly appeal to
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to the public, to the president, to the minister, he didn't answer me anything, and that's why we naturally turned to the internet, and in this case i also agree with the minister that there is no other way out than to... suspend the general director, it's a pity that not the team , which was involved in these schemes, the recount, because this team remains in its place, and of course the investigation into the fund, because the fund needs a criminal investigation, into the fund, because we do not understand who or whether this fund undergoes an audit, if it turns out , he is not ohmadite, but there is a private one, and there are seven founders there, including indeed this deputy general director, who the day before this scandal, before this appearance of mr. zhovnir, she was removed and replaced by such a lawyer sokolovska, who is also known for her background stories, stories of the protection of fsb agents, and what she has to do with this fund, i can’t
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imagine, but the fact is that at the moment the money has not reached the hospital’s account, and of course it is, let’s put it this way, well for us it's after that scandal with the hospital. future, as when the entire charitable sector was actually destroyed, and then trust in benefactors was scarce for a few years, and then in recent years, and... the front rested on benefactors, very large donations, ukrainians showed that they are indeed the rear, who is covering up, trying to, or part of the ukrainians is covering up, is still covering up our boys' backs, and now there is such a scandal for us, it is important that it has a continuation, that there are criminal cases , that all the relevant authorities work, because this the fund must be checked urgently, audit, i'm generally surprised. well, for example, in our pikun council of funds, we had the right to work in ukhmedit, it was our
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position, only with those that undergo an international audit. when i asked the heads of the hospital if they had heard of any reports on where the money from this fund was going during this time, not only after the shelling, it already existed before, or if they had heard that some international audit was being done, they said, that they hear for the first time, no one has ever... reported to them, and even more so i cannot understand why weren't the repairs after the shelling that were carried out in these departments paid for, because the number of text messages i received was simply a record, well, i've actually been at the front for two years, that's why doctors didn't contact me so often, mostly only at the request of the wounded were, here is such a situation that we now have to figure it out, because it was people who donated, it was benefactors who donated, it was international partners who donated and... we are such a night, well, we can call it a broken bottom, or can we
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just collect the picture in a heap, because it is composed, it is like a diptych, but in and at the same time a very small distance from the first super rock to the second super scandal, the first super scandal around ahmaditu was for the announced competition through the system transparently for reconstruction, three of the 14 applicants were chosen. a certain bud technologie company with a charter capital of uah 500 won, there was a wild scandal, then anyway, after a pause, the head moos lyashko says: oh, the tender is incorrect, it will be announced again, in 7-16 days, instead of a new tender, in 7- 16 days we received this scandal, but yes, there is absolutely some kind of scam takes place between the hospital administration and the symphu. firstly, because there are direct participants, i.e. the employees of the administration are
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the founders of the fund, secondly, there is a scandal, there was no transparency, because they explained that they did not do it transparently, because they are not a state institution, a charity fund, and they chose according to some criteria, we don't know who chose there, there are some protocols, they were taught by people's deputies, these protocols, how they selected this competition, and then approved it. the decision of who will rebuild okhmady is at that time other departments were already actively being restored at the expense of other benefactors at this time, because it was necessary to resume work in the hospital, and the general director, mr. zhovniarov, who has now been suspended, chose and signed the decision to be the future developer, that is, the situation is as follows , that the fund selected some applicants, offered a recommendation, er... the chief physician, not the chief physician, the general director approved his position, and then through who, then they discovered that this is some kind of
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scheme, and that there is complete distrust of such choice, they said ok, we transfer everything to the account of the hospital, but this is exactly the moment when they say that they are transferred to the account of the hospital, how they worry a lot, and then as a result no one transfers, those days pass when the tender should be transparent, from the hospital's account, in order to restore the hospital. instead, mr. zhovnir writes that no, they do not give us money, that is, his representative, who was one of the founders, does not give money to the fund, other people there, whom, when they created this fund, mr. zhovnir, well, they tell me the truth, what else is there mr. yemets was, he had some involvement in this fund directly, which cardiology is headed by the institute that they founded this fund, and he de facto gives to them, his founders... he does not give money, that is, it is absolutely some kind of scam, and i am convinced that
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the sbu and the national police should investigate, because i say once again, it is urgent to do an international audit, to hire a company, to understand what they did, where the money is and to force them to transfer the money now. because i spoke with some of the benefactors, and they usually have large ones claims about it, because everyone trusted, the chief doctor gave everyone these bills. i say once again, all payments were made by his deputy, including in my phone, where he confirms that mrs. meruta is his deputy, yes, yes, she will accompany this payment, that was the point. about a very, very large payment from one of the commercial networks, and she herself directly did all this, i.e. , the hospital management was the one who completely controlled the allocation of money to this fund, this and this is surprising and shocking, and then they declare that they are not given money,
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that is, this is nonsense, well, of course, two scandals - this is money , there is an opportunity now to somehow freeze these accounts, so that they do not end up in a completely different place later, when, say, through the court or i don't know, through some other mechanism, when will get to these funds, so that it does not turn out that there, well, law enforcement agencies have the right to everything, law enforcement agencies, they this fund is registered in ukraine, it is registered there, as the lawyers explained to us, in the apartment of this woman who protected this fsb agent, and ... and therefore there are also some very it’s funny, i’m not saying there are some ridiculous conditions there , the fund is registered on some phone of the director of this fund, that is, it was all in manual mode, because the doctors tell us that before that the chief doctor distributed, that is , the general director, his deputy medical director, they in general, they gave out
