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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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anything, from anti-tank weapons to missiles and so on, smuggling will go terribly if, and hamas does not want to be controlled by anyone other than himself and does not want mahmoud abbas to control, then the hostages, where are the guarantees that after no matter how one side fulfills the other conditions, some kind of new confrontation will start, because the level of mistrust is total, the level of mistrust is huge, netanyahu will never trust hamas and vice versa. i believe that there may be some ceasefire, they will release additional hostages, somewhere israel will still withdraw from the gas sector, but this will not solve the problem, i have this for you, maybe one of the last questions for today, but i even made a note to myself here: a peaceful middle east is the death of israel, here i have this the impression that either... israel will destroy hamas,
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just completely destroy it, well, it is a dead end, it is not because they are so bloodthirsty or not bloodthirsty, bad, good, we are all judophiles or judophobes here, it does not matter, but it is just logical, or peace and again there will be a repetition of october 7 last year, and again israeli citizens will be destroyed, or about... just hamas is needed, and what is the option? presence of khamaz, it means the war is postponed for another year, two more, three more, and it is not known how the war will end, and so on and so forth. am i right, or am i such a judophile after all? here it is not a question of judeophilism or judeophobia, because there are many jewish bodies that, for example, criticize the policy of the same netanyahu, support a dialogue with the arab population after all, that is... this is more of
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a political than a religious issue, but to me it seems that we will look at the situation of the 90s and 2000s. the western public, the western governments clearly had this, i would say, anti-islamist attitude, especially after 9/11, when israel struck gaza, lebanon, when there was an operation in iraq, then in libya, there are others, especially in the west, nobody responded to civilian casualties, because it was believed that there were all islamic ... terrorists, a threat, some kind of weapon there, a variation that no one has found, they threaten everything, it is possible, let's deal with them, and they did not deal with them, that is, israel on this wave was not able to fully maintain its positions, moreover, in 2005, sharon withdrew israeli settlers from gaza, there were agreements for the fifth or sixth year, they even gave some power there to hamas, if it did not succeed then, then now, taking into account the fact that how about... is trying
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to twist netanyahu's hands, which is a huge anti-israeli resistance among the elites, as it is even said there, borel announced that sanctions are possible against israel there and others, it seems to me that now it becomes even more impossible, especially when iran, china joined , which is so pro-palestinian very started to feel confident, russia, by the way, the countries russia and china, with which israel also has good relations, will force you in many ways. but it has, and therefore, if it did not succeed then, it also now, i think, that is, it remains among people who understand israel - it is only ukraine, the ukrainian public, because we also understand that if we are not serious, we will not defeat russia , then she will attack again in a year, two, 3, 5, 7, i, i, i say, i am always against the parallels between the russian invasion of ukraine. this is a completely different situation.
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but the ukrainians actually just understand strategically, they ukrainian society understands now many years ahead, it is true, what the europeans lack, is very much lacking and many deceived by russian propaganda in the arab countries lack, it is hard not to agree with this. thank you very much, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, scientist of the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg, which is located in... in the extreme west of germany, i would say in the southwest of germany, was in touch with us, now there will be a story, a story and an advertisement, if we don't get up in the story, i hope we don't sum up, but simply describe what happened in kurshchyna in the last week, what ukraine did, what russia's reaction was , is there panic in the kremlin, how about...
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europe is watching, so let's look at this story, then we'll look at the advertisement, and then we'll talk about belarus, there the other day he started talking a lot, so to speak, the so- called president of belarus, well we we ask franik vechorka, a belarusian public figure activist, adviser svitlana tykhanovskaya, who is actually the leader of the belarusian opposition, but after the story about the ukrainian kurshchyna and advertising, this is how: a day that will go down in history, such words are included in the description of the video posted by the official youtube channel of the airborne assault troops. armed forces it records the first hours of the kurdish operation. demining, breaching the border, destroying the enemy's defensive lines, the work of aviation and artillery, as well as the first prisoners. in a matter of days, in a mode of complete informational silence, the defense forces managed to establish
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control over 1000 km of russian territory. there are almost 80 settlements there. and only after that, president zelensky officially recognized. the very fact of the operation. we see how russia is really moving under putin. 24 years ago was the kursk disaster. the symbolic beginning of his reign. and now it is clear that the final is for him, and also kursk. the disaster of his war. on august 12, 2000 , the russian nuclear submarine kursk sank in the barents sea during exercises. by. three months earlier, putin was sworn in as president of russia for the first time. he refused help from western countries that could save the sailors. all 118 people on board died. currently, russian servicemen are also dying near kursk.
