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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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when will we have no reservations about the use of weapons from the united states? of course, i would like to hope, because this is a ridiculous restriction, it is, firstly, secondly, well, in fact, these two years have shown the failure of the strategy in relation to russia, to ukraine, to this administration, and there is, well, you know, that is for sure after some time, we will find out whether the americans knew about or jointly developed this operation, i have doubts about ... this, although the advisor of the president's office podalyak said that the americans were aware, on confirmation of his words, perhaps it is possible to cite the fact that bucin and the ukrainians destroyed several bridges in the kurt region, using american missiles, if this is the case, does this mean that they are aware, or they were forced to help ukraine with the destruction of strategically important bridges in the territory of the russian federation. if the americans
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did not know, it was a surprise for them, well, as a surprise, probably their intelligence understood that the forces of ukraine were accumulating on the border with the russian federation, we are planning something there, but they probably did not know the essence of what will happen, and of course they should not have shown themselves as not in control of the situation, that's why they actually supported our actions in the kursk direction, well, how about this administration. is already completing its work, and it is possible that if our actions were agreed with the americans, and if we were given permission to hit the kurdish bridges, this means that more and more are taking control, at least the strategy in relation to russia and ukraine, camila harris team, there is such a phil gordon, a person who is very knowledgeable about european affairs, maybe he wants to show before... the elections that
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kadmila garis is capable of not just continuing the same strategy, as i said, it is already a failure, it is absolutely obvious, but to do something else, and of course, that there is still pressure, including due to the elections in the united states, you just showed lynsey graham, one of the leading republicans, who said, well, we need to kick the ass of the russians, that they will increase the pressure on the administration, so that there are no ridiculous restrictions, so that. .. ukraine was given more weapons, by the way, until today, only about 20% of the amount allocated by congress for security assistance to ukraine has been used, and in fact, all of this actually expires at the end of september . , and then it will be necessary to make certain additional bureaucratic measures in order to... er
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unblock this aid, so far we do not see the americans in a hurry, or rather this administration, and the republicans of course, use it as pressure on the this one administration and criticism, so i hope that they will change, that they will realize their mistakes, that they will change their approach, at least before the elections, and then, of course, with the new administration, we will see how to form a strategy for the victory of ukraine, by the way, which was also as a condition of voting for a large... aid package of 61 billion, the administration had to provide a strategy for the victory of ukraine and where the goals of the united states regarding ukraine and russia would be highlighted. mr. alexander, i don't know if you have been following, but there were some interesting points in donald's interview trump elon musk. wow, yeah, i'm actually a little bit in disbelief that i'm saying this, that we're even following this, but yes, it happened, and one of the most interesting points is...
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what donald trump said he told putin not to invade ukraine, as you generally assess, this is the image move of the former american president and presidential candidate again from the republican party, to go to this interview and, in principle, say quite bright extraordinary things there, as usual. well, first of all, there was a comment by john boldon. who was an advisor on issues of president trump's national security, he said that there was no such conversation when he was the head of the department, and he is not aware from other sources that trump ever said anything like that to putin, so it's more likely that, you know, like we have the gpt chat, this an artificial intelligence that sometimes hallucinates and gives very strange answers, to a person, i think it was just, let's say, in the style of trump, he lives. in this fantasy that
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the palm of musk and his platform, this is also an interesting separate topic, because by and large this person bought twitter, which is extremely popular western platform. not in order to make money, actually in order to contribute to the promotion of the agenda, political and in particular the coming to power of donald trump, or well, before it was unknown whether donald trump would withstand the pressure, maybe it was a landing, there are a few more of the same nikegeli herself, that is, in principle, he has a hidden hidden agenda, he is with peter thiel, another famous billionaire. and technology leader, they're pushing their rather specific, let's say, idea, their specific ideas, they need people like trump and vance, who will implement, because they understand that they themselves are not capable of coming to the white house, that there was this stream of consciousness
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from both sides, where there is no criticality, you know, well, you are a professional journalist, you understand that no person, if he does not have an education, if he does not understand how it works. journalism cannot conduct a high-quality interview, because, for example, there will be no fact-checking, i.e. checking the facts to see if it is fiction, if it is a lie, or if it is true, then it is conducting the interview itself, i.e. asking questions, then it is manners, because of course , what is, for example, hard talk with the one with the saker, where he asks rather uncomfortable questions to his interlocutors in order to reveal the interlocutor, eh? what was between trump and, therefore, musk, it was like, you know, a very childish, childish question and musk's praise of trump, that's definitely not journalism, that's propaganda. why does trump say that? i think the answer is that he
