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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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almost, almost, and look, this is your experience, of course, i wish that no one would ever go through it, but we understand that, for sure, during these more than two years of war, a lot of mothers , wives, sisters, daughters experienced the same experience, like you, and we understand that the war is not over, and therefore many more will go through such an experience. that's why i wanted you to share it today, that we should know where to go, how to act in such situations, you remember those first minutes, hours, days, what you did, who supported you, and in general, i received the greatest support from my sister yulia cherninka, from my best friend marina savka. and from marta,
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mykhailo's wife, my sister-in-law, well, of course, from my mother, it was such support that if it weren't for them, i don't know if i would be alive today, it was fantastic support, what should you do in such moments, if honestly, for me that period of time was, i don't remember everything, it was all like in a fog, i only remember that everywhere at all instances... where we went, marta supported me by the hand and only she said: you have to sign here, you have to, i didn't even read it, because i couldn't understand anything, in general, what happens if a person finds himself in a situation like mine, i just remember that i have to file a report with the police, the sbu , to the red cross, to the un, to the commissioner for missing persons and to the coordination headquarters. this is the main one, where you have to
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submit everything, all applications according to their requirements. i just recently joined, submitted an application, there is this alexey yukov, he drives, i forgot the name of his ggo. springboard. bridgestone and black tulip. we still submitted an application there. all data about mykhailo and about... the boy who disappeared together with mykhailo, this is his brother and close friend. how did i survive? well, actually, i really survived, because i'm still surviving, i can't call it life, because it's survival. i turned first of all to qualified specialists, never turn to psychologists, they will not help you, this is not the situation where a psychologist helps. a psychologist is... "i broke up with
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my boyfriend, i'm not doing well at work, well then, corner, then you can go to a psychologist, when such a situation occurs, a psychologist is like a dead person poultice, it will not help you, you will take one step forward, two steps back, one step forward, two steps back, you need to see a psychiatrist, and a practicing, qualified one, with good recommendations, so that you will be given the right medical support and to work with you. specialist, psychotherapist, victoria zabor has been working with me for a year, she works as a psychotherapist with me every week on thursdays, we spend an hour together, and she prescribes and changes medications for me, so that i do not get used to one or the other, lyudmila oleksiivna samsonova, it's two two people, these are the two pillars thanks to which...
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i also survived, and thanks to which i have them on facebook, they read all my posts, it's like my medical history for them, how long did you contact, how long has it been since on may 20, when you turned to the specialists, i think somewhere in the middle of june, because yes, somewhere in the middle of june, i called mariana savka, yuliechka, my sister, never left my side... she went for three weeks, she was just with me 24/7. i called maryana, yulichka left sometime then, i called her and said: "i'm going to go to the hospital, but you, please, go with me so that i don't give up at the last moment, because we, all children of the soviet union, are used to the fact that psychiatry is something very scary. you yourself accepted this decision, is it still your loved ones, no, i made the decision myself, because i realized that i am falling into the abyss, and i am still
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waiting for my son, and i don't want him to see me in something inadequate. condition, and the condition is already in... in fact, it has slipped to inadequate, well, here it is probably worth it to tell our viewers that until today you do not know whether he is alive or what happened to him, the brothers and sisters all shout in one voice that he died and they are sure of it, there is no body, there is no case, i do not sure, and i will never trust anyone to the end, i will wait, i will wait, if i have to, i will wait all my life, but i will wait. so, as i still got out of this state, i started writing posts, i started writing posts on the internet, communicating with my son, i remembered our stories from him childhood, from the beginning, how
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small he was, how he was a teenager, what stories we had, what funny and tragic stories we had, that's all, and i'm under one. tech wrote: lemberg, two dots, mommy don't cry, lemberg, mommy don't cry, lemberg is my son's nickname. at first, he had the call sign lviv, but when he moved east, there was the position lviv, and in order not to confuse the position with the call sign, his brothers renamed him lemberg, this is the ancient name of lviv, so i still wrote posts about myself, about my feelings, about how i was a mother to from. the beginning of a large-scale war, an invasion, a big war, until may 20 , 2023, who was i, mother, what did we do, what did we get, it was simple, if my son called me and said: mom, i need so-and-so,