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several columns of russians have already been destroyed by the fire of the armed forces. hundreds were taken prisoner, in particular strokoviks and kadyrivets. akhmat? yes, akhmat. against this background, putin looked confused at several meetings regarding the kursk region. he did not order the ministry of defense or the general staff to put out the kursk fire, but his former bodyguard oleksiy dyumin, whom putin has been promoting up the career ladder for a long time. obviously, the russian dictator only trusts him. many observers assume that putin has no good moves left. the president said essentially the same thing. and joseph biden, commenting on the kurdish operation. i will discuss events in kursk oblast with my team regularly. maybe every four to five hours for the last six to eight days. this operation creates a real dilemma for putin, and we are constantly in touch with the ukrainians.
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putin's dilemma is to transfer or not to transfer troops from donbas to the new kurdish direction. if this do, the russian offensive on donetsk region can. stall, if not done, the kursk region will remain under the control of the armed forces of ukraine while he thinks and transfers a relatively small number of troops from the zaporizhzhia, kherson and kharkiv directions. the kremlin is looking for internal reserves - the western media are informed, and whether this will be enough for them to regain control over the territories where the armed forces have already begun to entrench themselves. there is no clear answer to the question of how high the risks are created by the exchange rate transaction. for the ukrainian army, observers note that for its implementation ukraine has deployed its reserves, well-trained units, which are sorely lacking in donbas, where the city of pokrovsk, an extremely important logistics center for the defense of the entire donetsk region, is under threat. the consequences of his fall
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can be very noticeable, one can only hope that the commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi, whom his subordinates call the mathematician of war, has well calculated all the components of the equation on which the fate of the country depends. the troops of the offensive formation continue to enter battles, have advances in some directions from one to three in a direction the enemy, fighting continues along this front line, the situation is generally under control, all measures are carried out according to plan. western politicians reacted to the kurdish offensive mostly sympathetically, and some... some even enthusiastically, including two influential american senators who visited kyiv this week, republican lynsey graham and democrat richard blumenthal. what i think about the kursk region, it's bold, brilliant, just beautiful,
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keep it up, putin started it, and we have to help with weapons to the ukrainian military had weapons for a war they could not afford to lose. according to the information of the western zmi, the offensive really inspired the allies for new supplies. in particular, according to the publication politico, the usa is studying the possibility of providing ukraine with high-precision, cruise, long-range... jazm missiles, which can be launched at ground targets from the f-16 at a distance of more than 370 km. however, even after the kurdish operation, what did the ukrainian army use british challengenger 2 tanks and american stryker armored personnel carriers to do? and german marder bmps, the west is still wary of giving permission to ukraine to strike with long-range weapons on russian territory, fearing nuclear escalation. seek cancellation. another taboo is now one of the main tasks of ukraine, and while it is occupied
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by ukrainian troops, the territory of the kursk region is getting used to a new life, ukrainian and western journalists have already visited the city of suja, and local people share their experience of communicating with the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. do you have enough to eat, drink, everything? the first one was created in the kursk region. ukrainian military the commandant's office, in accordance with the norms of international law, was headed by major general of the armed forces of ukraine eduard moskalyov. the new structure should ensure the normal functioning of territories under the control of the armed forces, which ukraine does not intend to annex. unlike russia , ukraine doesn't need anything else. ukraine is not interested in taking the territory of the korsk region there, but we want to protect the lives of our own. people, there is a need with the help of the armed forces to liberate these border areas from the russian
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military contingents, which cause attack ukraine or cover up terror against ukrainians. after the russian atrocities in buch, izyum, kherson and other our settlements, the armed forces of ukraine are currently proving that even such a bloody and uncompromising war can be waged in a civilized manner and according to the rules, and that's it. what separates us from the enemy. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts until independence day. in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. oh, i remember,
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good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola verezen. it is now 19:17 and 4 seconds. and as promised by frank vechorka, belarusian public figure, advisor to svitlana tykhanovskaya, this is the leader of actual belarus, and mr. franok is the head of the international relations department, precisely in mrs. tykhanovskaya's office, good health, franik, thank you for finding time for us , thank you very much, i would i asked you to start with this, i want to find out the political physiognomy of mr. lukashenka. for the last time, in the last literally week, he was telling, that's what , there, that is, we don't have nazis in ukraine anymore, that is, as if all putin's tasks have already been completed, we need to sit down at the negotiating table, we need to end the fight, as he said , on one side, on the other side, there