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took to his team of pr and strategists those who were with him in the 16th year, and actually the key, key thesis of these people, let. trump will be himself actually through these eyes the stream of consciousness, and it entices, and it attracts to itself those people who, well, that is, they are white, there is a demand for something like that, that's why trump offers. thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining the saturday political club oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert of the defense strategies center on foreign and security policy issues. well, now i am in touch with the studio of igor simivolos, director of the middle eastern studies center, mr. igor, i congratulate you, glory. congratulations, congratulations to you, your viewers, glory to the heroes. huh, in a few weeks the world is in observing and waiting for iran's so-called response to what happened in tehran a few weeks ago, namely the elimination
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of hamas leaders, and these are actually very vivid events that have certain consequences. so far only iran has refrained from strikes from israel, what is iran's balanced approach to the situation now? well, i think the key, the key situation that is influencing tehran's behavior right now is the negotiations that are going on to end the war in gaza, and i think that iran is giving a chance, of course, not for nothing, it is giving. chance with this negotiations to take place, they understand very well, at least a large part of the new presidential team in tehran also understands that the attack on israel now gives netanyahu a chance to get off the hook and return to a tough
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policy towards the palestinian issue, so now in... well if the stars coincided, the americans need this agreement, really need it, and the iranians keep israel in a state of constant tension, and according to the same israeli experts, most likely israel cannot and will not be able to repel the blow and attacks by iran without american assistance, so in other words there are now a lot of... factors have come together and obviously pezeshkian, his team, maybe even alikh mmni, as the supreme leader, have decided to wait, and in that sense, as i said, it it is not done in vain, but it is done with a hint that
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between iran and the united states of america , negotiations on the settlement and softening of the sanctions may begin later. so, i think the iranians are, well, at least hinting at it. if we talk about the negotiations taking place in qatar. and that president joseph biden of the united states warns all parties against the breakdown of these negotiations, what are the contacts now based on and what are each of the parties insisting on now? well, it is not known for sure, because the israeli position is not fully understood either, since, as far as i know, there are differences between the position of hamas and the position of israel. israel is now trying to push for a tougher position, but instead hamas is demanding that the parties
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base their agreement on previous agreements that took place at the beginning of the summer, so it turns out that just around this is the main intrigue, and here the americans can play a key role, forcing both sides to accept this agreement, which will be obvious. not to like either israel or hamas. well, in the meantime, palestinian leaders are looking for support where they can afford to look for it. and palestinian president mahmoud abbas visited moscow. it was quite interesting to watch this meeting, at least in the context of its coverage in the russian mass media, as a crazy victory for the russian leader . such as a telegraph agency of the soviet union, this meeting with mahmud abbas is interesting, interesting, but let's look a little from
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the other side, what is the palestinian leader looking for in the russian federation now? well, obviously he's looking for support, he's willing to go to anyone, because now is really, ah, such a very important moment for the future of the palestinian state, that is, while all the actors are warmed up, while ... that question is on the table in the daytime, while they are talking about it, ah, then we have to forge iron, while i, as they said, rebuild gorbachev, that is, in this case, i think that for the palestinians the key thing is not to do everything so that the palestinian issue is not glossed over, but after the gas agreement, on the contrary, it was brought up for a wider discussion and included in the
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agenda of and perhaps the future american administration and other key players, so actually they make these visits, trying to win the support of everyone, everyone they can attract. well, they want to involve not only russia, but also turkey, recep tayyip erdogan. turkey, china, the united states of america, if they are ready to join, that is , in fact, the palestinians do not care who joins in solving their issue, the more countries are ready, or are determined to solve the middle east conflict, the better for the palestinians. well, in general, do you now see any way out of it? the situation in which the parties have driven themselves, in fact, as
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israel, we understand, cannot deviate from its chosen path, so palestine can hardly now insist on something else, that the difference from what they declare usually, can the end of this war be as quick as the actual beginning, well i would rather talk about the conflict. because basically, even if we look at this war, the war with hamas, yes, it's just an element of that conflict that's been going on for more than 100 years, and they're different, different aspects, different capabilities of the sides, and it's clear , that much will depend on what government will be in israel, so far the existing government is not ready... for any serious concessions, even more, they are not
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are not even ready to hear about the creation of a palestinian state, they essentially canceled the decision on the two state solution, and well , at least most of the members of the government were actively opposed to the oslo agreements all the time, and it is almost impossible to expect changes, but ah... as i said, the situation warmed up and too many risks to leave it in the form that does not exist, and it is clear that the pressure. will increase, yes, that is, as soon as the situation in the gas begins to devolve, then it will become obvious that the issue is broader, that is, for a palestinian state to be created, the conditions under which it will be created, the circumstances that will contribute to its creation and the security of israel, i think that all this will be discussed, but it is unlikely that