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but it is on mars, and i would say, yes, and i would fly to mars, i bought him such things, who will read the book, he will understand that... it was simply impossible to do it, and i said: i will do it, and when he wanted to translate, he said: mom, they don't want, well , of course, no one wanted a fighter like him translate, he is beautiful, he proved himself and all the recommendations that my comrades later wrote to me, and the commanders wrote and commented on him, and i understood that, of course , no one wanted to translate him, he wanted: yes, he passed this height, he needs to be higher moreover, he has already passed this one, gained knowledge. he needs to be higher, and he tore, tore, and finally, he left from the first days of full-scale, so from the first days, himself, he came three times to vyskomat, he was told, we will call you back, and he left by himself, and then said: " mom guess what, i'll get a summons, and i'm already here,"
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and he said to me one day: "mom, they don't want to transfer me, you have a way out of being a slave, well damn, who am i and who is a slave, where do i have a way out for a hard worker, but..." i know so much that he believes in me as in god and that i am such an authority for him, i said, of course i will find it, i didn't know how it would happen, but in three days i already have there was a phone, in the evening i wrote to valery fedorovich, and in the morning mykhailo had already been transferred, valery fedorovich sent me all the documents, these are the stories in this book, stories from him, how he became a man, how he became a boy, how he fought, our military stories, reviews of... well, a non-fiction book, but it reads like fiction, and of course my experience, how i came out of this situation, this book was called a primer a long time ago: for the military, for the relatives, the military, for the relatives, and for those who have
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nothing to do with the war, so that he could understand us, and we became closer to one thing, but why for the relatives explain, please, why for relatives, what, what is in the book? well, let's say, i wrote about mine experience, this will be a primer for my relatives, i wrote in full, evaluated them, today you know, you can give a few examples, just tell me what exactly, what exactly i wrote and the feedbacks started to be very strong, after the publication of this book they started writing to me, every day i receive letters from people i don't know, they are written by mothers, sisters, wives, and literally... this morning i received a letter, thank you, some inna wrote me the name, i don't remember it, thank you for what you wrote this book, while reading it, i got to know my husband when he told me how he was little, how he grew up, all these stories, he says, i get the impression that you wrote
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about my husband, ivan kademyt, if you remember, reading my posts on the internet, she said: "god, i see artemko, i see of his artemko, these are children born in". free ukraine, they are completely different, plus or minus a few years there, and this book is a primer, i once dreamed of it when i got to the clinic. my doctor is treating me according to viktor frankl's method, and i realized that my son often quoted different phrases, and when i now recognize that they are frankl's phrases, i understand that my son read frankl and was interested in him, and i fell into very good hands, and when viktor frankl wrote a book in search of true meaning, it seems, that's what it 's called, he is a person who lived through a concentration camp, and he shared his experience, how he survived what did he achieve, what did he operate on, what were his meanings, and people, when this war
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ended, the second world war, this book of his became a primer, because almost the whole world was wounded by this war, and people, reading this book, and it immediately became a bestseller, reading this book, they had one for themselves here's a primer, a survival primer, and i realized while writing these posts, serhiy rudenko and volodymyr vyatrovych wrote to me that this should be a book, they just wrote to me in personal messages, it should be a book, and i collected this book, these posts compiled it into a book, named this book under this hashtag, and i had the feeling that maybe it will be, well, i don’t want to worry too much about it, but it might be with something similar to viktor frankl’s book, only it was in the times... of the second world war and the wounded society read it, and now ours ukrainian wounded society, reading this
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book, will find a lot in common, a lot of kinship, will see this experience, and maybe in this experience will find some necessary things for themselves. who are these people who come to you now for the presentation of this book, when you visit different cities of ukraine. i did not even expect that there would be presentations. so many people and that the book will have such great publicity, because the first edition was sold out in three weeks, i did not expect that it would be so necessary and so interesting for all the people who come, first of all, they come to sign, they buy a book at the presentation, they come to sign, and everyone wants to hug me, and i want to hug this person, we hug, each person should spend a few minutes, talk, someone is a mother, someone is a neighbor, someone is a wife, someone