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a personal account, a private card in the 22nd year of this woman, who is the founder of this fund, my god... look at these documents, they are the people who donated money to her first for the deputy soldier, this is the 22nd year , and then they did this one the fund administration was also included there , including 1+1, there are leaders of this in this fund and they are there, well, that is, on there... well, i tell you, here is the situation when they are silent, here we must not be silent, here we must urgently meet with the minister, we hope this meeting should take place, and they should recalculate, because the monitoring commission, the sbu has the right in our country to stop any accounts, if you remember in your time when the nachmadites on the construction site
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tried to steal , oh, then there was a payment of 100 or so million. and when it became known to us that this is a payment that they tried to make without authorization for their old debts to yanukovych's company in 2015. in one day, the sbu blocked the accounts, then they saved 87 million in one day and blocked them in the accounts of various banks, they were sent there , including for one the bank before rehabilitation, by the way , is pro-russian, and the sbu blocked it, and the trial lasted for several years, and we won this trial then. returned everything to the treasury, and most then purchased 87 million more medicines for people with cancer, but for several years they, i did not i remember, well, there was a trial for a year, and they were lying on the account, that is, the sbu has the right to everything, there would only be political will, and they have the right to seize this money, of course. ms. oksano, what you were talking about, we found this information that
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a few days ago, oghmadite economist natalya meruta was actually removed from the founders of this okhmadite healthy childhood fund, replaced by... this couple, about whom we also we are talking about oksana sokolovskyi and lawyer yevhen solodko, who, by the way, will actually defend ms. oksano in the court that will be held in the near future, regarding this story that you mentioned, we have one more minute, please finalize what you had to say, and now the main thing is to include the work of the sbu and the monitoring commission to block this money, if any suspicion that someone is going to steal them. not to use, perhaps, with his statements , mr. jovnir, when he said that this fund refuses to tell them, maybe it was a kind of blackmail, so that he would not be removed from his position, or suspended, i do not understand this relationship there, but there in this case of course the hospital administration should remove him and his team and mrs. merutu, who was in charge of all this, tvo is now a good
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doctor in charge, an honest person, but without much experience, he was in charge of resuscitation... he was in charge of toxicology in that building that was destroyed, this is san-san nachurin, but he, of course, needs to announce a new transparent competition for the election of the general director of ohmetrit, change the entire team, but at the same time , he can take the leadership into his own hands, they have the right, they have se, state the mos company, and ahmedy's institution is a moz institution, it is a national institution, they have the right to manual control gently, comfortably, beautifully and... advantageously from 499 hryvnias only. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias. and we offer you an extra-quality duvet mattress for only uah 499. the savings are incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, reminiscent of a real grandmother's duvet, you no longer need to spend crazy money on a new bulky mattress,
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it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who then for china, me, my heart aches, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. hello, my name is yuriy fizar, and this is an espresso interview. i usually
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invite interesting guests to this studio in order to talk with them about interesting topics, and today my interlocutor is extraordinary and authoritative, ms. ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine, anneli kolk. i will talk to her about important, about mutual relations between estonia and ukraine, about assistance. which we have received, continue to receive, and i am sure, we will continue to receive from our brotherly country, and about many other things, madam ambassador, i congratulate you, thank you very much for joining me today, for coming here, thank you, thank you very much for inviting me, thank you, look, the first question will be this, estonia is a relatively small country, if you compare it with other european countries, of course there are smaller ones, but estonia is... small, but despite all this, we received a lot of help from your country, both financially and militarily, what is this, i don't know, paradox,
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maybe why this is so, or is it because of the knowledge of history, or maybe something else is hidden in it? yes, of course, one of the main reasons is that we have a shared history. the reason why estonia helps, has helped and will help ukraine is that estonians love ukraine very much. we admire
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how you behave against this russian evil, how you bravely and resolutely fight against brutality, genocide, with war crimes, and i think this is the biggest reason why estonia wants to help ukraine, and this war. brutal has been going on for more than two years, and estonia's admiration for ukraine is growing even more, it is growing because you continue to defend your country, fight for your people, for your cultural identity, and all this is very dear and very close to estonians, well, on the one hand, it's bad that this common history, which you mentioned, unites us, and on the other hand, it's good that it
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unites us, because we are from... we hear, how close we are to each other, even with the fact that we are separated by some, some kilometers separate us, and none the less, but still speaking about aid, are there any statistics, exactly how much aid, for example, military or financial, we have already received so far from the republic of estonia? there are very reliable statistics that estonia has provided since the beginning. invasion of more than 26 million euros of humanitarian aid and this as government state aid, aid from the private sector and ordinary ordinary citizens, regarding of military aid, it has now reached more than 500 million, if compared with gdp, estonia provided aid for more than 1-3%
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of its gdp, which means that we are one of the most active countries supporting ukraine. in addition, the government of estonia decided at the end of last year that you, they will allocate for the next four years, annually, 0.25% of our vek for ukraine, specifically for military aid, for reconstruction. therefore, our aid will definitely continue and estonia will do everything possible to increase humanitarian and other aid help to ukraine, well, i can only answer this in estonian, i will try, madam ambassador, don't criticize my accent too much, tanantei dvaga for everything that estonia does for us, but look, one more moment, a few months ago the parliament of estonia passed a law
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then this law was ratified by the president of estonia, which this law allows the use of frozen russian assets to compensate for the damages that russia has caused in this war of aggression in ukraine. several months have already passed, it seems two months have passed since this law came into force, or there have already been some transfers, this is the first question, to ukraine, i mean, and the second question is whether other western countries took an example from estonia, because estonia was the only western country that passed such a law. of course, estonia was one of the first countries to start saying that there is no need to use frozen russian assets to rebuild ukraine, because the aggressor has to pay a price for it. and we were one of the first countries that two years ago said that we
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need to... start reconstruction, restoration.


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