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the israelis will be able to maintain the status quo and the situation where for... part of the west bank is occupied, continues to be occupied, and and regularly settles with jews in settlements that are built in violation of international law. mr. igor, very briefly, literally one minute, we understand that lebanon and israel regularly exchange rocket attacks, five days ago lebanon announced 30 rockets from the side, or rather yes, lebanon. fires 30 rockets into israeli territory, says today that civilians are being killed as a result of israeli rocket fire, should we hope for de-escalation, at least in this direction, in the northern direction from, well, i think so, i think a large percentage of that in case of signing the agreement on gaza, ending the war in
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gaza, there will be a de-escalation of the conflict in the north of israel. and at least, well , we can start from this when we talk about the beginning of this escalation, yes it has begun just after the start of the war in gaza. thank you for the meaningful analysis, ihor simovolos, the director of the center of middle eastern studies, joined the saturday political club, and in a minute the person without whom it cannot be imagined will appear in our program. vitaly portnikov, wait. more in the joints it is so piercing, it does not allow me to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from rheumatism pain, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. of your time, i and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front-line component, serhii zurets and what the world is like, yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what is outside the borders of ukraine happened, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, our art viewer. about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people , in the evening for espresso.
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the saturday political club continues at espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i congratulate vitaly portnikov. congratulations, khrystyna, congratulations, dear ones viewers since our last meeting with you, several important events have happened, if we talk about the ukrainian offensive in kurshchyna. first, we can now confidently say that this is a ukrainian offensive, the ukrainian state has recognized its military presence on these sovereign russian territories. and we we still do not understand what the ultimate military goal is, but nevertheless, successes are practically daily in this direction. ukraine also announced the creation of an administration. this in currently managed, currently controlled territories, which means that we will be there for a certain time, and we need to deal with, in particular, the population that
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remains there, the ukrainians are discussing what to do with kuryans, whether it is possible to evacuate them to ukraine and similar things, mr. vitaly, how do you see the situation in kurshchyna now , well , i think we can talk about the fact that... the armed forces of ukraine are trying to gain a foothold in this territory and expand the zone of their control. and it is also obvious that russia will now try to gather troops in order to knock out the ukrainian forces from this territory, there is already a lot of evidence that this is happening, but the question arises again, to what extent the russians will be able to implement it in the coming weeks and even months. because taking into account the resources that the mayan federation has, in order to ... knock out ukrainian troops from the controlled territories, it is necessary to redeploy its own armed forces from other directions, which are now
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in the center of attention of the russian military command. and this is not only the donetsk direction. we have to remember with you that the russian troops federations are located in several directions in ukraine. this is the donetsk direction, where the most intense fighting is going on, and there russia expects to gain control over key... positions and continue to develop the offensive to occupy the entire territory of the donetsk region, this is an important task for them, because vladimir putin has set his army to master the administrative the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions in february 2022. let's not forget that the so -called special operation began with this, but apart from this direction, where we are now with great anxiety watching the fate of pokrovsk, as a strategic point in donetsk region, there is the kharkiv direction, where quite heavy fighting is also continuing. the russians, one way or another, after entering vovchansk, do not hide their desire to expand this zone of control in the kharkiv region, there is the zaporizhia direction, and
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we should not forget about it, and there is the kherson direction, that is, in fact, there are four active directions in ukraine combat clashes between two enemy armies, and now they are talking about the fact that it is zaporizhia, kherson and the kharkiv direction, these are the directions from where russia is trying to redeploy part of its forces. to the territory of the kursk region, yes, of course, in order not to reduce its ability to hold these territories, or to develop the initiative in these territories, if we are talking about the kharkiv region, of course, the ukrainian military commanders could hope that russia would first of all transfer troops from the donetsk region to the kursk region and in this way , it will be easier for the ukrainian armed forces to resist the offensive of the russian military, according to the majority of the military experts, this does not happen, but other directions. also no less important, we are dealing, first of all, with the stretching of the front, the stretching of the front is a problem for both sides, and here, of course, it remains beyond our