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just a person who cares, and i also noticed that mostly at all my presentations people cry in the hall, some are afraid to read this book, thinking that it is very strong, dramatic, in fact, it is a drama of light, who has already read it, they say, there is so much light and... just fly, reading it, grow wings and want to fly, so you sometimes cry over some chapters, but these tears are clean and bright, these tears of faith, hope and love, maybe those people who came to you for the presentation, maybe you remember, maybe someone told you have a story that struck you, and maybe someone had a similar story... to yours, and you can share it with her, there was, there was not one, there was not one, when a woman approaches, and her daughter-in-law,
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her wife husband, wrote a book, he had an eagle, the surname orlov, and his mother came to the presentation, and my wife couldn't come to the presentation then, my mother came, and we both cried, hugged a lot, but she already knows for sure what he is for... everyone who knows me, who writes to me, who cares , people believe that mykhailo will return, i also really want to believe and i really want him to write a sequel to this book, it would probably be called lemberg's return, so i want it, god willing, olenka, but returning anyway to what you know today about... your son and what you don't know about him today's fate, what answers
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are they sending you, what are they saying, nothing, hush, hush, i talk to many of his comrades, i talk to brigadier pavel palisa, i talk to his combatant, bravo. i communicate with the finance department, because marta processed the receipt of assistance there, as a wife, she is afraid of the military, she is afraid of... so i had to communicate on her behalf, so that marta received money, and we are very good friends with her, we were not like that before we were friends, and now we can go to the beauty salon together, to poop, just keep quiet even together, we are comfortable, and
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i think mykhailo is happy if he knew that. you are lucky, because you have such a beautiful family that supports you, maybe you got to know and, when you traveled, traveled with this book to different cities of our country, maybe there are some special unions that unite such women, maybe there are some organizations , who help, because we understand that not everyone is really lucky sometimes with family and friends, and not everyone can get such colossal support. of course there is unions, there are organizations, and i have been invited several times, i am not yet ready for unions and organizations, i communicate with ivanka dymyt, this communication is enough for me, she supports me a lot, it is not ready, why do you think, we are all different, we are all different, and
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to be honest, i'm a little afraid of this union. it seems to me that it will harm me, well, this is what my inner intuition tells me for today, maybe i will change my mind later, so far so, you are afraid, because there can be a lot of grief, i perceive every grief as my own, and listening to each story, this is another trigger for me, i even recently stopped reading the news, because i cry every time, every time a photo on facebook flies. the hero who died, i cry over every photo, i thought that i'm not ready yet, i'm not ready, that's how i made up my mind, and i was advised a lot, and i made up my mind to adopt or adopt a child, but my doctor says that while you don't adopt yourself, you are not ready, when you will be able to stand
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on your feet well, this can be a very strong and to change you, or maybe on the contrary you won’t be able to... give this child nothing that you can, find your resource, love yourself, hug yourself, there are such, even psychotherapeutic classes, you hug yourself, feel yourself and feel sorry for yourself, or you look at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself, to your self, to feel yourself, to feel sorry for yourself and to understand that life was given to you by god, and you have no right to destroy it. give up, it happens, people leave, people come, people leave again, and my psychotherapist also said, take the way madonna held her child, and imagine to yourself that this is your child, do you have the right to harm her, you don't,
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you have to treat your life the same way, i'm trying to understand it now and live with it. feel it and be, be like that, maybe you can advise something else to our viewers who have experienced grief, and maybe you know, there are some other practices, or what helped you, movies, books you read, write facebook posts , write, don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed to do a moral striptease, don't be ashamed. do not be ashamed to show your steadfastness, your pain, don't be ashamed to show your despair, don't hold back, choose a hashtag and write a post every day, write about your husband, write about your child, write about your brother, tell stories, share, let the whole world know and hear and be proud
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just as you are proud. tell me, please, look, what are the next steps, someone told you, maybe some government agencies, maybe the military, they told you what your next steps should be, what to do, nothing, wait, wait, i passed the dna, my ex the husband also passed a dna test, tests, everything we could, we did, now we just have to... wait, the territory where mykhailo and bananchyk disappeared is under occupation, no one will go there, if suddenly their wounded ... in captivity, that side never gives any lists, although it is supposed to give lists according to all the rules of the un, they should give lists,