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are 120,000 ukrainian troops on the border with belarus, no one knows where he saw them. and so on, and here then arises the issue, which is also discussed in one way or another in ukraine, may not be as active as i think you have it in the belarusian opposition, and some say that he is absolutely not an independent person, that he is always looking at putin, what will putin say, then will lukashenko do, i will say frankly, i do not belong to such people, i believe that he is an absolutely independent politician, because he understands that it is not profitable for putin to remove or. kill or hide lukashenka somewhere, and if so, he can, as they say in russia, even make ropes out of this putin, because putin has a headache now in ukraine, he something to do, mutiny, military coup in minsk, well, there just isn't enough intelligence, and that's why he says, on the other hand, he obviously, if tomorrow the ukrainians appear not
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only in kursk region, in tula, then in... he will start more talk about the fact that ukrainians are great, he will start saying more that europe is cool, and less saying that putin is my friend, and if the day after tomorrow zimbabwe becomes the strongest country, then he will say, little by little, he will paint black, black the color of my face and he will say, i am generally african, and i was africans, and always advocated only african, that is, our african ideas. that is, do you think he is independent, i believe that he is completely independent, it is just that the circumstances make him so, it is not because he is such a hero of the belarusian people, because simply he sees the weakness of putin and he sees the opportunity to do what he wants to do, and take money from putin on the one hand, and on the other hand not to do anything to please putin, that's all. what do you say? well,
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i will say that he is as independent as putin allows him to be, so what without putin. he will have no resources, neither military, nor political, nor financial, to get his power, all his security forces, all his officials, and therefore after the 20th year, when he has practically lost the recognition of the world, he will no longer be recognized as a president , then only putin has all his power, so yes, he has some freedom to speak there, to blow dust in his eyes, to talk about nuclear weapons, to threaten poland and lithuania with a nuclear war, but his freedom we... a leash on which he sits with putin. well, in recent years he has shown very clearly that he is much less afraid of putin than he is afraid of the belarusian people. than he is afraid of change, they belong to people with similar values, both he and putin hate the west, they both think that the people are
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a threat, and an organized people, an organized society is a double threat, so how could they not love each other there one, they have a symbiotic relationship, they need each other, and even when we listen to lukashenka there, all the entertainment is there, there are some... there are interviews to russian tv channels, it resembles political schizophrenia, but we understand that behind this, he is hiding, he may be beating, thereby he covers his lack of independence, trying to make loud statements in order to be quoted, but in reality he will not take a single step to the left or to the right without consent kremlin, and we have been convinced of this more than once in 30 years of lukashenko. i have one more question for you, i don't want you to talk about it so loudly, but is there recognition among the oppositionists of the fact that, in my conviction, it is a proven fact that in the 20th
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year, i will put it this way, does the opposition understand that the main mistake of the events of the defeat, the defeat of the 20th year is that the struggle was not armed, armed, this is all talk about the whites. tks and benches and we do, so we are doing something there with flowers, there are people standing opposite armed not with rubber, but with real bullets, well, you lose obviously, i will tell you that the same story happened in ukraine, tomorrow we have the start of the gkchp, it is noted, i since that time, i have observed that the ukrainians did not take up arms immediately either, far from immediately, but in the end, all the same after all, they understood that... if you are being shot at, and you are with flowers, then you have already lost. is there already an understanding that you can't treat
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the dictator's power so, so smilingly? this is a difficult question, because after four years there, you can talk about how you should have acted there, but at that moment there was no other option, because there were no weapons, first of all, there was nothing to fight for, i would even say , that even the soldiers in the army i myself served. i was never given a weapon in my hands, not to shoot, although i was a shooter military settlement, therefore, to acquire some weapons there and to organize the seizure of houses there, well, it was technically impossible, even with 15 million people on the streets, but i will not say that it was only flowers, as i remember, they built barricades in a day, built four or five barricades each, water cannons arrived, defense equipment arrived, these barricades were destroyed, trucks were seized. this, it was not just a flower, it was just that such an image would remain, but many people did the best they could, there was a 24-hour