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understanding how many ukrainian troops are involved in the kurdish operation and how many russian troops moscow will collect to try to knock out our military from this zone, well, i don't want to act as a military expert now, but even people are not very knowledgeable about the military... it's fine understand that if a foreign army enters somewhere, if it strengthens itself in certain positions, creates engineering fortifications that need to be overcome, then this army may have a smaller number of military personnel behind these fortifications than the army that will advance on foreign positions, and the delay of the russian army in the offensive, the fact that they are forced to gather troops there, and this is already happening for the 11th day, of course, facilitates our position... especially in the kurt region, that is , we can have not such a large number of military personnel there, these military can expand the zone of their own responsibility, and at the same time, the russians will not
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be able to knock them out of their occupied positions, because these positions can be reliably fortified, and another important point is that there are facilities, say, that do not allow russia to conduct any active bombardment of the territory, i mean first of all the gas measuring station of suchi. russia is of course interested in ensuring that its transit obligations to european countries are fully fulfilled, and by and large, when they say, we could to stop the supply of russian gas now, i apologize, this russian gas is supplied through ukrainian territory, in order to stop the supply of russian gas and freeze europe, we absolutely do not need to judge, we can do it ourselves, but that is the paradox of the current the situation that... there is ukraine, both countries are interested in being conscientious executors, executors of the already reached agreement, for us it is a question of money for
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transit, this is... huge money, in a few months, practically, ukraine will stop it receive, because the contract between gazprom and naftogaz of ukraine will end, i understand that both parties, they are not going to continue it, although there may be some kind of intermediate agreements, but ukraine will also get rid of this money, which was a certain support for our already destroyed today 's economy, and this is also such an important point, regarding... how to act there, how we should treat the population, here the answer is very simple: according to the laws of international law, because all these the discussions of the ukrainian population seem quite strange to me, because the citizens of ukraine forget that ukraine is a safe protectorate of the civilized world, and the fact that the ukrainian state exists at all on the political map of the world is the result of the active support of our efforts by the united states and the countries of the european union, if not
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for these efforts. practically the entire territory of ukraine would now be occupied by russia for two years in a row and would be part of the russian federation, it just needs to be clearly understood so that no one has any impression that ukraine is capable of defending itself from russia, and by the way, there is no need to be ashamed of it. ukraine is up against the greatest nuclear power in the modern world, a country with an arsenal of nuclear weapons that can wipe out humanity within hours. a country with a population of about 100.40 million, which in recent years, the putin years, has been preparing its army for active military operations on the territory of foreign countries, because the restoration of the soviet union within the borders of 1991 was and will be the main geopolitical goal of the russian state and the russian people ukraine was not involved in any of this, ukraine destroyed its own armed forces for ten years, ukraine did not prepare for the danger from the east, ukraine elected pro... russian
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politicians who actually destroyed all russian, all ukrainian infrastructure in the east of our country, remember these subversive actions, which former president viktor yanukovych was engaged in, even after 2014, in 2019 ukrainian voters adopted a decision that actually meant a certain stabilization of our military positions in the east of the country, where there were already russian occupiers, namely the withdrawal of troops, that is, in fact, the ukrainian state and the ukrainian people did everything to destroy them. and the fact that we are fighting is, i would say, a small political and security miracle of the 21st century, but this miracle is guaranteed precisely by western support, and it is still a small country with a destroyed economy, frustrated, already 20% occupied territory for 2.5 years, and i hope that it will be another 2.5 years, in another 2.5 years, does not allow itself to be destroyed by the great country of eurasia, which...
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embraces the territory from now not from suja, a little further already has its control and up to bladyvostok, so the fact that the west is helping us in our confrontation with this state, the largest state in terms of territory in the world, is great, huh, and there is nothing to be ashamed of here, but it means that if we are in an alliance with states that respect international law , and not with the states that i respect... have international law, then we must respect international law in our protective actions, that's all, just as international conventions provide for the treatment of the local population, so we must behave, this is absolutely real thing, if citizens of the russian federation, which is located on the sovereign territory of the russian federation, let me remind you that this is not ukrainian territory from the point of view of international law, this is russian territory, this is not
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the donetsk region. not luhansk, not crimea, there may be a completely different legal regime for citizens of the russian federation if we liberate this territory, but if they want to leave this territory, we must provide them with the opportunity to move to the territory where hostilities are not taking place . of course, in this situation, the best solution would be to open the corridors on the territory of the country of which they are citizens. if there is no such possibility, of course we have. to open corridors on the territory of ukraine, then this is another matter. ukraine can ensure through the territory of ukraine that these people were able to get to the territory of the russian federation, which is not in the war zone, this is already a matter of russian-ukrainian agreements, by the way, i will remind you that such agreements were reached even by us and the russians , when citizens from the territories of ukraine occupied by russia went there, say from mariuppol, from other populated
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points of ukraine, even from they allowed it, disrespecting the international community.


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