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they don't, unless it is possible to hunt them down on some special telegram channels, search them out, which is what i am doing from time to time, but to no avail, so what else can be done, i would have gone there, i would have crawled there and kissed the land of bakhmut and waited for my son and looked for him, i don't know what can be done, i did everything that was possible. by the way, i remember this idea of ​​yours, when you talked about the fact that you wanted to go there, i went, but i came as close as possible, through druzhkivka to kostyantynivka from kramatorsk. i heard it every morning in kramatorsk, you wake up and only hear it. bang, bang, bang, bang, you can hear how the war is going on, and as close as possible to me, my fellow classmate mykhailo, who is also serving there,
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felix, he took me as close as possible so that i could launch the helium balloons with a letter to mikhail and the banana boy, i wrote them a letter that i was waiting for them, and we laughed a lot that there would be an incomprehensible object in it, he will be killed, so the object, well , nothing, he flew, and when i looked at him, he disappeared right from my eyes. i took these jelly balls from lviv, we traveled in a bus with volunteers, we shook all our belongings, and these balls traveled with us all the way, the war is going on, and for sure. well, my next question to you will be difficult, very difficult, that's why that it seems to me that i am no longer afraid of anything in this world, i am not even afraid of death anymore, look, women and mothers are looking at you now
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, whose sons, thank god, are alive, but would you let your son go, knowing that what will happen exactly, i didn't let him, i created terrible things that... i just didn't do, i begged him, his company, where he works, he works as a business analyst, in a well-known american it company, deals with banking in fact, his salary was much more expensive than the 100,000 he received for nothing, there there was much more, he knows languages ​​very well, he is an excellent specialist, his e-tishniks collected and bought everything for him, so that only... he had everything, everything is the best, which i just didn't, i restrained him at the beginning of the war, he was still a schoolboy, then a freshman, he was eager for a big war, i
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didn't just make it up, i even sinned by telling terrible illnesses about myself, i lied to him, and this time, well, how can you stop an adult boy, what i didn't tell him, i didn't ask him, i didn't beg him, he said, "once i there will be children, maybe a second and a third, and these children will one day also be forced to go to war against moskal, if we do not finish this matter now, we will pass on a very bad thing to our children, we will pass on the war as an inheritance, yes, the inheritance is bad, that's how he thought . well, maybe it was the wrong construction of the sentence, because really, how can you not let go of a real man when he accepted the thing, and his wife didn’t, we didn’t let go, i understand those mothers who bury
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their sons, i understand them, i i understand everyone, and people are afraid, and not everyone can, well he was like that, brothers, as they said about him, they say, he is the guy with whom you can not talk about fishing or zhiguli, with whom you can talk about roman law, with whom you can... talk about all the world wars, about everything , what do you want, he was an intellectual, he is, i will talk about him in the present tense, plus, this is the person who when, so the guy said verbatim, when we were in a terrible situation, and it seemed that everything, we are from here we won't get out, mykhailo joked and cheered everyone up and laughed, and we looked at him and recharged ourselves with this positivity, and it was easier for us, he emotionally held the whole team, and the second one tells, says: we too said goodbye to life, here you are walking in the footsteps, and to our help, and we
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persevered, and we in... came out, he he went first, as the commander, the commander should go at the end, he went first and left last, and another one of his comrades told that mykhailo saved several dozen lives, that’s how fast he was coming to lviv with his wife, and i’m trying to find a free it's time to go to them in zaporizhzhia, and i still want to visit my parents , banana, and maybe there are the words that you would today i wanted to say to... all wives, mothers, there are those words that i really want to say to everyone, speak and love already and now, do not put anything off for later, because then it may not happen, say what you love, say that be proud, say whatever you think is the best, never put it off for later, because then it may not happen. and i want
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to thank you and tell me, you can still order the book, you can buy the book, you can order it anywhere on the internet, anywhere, just by typing the name lemberg, mom, don't cry, or my last name and name is olena cherninka, you can order it everywhere on the internet, and you can also buy it in a store, in bookstores, cafes of the old lion in bookstores and in many others. olenka, i thank you for your son. thank you for this interview, that you agreed, and you know, i still believe that lemberg will return to us, we all believe, and that we will remember it, and that soon we will win, thank you, thank you very much.
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