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protest, but the reaction of both the police and the kgb when shootings began, it was so harsh that not everyone could stand it, not everyone was ready for it, and that's why lukashenka managed to stop this protest, but failed to convince belarus. that this protest was a mistake, i think that this spirit of the 20th year, even now, it will continue to live in belarusians, because we also see a partisan, we communicate with belarusians inside the country, we communicate with officials and the nomenclature, i am not now say what they did back then in the 20th year to support many leaking information or sabotaging decisions that came their way administration of the president, i just think that our revolution of the 20th year, it is not finished yet, it is now at... it is now frozen like this, including because of this criminal war that putin and lukashenko started against ukraine, but it will be restored
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as soon as a new window of opportunity opens, then one more question, but can you imagine, i still have a hard time imagining, ms. svitlana, that the lukashenko regime is collapsing, but it is obvious that it will collapse at the same time or... close to the time of the regime putin, and the ideal option, the opposition returns to minsk and begins mrs. tykhanovskaya enters the administration of the president, and there are people who will simultaneously enter the administration of regions, ministries, that is, there are armed forces, there are generals who were secretive. which will be headed by the military or military law enforcement agencies, well, that is , it is such a rather difficult job and rather so
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tedious and so, i would say no... very pleasant, because you just have to go to work every day and do some bureaucratic things, this not everyone can before this, before the revolution things that many people are prone to, but going to work every day is just a different profession, it is not a revolution, it is something, you know, established, permanent, which would not satisfy me, for example, i would have gone with a revolution, i probably wouldn't want to be an official, are there such people in belarus? er, well, we are talking about the future belarusian elite, which will replace this pro-russian, pro-soviet, so lukashenka-like grouping with a nomenclature, which grouping seized power there. it is clear that there are people who will have to be supported very quickly, who professionals and worked within the system, but who did not participate in crimes, and first
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of all, i think that... many military personnel and among the belarusian army and the current nomenclature will support these changes. in the 20th year, we recorded who helped us and how, and for the last four years we received information non-stop, almost every day, from people inside the regime. even when the war began in 2022, people inside the system leaked data to us that helped stop russian trains and inform the ukrainian side about the start of the war. and now majority of the sanctions imposed against the lukashenka regime, they are based on documents leaked to us by people from the system who are currently working within the lukashenka system. many people, technocrats who are around lukashenka, who are experts there always work, they just go to work, as you say, and they do not participate in political, ideological purges or repressions, they should also stay, who definitely should not to stay, is it it it all
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all the guidelines. law enforcement agencies, courts involved in repression against belarusians, and all those who were involved in helping russia in the war against ukraine, necessarily, and here it will be necessary to think of a wise, but very fast system of identifying them, punishing them, conducting investigations in order to find out who and how was involved in which crimes, but the last question, i just can't help but pass by, it's the third day. i read that it seems that lukashenko wants to release 30 people, but i do not know what kind of people these are, among them there are some people who are known to us here, who were the leaders of this, this uprising, in fact in the 20th year, or who are these people, who are these 30, or nobody knows them, who there is going to be released, please he wrote a pardon document, no one knows who is in this document, we have information that there are people who have already been released
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before. and this is just such an information campaign, they published, lukashenko is a humanist, he releases people, but in recent months 30 have been released, and 115 new ones have been imprisoned, so it is not possible to talk about any change in policy there or softening of repressions. we would like to thank frank viechorka, a belarusian public figure, advisor to svitlana tykhanouska, i.e. the de facto leader of free belarus, mr. frank, there is a manager. which i hope one day we will welcome with the presidency in belarus, and by the way, we will return home, home, because president zelensky proposed the verkhovna rada of ukraine to ratify the rome statute, such a long history, not all countries, not all democratic countries ratified this statute, americans , for example, were not
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ratified. let's ask oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union of human affairs, that's right, right, the rome statute partly deals with rights man, and we ask him what this rome statute is about, why, apart from the united states, for example, ukraine did not ratify it, why suddenly now mr. president decided to ratify and propose to the council to do so . the same floor is given to mr. oleksandr pavlyachenko, executive director of the ukrainian union for human rights. thank you for joining our broadcast, thank you very much. greetings, mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers of espresso, with a good broadcast and a good presenter. first of all, if we are talking about the roman statute, then here, i would clarify, it's not about protection.


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